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Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc.
Translated by Upasaka Lu K'uan Yu
(Charles Luk)
The ragama Stra
(Long Yon Cblng)
Cblnoso Rondorlng b
Mastor Paramltl ol Contra|
Nortb lndla at Cblb Cblb Monastor,
Canton, Cblna, A.D. 705
(abrldgod) b
Chan Master Han han (1546-1623)
Trans|atod b
Up5saka Lu K`uan Yu
(Cbar|os Luk)

En|lgbtonmont ln Mab55na Buddblsm conslsts ln transmut-
lng tbo mlnd lnto tbo Groat Mlrror Wlsdom. And so tbo
Surangama Sutra polnts dlroct| at tbo Mlnd wblcb wbon
stlrrod b tbo llrst tbougbt croatos tbo baslc l||uslon ol an ogo
and sp|lts tbo Wbo|o lnto suboct and oboct. ln consoquonco
lt ls stl|| a prlmar sourco lor tbo Cb`an or Zon scboo|.
ln tbls sutra tbo Buddba bogan b strlpplng nanda ol
tbls attacbmont to tbo l||usor bod and mlnd boloro rovoa|-
lng tbo Ono Mlnd. To toacb bow tbls Ono Mlnd can bo roa|-
lsod bo askod twont-llvo Bodblsattvas to doscrlbo tbo
dllloront motbods b wblcb oacb bad attalnod En|lgbton-
mont. Avo|okltosvaras motbod was udgod tbo most sultab|o
lor manklnd toda.
Tbo Buddba dlsc|osod tbo causo ol transmlgratlon
tbrougb tbo slx wor|ds and ol tbo attalnmont ol tbo lour salnt|
p|anos, doscrlblng tboso ton roglons ln somo dotal|. Flna|| bo
dotal|od and warnod agalnst c|lnglng to tbo varlous monta|
statos oxporloncod wbon practlslng tbo Surangama Sam5dbl.
Wo ln tbo Wost know ol tbo Croatlon accordlng to tbo
Blb|o, but roadors wl|| now llnd ln tbls sutra bow man and bls
wor|d camo lnto bolng as taugbt b tbo Buddba.
Covor Doslgn: Mlao Yln
Lu K`uan Yu`s trans|atlon lrom tbo Cblnoso ol tbls lmportant
sutra ls basod on Cb`an Mastor Han Sban`s |ato slxtoontb
contur commontar, portlons ol wblcb aro lnc|udod ln tbo
Lu K`uan Yu was born ln Canton ln SS. Hls llrst
Mastor was tbo Hutuktu ol Slkong, an on|lgbtonod Groat
Lama. Hls socond Mastor was tbo Vonorab|o Cb`an Mastor
Hsu Yun, tbo Dbarma-succossor ol a|| llvo Cb`an socts ol
Lu K`uan Yu now |lvos ln Hong Kong and dovotos blm-
so|l to prosontlng as man Cblnoso Buddblst toxts as posslb|o
so tbat Buddblsm can bo prosorvod at |oast ln tbo Wost,
sbou|d lt bo latod to dlsappoar ln tbo East as lt sooms to bo.
Contents of the ragama Stra
Commont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Trans|ator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Prolaco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
The Noumenon in the Tathgata Store . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
nanda`s Woaknoss - Tbo Roason lor tbls Sormon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Modltatlvo Stud ol A|| as Vold (Samatba) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Wlplng Out tbo Flvo Aggrogatos &
Elgbt Consclousnossos to Exposo tbo Unroa|lt ol Ego . . . . . . . . 27
Rovoa|lng tbo Brlgbt Sam5dbl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3S
Orlgln ol lnvorslon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Actua| lnvorslon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Tbo lnvortod Mlnd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Probo lnto tbo la|so mlnd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Tblnklng ls unroa| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Tbo slxtb consclousnoss ls ompt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Tbo sovontb consclousnoss ls unroa| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Rolutlng a|| lnvorslon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Tbo lnvortod Porcoptlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
A brlgbt Llgbt to rovoa| tbo Ono Roa|lt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Roturnlng porcoptlon to Mlnd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
lnvortod Mon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4S
Tbo wor|dlng's lnvortod vlows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Tbo Hlnaanlst`s lnvortod vlows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Tbo borotlcs` lnvortod vlow ol annlbl|atlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Tbo lnvortod bobavlour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Do|uslon and En|lgbtonmont aro ol tbo samo sourco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Wlplng Out tbo Unroa| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Tbo Non-oxlstonco ol Dlscrlmlnatlvo Porcoptlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
nanda`s wrong vlow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Unroa|lt ol l||usor causos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Fa|sonoss ol botb sonso organs and consclousnoss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
A|| pbonomona roturnab|o to causos aro unroa| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Borrowlng Tbo Essonco Ol Porcoptlon To Plck Out Causa| Extorna|s . . . . . . 6
Sottlng up tbo ossonco ol porcoptlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Plcklng out causa| oxtorna|s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Tbo naturo ol porcoptlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Tbo (Undor|lng) Naturo ol Porcoptlon ls Not tbo Essonco ol Porcoptlon . . . 63
Tbo capaclt ol porcoptlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Plcklng out causa| obocts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Tbo ossonco ol porcoptlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Tbo Essonco ol Porcoptlon Mlstakon lor Extorna|s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Rolutlng tbls mlsconcoptlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Truo porcoptlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Wlplng Out tbo Capaclt ol Porcoptlon to Rovoa| tbo Truo Mlnd . . . . . . . . 66
Tbo capaclt ol soolng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Broaklng up tbo capaclt ol soolng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Rovoa|lng tbo Roa| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Eradlcatlng Attacbmont to tbo Ego to Rovoa| tbo Ono Roa|lt . . . . . . . . . . . 6S
Rootlng Out nanda`s Mlsconcoptlon ol Obocts
Bolng and NOT BElNG Porcoptlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Mlsconcoptlon ol obocts BElNG porcoptlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Mlsconcoptlon ol obocts NOT BElNG porcoptlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Mausri`s Ho|plu| lntorposltlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Wlplng Out A|aa`s So|l-Evldonclng to Rovoa| Ono Roa|lt . . . . . . . . 74
nanda`s Dlscrlmlnatlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Wlplng Out nanda`s Dlscrlmlnatlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Rootlng out tbo so|l as sucb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
E|lmlnatlng causo and condltlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Rovoa|lng tbo ossontla| Bodbl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Brusblng awa wrong assumptlons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
E|lmlnatlng tbo Essonco ol Porcoptlon to Rovoa| lncoptlvo En|lgbtonmont 76
Wlplng Out nanda`s Dlscrlmlnatlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Rovoa|lng tbo lncoptlvo Bodbl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
lndlvldua| Karma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S0
Co||octlvo Karma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S
Rovoa|lng tbo lndopondont Baslc Bodbl
to Exposo tbo Unlottorod Abso|utonoss (Bbtatatbat5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3
Wlplng Out A|| Tracos ol tbo Fa|so to Entor tbo Abstruso
to Rovoa| tbo Bbtatatbat5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S4
Dlroct Polntlng to tbo Ono Mlnd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S6
Fuslng Mrlads ol Tblngs wltb tbo Abso|uto to Rovoa| tbo ldontlt
ol Pbonomonon wltb Noumonon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S7
Fuslng tbo Flvo Aggrogatos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S7
Tbo Flrst Aggrogato Rupa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S7
Tbo Socond Aggrogato Vodan5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SS
Tbo Tblrd Aggrogato Saa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S
Tbo Fourtb Aggrogato Sask5ra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
Tbo Flltb Aggrogato Vl5na . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
Fuslng tbo Slx Entrancos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Entranco tbrougb tbo Eos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Entranco tbrougb tbo Ears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Entranco tbrougb tbo Noso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Entranco tbrougb tbo Tonguo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Entranco tbrougb tbo Bod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Entranco tbrougb tbo lnto||oct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Fuslng tbo Two|vo atana (Slx Sonso Organs & Slx Sonso Data) . . . . . . 6
Eos & Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Ears & Sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Noso & Smo|| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S
Tonguo & Tasto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bod & Toucb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
lnto||oct & Dbarma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
Fuslng tbo Elgbtoon Flo|ds or Roa|ms ol tbo Sonsos . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
Tbo Flo|d ol Slgbt-Porcoptlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
Tbo Flo|d ol Sound-Porcoptlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02
Tbo Flo|d ol Smo||-Porcoptlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03
Tbo Flo|d ol Tasto-Porcoptlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05
Tbo Flo|d ol Toucb-Porcoptlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06
Tbo Flo|d ol tbo Slxtb Consclousnoss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07
Fuslng tbo Sovon E|omonts lnto tbo Abso|uto
to Rovoa| tbo Froo lntormlng|lng
ol Pbonomonon & Noumonon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0S
Exposlng Fau|t Dlllorontlatlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
Polntlng to tbo Ono Sourco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
lnstructlon on tbo Sovon E|omonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
Tbo o|omont ol oartb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
Tbo o|omont ol llro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tbo o|omont ol wator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Tbo o|omont ol wlnd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Tbo o|omont ol spaco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Tbo o|omont ol porcoptlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Tbo o|omont ol consclousnoss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
nanda`s Undorstandlng Exprossod ln bls G5tb5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
The Phenomenon in the Tathgata Store . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Tbo Modltatlvo Stud ol A|| as Unroa| (Sam5pattl) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Tbo Ono Mlnd Bolng tbo Sourco ol Botb Do|uslon & En|lgbtonmont . . . . . . . . . . . 24
A Probo lnto tbo Dlsclp|o`s Undorstandlng ol
Noumonon & Pbonomonon to Rovoa| tbo Rlso ol l||uslons . . . . . . . . . . 26
Tbo Roa| Mlssod b Cognlzanco ol tbo Fa|so . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Tbo Tbroo Flnor Condltlons ol Unon|lgbtonmont
(Baslc lgnoranco: Suboct & Oboct) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Tbo Slx Coarsor Condltlons ol Unon|lgbtonmont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Tbo Law ol Contlnult . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S
Contlnult ol tbo (pbslca|) unlvorso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S
Contlnult ol |lvlng bolngs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Contlnult ol karmlc rotrlbutlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Tbo Uncroatod & Unondlng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Tbo Unblndorod lntormlng|lng ol Noumonon & Pbonomonon . . . . . . . . . 33
Expoundlng tbo Common Sourco
ol Do|uslon & En|lgbtonmont
to Sum Up tbo lntormlng|lng ol
Pbonomonon & Noumonon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
The Tathgata Store Containing Both
Noumenon & Phenomenon . . . . 37
Modltatlvo Stud ol tbo Moan (Db5na) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
E|lmlnatlon ol `ls` to rovoa| tbo Truo Mlnd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
E|lmlnatlon ol `ls not` to rovoa| tbo Truo Mlnd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3S
Slmu|tanoous o|lmlnatlon ol `ls` & `ls not`
to rovoa| tbo Abso|uto Mlnd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3S
Tbo Ono Mlnd, Suddon Awakonlng & Roa|lzatlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Self-Enlightenment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Obocts Contomp|atod ln Modltatlvo Studlos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Tbo suboctlvo mlnd ln tbo modltatlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Tbo oboctlvo pbonomona ln tbo modltatlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Tbo polnt ol doparturo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Looklng lnto tbo roots ol k|osa to llnd tbo sonso organ sultab|o lor modltatlon . 50
Expodlont lnstructlon on tbo Ono Mlnd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5S
Maln lnstructlon on tbo Tbroo Modltatlvo Studlos ol tbo Ono Mlnd . . . . . . 62
How to Untlo tbo Slx Knots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Modltatlon on tbo slx sonso data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Modltatlon on tbo llvo sonso organs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Modltatlon on tbo slx consclousnossos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7S
Modltatlon on tbo sovon o|omonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3
Modltatlon on tbo organ ol boarlng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mausri`s G5tb5 Toacblng tbo Approprlato Motbod lor Human Bolngs . . 203
The Enlightenment of Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Dlsclp|lno & lts Tbroo Doclslvo Stops: Si|a, Db5na, & Prana . . . . . . . . 24
Problbltlon agalnst carna|lt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Problbltlon agalnst kl||lng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Problbltlon agalnst stoa|lng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Problbltlon agalnst |lng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Bodhisattva Development into Buddhahood . . . . . . . . . 222
Tbo Tatb5gata Storo lrom wblcb Arlso Botb Sams5ra & Nlrv5na . . . . . . 223
Tbo Orlgln ol Llvlng Bolngs & tbo Wor|d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Tbo lnvortod Causo ol tbo Exlstonco ol Llvlng Bolngs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Tbo lnvortod Causo ol tbo Exlstonco ol tbo Wor|d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Tbo Two|vo Tpos ol Translormatlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Tbo Two|vo Groups ol Llvlng Bolngs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Transmutatlon ol Sams5ra lnto Nlrv5na . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Tbo Tbroo Gradua| Stops to Wlpo Out Sams5ra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Progrosslvo Advanco ln Bodblsattva Dovo|opmont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Tbo Stago ol Dr Wlsdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Tbo Ton Stagos ol Bodblsattva Faltb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Tbo Ton Practlca| Stagos ol Bodblsattva Wlsdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Tbo Ton Llnos ol Bodblsattva Actlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Tbo Ton Acts ol Dodlcatlon (Parln5man5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Tbo Four Addltlona| Harnosslng Stagos (Praoga) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Tbo Ton Hlgbost Stagos ol Bodblsattva Attalnmont (Dasabbuml) . . . . . . . 240
Tbo Unlvorsa| En|lgbtonmont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Tbo Abso|uto (or Wondorlu|) En|lgbtonmont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Tbo Tlt|os ol tbls Stra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
The Six Planes of Existence
Caused by Unenlightenment . . 244
Tbo Slx Statos ol Llvlng Bolngs ln Sams5ra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Tbo roa|m ol dovas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Tbo roa|m ol soors (rsl) and splrlts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Tbo roa|m ol buman bolngs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24S
Tbo roa|m ol anlma|s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24S
Tbo roa|m ol bungr gbosts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24S
Tbo roa|m ol bo||s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24S
Tbo Ton Causos & Slx Ellocts ln tbo Roa|m ol Ho||s . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Tbo Ton Karmlc Causos ol tbo Roa|m ol Ho||s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Tbo bablt ol soxua| doslro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Tbo bablt ol cravlng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Tbo bablt ol arroganco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Tbo bablt ol angor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Tbo bablt ol docoltlu|noss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Tbo bablt ol |lng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Tbo bablt ol rosontmont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Tbo bablt ol wrong vlows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Tbo bablt ol unlalrnoss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Tbo bablt ol dlsputatlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Tbo Slx Rotrlbutlvo Ellocts ln tbo Roa|m ol Ho||s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Rotrlbutlvo ollocts ol wrong soolng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Rotrlbutlvo ollocts ol wrong boarlng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Rotrlbutlvo ollocts ol wrong smo||lng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Rotrlbutlvo ollocts ol wrong tastlng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Rotrlbutlvo ollocts ol wrong toucblng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Rotrlbutlvo ollocts ol wrong tblnklng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Dogroos ol Porvorslt ln Ro|atlon to Sullorlng ln tbo Ho||s . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25S
Tbo Ton Catogorlos ln tbo Roa|m ol Hungr Gbosts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25S
Tbo Ton Catogorlos ol Anlma|s (Blrds, otc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Tbo Ton Catogorlos ln tbo Roa|m ol Human Bolngs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Tbo Ton Catogorlos ln tbo Roa|m ol Soors (Rsls) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Tbo Roa|m ol tbo Gods (Dova|oka) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Tbo Slx Hoavons ol tbo Roa|m ol Doslro (K5madb5tu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Tbo Four Roglons ol tbo Db5na Hoavons
ol tbo Roa|m ol Form (Rpadb5tu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Tbo llrst roglon ol tbo tbroo db5na boavons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Tbo socond roglon ol tbo tbroo db5na boavons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26S
Tbo tblrd roglon ol tbo tbroo db5na boavons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26S
Tbo lourtb roglon ol tbo lour db5na boavons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Tbo llvo boavons lrom wblcb tboro ls no roturn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Tbo Four Hoavons ol tbo Form|oss Roa|m ol Puro Splrlt (Arpadb5tu) . . . 272
Tbo stato ol tbo Groat Arbat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Tbo lour boavons boond lorm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Tbo Angmln stago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Tbo Four C|assos ln tbo Roa|m ol Tltans (Asura-gatl) . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Warning to Practisers: The Fifty False States Caused
by the Five Aggregates . . . . . . . . 277
Statos ol Mara Causod b tbo Flvo Aggrogatos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Tbo Ton Statos Alloctod b tbo Flrst Aggrogato ol Form (Rupa) . . . . . . . . . . 2S0
Tbo Ton Statos Alloctod b tbo Socond Aggrogato
ol Rocoptlvonoss (Vodan5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S4
Tbo Ton Statos Alloctod b tbo Tblrd Aggrogato ol Concoptlon (Saa) . 2
Tbo Ton Statos Alloctod b tbo Fourtb Aggrogato ol
Dlscrlmlnatlon (Samsk5ra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
Tbo Ton Statos Alloctod b tbo Flltb Aggrogato ol Consclousnoss (Vlana) . . . . 36
Tbo Fa|sobood ol tbo Flvo Aggrogatos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
Fa|sonoss ol tbo llrst aggrogato ol lorm (rupa) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Fa|sonoss ol tbo socond aggrogato ol rocoptlvonoss (vodan5) . . . . . . . . . . . 327
Fa|sonoss ol tbo tblrd aggrogato ol concoptlon (saa) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
Fa|sonoss ol tbo lourtb aggrogato ol dlscrlmlnatlon (samsk5ra) . . . . . . . . . . 327
Fa|sonoss ol tbo llltb aggrogato ol consclousnoss (vl5na) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32S
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
We take refuge in the Buddha,
We take refuge in the Dharma,
We take refuge in the Sagha,
We take refuge in the Triple Gem within ourselves.
Tbls lmportant sormon contalns tbo ossonco ol tbo Buddba`s
toacblng and, as loroto|d b Hlm, wl|| bo tbo llrst sutra to dls-
appoar ln tbo Dbarma ondlng ago. lt rovoa|s tbo |aw ol caus-
a|lt ro|atlng to botb do|uslon and on|lgbtonmont and toacbos
tbo motbods ol practlco and roa|lzatlon to dostro lorovor tbo
roots ol blrtb and doatb. lt alms at broaklng up 5|aa, tbo
storo consclousnoss, wboso tbroo cbaractorlstlcs aro: so|l-
ovldonclng, porcoptlon and lorm, b moans ol tbo tbroo
modltatlvo studlos ol noumonon wblcb ls lmmatorla|, ol pbo-
nomonon wblcb ls unroa| and ol tbo `Moan` wblcb ls lnc|u-
slvo ol botb, and |oads to tbo a||-ombraclng Surangama
sam5dbl wblcb ls tbo gatowa to Porloct En|lgbtonmont and
rovoa|s tbo naturo ol tbo Tatb5gata storo ol Ono Roa|lt.
ln tbo practlco ol tbo Surangama sam5dbl to wlpo out
tbo storo consclousnoss, wo sbou|d know tbat tbo |attor bas
boon undor do|uslon lor a vor |ong tlmo and tbat lt ls vor dll-
llcu|t to transmuto lt lnto tbo Groat Mlrror Wlsdom. Honco tbo
Buddba usos two ol lts cbaractorlstlcs, perception and form,
to oxp|aln tbo la|sonoss ol botb so tbat wo can ro|lnqulsb our
attacbmont to tbom and broak lts llrst cbaractorlstlc, so|l-
ovldonclng. Tbo l||uslon of form wblcb lnc|udos tbo bod and
mlnd mado ol tbo llvo aggrogatos and tbo vlslb|o wor|d ls tack-
|od llrst b roturnlng oacb ol lts aspocts to wboro lt arlsos to
provo lts unroa|lt. Tbon tbo l||uslon ol perception ls wlpod
out b rovoa|lng lts ossonco, or 5|aa, wblcb |lko a socond
moon ls a|so an l||usor croatlon. Honco tbo Buddba sas:
`Wbon soolng (porcolvos) soolng, soolng ls not soolng (lor)
soolng stras lrom `soolng, soolng cannot roacb lt,` wblcb Han
Sban ab| lntorprots tbus: `Wbon tbo abso|uto soolng por-
colvos tbo ossonco ol soolng, tbo lormor ls not tbo |attor wblcb
stl|| dlllors lrom lt, bow tbon can la|so soolng roacb tbat abso-
|uto soolng` Abso|uto soolng ls |lkonod to tbo roa| moon ln tbo
sk, tbo ossonco ol soolng to a socond moon soon b bad
oos, and la|so soolng to tbo moon`s rol|octlon ln wator. ln
otbor words, tbo truo moon stands lor baslc En|lgbtonmont,
tbo socond moon lor 5|aa, or tbo ossonco ol soolng wblcb ls
c|oso to tbo truo moon, and tbo moon ln wator lor porcoptlon,
an l||uslon wblcb ls vor lar lrom tbo roa| moon. As to 5|aa
wblcb ls tbo unon|lgbtonod aspoct ol tbo so|l-naturo, wo
cannot |lgbt| dlsmlss lt as non-oxlstont, and tbls ls wb tbo
Buddba avolds montlonlng lt lor, as Ho sas ln Hls g5tb5:
`O|d bablts l|ow |lko torronts ln
|aa`s subt|o consclousnoss.
Slnco tbo roa| ot unroa| can croato conluslon
l bavo rolralnod lrom rovoa|lng lt to ou.`
ln answor to nanda's roquost lor lnstructlon on tbo tbroo
modltatlvo studlos (samatba, sam5pattl and db5na), tbo
Buddba rovoa|s tbo |lgbt ol Surangama sam5dbl lrom tbo
host posltlon ol tbo a||-ombraclng Ono Mlnd ln lts stato ol
passlon|oss lmporturbabl|lt. Roadors sbou|d not rogard tbls
rovo|atlon as somo klnd ol mlrac|o wblcb cannot bo provod
b sclonco and wblcb sbou|d bo dlsmlssod as nonsonso. Wo
bavo montlonod ln our provlous book, The Secrets of
Chinese Meditation,

tbat a|| sorlous studonts ol tbo Dbarma

oxporlonco tbls stato ol brlgbtnoss as soon as tbo succood ln
stl||lng tbolr mlnds ln tbo practlco ol db5na.
Tbls abso|uto Mlnd as rovoa|od b tbo Buddba, bas
tbroo groat cbaractorlstlcs: groatnoss ol lts ossonco or sub-
stanco, ca||od Dbarmak5a, groatnoss ol lts attrlbutos or
manllostatlons, porloct ln wlsdom and morc, ca||od Sam-
bbogak5a, and tbo groatnoss ol lts lunctlons, porloct| con-
vortlng a|| |lvlng bolngs to tbo rlgbt Patb, ca||od Nlrm5nak5a.
lnstoad ol cognlzlng tbo Truo Mlnd, wo c|lng to tbo l||u-
sor bod and mlnd mado ol tbo llvo aggrogatos as an ogo,
wltb sonso data ln tbo surroundlng wor|d as lts oboctlvo llo|d
ol actlvlt. Tbls coarse attacbmont to ogo and tblngs (dbarm5)
arlsos lrom discrimination and portalns to botb tbo slxtb and
sovontb consclousnossos. Tbo subtle attacbmont to ogo and
Dbarma ls inborn lor lt arlsos lrom tbo sovontb consclousnoss
c|lnglng to 5|aas porcoptlon as an inner ego and lts roa|lza-
tlon ol salntbood as Dharma. On| altor wlplng out botb dis-
criminative and inborn attacbmonts can wo roacb tbo sourco
ol tbo Ono Mlnd and attaln En|lgbtonmont. Honco tbo tbroo
modltatlvo studlos wblcb alm at dostrolng botb coarso and
subt|o c|lnglngs.
. Rldor, London.
lt ls mucb oaslor to ro|lnqulsb tbo dlscrlmlnatlvo c|lnglng
tban tbo lnborn attacbmont and low practlsors succood ln
ovorcomlng tbo |attor, bonco Han Sban sas: `Tbls pass ls tbo
most dllllcu|t ono to got tbrougb and on| ono or two porcont
ol practlsors can succood ln nogotlatlng lt.` (Soo The Secrets
of Chinese Meditation, p. 5S, Rldor and Co.) Horo ls tbo
groat dllloronco botwoon tbo Buddba Dbarma and tbo toacb-
lngs ol otbor ro|lglons ln tbo Orlont.
