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ENGLISH (PAPER 1) YEAR 5 MONTHLY TEST (FEBRUARY) 50 MINUTES Name: ________________________________ Year: 5 ________________

Each question in this paper is followed by four possible answers. Choose the best answer from the answers marked A, B and C or A, B, C or D. Then circle your answer. Question 1 4 : Choose the best word to complete the sentence. 1) The ________________ had to wait long time for the doctor. A. nurses B. patients C. reporters D. gardeners 2) My niece, who is my sisters ___________, enrolled herself in a university last month. A. sister B. brother C. son D. daughter 3) Grandfather is feeling cold. Get him a ____________ to put on. A. gown B. blouse C. sweater D. raincoat 4) He went to the ___________ to apply for a study loan. A. bank B. factory C. library D. hospital

Question 5 7 : Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph.

There was a gotong-royong session in our school last week. I was given the task of



with two of my friends. Nisha and her

friends were busy ____(6)_____

. Our headmaster was happy

and thanked us ____(7)_____ 5) A. cutting the grass B. painting the wall C. watering the plants 6) A. drawing the murals B. cleaning the drains C. wiping the windows

. 7) A. with a stare B. with a cry C. with a smile

Question 8 10 : Study the pictures carefully. Then, choose the best answer to describe 8) A. Sani fell off his bicycle. B. Sanis bicycle fell down. C. Sanis friend pushed him down. D. Sanis friend is helping him to get down. the picture.


A. The boys are chatting with the headmaster. B. The boys are looking for a cheap television. C. The salesman is trying to cheat the boys. D. The boys are trying to sell the television.


A. Pak Kadir is repairing his fishing net. B. Pak Kadir is sewing a curtain. C. Pak Kadir is playing with a net. D. Pak Kadir wants to go fishing.

Question 11 15 : Choose the best answer to fit the situation shown in the picture. 11) A. What is capati?. B. Lets go and eat capati. C. Yes. I enjoy eating it. D. I enjoy eating western food.


A. Do you want to be a nurse too? B. I do two shifts in a week. C. I like to help the sick. D. Yes, I love my job very much.


A. How long have you been coughing? B. Are you still coughing, boy? C. Let me check you first. D. Youre very sick, boy.


A. I like to catch thieves. B. Youre welcome, sir. C. Where is the thief now? D. The thief was very aggressive.


A. I cannot be a millionaire. B. I will travel round the whole world. C. Of course, I want to be a millionaire. D. What do you think?

Question 16 20 : Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.


You must keep ______________ fit and healthy. A. himself B. herself C. yoursel D. themselves


Do not use too ______________ oil when frying the fish. Puan Marina told her daughter. A. a few B. a little C. many D. much


He is a ___________. He begs for money along ___________ streets. A. an, the B. the, a C. a, the D. a, an


____________ is the man with the glasses? A. Who B. Whose C. What D. Which


Mei Ling _____________ her clothes just now. A. is washing B. was washing C. were washing D. was washed

Question 21 : Choose the word that has the same meaning to the underlined word. 21) My neighbour, Datuk Hamzah is wealthy man. A. proud B. stingy C. rich D. poor

Question 22 23 : Choose the answer with the correct spelling. 22) The game stopped when the referee blew the _________________. A. whistle B. whistel C. wisel D. weestle 23) Alis father works as an _____________. A. arkitek B. architect C. arkitech D. architeck

Question 24 25 : Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation. 24) A. How are you feeling today Mr. Mok B. How are you feeling today Mr, Mok. C. how are you feeling today, Mr. Mok! D. How are you feeling today, Mr. Mok? 25) A. Azmi is haruns brother. B. Azmi is Haruns brother. C. azmi is haruns brother. D. Azmi, is Haruns brother?

Question 26 30 : Based on the picture choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

It is a windy day. Osman and his friends ____(26)____ in their school field. They are ___(27)___ their kites. Their kites come in ____(28)____ shapes. The kite that flies the ____(29)____is the winner. The boys enjoy flying _____(30)____ kites. 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) A. is A. making A. much A. high A. his B. are B. hitting B. many B. higher B. her C. was C. flying C. a little C. height C. our D. were D. running D. any D. highest D. their

Question 31 35 : Read the information below and answer the questions that follow.
It is relatively simple to draw a family tree. From the family tree, we can tell how one person is related to the other. A family tree also helps us to keep track of our family ties. One can add the dates when a person was born and when he or she passed away. The occupation and description of the respective person can also be noted. Look at the family tree given below. The numbers in brackets show the age of each person. Zainals Family Tree Encik Zainal (62) + Puan Salina (55)

Jamilah (35) + Azizol (40) Sofiah (12) Taufik (10) Lokman (7)

Ahmad (32) + Zaleha (30) Haziq (10) Rosie (8) Harun (6) Rozita (4)

Mahmud (28)


A family tree provides information about ______________. A. friendship B. family ties C. family affairs D. family news

33) Who is Mahmud? A. Haruns brother B. Taufiks father C. Rozitas uncle D. Haziqs father

32) Encik Zainal and Puan Salina have ________ grandchildren. A. twelve B. seven C. three D. five

34) Sofiah, Taufik and Lokman are ______. A. siblings B. cousins C. friends D. not related to each other

35) Which of these statements is TRUE? A. Taufik is Haruns younger brother. B. Puan Jamilah is Encik Ahmads wife. C. Encik Ahmad and Puan Zaleha have three children. D. Lokman and Rosie are Mahmuds nephew and niece.

Question 36 40 : Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

Its spring now, The flowers are budding, Oh, what a beauty, To see them blooming.

Its summer now, Its bright and sunny, Oh, what warmth feeling, When the sun is shining. Its autumn now, Its cold and windy, Golden leaves are falling, As trees are mellowing. Its winter now, Its cold and chilly, White snow and bare trees, Turning the earth frosty.


In which season do the flowers bloom? A. B. C. D. Spring Summer Autumn Winter

39) During the autumn season, its __________. A. bright and windy B. windy and chilly C. bright and sunny D. cold and windy 40) From the poem, we know that ___________. A. snow falls in spring time B. summer is the hottest season C. the flowers bloom in autumn D. the leaves turn brown in winter

37) Which season is cold and white? A. B. C. D. 38) Spring Summer Autumn Winter

In summer time, the _______. A. B. C. D. leaves are falling snow is falling sun is shining flowers are blooming

Prepared by, ________________________________ (NURHUSNA BT. AHMAD TARMIZI)

Checked by, _________________________ (NOR AZRINA BT. OSMAN) Head of English Panel

Verified by, ____________________

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