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This booklet is intended for owners of Edition 1.

0 of the MAStER RulEbook and details the changes, clarifications and amendments found in Edition 1.1 of dYStoPiAn WARS. Using this booklet, owners of Edition 1.0 are upgraded to the Edition 1.1 rules.


It is important to choose a Core Force and Maximum Fleet Value, and also to consider which Game Type you are building a Fleet for; an Open Game, Friendly Game or Tournament Game. Players should also agree whether Field Orders will be used and also the Game Length. TERRAIN Crunchy Terrain is now defined as Dense Terrain. Terrain is allocated a Surface Height relative to the Size Class of a model or token; Tiny, Small, Medium, Large or Massive. FLEET COMMODORES Each Turn a player can have their Fleet Commodore perform ONE of the following re-roll options: One Treacherous Terrain roll for a model in their Fleet within 8 of the Fleet Commodores Vessel. One Critical Hit Table roll against an enemy model fired on by a model in their Fleet within 8 of the Fleet Commodores Vessel. One Critical Hit Table roll against their own Fleet Commodores Vessel. One Damage Repair roll for a model in their Fleet within 8 of the Fleet Commodores Vessel.

FLEET ORGANISATION A Core Force can be Naval, Armoured or Aerial. A Maximum Fleet Value (MFV) can be any Points Value agreed upon by the players. In a Friendly or Tournament Game your Fleet MUST contain: 1 Squadron of Small models, 1 Squadron of Medium models and 1 Squadron of Large or Massive models from your Core Force. In a Tournament game the following percentages of the MFV are enforced: up to 70% on Large or Massive models, up to 70% on Medium models, up to 40% on Small models and up to 50% on Squadrons that are NOT part of the Core Force. GAME LENGTH Game Length should be defined as either a Fixed number of Turns or a Time Limit.

The contents of this book are Copyright Spartan Games 2010-2012. All rights reserved.

BATTLEFIELD SETUP Divide the Game Board into 2 by 2 areas. Each side rolls 1D6 for each area. On a 5 or 6 they can place a piece of Terrain in that area. Both sides roll for one area before moving on to the next. DEPLOYMENT Each side rolls 2D6. The winner chooses ANY edge of the Game Board as their Deployment Edge, the opposing player must take the opposite edge as their Deployment Edge. The Deployment Zone for each side is the length of their Deployment Edge, and extends 8 into the Game Board. The side that chose their Deployment Edge first then deploys one Squadron in their Deployment Zone, the opposing side then deploys one Squadron in their Deployment Zone. Players alternate deploying Squadrons until all Squadrons are fully Deployed. FIELD ORDERS Field Orders are the Victory Conditions for a Fleet. Immediately after Deployment, each Fleet should openly roll 1D6 to get their Field Order. 1. Destroy or Capture at least 70% of the Maximum Fleet Value of any opposing Fleet in Victory Points. 2. Destroy all Large and Massive models in any opposing Fleet. 3. Destroy or Capture at least 50% of the Maximum Fleet Value of any opposing Fleet in Victory Points, including all Medium models. 4. Destroy or Capture all models in any opposing Fleet belonging to its Core Force. 5. Destroy or Capture at least 50% of the Maximum Fleet Value of any opposing Fleet in Victory Points, including all Small models. 6. Capture the Fleet Commodores Vessel of any opposing Fleet. The default Field Order is Destroy or Capture at least 70% of the Maximum Fleet Value of any opposing Fleet in Victory Points.. It can ALWAYS be chosen by a player instead of their randomly generated Field Order. This is also used in any game without Field Orders, or without any specific scenario Victory Conditions. A Fleet wins the moment it satisfies its Field Order during the game, scoring a Crushing Triumph. If neither side wins before the end of the game the total number of Victory Points scored by each Fleet is used to determine who has won.