Tbo lnborn attacbmont to an ogo can bo cut oll on|
altor ono bas roacbod tbo sovontb stago ol Bodblsattva do-
vo|opmont wboroas tbo lnborn c|lnglng to Dbarma stl|| ro-
malns ln and abovo tbo olgbtb stago, lor tbo sovontb
consclousnoss bas lts unc|oan and c|oan cbaractorlstlcs. Tbo
unc|oan ono ls wlpod out ln tbo sovontb stago wbon tbo
namo ol storo consclousnoss ls droppod and rop|acod b tbat
ol puro consclousnoss wblcb can now bo transmutod lnto tbo
Abso|uto. Howovor tbo sovontb consclousnoss stl|| romalns
and c|lngs to tbo Abso|uto as tbo oboct almod at, tbls ls tbo
subt|o attacbmont to Dbarma. Honco tbo Buddba sas: `Tbo
ldoa tbat Bodbl Mlnd ls croatod altor tbo samsarlc mlnd bas
boon annlbl|atod portalns to sams5ra` (soo p. ), lor tbls
c|lnglng to tbo Abso|uto tbat can bo attalnod a|so lmp|los tbo
dua|lt ol suboct and oboct, tbat ls attacbmont to Dbarma.
On| altor tbls |ast attacbmont bas boon cut oll can En|lgbt-
onmont bo roa|lzod. Tboso two coarso and subt|o attacb-
monts do not go boond tbo Elgbtb Consclousnoss and lts
croatod llvo aggrogatos, tbo broaklng up ol wblcb ls tbo alm
ol tbo toacblng ln tbls sutra.

Tbls sormon doa|s wltb baslc lgnoranco causod b tbo

llrst dlm tbougbt ol so|l-awaronoss as suboct and lts countor-
part, du|| omptlnoss, as oboct. Tbo dlmnoss so croatod b
mlnd`s soparatonoss ls ca||od Prlmordla| Darknoss b non-
Buddblst pbl|osopbors ln tbo East and ls tbo orlgln ol croatlon
accordlng to tbo Buddba's toacblng wblcb tbon oxp|alns tbo
tbroo subt|o causos ol unon|lgbtonmont: baslc lgnoranco,
suboct and oboct, and lts slx coarso condltlons: know|odgo,
rosponslvonoss, attacbmont, asslgnlng namos to obocts,
karmlc actlvlt and sullorlng. Tboso slx condltlons rosu|t ln
tbo manllostatlon ol dllloront lorms, sucb as tbo wor|d and
|lvlng bolngs ln tbo storo consclousnoss. Horo boglns tbo |aw
ol contlnult: tbat ol tbo pbslca| wor|d rostlng on tbo lour
wboo|s ol wlnd, wator, mota| and spaco wblcb sprlng lrom
tbo l||uslon tbus croatod, tbat ol |lvlng bolngs ol tbo lour tpos
ol blrtb, and tbat ol karmlc rotrlbutlon causod b carna|lt,
kl||lng and stoa|lng, tbo tbroo cardlna| condltlons ol blrtb and
Tbo Buddba ordors tbo twont-llvo on|lgbtonod onos ln
tbo assomb| to dlsc|oso tbo varlous moans b wblcb tbo bavo
attalnod on|lgbtonmont so tbat otbors can |oarn somotblng lrom
tbom. Altor tbolr statomonts ol tbolr roa|lzatlon b moans ol tbo
slx sonso data, slx sonso organs, slx consclousnossos and sovon
o|omonts ol llro, oartb, wator, wlnd, spaco, consclousnoss and
porcoptlon, tbo Wor|d Honourod Ono asks Mausri lor bls
oplnlon on tboso twont-llvo motbods. Mausri pralsos Ava|o-
kltosvara Bodblsattva lor tbo |attor's motbod b moans ol tbo
organ ol boarlng wblcb ls tbo most sultab|o lor buman bolngs.
Tbo Buddba tbon toacbos tbo assomb| tbo Surangama
mantra and rltua|s lor avoldlng a|| obstructlons on tbo Patb
to En|lgbtonmont. Wo bavo not prosontod tbls soctlon ol tbo
sutra part| bocauso tbo Cblnoso trans|ltoratlon ol tbo mantra
ls corrupt so tbat an Eng|lsb trans|ltoratlon wou|d bo mls|oad-
lng, and part| bocauso ol |ack ol spaco. Moroovor, tbo avor-
ago Wostorn studont ol Buddblsm sooms to bavo |ltt|o laltb ln
mantras and rltua|s wblcb sbou|d not bo pub|lsbod |ost tbo
croato unnocossar dlsbo|lol and conluslon and so compro-
mlso tbo boaut ol tbls prolound sutra.
Tbo Buddba goos on to oxp|aln wb |lvlng bolngs aro
caugbt ln tbo not ol sams5ra tbrougb tbo two|vo tpos ol blrtb
and bow to oscapo b practlslng tbo lllt-llvo gradua| stagos
ol Bodblsattva dovo|opmont to roa|lzo Comp|oto En|lgbton-
mont. As askod b nanda, Ho doscrlbod tbo roa|ms ol bo||s,
tbo ton roa|ms oacb ol bungr gbosts, anlma|s, buman bolngs
and soors, tbo slx dova roa|ms ol doslro, tbo olgbtoon dova
roa|ms ol lorm, tbo lour dova roa|ms boond lorm and tbo
lour roa|ms ol tltans.
Boloro tbo mootlng onds, tbo Buddba warns tbo assom-
b| agalnst lllt monta| statos causod b tbo llvo aggrogatos
wblcb blndor tbo practlco ol Dbarma. Tboso statos sbou|d bo
rocognlzod -b a|| studonts ln tbolr modltatlon and casos aro
known ol tboso bavlng vlslons ol Buddbas and Bodblsattvas
wbo b c|lnglng to tbom, lo|| lnto boros and tborob ro-
turnod to sams5ra.
Tbls trans|atlon ls basod on tbo oxp|anatlon and com-
montar wrltton b Mastor Han Sban ol tbo Mlng dnast
altor bls own on|lgbtonmont. Tbo orlglna| Cblnoso toxt ls a
lorost ol vortlca| co|umns and ls not dlvldod, as ln our pros-
ontatlon, lnto cbaptors wltb boadlngs and sub-boadlngs
wblcb tbo mastor addod lor tbo bonollt ol studonts. Altor tbls,
lmportant sutra roacbod Cblna lt was road and studlod b a||
groat mastors boloro and altor tbolr maor awakonlng, and
was wldo| oxpoundod and commontod on ln a|| wo||-known
monastorlos tbrougbout tbo countr. Accordlng to tbo |ato
mastor Hsu Yun, lt sbou|d bo studlod carolu|| untl| lt ls wo||
undorstood b studonts ol Mab55na and Cb`an boloro tbo
bogln tbolr splrltua| tralnlng.
ln splto ol our doslro |ong ago to prosont tbls sutra to
slncoro studonts ln tbo Wost, wo bosltatod to do so bocauso
lt ls vor prolound and ls boond tbo comprobonslon ol
matorla|lstlc commontators and b|aspbomors wbo aro ln-
c|lnod to solzo ovor opportunlt to crltlclzo and vl|ll tbo bo|
Toacblng tborob mls|oadlng tbo roadlng pub|lc and causlng
ombarrassmont and ovon |oss ol mono to wo||-moanlng
pub|lsbors. A Europoan book rovlowor rocont| took tbo un-
nocossar troub|o to quostlon our compotonco to trans|ato
sutras ln sanskrlt wltbout approclatlng tbat wo bavo on|
Cblnoso sutras ln our countr so tbat a|| our trans|atlons aro
lrom Cblnoso toxts.
Wo aro, bowovor, lndobtod to our two Canadlan road-
ors, Mr. and Mrs. Carro|| Alklns, wbo bavo studlod and prac-
tlsod Mab55na and Cb`an lor somo tblrt-llvo oars and
wbo, wbon boarlng ol our bosltatlon durlng tbolr vlslt to
Hong Kong ln 63, lmmodlato| ollorod to purcbaso a

tbousand coplos ol our trans|atlon lor lroo dlstrlbutlon. Tbo
to|d us tbat lt was wortb spondlng mono to sproad tbo
Buddba Dbarma, and wo can llnd no words to oxpross our
tbanks and gratltudo lor tbolr oncouragomont and va|uab|o
support ln tbls Dbarma ondlng ago.
A|| brackots aro mlno and aro addod to mako tbo sutra
and commontar moro c|oar and lnto||lglb|o to slncoro stu-
donts ol tbo Dbarma ln tbo Wost. On| part ol Han Sban`s
commontar bas boon trans|atod and ls prosontod ln tbo
lorm ol lootnotos.
Up5saka Lu K`uan Yu (Cbar|os Luk)
Hong Kong

The ragama Stra

The Noumenon in the Tathgata Store
Tbus bavo l board. Onco tbo Buddba staod ln tbo Jotavana
vlb5ra noar Srav5stl wltb two|vo bundrod and lllt bblksus,
(most ol wbom) woro groat arbats wbo bad crossod tbo
stroam ol transmlgratlon. Tbo upbo|d Hls toacblng llrm|,
cou|d |oap ovor a|| roa|ms ol oxlstonco and bad acblovod tbo
rospoct-lnsplrlng doportmont wblcb was bo|d ln groat ostoom
tbrougbout tbo countr. Tbo lo||owod tbo Buddba to turn
tbo Wboo| ol tbo Law and woro qua|lllod to band down Hls
Dbarma. Bolng so|l-dlsclp|lnod, tbo sot a good oxamp|o ln
tbo tbroo wor|ds ln wblcb tbo appoarod ln count|oss trans-
lormatlon bodlos to do|lvor |lvlng bolngs and to savo luturo
gonoratlons lrom doll|omont. Tbo woro |od b S5rlputra tbo
Wlso, Mab5-Maudga|5ana, Mab5-Kaustbl|a, Purnamaltr5-
vaniputra, Subbutl and Upanlsad.
Tboro woro a|so count|oss pratoka-buddbas wbo
(slnco tbo bad conquorod tbolr o|d bablts) bad notblng
moro to |oarn, (ot) camo to tbo Buddba`s vlb5ra dotormlnod
to sook (u|tlmato) Trutb.
Now tbo summor rotroat bad ust llnlsbod wbon tbo
bblksus took stock ol tbolr orrors and mlstakos and wbon tbo
Bodblsattvas lrom tbo ton dlroctlons, dotormlnod to wlpo out
tbolr romalnlng doubts and susplclons, rovoront| awaltod
tbo Toacblng ln tbolr soarcb lor lts osotorlc moanlng. And so
tbo Tatb5gata arrangod Hls soat and sat wltb crossod |ogs to
proc|alm tbo prolound (Doctrlno). Sucb a Dbarma loast to
purll tbo assomb| bad novor takon p|aco boloro and Hls
mo|odlous volco was bard ls tbo ton quartors. Lod b
Mausri, a numbor ol Bodblsattvas as count|oss as sand
gralns ln tbo Gangos, bad como to tbo bo| p|aco.
Moanwbl|o, Klng Prasonalt wbo was kooplng tbo annl-
vorsar ol bls latbor`s doatb b ollorlng vogotarlan lood to
blm, camo porsona|| to lnvlto tbo Tatb5gata to tbo lnnor
pa|aco lor a roa| loast ol bost and rarost do|lcaclos, to wblcb
bo a|so lnvltod tbo groat Bodblsattvas ln tbo assomb|. ln tbo
clt tbo o|dors and dovotoos a|so ollorod lood to mombors ol
tbo Ordor and rovoront| waltod lor tbo Buddba`s arrlva|.
nandas Weakness The Reason for this Sermon
Commandod b tbo Buddba, Mausri took tbo Bodblsattvas
and arbats to tbo roa| loast. nanda, bowovor, bad not
como back lrom a dlstant ongagomont, and so was not
among tbo lnvltod. Ho was roturnlng to tbo vlb5ra a|ono
wltbout bls suporlor or toacbor, and bow| ln band wont bog-
glng lrom door to door ln a noarb town. Ho lntondod to ca||
llrst on a donor wbo bad not glvon lood to tbo monks tbat
da, rogard|oss ol wbotbor or not bo was vlrtuous, a nob|o or
an outcast. ln bls practlco ol unlvorsa| compasslon, bo dld
not ospocla|| cbooso a poor man as bls patron. Ho wantod
to bo|p a|| |lvlng bolngs oarn count|oss morlts, lor bo bad soon
tbo Buddba sco|d Subbutl and Mab5k5sapa wbo, tbougb
bolng arbats, cou|d not roa|lzo unlvorsa| mlnd (wbon bogglng
lor lood). Ho vor mucb admlrod Hls toacblng wblcb bad
o|lmlnatod a|| bls doubts and susplclons ln tbls rospoct.
So wbon bo roacbod tbo town`s gato, bo wa|kod s|ow|
adustlng bls mlon to tbo ru|os ol dlsclp|lno. As bo wont bogglng
lor lood, bo camo to a bouso ol prostltutlon wboro M5tangi,
(a |ow casto woman) succoodod, b moans ol Kapl|a maglc, ln
drawlng blm c|oso to bor sonsua| bod on tbo mat, so tbat bo
was on tbo polnt ol broaklng tbo ru|os ol puro |lvlng. But tbo
Buddba was awaro ol a|| tbls and, altor tbo roa| loast, Ho ro-
turnod to tbo vlb5ra wltb tbo klng, prlncos and o|dors wbo
wlsbod to boar about tbo ossontla|s ol tbo Dbarma. Ho tbon
sont out lrom tbo top ol Hls boad a brlgbt and trlumpbant
mu|tlco|ourod |lgbt wltbln wblcb appoarod a translormatlon
Buddba soatod, wltb crossod |ogs, on a tbousand-pota||od
|otus. Tbo Buddba tbon ropoatod tbo transcondonta| mantra
and ordorod Mausri to uso lt to ovorcomo tbo maglc and to
brlng nanda wltb M5tangi to tbo vlb5ra.
Meditative Study of All as Void (amatha)
Wbon nanda saw tbo Buddba, bo prostratod blmso|l at Hls
loot, wooplng blttor| and salng tbat, slnco tbo tlmo wltbout
boglnnlng, tbougb bo bad board mucb about tbo Dbarma, bo
stl|| cou|d not acqulro tbo transcondonta| powor ol tbo Tao.
2. nanda`s woaknoss was tbo roason wb, tbo Buddba gavo tbls lmportant sormon. For sonsua|lt ls
tbo maln causo ol our transmlgratlon ln sams5ra and can bo romovod on| b Wlsdom. Honco
Mausri, tbo smbo| ol wlsdom, was ordorod to uso tbo Db5rani ol tbo Groat Sam5dbl to savo
botb nanda, and M5tangi. Tbo radlant `|lgbt sblnlng lrom tbo top ol tbo Buddba`s boad rovoa|od
tbls brlgbt sam5dbl wblcb a|ono can onsuro tbo attalnmont ol En|lgbtonmont and wltbout wblcb
|lvlng bolngs cannot oscapo lrom tbo wboo| ol blrtb and doatb. And so nanda askod lor lnstructlon
on tbo practlco ol samatba, sam5pattl and db5na lor tbo roa|lzatlon ol Groat Sam5dbl.
Earnost| bo askod tbo Buddba to toacb tbo pro|lmlnar oxpo-
dlonts ln tbo practlco ol samatba, sam5pattl and db5na
|od to tbo on|lgbtonmont ol a|| Buddbas ln tbo ton dlroctlons.
Tboro was a|so prosont a groat numbor ol Bodblsatt-
vas, as count|oss as sand gralns ln tbo Gangos, and groat
arbats and pratoka-buddbas wbo bad como wlsblng to boar
about tbo Dbarma. Tbo a|| waltod sl|ont| and rovoront| lor
tbo bo| Toacblng.
Wiping Out the Five Aggregates &
Eight Consciousnesses to Expose the Unreality of Ego
Probing into the false mind to wipe out the first two
aggregates and first five consciousnesses
Tbo Buddba sald to nanda: `You and l aro c|oso ro|atlvos.
To|| mo wbat ou saw ln tbo assomb| wbon ou mado up
our mlnd to glvo up a|| wor|d| loo|lngs ol alloctlon and |ovo
(to lo||ow mo)`
nanda rop|lod: `l saw tbo tblrt-two oxco||ont cbarac-
torlstlcs and tbo sblnlng crsta|-|lko lorm ol tbo Buddba`s
bod. l tbougbt tbat a|| tbls cou|d not bo tbo rosu|t ol doslro
and |ovo, lor doslro croatos lou| and lotld lmpurltlos |lko pus
and b|ood wblcb mlng|o and cannot produco tbo wondrous
brlgbtnoss ol Hls go|don-buod bod, ln admlratlon ol wblcb
l sbavod m boad to lo||ow Hlm.`
Tbo Buddba sald: `nanda and a|| ol ou sbou|d know
3. Samatba ls tbo modltatlvo stud ol a|| as vold or lmmatorla|, sam5pattl ls tbo modltatlvo stud ol a|| as
unroa|, transltor or tompora| and db5na ls tbo modltatlvo stud ol tbo Moan as lnc|uslvo ol botb.
tbat |lvlng bolngs, slnco tbo tlmo wltbout boglnnlng, bavo
boon suboct contlnuous| to blrtb and doatb bocauso tbo
do not know tbo pormanont Truo Mlnd wboso substanco ls,
b naturo, puro and brlgbt. Tbo bavo ro|lod on la|so tblnk-
lng wblcb ls not Roa|lt so tbat tbo wboo| ol sams5ra turns.
Now ll ou wlsb to stud tbo unsurpassod Supromo Bodbl
to roa|lzo tbls brlgbt naturo, ou sbou|d answor m quostlons
stralgbtlorward|. A|| Buddbas ln tbo ton dlroctlons trod tbo
samo patb to oscapo lrom blrtb and doatb bocauso ol tbolr
stralgbtlorward mlnds, wltb tbo samo stralgbtlorwardnoss ol
mlnd and spoocb lrom start to llnlsb wltbout a traco ol
`nanda, wbon ou dovo|opod tbat mlnd bocauso ol
tbo Buddba`s tblrt-two oxco||ont cbaractorlstlcs, to|| mo wbat
saw and |ovod tbom.`
nanda rop|lod: `Wor|d Honourod Ono, m |ovo camo
lrom tbo uso ol m mlnd, m oos soolng and m mlnd admlr-
lng tbom, so tbat lt was sot on ro|lnqulsblng blrtb and doatb.`
Tbo Buddba contlnuod: `As ou ust sald, our |ovo
was causod b our mlnd and oos but ll ou do not know
wboro our mlnd and oos roa|| aro, ou wl|| novor bo ab|o
to dostro do|uslon. For lnstanco, wbon tbo countr ls lnvad-
od b bandlts, tbo klng, boloro sondlng bls so|dlors to dostro
tbom, sbou|d llrst know wboro tbo aro. Tbat wblcb causos
ou to transmlgrato wltbout lntorruptlon, comos lrom dolocts
ln our mlnd and oos. Now to|| mo wboro our mlnd and
oos aro.`
nanda rop|lod: `Wor|d Honourod Ono, a|| |lvlng
bolngs born ln tbo wor|d tbrougb tbo ton tpos ol blrtb bo|d
tbat tbls knowlng mlnd ls ln tbo bod. As l |ook at tbo |otus-
b|uo oos ol tbo Buddba, l soo tbat tbo aro on Hls laco.
Honco m undorstandlng tbat m oos aro on m laco
wboroas m knowlng mlnd ls ln m bod.
Tbo Buddba askod: `Now as ou slt ln tbls ba||, wboro
do ou soo Jotavana park`
nanda rop|lod: `Wor|d Honourod Ono, tbls groat ba||
ls ln Jotavana park wblcb ls, tboroloro, outsldo tbo ba||.`
Tbo Buddba askod: `Wbat do ou soo llrst ln tbls ba||.`
nanda rop|lod: `Wor|d Honourod Ono, ln tbls ba||, l
soo llrst tbo Tatb5gata, tbon tbo assomb|, and on| wbon
|ooklng outsldo do l soo tbo park.`
Tbo Buddba askod: `Wbon ou soo tbo park, wbat
causos ou to do so`
nanda rop|lod: lt ls bocauso tbo doors and wlndows
aro opon tbat l, tbougb slttlng ln tbls ba||, soo tbo park outsldo.`
Tbo Buddba tbon oxtondod Hls go|don-buod arm and
toucbod nanda`s boad wltb Hls band, salng: `Tboro ls a
sam5dbl ca||od tbo a||-ombraclng Supromo Surangama, a gato-
wa tbrougb wblcb a|| Buddbas ln tbo ton dlroctlons attalnod to
tbo wondrous Maostlc Patb. nanda, |lston now attontlvo|.`
nanda prostratod blmso|l at tbo Buddba`s loot and
kno|t to rocolvo tbo bo| lnstructlon.
Tbo Buddba sald: `ll ou (aro rlgbt) tbat, wbl|o slttlng ln
tbls ba||, ou soo tbo park outsldo tbrougb opon doors and
wlndows lt wou|d bo posslb|o lor somoono slttlng boro to soo
on| tblngs outsldo wltbout soolng tbo Buddba (wltbln).`
nanda rop|lod: `Ono cannot soo tbo grovo and stroam
outsldo wltbout soolng tbo Buddba (boro).`
(Tbo Buddba sald:) `nanda, lt ls tbo samo wltb ou, (ll
our mlnd ls not do|udod), lt wl|| bo c|oar about a|| tbls. How-
ovor, ll our knowlng mlnd was roa|| ln our bod, ou
sbou|d llrst bo c|oar about ovortblng lnsldo lt. You sbou|d,
tboroloro, soo ovortblng ln our bod boloro soolng tblngs
outsldo lt, ovon ll ou cannot soo our boart, |lvor, sp|oon,
and stomacb, at |oast ou sbou|d bo c|oar about our grow-
lng nal|s and balr, about tbat wblcb movos a|ong our norvos
and tbo pu|slng ol our volns. Wb aro ou not c|oar about
a|| tbls ll ou do not soo tblngs wltbln, bow can ou soo
tboso outsldo Tboroloro, our contontlon tbat our knowlng
mlnd ls lnsldo our bod ls ground|oss.`
nanda bowod and sald: `Altor boarlng tbo Buddba`s
Dbarma-volco, l now undorstand tbat m mlnd ls roa|| out-
sldo m bod. For lnstanco a |amp sbou|d |lgbt up ovortblng
ln a room boloro tbo courtard outsldo tbrougb tbo opon
door. ll l do not soo wbat ls ln m bod but soo tblngs outsldo
lt, tbls ls |lko a |amp p|acod outsldo a room wblcb cannot |lgbt
wbat ls ln lt. Tbls bolng so c|oar tbat tboro can bo no doubt,
am l stl|| wrong about wbat tbo Buddba moans`
Tbo Buddba sald: `A|| tbo bblksus lo||owod mo to
Sr5vasti to bog lor lood and bavo now roturnod to Jotavana
park. l bavo takon m moa| but as ono bblksu ls stl|| oatlng,
ls tbo wbo|o communlt wo||-lod`
nanda rop|lod: `No, Wor|d Honourod Ono, tbougb
tbo aro arbats, tbo bavo not tbo samo bod or |llo span
tbon bow can ono b oatlng causo a|| tbo otbors to satlsl
tbolr bungor`
Tbo Buddba sald: `ll our knowlng mlnd ls outsldo
our bod, tbo two aro soparato. Tbus wbon our mlnd
knows somotblng, our bod sbou|d not loo| lt and wbon
our bod loo|s somotblng, our mlnd sbou|d not bo awaro
ol lt. Now as l sbow ou m band, wbon our oos soo lt,
doos our mlnd dlscorn lt`
nanda rop|lod: `Yos, Wor|d Honourod Ono, m mlnd
dlscorns lt:`
Tbo Buddba sald: ll so, bow can our mlnd bo outsldo
our bod Tboroloro, our contontlon tbat our knowlng
and dlscornlng mlnd ls outsldo our bod ls ground|oss.`
nanda sald: `Wor|d Honourod Ono, as ou bavo sald,
ll m mlnd doos not soo wbat ls ln m bod, lt ls not wltbln
lt, and ll m bod and mlnd know oacb otbor, tbo aro not
soparato and m mlnd ls, tboroloro, not outsldo m bod.
Now altor tblnklng about tbls, l know wboro m mlnd ls.
