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School of Maphysics

The Art of Communication

by Dr. Barbara Condron


Copyright 1976 by School of Metaphysics No. 100111 First Printing, September 1976 Second Printing, December 1977 Third Printing, December 1978 Fourth Printing, July 1986 Fifth Printing, February 1989 Out of print 1989-2010 Released as an ebook December 2010, with additional illustrations and materials by the author In most cases, the original text appears on odd pages while new materials appear on facing, even pages.

Reprint rights to electronic publication are available by written permission from the School of Metaphysics. To secure a license for reprint, email with the subject line of reprint request.

ePublished by SOM Publishing & Productions School of Metaphysics World Headquarters Windyville, Missouri 65783 USA

School of Maphysics


I dedicate this book to those who want a place for new beginnings.

To believe your own thought,

to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, -- that is genius. Speak your latent conviction, and it shall be the universal sense; for the inmost in due time becomes the outmost, -- and our rst thought is rendered back to us by the trumpets of the Last Judgement. Familiar as the voice of the mind is to each, the highest merit we ascribe to Moses, Plato, and Milton is that they set at naught books and traditions, and spoke not what men, but what they thought. A man should learn to detect and watch the gleam of light which ashes across his mind from within, more the lustre of the rmament of bards and sages... Ralph Waldo Emerson in Self Reliance

School of Maphysics

Throughout your lifetime

The Art of Communication


you have probably encountered many who possess a magnetism. Their essence seems to shine, drawing you deep within their thoughts. They seem to have tapped a limitless source of power in transmitting their ideas. These people command respect. They are people who have something to say, never fearing that no one will listen. Charisma is the quality of such a person. The word itself often seems to imply an illusively mystical concept dicult to dene. Actually, charisma describes the qualities of a person who focuses his attention within, then directs this outward to others. John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy were noted for their charismatic personalities. Their words and actions are repeatedly recalled by every type of individual from historians and politicians to construction workers. A charismatic person can take the thought of another individual and give it permanent life. Robert Kennedy did this with a now famous quote created by playwright George Bernard Shaw: Some people see things as they are and ask why. I dream of things that never were and say why not? Shaws writings, although not noted for the previous quote, bear the charismatic stamp as do those of Shakespeare, Emerson, Twain or Wordsworth, all the great

Five-time nomineee Cate Blanchett won an Academy Award (2009) portraying four-time Oscar winner Katharine Hepburn in The Aviator (2009). Gable won his Oscar for It Happened One Night while George Clooney, sometimes called the Gable of his generation, was nominated as director and writer of one lm and won supporting actor in 2005 for yet another. Charisma is more than celebrity; it is discipline driving talent.

School of Maphysics

authors in history. They possessed a technique of drawing the reader into their pattern of thought until the readers thoughts merged as one with their own. Since the development of the motion picture, actors have become a magnetic attraction for their viewers. Clark Gable, Tyrone Power and Rudolph Valentino all drew toward themselves those of like minds. By no means is charisma limited to the male sex. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, although repeatedly questioned by many, maintains the mystery of charisma. So did Katharine Hepburn, Greta Garbo, and Elizabeth the First. Throughout history, men and women have attained a certain quality of presentation a way of projecting themselves to others. This manner of presentation at times may seem an innate or a natural ability, but more often is something which is fostered within the individuals mind. It takes time, it takes patience, it takes practice. Each one of these individuals commanded respect, and this respect of self demanded respect from others. What was their secret? Each held an ideal and purpose for what they projected to others. Leaders from all stations in life understand the origin of charisma. With Kennedy, the appeal was limitless from the silent majority to the powerful minority. He projected a concern for each individual in their own right, and each individual he met was receptive to this quality of thought. Each individual or group recognized the mental concern and determination which vibrated throughout his being. The actors, within their chosen roles, portrayed all types of people. They represented universal symbols that people could relate to and through. Their ideal and purpose was focused on the entertainment of the viewer. Through this medium, their audiences grew to love them for what they were on the screen and what they perceived them to be in real life.

Clic Seri

within each individual, awaiting quality is development.


This diagram of the expression of individual consciousness, used in the School of Metaphysics since 1973, illustrates Self and its vehicle of intelligence, the Mind.

School of Maphysics

Each of these individuals displayed a warmth and sincerity in connection with their ideal and purpose. With this attitude of concern and caring, the listener became receptive to the information being projected by this person who so obviously understood the signicance of what he was saying as well as his manner of presentation. The communication ow was unhampered. This ability to hold the attention and interest of the audience shows the charisma that each actor or actress is able to project to the viewer, not only in voice but through each movement of the body. Those in the spotlight display charisma, or they nd themselves no longer in the spotlight at all! Each individual, being centered, allowed his total being to be focused outward to contact other minds minds with like thoughts, like attitudes, like or at least similar interests. An ideal and purpose being clearly formulated within mind will awaken a like ideal and purpose in the minds of those one touches. This communication could not be severed. It was instantaneous, directed and infallible. Each mind touched by these charismatic people gained the stimulus of additional information through the attitude projected. How did it work? There is really no special dispensation. The charismatic quality is within each individual waiting for development. What does it take? -- a love, a respect, and a realization that you are a complete and total individual having worth. That worth in itself does not make you dierent, it does not make you special. Worth does not make you superior or inferior to anyone else. Each individual is equal to the next regardless of age, background, experience. Each is at his own stage of development being the sum total of his understood experiences. Yet at the very essence of each individual is Light. Each is a manifestation of the imagination and creative power of our Creator. When this is realized the innate equality within each individual is recognized.

Clic Seri

The Learning Spiral for Intuitive Man

Learning curves are often used in modern educational systems to classify and measure student aptitude. The School of Metaphysics, a 501(c)(3) not-for-prot educational institute, builds upon those systems to advance learning opportunities for those ready to explore the frontier of Mind. What has previously been unconscious in the minds of humankind, can now surface in the waking level of awareness. This is accomplished through practice with ten essential life skills described in the books Master Living and How to Raise an Indigo Child. The diagram shown here was rst used during the POWERS of TEN teaching oered from 2005-2009 at over two dozen colleges and universities in the U.S. It was developed to illustrate the thought form sequence of harmonizing the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. These two parts of mind, along with Superconscious Mind, form the trinity of consciousness comprising the individualized Mind of each individual. It demonstrates clearly that spiritual change - transguration - is the product of a sequence of events in thought, rather than a mysterious and inexplicable act of an unidentied source. Precise mental actions produce specic results giving our physical experiences a deeper meaning. For example, the previously-accepted usage for the word knowing fell into the information sector of the diagram as it reected an intellectual activity focused in the brain. The developed, mind-focused use of knowing describes an intuitive grasp of truth, the mental action producing the learning shift from understanding to wisdom. This diagram evolves the learning curve into a learning spiral made possible by the transguration of Self through life experiences. It is in keeping with the purpose of the seven-chakra system and resonates with the Six Emotional Doorways to Love connecting the outer Self with the inner outer Self.

School of Maphysics

We are all children of God and that binds each together. Being emanations of Light, we each assume individual expressions of this Light according to our understanding. Within each souls progression, dierent levels of understanding can be found; however, at the root of each individual, is the true essence of Light and love. When this is recognized within Self, this is also recognized within others. One can become a brilliant individual within the conscious mind, storing volumes of information within the brain cells to be utilized at command. This intensication of learning will broaden the individuals spectrum of knowledge at his command, horizontally. However, growth for the progression of Self is dependent on a vertical growth. This requires a realization of what is within, a harmonizing of each division of mind to work as one. This entails taking the horizontal knowledge and applying it in the physical realm so wisdom can be gained. With wisdom the vertical growth increases. This wisdom brings recognition, as our United States forefathers knew, that all men are created equal. With this attitude manifested within, communication can be a beautiful tool for expressing your thoughts. How do you use this? How do you learn to communicate with whomever you choose whenever you choose? Of all the keys to charisma, love is the most powerful. Love is the magnetic force which holds all creation together. For instance, take one person whose ideal and purpose is bathed in love. When this person transmits his thought to another, the love is inclusive in his projection. They are not two separate things. The love is immersed in the thought until both become one. This attitude is sent out to the other person through thoughts, word, and action. Love holds such charisma and magnetism that even a stubborn person can be melted. This is the meeting of the minds, the merging of thoughts. However, if you are persistent with one who seems stubborn, the love factor within your

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When I speak of love

I am not speaking of some sentimental and weak response which is little more than emotional bosh. I am speaking of that force which all of the great religions have seen as the supreme unifying principle of life. Love is somehow the key that unlocks the door which leads to ultimate reality. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Nobel Lecture given December 11, 1964

School of Maphysics

ideal and purpose will soon erode the seemingly defensive barrier the listener has placed around himself. Lets look at love for a moment. I have said that love is that magnetic attraction which holds all of creation together. What does that mean? Love in itself has many meanings, many faces. There is the love of a mother for her child, that of giving and caring for the new individual. There is the love of a child for his parents, a consistent taking in the form of knowledge, guidance and example. There is the love of friendship, a caring between two individuals sharing common interests, a like ideal and purpose. There is the love between a man and a woman, a maturing aspect which can imply limitless freedom or restriction through possessiveness. Possessiveness itself is not love, for you truly cannot possess anyone. If each person is an individual unto himself, then how can we ever possess another human being? In the School of Metaphysics, we end each class with what is called a Circle of Love. Within this circle, the nal words which are passed from person to person are, I love you just because you are. Lets take a look at that. I love you is that mental concern projected from yourself to another. A mental concern not of worry, but a caring, a compassion, an empathy, for what that person expresses, thinks and feels. Just because you are means just because you exist. If we are truly equal, with no one inferior or superior, then wouldnt it make sense that love has no restrictions, no limitations, no possessiveness? Each individual is truly important in his own right. Consider, what would your friends do if you werent there? Your wife or husband, your parents, your employer, your employees? Think of all the individuals you come into contact with during one days time. Each, you touch in some way through your presentation of self. If you present yourself with anger, you will inuence those individuals with anger. If you present yourself with irritation, you will project

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Eros is love based upon sexual attractiveness.

