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The best thing that one can give to India and its citizens is a corruption free environment, a corruption free office, a corruption free state and ultimately a corruption free nation. The biggest reason for corruption in India is the lack of transparency and lack of peoples knowledge to know how things work ? " , corruption will slowly be uprooted when people start asking questions . Asking how? And Why? , instead of just heeding to corrupt peoples unfair demands. In this technological era creating a corruption free environment is possible , more than it has ever been . Technology like internet can be the best tool in hand for this process .the unlimited potential of internet can be utilized to fight corruption in India . The idea is fairly simple and implementable . All government offices should be automated , following a programmed manner of doing a particular work , the computers must instruct the employees to do what work at what time , the process to be followed to approve certain things , by this each employee in the government office will be bound by a time period and fair mannerism under which he should do his part of the job , failing to do which he can be monitored be his superior authorities . if the process Is publically displayed Any of employees corrupted acts can be monitored by even general public and justice can be done . When a person applies for something he usually doesn't know what process will the application undergo , at what stage it is right now , and if rejected " was rejection under fair grounds or was their a motive behind it " but if the things are on internet he can check the status at any time , and Get to know its details . Probably this method might already be followed in some cases , but not everywhere , it must be strictly implemented. All government offices must be integrated into a single network , such that all documents needed can be got online only , it will help even the government officials to know whether the information supplied the citizens is valid or false , such that processing can be done easily and in reasonable faster time period .

Example , with a integrated network a persons ration card records , his income records , his land records and other such crucial data can be got in a single system , with such manipulation of them in a unfair manner would not be possible and people will be working in a fair and corruption free manner . Implementation of such a system is only half of the process, its equally important that After implementation public must be made aware about this , a villager or a uneducated man must be educated about these methods such that he can protect himself from being exploited . This can be done by help of setting up centres for such perpose in every village level , this will also prevent villagers from travelling to cities for every work . They can get the things done from their own place .this will immensely help the public , this will at first stop corruption by force , but later people will slowly become uncorrupt and uncorrupted environment can be achieved in India . by Vinaykumar.G.kulkarni 2nd semester Usn:2SD11CS122 SDMCET


As a developing nation , india pays high attention towards education of children making education free for children under the age of 14, providing amenities such as midday meals , free books etc . But yet remains many children who dont get these facilities , either for the reason that their in no school near by , they are forced for child labor , many other difficulties. And when there are schools available there might not be good teachers available for the teaching , many intelligent and potential students might not be taught properly or in a good standard . by statistics However, India continues to face stern challenges. Despite growing investment in education, 25% of its population is still illiterate; only 15% of Indian students reach high school, and just 7%, of the 15% who make it to high school, graduate ( statistics as given in Wikipedia). This situation can be improved , there are many steps already taken like Now a days government conducts some educational shows in doordarshan( or their states regional channel ) near the time of 10th exams , 12th exams and entrance exams , and these are proved to be quit helpful for the students who dont reside in cities and dont get quality education . but why only during those times , like government owned doordarshan there must be a national channel dedicated for education , focusing on primary and secondary education also, in this way when childrens cant go to quality schools , school can come to them .when the basics are taught correctly a strong foundation is laid in childrens minds and more and more children will get quality education , good and qualified teachers can be brought to the show and students can take advantage of them . This idea can be further extended by opening educational centre in a village , where a tv is kept and children can use the facility to gain knowledge , this facility can even be kept in already existing regular schools buildings , panchayat buildings etc and students can use it for knowledge betterment .this channel must always only broadcast educational shows and must be kept dedicated for educational purpose only . and students doubts can be cleared through phone call etc .. this way a more literate India can be found and creation of knowledge society is possible . by Vinaykumar.G.kulkarni 2nd semester Usn : 2SD11CS122 SDMCET

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