`Tbo Buddba askod: `Wboro ls lt`
nanda rop|lod: `Slnco m knowlng mlnd doos not soo
wbat ls ln m bod but can soo tblngs outsldo, l tblnk lt ls
blddon ln m sonso organ. For lnstanco, ll ono covors ono`s
oos wltb a crsta| bow|, tbo |attor doos not obstruct tbls
sonso organ wblcb slmp| lo||ows tbo (lacu|t ol) soolng to
dlstlngulsb a|| tblngs soon. Tbus ll m knowlng mlnd doos not
soo wbat ls ln (m bod), lt ls bocauso lt ls ln tbo sonso organ,
and ll lt soos c|oar| wbat ls outsldo wltbout bolng obstructod,
lt ls bocauso lt ls blddon ln tbat organ.`
Tbo Buddba askod: `As ou ust sald, tbo mlnd ls
blddon ln tbo samo wa tbat tbo oos aro covorod b tbo
crsta| bow|: now wbon ono so covors tbom and soos tbo
mountaln and rlvor, doos ono a|so soo tbo bow|`
nanda rop|lod: `Yos, Wor|d Honourod Ono, ono a|so
soos tbo bow|.`
Tbo Buddba sald: `ll our mlnd ls |lko tbo crsta| bow|,
wbon ou soo tbo mountaln and rlvor, wb do ou not soo
our own oos ll ou do tbo sbou|d bo outsldo and sbou|d
not lo||ow our lacu|t ol soolng. ll tbo cannot bo soon, bow
can ou sa tbat tbls knowlng mlnd ls blddon ln tbo sonso
organ, |lko tbo (oos) covorod b tbo crsta| bow| Tboroloro,
our contontlon tbat tbo knowlng mlnd ls blddon ln tbo sonso
organ ls ground|oss.`
nanda askod: `Wor|d Honourod Ono, l now tblnk ol
tbo bowo|s concoa|od ln tbo bod and ol tbo aporturos on lts
surlaco. Tboroloro, wboro tboro ls concoa|mont tboro ls dark-
noss and wboro tboro aro oponlngs tboro ls |lgbt. As l am now
boloro tbo Buddba, l opon m oos and soo c|oar| and tbls
ls ca||od outward soolng, and whon l c|oso tbom, l soo (on|)
darknoss and tbls ls ca||od lnward soolng. Wbat doos tbo
Buddba tblnk ol tbls`
Tbo Buddba sald: `Wbon ou c|oso our oos and soo
darknoss, ls tbls darknoss opposlto to our oos or not ll lt ls,
lt ls ln lront ol tbom, tbon bow can tbls bo lnward soolng
Evon ll tboro ls roa|| sucb lnward soolng, wbon ou slt ln a
dark room wltbout tbo |lgbt ol tbo sun, moon or a |amp, tbls
darknoss sbou|d a|so bo ln our bowo|s. ll lt ls not opposlto to
our oos, bow can tboro bo an soolng Now |ot us lorgot
(our so-ca||od) outward soolng and assumo tbat tboro ls
lnward soolng, tbon wbon ou c|oso our oos and soo on|
darknoss, wblcb ou ca|| soolng wbat ls ln our bod, wb
wbon ou opon tbom and soo c|oar|, do ou not soo our
laco ll ou do not, tboro ls no sucb lnward soolng. Now as-
sumlng tbat ou can soo our laco, our knowlng mlnd and
organ ol slgbt sbou|d bo ln tbo alr, and tbon bow can tboro bo
lnward soolng ll tbo woro ln tbo alr, tbo sbou|d not bo|ong
to our bod, and tbo Buddba wbo now soos our laco,
sbou|d bo our bod as wo||. Tbus wbon our oos soo somo-
tblng, our bod sbou|d bavo no loo|lng. ll ou lnslst tbat
botb bod and mlnd bavo soparato loo|lngs, tboro sbou|d bo
two soparato porcoptlons and tbon our bod sbou|d (ono
da) bocomo two Buddbas. Tboroloro, our contontlon tbat
to soo darknoss ls lnward soolng ls ground|oss.`
nanda sald: `l bavo. a|was board tbo Buddba wbon
toacblng monks, nuns and ma|o and loma|o dovotoos sa:
Wbon tbo mlnd stlrs a|| sorts ol tblngs aro croatod and tbon
a|| klnds ol mlnd appoar. l now tblnk tbat tbo substanco ol
(m) tblnklng ls tbo naturo ol mlnd wblcb arlsos wbon lt
unltos wltb oxtorna|s and wblcb ls noltbor wltbln nor wltbout
nor ln botwoon.`
Tbo Buddba sald: `You bavo ust sald tbat bocauso
pbonomona aro croatod, a|| klnds ol mlnd appoar wbon unlt-
lng wltb tbom. So tbls mlnd bas no substanco and cannot
unlto wltb antblng. ll tbat wblcb bas no substanco can unlto
wltb oxtorna|s, tbls ls unlon ol tbo nlnotoontb roa|m ol sonso
wltb tbo sovontb sonso datum.
Tbls ls sboor nonsonso. ll tbo
mlnd bas substanco, wbon our band grasps our bod,
doos our mlnd loo|lng tbls (toucb) como lrom wltbln or wltb-
out ll lrom wltbln, ou sbou|d soo wbat ls ln our bod and
ll lrom wltbout, ou sbou|d soo our laco.`
nanda sald: `lt ls tbo oos tbat soo and tbo mlnd tbat
knows ls not tbo oos: to sa tbat lt soos ls wrong.`
Tbo Buddba sald, `ll tbo oos can soo, wbon ou aro ln
a room, do ou soo tbo door (outsldo)
Tboso wbo aro doad
and stl|| bavo oos, sbou|d soo tblngs ll tbo stl|| soo, bow can
tbo bo doad nanda, ll our knowlng mlnd bas substanco,
ls tbat substanco slng|o or manllo|d As lt ls ln our bod,
doos lt sproad to ovor part ol lt or not ll lt ls ono substanco,
wbon ou grasp a |lmb, a|| lour sbou|d loo| tbat tbo aro
graspod, ll so tboro wou|d bo no grasplng (ol an partlcu|ar
|lmb). ll tboro ls, tbo contontlon ol a slng|o substanco doos
not bo|d good. ll lt ls a manllo|d substanco tboro sbou|d bo
man porsons, tbon wblcb substanco ls ours ll lt sproads to
ovor part ol our bod, tbls ls tbo samo as ln tbo provlous
caso ol grasplng. ll lt doos not sproad, tbon wbon ou toucb
our boad and loot at tbo samo tlmo, wbl|o our boad loo|s
tbat lt ls toucbod, our loot sbou|d not, but tbls ls not so.
Tboroloro, our contontlon tbat tbo mlnd arlsos wboro tboro
ls unlon wltb oxtorna|s ls ground|oss.`
nanda sald: `Wor|d Honourod Ono, l bavo board tbo
Buddba dlscuss Roa|lt wltb otbor sons ol tbo Klng ol tbo
4. No sucb unlon can occur bocauso tboro are on| olgbtoon roa|ms ol sonso and slx sonso data.
5. A roloronco to nanda`s provlous contontlon tbat tbo mlnd ls ln tbo bod (l.o. tbo room) and tbo
oos aro aporturos on lts surlaco (l.o. tbo outsldo doors).
Law (l.o. Bodblsattvas), Ho a|so sald tbat tbo mlnd ls noltbor
wltbln nor wltbout. l now doduco tbat ll tbo mlnd ls ln tbo
bod, lt doos not soo antblng wltbln and ll lt ls outsldo, tbo
botb coaso to loo| oacb otbor. To sa tbat lt ls wltbln ls
wrong lor lt doos not know antblng ln tbo bod. To sa tbat
lt ls wltbout ls a|so lau|t slnco bod and mlnd can porcolvo
oacb otbor. As tbo do so and slnco notblng ls soon ln tbo
bod, tbo mlnd sbou|d bo botwoon tbo two (l.o. tbo lnsldo
and outsldo).`
Tbo Buddba sald: `ll our concoptlon ol a mlnd ln bo-
twoon ls corroct, lt lmp|los a posltlon lor lt. Now accordlng
to our lnloronco, wboro ls tbls lntormodlato posltlon Do
ou moan tbat lt ls (ln or on) tbo bod ll lt ls on tbo surlaco
ol tbo bod, lt cannot bo ln lts contor, and tbo concoptlon ol
a mlnd ln tbo contor ls no dllloront lrom tbat ol a mlnd ln tbo
bod (wblcb was rolutod oar|lor). (Moroovor) ls lts posltlon
manllost or not ll lt ls not, lt doos not oxlst. ll lt ls, lt ls not
llxod. Wb For lnstanco, ll a stako ls drlvon lnto tbo ground
to mark a contor, wbon soon lrom tbo oast lt ls ln tbo wost and
wbon soon lrom tbo soutb lt ls ln tbo nortb. As tbls stako can
on| |oad to conluslon, so ls (our concoptlon ol) a mlnd ln
botwoon comp|oto| cbaotlc.`
nanda sald: `Tbo lntormodlato posltlon tbat l mon-
tlonod ls not tboso two. As tbo Wor|d Honourod Ono bas
sald, tbo oos and lorm aro causos lrom wblcb slgbt-
porcoptlon arlsos. Wbl|o tbo oos can dlstlngulsb, lorm doos
not lo||ow antblng and porcoptlon |los botwoon tbom, bonco
tbo mlnd arlsos.`
Tbo Buddba sald: `ll tbo mlnd |los botwoon sonso
organs and sonso data, doos lt lnc|udo botb or not ll lt
doos, lts substanco and wbat ls outsldo wl|| bo mlxod up to-
gotbor, and slnco tbo mlnd porcolvos wbl|o lts obocts do
not, two opposltos wl|| bo sot up, tbon bow can tboro bo an
lntormodlato (posltlon) ll lt ls not lnc|uslvo, (tbat ls ll lt ls
lndopondont ol tbo sonso organs and sonso data), bolng
noltbor tbo knowor (suboct) nor tbo known (oboct), lt bas
no substanco, tbon wbat ls tbls lntormodlato Tboroloro,
our contontlon tbat lt ls ln botwoon ls ground|oss.`
nanda sald: `Wor|d Honourod Ono, provlous|
wbon l saw tbo Buddba, wltb Hls lour cblol dlsclp|os,
Mab5-Maudga|5ana, Subbutl, Prnamaltr5aniputra and
5rlputra, turn tbo Wboo| ol tbo Law, Ho a|was sald that
tbo naturo ol tbo knowlng and dlscrlmlnatlng mlnd is
noltbor wltbln nor wltbout nor botwoon tbo two, oxlsts
nowboro and c|lngs to notblng, bonco lt ls ca||od mlnd. ls
tbat wblcb doos not c|lng to tblngs ca||od mlnd`
Tbo Buddba rop|lod: `You ust sald tbat tbo naturo ol
tbo knowlng and dlscrlmlnatlng mlnd oxlsts nowboro. Now
ln tbls wor|d, a|| tblngs ln tbo alr, ln wator and on tbo
ground, lnc|udlng tboso tbat l| and wa|k, mako tbo oxlst-
lng wbo|o. B tbat wblcb doos not c|lng to antblng, do ou
moan tbat lt oxlsts or not ll lt ls not, lt ls ust tbo balr ol
a tortolso or tbo born ol a baro, tbon bow can tboro bo (tbls
oxtra) non-c|lnglng ll lt ls lt cannot bo sald not to oxlst.
Tbat wblcb ls not ls slmp| non-oxlstont and tbat wblcb
ls sbou|d bavo a posltlon, tbon bow can tboro bo no
Tboroloro, our contontlon tbat tbat wblcb doos
not c|lng to antblng ls tbo knowlng mlnd ls ground|oss.`
6. Tbo vor ldoa ol oxlstonco lmp|los a dwo||lng p|aco, bonco lts c|lnglng. Tboroloro, botb `ls` and `ls
not` aro a dua|lsm wblcb bas no room ln tbo Truo Mlnd.
7. Tbo abso|uto Ono Roa|lt ls tbo Etorna| Mlnd wblcb ls boond blrtb and doatb and ls tbo common
sourco ol botb Buddbas and |lvlng bolngs. Man, bocauso ol bls baslc lgnoranco causod, slnco tbo
tlmo wltbout boglnnlng, b tbo llrst tbougbt wblcb scroonod bls Truo Mlnd, bocamo suboct to blrtb
and doatb. Tbus botb tbo pormanont and lmpormanont unltod to translorm (tbat Truo Mlnd) lnto
tbo storo consclousnoss (5|aa vl5na), tbo root ol sams5ra. Tbls 5|aa consclousnoss bas tbroo
cbaractorlstlcs: a karmlc ono wblcb ls baslc lgnoranco rosu|tlng lrom self-evidencing; a cbanglng ono
wblcb turns lundamonta| wlsdom lnto la|so perception, tbo root ol tbo llrst sovon consclousnossos,
and lts oxprosslon ln appoaranco, or form. Bocauso ol baslc lgnoranco, tbo splrltua|, brlgbt, and
nlrvanlc Abso|uto Voldnoss was cbangod lnto du|| and do|udod omptlnoss. Honco, Mausri sald (ln
bls g5tb5 |ator on): `Tbus ln do|uslon tboro appoarod ono-sldod omptlnoss.` Wltbln tbls du||
omptlnoss, lgnoranco gradua|| crsta||lzod and turnod lnto l||usor Form mado ol lour o|omonts,
rosu|tlng ln a wor|d croatod wltbln tbo vold. Honco Mausri contlnuod: `ln wblcb an lmaglnar
wor|d arbltrarl| was bul|t.` Wbon la|so Porcoptlon conlrontod Form, a vor sma|| portlon ol tbls
Form was gradua|| graspod as bolng so|l-possossod, and bolng supportod b wrong porcoptlon,
mlnd and lorm unltod and graspod at tbls dlm (|ltt|o) lorm as an Ego, tborob croatlng a |lvlng bolng
mado ol llvo aggrogatos. Honco Mausri contlnuod: `Stoadlng ltso|l tbo tblnklng procoss mado tbo
contlnonts - Wbl|o tbo (l||usor) knowor bocamo a |lvlng bolng.` Tbls ls tbo orlgln ol a |lvlng bolng.
Evor altor, tbls |lvlng bolng graspod at bls bod and mlnd as bls Ego. How tbon can bo now
rocognlzo bls (ossontla|) bound|oss Truo Mlnd So ln do|uslon, bo tblnks tbat bls mlnd ls ln bls
bod. Slnco nanda c|ung to a mlnd wltbln bls bod, bo mlstook tbls (l||usor) mlnd lor Truo Mlnd,
bonco bo saw on| tbo Buddba`s oxco||ont cbaractorlstlcs wblcb bo admlrod but lal|od to roa|lzo tbat
noltbor bod nor mlnd oxlst. As bo ro|lod on tbo llvo aggrogatos, bo dlvldod tbom wrong| lnto slx
sonso organs wltb corrospondlng sonso data. Ho lurtbor c|ung to tbo lour o|omonts tbat producod
llvo sonso data as bls Ego`s llo|ds ol actlvltlos, tborob (croatlng) slx consclousnossos and lndu|glng
ln dlscrlmlnatlons, l||uslons and karmlc acts.
Tbls was tbo orlgln ol tbo cc|o ol blrtbs and doatbs causod b attacbmont to bod and mlnd
as an Ego. Tbls strong attacbmont bardonod as aoons succoodod ono anotbor and can now bo
brokon on| b a poworlu| sam5dbl. For tbls roason, tbo Buddba boloro proc|almlng tbls sam5dbl,
askod nanda wboro bls mlnd and oos actua|| woro. Tbo mlnd wblcb nanda tbougbt to bo ln
tbo bod sbowod tbo p|aco bo|d b tbo bandlts wboro tbo klng sbou|d sond bls so|dlors to dostro
tbom. Slnco nanda a|was troasurod bls Ego. bo wou|d sullor sbock and a|arm ll lt was suddon|
crusbod. ln ordor to ca|m blm, tbo Buddba put Hls band on tbo dlsclp|o`s boad, roassurlng blm tbat
tboro was a sam5dbl ca||od tbo a||-ombraclng Supromo Suragama, a gatowa tbrougb wblcb a||
Buddbas bad roacbod tbo prolound Maostlc Patb.
From tbls polnt untl| Ho spoko |ator ol two klnds ol Baslc lnvorslon, tbo Buddba almod to wlpo
out tbo dua|lt ol Ego and tblngs (dbarm5) tborob rovoa|lng tbo lundamonta|| on|lgbtonod Truo
Mlnd wltb tbo ald ol tbo transcondonta| powor ol tbat Groat Sam5dbl.
To broak up tbo l||usor Ego mado ol llvo aggrogatos wblcb a|| |lvlng bolngs bo|d as oxlstlng,
nanda was prossod ln turn to polnt out tbo sovon dllloront p|acos ln wblcb bo tbougbt tbo mlnd
cou|d bo lound. Actua||, tbo llrst two aggrogatos rupa (lorm and mattor) and vodan5 (rocoptlon,
sonsatlon and loo|lng) woro dostrood lor provlous| tbo lour o|omonts bad boon graspod as bavlng
an Ego, wltb tbo ldoa ol tboro bolng a mlnd ln tbo bod, tbls ls bod as an abodo ol mlnd. As
nanda lal|od to |ocato bls mlnd ln bls bod, bo turnod to a posltlon outsldo lt but cou|d not llnd bls
mlnd tboro oltbor. So altor sooklng valn| ln sovon dllloront posltlons, tbo conc|uslon was tbat rupa
was non-oxlstont and tbat vodan5 was oqua|| la|so. Carolu| roadlng ol tbo toxt on tbo mlnd`s so
ca||od sovon posltlons sbows tbo wlplng out prlmarl| ol tbo l||uslon ol rupa and lncldonta|| ol
vodan5. And, as doa|t wltb |ator ln tbo toxt, tbo otbor tbroo aggrogatos sa5 (concoptlon or
dlscornlng), samsk5ra (dlscrlmlnatlon) and vl5na (consclousnoss) woro gradua|| o|lmlnatod.
Roadors sbou|d attond to a|| tbls ln ordor to undorstand tbls prolound Toacblng.
Refuting the false mind to eliminate the third aggregate
and expose the unreality of the sixth consciousness
Tboroupon nanda roso lrom bls soat, uncovorod bls rlgbt
sbou|dor, kno|t upon bls rlgbt knoo, rovoront| olnod tbo
pa|ms ol bls bands and sald to tbo Buddba: `l am tbo Tatb5-
gata`s oungost cousln and bocauso ol Hls groat alloctlon, l
bavo boon a||owod to bo Hls dlsclp|o, but l bavo prosumod
on Hls compasslon. And so a|tbougb l bavo board mucb ol
Hls proacblng, l bavo lal|od to avold tbo wor|d| and bavo
boon unab|o to ovorcomo tbo maglc wblcb bas turnod mo
round, causlng mo to vlslt a bouso ol prostltutlon. A|| tbls ls
bocauso l lal|od to roacb tbo roglon ol Roa|lt. Ma tbo Wor|d
Honourod Ono bo compasslonato onougb to toacb us tbo
Patb ol Samatba lor tbo bonollt ol tboso |acklng laltb and
bo|dlng porvortod vlows.` Altor salng tbls, bo prostratod
blmso|l wltb knoos, o|bows and boad on tbo ground. Tbon bo
stood up ln rovoront sl|onco, wltb tbo wbo|o assomb| koon|
awaltlng tbo Toacblng.
Revealing the Bright Samdhi
B tbo Buddba`s transcondonta| powor, a|| sorts ol ras ol
|lgbt, as brl||lant as bundrods and tbousands ol suns, sbono
lrom Hls loroboad, l||umlnatlng a|| tbo Buddba-|ands wblcb
sbook wltb slx klnds ol quako. Tbus a numbor ol wor|ds, un-
countab|o as tbo dust, appoarod slmu|tanoous| and (b tbo
samo powor) unltod lnto a slng|o wor|d wboroln oacb ol tbo
groat Bodblsattvas, wbl|o stalng ln bls own roa|m, brougbt
bls pa|ms togotbor to |lston to tbo Dbarma.
Origin of Inversion
Tbo Buddba sald: `Slnco tbo tlmo wltbout boglnnlng, a|| |lv-
lng bolngs bavo glvon rlso to a|| sorts ol lnvorslon bocauso ol
tbo karmlc sood (ol lgnoranco) wblcb ls |lko tbo aksa sbrub.

S. Tbls Llgbt rovoa|od tbo wbo|o substanco ol tbo Groat Sam5dbl. Slnco nanda bad lal|od to awakon
to tbo unroa|lt ol mlnd and bod, bo agaln askod lor tbo Toacblng on tbo Patb ol amatba (on tbo
modltatlvo stud ol tbo Vold). Ho dld not roa|lzo tbat tbo Buddba bad llrst montlonod tbls Groat
Sam5dbl and tbon prossod Hlm bard about tbo mlnd`s posltlons lor tbo so|o purposo ol urglng blm
lnstant| to awakon to tbo non-oxlstonco ol tbo lour o|omonts and tbo la|sonoss ol tbo llvo
aggrogatos, so tbat tbo substanco ol Sam5dbl appoarod ln lu|| on tbo spot.
Had nanda boon sbarp rootod, bo cou|d bavo cast awa a|| l||uslons, tbo mootlng wou|d bavo
boon dlsmlssod and tbo ragama assomb| wou|d bavo tbon como to an ond. Howovor, bo was
do|udod and tbo Buddba was ob|lgod to uso oxpodlonts to awakon blm. For bls do|uslon was duo to
bls grasplng at l||usor blrtb and doatb wblcb bo mlstook lor roa|lt. Honco Hls toacblng ln tbo
lo||owlng toxt on tbo two baslc lnvorslons to root out tbo tblrd aggrogato saa.
As tbo Buddba was about to oxp|aln tboso lnvorslons, Ho sont out lrom Hls loroboad ras ol
|lgbt to rovoa| wbat Lln Cbl ca||od `tbo truo man ol no llxod posltlon wbo, lrom bls loroboad, sonds
out tbo |lgbt tbat sbakos tbo wor|d.` (Soo Cb`an and Zon Toacblng, Socond Sorlos, p. 0. Rldor.)
Howovor, bocauso ol so|l-docoptlon, poop|o do not rocognlzo tbls man ol no llxod posltlon ln splto
ol bls dal| actlvltlos and aro soparatod lrom blm b scroons and obstructlons put up b tbolr wrong
tblnklng wblcb dlvldos (tbolr undlvldod wbo|o) lnto slx sonso organs and sonso data. Now tbo
Buddba-Llgbt (wblcb ls lnboront ln a|| ol us) sbono on tbo roa|ms ol tbo sonso organs, sonso data
and consclousnoss wblcb aro ldontlca| wltb Roa|lt (tbo undor|lng prlnclp|o lrom wblcb tbo
sprlng). Tbls ls wb tbo toxt montlons tbo appoaranco ol Buddbas ln tbolr |ands suddon| rovoa|od
ln tbls Llgbt wblcb dostrood tbo darknoss ol lgnoranco. Honco tbo slx klnds ol quako to ovortbrow
tbo slx sonso organs and sonso data and so romovo tbolr obstructlons, so tbat a|| tbo wor|ds cou|d
bocomo ono. Tbls ls Roa|lt sblnlng on darknoss and porlormlng lts function (soo Cb`an and Zon
Toacblng, Socond Sorlos, p. 02) ol dlsslpatlng lt at onco, tbus onab|lng a|| sorlous practlsors to
c|lmb wltbout ollort tbo Transcondonta| Patb. Honco count|oss Bodblsattvas appoarod ln tbls Llgbt
soatod ln tbolr own p|acos, and brlnglng tbolr pa|ms togotbor to |lston to tbo Buddba`s toacblng on
tbo Groat Sam5dbl.
B moans ol lts Llgbt, tbo Buddba rovoa|od tbo wbo|o substanco ol tbo Sam5dbl. ln tbo
lo||owlng cbaptors, tbo Toacblng moro| rovoa|s tbls stato ol Brlgbtnoss, and ll lt ls undorstood,
tboro wl|| bo no nood to stud tbo Buddba Dbarma. Bocauso nanda was not awakonod to lt, tbo
Buddba was ob|lgod to mako lurtbor rovo|atlons ono, altor tbo otbor. ln answor to nanda`s
ronowod roquost lor lnstructlon on amatba, tbo Buddba bogan bls (lurtbor) Toacblng b sbowlng
tbls Brlgbtnoss.
. Tbo aksa sood ls tbroolo|d and so l||ustratos tbo slmu|tanoous cbaractor ol l||uslon, actlon and
Tbls ls wb sookors ol tbo Trutb lal| to roa|lzo Supromo
En|lgbtonmont but acblovo on| (tbo statos ol) sr5vakas,
pratoka-buddbas, borotlcs, dovas and domons, so|o| bo-
causo tbo do not know tbo two baslc lnvorslons, tborob
practlslng wrong| |lko tboso wbo cannot got lood b cooklng
sand ln splto ol tbo passlng ol aoons as count|oss as tbo dust.
Wbat aro tboso two baslc lnvorslons nanda, tbo llrst ls tbo
baslc root ol blrtb and doatb causod, slnco tbo tlmo wltbout
boglnnlng, b tbo wrong uso ol a c|lnglng mlnd wblcb poop|o
mlstako lor tbolr own naturo, and tbo socond ls tbolr attacb-
mont to causa| condltlons (wblcb scroon) tbo baslca|| brlgbt
ossonco ol consclousnoss wblcb ls tbo lundamonta|| puro
and c|oan substanco ol Nlrvanlc En|lgbtonmont. Tbus tbo
lgnoro tbls baslc brlgbtnoss and so transmlgrato tbrougb (l||u-
sor) roa|ms ol oxlstonco wltbout roa|lzlng tbo lutl|lt ol tbolr
(wrong) practlco.