Storge is the love between family members.

Agape is the highest form of love

Philia is a sense of brotherly love beyond bloodlines.

when the personal self is transcended, ones own needs are fullled through serving others.

Aphrodite by Boticelli


School of Maphysics

that: If you present yourself with resentment you will project that. For instance, how many times has a friends unseemingly purposeless remark aected you, drastically changing your attitude? Careless remarks are an indication that our thoughts are not controlled. Often our intention is not to inict a hurt upon another person, yet unpremeditated remarks will often spur this reaction in another. Granted, you are not responsible for anothers perception of your word or action; however, if there is a realization of your thoughts, your mental and emotional processes, then you can begin to place these where you desire, when you desire. How many times have you gotten up on the wrong side of the bed? Perhaps, you overslept, ran out of toothpaste, put on two dierent colors of socks. Then when you nally made it to your car to drive to work, you realized you were almost out of gas which made you lose ten more minutes. By the time you walked in the oce, the anger within yourself reected outward to you coworkers. They were inuenced by the irritability you projected. The rst moments of the day seemed to set a pattern for the remainder of the day simply because you chose not to control your attitude. This is merely one illustration of how your attitude is projected to others. So if you project yourself with love in whatever youre doing, that love will also nd a home in the listener. The love planted and cultivated in the listener will soon become a part of him and he in turn will begin projecting love. With both of you projecting love, the geometric progression will spread this attitude proportionately. The eleventh commandment given by Jesus in the New Testament is to love your neighbor. He also stresses the inclusion of your enemies within this love. If you will be honest with yourself, you are your own worst enemy. This, in itself, is a negative force which drains the positive expression of your personality. How then, can you project the charisma you are earnestly seeking? If you are to truly feel the essence of love or charisma, you must begin with yourself, by practicing loving your Self.

Clic Seri


While attending the 1993 Parliament of the Worlds Religions, I was gifted a copy of The Golden Rule around the World, a poster distributed by Integral Yoga International. It expressed the sentiment of the Christian love ye one another as taught through other religions. Since then my studies of Holy scriptures have encouraged me to perceive a progression of the whole Self through what I think of as....




Eternal Life

We are One in the Spirit

Indigenous Peoples around the world


The Brass Rule

that you would not wish

Kung Fu Tze (Confucius)

Do not harm to others to befall yourself.


The Silver Rule


School of Maphysics

as you would have them

Nazareth, who became the Christ

do unto you.Jesus

Do unto others

Golden Rule




I AM another Your Self

Mayan greeting

#4 The Platinum Rule

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A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings,

and learn how by his own thought to derive benet from his illnesses.


School of Maphysics

Your thoughts are things. For many, this is a dicult concept

to grasp. Many would prefer to think that their thoughts are uncontrollable, that their mind indeed has a mind of its own, that their intelligent direction is not responsible for the creations of their mind. Thought is a creation of mind, and the individual being mind must accept the responsibility of its creations. Thought is a noun. It is a thing, and each thought you have will gather energy from its rened beginning, becoming grosser and denser until what was once an idea becomes a physical reality. This works in all areas of life, within those who succeed and those who fail, those who are contented and those who are miserable, within those who are healthy and those who are ill. A sure way to discover the power of your thought is to retrace your attitudes to the last illness you experienced. Take your thoughts back in time and space, reviewing your thoughts at that time. Review your actions, the people and circumstances prior to that illness. Review your attitude toward self and toward others. Keeping this in mind, view the illness as it began, as it progressed, and as it nally ended. Thoughts, being things, are the cause of all eects. Your attitudes prior to the illness, created that illness. If you will be honest with yourself in looking at that illness, you will see the mental origin of the physical experience.

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From an Intuitive Health Analysis

...We see that emotionally there is a great deal of dependency that this one does ght. We see that it does make this one reticent to become open and giving and loving with others, although, this one has great aection and is outwardly very aectionate when she wants to be. We see that this one can be equally harsh in her rejection and we see that this is a particular emotional burden for this one of constantly experiencing this kind of pushing and pulling, a kind of tearing and conict emotionally. Would suggest that this one cease ghting her own inner urge and begin exploring it, begin investing this ones time, and energy and thought in pursuing knowledge and understanding of this ones soul and this ones inner urgings toward that which will cause wisdom in this one. This is the guiding light that will bring this one out of the turmoil and rebellion, rejection and loneliness, and into the ideals that this one holds dear. Within the physical system we see that there is a kind of weakening of the heart muscle particularly in the area of the ventricles. We see that this is in the very early stages but we see that because of the way the energy is utilized there is signicant eroding that is occurring here. We see that it is manifesting at the present time period in there not being complete rejuvenation of the cellular tissue here therefore within each life cycle there is deterioration that is noted in the construction, the fabric, the resilience of this muscle. We see that at the present time period it does somewhat aect the blood pressure, although this is slight. We see that it aects more the interaction in the cardiovascular system, the interaction between the heart and the lungs. Deep rhythmic breathing would be very helpful for this one in causing there to be a slowing down of the heartbeat and the breath. We would suggest that this one learn ways to use the mind and the physical breath to strengthen these two systems. This would greatly help in the rejuvenation of tissue here. ... (11-08-97-BGC-03) 16

School of Maphysics

For instance, I knew a woman who was discontented with Self. Her life seemed to have little purpose other than the centering around her husband. The husband likewise was discontented with Self and the responsibility imposed upon him by the wife. He reected his dissatisfaction upon the marriage and family. In search of greater peace within, he sought acceptance and comfort in a dierent type of love. The wife upon discovering his behavior, kept all attitudes of condemnation within, all stress, anxiety, and feelings of failure. This created a situation within the wife of not understanding the cause or eect of the situation. Finally, the tension expressed itself through the attitude of failure to Self, husband, and family, culminating in the physical manifestation of a heart attack. She did not understand her repressed thoughts were creating an internal conict which she felt was entirely beyond her control, hence, there was the desire to withdraw from the physical existence. With seemingly no purpose for Self to continue, there was not the need for the physical body, and this desire triggered the action of the illness. At this time, this lady did not die; however, she used the illness to inict guilt upon the husband which he, being discontented within Self, readily accepted into his attitudes. This question of use and misuse is of the utmost importance, and oers more to the case of controlling thoughts, realizing that thoughts are indeed things. With the knowledge of how to control your thoughts comes responsibility, for when one is in control, the intention is of the utmost importance. The master of thought should always remember to Call no man your father upon the earth; for one is your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 23:9). This requires the realization of the conscious mind and the ego, or that part which functions in the physical. Controlling the outer mind and placing the mental attention at all times upon the Superconscious Mind, your Father points your intelligence toward your ideals. The eects of thinking the joy, misery, hope,

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Son of God, seeing his true Father conscious and subconscious minds to attune that attention to the Superconscious Mind. by harmonizing the

In the coming evolutionary age, man will become the


School of Maphysics

despair, fear, faith are things. They are eects. Allow them to be as they are, for they are not the causes. That which walks, talks and breathes within you is God. You cannot be separated from it. Your intending mind is the only sovereign agent in your life: Thou shalt have no other gods before me. The father of anything is the source of that thing. It is the progenitor of all form, development and experience: It is the cause. There is nothing in the world that can cause you harm or limit your potential until it entraps your mind. No person, place or thing can bless or hurt until it receives attention from your mind. This is the freedom rightfully ours as children of God. As children of God we remain unaware of our source, having not yet entered into the sonship ascribing the power of creation to things, conditions, people, and all sorts of mental imaginings. In the coming evolutionary age, man will become the Son of God, seeing his true Father by harmonizing the conscious and subconscious minds to attune that attention to the Superconscious Mind. Each individual is in a growing understanding of balance and harmony. The constant rehearsal of placing the power of creation without, strains the emotions to become depressed in sadness, blinding us momentarily from our true origin and the spiritual potential present within the Self.

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What we are is the result of what we have thought,

is built by our thoughts, is made up of our thoughts. If one speaks or acts with an impure thought, suering follows one, like the wheel of the cart follows the foot of the ox.

