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BC FIJI 2012

In This Issue

March 2012

Page 1 Cover Page 2 Foreword Page 3 A message from the Purple Legionnaire Page 4 Chapter Updates Page 5 Chapter Updates cont. Page 6 Inaugural Founders Day Golf & BBQ Page 7 Haus Improvement Page 8 Thank you!

Pi Gamma 2012 - Foreword

Brothers, This past year has undoubtedly been another strong one for the growth of our Chapter. Through the guidance of excellent leaders complimented by the support of the chapter, we were able to solidify our reign as one of the leading fraternities on campus. This foundation has made it even easier for us to create positive change around the haus and brotherhood for the upcoming year. Our 23 initiates this year have brought a sense of excitement to the chapter, each one exemplifying the qualities of Phi Gamma Delta. Many of them have now become leaders in the chapter and continue to assist in the execution of our goals. Our commitment to philanthropy has remained a strong part of Pi Gamma and has led us to strong relationships with various organizations. One goal for the upcoming year is to create a campus based philanthropy event to increase greek involvement. At Chapter Retreat this year, it was made apparent that the whole chapter had common goals in mind. These goals are outlined through our 3-Pillar Plan for 2012. This consists of: Haus Improvement Improved Graduate Relations Rush/Recruitment

These three improvements are all dependent on the success of the preceding stage. We are pleased to say that Haus Improvement is almost complete which brings us to one of the most important improvements this year, our relations with you, the graduate chapter. We look forward to creating a more unified active and graduate chapter through the implementation of new events and hopefully an increased graduate attendance through rush and recruitment. We hope that you enjoy this edition of the BC Fiji as it contains chapter updates and information on the upcoming Founders Day Golf Tournament and BBQ. We hope to see you around the haus soon!

Perge! 2

A Message From

The Purple Legionnaire

It was an honor when I was asked to be Purple Legionnaire. But I was apprehensive. Each day seems to have less and less time for ourselves, our friends and community. But let me tell you how incredibly fulfilling it has been to reconnect with the active chapter. From the get-go the message from our brothers was strong: "we're looking to do some incredible things with the chapter, but want the grads to be an active part of it - it's their fraternity too." As you'll read, they're off to a great start, but more than 2/3 of our chapter is in their 1st or 2nd year at UBC and in need of our support and guidance. It's a young chapter. Pi Gamma is in the business of developing its brothers. So we open our arms to any time you are willing to spend rekindling your relationship with the chapter, in which ever form you are comfortable with. There are a number of ways you can make a difference: - As a member of the Board of Chapter Advisors (BCA), which is being started up for the first time in recent memory. We are calling on brothers to step forward and take on advisory roles in some of our most important committees - As a mentor to an undergraduate who shares a similar career or focus of study - By attending the up-coming Founders Day golf tournament and BBQ - Continued financial contributions, as well as leadership roles on our fundraising committee - Summer job or volunteer opportunities for our undergrads - Or just stop by the house to meet the guys. We've had countless brothers pop by and each of them says the exact same thing: "it's just as I remembered it..." This is your fraternity. And we'd like you to continue being an active part of it. If you'd like to learn more about some of these opportunities, have an idea or want to jump right into a role contact me at or (604) 362-5319. Fraternally, Roger Nairn Perge!

Chapter Updates
Building on a Legacy, Building a Stronger Pi Gamma


The year of 2011 was one that proved to be extremely successful with regard to the philanthropy accomplished by the Pi Gamma Chapter of the Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity. In total, the brothers volunteered a total of approximately 2,000 hours and raised over $15,000 for various causes. All events which the chapter participated in had a large turnout of brothers and made a very significant impact in the local community. There are a number of key events that took place this past year that deserve to be highlighted: At our 3rd annual Cuts for a Cause, 14 brothers shaved their heads in order to exceed our goal and raise over $12,000 for the BC Cancer Foundation. The fraternity collected donations at our various welcome back parties in September in order to raise over $1600 for Kenya Works UK. Finally, the fraternity provided the majority of the volunteer crew for both the Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay and the Vancouver Diwali Festivities, and even had our contributions recognized by the community through receiving an interview with the Vancouver Sun newspaper. The successes of our philanthropy in 2011 have left us with a very positive outlook towards what can be achieved in 2012 and the years to come.