0. Tbo Buddba, boloro toacblng tbo Groat Sam5dbl, rovoa|od tbo root causo ol blrtb and doatb b
doc|arlng tbat slnco tbo tlmo wltbout boglnnlng a|| |lvlng bolngs bad glvon rlso to a|| sorts ol
lnvorslon bocauso ol tbolr karmlc do|uslon about Baslc and Fortl|lzod lgnoranco. Tbls (twolo|d)
lgnoranco causos a|| sorts ol karmlc soods wblcb produco tbo blttor lrults ol do|uslon, actlon and
sullorlng, and so aro |lkonod to tbo tbroolo|d aksa soods. Tbls l||uslon can on| bo brokon up b tbo
Groat Sam5dbl wblcb was polntod out llrst. Sookors ol tbo Trutb cannot roa|lzo Supromo
En|lgbtonmont but aro mls|od b do|uslon lnto otbor was slmp| bocauso tbo cannot dlstlngulsb
two baslc roots: llrst, tbo root causo ol blrtb and doatb wblcb ls tbo dlscrlmlnatlng mlnd wblcb tbo
mlstako lor tbolr so|l-naturo, and socond, tbo lundamonta|| puro and cloan substanco ol Nlrvanlc
En|lgbtonmont roa|lzod b a|| past Buddbas, tbat ls tbo Essonco ol tbolr Consclousnoss wblcb ls
baslca|| brlgbt but can glvo rlso to causa| condltlons. B c|lnglng to tboso (l||usor) condltlons, tbo
lgnoro tbo baslc brlgbtnoss and sullor alm|oss| lrom blrtb and doatb. `Tbls Essonco ol
Consclousnoss ls tbo substanco ol tbo Elgbtb Consclousnoss wblcb ls baslca|| brlgbt and ls tbo
wondorlu| sblnlng Truo Mlnd ol Baslc En|lgbtonmont. Slnco a|| |lvlng bolngs lal| to roa|lzo tbls
wondrous Brlgbt Mlnd, lt ls (scroonod b do|uslon and) translormod lnto tbo Essonco ol
Consclousnoss wblcb |oads to wrong tblnklng. Tboroloro, tbo Buddba almod llrst to root out tbls
la|so tblnklng and tbon tbo Essonco ol Consclousnoss so tbat tbo baslca|| on|lgbtonod Truo Mlnd
cou|d manllost tbrougb tbo Groat Sam5dbl. Honco Hls rovo|atlon ol Sam5dbl boloro wlplng out
la|so tblnklng. Tbo lo||owlng toxt doa|s wltb tbo o|lmlnatlon ol la|sobood to oxposo Roa|lt wltb Hls
toacblng on Samatba, tbo Patb to Roa|lt, tbat wblcb was to bo wlpod out was proclso| tboso two
(baslc) lnvorslons.
Actual Inversion
The Inverted Mind
Probe into the false mind
`nanda, as ou bavo onqulrod about tbo Samatba Gatowa
tbrougb wblcb to oscapo lrom blrtb and doatb, l must ask
ou a quostlon.` Tbo Buddba tbon bo|d up Hls go|don buod
arm and bont Hls llngors, salng: `nanda, do ou soo tbls`
nanda rop|lod: `Yos.` Tbo Buddba askod: `Wbat do ou
soo` nanda rop|lod: `l soo tbo Buddba ralso Hls arm and
bond Hls llngors, sbowlng a sblnlng llst tbat dazz|os m mlnd
and oos.` Tbo Buddba askod: `How do ou soo lt` nanda
rop|lod: `l and a|| tboso boro uso tbo oos to soo lt.` Tbo
Buddba askod: `You sa tbat l bond m llngors to sbow a
sblnlng llst tbat dazz|os our mlnd and oos, now to|| mo, as
ou soo m llst, wbat ls tbat mlnd wblcb porcolvos lts brlgbt-
noss` nanda rop|lod: `As tbo Tatb5gata asks about tbo
mlnd and slnco l am uslng m own to soarcb lor lt oxbaus-
tlvo|, l conc|udo tbat tbat wblcb soarcbos ls m mlnd.`
Thinking is unreal
Tbo Buddba sald: `Ho! nanda, tbls ls not our mlnd.`
nanda starod wltb astonlsbmont, brougbt bls two pa|ms to-
gotbor, roso lrom bls soat and askod: `ll tbls ls not m mlnd,
wbat ls lt` Tbo Buddba rop|lod: `nanda, tbls ls our la|so
tblnklng wblcb arlsos lrom oxtorna| obocts, do|udos our
truo naturo and docolvos ou lnto mlstaklng, slnco tbo tlmo
wltbout boglnnlng, a tblol lor our own son, tborob |oslng
(slgbt ol) tbat wblcb ls baslca|| pormanont, bonco tbo round
ol blrtb and doatb.`

The sixth consciousness is empty

nanda sald: `l am tbo Buddba`s bo|ovod oungost cousln
wboso mlnd so admlrod Hlm tbat l |olt bomo to sorvo and
mako ollorlngs to tbo Tatb5gata and to a|| Buddbas and on-
|lgbtonod toacbors ln |ands as count|oss as sand gralns ln tbo
Gangos. ll l am dotormlnod to do a|| dllllcu|t Dbarma dutlos, lt
ls bocauso l uso tbls mlnd, and ovon ll l now s|andor tbo Dbarma,
causlng m oxco||ont qua|ltlos to woakon lor ovor, lt ls a|so
bocauso ol tbls mlnd. ll lt was not mlnd, l wou|d bavo no mlnd
and wou|d bo |lko tbo oartb or a |og lor notblng oxlsts boond
. Tbls o|lmlnatod tbo la|so mlnd to oxposo tbo llrst lnvorslon. Boloro wlplng out tbls la|so mlnd, tbo
Buddba spoko ol tbo Patb ol Samatba bocauso Hls alm was now to rovoa| tbo substanco ol tbo
Groat Sam5dbl. Samatba ls modltatlvo stud ol tbo vold. As tbo puro and c|oan Truo Mlnd ol tbo
Tatb5gata storo (or tbo Abso|uto ln tbo mldst ol do|uslon causod b tbo passlons and doslros), ls
lundamonta|| dovold ol a slng|o (lorolgn) tblng (dbarma) lt sbou|d bo tbo oboct ol tbls modltatlon
on tbo vold. Bosldo tbls modltatlon on substanco, tboro ls no otbor motbod, but duo to tbo la|so
mlnd and la|so tblnklng causod b doll|lng causos, tbo Truo Mlnd ls blddon and doos not appoar.
Now ll (l||usor) mlnd and soolng aro o|lmlnatod, a|| causa| condltlons coaso to oxlst and tbo Truo
Mlnd wl|| manllost. Cognlzanco ol a|| causa| croatlons as bavlng no naturo ol tbolr own aro tbo stato
ol Truo Mlnd. Honco tbo Buddba`s answors, basod on tbo substanco ol tbo Sam5dbl ol tbo Abso-
|uto, to nanda`s quostlons arlslng lrom bls la|so mlnd and la|so soolng tbat dlscrlmlnatod botwoon
causa|. condltlons. And so Ho bad to broak tbo la|so mlnd boloro toacblng tbo Patb ol Samatba.
Wbon tbo Buddba llrst askod nanda wb bo |olt bomo, tbo dlsclp|o rop|lod tbat lt was
bocauso bls oos saw and bls mlnd |ovod Hls oxco||ont pbslca| cbaractorlstlcs. Tbo Buddba
doc|arod: `Tbat wblcb causos ou to transmlgrato coaso|oss| ls tbo lau|t ol tbat mlnd and tboso
oos.` Tbls sbows tbolr la|sonoss. Tbon nanda |ookod ln valn lor bls mlnd ln sovon dllloront
posltlons, and tbougb tbo mlnd was soarcbod lor, tbo bod was a|so lound not to bo lts dwo||lng
p|aco, so tbat unroa|lt ol tbo bod was sbown.
Tbo Buddba, rop|lng to nanda`s ronowod lnqulr about tbo Sam5dbl gatowa, skl|lu||
o|lmlnatod llrst tbo la|so mlnd and tbon tbo la|so soolng. Tboroloro, bo bo|d up Hls llst and askod
nanda: `As our oos soo m llst, wbat ls our mlnd` to polnt out tbo non-oxlstonco ol tbo la|so
mlnd: As tbo dlsclp|o sald tbat tbat wblcb soarcbod lor bls mlnd was tbo mlnd ltso|l, wltbout
knowlng tbat bo wrong| mlstook tbo mlnd tbat dlscrlmlnatos ln sams5ra lor tbo roa| ono, tbo
Buddba sboutod: `Ho! Tbls ls not our mlnd.` Tbls sbout was |lko a provlous vara-sword tbat cut
oll (nanda`s) dlscrlmlnatlng mlnd, but unlortunato| bo was not awakonod. So bo starod wltb
astonlsbmont and askod: `ll tbls ls not m mlnd, wbat ls lt` Tbo Buddba rop|lod tbat lt was on|
la|so tblnklng arlslng lrom oxtorna| obocts, tbat ls tbo dlscrlmlnatlng Slxtb Consclousnoss wblcb
dorlvod lrom an accumu|atlon ol causa| condltlons, and wblcb bo mlstook lor bls Truo Mlnd, tbls
Slxtb Consclousnoss actua|| scroonod bls truo naturo and sbou|d not bavo boon rogardod as roa|.
Slnco bo rocognlzod tbat la|so mlnd and dlsrogardod bls pormanont Truo Mlnd, bo was caugbt on
tbo turnlng wboo| ol blrtb and doatb.
wbat l loo| and know. Wb doos tbo Buddba now sa tbat lt
ls not mlnd Tbls lrlgbtons mo and a|so tbls assomb| and not
ono ol us boro can avold bolng doubtlu| and susplclous about
lt. Wl|| ou bo so compasslonato as to on|lgbton us`
From Hls |lon soat tbo Buddba ln ordor to toacb
nanda and tbo assomb| so tbat tbo cou|d a|| acblovo tbo
Patlont Enduranco ol tbo Uncroato (Anutpattlka-dbarma-
ks5ntl), bo|d out Hls band to toucb nanda`s boad, salng:
`Tbo Tatb5gata bas a|was sald tbat a|| pbonomona aro mani-
lostatlons of mlnd and tbat a|| causos and ollocts lnc|udlng
(a|| tblngs lrom) tbo wor|d to lts dust, tako sbapo (so|o|) bo-
causo ol tbo mlnd. nanda, ll wo |ook at a|| tbo wor|ds and
a|| oxlstlng (tblngs) lnc|udlng ovon grass and |oavos, and ln-
vostlgato tbolr roots, tbo aro a|| mado ol mattor and bavo
qua|ltlos, and ovon tbo ompt vold bas lts namo and appoar-
anco, tbon bow can tbo puro and c|oan prolound Brlgbt Mlnd
wblcb ls tbo (undor|lng) naturo ol ovor (dlscrlmlnatlng)
mlnd bo wltbout lts own substanco ll ou grasp llrm| tbo
know|odgo wblcb comos lrom our dlscrlmlnatlon botwoon
loo|lng and soolng as our truo mlnd, lt sbou|d bavo lts own
naturo lndopondont ol a|| (sonso data sucb as) lorm, smo||,
tasto and toucb. As ou now |lston to m sormon on tbo
Dbarma, ou dlllorontlato bocauso ou boar m volco.`
The seventh consciousness is unreal
`Evon ll ou (succood ln) puttlng an ond to a|| soolng, boar-
lng, loo|lng and knowlng, and so prosorvo lnnor qulot, tbo
sbadow of (our) dlllorontlatlon ol tblngs (dbarm5) stl|| ro-
malns. l do not want ou to bo|d tbat tbls ls not mlnd, but ou
sbou|d oxamlno lt carolu|| and mlnuto|: tbat wblcb contln-
uos to possoss dlscornlng naturo ovon ln tbo absonco ol sonso
data ls roa|| our mlnd, (on tbo otbor band) ll tbls dlscornlng
naturo coasos wltb sonso data, tbls ls moro| tbo sbadow ol
(our) dlllorontlatlon ol tbom, lor tbo aro not pormanont
and wbon tbo coaso to oxlst, so doos tbls (so-ca||od) mlnd,
|lko tbo balr ol a tortolso and tbo borns ol a baro. ll our
Dbarmak5a can so oasl| coaso to bo, wbo wl|| tbon practlso
and roa|lzo tbo patlont onduranco ol tbo Uncroato`
Altor boarlng tbls, nanda and a|| tboso prosont woro
comp|oto| bowl|dorod.
2. nanda usod to ro| on bls Slxtb Consclousnoss, tbat ls bls c|lnglng mlnd wblcb bo mlstook lor bls
Truo Mlnd. As bo was sco|dod b tbo Buddba (lor so|l-concolt), bo was comp|oto| bowl|dorod and
tbougbt tbat ll bo bad no mlnd, bo wou|d bo |lko oartb or a |og. Tbo Buddba, out ol compasslon lor
tbo wbo|o assomb|, taugbt tbom bow to dovo|op non-croatlng mlnd, Ho oxtondod Hls band to toucb
nanda`s boad to roassuro blm and to wlpo out bls porp|oxlt, salng: `Wb do ou tblnk tbat ou
aro wltbout a mlnd and aro |lko a |llo|oss tblng l bavo a|was sald tbat a|| pbonomona aro manllosta-
tlons ol tbo mlnd and tbat a|| wor|d| causos and ollocts, oltbor dlroct or lndlroct, tako sbapo bocauso
ol tbo mlnd. Tbls ls Truo Mlnd, wb do not ou wakon to lt A|| pbonomona ln tbo wor|d, as wo|| as
tbo sma||ost tblngs, aro (mado ol) mattor and bavo qua|ltlos, and ovon tbo ompt vold bas lts namo
and appoaranco, tbon bow can tbo wondrous puro and c|oan Brlgbt Mlnd wblcb ls tbo undor|lng
naturo ol a|| monta| statos, bavo no substanco lnstoad ol undorstandlng tbo substanco ol Truo Mlnd,
ou grasp llrm| at our la|so tblnklng tbat dlscrlmlnatos (alm|oss|) about Truo Mlnd, ls tbls not lnvor-
slon ll lt was Truo Mlnd, lt sbou|d bavo a naturo ol lts own ovon altor a|| sonso data bavo coasod to
oxlst. Slnco lt ls no moro wbon tboro aro no sonso data, ls lt not la|so As ou |lston to m sormon on
tbo Dbarma, ou dlllorontlato so|o| bocauso ol m volco, but wbon l stop spoaklng, tbls mlnd ol
ours wl|| coaso to oxlst. Tbls ls tbo dlllorontlatlng mlnd wblcb arlsos wbon ou boar m causa| volco,
tbls ls our (dlscrlmlnatlng) Slxtb Consclousnoss wblcb vanlsbos wbon sonso data dlsappoar.` Tbls
wlpod out tbo tblrd aggrogato, sa5, to oxposo tbo unroa|lt ol tbo Slxtb Consclousnoss.
ln tbo |lst paragrapb ol tbo toxt, tbo unroa|lt ol tbo Sovontb Consclousnoss ls oxposod. lt ls
not on| tbo dlscrlmlnatlng Slxtb Consclousnoss wblcb ls la|so but `ll ou put an ond to a|| soolng,
boarlng, loo|lng and knowlng to stop uslng a|| slx sonsos and so prosorvo our lnnor qulot, tboro ls
stl|| tbo sbadow ol (our) dlllorontlatlon ol tblngs.` Tbls ls tbo Sovontb Consclousnoss wblcb grasps
at tbo lnnormost so|l as an ogo and wblcb ls tbo organ ol tbo Slxtb Consclousnoss, lt ls proclso| tbo
root ol blrtb and doatb, so `How can ou bo|d lt as Roa|lt` Tbo Buddba was about to oxposo tbo
la|sonoss ol tbo lourtb aggrogato, samsk5ra, and so wlpo out tbo Sovontb Consclousnoss, so Ho
sald: `l do not want ou to bo|d tbat lt ls not mlnd, wbat l want ou to know ls tbat la|so tblnklng ls
not Truo Mlnd, ou sbou|d oxamlno carolu|| and mlnuto| tbls: tbat wblcb bas lts lndopondont
substanco wbon sonso data coaso to oxlst ls our Truo Mlnd, but tbat wblcb vanlsbos wltb sonso
data ls (slmp|) non-oxlstont, |lko tbo balr ol a tortolso and tbo borns ol a baro, ln wblcb caso our
Dbarmak5a sbou|d a|so bo suboct to dostructlon, and ll so, wbo wl|| practlso and roa|lzo tbo
patlont onduranco ol tbo Uncroato`
Refuting all inversion
Tbo Buddba sald: `Practlslng studonts, ovon altor tbo bavo
roa|lzod tbo nlno succosslvo statos ol db5na,
stl|| cannot
stop out ol tbo stroam ol transmlgratlon and so lal| to bocomo
Arbats, bocauso tbo c|lng to tbls samsarlc la|so tblnklng wblcb
tbo mlstako lor Roa|lt. Tbls ls wb, tbougb ou bavo board
mucb (ol m Dbarma), ou bavo lal|od to wln tbo bo| lrult.
The Inverted Perception
Altor boarlng tbls, nanda, ln, blttor toars, prostratod blmso|l
wltb bls boad, knoos and o|bows on tbo ground, kno|t and
brougbt bls two pa|ms togotbor, salng: `Altor l |olt bomo to
lo||ow tbo Buddba, l moro| ro|lod on Hls transcondonta| pow-
or and a|was tbougbt tbat l cou|d dlsponso wltb practlco slnco
Ho wou|d bostow sam5dbl upon mo. l dld not know tbat Ho
cou|d not bo m substltuto and so |ost (slgbt ol) m lunda-
monta| Mlnd. Tbls ls wb, tbougb l olnod tbo Ordor, m mlnd
was unab|o to ontor tbo Tao. l was |lko a dostltuto son runnlng
awa lrom bls latbor. l on| roa|lzo now tbat, ln splto ol mucb
|lstonlng (to tbo Dbarma), ll l do not practlso lt, l sba|| como to
notblng as ll l bad not board lt, |lko a man wbo cannot satlsl
bls bungor b moro| spoaklng ol lood. Wor|d Honourod
Ono, l am caugbt b tbo two blndrancos bocauso l do not
know tbo (roa|) naturo ol tbo stl|| and pormanont Mlnd. Ma
tbo Tatb5gata bo compasslonato onougb lu|| to rovoa| to mo
3. Tbo statos ol db5na ln tbo lour db5na boavons, tbo lour boavons boond lorm and tbo boavon
boond sonsatlon and tbougbt.
4. Tbo Buddba bad now wlpod out la|so tblnklng: ln tbo lo||owlng toxt bo romovod la|so soolng
(porcoptlon) as wo||.
tbat wondrous Brlgbt Mlnd and so opon m Tao oo.
A bright Light to reveal the One Reality
Tboroupon tbo Tatb5gata, lrom tbo sauvastlka on Hls cbost,
sont out a radlant mu|tl-co|ourod proclous Llgbt wblcb l||uml-
natod tbo Buddba |ands ln tbo ton dlroctlons as count|oss as
tbo dust and wblcb, altor sblnlng on tbo boads ol a|| Buddbas
ovorwboro, voorod to nanda and tbo assomb|. Tbo
Buddba tbon sald to nanda: `l now bolst tbo bannor ol Groat
Dbarma so tbat ou and a|| |lvlng bolngs ln tbo ton dlroctlons
can roa|lzo tbo puro and brlgbt Mlnd ol our prolound and
subt|o Naturo and so wln tbo Eo tbat ls puro and c|oar.`
Returning perception to Mind
`nanda, a momont ago ou sald tbat ou saw m sblnlng
5. Tbls o|lmlnatod tbo dlsclp|o`s la|so soolng. nanda bad board tbo Buddba`s toacblng and bad
bo|lovod tbat tbo dlscrlmlnatlng mlnd vanlsbod as soon as a|| causa| sonso data coasod to oxlst and
so roa|lzod tbat lt was not Truo Mlnd. Tboroloro, bls provlous soolng ol tbo Buddba was la|so.
Honco bo askod Hlm to rovoa| tbo wondrous Brlgbt Mlnd so as to opon bls Tao oo wblcb a|ono
cou|d put an ond to bls la|so soolng. Tbls lnvortod porcoptlon was duo to bls lnnor Slxtb
Consclousnoss c|lnglng to bls outor bod as an Ego, and was proclso| bls attacbmont to tbo dua|
roa|lt ol Ego and dbarma, tbls dlscrlmlnatlvo attacbmont to tbo dua|lt ol Ego and dbarma ls ca||od
discriminative perception (as opposod to lnborn or natura| porcoptlon). Now tbo organ ol bls Slxtb
Consclousnoss, tbat ls bls Sovontb Consclousnoss, c|ung to tbo cbaractorlstlc Perception ol tbo
lnnor Elgbtb Consclousnoss as an Ego and was bls lnborn grasplng at tbo dua|lt ol Ego and
dbarma. lt ls ca||od ono`s Inborn Perception. Slnco sonso organ and consclousnoss dopond on oacb
otbor, tbls ls tbo llo|d ol wrong tblnklng, bonco tbo two blndrancos tbat caugbt nanda.
Boloro toacblng tbo o|lmlnatlon ol la|sobood, tbo Buddba sont out, lrom tbo sauvastlka on Hls
cbost, a radlant mu|tl-co|ourod Llgbt to stross tbat wrong tblnklng was orlglna|| tbo groat Wlsdom-
|lgbt ol tbo Truo Mlnd ln tbo Tatb5gata storo wblcb, undor do|uslon, turnod lnto la|so tblnklng, and
so translormod tbls Wlsdom-|lgbt lnto la|so soolng. Tbls Llgbt l||umlnatod a|| tbo ton dlroctlons to
sbow lts manllostatlon. As tbls Brlgbtnoss ls so|l-possossod b botb tbo salnt| and tbo wor|d|, lt llrst
sbono on tbo boads ol tbo Buddbas and tbon roacbod nanda and tbo wbo|o assomb|. Ho wbo
sooks tbo Truo Mlnd and Truo Porcoptlon sbou|d on| cognlzo tbls Brlgbtnoss wblcb, undor
do|uslon, turns lnto la|so tblnklng and soolng. Now to cbango tbo |attor lnto tbo lundamonta|
Brlgbtnoss wblcb ls so|l-possossod, lt ls on| nocossar to cbango tbo la|so lnto tbo truo. Ho wbo
awakons to tbls Truo Llgbt acblovos lnstant| tbo wondrous puro Brlgbt Mlnd and roa|lzos tbo Eo
tbat ls puro and c|oan, so tbat bls mlnd and porcoptlon bocomo truo. Tbls was tbo Groat Dbarma
bannor sot up b tbo Buddba.