What we are is the result of what we have thought,

is built by our thoughts, is made up of our thoughts. If one speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows one, like a shadow that never leaves. The Twin Verses from the Dhammapada


School of Maphysics

Emotions are powerful in our lives.

The will, or the intention, is the steering wheel for all thought. Once emotions have been tuned in a certain direction, they are often compulsive and ruthless in pursuing that course. The way to break this trend is to will the mind in a more benecial direction. Call no man on earth your Father. In other words, its not what happens to you, but what you think of what happens to you that makes the dierence between happiness and misery. Your attitude at all times becomes important. Why is this true? If you will, consider an artist. An artist will take his paints and palette to a countryside. Perched upon a hill, he will sit for hours observing all around him until within his mind he begins to create a picture. His thoughts, his reality of what he is seeing and perceiving from the outward stimulus of sky, trees, farms, and people, will become a part of his mental picture. He will become the vibrations that his eyes are capturing. He will lovingly caress those vibrations with his mind until his entire personality and body pulsate rhythmically with the universe. He will transfer his perception of what he is seeing onto the canvas. This is a mental process of creation at its nest. Likewise, the author will mentally carry his thought through the printed word in order to reach others. The author, like the painter, feels, tastes, hears, smiles and perceives the owing picture as the image within his mind is transferred into descriptive words that will in time be translated back into a descriptive picture by the reader. This is charisma in action. To be able to feel and become the things you are describing is an important step in developing charisma. The chair on which you are sitting was rst a mental creation before it became a physical reality. Your house originated in the thought of an architect.

Clic Seri


E = MC

One of Albert Einsteins great insights was to realize that matter and energy are really dierent forms of the same thing. Matter can be turned into energy, and energy into matter.


School of Maphysics

Without thought there would be no universe. Without thought you would not exist. Without thought there would be no purpose for existence. In the evolution of mans scientic research, early thought was that the world was made of particles a thing. The concept of the world was that everything was matter. For instance, taking a complete unit such as the physical body and breaking it down into systems, organs, cells, molecules. So at this time to scientists, the world was a thing, or a noun. Then with further developments and research, the world began to take on a dierent form, that of energy. Within each atom, particles of electrons and protons were discovered, and within these were more rened energy sources termed photons, an electromagnetic wave of Light. These expressions of energy suddenly changed the world from a noun to a verb. Energy implied motion of change, not tangible but a vibratory message contained within the energy. In recent developments, scientists have again increased their awareness and perspective, now implying that everything in the world is neither a noun nor verb, rather everything is a state of being or consciousness. Everything is ultimately thought. This new avenue within the discoveries in the scientic principles of parapsychology, indicate that man indeed is psychic by nature. That the innate qualities inexplicable to many, are really the innate potentials within us all. The source of this quality is thought. What activates this source within each individual is will-- a desire for communication within Self, a desire for a working concept of what thought is, its origin, its expansion, its manifestation. So the importance of thought as the point of origin for each thing which you see in the physical becomes intrinsically related to the individual. Your thoughts reect your attitude toward your environment and toward your Self.

Clic Seri



School of Maphysics

Each thought you have, if uncontrolled, will run its course rampantly, touching others with no intelligent guidance; nevertheless, it will reach out and touch others in accordance with its quality. Your thoughts are causes and create eects of the situations which you encounter. Your mental attitude will dictate how you respond to each experience. For instance, take identical twins. One will excel in school, gaining great knowledge through continuous absorption in study and preparation. The other will allow his attitude to manifest through experience, and he will likewise learn if the experiences are understood. Each experience is valid to the individual and each is dictated by thought or attitude. Or consider another attitude, that of fear. Your friends may fear ying in an airplane. But you, logically considering the situation, do not entertain such a thought. You, having considered this at length, evaluate statistical evidence of highway fatalities and accident records, deciding there is proportionately less danger in ying than driving. You also consider time, distance and cost factors. You are formulating a total picture including the advantages and disadvantages of ying; whereas, your friends incomplete thought is centered on a fear of the unknown. This fear of things unexperienced stems form not understanding the origin of thought, not controlling your thoughts direction. Whatever your thought is, thats where your attention is. Thats where youve placed your mind and its creations. Your attention, like your thought, is a thing. You, as controller of your mind, can place your attention where you desire. If you will, think of it as an object which can be moved as you would move a chair. You are where your attention is. If your attention is in the past, on things which have already been experienced then that is where your thoughts are. If your attention is on the future, on things that might occur, then that is where your thought is. If you place your attention on the task at hand, no matter what you are doing, that is where your thought will be.

Clic Seri


A Universal Truth is:

You are where your attention is!


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Placing the past and future in the proper perspective allows you the freedom to learn as much as possible from the present situation. Why take unnecessary time living in the past or future, when in doing so you will miss the learning opportunities of today? For what you do today will determine how much you have learned in the past, how much you have grown, and what your direction will be in the future. An old Buddhist parable illustrates this. A young man sought the advice of a sage, saying, Master, I have a terrible temper; can you cure me? The master replied, Show this temper to me. Well, the young man answered, I cannot show it to you just now, it comes and goes. Whereupon the sage answered, Then it is no part of you. When you can learn to deal with all thoughts of your mind in this manner, then you will begin to control your mind, realizing that it is not what is happening to you, but what you think of what is happening to you that determines the amount of control you will gain. Place your attention where you desire, for that is where you will be at all times. When you control your thoughts, you really can have anything you desire. When you are in control, you can formulate the ideal and purpose for what you want, your desired goal. Within this ideal and purpose, you will project the activity necessary to bring about the completion of that goal. Within this mental process of thought controlled by the will, as with the artist you will create a painting, or as with the architect youll create a house, or as with the designer youll create the chair youre sitting on.

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Ideal ...

the conception of something in its perfected form

Purpose ...

Activity ...

determining something as an end to be attained, intention

the quality of will bringing about alteration


School of Maphysics

Discovering your ideal and purpose often seems

an immense task to many. It entails the use of the will in making a decision as to exactly what you want. Having decided what is desired, there must be the continuing of the mental process of all the necessary people, places and things that will bring about the manifestation of that desire. Within the ideal and purpose are the intentions for what that desire is. Many are able to create an ideal and purpose for any given situation; however, they fail when it comes to the third and equally important aspect of the completion of the creative mind this being activity. Many people are great thinkers, many have brilliant ideas about what can be done to benet situations; however, when the point is reached that activity be placed with this ideal and purpose, many falter not being able to carry through the action begun in mind. It takes the triad to be successful. The person with ideal, purpose and activity, who uses the creativity in the mind, projecting this into the physical through activity, becomes a da Vinci, a Frank Lloyd Wright, or an Einstein. These geniuses reected the potential within each individual. They showed a knowledge of mind and a utilization of the potential creativity within mind. Each individual has this capacity with greater self knowledge and determination of the will. Each can foster his own growth in whatever manner or direction is desired. By utilizing the will, you will create your loves and hates, desires and fears, aspirations and failures. You will begin to create and control what you are, where you are and why you are through your understanding.

Clic Seri


From an Intuitive Health Analysis

This one tends to compromise. She tends to settle for what this one believes is possible rather than to challenge her own imagination, to move beyond what exists. We see that as a result this one has a very even keel, this one has a very moderated life but it is not satisfying to her for it does not really accomplish what she is here to do. Therefore, until this one is willing to reach for that which is beyond her extension both mentally and physically this one will tend to grow very slowly, will tend to rely much more heavily upon the environment for growth than upon herself which would cause the acceleration of growth. This one will continue to compromise the real reason why she exists within the physical world. This one derives much from interactions with others and is very attentive and very intelligent in her assessment of new ideas or situations. However, when she becomes more familiar she loses this keenness of judgment and it is a bedevilment to her in that it does cause her to become complacent and to begin to compromise rather than to move herself forward and to excel. ... We see that this one needs to incorporate into her life her imaginative ideas. She is very talented , she can cultivate it into genius but it will require this one being far more imaginative, willful, uncompromising than this one has tended to be. There is much anxiety that this one has built surrounding the idea that if this one does not bend, alter, mold, change , her ideas to suit the situation or others, then this one will lose something or this one will experience pain. In reality it is a lingering pain of neglecting or sacricing her own ideals that will be the source of the greatest sorrow in this ones life. Not the momentary pain that may arise because of discord or disagreement, or pain be it mental, emotional or physical. This one has a great capacity for creating and healing and she does not know this now because she has not been willing to transform. Would suggest that this be done. (11-08-97-BGC-04) 30

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On the rst encounter, this may seem like an immense undertaking for many; however, the process is very simple once the rst step is taken. So in that rst step we come full circle back to love for love of self, that which is the real you, is the most important beginning to accomplishing anything you desire. Your attitude toward self will be projected toward others at all times, so if indeed you want to cultivate the charisma within yourself, you must control your attitude towards Self. Our attitude towards ourselves is often as complicated as our attitude towards others sometimes more so. The commandment Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself could be interpreted as thou shalt love thyself properly, then you will love your neighbor. Love truly begins within, for when a respect and mental concern for self is cultivated, then you can project that to others without restrictions and limitations. It seems ironic that often in our search to love others, we forget to love ourselves. When one is constantly focused out, loving others but ignoring self, this attitude often manifests in a detrimental type of love; the possessiveness, the jealousy, the anger, the resentment. If you are centering your energy outward in the environment, you are not in control. Should something happen to the object of your aection, then these emotions which are uncontrolled, will haphazardly rule your attitudes. Emotions can be a beautiful tool if understood and controlled. This too, is a realization within each individual of potential and of mind. The emotions are what tie the conscious mind to the subconscious mind. Without control of the emotions, there cannot be utilization of the full potential of the creativity in the subconscious mind. There have been many who have lacked emotional control expressing great creativity, but this was not directed or channeled in any direction. Van Gogh is an example of this. If the energy is directed there will be an increasing agility with the creativity from within. Without control, the expression is erratic as the emotions uctuate.

