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Xe Services LLC

(flk/a EP Investments, L.l.C.) Delaware LlC Member: Erik D. Prince Manager: Prince Group, llC President: Joseph Yorio Ex . VP /COO : Danielle Esposito Ex . VP/CSO : Fred Roitz Sr. VP/Facility Svcs & Logistics: Todd Shaw CFO : Mike Taylor VP Facility Services: Jim Dehart VP Export Compliance: Karen Jones VP Risk Manager: Bryan Salek VP Of Budgets And Analysis: John Altizer VP Of WPPS Programs: Tony Valusek Acting General Counsel: David Hammond Secretary : Fred Roitz Description Of Services : Provides Private Sector Solutions To US Government And Non-US Government Clients

Prince Group LLC

Michigan LlC President: Erik D. Prince Description Of Services : Manager Of Xe Services LlC , And The Parent Company Of Total Intelligence Solutions llC And lis Affiliated Companies



ARES Holdings, Inc.

Virginia lLC (49% Ownership) Description Of Services : Engineering And ~ R&D Company

Total Intell igence Solutions lLC Chairman: Erik D. Prince Acting Pres: Victor Esposito Acting COO: Melinda Redman Secretary: Melinda Redman Description Of Services: Provides Risk Management And Security Services To Fortune 500 And Governmen t Clients

Technical Defen se, Inc. Chairman : Erik D. Prince Acting Pres: Victor Esposito Acting COO: Metinda Redman Secretary : Melinda Redman Description Of Services: Provides Information Technology Security Assessments Terrorism Research Center, In c. Chairman : Erik D.Prince Acting Pres: Victor Esposito Acting COO: Metinda Redman Secretary: Melinda Redma n Description Of Services: Provides Training Services To US And Foreign Military, Intelligence Communities, And Law Enforcement Clients

Raven Development Group LLC
Delaware lLC Member: Xe Services llC Manager: Xe Services LlC Description Of Services : Provides Construction And Facilities Maintenance

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GSD Manaufacturing LLC

(flkla Blackwater Target Systems llC) Delaware llC Member: Xe Services llC Manager: Xe Servcies llC Description Of Services : Builds Target SystemS


Aviation Worldwide Services LLC
Florida LlC Member: Xe Services LlC Manager: Richard Pere Description Of Services: Holding Company That Owns Subordinate Operating Companies, Some Aircraft Utilized By Its Subordinates Air Quest, Inc. Florida Corp. Shareholder: AWS President: Richard Pere VP: Timothy Childrey Secretary: John Hight Treasurer: Richard Pere Description Of Services: FAA Part 125 Aircraft Carrier (check For Planes)

Pelagian Maritime LLC

Delaware lLC Member: Xe Services lLC Manager: Xe Services lLC Description Of Services: Holding Company/owner Of The McArthur Ship -'-------

Apex Management Solutions LLC

Delaware lLC Member: XeServices LlC Manager: Xe Services LlC President/SecretarylTreasurer: Pending Description Of Services: Provides Management Services To Samarus-owned Companies


Backup Training LLC

Delaware lLC Member: Xe Services LlC Manager: Xe Services LlC President: Richard Gallia Description Of Services: Creates Instructional Videos And DVD's

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Pres idential Airways Inc. Florida Corp. Shareholder: AWS President: Richard Pere VP: Timothy Childrey Secretary: John Hight Treasurer: Richard Pere Description Of Services: FAA Part 135 Aircraft Ca rrier [check Planes] Guardian Flight Systems LlC (flk/a Blackwater Airships LLC) Delaware LLC Member: AWS Manager: Richard Pere Description Of Services: Unmanned Airships [check Planes]

EP Aviation LLC
Delaware lLC Member: Xe Services LlC Managers : Chris Burgess & Robert Tanenholt Description Of Services : Owns And leases Aircraft [check Planes)

Blackwater Proshop LLC

Delaware llC Member: Xe Services lLC Manager: Michele Bogo Description Of Services: Retail Shop For Blackwater. US Training Center And Xe Items



STI Aviation Inc . Florida Corp. Shareholder: AWS President: Richard Pere VP : Timothy Childrey Secretary: John Hight Treasurer: Richard Pere Description Of Services: FAA Part 145 Repair Station [check Planes]

EP Management Services LLC

Delaware lLC Member: Xe Services lLC Managers: Xe Services LlC Description Of Services : Provides Management And General And Administrative Services To All Xe Companies

BWT Services LLC

Delaware lLC Member: Xe Services lLC Manager: Xe Services lLC President: Carol Bruce Description Of Services: Supports Travel All Xe Companies


E & J Leasing LLC

Delaware LlC Member: Xe Services LLC Manager: Xe Services lLC Description Of Services: Real Estate leasing Company

E & J Holdings LLC


Delaware LlC Member: Xe Services LlC Manager: Xe Services llC Description Of Services: Real Estate Holding Company

Samarus CO LTD
Cyprus Member: Xe Services LlC Director: Chris Burgess Description Of Services : Foreign Holding Company Greystone LTD Barbados Chris Bu rgess, Managing Director Robert Tanenholt, Director Description Of Services: Provides Training, Secu rity Services, And Aviation-related Training And Personnel Greystone SRL Barbados Chris Burgess. Manager Robert Tanenholt, Manager Description Of Services: Provides Training And Security Services Salamis Aviation l lC Bahamas Chris Burgess, President Description Of Services: Aviation Asset Holding Com pany (check Planes)

AI-Zulama Company Iraq Chris Burgess, Managing Director Description Of Services: Provides Security Services Within Th e Country Of Iraq


U.S.Training Center, Inc.

(f/kla Blackwater Lodge And Training Center, Inc.)

Delaware Corp President: Jim Sierawski VP : John LaDelfa Secretary: Fred Roitz Treasurer: Adam Burke Description Of Services: Provides Security , Training , And logistics Services ~ Blackwater West llC Delaware llC Member: U.S.T.C. Manager: U.S.T.C. Description Of Services: Provides Same Services As USTC For California And Surrounding Western States Blackwater Security Consulting l lC Delaware LLC Mem ber: U.S.T.C. Manager: U.S.T .C Description Of Services: Provides Training An d ' -_ __ _ _ Security Services

Paravant LLC


Delaware LlC Member: Xe Services LlC Manager: Hugh Middleton Description Of Services: Provides Training Services ./



Delaware llC Member: Xe Services lLC Acting Manager: Victor Esposito Description Of Services : Provides Classified Services

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