For Naval models, turning is made from the centre of the model on the appropriate side. For Armoured models, Broadside and Fixed Channel weapon measurement is taken from the base edge, and turning is made from the front of the base on the appropriate side. If the model is not affixed to the supplied acrylic base, use the model itself for measurement purposes instead. For Aerial models turning is made from the front of the Flight Stand on the appropriate side. All measurement from a weapon Battery is taken from the centre of the model. A Federated States of America Rocket Battery is treated as a Turret when determining Line of Sight and Range.


Phase 3 is renamed Squadron Activation Sequence. The Squadron Activation Sequence table gives a breakdown of all possible actions. Phase 4 (End Phase) contains all of the following events: Check for End of Game, perform any Compulsory Actions, make any Damage Repair Tests, make any Bravery Tests, rationalise Game Markers and draw new Game Cards. Derelict or Prize models will Drift during the End Phase.


Command Distance is measured from the CENTRE of one model to the CENTRE of another. There is no Command Test for not being part of the Commanded Element. Any models that are NOT within Command Distance of at least one other model in the Commanded Element are not part of the Commanded Element, and are Out of Command. If a model returns to being within Command Distance of the Commanded Element at any point it is no longer Out of Command. Models that are Out of Command CANNOT perform ANY of the possible Firing Options (Linked Fire, Combined Fire, Split Fire or Indirect Fire), CANNOT have Game Cards played on them and CANNOT initiate a Boarding Assault. Any Break Test or Bravery Test is taken for the WHOLE Squadron. If a Squadron is Broken, all models in the Squadron suffer the same effects as an Out of Command model.


COMMAND SEGMENT 1 Declare the Commanded Element for the Active Squadron, if necessary. MOVEMENT SEGMENT 2a 2b Perform movement for the Active Squadron. Resolve any Collisions or Rams resulting from movement for the Active Squadron. COMBAT SEGMENT 3a 3b Declare ALL Attacks from Ordnance and Auxiliary weapons for the Active Squadron. Declare ALL Counterattacks from any targeted Squadron Resolve ALL Tiny Flyer Combat Resolve ALL Counterattack Ack Ack against Flying or Obscured models or tokens, that is NOT from Tiny Flyers. Resolve ALL Counterattack Concussion Charges against Diving models or tokens. Simultaneously resolve ALL Attack or Counterattack Ack Ack between Tiny Flyers. Simultaneously resolve ALL Attack or Counterattack Ack Ack between Tiny Flyers and Flying or Obscured models. Resolve ALL Attacks from Ordnance weapons by Tiny Flyers. 3d Resolve ALL remaining Attacks from Ordnance and Auxiliary weapons for the Active Squadron, in any order. BOARDING SEGMENT 4 Resolve Boarding Assaults for the Active Squadron. MORALE SEGMENT 5 Resolve ALL Break Tests.


TESLA GENERATOR When a model fitted with a Tesla Generator is activated, the controlling player can choose to roll for it to gain +1D3 of Movement (Mv). Each model in a Squadron rolls independently. The extra movement must be rolled for BEFORE moving the model. Any model that rolled for a Movement increase from the Tesla Generator in its Squadron Activation MUST move at least HALF of their Movement, including the boost from the Generator. If the Tesla Generator is NOT used to gain extra Movement, it can affect ONE model within 8, regardless of their Height Level, after it has finished its movement. Roll 1D6: On a 5 or 6 the model suffers the effect of a single Critical Hit, but not the Damage, rerolling any results of Double 1 or Double 6.

ULTRASONIC PULVERISING GENERATOR The Ultrasonic Pulverising Generator has a 270 degree Arc of Fire, measured from the centre of the Generator, and can target ONE model within 8, after it has finished its movement. Roll 1D6: On a 2 or 3 the targeted model suffers the effect, but NOT the Damage, of the Chaos and Disarray Critical Hit, until the End Phase. On a 4 or 5 the targeted model suffers the effect, but NOT the Damage, of the Chaos and Disarray AND the Shredded Defences Critical Hits, until the End Phase. On a 6 the targeted model suffers the effect, but NOT the Damage, of the Chaos and Disarray and the Shredded Defences Critical Hits, until the End Phase AND the Hard Pounding Critical Hit.