Clic Seri


The Emotional Level of Consciousness connects the inner Mind with the outer Mind. Thought seeks to express itself completely, to manifest its likeness in all forms. To do so, thought must mature in each of the inner levels of consciousness in Subconscious Mind. Toward this end, the power to materialize thought lies in our ability to emote. Thus energy acts in the Emotional Level and re-acts in the Physical Level of Consciousness. Illustrating the movement of intelligence and energy in Mind, the diagram is the result of decades of experience with Kundalini. It is one of several created for the book

The Six Emotional

Doorways to Love.


School of Maphysics

How many times have you forgotten about Self, placing expectations on the culmination of your achievements on the environment, rather than upon Self? This emotional attachment to situations, on the eects rather than the cause, brings disharmony within. Many will complain about being discontented or unhappy, continually striving for an elusive peace within the environment without looking at Self. This attitude is often manifested because it takes great responsibility to realize that you, the individual, create all circumstances and events that determine your happiness or misery. Many would rather place the blame for their unhappiness on things outside of Self, on people, places, or things, than place the responsibility where it belongs on Self. It is not necessary to become emotionally attached to things outside of Self. One does not require the attitude of allowing the emotions to control thoughts. If the attitude is manifested within, that each experience is caused by his thought, then each experience will begin to take on an aura of learning. Each circumstance will be viewed as a chance for growth, as an opportunity for more self knowledge and awareness rather than an opportunity to uctuate in the emotions. Uncontrolled emotions hamper growth, but when emotions are received and each situation is viewed as a learning experience there is a greater opportunity for understanding, wisdom and progression. This in no way implies that experiencing through the emotions is detrimental to growth. Emotions are a beautiful tool when understood. They should be utilized, for they are the connecting link between the conscious and subconscious minds. They should not be suppressed or repressed. To deny or push aside your emotions, ignoring them as if they do not exist, is as detrimental to growth as allowing them to run their course. One must receive the emotions, whether love, hate, joy, fear, one by one, working with the origin -- cause seeing the development clearly and objectively. Then the control and channeling of the emotions can occur for the best way to benet Self. This in turn will benet others. If a love of Self is developed, a centering within, then you will project that into your environment without attachments, restrictions

Clic Seri


From an Intuitive Health Analysis

We see within this one there is a fear of success. We see that this one has imaged for a long period of time that in order for this one to achieve what this one considers to be success this one does need to give up what this one wants and what this one is attached to. Would suggest to this one that there is a need for this one to evaluate ideals that this one has formulated and held on to for a long period of time. For we see that many of these are based upon false assumptions, many of these are based upon partial images that have resulted from this one viewing eect rather than understanding cause. We see that there is a need for this one to understand cause and we do see that although this one does have knowledge of this in this ones thinking, this one focuses upon eects and how to produce eects rather than understanding cause and initiating from a point of cause. Would suggest to this one that as this one changes this way of thinking there will be a much greater sense of security, a much greater sense of exibility, and a much greater willingness to respond, rather than fearing change. We see within the emotional system there is a tendency for this one to react to what this one considers to be crisis and we see that this is a primary way that this one motivates the self. We see that as a result of this there are often times that this ones emotions are very sensitive and this one does tend to cause this as a way of bringing attention to the needs of the self. Would suggest to this one that it would benet this one to learn how to accurately interpret the experiences of the emotions for we see that, oftentimes when this one is nearing the fullment of this ones desires, this one becomes afraid then does create some kind of crisis situation that this one can then react to. This does keep this one from identifying the ways this one does create and does near fulllment of desires. Counseling could be of some benet to this one in this regard in identifying this pattern of thinking and reaction. ... (01-02-1996-LJC-01)


School of Maphysics

or limitations on the love you project. To deny or push aside your emotions, ignoring them as if they do not exist, is as detrimental to growth as allowing them to run their course. Some may say that love of Self is a dangerous attitude of selshness. These people will advise that this attitude is an intensied selshness, stressing that human beings love themselves too much already. They may even go so far as to say that people must be taught that Self-love is evil, something to be conquered. They believe the true goal of life is the rejection of Self through denial and a channeling of energy into altruistic service to others. This condemnation of Self-love in favor of the altruistic attitude may be a worthy goal, but there is one grave error in this estimation of reasoning man. Is it really true that we spontaneously love ourselves? Evidence indicates this is a fallacy. Many may wish to love themselves, but the fact is, most treat themselves more rigidly, more restrictively, more vengefully, than they do others. One psychiatrist has concluded that the sense of sin is the chief reason found in mental illness. A sense of sin is a feeling of unworthiness and Self-rejection due to errors experienced. The rational mind breaks down when it is not centered because it cannot feel dignied. When it feels unworthy it expects nothing good, suspecting all things as threats and enemies. As such an emotional pattern develops, it becomes uncontrolled, compulsive and habitual. Even in the midst of dignifying circumstances, this attitude forces one to return to the familiar feeling of unworthiness, a sense of unworthiness and Self-rejection due to errors experienced. For one who cares for others, guilt is one of the most powerful driving forces. When one is centered around the environment, the individual nds it very easy to feel guilty. This stems from a set of requirements established for Self according to what is correct and incorrect. When one makes a mistake or does something he considers incorrect, there is often a feeling of unworthiness.

Clic Seri


During an Intuitive Health Analysis, this question was asked...

Any suggestions on how or mental illness?

this one can avoid physical

Would suggest to this one that this one creates what this one imagines. Therefore the rst step is for this one to change the way of thinking of attempting to avoid what this one does not want. For we see that in this process this one imagines what this one does not want. Would suggest to this one that there is a need for this one to become familiar with the Self and what this one does want. For this one to create very clearly images and to act on these daily. Suggestions have been given. (01-02-1996-LJC-05)


School of Maphysics

Many tend to dwell on this feeling, perpetuating it and allowing it to run its course. However, if one will stop and look at the cause of the guilt beginning to work with this on a constructive manner, there will be a sense of completion within Self. Self degradation, in alcoholism or drug addiction, self-mutilation and suicide prove this to be true. Self hate cultivated within these attitudes illustrate the form of aggression against Self that occurs daily in the lives of men and women. This drains the magnetic outpouring so that no charisma can be seen or felt by others. Most are aware that mental institutions are lled with extremists who mutilate themselves physically as well as mentally and emotionally, yet the average man and woman deny their own spiritual and mental mutilation in the invisible ways of self-criticism and self-degradation. If you are prone to guilty feelings, look for the reason behind the guilt. Instead of perpetuating it channel the energy into correcting what is causing the guilt. This requires the use of the will. Will power is making more correct decisions than incorrect decisions. The importance always lies in the fact that decisions are made. Few people are perfect, each growing individual will make many mistakes. The more the will is utilized and decisions are made, the greater the opportunity for error. When errors are seen in their proper perspective they are viewed as experience oering a learning situation to be applied and understood to avoid repeated errors. This builds will power. The mistakes can be valuable learning tools for each individual. The attitudes of self criticism and self degradation will start to disappear with a constructive, positive eort to understand and decrease the amount of mistakes made, gaining wisdom of self and environment. The work must be done individually. To not respect Self is a crime not only against ourselves and our environment, but against our Creator. These false attitudes of Self are gaining more and more recognition. The person who hates himself or who is totally discontented in the way he presents himself to others,

Clic Seri


Through giving love

and respect,

dignity and comfort, we come to know peace. We learn to love our neighbors as we love ourselves bringing peace into the world. We hereby commit ourselves to this noble endeavor. Peace is rst a state of mind. Peace aords the greatest opportunity for growth and learning which leads to personal happiness. Self-direction promotes inner peace and therefore leads to outer peace. excerpt from the Universal Peace Covenant


School of Maphysics

does not have a proper regard for his own capacities, compassions or powers. Without respect for Self, there can be no respect for others. At this point, the individual will fall deeper into prejudice, fear and hate, driving the Self farther from the peace, contentment and harmony needed for recognizing the value of the total Self.

Love for Self

is the foundation of peace of mind and of altruistic service to others.