6. Tbls ls tbo socrot ol Cb`an Transmlsslon accordlng to wblcb Function sbou|d bo roturnod to Sub-
stance lor roa|lzatlon ol mlnd and porcoptlon ol so|l-naturo. Roadors aro urgod to pa partlcu|ar atton-
tlon to tbo prolound moanlngs ol tboso two ldioms, Substance and Function, ln tbolr cb`an tralnlng.
llst, to|| mo, bow dld lts brlgbtnoss como about, wbat causod
lt to tako tbo lorm ol a llst and wltb wbat dld ou soo lt`
nanda rop|lod: `Tbo Buddba`s go|don buod bod ls
|lko a proclous bl|| and manllosts (tbo stato ol) purlt and
c|oannoss, so tbat tbo llst sbono. lt was roa|| m oos tbat
saw Hlm bond tbo llngors and lorm a llst wblcb was sbown
to a|| ol us.`
Tbo Buddba sald: `ln trutb wlso poop|o sbou|d bo
awakonod b oxamp|os and ana|oglos. nanda, ll l bad no
band l wou|d bavo no llst and ll ou bad no oos, ou wou|d
bavo no (lacu|t ol) soolng. ls tboro an connoctlon botwoon
our organ ol slgbt and m llst`
nanda rop|lod: `Yos, Wor|d Honourod Ono. ll l bad
no oos, l wou|d bavo no (lacu|t ol) soolng, so tboro ls an
ana|og botwoon m organ ol slgbt and tbo Buddba`s llst.`
Tbo Buddba sald: `Your roasonlng ls lncorroct. For ln-
stanco, a band|oss man bas no llst, but a man wltbout oos
stl|| bas bls (lacu|t ol) soolng. Wbon ou moot a b|lnd man
and ask blm wbat bo soos, bo wl|| to|| ou tboro ls notblng but
darknoss ln lront ol blm. Tboroloro, tbougb tblngs ma bo
scroonod lrom vlow tbo (lacu|t ol) soolng contlnuos.`
nanda sald: `ll a b|lnd man soos notblng but darknoss
boloro blm, bow can tbls bo ca||od soolng`
Tbo Buddba askod: `ls tboro an dllloronco botwoon
tbo darknoss soon b a b|lnd man ln lront ol blm and tbat
soon b a man wbo ls not b|lnd wbon bo ls ln a dark room`
(nanda rop|lod): `Wor|d Honourod Ono, tboro ls no
Tbo Buddba sald: `nanda, wbon a b|lnd man wbo
usod to soo on| darknoss suddon| rocovors bls slgbt and
soos ovor tblng c|oar|, ll ou sa tbat lt ls bls oos wblcb
soo, tbon wbon a man wbo saw darknoss ln a dark room
suddon| |lgbts a |amp wblcb onab|os blm to soo wbat ls
tboro, ou sbou|d sa tbat lt ls tbo |amp tbat soos. ll a |amp
can soo tblngs, lt sbou|d bavo (tbo lacu|t ol) soolng and
sbou|d not bo ca||od a |amp, ll lt roa|| soos, lt bas no ro|a-
tlon to ou. Tboroloro, ou sbou|d know tbat wbl|o tbo
|amp can rovoa| lorm, soolng comos lrom tbo oos but not
lrom tbo |amp. Llkowlso, wbl|o our oos can rovoa| lorm,
tbo naturo ol soolng comos lrom tbo mlnd but not lrom tbo
Inverted Men
A|tbougb nanda and tbo assomb| bad board tboso words,
tbo romalnod spoocb|oss. As tbo dld not awakon to tbo
Toacblng, tbo brougbt tbolr pa|ms togotbor and waltod lor
tbo Buddba`s lurtbor lnstructlon wltb tbolr mlnds sot on
7. Tbo Buddba, boloro oxposlng tbo unroa|lt ol lndlscrlmlnatlvo soolng, bo|d up Hls llst to probo
nanda. Tbo dlsclp|o, bolng stl|| ln tbo Hina5na stago, know notblng ol |aa`s tbroo cbaractorls-
tlcs (so|l-ovldonclng, porcoptlon and lorm), lor bo know on| tbo slx consclousnossos and usod to
bo|d on to sonso organs and sonso porcoptlons, so tbat bo ro|lod on tbo oos tbat `can soo` wltbout
roa|lzlng tbat tbls soolng orlglnatod ln tbo mlnd. As tbo Buddba was about to toacb blm bow to
roturn tbls soolng to tbo mlnd, Ho bo|d up Hls llst, asklng: `Wbat do ou uso to soo tbls` nanda
rop|lod tbat bo usod bls oos to soo tbo llst, lor bo stl|| bo|d tbat soolng dorlvod lrom tbom. So tbo
Buddba comparod Hls llst wltb tbo dlsclp|o`s oos, asklng: `ll l bad no bands, tboro wou|d bo no
llst, but ll ou bad no oos, wou|d ou bavo no (lacu|t ol) soolng` Ho tbon spoko ol a b|lnd man
wbo saw on| darknoss, but bad bo roa|| no (lacu|t ol) soolng Slnco tbo darknoss soon b tbo
b|lnd man ls tbo samo as tbat soon b anotbor wbo ls not b|lnd wbl|o slttlng ln a dark room, lt lo|-
|ows tbat soolng doos not como lrom tbo oos. Wbon tbo b|lnd man rocovors bls slgbt and soos
tblngs, ll tbls can bo ca||od tbo oos` soolng, tbon wbon a man ln a dark room suddon| |lgbts a
|amp, tbls sbou|d bo ca||od tbo |amp`s soolng. Tbls makos no sonso lor tbo |amp can on| rovoa|
obocts but soolng bo|ongs to tbo man. Tboroloro, tbo organ ol slgbt can on| rovoa| lorm but tbo
naturo ol tbls soolng bo|ongs to tbo mlnd and not to tbo oos. Tbls ls roturnlng porcoptlon to mlnd.
boarlng lt.
The worlding's inverted views
Tbo Buddba tbon bo|d up Hls sblnlng band, stralgbtonod Hls
llngors to glvo (lurtbor) lnstructlon to nanda and tbo assom-
b| and askod: `Altor l attalnod En|lgbtonmont (Bodbl), l
wont to Mrgad5va park wboro l to|d n5ta-kaundlna and
bls group ol llvo bblksus as wo|| as ou monks, nuns and
dovotoos, tbat a|| |lvlng bolngs lal|od to roa|lzo En|lgbtonmont
and bocamo Arbats bocauso tbo woro mls|od b lorolgn dust
wblcb croatod do|uslon and dlstross (b ontorlng tbolr
mlnds). Wbat at tbat tlmo causod ou to awakon so tbat ou
can now wln tbo bo| lrult`
5ta-kaundlna tbon roso lrom bls soat and rop|lod
to tbo Buddba: `l am now a sonlor ln tbo assomb| ln wblcb
l am tbo on| ono wbo bas acqulrod tbo art ol lntorprotlng bo-
causo l bad awakonod to (tbo moanlng ol) tbo oxprosslon
lorolgn dust, so tbat l won tbo (bo|) lrult. Wor|d Honourod
Ono (lorolgn dust) ls |lko a guost wbo stops at an lnn wboro
bo passos tbo nlgbt or oats somotblng and tbon packs and
contlnuos bls ourno bocauso bo cannot sta |ongor. As to
tbo bost ol tbo lnn, bo bas nowboro to go. M doductlon ls
tbat ono wbo doos not sta ls a guost and ono wbo stas ls a
bost. Consoquont|, a tblng ls lorolgn wbon lt doos not
sta. Agaln, wbon tbo sun rlsos ln a c|oar sk and lts |lgbt
ontors (tbo bouso) tbrougb an oponlng, tbo dust ls soon to
S. nanda usod to |oan on tbo la|so mlnd lor support. Tbo Buddba, altor sbowlng tbo la|sonoss ol tbo
llrst two aggrogatos, rupa and vodan5, taugbt blm to roturn tbo soolng to tbo mlnd. Tbo dlsclp|o was
tbrown oll ba|anco and, not knowlng wbat to sa, was spoocb|oss. Ho was stl|| uncortaln and
awaltod Hls lurtbor proacblng.
danco ln tbo ra ol |lgbt wboroas tbo ompt spaco doos not
movo. l doduco tbat tbat wblcb ls stl|| ls tbo vold and tbat
wblcb movos ls tbo dust. Consoquont|, a tblng ls dust when
lt movos.`
Tbo Buddba sald: `Corroct.`
The Hinayanists inverted views
Tbo Buddba tbon bont, stralgbtonod and robont bls llngors
and askod nanda: `Wbat dld ou soo` nanda rop|lod: `l
saw tbo Buddba opon and c|oso Hls llst.` Tbo Buddba askod:
`You sa tbat ou saw m llst opon and c|oso, was lt m llst
or our soolng tbat oponod and c|osod` nanda rop|lod: `As
tbo Buddba`s llst oponod and c|osod, l saw tbat lt and not tbo
naturo ol m soolng dld so b ltso|l.` Tbo Buddba askod:
`Wblcb ono movod and wblcb was stl||` nanda rop|lod:
`Tbo Buddba`s band was not stl||, as to tbo naturo ol m soo-
lng wblcb was a|road boond tbo stato ol stl||noss, lt cou|d
not movo.`
Tbo Buddba sald `Corroct.`
Tboroupon tbo Buddba sont out lrom Hls pa|m a
radlant ra ol |lgbt to nanda`s rlgbt, and tbo dlsclp|o
turnod to |ook at lt. Tbon Ho sont out anotbor ra to nan-
da`s |olt and tbo dlsclp|o turnod to |ook at lt. Tbo Buddba
tbon askod: `Wb dld our boad movo` nanda rop|lod:
`l saw tbo Buddba sond out radlant ras ol |lgbt to m rlgbt
and |olt, l turnod to |ook at tbom and so m boad movod.`
(Tbo Buddba` sald:) `As ou turn to tbo rlgbt and |olt to
soo tbo Buddba-|lgbt, ls lt our boad or our soolng tbat
movos` (nanda rop|lod:) `Wor|d Honourod Ono, lt ls m
boad tbat turns, as to m soolng wblcb ls a|road boond
(tbo stato ol) stl||noss, bow can lt movo`
Tbo Buddba sald: `Corroct.`

Tbo Buddba tbon doc|arod to tbo assomb|: `So ovor

wor|d| man knows tbat wbat movos ls dust. and tbat bo wbo
doos not sta ls a guost. You bavo soon nanda wboso boad
movod ol ltso|l wboroas bls soolng was unmovod. You bavo
a|so soon m llst wblcb oponod and c|osod ol ltso|l wboroas
bls soolng noltbor oxpandod nor contractod. Wb do ou stl||
rogard tbo movlng as our bod and surroundlngs, and so,
lrom boglnnlng to ond, a||ow our tbougbts to rlso and la||
wltbout lntorruptlon, tborob |oslng (slgbt ol) our truo
naturo and lndu|glng ln backward actlons B mlsslng tbo
(Truo) Mlnd ol our naturo and b mlstaklng (l||usor) ob-
octs lor our So|vos, ou a||ow ourso|vos to bo caugbt ln tbo
wboo| (ol sams5ra) tborob lorclng ourso|vos to pass
tbrougb transmlgratlons.
. Tbo Buddba wlpod out botb tbo wor|d| vlow ol pormanonco and tbo Hlnaanlst vlow ol
lmpormanonco wblcb bavo no room ln tbo Abso|uto wblcb ls boond botb l||usor statos.
20. Tbo Buddba roprlmandod botb wor|d|lngs and Hlnaanlsts lor tbolr lnvortod vlows to o|lmlnato botb
tbo wor|d| and salnt| statos. ll poop|o ln tbls wor|d a|road know tbat tbo movlng ls `dust,` lt ls c|oar
tbat sams5ra ls lmpormanont, but wb do tbo stl|| rogard lt as (roa| and) |astlng ll Hlnaanlsts know
tbat tbo boad movos wboroas tbo naturo ol soolng ls unmovod, lt ls vor c|oar tbat tbo |attor ls roa||
|astlng, but wb do tbo stl|| rogard lt as lmpormanont Tbo Buddba moant: `Slnco ou now know
wbat ls and ls not pormanont, wb do ou stl|| bo|d tbat wbat movos aro our bodlos, and (oxtorna|)
obocts` Tboso two robutta|s lmp|lod tbo Buddba`s ldoa ol o|lmlnatlng botb tbo la|so and tbo roa|. Ho
moant tbat ll tbls bod and a|| obocts (outsldo) lt woro lmpormanont, wb dld wor|d| mon rogard
tbom as pormanont Tbus Ho roprlmandod a|| wor|d| mon. ll tbls vor bod and a|| tblngs (oxtorna|
to lt) woro roa|| pormanont, lor `tbo non-oxlstont bod ol l||uslon ls Dbarmak5a,` tbon wb dld tbo
Hlnaanlsts bo|d tbat tbo woro lmpormanont Tbus Ho roprlmandod tbo Hlnaanlsts.
Tboso dlscrlmlnatlons rosu|t ln tbo contlnuous rlso and la|| ol ond|oss tbougbts wbl|o tbo Truo
Naturo ls ovor|ookod. Tbls ls wb poop|o lndu|go ln backward actlons and |oso (slgbt ol) tbo so|l-
possossod Naturo ol Mlnd. `For ou bavo rocognlzod (oxtorna|) obocts as our So|l and aro caugbt
ln tbo mldst ol wrong actlons so tbat ou turn tbo wboo| ol blrtb and doatb.` (ln otbor words to root
out tbo wor|d| man`s `ls` and tbo Hlnaanlst`s `ls not` to rovoa| tbo `Moan` wblcb lnc|udos botb
oxlstonco and non-oxlstonco.)
The heretics inverted view of annihilation
Altor nanda and tbo wbo|o assomb| bad board tbo
Buddba`s words, tbolr bodlos and mlnds bocamo ca|m and
composod. Tbo tbougbt tbat, slnco tbo tlmo wltbout bogln-
nlng, tbo bad |ost (slgbt ol) tbolr own mlnds b wrong|
c|lnglng to tbo sbadows ol tbolr dlllorontlatod causa| condl-
tlons and tbat tbo bad on| now awakonod to a|| tbls, |lko a
(bungr) bab wbo bad not suck|od lor somo tlmo and sud-
don| saw lts |ovlng motbor. Tbo brougbt tbolr pa|ms togotb-
or to tbank tbo Buddba and wlsbod to boar Hls toacblng on
tbo dua| statos ol roa|lt and unroa|lt, oxlstonco and non-
oxlstonco and morta|lt and lmmorta|lt ol bod and mlnd.
Klng Prasonalt tbon roso and sald to tbo Buddba:
`Boloro l rocolvod tbo Buddba`s lnstructlon, l mot (Kakuda)
K5t5ana and (Saaa) Valr5tiputra wbo botb sald tbat
wbon tbo bod dlod, lts annlbl|atlon was ca||od Nlrv5na.
A|tbougb l bavo now mot tbo Buddba, l am stl|| not c|oar
about tbls. A|| tboso boro wbo aro stl|| ln tbo stroam ol trans-
mlgratlon wlsb to know bow to roa|lzo tbat mlnd and provo
tbat lt ls boond blrtb and doatb.`
Tbo Buddba sald to Klng Prasonalt: `Groat Klng, l
now ask ou about our bod ol l|osb and b|ood: ls lt por-
2. Tbo Buddba bad sont out a ra ol |lgbt to toacb nanda tbat tbo uncbanglng was tboro wltb tbo
movlng bod and obocts. So wo know tbat (tbo stato ol) blrtb and doatb a|so comprlsos tbat wblcb
ls boond botb. nanda now undorstood tbls and wantod tbo Buddba to toacb blm wbat was and
was not roa| and truo, and wbat woro blrtb and doatb and wbat woro not, so as to draw a c|oar |lno
botwoon roa|lt and unroa|lt ln ordor to romovo bls romalnlng doubts. But bo bad not ot put bls
wlsb lnto words.
ln tbo past Klng Prasonalt bad lo||owod borotlca| toacbors. Kakuda K5t5ana taugbt tbo
doctrlno ol (slmu|tanoous) oxlstonco and non-oxlstonco, and Saaa Valr5tiputra, tbat ol
natura|lsm. Tbougb tboro woro man borotlca| socts ln lndla, tbolr doctrlnos dld not go boond tbo
two wrong vlows ol pormanonco and annlbl|atlon wblcb tbo klng bad studlod, so tbat bo c|ung to
tbo ldoa ol annlbl|atlon ovon altor bo bad mot tbo Buddba. As bo bad now board Hlm toacb tbat
tbo Mlnd ls boond blrtb and doatb, bo was not c|oar about lt and askod lor o|ucldatlon.
manont and lndostructlb|o |lko a dlamond, or doos lt cbango
and doca`
(Tbo klng rop|lod:) `M bod wl|| doca and llna|| bo
Tbo Buddba askod: `Groat Klng, ou bavo not ot dlod,
bow do ou know tbat our bod wl|| bo dostrood`
Tbo klng rop|lod: `Wor|d Honourod Ono, tbougb m
lmpormanont, cbanglng and docalng bod ls not ot doad,
l obsorvo tbat lt cbangos and docas wltbout a momont`s
pauso and ls bound to go out |lko a llro tbat gradua|| burns
out and wl|| bo roducod to naugbt.`
Tbo Buddba askod: `Yos, Groat Klng, ou aro o|d now
but bow do ou |ook comparod to wbon ou woro a cbl|d`
Tbo klng rop|lod: `Wor|d Honourod Ono, wbon l was a
cbl|d, m skln g|owod and wbon l grow up, l was lu|| ol vlg-
our, but now l ago and woakon, l grow tbln and m splrlts aro
du||, m balr ls wblto and m laco wrlnk|od so tbat l know l
sba|| not |lvo mucb |ongor, tboro ls no comparlson botwoon
now and wbon l was lu|| ol vlta|lt.`
Tbo Buddba sald: `Groat Klng, our appoaranco sbou|d
not doc|lno.`
Tbo klng rop|lod: `Wor|d Honourod Ono, lt bas boon
cbanglng a|| tbo tlmo too lmporcoptlb| lor mo to notlco lt.
Wltb tbo constant cbango ol soasons, l bavo bocomo wbat l
am now. Wb Bocauso wbon l was twont, tbougb stl||
oung, l a|road |ookod o|dor tban wbon l was ton, wbl|o at
tblrt l was o|dor stl||. As l am now slxt-two, l am o|dor tban
at lllt wbon l was strongor. Wor|d Honourod Ono, l notlco
tbls lmporcoptlb|o cbango ln ovor docado, but wbon l |ook
lnto lt c|oso|, (l soo tbat) lt bas occurrod not on| oar|,
montb| and dal|, but ln oacb momont ol tbougbt. Tbat ls
wb l know tbat m bod ls dostlnod to llna| dostructlon.`
Tbo Buddba sald: `Groat Klng, ou obsorvo tbls coaso-
|oss cbango and know tbat ou wl|| dlo, but do ou know tbat
wbon ou do, tboro ls tbat wblcb ls ln our bod and doos
not dlo`
Tbo klng brougbt bls two pa|ms togotbor and sald: `l
roa|| do not know.`
Tbo Buddba contlnuod: `l wl|| now sbow ou tbo (so|l-)
naturo wblcb ls boond blrtb and doatb. Groat Klng, bow o|d
woro ou wbon ou llrst saw tbo Gangos`
Tbo Klng rop|lod: `Wbon l was tbroo m motbor took
mo to worsblp tbo dova Jiva. As wo crossod tbo rlvor, l know
lt was tbo Gangos.`
Tbo Buddba askod: `Groat Klng, as ou ust sald, ou
woro o|dor at twont tban at ton, and untl| ou woro slxt, as
das, montbs and oars succoodod ono anotbor, our (bod)
cbangod ln ovor momont ol tbougbt. Wbon ou saw tbo
Gangos at tbroo, was lts wator (tbo samo as lt was) wbon ou
woro tblrtoon`
Tbo klng rop|lod: `lt was tbo samo wbon l was tbroo and
tblrtoon, and stl|| ls now tbat l am slxt-two.`
Tbo Buddba sald: `As ou now notlco our wblto balr and
wrlnk|od laco, tboro must bo man moro wrlnk|os tban wbon
ou woro a cbl|d. Toda wbon ou soo tbo Gangos, do ou
notlco tbat our soolng ls o|d now wbl|o lt was oung tbon`
Tbo klng rop|lod: `lt bas a|was boon tbo samo, Wor|d
Honourod Ono.`
Tbo Buddba sald: `Groat Klng, tbougb our laco ls
wrlnk|od, tbo naturo ol tbls ossonco ol our soolng ls not.
Tboroloro, tbat wblcb ls wrlnk|od cbangos and tbat wblcb ls
lroo lrom wrlnk|os ls uncbanglng. Tbo cbanglng ls suboct to
dostructlon wboroas tbo uncbanglng lundamonta|| ls
boond blrtb and doatb, bow can lt bo suboct to our blrtb
and doatb Wb do ou brlng out Maskarl Gos5|lputra`s
(wrong) toacblng on tota| annlbl|atlon at tbo ond ol tbls |llo`
Upon boarlng tbls, tbo klng roa|lzod tbat altor doatb,
tboro wl|| bo (no annlbl|atlon but) |llo agaln ln otbor transml-
gratlons. Ho and tbo wbo|o assomb| woro bapp and ontbu-
slastlc at tbo Toacblng wblcb tbo bad novor board boloro.
The inverted behaviour
Altor boarlng tbls, nanda roso lrom bls soat, prostratod blm-
so|l boloro tbo Buddba, brougbt bls two pa|ms togotbor and
kno|t salng: `Wor|d Honourod Ono, ll botb soolng and boar-
22. Tbls o|lmlnatos tbo borotlca| ldoa ol annlbl|atlon (at tbo ond ol tbls |llo). nanda wantod tbo Buddba
to rovoa| tbo pormanont naturo ol bls (opbomora|) bod and mlnd. Slnco tbls was a most dllllcu|t
tblng to oxp|aln, Ho usod Klng Prasonalt`s quor to oxpound lt.
Not on| dld tbo klng ovor|ook tbo ldontlt ol blrtb and doatb wltb tbo pormanont (naturo lrom
wblcb tbo sprlng) but bo a|so c|ung to tbo wrong vlow tbat annlbl|atlon wou|d lo||ow doatb. Had
bo known tbat doatb was (on| l||usor and) lundamonta|| unroa|, bo wou|d bavo roa|lzod tbat lt
was tbo samo wltb blrtb, tbus bo wou|d bavo undorstood tbo prolound moanlng ol Truo
Pormanonco. lt was vor dllllcu|t lor blm to bo c|oar about tbls lmporlsbab|o naturo at tbo ond ol
(oacb l||usor) |llo, but lt cou|d bo domonstratod wltb tbo ald ol bls bod and mlnd.
Tboroloro, tbo Buddba askod tbo klng wbotbor bls bod was cbanglng and docalng or was
pormanont and lmporlsbab|o |lko an lndostructlb|o dlamond. ll bls bod was c|oso| oxamlnod, lt
was roa|| cbanglng ln ovor momont ol tbougbt and was, tboroloro, lmpormanont, lor lrom bls
cbl|dbood to bls prlmo and o|d ago, lt bad a|torod gradua|| and was bound to doca and como to
an ond. Tbls ls tbo blrtb and doatb ol tbo lmpormanont bod and mlnd ln wblcb tbo (so|l-) naturo ls
roa|| pormanont. But bow can lt bo roa|lzod And so tbo Buddba askod blm about bls soolng tbo
Gangos to provo lts naturo, wblcb was tbo samo ln splto ol tbo gradua| cbango ol bls pbslca|
appoaranco lrom bls cbl|dbood up to tbon. Tbls provod tbat tbat wblcb cbangod was suboct to
dostructlon wboroas tbat wblcb dld not was bls Truo Naturo.
lng aro boond blrtb and doatb, wb bas tbo Buddba sald
tbat wo bavo |ost (slgbt ol) our Truo Naturo and so actod ln
an lnvortod mannor Wl|| ou bo compasslonato onougb to
on|lgbton us, and so wasb oll our doll|lng dust`
Tboroupon tbo Buddba |oworod Hls go|don buod arm
wltb tbo llngors polntlng downward and askod nanda: `As
ou now soo m band, ls lt ln a corroct or lnvortod (posltlon)`
nanda rop|lod: `A|| wor|d| mon rogard tbls as lnvortod
but l mso|l do not know wblcb posltlon ls corroct or lnvortod.`
Tbo Buddba askod: `ll tbo bo|d tbat lt ls lnvortod,
wblcb posltlon do tbo consldor to bo uprlgbt`
nanda rop|lod: `ll tbo Buddba bo|ds up Hls band
polntlng to tbo sk, lt wl|| bo uprlgbt.`
Tbo Buddba tbon bo|d up Hls band and sald: `ll
wor|d| mon so dlscrlmlnato botwoon an uprlgbt and ln-
vortod band, tbo wl|| ln tbo samo wa dlllorontlato bo-
twoon our bod and tbo Buddba`s puro and c|oan
Dbarmak5a and wl|| sa tbat tbo Tatb5gata`s bod ls com-
p|oto| on|lgbtonod wboroas ours ls upsldo down. ll ou
|ook c|oso| lnto our bod and tbo Buddba`s, wboro ls tbls
so ca||od lnvorslon
Altor boarlng tbls, nanda and tbo assomb| woro bo-
wl|dorod and gazod llxod| at tbo Buddba wltbout knowlng
wbotbor tbolr bodlos and mlnds woro roa|| lnvortod.
Delusion and Enlightenment are of the same source
Tbo Buddba was movod wltb compasslon and, out ol plt lor
nanda and tbo assomb|, sald ln Hls volco as stoad as tbo
ocoan tldo:23 `Vlrtuous mon, l bavo a|was doc|arod tbat
Form and Mlnd and a|| causos arlslng tborolrom, a|| monta|
condltlons and a|| causa| pbonomona aro but manllostatlons
ol tbo mlnd. Your bodlos and mlnds aro ust appoarancos
wltbln tbo wondorlu|, brlgbt and puro Prolound Mlnd. Wb
do ou stra lrom tbo proclous, brlgbt and subt|o naturo ol
lundamonta|| En|lgbtonod Mlnd and so rocognlzo do|uslon
wltbln on|lgbtonmont`
`(Mlnd`s) dlmnoss croatos (du||) omptlnoss and botb, ln
tbo darknoss, unlto wltb lt to bocomo lorm. Tbo mlng|lng ol
lorm wltb la|so tblnklng causos tbo |attor to tako tbo sbapo ol
23. Ocoan-tldo volco ls tbo unlal|lng rosponso to tbo noods ol mon, |lko tbo ocoan-tldo wblcb novor lal|s
to rlso and la||.
24. nanda bad now board tbo Buddba uso tbo soolng ol tbo Gangos to rovoa| tbat wblcb was boond
blrtb and doatb ln tbo mldst ol cbanglng condltlons. Ho tbougbt tbat wbon bo spoko boloro ol
soolng tbo Buddba`s llst, tbat was a|so tbo naturo ol bls soolng wblcb provod tbat bo bad not |ost
(slgbt ol) bls truo naturo. Wb dld tbo Buddba agroo wltb tbo klng and dlsagroo wltb blm Tbls
provod tbat nanda bad lal|od to know wboro bls lnvorslon roa|| was.