A model MUST move its Minimum Move DIRECTLY ahead before performing ANY turn. A model moving Backwards can move a maximum of 2, and may turn while doing so. A model can disengage from a Collision or Ram by turning up to 90 degrees around its centre as its complete move for its Squadron Activation. If a model has NO option but to end its move on top of another model, base or Flight Stand, the models involved must be readjusted until they are clear of each other in whichever way causes the LEAST possible disturbance. NO model should purposefully gain ANY immediate advantage from this readjustment. If a model that uses the 45 degree Turning Template changes the side from which it measures a turn, without making any straight line movement of at least 1 between each turn, it is considered to be Snaking. Once a model is considered to be Snaking, it must take a Treacherous Terrain Test EACH time it turns. A model on Water will Collide with Soft Terrain, a model on Land will Collide with Dense Terrain, a Flying or Obscured model will Collide with Dense Terrain. A model DOES NOT have to stop moving following a Treacherous Terrain Test due to Snaking. KINETIC GENERATOR The Kinetic Generator gives a boost in Movement (Mv). When a model fitted with a Kinetic Generator is activated, the controlling player can choose to roll for it to gain +1D6 of Movement, which is added to its Minimum Move. If a Squadron of models are fitted with Kinetic Generators, roll for each model independently. The extra movement from the Kinetic Generator must be rolled BEFORE moving the model. Any model that rolled for a Kinetic Generator in its Squadron Activation MUST move at least HALF of their Movement, including the boost from the Generator. A model CANNOT use more than one Kinetic Generator in any single Activation.

The classes of weapon are: Ordnance (Gunnery, Rocket, Torpedo and Bomb weapons), Auxiliary (Ack Ack and Concussion Charges) and Mines. Tesla Coils (a Gunnery weapon), Rockets, Torpedoes and Auxiliary weapons CAN target Diving, Flying and Obscured models in Range Band 1 where appropriate. Torpedoes can ONLY target Naval models. Medium, Large or Massive Flying models that are Obscured are hit on a 5 or 6. Line of Sight between a model on the Surface and a Flying or Obscured model can ONLY be blocked by Obstructing Terrain that is Large or Massive. Auxiliary weapons ignore models and tokens when drawing Line of Sight, but not Obstructing Terrain. Combined Fire uses the same basic rules as Linked Fire, but models using Combined Fire do not HALF the current Attack Dice value when pooling dice. Combined Fire is only used by Escort models with their Parent Model when using Auxiliary weapons or Tiny Flyers with other Tiny Flyers in their Wing. Indirect Fire requires either a model with the Spotter Model Assigned Rule, or a Tiny Flyer Reconnaissance Plane from the same Fleet and within 32 of the target, to provide Line of Sight. Indirect Fire can only be made at a target in Range Band 3 or Range Band 4. A Counterattack can only be made with Auxiliary Weapons.



All Prussian Empire models with Tesla Coils have the Redoubtable (Tesla Coils) Model Assigned Rule. All Empire of the Blazing Sun Naval models have the Sharp Turn Model Assigned Rule. The following Kingdom of Britannia models have an integrated Guardian Generator for NO points difference: Ruler Class Battleship, Sovereign Class Land Ship and Eagle Class War Rotor.

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Each Tiny Flyer Squadron forms a Wing when Deployed. Each Tiny Flyer in a Wing MUST remain in contact with at least one other Tiny Flyer from the same Wing at ALL times. A Tiny Flyer Wing only declares the type and number of Tiny Flyer they contain, when created and Deployed. A Tiny Flyer Wing MUST contain only one type of Tiny Flyer. When created, a Fighter Plane, Dive Bomber or Torpedo Bomber Wing MUST contain between 3 and 5 Tiny Flyers and a Reconnaissance Plane Wing MUST contain only 1 Tiny Flyer. Movement and the removal of Destroyed Tiny Flyers MUST reflect the requirement to maintain a valid Wing Formation at ALL times.