How do you love yourself? Begin by becoming detached and objective. Review yourself as you talk with others expressing yourself through words and actions and most importantly, through thoughts. Are your thoughts pleasingly calm and balanced, or do they uctuate from the extreme emotions of elation and depression? Many tend to conveniently forget that when a strong sense of elation is experienced there must be an equal experience on the opposite end of the spectrum in that of depression. All universal laws function within balance, and the man working within these laws must continually strive for a balance within. Our goal as individuals is to bring those actions and reactions closer and closer into harmony until a balance is achieved within Self. You are the only one who can control your thought. You are also the one who must cultivate the desire for control. No one can take that responsibility for you. Your thoughts are things and each thought you have is a creation of yourself; therefore, you are responsible for it.

Clic Seri


From an Intuitive Health Analysis

We see within this one there is a sadness that arises when this one recognizes that this one has lost something that is important to this one or when this one recognizes that this one is removed from what this one holds to be important. Would suggest to this one that it is necessary for this one to create desires in the present for there is much that this one is attached to in the past and that this one thinks that this one has lost and will never again return to and this is in essence true. For we see that this one cannot relive the past nor repeat the past and that in order to change the sadness this one does need to create joy and purpose in the present. ... Would suggest to this one that this one can use the imagination more productively by rst of all identifying the qualities or characteristics that this one believes to be appealing about these past experiences or people and then in the present creating situations, circumstances, associations that will bring forth from within the self similar characteristics or qualities. Would suggest to this one that when there are other people who this one is attached to from the past, that this one identify the qualities that this one believes these other people to have that this one wants for herself and then for this one to develop these qualities in herself. In this way, whether these people are present in the life or not this one can learn about these qualities, develop them and have these forever. We see within the emotional system that often times this ones emotions are stimulated when there is something in the environment that stimulates this one to be aware of what this one believes to have been lost. We see that often times this one experiences this as being out of control and when in the presence of other people does attempt to stie this or repress this and that this does cause this one to be further out of control. Would suggest to this one that verbalizing the thoughts at these times would be of benet as this would aid this one in the identication process of what this one thinks is missing, and it would also aid this one in drawing to the self other people who have similar needs or compatible needs who could aid this one to fulll her desires. (01-16-1996-LJC-02)


School of Maphysics

Be observant. When you observe your attitudes objectively, they will be placed in their proper perspective. An excellent exercise in understanding those dicult aspects of yourself is to observe someone you dislike. Chances are, you have that quality which you criticize in others within yourself. If you can recognize this, you can begin to understand that aspect within yourself, harmonizing the detrimental qualities. By observing, you will begin to control those attitudes which you view as detrimental to your own growth as well as others. By viewing yourself objectively, you can see your positive points and begin to cultivate those to benet Self and in turn benet others. This is the key to success. Objectivity allows you to see your faults. Objectivity is not an easy attainment, it requires control of the conscious or carnal ego. This is the part of each individual which insists that they are superior or inferior to another. When one can recognize these attitudes within Self, the beginning of objectivity occurs. To begin viewing your self objectively, note the traits of others around you. Give attention to what you dislike within each individual: a mannerism, personality trait, or any manner of expression where hostility is fostered within Self, will shed light on the cause and eect relationship of these actions. Thoughts produce the behavior you dont like. Identify the thoughts in another and you can more easily recognize a remedy, a better thought and action. By applying the same steps to Self, you will begin to be objective with Self gaining a useful tool for growth of the total Self. For those things which one recognizes as disagreeable within another, always relate to a similar quality within Self. It is not easy to recognize this within Self. Its much easier to blame the other person for being disagreeable or unworthy. Yet, when such attitudes prevail, the individual views self as superior or inferior to the other. If this can be recognized within, the ego can become a beautiful

Clic Seri


Crossing of Paths Intuitive Report

Insight from a

....We see that there is a tendency on both of these ones parts to be very private and very secretive about their true thoughts and feelings. We see that the source of this originates from dierent places, but that for both of these ones there is a kind of imagined fear that there is something that can be taken from them by revealing themselves . Therefore, they keep to themselves what is most important and dear to them. As a result of this these ones cause there to be hurt because these ones do not give completely, do not receive completely and then tend to blame one another for this rather than recognizing that it is their own holding back that is causing the hurt to occur. Would suggest to these ones that each one individually develop a commitment to give completely and to receive completely without regard to placing conditions upon whether this is equal, whether the other one is doing this, whether this is matched between them. It is these kinds of conditions that they place upon one another that keeps them from giving and from experiencing the love that they are capable of. This is all. What specic qualities do each of us have, they say, to give to each other for learning and growth? We see that both of these ones are very curious, although, for the one of the female this is more self-directed in that this one is curious about herself. And for the one of the male, this tends to be more outwardly directed in that this one is more curious about the environment or what is outside of himself. These ones can learn from these dierences, for it would benet the one of the male to apply the curiosity to himself. And it would benet the one of the female to apply the curiosity to her environment. .... They say, why are we attracted to each other and how can we use the attraction productively? We see that both of these ones tend to doubt themselves and do have aspirations that they are often times insecure about being able to reach and to accomplish. We see that each one of these ones admires the other and therefore stimulates within the other a belief that they can achieve that to which they aspire. (01-29-1997-LJC-04 )


School of Maphysics

tool for the individuals growth and understanding, by in realizing that this attitude of inferiority or superiority is merely a mirror for points to be worked on within. If the tool is used, there will be greater realization of Self and the completion of the whole, functioning Self will be rapidly progressed. Once you cultivate an attitude of viewing Self as you really are, as others see you, you begin to develop your Self. The development of Self is a fascinating story, lled with heroes and villains, battles won and lost. Each Self experiences continually, gaining greater understanding and growing closer to maturity. There may be many obstacles and misconceptions, many things not understood by each individual, yet the more understanding gained, the more you project this increasing peace to others.

One of the greatest misconceptions of Self is that the individual is preformed and unchanging. The Self is not a gift, it is an achievement. It is not a static
reality projected from the mind of God, rather is is an experienced, earned climb over mountains of rock and through valleys of waters. It is a continuous process of change, a culminating progression toward the victorious goal of understanding our full potential as a creator. Most people have a dual perception of Self, much like two poems one completely syncopated and rhymed, and another clumsily worded eort. In the development of Self, the goal is to combine the two into one masterpiece of accepting Self as is, never losing sight of the goal. In our elated moods, we are often afraid to admit guilt, hatred, or shame as elements of our personality. In a depressed mood, we often do not credit ourselves with the positive achievements which belong to us. When we begin to merge the poems, we begin to see ourselves for what we actually are. We accept both the positive and negative, developing a growing balance.

Clic Seri


Narcissus by Caravaggio


School of Maphysics

The realization of proper Self love

must be an attainment within each individual.

As long as you allow the detrimental attitudes toward Self to envelop you, you cannot help but express a like attitude toward others. In order to present Self with condence and dignity, the realization must be present that inner growth is taking place. When this realization is present, the mistakes made can be accepted as a process of learning. When this attitude of learning is made manifest within, should mistakes be made, they will be viewed objectively as lessons to learn. In the hands of someone committed to learning, mistakes become valuable tools for Self-growth. With this presentation of Self, which is constantly evolving, others will recognize the changes. In this way, one develops a respect and love for Self which will be reected toward all others. Proper Self love is of the utmost importance. If the Self is not loved, the neighbor cannot be loved as ones Self. This is the lesson of Narcissus. In Greek mythology, Narcissus was a hunter renowned for his physical beauty. Exceptionally proud, he disdained those who loved him. As divine punishment, he fell in love with his own reection in a pool never realizing it was only an image. Captivated by his own beauty - just as others had been all along - he could not leave his own reection and so wasted away into death. To some, this will sound like the antithesis of Self love, a warning against the perils of self-consumption and its sins of vanity. Others will go further realizing the Universal Truth expressed in the thought that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Clic Seri



School of Maphysics

To nd true beauty, we must go deeper than the surface. There are three tales of Narcissus fate. Each aord insight into what constitutes the pitfalls of love and for those with the eyes to see its components which await the light of understanding from one who seeks wholeness. In the rst telling, Narcissus spurns a young virgin who prays to Nemesis to take revenge on him by making him feel unrequited love. When he leans toward a pool of water to drink, he falls in love with his own reection. He lingers there captivated with what he sees just as countless others have been captivated. Eventually, he realizes he is looking at himself, and having no way to act upon this love, he beats himself until the life force is drained from his body. His soul is sent to the darkest hell and the narcissus ower grows where he died. It is said that Narcissus gazes at his own image in the river Styx to this very day. The second telling, sees Narcissus with a twin sister as his hunting partner. He falls in love with her and when she dies, he pines for her, pretending that the reection he sees in water is the sister he has lost. The third telling reveals how a young man named Ameinias loved Narcissus and Narcissus spurns him. Narcissus gives Ameinias a sword which he uses to kill himself, but not before praying to Nemesis that Narcissus will one day know the pain of unrequited love. Narcissus sees himself in the pool becoming hopelessly infatuated. Overcome by repentance, he uses his own sword to take his life. At rst glance, Narcissus story describes the perils of misguided self-love. When we go beyond a supercial understanding of the story, a trinity of love in the breadth of human experience is revealed. In English, the word love is used in diverse ways; I love my spouse, I love Shakespeare, I love chocolate. The same word is used to convey diverse meanings. In Greek, there are several words that can be used to reect the intent of the communicator.