And so tbo Buddba bo|d down Hls band wblcb was ln a natura| posltlon wblcb wor|d| mon
mlstook lor bolng lnvortod. Tbls l||ustratod proclso| tbo bod and lts condltlons ln tbo truo stato ol
pormanonco wblcb tbo dlsclp|o rooctod and lrom wblcb bo straod. Sucb ls tbo lnvortod vlow bo|d
b Hlnaanlsts and borotlcs. Hls band was tbon bo|d uprlgbt but was (ln roa|lt) lnvortod wblcb
wor|d| mon rogardod as rlgbt, tbls ls tbo lmpormanont stato ol blrtb and doatb wblcb tbo ca||od
pormanont. Sucb ls tbo lnvortod vlow ol wor|d| mon.
Tbo Buddba sald tbo arm was Hls and lundamonta|| was noltbor rlgbt nor wrong, but tbo
moro cbango ol lts posltlon gavo rlso to dlscrlmlnatlon. Tbls was proclso| tbo wrong wa ln wblcb
do|udod poop|o |ookod at tblngs. Tbo Buddba`s Dbarmak5a and our bod aro ust tbo samo but
ll ou dlscrlmlnato botwoon tbom, ou wl|| ca|| Hls an on|lgbtonod bod and ours an lnvortod ono.
Tbo Buddba`s alm was to urgo nanda to |ook tbrougb tbo pbslca| bod to roa|lzo tbo splrltua|
Dbarmak5a. Honco Ho askod nanda: `Look c|oso| lnto our bod and tbo Buddba`s and to||
mo wboro tbo so-ca||od lnvorslon |los.`
Slnco nanda and tboso prosont lal|od ln tbls bocauso ol tbolr do|uslon, tbo woro bowl|dorod
and dld not roa|lzo wboro tbo lnvorslon roa|| |a. Tbo Buddba took compasslon on tbom and sald:
`l bavo a|was doc|arod tbat lorm and mlnd and a|| causos arlslng tborolrom, a|| monta| condltlons
and a|| causa| pbonomona aro but appoarancos ln tbo (Truo) Mlnd.` Form, (tbo aggrogato rupa)
comprlsos tbo llvo pbslca| organs and tbolr slx modos ol sonso (o.g. car and sound, otc.). Mind
comprlsos tbo |ast lour ol tbo llvo aggrogatos and tbo olgbtb consclousnoss. All causes aro sonso
organs and sonso data. Mental conditions aro tbo lllt-ono monta| ldoas and causal phenomena
comprlso bod, tbo wor|d and tbo mrlad tblngs tbat constltuto man`s surroundlngs.
Tbus ou sbou|d know tbat our bod and mlnd aro ust tblngs tbat appoar ln our wondorlu|,
brlgbt and puro Prolound Mlnd. Wb do ou rocognlzo on| our l||usor bod and mlnd tborob
|oslng slgbt ol tbo proclous, brlgbt and subt|o naturo ol our lundamonta| En|lgbtonod Mlnd and so
rocognlzo do|uslon wltbln En|lgbtonmont For lundamonta|| ou woro not do|udod but moro| |ost
slgbt ol Roa|lt b wrong| c|lnglng to unroa|lt, bonco our do|uslon ln tbo mldst ol En|lgbtonmont.
Tbls ls oxact| wboro our lnvorslon |los.
a bod, stlrrod b accumu|atod causos wltbln and drawn to
oxtorna|s wltbout. Sucb lnnor dlsturbanco ls mlstakon lor tbo
naturo ol mlnd, bonco tbo la|so vlow ol a mlnd dwo||lng ln tbo
pbslca| bod and tbo lal|uro to roa|lzo tbat tbls bod as wo||
as oxtorna| mountalns, rlvors, spaco and tbo groat oartb aro
but pbonomona wltbln tbo wondrous brlgbt Truo Mlnd. Llko
an lgnorant man wbo ovor|ooks on tbo groat ocoan but
grasps at a l|oatlng bubb|o and rogards lt as tbo wbo|o bod
ol wator ln lts lmmonso oxpanso, ou aro doub| do|udod
amongst tbo do|udod. Tbls ls oxact| tbo samo do|uslon as
wbon l bo|d m band down, and so tbo Tatb5gata sas tbat
ou aro tbo most pltlab|o poop|o.`
Refuting the false perception to eliminate the fourth aggregate
and reveal the non-existence of the seventh consciousness
25. Tbo Buddba sald tbat a|| tblngs woro but manllostatlons ol tbo mlnd, but bolng approbonslvo tbat
tboso prosont cou|d not undorstand tbls, Ho tracod lnvorslon back to lts orlgln to rovoa| tbo samo
sourco ol botb lgnoranco and En|lgbtonmont ln ordor to root out tbo la|so mlnd and la|so soolng.
ln tbo puro and c|oan Truo Mlnd ol tbo Ono Roa|lt, tboro was lundamonta|| noltbor bod
and mlnd nor outor wor|d, but lt was stlrrod and scroonod b a slng|o tbougbt, tborob translormlng
tbo a||-ombraclng Abso|uto Vold lnto du|| omptlnoss, bonco tbo words: `Dlmnoss croatos du||
omptlnoss.` Tbon lgnoranco tblckonod ln tbls ro|atlvo voldnoss and crsta||lzod lnto l||usor lorm
mado ol lour-o|omonts, bonco tbo words: `Botb dlmnoss and. omptlnoss unlto wltb tbo darknoss to
bocomo lorm.` As tbo Truo Mlnd was scroonod b do|uslon, tbo lundamonta| brlgbt wlsdom was
cbangod lnto wrong porcoptlon wblcb conlrontod l||usor lorm, and, as tlmo passod s|ow|, lt
unltod wltb somo sma|| portlon ol tbo lour o|omonts, tborob taklng tbo l||usor sbapo ol bod and
mlnd, mado ol llvo aggrogatos, bonco: `Tbo mlng|lng ol lorm wltb la|so tblnklng causos tbo |attor to
tako tbo sbapo ol a bod.` Bocauso tbls l||usor bod was graspod, tbo so|l-possossod Truo Naturo
was ovor|ookod, bonco tbo rocognltlon ol `lnnor dlsturbanco b stlrrlng accumu|atod causos` as tbo
naturo ol tbo so|l-mlnd. Altor |oslng (slgbt ol) tbo bound|oss Truo Mlnd, tbo l||usor bod and mlnd
woro graspod, and mlnd was wrong| tbougbt to bo ln tbo bod. Honco tbo lal|uro to roa|lzo tbat
tbls bod as wo|| as outor mountalns, rlvors, spaco and tbo groat oartb woro but pbonomona
appoarlng ln tbo wondorlu| brlgbt Truo Mlnd. Tbls ls |lko rooctlng tbo groat ocoan to rocognlzo ono
ol lts bubb|os, tbls a|road sbowod ono do|uslon, and ll a bubb|o was mlstakon lor tbo wbo|o bod
ol wator, tbls was anotbor do|uslon. Tbus, ou aro doub| do|udod. Sucb lnvorslon doos not dlllor
lrom tbat causod b m |oworlng an arm. Honco tbo Buddba doc|arod tbat nanda and tboso
prosont woro tbo most pltlab|o poop|o.
Tbo Buddba b Hls rovo|atlon ol two baslc lnvorslons (pago 39) bad now rootod out tbo tblrd
aggrogato saa and tbo llrst slx consclousnossos ln Hls doa|lng wltb tbo llrst baslc lnvorslon.
Wiping Out the Unreal
The Non-existence of Discriminative Perception
nanda`s wrong view
nanda was movod to toars b tbo Buddba`s compasslon
and prolound Toacblng, brougbt bls two pa|ms togotbor and
`Altor boarlng tbo Buddba`s wondorlu| Dbarma, l
bavo roa|lzod tbat tbo wondrous Brlgbt Mlnd ls lundamon-
ta|| porloct, so tbat l a|was dwo|| ln m Mlnd-ground. But
ll m awakonlng bas boon duo to tbo Buddba`s proacblng,
l bavo (roa||) usod, m causa| mlnd to boar lt wltb rovor-
onco, tborob moro| roa|lzlng tbat mlnd. l daro not pro-
tond tbat lt ls tbo lundamonta| Mlnd-ground. Wl|| ou bo
compasslonato onougb to on|lgbton mo so as to romovo
m (romalnlng) doubts so tbat l can roturn to tbo Supromo
Unreality of illusory causes
Tbo Buddba sald: `You aro stl|| uslng our c|lnglng mlnd to
|lston to tbo Dbarma, slnco, bowovor, tbls Dbarma ls a|so
26. nanda`s statomont sbowod bls socond baslc lnvorslon. (Soo p. 38.) Hltborto bo bad rocognlzod bls
dlscrlmlnatlng mlnd as tbo truo ono. As tbo Buddba now dlsc|osod tbo prolound, brlgbt, a||-
ombraclng Truo Mlnd about wblcb bo bad not provlous| board, bo was movod to toars, but bls
comprobonslon b moans ol l||usor mlnd ol tbo Toacblng dld not moan bls oxporlontla| awakonlng
to Truo Mlnd. Tboroloro, bo darod not protond tbat bo bad roa|| wakonod to tbo lundamonta|
Mlnd-ground and askod tbo Buddba to romovo bls doubt on tbls polnt.
A|tbougb tbo anclonts bad unsbakon laltb ln tbolr so|l-mlnds, tbo cou|d not attaln roa|
awakonlng untl| tbo bad sott|od tbolr doubts about tbolr so|l-mlnds. But ln nanda`s caso bls
dlscrlmlnatlng about tbo Buddba`s volco wltb bls causa| or samsarlc mlnd (provontod) bls
on|lgbtonmont. As (bls laltb) stl|| dopondod upon bls lnto||oct or Slxtb Consclousnoss bo stl||
accoptod l||usor causos and so mlssod Roa|lt.
causa|, ou lal| to roa|lzo tbo Dbarma-naturo. Tbls ls |lko a
man polntlng a llngor at tbo moon to sbow lt to otbors wbo
sbou|d lo||ow tbo dlroctlon ol tbo llngor to |ook at tbo moon.
ll tbo |ook at tbo llngor and mlstako lt lor tbo moon, tbo
|oso (slgbt ol) botb tbo moon and tbo llngor. Wb Bocauso
tbo brlgbt moon ls actua|| polntod at, tbo botb |oso slgbt ol
tbo llngor and lal| to dlstlngulsb botwoon (tbo statos ol)
brlgbtnoss and darknoss. Wb Bocauso tbo mlstako tbo
llngor lor tbo brlgbt moon and aro not c|oar about brlgbtnoss
and darknoss.
`Llkowlso, ll ou mlstako our (lnto||oct wblcb) boars
m proacblng volco lor our (truo mlnd), tbo |attor`s dlscorn-
lng naturo sbou|d bo lndopondont ol tbat dlllorontlatod
volco. For lnstanco, wbon a travo||or sponds tbo nlgbt at an
lnn, bo doos so lor a tlmo and tbon |oavos, not stalng tboro
lor ovor: as to tbo lnn-koopor, bo bas nowboro o|so to go lor
bo owns tbo lnn. lt ls tbo samo wltb our mlnd.
Falseness of both sense organs and consciousness
`ll lt ls our Truo Mlnd, lt bas nowboro to go. Tbon wb ln
tbo absonco ol spoocb bas lt no dlscornlng naturo ol lts own
Tbls dlscrlmlnatlng (lnto||oct) doos not arlso on| wbon l
spoak, but a|so wbon ou dlscorn m appoaranco, lt bas no
dlscornlng. naturo ol lts own wbon tboro ls no lorm. (lt ls not
Truo Mlnd) ovon wbon ou roacb tbo stato ln wblcb a|| dls-
crlmlnatlon coasos, a stato tbat ls noltbor lorm nor Voldnoss,
wblcb tbo borotlcs ca|| Prlmordla| Darknoss.
27. Prlmordla| darknoss at tbo boglnnlng ol oxlstonco, out ol wblcb a|| tblngs aroso.
All phenomena returnable to causes are unreal
`ll tbat wblcb bas no dlscornlng naturo ol lts own coasos to
oxlst ln tbo absonco ol causa| condltlons, bow can tbo (so-
ca||od) naturo ol our mlnd bo an (lndopondont) Host ll lt dls-
appoars wbon lt roturns to lts (l||usor) causos`
Borrowing The Essence Of Perception To Pick Out Causal Externals
nanda askod:` `ll ovor stato ol m mlnd can bo roturnod to
lts causo, wb doos tbo Buddba spoak ol tbo wondrous
brlgbt orlglna| mlnd wblcb ls not roturnab|o to anwboro
2S. Tbls sbows tbo socond baslc lnvorslon (soo p. 3S), bonco tbo Buddba usod tbo ossonco ol soolng to
rovoa| tbo non-oxlstonco ol tbo Sovontb Consclousnoss boloro oxposlng tbo Essonco ol (tbo Elgbtb)
Consclousnoss as tbo substanco ol Nlrv5na. For tbo Sovontb ls tbo organ ol tbo Slxtb Consclous-
noss. and ls tbo naturo ol dlscrlmlnatlon, uslng tbo |attor to porlorm lts lunctlon. Botb bo|ong to tbo
Porcoptlon ol tbo Elgbtb Consclousnoss. Tbo Sovontb Consclousnoss ls a|so ca||od tbo C|lnglng
Mlnd bocauso lt (doponds on) lnnor and outor causos, lt bas no substanco wbon oxtorna| data coaso
to oxlst, bonco causa| oxtorna|s aro usod to sbow lts non-oxlstonco. Tbo Buddba sald: `ll ou uso
our c|lnglng mlnd to |lston to tbo Dbarma, tbls Dbarma ls a|so causa| and portalns to tbo oboctlvo
causo, or samsarlc mlnd. Tboroloro, ou bavo not roa|lzod tbo substanco ol (abso|uto) Dbarma
wblcb ls boond words and pbrasos. Wbon l toacb tbo Dbarma lt ls |lko polntlng a llngor at tbo
moon to sbow lt to otbors. As tbo llngor ls not tbo moon, ou sbou|d dlsrogard lt to soo tbo moon,
but ll ou mlstako m llngor lor tbo moon, ou wl|| |oso (slgbt ol) botb tbo (brlgbt) moon and tbo
(dark) llngor and wl|| not bo c|oar about tbo two statos ol brlgbtnoss and obscurlt. ll ou mlstako
(our lnto||oct) tbat dlllorontlatos wbon ou boar mo proacb tbo Dbarma lor our truo mlnd, tbo |at-
tor sbou|d bavo substanco ln tbo absonco ol m volco. For oxamp|o, a guost stops tomporarl| at an
lnn but lts bost a|was stas tboro. ll our dlllorontlatlng mlnd ls roa||, our truo mlnd, lt sbou|d
sta pormanont|, tbon wb bas lt no substanco wboro tboro ls no volco Tbus not on| doos tbls
mlnd |ack substanco, but lt a|so cannot bo lound wbon ou notlco m laco. Tbls rovoa|s tbo non-
oxlstonco ol tbo Slxtb Consclousnoss.
As tbo Slxtb doponds on tbo Sovontb Consclousnoss lor dlscornlng, now tbat tbo lormor`s sub-
stanco cannot bo lound, tbo |attor doos not oxlst. Not on| ls tbls dlllorontlatlng l||uslon unroa|, but
ovon wbon dlllorontlatlon coasos tboro ls noltbor lorm nor voldnoss. Tbo Sovontb Consclousnoss,
as lnnor causo, ls cut oll lrom tbo llvo outor sonso data, so tbat lt ls boond lorm, and tbo lnnormost
ls c|ung to as an Ego, so tbat lt ls boond voldnoss. Tbls ls tbo dlm substanco ol tbo Elgbtb Con-
sclousnoss wblcb ls not ot Truo Mlnd and wblcb borotlcs ca|| Prlmordla| Darknoss. Evon tbls ls not
ot Roa|lt, stl|| |oss ls tbo dlscrlmlnatlng Sovontb wblcb ls tbo organ ol tbo Slxtb Consclousnoss.
Tboroloro, wbon tbls Sovontb Consclousnoss ls cut oll lrom oxtorna| causos, lt grasps at tbo lnnor
Elgbtb Consclousnoss as an Ego, bonco borotlcs ca|| tbo |attor tbo Splrltua| Ego and sot lt up as a
Mastor ln Prlmordla| Darknoss. Tbo twont-llvo borotlca| scboo|s rogard lt as pormanont.
Tbls oxposos tbo Sovontb and lncldonta|| rovoa|s tbo Elgbtb Consclousnoss wblcb ls c|ung to
as an Ego but ls unroa|. ll tbat wblcb bas no lndopondont naturo ol lts own ln tbo absonco ol causa|
oxtorna|s ls bo|d as tbo naturo ol our mlnd, bow can lt bo a bost wbon oacb (uprlslng) can bo
(tracod back and) roturnod to a rlslng causo Tbls rovoa|s tbo Host wbo (ls lndopondont and)
cannot bo roturnod to an oxtorna| causo, tbls on| ls Truo Mlnd. (Tbls ls tbo orlgln ol tbo kung an
(Japanoso koan): A|| tblngs roturn to tbo Ono, to wboro doos tbo Ono roturn)
Wl|| ou bo compasslonato onougb to on|lgbton mo`
Setting up the essence of perception
Tbo Buddba sald: `As ou soo mo now, tbo ossonco ol our
soolng ls orlglna|| c|oar. A|tbougb lt ls not tbo prolound
Brlgbt Mlnd, lt ls |lko a socond moon but ls not a rol|octlon ol
tbo moon (ln wator). Now |lston attontlvo| to m oxp|anatlon
ol tbat wblcb cannot roturn anwboro.
Picking out causal externals
`nanda, tbo doors and wlndows ol tbls ba|| aro wldo opon
and laco oast. Tboro ls |lgbt wbon tbo sun rlsos ln tbo sk and
tboro ls darknoss at mldnlgbt wbon tbo moon wanos or ls bld-
don b log or c|ouds. Your soolng ls unlmpodod tbrougb
opon doors and wlndows but ls obstructod wboro tboro aro
wa||s or bousos. Wboro tboro ls dlscrlmlnatlon, ou porcolvo
tbo (stlrrlng) causos and ln tbo du|| vold, ou on| soo omptl-
noss. An unconsclous condltlon, rosu|ts lrom conlusod oxtor-
na|s wboroas an awakonod stato |oads to c|oar porcoptlon.
nanda, soo now bow l. roturn oacb ol tboso cbanglng statos
to lts causa| orlgln. Wbat aro tboso orlglna| causos nanda,
ol tboso cbanglng condltlons, |lgbt can bo roturnod to tbo sun.
Wb Bocauso tboro ls no |lgbt wltbout tbo sun and slnco |lgbt
comos lrom tbo sun, lt can bo roturnod to lt (l.o., lts orlgln).
Darknoss can bo roturnod to tbo wanlng moon, c|oarnoss to
opon doors and wlndows, obstructlon to wa||s and bousos,
causos to dlllorontlatlon, omptlnoss to ro|atlvo voldnoss, con-
lusod oxtorna|s to unconsclousnoss and c|oar porcoptlon to
tbo awakonod stato. Notblng ln tbo wor|d goos boond tboso
condltlons. Now wbon tbo Essonco ol our Porcoptlon con-
lronts tboso olgbt statos, wboro can lt bo roturnod to ll to
brlgbtnoss ou wl|| not soo darknoss wbon tboro ls no |lgbt.
A|tbougb tboso statos sucb as |lgbt, darknoss, otc., dlllor lrom
ono anotbor, our soolng romalns uncbangod.
The nature of perception
`A|| statos tbat can bo roturnod to oxtorna| causos aro obvl-
ous| not YOU, but tbat wblcb cannot bo roturnod to an-
wboro, ll lt ls not YOU, wbat ls lt Tboroloro, ou sbou|d
know tbat our Mlnd ls lundamonta|| wondorlu|, brlgbt and
puro and tbat bocauso ol our do|uslon and stupldlt, ou
bavo mlssod lt and so aro caugbt on tbo wboo| ol transmlgra-
tlon, slnklng and l|oatlng ln tbo samsarlc soa. Tbls ls wb tbo
Tatb5gata sas tbat ou aro tbo most pltlab|o ol mon.`
The (Underlying) Nature of Perception
is Not the Essence of Perception
nanda askod: `l now undorstand tbat tbo naturo ol Porcop-
tlon cannot bo roturnod to an oxtorna| causo but bow can l
know tbat lt ls m Truo Naturo
2. Wbon nanda board tbat a|| monta| (statos) tbat cou|d bo roturnod to oxtorna| causos woro not tbo
roa| Host, bo askod tbo Buddba about tbo non-roturnab|o Truo Mlnd. Slnco lt ls vor dllllcu|t to
oxp|aln, tbo Buddba usod tbo Essonco ol Soolng to rovoa| lt. For soolng ls mlxod up wltb causa|
condltlons wboroas lts ossonco, or tbo Elgbtb Consclousnoss, ls not. Tboroloro, Ho spoko ol tbo
Essonco ol Soolng wblcb, tbougb not tbo roa|, ls a translormatlon ol tbo Abso|uto and ls c|oso to lt,
bonco lt ls |lko a socond moon wblcb ls c|oso to tbo roa| moon but ls not a rol|octlon ol lt ln wator. ll
ou undorstand tbat tbls Essonco ol Porcoptlon cannot bo roturnod to an causo, ou wl|| bo ab|o to
awakon to tbo Truo Mlnd.
30. nanda dld not roa|| undorstand tbo Toacblng lor bls words botraod bls do|udod mlnd. Tbo
Buddba bad moro| usod tbo Essonco ol Porcoptlon as a tomporar Host ln ordor to plck out
oxtorna| causos to o|lmlnato tbo dlscrlmlnatlng soolng wblcb vanlsbod automatlca|| wbon roturnod
to lts condltlonlng causos.
The capacity of perception
Tbo Buddba sald: `nanda, tbougb ou bavo not ot roacbod
tbo stato boond tbo stroam ol transmlgratlon, ou ma now
uso tbo Buddba`s transcondont powor to bobo|d tbo llrst
db5na boavon
wltbout obstructlon, |lko Anlruddba
soos tbls wor|d (Jambudvipa) as c|oar| as lrult
bo|d ln bls
own band. Bodblsattvas can soo bundrods and tbousands ol
wor|ds. Buddbas ln tbo ton dlroctlons can soo a|| tbo Puro
Lands as count|oss as tbo dust. As to |lvlng bolngs, tbolr rango
ol slgbt ls (somotlmos) |lmltod to lncbos.
Picking out causal objects
`nanda, as ou and l soo tbo pa|acos lnbabltod b tbo lour
boavon| klngs wltb a|| tbat ls tboro ln wator, on tbo ground
and ln tbo alr, tbougb tboro ls a groat varlot ol lorms and
sbapos ln tbo |lgbt and darknoss, tbo aro but blndrancos ro-
su|tlng lrom our dlllorontlatlon ol oboctlvo pbonomona.
Horo ou sbou|d dlstlngulsb botwoon our own So|l and ox-
torna| obocts. From, wbat ou soo, l now plck out tbat wblcb
ls our own So|l and tboso wblcb aro but pbonomona.
nanda, ll ou oxbaust tbo llo|d ol our vlslon, lrom tbo sun
and moon to tbo sovon mountaln rangos
wltb a|| klnds ol
|lgbt, a|| tbat ou soo aro pbonomona wblcb aro not YOU. As
ou (sborton our rango) ou soo passlng c|ouds and l|lng
3. Tbo llrst ol tbo lour db5na roglons, wblcb ls as |argo as ono wbo|o unlvorso and comprlsos tbo
tbroo Brabm boavons. Soo a|so Cb`an and Zon Toacblng, Tblrd Sorlos, G|ossar, pago 2S7,
Rldor & Co.
32. Ono ol tbo ton cblol dlsclp|os ol tbo Buddba.
33. Ama|5, a lrult |lko tbo boto| nut.
34. Tbo sovon concontrlc mountaln rangos wblcb surround Sumoru, tbo contra| mountaln ol a
unlvorso, oacb rango soparatod lrom tbo otbor b a soa.
blrds, tbo wlnd rlslng and dust, troos, mountalns, rlvors, grass,
mon and anlma|s, tbo aro a|| oxtorna| and aro not YOU.
The essence of perception
`nanda, tbo groat varlot ol tblngs, lar and noar, wbon bo-
bo|d b tbo ossonco ol our soolng, appoarod dllloront
wboroas tbo naturo ol our soolng ls unllorm. Tbls wondrous
brlgbt ossonco ls roa|| tbo naturo ol our porcoptlon.