REFUEL AND REARM TINY FLYERS Each time a Tiny Flyer Wing is Deployed, either at the start of the game or when they Launch, it has 6 Fuel available and is fully Armed with any relevant Ordnance. All Fuel loss is now managed on a Wing basis, rather than per Tiny Flyer. An Abort result against a Wing requires the total number of hits that did NOT Destroy a Tiny Flyer in the Wing to equal or exceed the remaining number of Tiny Flyers left in the Wing. If ANY Wing makes ANY Attack using its Ordnance weapons it MUST Land on a Carrier model to be Armed again. COMBAT AIR PATROL SQUADRONS A single Tiny Flyer Fighter Plane Wing may be attached to a single Large or Massive Class nonDiving Parent Model within 4. LOCAL AIR SUPPORT Each Fleet may contain TWO Tiny Flyer Wings for NO extra Points Cost. A maximum of one Reconnaissance Plane Wing can be selected. Important Note: A Tiny Flyer Wing that leaves the Game Board, for any reason, is Lost and cannot return.

LANDING TINY FLYERS At the end of their Squadron Activation, a Tiny Flyer Wing within 4 of ANY Carrier model from the same Fleet may Land on that Carrier model and Launch as part of a new Wing, as required. The maximum number of Tiny Flyers on a Carrier model CANNOT exceed its designated complement of Tiny Flyers. Any excess in a Wing that attempts to Land on a Carrier model are Destroyed. LAUNCHING TINY FLYERS A Carrier model may Launch ONE Tiny Flyer Wing before performing ANY movement. The Tiny Flyer Wing is Deployed within 4 of the Carrier model and CANNOT be Activated in the same Turn that they Launch. A Carrier model CANNOT use any Generator or any Gunnery, Rocket or Ack Ack weapons during the Combat Segment if it performs a Launch action in its Squadron Activation.

GUARDIAN GENERATOR A Guardian Generator grants the model to which it is fitted ALL of the effects of a single Shield Generator. The Guardian Generator also grants ALL nearby Friendly models WITHOUT a Shield Generator a limited amount of protection. Roll 1d6 Shield dice for any model, without a Shield Generator, that is hit with an Attack while within 8 of the centre of the vessel fitted with the Guardian Generator: A 4, 5 or 6 is required to succeed against Gunnery Attacks, Ack Ack and Concussion Charges. A 5 or 6 is required to succeed against Rockets and Torpedoes.

A model can only gain the effect of ONE Guardian Generator at any one time.


A Continued Assault no longer exists. Each model uses its entire current Assault Point value in a Boarding Assault. The success or failure of the Boarding Assault is resolved in a single round. A model CAN use a Generator and perform a Boarding Assault on the same model in the same Activation. Concussion Charges can be used to defend against a Boarding Assault from Diving models. A Captured model can be assigned a Prize Crew, and taken as a Prize. Any model involved in a successful Boarding Assault can allocate an amount of their current Assault Point value to form a Prize Crew which is used as the current Assault Point value of the model during any attempt to re-capture it. A Prize model CANNOT use its current Ack Ack value against a Boarding Assault, but ONE Squadron from the same Fleet as the Prize Crew can use Ack Ack or Concussion Charges if in Range. A Derelict CANNOT be the target of a Boarding Assault, but a Boarding Assault can be made against a Prize (that was previously from the same Fleet), in an attempt to recapture it. If the Assault Point value of a Prize Crew is reduced to 0, the model automatically becomes a Derelict.