Clic Seri



School of Maphysics

Eros is love based upon duality or sexual attractiveness.

This is the entire basis of Narcissus story, the love that produces the need to understand what we cause others to experience. This love can be seen strongly in todays advertising industry which often focuses on attraction (or repulsion) and uses seduction to inuence.

Storge is the love between family members. Storge describes love involving
commitment, as displayed in the tale that makes Narcissus a twin, and manifests in todays world as the unconditional love that says, no matter what you say or do, Ill love you always and forever.

Philia is the word Greeks use when speaking of brotherly love, a love

seeking to understand relativity beyond bloodlines. This love helps us to see anothers need as Ameinias, the young man, saw Narcissus need to understand what he had caused others to experience. In todays world, this is conditional love which seeks common ground for engagement, be it disaster relief eorts, political action committees, or even the phenomena of fans. The Greeks have a fourth word for love agape. Agape is the highest form of love. This love lifts us beyond our own needs and desires, beyond narcissism, beyond humanity. In this experience of love, the personal self is transcended, ones own needs are fullled through serving others. Anyone exhibiting charisma knows this level of loving. This is why those who dedicate themselves to public service Princess Diana of Wales, Nelson Mandela of South Africa, Aung San us Kyi of Burma (now Myanmar) manifest the lessons learned from Narcissus: the attractive power of inuence, the commitment in unconditional love, and the compassion of conditional love.

Agape is the recognition of the Great Spirit within every living being. Its highest manifestation is found in the sentiment, I love you just because you are. Although people can be born with understandings favoring charisma, present

Clic Seri



By the early 21st century, more than 60 forms of synesthesia had been reported, although a few forms among them were not formally recognized by the American Synesthesia Association, a nonprot association dedicated to advancing knowledge of synesthesia and facilitating communication between researchers, educators, and synesthetes. The two most common forms of synesthesia are colours associated with graphemesunits (such as single letters or digraphs) of a writing systemand colours associated with days of the week (e.g., Blue Monday). from

a condition in which one type of sensory stimulation creates perception in another sense.

Mind researchers at the College of Metaphysics recognize synesthesia as the super-natural result of applying undivided attention. There are ve senses associated with the physical body. Attention is the sense of the mind. Focused attention is singular; it is undivided between the senses. Undivided attention is the gateway into the inner levels of consciousness where mental, emotional, and spiritual realities are experienced.


School of Maphysics

time choice activates it. For this reason, charisma can be cultivated through heightened Self awareness. It begins with the lessons of Narcissus, by accepting yourself as you truly are, as you appear to others. Self acceptance, free from denial, blame, and projection, frees one to see those aspects of self in need of the renement. The rening process occurs through conscious attention in three levels: Self recognition, Self determination, and Self communication.

Self recognition requires wakeful awareness, the willingness to acknowledge

presence. This is a measure of ones ability to receive. Are you the kind of person who notices the music playing in the background at a restaurant? Do you notice landmarks and street signs when traveling in a new area? Do aromas tell you how fresh food is or if clothing needs cleaning? If you answer, Yes! to these questions, you understand the rst level of conscious attention. Awareness begins by directing the minds attention through the senses to what is at hand so you may identify what is present. That is recognition.

People who exhibit charisma

remember more than your name.

They recall the perfume you wore, or the color of your tie, or how you hummed a favorite tune the last time you met. They make you feel special because they value their relationship to you enough to give you their FULL attention. Think of it this way, when you are in a position to receive service, like in a restaurant, how do you want to be treated? You are likely to give a sizable gratuity to the server who makes eye contact actually seeing you, who notices when your glass is nearly empty asking if you would like more before lling it, and who engages you in conversation when you are amiable and leaves you space when it is apparent you want to be alone. This high level of interaction is the mark of someone who is Self-aware and awake to life, eager to receive the world and the people around him.

Clic Seri


and I understand.

and I remember

and I forget I see

I hear

I do

Chinese Proverb


School of Maphysics

People who openly receive life tend to appreciate what life oers. This validation of lifes beauty and wonder arises from Self recognition. Self recognition is a statement or armation of ones own worth. It is the ability to hold ones concept of his own identity as separate and distinct from the surrounding environment. It is the realization that ones thoughts cause the way he interprets the eects surrounding him. A core attitude essential to business success is the customer is always right. When this level of recognition is practiced, giving and receiving can occur between two people and the second factor of conscious attention Self determination arises. Each element of the personality depends on the increase of Self knowledge, this being a clear-cut appreciation of ones individuality and consequent freedom and responsibility. Self examination is a slow process; however it holds primary signicance to personality evolution.

Self determination is Self direction. This is the ability to choose and follow
a path, to remove, circumvent, or overcome any obstacle in that path. For instance, think of how a toddler learns about the world. When she begins the curious journeys through a house, she discovers that what seems easy to adults is dicult for her. There are shut doors which impede her progress, and test her motivation. At rst, she cries in vexation at the obstacles. Mother will open the door or distract her attention away to something else and the door is forgotten. Soon, the time comes when the cry does not produce the desired result. No one comes to the childs aid and she is faced with the problem herself. Pushing, she nds, is of no benet. Constantly seeking her goal of mobility, the child puts the mind into directive action. She observes those who open the door easily, eventually determining a sequence of events that each person goes through which results in passage. An adult approaches the door, stops. The hand extends to grasp the doors shiny protrusion. The hand turns. The adult steps back. The arm pulls. The door opens. Minds attention has been

Clic Seri


From an Intuitive Health Analysis

for a child of eight requested by the parents We see that this one needs to learn how to create a kind of self-possession that will serve this one as a focus for her sense of identity and her sense of being able to relate to the external world. This one has diculty distinguishing between herself and that which is outside of herself and we see that concentration exercises would be of benet to her in being able to make this kind of distinction. We see that it would be of benet for this one to be able to separate herself from other people, to separate her thoughts and emotions and activities from that of others for we see that they often encroach upon her and this one becomes confused. This one does not distinguish or discriminate between what is her own and what is someone elses. Would suggest that this one take whatever steps necessary to make this kind of distinction and to recognize that she is not her environment but she is becoming her own person. (02-22-1994-BGC-03)


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engaged in active observation producing an understanding from an experience which had earlier provoked frustration. This realization is a triumph in Self determination. The child has discovered the key that will serve her in any situation in life. Progress in Self-determination is a process of learning how to open doors. As long as the individual has a high level of Self respect, Self reection will encourage learning and improvement. For such a one, life is more than a series of challenges to be met, obstacles to overcome. Life is a series of opportunities to arm that the customer is always right. Sometimes one is the customer, and sometimes one is the producer. Self determination allows you the power to know the dierence for it aords the power to learn. No longer is the producer trying to sell the other something she may or may not want. Through Self recognition, the inner eye opens to similarities between Self and others, common ground can be found. The win-win attitude begins to manifest in interactions. No longer does one person lose while another wins. Through Self determination, one identies need and fulllment. Giving and receiving replaces the strength and weakness focus in competition. Esteem grows where ego once ruled. The ability to appraise ones own signicance opens the door to how one person, place or thing is related to another person, place or thing. When we know our relative importance to another, we hold both in high regard. We know that importance through Self communication. Our entire lives are built upon stories of our own making. When Self knowledge is at the heart of these stories, we fare well in our lives and dealings with others. Our stories become a blend of Self-and-Other tales, revealing the depths of friendship and humanity possible for us to experience. When we leave a sizable tip to the wait person who gave exceptional service at the restaurant, we are communicating our own fulllment by acknowledging the part they played in our satisfaction. We have received completely. When we seek to fulll anothers needs, setting aside any desire to be somewhere else, do

Clic Seri


During a Creative Mind Analysis, this question was asked...

What can I do to remember my night dreams?

We see that this is one of the inner resources this one does not take advantage of and there would need to be a shift from the dependency upon external resources to an appreciation and respect for the inner as well. There is a tendency for this one to become lost in her own thoughts about life and in this to become innattentive, to cease listening to the inner Self. Therefore the ability for conscious attentiveness to the inner subconscious states would require this one to turn the attention inward and to be able to do so with a still mind. This one allows the mind to be cluttered often, the elimination of the clutter would aid greatly in the recalling of the subconscious experiences. There is also a need for this one to value those experiences more highly. This is all.

What am I fearing about remembering dreams?

That this one would become aware of the need for change before this one is willing to make the change. This is the misconception upon this ones part for we see that this ones diculty to the present period has not been from this line of thinking. This ones diculty to the present point has been produced because this one was reticent to change in the conscious mind and was battling the Self in that regard and this has been a process of shutting out the inner Self. It is the shutting out of the inner Self that has produced the battle. Therefore when this one begins to create the mental conditions necessary in the outer consciousness for there to be attunement to the inner, the battle will cease and there will be an entirely new level of experience that this one has not had since childhood. (05-10-2003-BGC-01)


School of Maphysics

something else, we engage Self recognition which frees us to register anothers change in demeanor and mood. We instinctively know when to act and when to wait. Take this power for granted and it seems to come and go of its own whim. Apply Self determination here and you elevate instinct to the ne art of intuition. The producer has become a server, and the customer has become the one served. Win-win. Both have increased through relative experiences. Self communication is the desire for harmony within, the source of creative art intrinsically linked with Self expression. Most people want to express themselves and do so by talking. Although speaking can inspire the quality in our lives, it is not the source of our good or ill fortune. The Masters of consciousness describe this well. Two thousand years ago Jesus, the Christ, taught, It is not what enters into

the mouth that deles the man, but what proceeds out of the mouth, this deles the man. Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace, taught
Gautama, the Buddha, ve centuries earlier.