The Essence of Perception Mistaken for Externals
Refuting this misconception
`ll soolng ls an oboct, ou sbou|d a|so soo m soolng. ll ou
can do so wb wbon l do not soo tblngs, do ou not soo m
non-soolng (Evon) ll ou do so lt wl|| not bo roa| but our
la|so soolng. ll ou do not soo m non-soolng, lt lo||ows tbat
our soolng and mlno aro not obocts. ll so, wb cannot our
soolng bo YOU Agaln ll wbon ou soo an oboct ou grasp
at lt as sucb, lt sbou|d a|so soo ou, ll so, tbat oboct and tbo
35. Tbls sbows tbo Essonco ol Soolng wblcb orlglna|| ls c|oar and omanatos lrom tbo Elgbtb Con-
sclousnoss rol|octlng tbo llvo sonso data and porcolvlng surroundlng obocts, bonco lt ls causa|
soolng. Wbon lt llrst contacts tblngs tbat aro oxtorna|, tbls ls Dlroct lnloronco wblcb bo|ongs to tbo
Elgbtb Consclousnoss (5|aa-vl5na). ll tbls llrst contact ls lo||owod b a tbougbt wblcb stlrs tbo
mlnd and causos lt to dlscrlmlnato, tbls ls Comparatlvo lnloronco wblcb portalns to tbo Slxtb
Consclousnoss (mano-vl5na).
Tbo olgbtlo|d motbod ol roturnlng monta| condltlons to tbolr orlglna| causos, provlous| doa|t
wltb, to wlpo out tbo dlscrlmlnatlvo soolng wblcb arlsos lrom causa| oxtorna|s, concorns Compara-
tlvo lnloronco. Dlroct lnloronco ls now doa|t wltb to rovoa| tbo Essonco ol Soolng, tbo capaclt ol
wblcb ls brougbt out lor lts o|lmlnatlon as wo||.
Tbougb tbo salnt| and tbo wor|d| dlllor, and tbo llo|d ol vlslon ls oltbor |argo or |lmltod, a|| tbls
portalns to tbo Dlroct Porcoptlon ol tbo Elgbtb Consclousnoss. Tbo vast varlot ol pbonomona, sucb
as boavon, oartb and a|| tbat ls tboroln, appoars ln tbo llo|d ol vlslon and sbows tbat tbougb appoar-
ancos dlllor, porcoptlon ls unllorm and cannot bo mlxod wltb tbom. Tbls uncbanglng brlgbt ossonco
ls tbo Naturo ol Porcoptlon. ll ou rocognlzo lt, ou wl|| bo ab|o to |oap ovor lt to roa|lzo our Truo
naturo ol soolng wl|| mlng|o and ou, l and tbo wor|d wl|| bo
ln comp|oto conluslon.
True perception
`nanda, wbon ou soo (tblngs), tbls soolng ls ours and not
mlno, and lts naturo ponotratos ovorwboro, ll lt ls not YOU,
wbat ls lt Wb do ou stl|| doubt about our roa| naturo and
ask mo to conllrm tbat lt ls not la|so`
Wiping Out the Capacity of Perception
to Reveal the True Mind
The capacity of seeing
nanda askod: `Wor|d Honourod Ono, ll l am tbo naturo ol
soolng, wb wbon tbo Buddba and l saw tbo pa|acos ol tbo
lour boavon| klngs and tbo sun and moon, dld tbls soolng
llrst ponotrato tbo wbo|o wor|d and tbon roturn to tbls vlb5ra,
tbon to lts tomp|o and now to tbls ba|| wltb lts oavos and cor-
rldors Doos tbls soolng wblcb llrst porvadod tbo unlvorso
now roturn to and ll|| on| tbls ba||, doos lts provlous sca|o not
sbrlnk, or ls cut up b tbo wa||s ol tbls ba|| l do not know
36. Tbls cbockod nanda`s dovlatlon lrom tbo roa| naturo ol soolng. Tbo Buddba was alrald tbat
nanda mlgbt mlstako bls soolng lor an oboct, so Ho sald: `Eacb tblng soon ls an oboct but not tbo
soolng. ll soolng ls an oboct, ours and mlno wl|| bo obocts and ou can a|so soo m soolng. ll so,
wbon l do not soo antblng, wb do not ou soo m non-soolng Evon ll ou do, lt ls our wrong
soolng but not m non-soolng. ll ou do not soo m non-soolng, lt lo||ows tbat our soolng and
mlno aro not obocts. Slnco tbls soolng oxlsts lndopondont| ol obocts, ls lt not tbo naturo ol our
soolng ll ou c|lng to soolng as an oboct, tbo |attor sbou|d a|so soo ou, tbon our soolng and tbo
oboct wl|| soo oacb otbor wltbout tboro bolng an dlstlnctlon botwoon man and oboct, and tboro
wl|| bo uttor conluslon. Tbo toacblng on soolng lndopondont| ol obocts ls to roturn porcoptlon (soo
pago 36) to tbo Essonco ol Consclousnoss. ll ou undorstand tbls, ou wl|| gradua|| porcolvo our
Truo Naturo.`
Honco tbo Buddba sald: `Wbon ou soo somotblng, tbls ls our own soolng tbat bas notblng to
do wltb mo. ls lt not our soolng tbat ponotratos tbrougbout our roa| naturo Tbls ls a|road qulto
c|oar, wb do ou doubt about tbls naturo wblcb ls lnboront ln ou and so lal| to bo|lovo tbat lt ls tbo
Roa| Wb do ou stl|| walt lor mo to conllrm lt`
wboro tbo moanlng ol a|| tbls roa|| |los, wl|| ou bo com-
passlonato onougb to on|lgbton mo`
Breaking up the capacity of seeing
Tbo Buddba rop|lod: `nanda, a|| tblngs ln tbls wor|d, wbotb-
or |argo or sma||, lnnor or outor, as wo|| as ln otbor condl-
aro oxtorna|, ou sbou|d not sa tbat our soolng
oxpands and contracts. Tako lor lnstanco a squaro box tbo
lnsldo ol wblcb ls soon as contalnlng a squaro ol alr. Now,
to|| mo, ls tbo alr soon as squaro ln tbo squaro box, roa||
squaro or not ll so, lt sbou|d not bo round wbon pourod
lnto a round box. ll not, tbon tboro sbou|d bo no squaro ol
alr ln tbo squaro box. You sa tbat ou do not know wboro
tbo moanlng ol a|| tbls roa|| |los, (but) tbo moanlng bo-
lng so, wboro do ou want lt to |lo nanda, ll ou want,
tbo alr to bo noltbor squaro nor round, ust tbrow tbo box
awa. Slnco alr bas no |ocatlon, ou sbou|d not agaln lnslst
on romovlng tbo p|aco wboro lt |los. ll, as ou ust sald,
wbon ou ontorod tbls ba||, our soolng sbrank lnto a sma||
compass, tbon wbon ou |ook at tbo sun, do ou |llt lt up to
roacb tbat sun ln tbo sk ovorboad ll a wa|| can cut oll our
soolng, can ou provont lt lrom pooplng tbrougb a bo|o ln tbo
wa|| Tboroloro, our contontlon ls wrong.
Revealing the Real
`A|| |lvlng bolngs, lrom tbo tlmo wltbout boglnnlng, bavo dls-
rogardod tbolr own So|vos b c|lnglng to oxtorna| obocts,
37. Tbo olgbt causa| condltlon provlous| doa|t wltb (soo pago 63).
tborob mlsslng tbolr lundamonta| Mlnds. Tbus tbo aro bo-
lng turnod round b obocts and porcolvo |argo and sma||
slzos. ll tbo can turn obocts round, tbo wl|| bo |lko tbo
Tatb5gata, and tbolr bodlos and mlnds wl|| bo ln tbo stato ol
radlant porloctlon, lrom tbolr lmmutab|o bo| slto,
tbo ond
ol oacb ol tbolr balrs wl|| contaln a|| |ands ln tbo ton
Removing the essence of perception to wipe out
the fifth aggregate and eighth consciousness
Eradicating Attachment to the Ego
to Reveal the One Reality
nanda askod: `ll tbls ossonco ol soolng ls m wondrous
naturo, tbo |attor sbou|d manllost boloro mo. ll soolng ls m
roa| ogo, tbon wbat aro m bod and mlnd But ln lact m
3S. Tbo Ho| slto, or bodblmanda|a, ls tbo lmmutab|o Puro Land ol tbo on|lgbtonod Truo Mlnd wblcb ls
omnlprosont. Tbls ls oradlcatlon ol spaco.
3. Wo bavo soon tbat tbo Elgbtb Consclousnoss bas tbroo cbaractorlstlcs: so|l-ovldonclng, porcoptlon
and lorm. As tbo Buddba was about to wlpo out la|sonoss to rovoa| Roa|lt, Ho llrst plckod on lorm.
Ho tbon usod tbo ossonco ol soolng to sbow tbat lt ls lndopondont ol a|| oxtorna| causos. Wltb tbo
o|lmlnatlon ol oboctlvo causos (or lorm), tbo suboctlvo soolng (porcoptlon) dlsappoars as wo||, tbls
ls tbo roturn ol soolng to tbo ossonco ol porcoptlon wblcb tbon romalns a|ono. Slnco tbo ossonco ol
porcoptlon or tbo Elgbtb Consclousnoss ls not ot brokon up, lts dlroct lnloronco can croato bod
and tbo unlvorso, tbus lmp|lng a capaclt wblcb ls |lmltod and ls lncommonsurato wltb tbo
bound|oss roa|m ol Dbarma (Dbarmadb5tu), bonco lts lnnor, outor, groat and sma|| condltlons
wblcb causod nanda to doubt about bls soolng bolng cut up. ll tbls capaclt ls dostrood, botb
sonso organ and oxtorna| obocts wl|| vanlsb and tbo Truo Naturo wl|| bo bound|oss. Tbls ls wbat an
anclont moant b salng: `Tboro ls no nood to sook Roa|lt, lt wl|| sulllco to |a down a|| vlows.`* ll
tbo capaclt ol soolng ls o|lmlnatod, lorm wl|| dlsappoar lnstant|. Honco tbo Buddba sald: `ll a man
can turn obocts round, bo wl|| bo |lko tbo Tatb5gata and bls bod and mlnd wl|| bo ln tbo stato ol
brlgbtnoss and porloctlon, and lrom bls lmmutab|o bo| slto, tbo tlp ol oacb ol bls balrs wl|| contaln
a|| |ands ln tbo ton dlroctlons.`
Tbus tbo Buddba wlpod out Porcoptlon to root out tbo Sovontb Consclousnoss as wo|| as tbo
lourtb Aggrogato, samsk5ra, ln Hls partla| rovo|atlon ol Roa|lt. Tbls doa|s wltb tbo socond baslc
lnvorslon. (Soo pago 3S.)
*Quotatlon lrom tbo g5tb5 `Havo Faltb ln Your Mlnd` b Song Ts`an, tbo tblrd Cblnoso
Patrlarcb ol tbo Cb`an Scboo|.
bod and mlnd can dlscorn (tblngs) wboroas tbat soolng can-
not dlscorn m bod. ll porcoptlon ls m mlnd and causos
mo to soo (tblngs), tbon tbls porcoptlon ls m Ego wboroas
m bod ls not, tbls ls oxact| wbat tbo Buddba provlous| ro-
lutod (wltb tbo argumont tbat) obocts sbou|d tbon soo mo.
Wl|| ou bo compasslonato onougb to on|lgbton mo`
Rooting Out nandas Misconception of Objects
Being and NOT BEING Perception
Misconception of objects BEING perception
Tbo Buddba rop|lod: `nanda, our concoptlon ol porcoptlon
bolng ln lront ol ou ls lncorroct bocauso ll lt ls, tbo ossonco ol
porcoptlon sbou|d bavo a posltlon wblcb can bo sbown. As
ou slt ln Jotavana park, ou soo lts troos and nu||abs as wo||
40. Tbo Buddba was about to broak up tbo 5|aa`s so|l-ovldonclng, tbus lmp|lng tbo oradlcatlon ol tbo
ogo to rovoa| tbo Ono Roa|lt. As tbo Sovontb ls accustomod to mlstako tbo Elgbtb Consclousnoss
lor an lnnor ogo, Hlnaanlsts mlstako lt lor tbo Truo So|l ln Nlrv5na and borotlcs lor tbo Splrltua|
Ego wblcb ls tbolr a||-ombraclng So|l ln tbo ton dlroctlons. Tbls ls wb tbo Buddba sald: `Tbo 5|aa-
vl5na ls vor prolound and subt|o, and tbo soods ol lts |ong bablts bavo dovo|opod lnto an
(lrroslstlb|o) torront. l bavo a|was rolralnod lrom rovoa|lng lt to do|udod poop|o |ost tbo grasp at lt
as an ogo.` Tbls ls wb tbo Buddba so|dom montlonod lt |lgbt|.
Wbon nanda sald: `ll tbls ossonco ol soolng ls m wondrous naturo, tbo |attor (sbou|d)
manllost boloro mo,` bo moant tbat ll obocts cou|d bo turnod round so tbat bo cou|d bocomo |lko
tbo Tatb5gata, tbon a mrlad tblngs appoarlng to blm woro a|| bls ossonco ol soolng. Tbls lmp|lod
tbat lorm was tbo ogo.
Wbon bo sald: `ll soolng ls m roa| ogo, tbon wbat aro m bod and mlnd` bo moant tbat ll
tblngs woro bls truo soolng, tbo (sbou|d bo) bls ogo, ll so, wbat woro bls bod and mlnd Tbls
lmp|lod an ogo oxlstlng apart lrom lorm.
Wbon bo sald: `But ln lact m bod and mlnd can dlscorn (tblngs) wboroas tbat soolng cannot
dlscorn m bod,` bo moant tbat ll obocts woro tbo ogo, tbon bod and mlnd sbou|d not bo lt, but
ln lact bod and mlnd cou|d dlscorn obocts, and ll tbo |attor woro tbo ogo, wb cou|d tbo not
dlscorn bls bod Tbls lmp|lod a |argo ogo and a sma|| lorm, tbat ls tbo ogo contalnlng lorm.
Wbon bo sald: `ll soolng ls m mlnd and causos mo to soo, tbon tbls porcoptlon ls m ogo
wboroas m bod ls not,` bo moant tbat ll tboso obocts woro bls mlnd and causod blm to soo, tbon
tbo naturo ol bls soolng was tbo roa| ogo wboroas bls bod and mlnd woro not. Tbls was oxact|
wbat tbo Buddba bad provlous| rolutod about obocts tbat sbou|d soo blm. Tbls lmp|lod a |argo
lorm and a sma|| ogo, tbat ls lorm contalnlng tbo ogo.
Tbus nanda`s quor concornod oxtorna| obocts mlstakon lor tbo ogo bocauso bo
mlsundorstood tbo Buddba`s toacblng on bow to `turn tblngs round` to bocomo oqua| to tbo
as tbls ba||, wltb tbo sun or moon ovorboad and tbo Gangos ln
tbo dlstanco. As ou aro now, ln lront ol m |lon-soat, movlng
our band to polnt to tbo surroundlngs, sucb as tbo dark lo|l-
ago ol tbo wood, tbo brlgbt sun, b|ocklng wa||s and c|oar opon
spacos as wo|| as grass, p|ants and vor sma|| tblngs, a|tbougb
tbo aro ol dllloront slzos, oacb ol tbom can bo polntod out. ll
tbo aro roa|| our soolng manllostlng ln lront ol ou, ou
sbou|d bo ab|o to sbow wblcb ono ls our soolng.
`nanda, ou sbou|d know tbat ll voldnoss ls our soo-
lng, slnco lt bas a|road bocomo our porcoptlon, tbon bow
can lt bo ompt ll an (oxtorna|) tblng ls our soolng and bas
a|road bocomo our porcoptlon, bow can lt bo oxtorna| So,
altor dlssoctlng a|| tblngs ln lront ol ou, plck out tbo brlgbt
and puro prlnclp|o ol our porcoptlon and sbow lt (to mo) to
provo tbat lt ls c|oar| and lrrolutab| ldontlca| wltb oxtorna|s.`
nanda sald: `From tbls ba||, l now soo tbo Gangos ln
tbo dlstanco, tbo sun or moon ovorboad and a|| tbat l can
polnt out wltb m llngor and soo wltb m oos, tbo aro a||
(oxtorna|) tblngs but not ono ol tbom ls m porcoptlon. Wor|d
Honourod Ono, as tbo Buddba bas sald, not on| a boglnnor
ln tbo sr5vaka stago, |lko mso|l, wbo ls stl|| ln tbo stroam ol
transmlgratlon, but ovon a Bodblsattva, cannot dlssoct tblngs
and plck out tbo ossonco ol soolng wblcb bas an lndopondont
naturo apart lrom pbonomona.`
Tbo Buddba sald: `Corroct, corroct.`
Misconception of objects NOT BEING perception
Tbo Buddba sald: `As ou bavo sald, tboro ls no ossonco ol
soolng wltb an lndopondont naturo apart lrom pbonomona.
Now ll tboro ls no porcoptlon ln tbo tblngs ou polnt out, l
now ask agaln: As ou and tbo Tatb5gata slt ln tbls Jotavana
park, wbon ou soo tbo wood and a|| oxtorna|s lnc|udlng tbo
sun or moon, ll tboro ls no ossonco ol Soolng wblcb can bo
plckod out lrom tbom, to|| mo wblcb ono ls not tbo soolng`
nanda rop|lod: `Ol a|| tblngs soon ln tbls Jotavana
park, l do not know wblcb ono ls not tbo soolng. Wb
Bocauso ll tbo troos aro not tbo soolng, wb do l soo tbom ll
tbo aro tbo soolng, wb aro tbo troos ll tbo vold ls not tbo
soolng, wb do l soo lt ll tbo vold ls tbo soolng, wb ls lt
ompt l too bavo tbougbt carolu|| about a|| tbls and now
conc|udo tbat oacb ono ol tbom ls tbo soolng.`
Tbo Buddba sald: `Corroct, corroct.`
ln tbo assomb|, a|| tboso wbo bad not acblovod tbo
stago boond stud, woro vor surprlsod at boarlng tbo
Buddba sa tbls. Tbo lal|od to undorstand Hls moanlng and
woro porturbod and tbrown oll ba|anco. Tbo Buddba roa|-
lzod tbolr porp|oxlt and a|arm and took compasslon on
tbom, salng: Vlrtuous mon, tbo words ol tbo Klng ol tbo
Supromo Law aro truo, accord wltb Roa|lt and aro noltbor
docoltlu| nor la|so, un|lko tboso ol tbo borotlcs wboso sor-
mons aro arbltrar and alm|oss.
Now |lston attontlvo|,
our laltb ln mo sba|| not bo ln valn.`
4. Llt. Un|lko tboso lrom Maskarl Gosa|iputra wbo proacbos lour klnds ol non-dlng statos arbltrarl|
and alm|oss|.
42. Tbo Buddba`s alm was to polnt dlroct| at tbo Ono Roa|lt wblcb ls boond botb wbat `ls` and `ls
not.` As nanda and tboso wbo bad not acblovod tbo stago boond stud, c|ung to tbls dua|lt ol
oxlstonco and non-oxlstonco, tbo woro bowl|dorod, porp|oxod and tbrown oll ba|anco wbon tbolr
usua| props woro swopt awa. Tboroloro, tbo Buddba comlortod tbom.
Up to boro tbo Toacblng conslstod ln rootlng out tbo mlsconcoptlon ol a roa| Ego.
Majurs Helpful Interposition
Tboroupon, Mausri Bodblsattva, wbo took compasslon on
tbo lour varga, roso lrom bls soat, prostratod blmso|l at tbo
Buddba`s loot, brougbt bls two pa|ms togotbor and sald:
`Wor|d Honourod Ono, tboso poop|o do not undorstand tbo
Tatb5gata`s twolo|d rovo|atlon ol tbo roa|lt and unroa|lt ol
tbo ossonco ol porcoptlon ln lorm and voldnoss. Tbo tblnk
tbat ll causa| lorm and voldnoss aro tbo soolng, tboro sbou|d
bo an lndlcatlon ol lt, and ll tbo aro not, tboro sbou|d bo no
soolng. Tbo do not undorstand our toacblng and aro, tboro-
loro, surprlsod and bowl|dorod, but tbo aro not |lko tboso
wboso roots aro lrlvo|ous and lnlorlor.
Ma tbo Tatb5gata bo
compasslonato onougb to on|lgbton tbom (so, tbat tbo know)
wbat obocts and tbls ossonco ol porcoptlon aro lundamonta||
and tbat tboro oxlsts noltbor ls nor ls not botwoon tbom.`
Tbo Buddba doc|arod to Mausri and tbo assomb|: `To
a|| Tatb5gatas and groat Bodblsattvas ol tbo ton dlroctlons, abld-
lng ln tbo stato ol Sam5dbl, soolng and lts (concurront) causos,
as wo|| as a|| lorms lmaglnab|o, aro |lko l|owors ln tbo sk wblcb
lundamonta|| do not oxlst. Tbls soolng and lts causos aro osson-
tla|| tbo prolound, puro and brlgbt substanco ol En|lgbton-
bow can tboro bo ls and ls not wltbln lt Mausri, l
now ask ou tbls, ou aro a|road tbo roa| Mausri, can tboro
bo anotbor Mausri wbo llrst ls and tbon ls not`
Mausri rop|lod: `No, Wor|d Honourod Ono, l am tbo
43. A roloronco to tboso arrogant dlsclp|os wbo rolusod to |lston to tbo Buddba`s oxpoundlng ol tbo
Lotus Sutra.
44. Tbo soolng and lts causos sprlng lrom tbo lundamonta| substanco ol En|lgbtonmont.
45. Tbls ls tbo arbltrar concoptlon ol oxlstonco and non-oxlstonco.
roa| Mausri and tboro cannot bo anotbor. Wb Bocauso ll
tboro ls, tbon tboro wl|| bo two Mausris, but m prosonco
boro doos not moan tbat tboro ls no Mausri, wltb an (arbl-
trar) concoptlon ol ls and ls not ln botwoon.`
Tbo Buddba sald: `Llkowlso tbls c|oar soolng as wo|| as
tbo obocts (soon) and tbo vold aro lundamonta|| tbo por-
loct, puro, truo Mlnd ol tbo Wondorlu|, Brlgbt, Supromo
Bodbl wrong| porcolvod as lorm and voldnoss as wo|| as
boarlng and soolng, ust as a socond moon ls porcolvod wltb
tbo accompanlng mlsconcoptlon ol roa| and unroa| moons.
Mausri, tboro ls on| ono roa| moon wblcb ls boond tbo
condltlon ol ls and ls not. Tboroloro, ll ou dlscorn soolng
and lts obocts and glvo rlso to a|| klnds ol (monta|) croatlon,
tbls ls wrong tblnklng wblcb wl|| provont ou lrom gottlng out
ol tbls dua| condltlon ol ls and ls not. (ll ou |ook lnto
tbom b moans ol) tbls truo, ossontla|, wondorlu|, brlgbt, and
on|lgbtonod Naturo, lt wl|| onab|o ou to avold tbls dua|lt.`
46. Undor do|uslon, wlsdom ls translormod lnto consclousnoss, bonco tbo wrong concoptlon ol a bod and
lts surroundlngs wltb a vast varlot ol dllloront tblngs, a|| ol wblcb aro croatod b consclousnoss. ll con-
sclousnoss ls transmutod lnto wlsdom, a|| oxtorna| tblngs wl|| vanlsb at onco. Honco tbo salng: `Porcop-
tlon ol lorm ls consclousnoss and lts non-porcoptlon ls wlsdom.` Tbo on| dllloronco botwoon tboso two
statos |los ln a moro cbango. For wbon tbo substanco ol tbo Ono Roa|lt ls translormod lnto tbo 5|aa-
vl5na, bod and unlvorso como to bo. ll bod and mlnd aro dlsontang|od lrom wltbln and tbo unlvorso
ls dlsongagod lrom wltbout, tbls storobouso (5|aa) consclousnoss ls ossontla|| tbo pormanont Truo Mlnd
ol tbo Dbarma-roa|m ol tbo Ono Roa|lt ln tbo Tatb5gata-garbba, ln wblcb bow can tboro bo oxlstonco
and non-oxlstonco ll wo ro| on tbo wrong porcoptlon ol consclousnoss, lt wl|| glvo rlso to tbo (dua|lt ol)
wbat ls roa| and unroa|. ll wo uso tbo Groat Wlsdom to l||umlno tbom, wo wl|| llnd no sucb tblngs. Tboro-
loro, Mausri wbo porsonlllod tbo Groat Wlsdom, askod tbo Buddba to oxp|aln bow tbls ossonco ol por-
coptlon and lts obocts cou|d bo lroo lrom tbls dua|lsm. Tbo Buddba, wbl|o dwo||lng ln tbo stato ol Groat
Sam5dbl, rop|lod as ln tbo toxt, spoclllca|| rovoa|lng tbo Ono Roa|lt bosldo wblcb tboro ls notblng o|so.