ARMOURED BELLY This model receives +1 to its Critical Rating (CR) against any Attack or Counterattack made from a lower Height Level. ARMOURED TOPSIDE This model receives +1 to its Critical Rating (CR) against any Attack or Counterattack made from a higher Height Level. ASSAULT WEAPON (weapon) During the Boarding Segment this model can initiate a Boarding Assault with this weapon as if it were a Robot model, using its initial Assault Point (AP) value, OR it can initiate a standard Boarding Assault using its current Assault Point value. BIG FUEL TANKS - Tiny Flyers For each hit on the Tiny Flyer Wing, that is NOT a Destroyed result, roll 1D6. On a 5 or 6 ignore the hit. BOMBARD (weapon) When using Indirect Fire this weapon hits on a 5 or 6. If a Weapon Type is listed as being a Bombard, it automatically has this MAR. DOUBLE DECKER This model can Launch TWO Wings of Tiny Flyers during its Squadron Activation. This models designated complement of Tiny Flyers is doubled for the purpose of calculating the maximum number of Tiny Flyers that can Land on this model. EMPLACED This model can be Deployed anywhere between the Deployment Edge of the player Deploying this model and the centre line of the Game Board. This model is Deployed using the standard Deployment rules. FORWARD OBSERVER This model can fire its Bombard weapon using Indirect Fire at Range Band 2. If it does fire into Range Band 2, it does NOT need a Spotting model or Tiny Flyer Reconnaissance Plane to provide Line of Sight for it. HARD IMPACT (weapon) If the number of hits from this weapon equals or exceeds the Damage Rating of a target, the target is knocked back 2 directly away from the source of the Attack. This may cause a Collision to occur. If the target model cannot move the full 2 it still causes Collision damage as if it were a new contact.


If NO weapon is listed for a weapon related Model Assigned Rule, the Model Assigned Rule is applied to ALL weapons on the model. ACROBATIC PILOTS - Tiny Flyers For each Destroyed result on this Tiny Flyer Wing, roll 1D6. On a 5 or 6 ignore the Destroyed result. AIR HUNTER (weapon) This weapon receives a +1 bonus to hit on its Attack Dice (AD) rolls against Obscured models. AMPHIBIOUS This model can move in Water and on Land. If moving through Water reduce its Movement (Mv) by HALF. Apply any reduction for moving through Water before making any other adjustment to the models Movement. If a model with the Amphibious Model Assigned Rule is in Water, IGNORE the Hulking and Long Legs MARs, if it has them.

HULL RIPPER If this model performs a Ram and equals or exceeds the Defensive Rating (DR) of its target, place this model with its Aft touching the opposite side of the target model, as if it had just passed underneath it in a straight line. This model cannot be touching any other model or solid terrain at the end of this movement. If there is not enough room to place this model, you cannot use the Hull Ripper Model Assigned Rule. ICON If a model in your Fleet is within 8 of the centre of this model, roll an additional 1D6 when it resolves any Break Test or Bravery Test. Multiple instances of the Icon Model Assigned Rule are NOT cumulative. INVENTIVE SCIENTISTS If this model uses a Generator, you can re-roll ONE of the D6 rolled, but must accept the new result. If a 1 is rolled as a result of using the Inventive Scientists Model Assigned Rule, this model CANNOT use a Generator, of any type, again during the current Activation. INDEPENDENT This model ignores the Command Distance rules and is never Out of Command. LAND TORPEDOES Torpedoes on this model can target Armoured models on Land. LOW PROFILE This model counts as being a Small Class model for the purpose of determining Line of Sight only. MAGNETIC MINES This model can move each Mine Marker it has dropped, that is still on the Game Board, up to 2 in any one direction during the End Phase of each Turn. If a Mine Marker is moved so that a model is within 1 of the centre of it, the Mine explosion is resolved immediately. If this model is Lost, any Mines that belonged to it are no longer able to be moved in this way. MOMENTUM This model cannot come to an All Stop and cannot move Backwards. NO REVERSE This model cannot move Backwards.