Loud is its sound, but never word it said; A semblance great, the shadow of a shade. The Tao is hidden, and has no name; but it is the Tao which is skillful at imparting (to all things what they need) and making them complete,
says the Tao Te Ching, the teachings of Lao Tzu the ancient Chinese mystic philosopher who lived a century before Gautama. Self expression is rooted in Universal Truth, and when one is centered in Truth that applies to anyone, any time, anywhere, charisma makes itself known. Communication takes on a majesty that res the heart and cools the head, entraining the two toward the highest achievement possible the fully present whole, functioning Self.

Clic Seri


From a Creative Mind Analysis given for a woman born in China and, at the time of the report, living in the United States

You will also relate that which will foster movement in the energy exchange between the ethereal and the material for the cultivation of genius.

This would be in this one beginning to image the ow between the spiritual and the material. We see that many times this one believes that they are opposing or that they are totally separate, that they really dont have much contact with one another. This is not so, in fact, this is a lie that this one perpetuates in her own consciousness that keeps her from making the transition that she is attempting to make. We see that by realizing that the movement of spirit into matter and matter into spirit is a cyclical nature of the exchange of energies from the etheric to the physical matter, from the physical matter to the akasha. This will greatly aid this one in being able to have a sense of connectedness in regards to what she does create, the deepening of the sense of awareness that has been described in detail previously, and which will lead this one to her own experience of genius. We see that this one is capable of putting together the many dierent ideas that she has often believed are conicting. Would suggest that this one need merely transcend the ideas themselves to see how they t together. As long as this one remains engrossed, or sees the ideas as a point of her own identity or as a point to be right or wrong, then this one limits her capacity to see the wholeness, the completeness of the concepts and of life itself. (08-09-97-BGC-07)

School of Maphysics

Fashioning a life is the highest calling one will ever heed. To create anything, one must rst imagine it. The imagination, once stimulated, will perpetuate other creations, the greatest of which is the harmony within. This creativity, fostered and perfected, will draw the three aspects of Self recognition, Self determination, and Self communication together. They are equally important, and each will draw others toward you. These three principles can be compared to the astrological forces ruling the zodiac; xed, active and common modes. The xed mode, or Self recognition, is the realization of the presence of the Self that is. The action of Self determination drives the continual motivation toward what is desired, personal evolution. The common mode is the Self communication, the catalyst drawing the two together in a workable union. Self communication demands knowledge of ones Self: the conscious mind and its value and the subconscious and its value. Each have reciprocal duties, each desire harmony and union within.

This is the gateway

to Superconscious awareness

characteristic of one emanating charisma.

By working with these modes, you come to understand them. It may not seem an easy task, however, it is most rewarding. Mastery brings the fulllment of your potential as a creative, reasoning being. Once you begin to center your attention on your true Self, developing your potential by formulating your ideal and purpose in realizing Selfs value, this awareness is automatically projected to others. Others will notice this before you are even aware of your progress. It does not take long for the changes to manifest when your desire for Self respect is a sincere one. When you project this value to others, you realize you are controlling your own mind.

Clic Seri


During a Family Prole Intuitive Report, this question was asked...

How can we become closer and more harmonious as a family and also grow as individuals?

Would suggest that there be more willingness to share stories from their lives, particularly those that have meaning to them. The sharing of whole experiences, which include thought and emotion, is important and is a good discipline for these ones to practice, for we see that there has been diculty in this. There has been a tendency to be removed or to be distant, and to the degree that this is true there has been less of a learning aorded to these ones. Therefore, a change in this, a greater willingness for them to share, to give and to receive would cause a change in the interaction between these ones that would be most benecial. (11-27-2006-BGC-1)


School of Maphysics

Mind control? The mind is merely that part of you which expresses, feels, perceives, but most of all which reasons. Man is truly a reasoning being. The word man is a derivative of the Sanskrit word manu meaning thinker. With the thinkers reasoning capability, his thought is that thing which he projects, through word and through action. If your thoughts are under control, which is the goal you consciously work toward, then you can begin developing the charisma the total communication from mind to mind.

You have the capacity to give and receive on every level of consciousness. has modeled. This is what every Master Teacher

Those whose minds are focused on a complete grasp of Truth nd the forces of the Universe coming to their aid. There is no longer a need to dictate the avenue and terms of receiving or of giving. All is forgiven, all Light passes through the Mind and consciousness is illumined. So how do you begin directing your thoughts? Your individual power of concentration will determine your speed and success in realizing your own value and channeling your thought on the course which you desire. Concentration is your key to success. Concentration is the narrowing of the eld of attention in a predetermined direction for a time determined by your will, or choosing. Concentration is much like a light. A lights value is gauged by its power, its capacity for a clear focus and the size of the area it illuminates. The human equivalence of these factors determines the value of your thought-machine, your mind. All these factors are developed by a practice of concentration. They are the eect of a sustained eort, of an ever-increasing eld of focus in which no extraneous subject intrudes.

Clic Seri


from Universal Healing Truths by Dr. Daniel R. Condron


When the attention is distracted or scattered, one loses energy. The loss of energy without replenishing over time produces dis-ease.


When the mind and attention are focused, one uses energy fully and retains, conserves, and recycles energy completely.


School of Maphysics

Prociency in concentration is a developed skill, one of ten essential mind skills. The immediate results of success will be a reduction in the usual wasting of thought energy, and consequently a greater amount of reserve. Then there comes the Self-discovery: a dawning of an appreciation of the dierence between the knower or the mind, and the instrument of knowledge, the thought. You are mind, and your thought is a creation of your mind. They are intrinsically related; however, they are separate things. You, as mind, create your thoughts. Those thoughts are the father of your actions. The more you control your thoughts, the greater control you have of Self and environment. Through a practice of concentration, a greater coordination is achieved between the mind, the emotions, and the physical action. Your attention becomes focused and the mind, emotion, and physical action begin working as one unit. In this way, you become the controller of your actions, all beginning with the control of thought. A daily practice of concentration will build your rapport with others. How many times have you been engaged in a conversation with another and had to ask, What did you say? Had you been concentrating on what the person was saying your thoughts would have been like their thoughts; however, in the course of the conversation you allowed extraneous thoughts to intrude, losing the train of thought the other was directing. So to increase your ability to place your undivided attention where you desire, a practice of concentration is very important. This automatically increases your own eectiveness in communicating. To begin your practice of concentration, choose an object to concentrate upon for a designated period of time each day. Choose a short time span at rst, eight to ten minutes, and be consistent in your practice. The object chosen to focus your attention on is of little importance as long as it is small and simple, such as an orange, a watch, a pencil or a candle. Place the chosen object a few

Clic Seri


Concentration has countless benets.

When one knows how to concentrate, he can still the mind, enabling the practice of deep meditation. One becomes more insightful, drawing upon the wisdom stored in the soul. One can listen, opening new lines of communication and intimacy with other people. Concentration is the way to develop a powerful memory, for the thoughts and experiences to which we give the greatest attention are those we remember the best. By knowing how to concentrate, one has more time to accomplish many goals and fulll many desires. Deep concentration is the key to becoming more intuitive and perceptive. A person who concentrates can relax and become calm at will, thereby causing better health mentally, emotionally and physically. It is very soothing to be around a person of great concentration, as they emanate a radiant peace and calm which inuences their whole environment. Concentration facilitates creativity, enabling one to synthesize and bring together related ideas while holding a point of focus for the mind. One who concentrates is trustworthy, for he or she masters the ability to complete projects and goals. Concentration gives one the capacity to experience great joy in life.... from Concentration by Dr. Laurel Clark


School of Maphysics

feet away. Relax, knowing this is a mental exercise which should not be a source of tension or a draining of energy. Take a few deep breaths, releasing tension as you exhale. When you are totally relaxed, begin thinking about the object. Notice its properties color, size, shape, substance, and surface. Then mentally receive the object. No longer analyze its parts; see the totality of properties and qualities that form this object. This totality will become the focal point of your attention. This is the importance of choosing a small and simple object. Should you have extraneous thoughts do not place your attention there. Allow them to ow through your mind, holding your attention on the object chosen. In increased periods of concentration as you progress over weeks of time, you will nd the number of extraneous thoughts decreasing rapidly, hence you will realize your concentration is increasing. If you are sincere in your practice, you will begin seeing results in your work, study, and communication. With a practice of concentration, you will begin to realize the quality of thought, and through this repeated eort you will improve your memory and earn greater mental power, more control over your mind. You will begin directing your mental energy or thought energy into channels desired, mentally creating the ideal and purpose for each thought, thereby controlling each word and action. With increased concentration you will begin evaluating self, cultivating a love for Self. Through this growing love and realization that thoughts are things and you create them, you will begin to respect yourself in a way not previously recognized. With this new attitude toward Self, you will begin focusing this right on individuals around you.