The 2011 2nd semester sports season was a thrilling and successful one for the Pi Gamma chapter of Phi Gamma Delta. With most of the chapter participating in at least one sport, the dedication and results showed. Firstly, we teamed up with the ladies of Gamma Phi Beta to win the co-rec div 1 championships. Our mens soccer team finished first as well with 15 guys contributing to the success. The mens ball hockey team and ice hockey teams both finished first in their respective categories as well. The dodge ball team pulled off a big upset beating Sigma Chi in the semi-finals and beating Alpha Delta Phi in the finals for another rec t-shirt. Moving into the fall semester of 2012, with the addition of new pledges, the members of Pi Gamma looked to keep the momentum going. We started the year off early with a 5th place finish in Day of the Longboat. Our chapter followed that up with a strong appearance at Inner Tube Water Polo, finishing 4th. Our water wars team did exceptionally well making it to the finals, only to finish 2nd place. Last term FIJI had 10 rec teams with highlights from the FIJI Islanders ice hockey team who finished 2nd with a loss in the finals after a strong regular season. The ball hockey team got knocked out in the semi-finals along with the soccer team. FIJI also had teams in both co-rec and mens for volleyball, futsal and ultimate all of which had great involvement and strong seasons. Its been another great semester of FIJI sports and we currently sit in the middle of the fraternities in terms of sports points. Most importantly, we are on the upswing and with the continued enthusiasm of our new neophytes and the existing dedication of our actives, I expect that the Pi Gamma Chapter is on its way to again compete for and win the Hindmarch.


Chapter Updates cont


Building on a Legacy, Building a Stronger Pi Gamma

Quisque et ipsum sed arcu convallis fringilla. Ut pede. Nam bibendum semper sem. Sed ipsum mi, imperdiet vel,

Brotherhood is a core aspect of Pi Gammas persona. All pledges and brothers alike enjoy partaking in our exciting and bond-building activities organized by yours truly. This past year has certainly been no exception. We conducted a brotherhood excursion to the White Caps final game at Empire stadium. Rushees were brought out to this event and many were locked down later that night. Later in the academic year a bunch of brothers took a road trip down to California where three actives and one graduate brother live. Plenty of fun was had on the beach during the day and in the restaurants at night. Early February called for our most monstrous event yet: monster trucks. The grave digger came to Vancouver and put on quite a show for us boys. More events are in the making for the rest of the year. A poll will be sent out through the email list in the next couple days to determine which sort of events have the most interest and which will give us the best opportunities to build ourselves up as brothers and as a chapter.

In order to improve relations with surrounding chapters and to establish Pi Gamma as a leading chapter in the International Fraternity, we hosted a Section Conference. The overall attendance was approximate 45 brothers from our chapter, Oregon State University and the University of Alberta. The conference was a huge success! It consisted of a Rush/Recruitment seminar hosted by our Purple Legionnaire, Roger Nairn as well as a leadership track hosted by our Field Secretary Adam Thomas. Conversation between chapters allowed for valuable learning, teaching us many ways to improve our chapter. It is our hope that by hosting the Section Conference this year, it will become an annual event which will grow in size!

Section Conference

1st Annual

Founders Day Golf Founders Day Golf Tournament and BBQ

Tournament and BBQ

The Undergraduate Chapter is pleased to announce the start of a new tradition. On April 28, 2012, we will be hosting a graduate golf tournament at Musqueam Golf Course, followed by a Founders Day BBQ at the chapter house. This event is a great way for graduate brothers to come out, enjoy a day golfing in the sun, meet the undergraduate chapter and relive the good old days on campus. Golf Tournament Details: Tournament starts at 2pm and undergraduate brothers will be available to act as personal caddies for the day - for a donation. Brothers are encouraged to coordinate with others from their era to enter a foursome or can simply register themselves and will be assigned to a team from their era. The tournament will be Shot Gun start and will cost $40 per person. Founders Day BBQ For those who do not wish to golf, a BBQ and cocktails will begin at 4:30pm at the chapter house, for brothers planning on participating in the Golf Tournament, you are more than welcome to join us back at the Haus following its completion. The cost of the BBQ is $20 per person. To sign up, please go to, click on Graduate Brothers and follow the link to the sign up form and PayPal payment system. Should you have any questions regarding the event, do not hesitate to call Brother Alex Strachan at 778240-7373 or e-mail!

We hope to see you there!


Haus Improvement

At Chapter Retreat, one of the most brought up notions was Haus Improvement. Upon our return we immediately began planning for the renovation of the Haus. It began with the cleaning of the Study Room (which had previously been used as storage). It is now a fully functional Study Room, which gets used daily. This project spearheaded many other projects including the cleaning of the Hockey Room, Basement and Shoe Room. Furthermore, we decided that in order to clean up the haus, paint was in order. Reading Break for many brothers was spent painting the stairwells, hallways and basement as seen in the photos above and below. We have also hung more composites around the haus, photos of brothers as well as iconic fraternity symbols such as persistence and the diamond. As further funds are raised, we plan on continuing the care of our chapter haus in order to maintain the level of cleanliness that it deserves.


Important Dates April 1st Cuts for a Cause April 4th ACF April 28th Founders Day Golf Tournament and BBQ May 1 Founders Day September - Rush

PHI GAMMA DELTA Pi Gamma Chapter #4 - 2880 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver, B.C V6T 2J3 604-222-1848

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