QUICK LAUNCH Tiny Flyer Wings that Launch from this model can Activate in the Turn that they Launch. A model or token CANNOT Activate more than once per Turn. QUICK TRAVERSE (weapon) Any weapon with the Quick Traverse Model Assigned Rule can fire into EITHER the Fore or Aft Channel, but it CANNOT fire into both in a single Activation. RUGGED CONSTRUCTION Any Attack or Counterattack against a model with the Rugged Construction Model Assigned Rule must reduce the number of Attack Dice (AD) rolled by 1. This reduction happens AFTER performing any available Firing Options. SHARP TURN This model does NOT need to move DIRECTLY ahead during its Minimum Move. SKILLED MINELAYERS This model can drop TWO Mines during the Movement Segment of its Activation. SPOTTER If this model has Line of Sight to a target, and is within Range Band 4 of it, a Capital Class model from the same Fleet can use Indirect Fire against that target. A model CANNOT use the Spotter Model Assigned Rule if it is Obscured SWARM TACTICS - Tiny Flyers Any Attack using Combined Fire made by Tiny Flyers in this Wing increases its Attack Dice (AD) by +2. TINY FLYER COMPLEMENT (value) This model is a Carrier model and has a designated complement of Tiny Flyers equal to the listed value. VERTICAL DIVE - Tiny Flyers Any Abort result against this Tiny Flyer Wing is calculated against the size of the Wing BEFORE Destroyed results were applied. WATER HUNTER (weapon) This weapon receives a +1 bonus to hit on its Attack Dice (AD) rolls against Submerged models. WELL TRAINED - Tiny Flyers If attached as a Combat Air Patrol, this Tiny Flyer Wing CAN use Linked Fire with its Parent Model but ONLY against a Boarding Assault.





This model is Destroyed. Any models within 4 of the centre of this model, regardless of Height Level, are subjected to an attack with a number of Attack Dice (AD) equal to double the initial Hull Point (HP) value of the Destroyed model. This explosion has no effect on models that are on the other side of Obstructing Terrain. This model cannot use Ack Ack or Concussion Charges. This model loses 2 Assault Points (AP)and gains a Raging Fire Marker. A model with a Raging Fire Marker cannot be Obscured. If this model is currently Obscured, it immediately becomes non-Obscured. This model cannot use its Generators and cannot Launch Tiny Flyer Wings. The Attack Dice (AD) value of ALL Primary and Secondary weapons on this model are reduced by HALF. This model loses 1D3+1 Assault Points (AP). The Movement (Mv) of this model is reduced by HALF. This model can only move DIRECTLY ahead, it cannot turn. This model cannot Submerge while affected by a Navigational Lock. If this model is currently Submerged, it immediately becomes non-Submerged. This model's Critical Rating (CR) is reduced to the same value as its Defensive Rating (DR). This model cannot use its Rocket, Torpedo, or Bomb Ordnance, or Mines. Roll 1D6 for a direction (1-2 Fore, 3 Port, 4 Starboard, 5-6 Aft) and 2D6" for distance, from the centre of the model. Then place this model, maintaining current orientation, in that new position. Resolve any contact as a Collision, even if this model is Destroyed as a result of the Critical Hit. A model that is moved into Impassable Terrain, or off the Game Board, is automatically Destroyed.

Magazine Explosion


Shredded Defences Raging Fire

5 6 7 8 9

Systems Offline Weapon Damage Hard Pounding Engine Failure Navigational Lock Fusion Leak Chaos & Disarray Sturginium Flare

2 2 2 2 2

10 11

2 2


Players may attempt to repair Critical Hit effects during the End Phase. Roll 1D6 for EACH repair attempt: On a roll of 1, 2 or 3, the repair has been successful and the corresponding Critical Hit effect is removed. On a roll of 4, 5 or 6, the repair attempt has failed and the Critical Hit effect remains on the model. Any Critical Hit effects that are marked in Dark Red (results 2, 7 and 12) CANNOT be repaired.

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