Clic Seri


From an Intuition Analysis The Instruction: You will examine the essence of this entity relating those factors necessary for this one separate, identify, accept, and admit this ones intuitive faculties. accept her own charisma. The Reply: This would come most readily from this one being able to

We see that this one has a very strong ability to draw people to her, and we see in this there is the quality of love that is very active within this one. This then becomes a kind of magnetism that does both draw her as well as others to her, and in this there is the opening of the intuitive abilities. We see that there is a need for this one to appreciate this quality and this ability, and to examine it in light of experience rather than in light of intellect. We see that this one has great capacities for utilizing the physical mind and to be able to set goals and accomplish them, and also the ability within this to include other people. We see that there is a tendency however to draw away from the workings of the inner mind in this process and to give a great deal of attention and credit to the outer mind rather than the inner workings. This could very easily be explored and examined by this one through a deeper thinking, and a deeper contemplation, of the factors involved that bring about that which this one experiences in the life. .... (07-14-2001-BGC-01)


School of Maphysics

The more dened your thought on any subject,

the more complete the picture will be in reaching others with your thought.

There is no secret mystery. Charisma begins with you. It is something which must be desired and earned through repetition, through practice, and through desire. Concentration is an exercise on Self Love, and isnt it interesting that you are not focusing your attention on Self at all! If you understand what is presented in this book, you will nd truth in the thought. You will believe in proportion to the amount of truth you discover, and that truth will be the source of your believing. The believing will only become a knowing through your use of the concepts. So, if you are faithful in your practice of concentration, you will begin seeing results. You will begin cultivating your charismatic nature, and each thought you project to anyone, anytime, anywhere, will be as tangible as the car which you drive each day. That thought will be a vehicle within itself to carry the creation of your mind to others. With the time youve invested in developing a respect and love for Self, this will be immersed in the ideal and purpose of each thought you create. There is a great responsibility with thought and it is only after carefully observing the source, the quality and property of each thought that you will realize the power within your mind.

This is the key to charisma.

Clic Seri


Continuation of report from page 66 We see that this one has a great capacity for healing others that could be built through this. For we see that there is a very strong connection this has with other people. This is not true with everyone but it is true with many, and it is those that this one needs to explore and expand upon. To look for the universality instead of the individual characteristics that would spark such a dynamic between herself and others. It is the exploration of this that would garner the greatest amount of insight and independent research of the qualities by which this one does experience the inner mind. There is a great capacity within this one to draw to her that which was not expected in the outer consciousness and these are also areas that would behoove this one to explore and to examine more closely rather than to merely be thankful for and then take for granted. This is all. The Instruction: You will oer suggestions on how to apply the intuitive faculties in the life for soul growth and spiritual development. The Reply: It would be advantages as a practice as a conscious intentional performance of this ones mental capacities to devote the self to unconditional love. It would be helpful for this one to particularly receive into the self those conditions, factors, or experiences which at rst seem unpleasant and which this one would have a tendency to compartmentalize or judge in some manner in a negative fashion. To then receive these deeper into the self to a point where this one could nd acceptance and love for that which is being presented to the self, for that which is being draw from the self. It is this conscious pursuit of love that has no boundaries, love that is all inclusive that would open the outer consciousness to that which does reside in a more unconscious fashion within the self. Even when there is not the faculty for something making sense, as this one would see it, this would be the time to love it. (07-14-2001-BGC-01) 68

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Once developed, there is nothing that will limit you for there will be a realization of your potential. With this increasing growth and awareness, the continuous progressing and understanding, you will be fullling your capacity as man, the very essence of the thinking, reasoning being. Realizing this potential and expressing the love within you will project a charisma to all you meet. Once you are centered, your thoughts ideal and purpose will be concisely, completely and clearly broadcast. This transmission will be your charisma for within each thought will be the attitude of I love you just because you are.

Clic Seri


Other titles by Barbara Condron

1976, Charisma: the Art of Communication 1977, What Will I Do Tomorrow: Probing Depression 1978, Psiology: Evolutionary Step in Psychology 1980, Going in CirclesSearch for Satisfying Relationships 1980 When All Else Fails series on success, prosperity, health, honesty, creativity 1987, Who Were those Strangers in My Dream? 1991, Total Recall: An Introduction to Past Life and Health Readings 1992, Kundalini Rising: Mastering Creative Energies 1994, The Dreamers Dictionary 1996, The Work of the Soul: Past Life Recall and Spiritual Enlightenment 1996, Uncommon Knowledge 1997, Spiritual Renaissance Elevating Your Consciousness for the Common Good 1999, The Bible Interpreted in Dream Symbols 2000, Remembering Atlantis: The History of the World, vol. 1 2002, How to Raise an Indigo Child 2002, Peacemaking: Nine Lessons for Changing Yourself, Your Relationships and Your World 2003, The Wisdom of Solomon 2004, Every Dream is About the Dreamer 2005, Master Living: 10 Essential Life Skills for Health, Prosperity, Success and Peace of Mind 2010, DREAMTIME: Universal Truth Parables while Down Under

Find these and more at the School of Metaphysics online Bookstore


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About the Author Barbara Condron began writing when she was four. She says the secret to writing is the ability to perceive images in ones mind and then describe them precisely with words. She is mastering the Universal Language of Mind, the common language for the human species. She teaches Mind Linguistics at the College of Metaphysics where she leads research in the Global Lucid Dreaming Experiments through . Dr. Condron lives on campus with her husband Daniel and

Clic Seri


The Universal Peace Covenant

Peace is the breath of our spirit. It wells up from within the depths of our being to refresh, to heal, to inspire. Peace is our birthright. Its eternal presence exists within us as a memory of where we have come from and as a vision of where we yearn to go. Our world is in the midst of change. For millennia, we have contemplated, reasoned, and practiced the idea of peace. Yet the capacity to sustain peace eludes us. To transcend the limits of our own thinking we must acknowledge that peace is more than the cessation of conict. For peace to move across the face of the earth we must realize, as the great philosophers and leaders before us, that all people desire peace. We hereby acknowledge this truth that is universal. Now humanity must desire those things that make for peace. We arm that peace is an idea whose time has come. We call upon humanity to stand united, responding to the need for peace. We call upon each individual to create and foster a personal vision for peace. We call upon each family to generate and nurture peace within the home. We call upon each nation to encourage and support peace among its citizens. We call upon each leader, be they in the private home, house of worship or place of labor, to be a living example of peace for only in this way can we expect peace to move across the face of the earth. World Peace begins within ourselves. Arising from the spirit peace seeks expression through the mind, heart, and body of each individual. Government and laws cannot heal the heart. We must transcend whatever separates us. Through giving love and respect, dignity and comfort, we come to know peace. We learn to love our neighbors as we love ourselves bringing peace into the world. We hereby commit ourselves to this noble endeavor. Peace is rst a state of mind. Peace aords the greatest opportunity for growth and learning which leads to personal happiness. Self-direction promotes inner peace and therefore leads to outer peace. We

vow to heal ourselves through forgiveness, gratitude, and prayer. We commit to causing each and every day to be a fulllment of our potential, both human and divine. Peace is active, the motion of silence, of faith, of accord, of service. It is not made in documents but in the minds and hearts of men and women. Peace is built through communication. The open exchange of ideas is necessary for discovery, for well-being, for growth, for progress whether within one person or among many. We vow to speak with sagacity, listen with equanimity, both free of prejudice, thus we will come to know that peace is liberty in tranquility. Peace is achieved by those who fulll their part of a greater plan. Peace and security are attained by those societies where the individuals work closely to serve the common good of the whole. Peaceful coexistence between nations is the reection of mans inner tranquility magnied. Enlightened service to our fellowman brings peace to the one serving, and to the one receiving. We vow to live in peace by embracing truths that apply to us all. Living peaceably begins by thinking peacefully. We stand on the threshold of peace-lled understanding. We come together, all of humanity, young and old of all cultures from all nations. We vow to stand together as citizens of the Earth knowing that every question has an answer, every issue a resolution. As we stand, united in common purpose, we hereby commit ourselves in thought and action so we might know the power of peace in our lifetimes. Peace be with us all ways. May Peace Prevail On Earth.

signed this 8th day of October, 1997, at the College of Metaphysics

Dr. Barbara Condron Dr. Daniel Condron Dr. Laurel Clark Dr. Pam Blosser Dr. Sheila Benjamin Dr. Al Rohrer Paul Blosser Melanie McManus Linda Yeingst Ernie Padilla Teresa Padilla Terry Martin Christine Andrews Sharka Glet Jay McCormick Greg Hoeicker Lisa Kinser John Clark Patrick Andries Damian Nordmann Mari Hamersley Terryll Nemeth Paul Madar Oliver Seger Lyle Branson John Harrison Karen Low Traci Byington Shannon Cordes
Created in 1997 by faculty & students of the School of Metaphysics

Clic Seri


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