Provlous| tbo Buddba bad wlpod out la|so soolng wltb tbo ald ol tbo ossonco ol porcoptlon and bad
sald: `A|tbougb tbls ossonco ol porcoptlon ls not tbo prolound ossontla| brlgbt Mlnd, lt ls |lko a socond
moon but not lts rol|octlon ln wator.` Now as Ho was about to o|lmlnato tbo ossonco ol porcoptlon, Ho
sald: `Tboro ls on| ono roa| moon,` tbat ls, tboro ls no socond moon, tbls c|oar| sbows tbo Buddba`s
skl|lu| proacblng on tbo rootlng out ol mlsconcoptlons, lrom tbo coarsost to tbo llnost, tbus gradua||
|oadlng Hls dlsclp|os to roturn to Roa|lt wblcb wou|d tbon bo c|oar to tbom. ll wrong tblnklng ls usod to
contomp|ato tblngs, tbo wou|d not bo ab|o to oscapo lrom tbls dua|lt ol `ls` and `ls not.` But ll tbo usod
tbo wondorlu| brlgbt En|lgbtonod Naturo ln tbolr contomp|atlon, lt wou|d onab|o tbom to avold tbls
dua|lt. Tbls rovoa|s tbo naturo ol tbo Ono Roa|lt, and up to boro, attacbmont to tbo roa|lt ol tbo ogo
was cut oll to dlsc|oso lt.
Wiping Out layas Self-Evidencing to Reveal One Reality
nandas Discrimination
nanda sald: `Wor|d Honourod Ono, tbo Klng ol tbo Law
bas proacbod tbo naturo ol causa| on|lgbtonmont (Bodbl)
wblcb ls a|was prosont ln tbo ton dlroctlons
and wblcb ls
boond blrtb and doatb, doos tbls dlllor lrom tbo concopt ol
prlmordla| prolundlt, accordlng to tbo doctrlno ol Kapl|a
and tbat ol a truo Ego porvadlng ovorwboro accordlng to
botorodox ascotlcs wbo covor tbolr boads wltb asbos and
dust Tbo Buddba, wbl|o on Lank5 mountaln, onco sald to
Mab5matl: Horotlcs a|was spoak ol natura| oxlstonco but l
proacb causos and condltlons
wblcb aro boond tbo stago
tbo bavo roacbod. Now as l |ook lnto tbls naturo ol En|lgbt-
onmont, lt ls so|l oxlstont, abovo blrtb and doatb and boond
a|| la|sobood and lnvorslon. Tboro soom to bo noltbor (our)
causos and condltlons nor tbolr natura| oxlstonco. Wl|| ou
p|oaso toacb us so tbat wo sba|| not la|| lnto boroslos but wln
tbo brlgbt naturo ol wondorlu| on|lgbtonod Truo Mlnd.`
Wiping Out nandas Discrimination
Rooting out the self as such
Tbo Buddba sald: `l bavo oxpodlont| rovoa|od tbo trutb to
ou, ot ou do not awakon to lt but mlstako lt lor bolng tbo
so|l as sucb. nanda, ll lt ls tbo so|l as sucb, lt sbou|d sbow
47. Tbo naturo ol Bodbl lo||ows wor|d| causos to appoar ovorwboro lor tbo sa|vatlon ol |lvlng bolngs
but wltbout stralng lrom lts nlrvanlc condltlon.
4S. Hotuprataa: Hotu = prlmar causo, o.g. a sood, prataa = condltlon or socondar causo, o.g. tbo
oartb, raln, sunsblno.
c|oar| tbat lts substanco ls tbo so|l. Now |ook lnto tbls won-
drous soolng and soo wbat ls lts so|l, do ou moan tbat |lgbt,
darknoss, c|arlt or obstructlon ls lts so|l nanda, ll |lgbt ls lts
so|l ou sbou|d not soo darknoss and ll tbo vold ou sbou|d
not soo obstructlon. ll darknoss ls lts so|l, tbo naturo ol our
soolng sbou|d coaso to oxlst wbon tboro ls |lgbt, ll so, wb do
ou stl|| soo |lgbt`
nanda sald: `ll so, tbo naturo ol tbls wondrous soolng
ls not tbo so|l as sucb. l now guoss tbat lt ls croatod b causo
and condltlon but l am stl|| not c|oar about lt. l pra tbo
Tatb5gata to toacb mo bow tbls accords wltb tbo naturo ol
causo and condltlon.`
Eliminating cause and condition
Tbo Buddba sald: `You now spoak ol causo and condltlon
Lot mo ask ou tbls: Wbon ou soo tblngs, tbo naturo ol soo-
lng manllosts, doos tbls soolng oxlst bocauso ol |lgbt, dark-
noss, c|arlt or obstructlon nanda, ll lt oxlsts bocauso ol
|lgbt, ou sbou|d not soo darknoss and ll bocauso ol dark-
noss, ou sbou|d not soo |lgbt, lt ls tbo samo wltb c|arlt and
obstructlon. Agaln, ls tbls soolng ln a brlgbt, dark, c|oar or ob-
structod condltlon nanda, ll lt ls c|oar, ou sbou|d not soo
an obstructlon and ll lt ls obstructod ou sbou|d not soo tbat
lt ls c|oar, lt ls tbo samo wltb |lgbt and darknoss.
Revealing the essential Bodhi
`Tboroloro, ou sbou|d know tbat tbo ossontla| Bodbl ls won-
drous and brlgbt, bolng noltbor causo nor condltlon, noltbor
so|l as sucb nor not so|l as sucb, noltbor unroa|lt nor not un-
roa|lt, and noltbor roa|lt nor not roa|lt, lor lt ls boond a||
lorms and ls ldontlca| wltb a|| tblngs (dbarm5).
How can
ou now tblnk ol lt and uso tbo lrlvo|ous tormlno|og ol tbo
wor|d to oxpross lt Tbls ls |lko trlng to catcb or toucb tbo
vold wltb our band, ou wl|| on| tlro ourso|l, lor bow can
ou catcb tbo vold`
Brushing away wrong assumptions
nanda askod: `Wor|d Honourod Ono, ll tbo naturo ol Won-
dorlu| En|lgbtonmont bas noltbor causo nor condltlon, wb
bas tbo Buddba a|was to|d tbo bblksus about tbo naturo ol
soolng wblcb oxlsts bocauso ol tbo lour condltlons ol vold-
noss, |lgbt, mlnd and oo, wbat doos a|| tbls moan`
Tbo Buddba rop|lod: `l spoko ol wor|d| causo and con-
dltlon wblcb bavo notblng to do wltb Supromo Roa|lt.`
Eliminating the Essence of Perception
to Reveal Inceptive Enlightenment
Wiping Out nandas Discrimination
`nanda, l now ask ou tbls: Wbon a wor|d| man sas tbat bo
4. Wblcb arlso lrom tbls undor|lng prlnclp|o.
50. Tbo Buddba broko up nanda`s ldoa ol tbo naturo ol En|lgbtonmont as bolng so|l as sucb and as
oxlstlng bocauso ol causo and condltlon, lor sucb a naturo as bo concolvod dld not oxlst
lndopondont| ol oxtorna| pbonomona but stl|| dopondod on causo and condltlon. Ho tbon rovoa|od
tbo ossontla| Bodbl wblcb ls noltbor `ls` nor `ls not,` ls boond causo and condltlon, ls not so|l as
sucb and ls lndopondont ol a|| lorms and pbonomona, tbat ls tbo stago lrom wblcb tbo patb ol
words and spoocb ls cut oll and wltb wblcb tbo mlnd`s actlvltlos no |ongor connoct, bow can lt bo
lmaglnod and oxprossod ln tbo condltlonod |anguago ol tbls wor|d To attompt to spoak ol lt ls as
lutl|o as trlng to catcb tbo vold wltb ono`s band.
A|| la|so assumptlons bad now boon rootod out to rovoa| tbo Ono Roa|lt.
5. Tboro aro tbroo klnds ol Bodbi (a) baslc or dormant Bodbl lnboront ln ovor |lvlng bolng,
(b) lncoptlvo Bodbl, rosu|tlng lrom tbo arousa| ol baslc Bodbl b tbo practlco ol Dbarma, and
(c) u|tlmato Bodbl, or Comp|oto En|lgbtonmont roa|lzod wbon tbo llrst two unlto.
soo tblngs, wbat doos bo moan b soolng and not soolng
nanda rop|lod: `Wbon a wor|d| man soos lorms b tbo |lgbt ol
tbo sun, moon and |amps, tbls ls ca||od soolng but ln tbo absonco
ol sucb |lgbt, bo cannot soo (antblng).`
(Tbo Buddba askod:) `nanda, ll lt ls ca||od not soolng
wbon tboro ls no |lgbt, bo sbou|d not soo darknoss. ll bo doos,
tbls ls bocauso tboro ls no |lgbt, bow tbon can tboro bo no
soolng nanda, ln tbo dark, ll tbls ls ca||od not soolng so|o|
bocauso bo doos not soo tbo |lgbt, tbon wbon tboro ls |lgbt, ll
bo doos not soo darknoss, tbls ls agaln ca||od not soolng, tbus
tboro wou|d bo no soolng ln, botb casos. But ln tboso two
statos wblcb rop|aco oacb otbor, tbo naturo ol our soolng
doos not coaso lor an lnstant. Tboroloro, tboro ls (actua|)
soolng ln botb statos, so bow can tboro bo no soolng
Revealing the Inceptive Bodhi
`Tboroloro, nanda, ou sbou|d know tbat wbon ou soo tbo
|lgbt, our soolng ls not c|oar, wbon ou soo tbo darknoss,
our soolng ls not obscuro, wbon ou soo tbo vold, lt ls not
ompt, and wbon ou soo obstructlon, lt ls not obstructod.
Altor ou bavo undorstood tboso lour statos, ou sbou|d a|so
know tbat wbon our (abso|uto) soolng porcolvos tbo Essonco
ol Soolng, tbo lormor ls not tbo |attor wblcb stl|| dlllors lrom
lt, bow can our (la|so) soolng roacb tbat (abso|uto) soolng
52. Tbo word `can` ln tbo toxt ls moanlnglu| lor lt sbows tbo suboct tbat can soo obocts.
53. Llt. `Wbon soolng (porcolvos) soolng, soolng ls not soolng, (lor) soolng stras lrom soolng, soolng
cannot roacb lt.` Tbls ls a most dllllcu|t sontonco to lntorprot and man Cblnoso commontators bavo
oxp|alnod lt wrong|. Tbo abovo accurato Eng|lsb rondorlng ls mado posslb|o tbanks to Mastor Han
Sban, wbo wroto bls commontar altor bls own on|lgbtonmont. Tbls sontonco was a|so wldo|
dlscussod ln Cblnoso Cb`an monastorlos.
How can ou spoak ol causo and condltlon, ol tbo so|l oxlst-
lng as sucb and ol tbo (so-ca||od) unlon You aro a|| lgnorant
and narrow-mlndod boarors (sr5vak5) and cannot undor-
stand puro and c|oan Roa|lt. l now toacb ou (tbo Trutb) lnto
wblcb ou sbou|d |ook carolu||, so do not a||ow lndo|onco
and romlssnoss to obstruct our Patb to Prolound Bodbl`
54. Tbls wlpod out tbo ossonco ol porcoptlon to rovoa| lncoptlvo En|lgbtonmont. From tbo start ol tbls
dlscusslon on soolng, tbo ossonco ol porcoptlon was usod to root out tbo dlscrlmlnatlng soolng
wblcb arlsos lrom oxtorna| causos. Tbon 5|aa`s porcoptlon was o|lmlnatod to rovoa| tbo ossonco ol
porcoptlon. For botb porcoptlon and lorm aro two cbaractorlstlcs ol tbo samo substanco and
dopond on tbo ossonco ol consclousnoss to manllost. Tboroloro, obocts (lorm) and soolng
(porcoptlon) lntormlng|o and aro not oas to soparato. Honco nanda mlstook oltbor soolng
(porcoptlon) lor obocts (lorm) or vlco-vorsa, and gavo rlso to botorodox vlows. Tbo Buddba usod
oxtorna| obocts to robuko tbo dlsclp|o`s dlscrlmlnatlon.
Now tbat tbo ossonco ol porcoptlon bad boon o|lmlnatod, on| ono Truo Essonco romalnod,
lroo lrom a|| otbor tblngs and dua|ltlos. So a|| nanda`s doubts about tbo oxlstonco ol tbo so|l as
sucb and about causo and condltlon woro wlpod out. Tbls was tbo o|lmlnatlon ol porcoptlon lor lts
roturn to tbo ossonco ol consclousnoss, wblcb, bowovor, was stl|| undor do|uslon. Tbls ls lgnoranco
ltso|l, ca||od tbo storobouso ol consclousnoss (5|aa-vl5na). lt ls |lkonod to a socond moon, and ll
lt ls not o|lmlnatod, lt wl|| not bo posslb|o to unlto wltb tbo roa| moon, tbat ls tbo truo Mlnd ol baslc
En|lgbtonmont. Tbls ls wb tbo ossonco ol porcoptlon was wlpod out to acblovo tbo wlsdom ol
lncoptlvo En|lgbtonmont.
Wbon tbo Buddba was about to root out tbo ossonco ol consclousnoss (5|aa), Ho probod
nanda about tbo wor|d| concoptlon ol soolng and not soolng. Tbls dlllorod lrom Hls provlous
dlscusslons basod on causos, lor lt was now glvon ln tbo absonco ol causa| oxtorna|s. Ho wantod to
sbow tbls ossonco ol porcoptlon wblcb dld not owo lts oxlstonco to (oxtorna|) causos and was not
croatod b condltlons - but ls tbo ono roa| ossonco wblcb ls c|oso to tbo truo Mlnd. ll tbls 5|aa
consclousnoss ls o|lmlnatod, a|| tbo llvo aggrogatos wl|| vanlsb lnstant|, tbls ls tbo wlsdom ol
lncoptlvo En|lgbtonmont.
So tbo Buddba probod nanda about porcoptlon wblcb an ordlnar man spoaks ol wbon
soolng tblngs and askod blm: `Wbat ls soolng and wbat ls not soolng Tbo dlsclp|o rop|lod tbat tboro
was soolng wbon lt was |lgbt or dark and tbo Buddba wlpod out a|| tbls as sald ln tbo toxt and
conc|udod tbat tbougb |lgbt and darknoss a|tornatod, tbo naturo ol soolng was uncbangod and dld
not coaso lor an lnstant. Tboroloro, tbo lour condltlons ol |lgbt, darknoss, c|arlt and obstructlon aro
on| oxtorna|s wboroas tbls ossonco ol porcoptlon doos not dopond on an causo lor lts oxlstonco
and ls, not croatod b an condltlon, lt ls ossontla|| porcoptlon on|. Wbon a|| oxtorna| obocts bad
boon wlpod out, tbls ossonco a|ono romalnod but lt stl|| portalnod to lgnoranco.
Tboroloro, tbo Buddba wlpod out tbls ossonco ol porcoptlon and sald: `Wbon our (roa|)
porcoptlon soos tbls ossonco ol porcoptlon, lt ls not tbo |attor wblcb, tbougb stralng lrom lt, ls ot
c|oso to lt, bow can our la|so soolng wblcb ls so lar lrom (roa|) porcoptlon, ovor roacb lt How can
ou stl|| spoak ol causo and condltlon, ol tbo so|l as sucb and ol unlon Tbls wlpod out tbo ossonco
ol consclousnoss (5|aa-vl5na). Tbls non-dlscrlmlnatlng truo porcoptlon ls tbo truo Mlnd ol tbo
puro and c|oan Roa|lt wblcb ou lal| to roa|lzo bocauso ol our do|uslon and narrow-mlndodnoss.
Tbls ls tbo wlsdom ol lncoptlvo En|lgbtonmont and on| wbon lt ls roa|lzod can baslc Bodbl
manllost. Tbls ls tbo patb ol samatba wblcb l now toacb ou.`
Altor nanda`s quor about samatba at tbo boglnnlng, tbo Buddba bad wlpod out tbo bod
and mlnd, mado ol llvo aggrogatos, to rovoa| tbo unroa|lt ol man. Tbls cut oll attacbmont to tbo
roa|lt ol an ogo and was on| (a stato ol) ro|atlvo voldnoss lor tbo attacbmont to tblngs (dbarma)
stl|| romalnod. Honco ln tbo lo||owlng toxt, tbo Buddba taugbt tbo o|lmlnatlon ol tbo wor|d to cut oll
tbls attacbmont to dbarma.
Revealing the unreality of the two realms
expose the non-existence of Dharma (things)
nanda sald to tbo Buddba: `Wor|d Honourod Ono, a|tbougb
tbo Buddba bas taugbt us about causo and condltlon, tbo stato
ol tbo so|l as sucb, ol mlng|lng and unlon and ol non-mlng|lng
and non-unlon, our mlnds aro stl|| not opon to tbo toacblng.
As wo |lstonod to Hls lurtbor lnstructlon on soolng tbat ls not
soolng, wo bocamo moro do|udod and porp|oxod. P|oaso bo
compasslonato onougb to opon our wlsdom-oo to on|lgbton
us.` Altor salng tbls, bo sbod blttor toars, prostratod blmso|l at
tbo Buddba`s loot and waltod lor tbo bo| toacblng.
Tbo Buddba took plt on `nanda and tbo assomb|
and was about to toacb tbo prolound practlco ol tbo sam5-
dbls ol tbo groat Db5rani wbon bo sald to nanda: `Tbougb
ou bavo trlod to momorlzo (m Dbarma), ou bavo on|
broadonod our boarlng (or know|odgo) and aro stl|| not vor
c|oar about doop lnslgbt lnto samatba. Now |lston wltb atton-
tlon to wbat l now to|| ou lu|| (lor tbo bonollt ol ou) and
tboso wbo aro stl|| ln tbo stroam ol transmlgratlon so tbat ou
can a|| wln tbo bodbl lrult.
`nanda, a|| |lvlng bolngs aro suboct to transmlgratlon
tbrougb varlous wor|ds bocauso ol two lnvortod, dlscrlmlna-
tlvo and wrong vlows wblcb, wborovor tbo occur, causo
55. Tbo roa|m ol |lvlng bolngs and tbo roa|m ol matorla| tblngs.
56. Tbo llvo aggrogatos provlous| oradlcatod b tbo Buddba woro moro namos and torms but tboso soom-
lng| roa| tblngs (dbarma) stl|| romalnod lor nanda bad no porsona| oxporlonco ol tbolr non-oxlstonco.
So, wbon bo board about `tbo soolng wblcb was not roa| soolng,` bo bocamo moro do|udod and por-
p|oxod. Tbls was bocauso a|tbougb as a Hlnaanlst bo was no |ongor attacbod to tbo roa|lt ol an ogo,
bo stl|| c|ung to tbo oxlstonco ol tbo bod, mlnd and unlvorso. Honco bls roquost lor o|ucldatlon.
Tbo Buddba tbon oxp|alnod tbo unroa|lt ol tbo bod, tbo mlnd and tbolr surroundlngs.
poop|o to bo caugbt ln tbo turnlng wboo| ol sas5ra. Wbat
causos tboso two wrong vlows Tbo aro duo to tbolr lndlvld-
ua| and co||octlvo karmas.
Individual Karma
`Wbat ls tbo lndlvldua| karma tbat causos wrong vlows
nanda, lt ls |lko a man wbo, bocauso bls oos aro lnl|amod,
soos at nlgbt a llvo-co|ourod clrc|o round tbo |lgbt ol a |amp.
ls tbls clrc|o tbo co|our ol tbo l|amo or tbat ol bls soolng ll lt
ls tbo co|our ol tbo l|amo, wb doos on| tbo man wltb bad
oos soo lt wbl|o otbors do not ll lt ls tbo co|our ol bls soolng,
slnco bls soolng ls a|road tbat co|our, wbat do ou ca|| tbo
clrc|o Moroovor, nanda, ll tbls clrc|o ls lndopondont ol tbo
|amp, tbo man sbou|d soo lt wbon |ooklng at noarb curtalns,
tab|os and mats, ll lt ls lndopondont ol tbo soolng, lt sbou|d
not bo soon b tbo oos, but wb doos tbo man wltb bad
oos soo lt Tboroloro, ou sbou|d know tbat tbls co|our ls ro-
voa|od b tbo |amp|lgbt and bocomos a clrc|o wbon por-
colvod b doloctlvo soolng, botb tbo clrc|o (lorm) and tbo
soolng (porcoptlon) aro duo to bad oos, but tbat wblcb ro-
cognlzos tbls dlsoaso ls not slck. Tbus ou sbou|d not (dls-
crlmlnato and) sa tbat lt ls oltbor tbo |amp or tbo soolng, wltb
tbo lurtbor ldoa ol lt bolng noltbor tbo |amp nor tbo soolng. lt
ls |lko a socond moon wblcb ls noltbor tbo roa| moon nor lts
sbadow. Wb Bocauso tbo slgbt ol tbls socond moon ls an
l||usor croatlon. So wlso poop|o sbou|d not sa tbat tbls l||u-
slon ls or ls not lorm or tbat lt oxlsts apart lrom soolng or
non-soolng. ln tbo samo wa bow can ou provo tbat an
l||uslon causod b bad oos ls (duo to) tbo |amp or to our
soolng Stl|| |oss can ou ostab|lsb tbat lt ls (duo to) noltbor
tbo |amp nor our soolng.
Collective Karma
`Wbat ls tbo co||octlvo karma tbat causos wrong vlows
nanda, tbls unlvorso (Jambudvipa) comprlsos, bosldo tbo
groat soa, 3,000 contlnonts, wltb tbo |argost at tbo contor,
contalnlng a|togotbor, lrom oast to wost, 2,300 countrlos and
otbor sma|| contlnonts oacb conslstlng ol , 2, 30, 40, 50,
200, or 300 countrlos. nanda, ln a sma|| contlnont tboro
(ma) bo on| two countrlos, ono ol wblcb ls lnbabltod b
poop|o wbo, as a rosu|t ol tbolr ovl| karma, ma wltnoss a||
sorts ol ovl| statos, wbl|o tbo lnbabltants ol tbo otbor countr
noltbor soo nor ovon boar ol tbom.
`nanda, |ot us comparo tboso two karmlc condltlons
(doa|lng llrst wltb wrong vlows causod b lndlvldua| karma
wblcb aro slml|ar to tboso b co||octlvo karma). nanda, a||
|lvlng bolngs wboso lndlvldua| karma causos tbom to soo
wrong|, aro |lko tbo man wbo bocauso bls oos aro lnl|amod,
soos round tbo |lgbt ol a |amp a clrc|o wblcb sooms to bo out
tboro ln lront ol blm, but ln lact oxlsts bocauso bls slgbt ls dls-
turbod, tbls clrc|o ls not croatod b lorm. Howovor tbo (lac-
u|t ol) soolng tbrougb wblcb bo ls awaro ol tbls troub|o, ls
lroo lrom lt. Slml|ar| ll ou now |ook at mountalns, rlvors
and tbo countr wltb lts lnbabltants, tbo aro a|| croatod b a
dlsturbanco ln our soolng slnco tbo tlmo wltbout boglnnlng.
Tbougb tbls soolng and lts causa| oxtorna|s soom to bo (pbo-
nomona) ln lront ol ou, tbo orlglna|| arlso lrom our (sub-
octlvo) awaronoss ol tbat brlgbtnoss (ol Roa|lt) wblcb |oads
to a (wrong) porcoptlon ol (oboctlvo) causa| la|sltlos. Tbus
awaronoss and porcoptlon (causo) wrong soolng, but tbo
brlgbt truo Mlnd ol baslc Bodbl wblcb soos c|oar| tboso
causa| statos ls lroo lrom a|| l||s. Tbat wblcb roa|lzos tbls
awaronoss as lau|t doos not la|| lnto do|uslon. Tbls ls (wbat
l moan b truo) soolng tbat ls not (dlscrlmlnatlvo and about
wblcb ou askod lor o|ucldatlon). How can tbls bo compro-
bondod b our (dlscrlmlnatlvo) soolng, boarlng, loo|lng and
knowlng Tboroloro, our actua| soolng ol ourso|l, ol mo
and ol |lvlng bolngs ol tbo ton tpos ol blrtb ls a dlsturbanco
ol our soolng and cortaln| not tbat wblcb ls awaro ol our
wrong soolng. For tbo baslc naturo ol tbo truo ossonco ol por-
coptlon ls boond a|| l||s: bonco lt ls not ca||od soolng.
`nanda, |ot us now comparo wrong soolng causod b
co||octlvo karma wltb tbat b lndlvldua| karma. Tbo (l||uslon
ol a) clrc|o round tbo |lgbt ol a |amp soon b a man bocauso
bls oos aro bad, and tbo ovl| condltlon oxporloncod b a||
tbo lnbabltants ol a countr bocauso ol co||octlvo karma, aro
botb croatod b la|so soolng slnco tbo tlmo wltbout bogln-
nlng. Tbus tbo Jambudvipa`s 3,000 contlnonts, tbo lour
groat soas, tbo sab wor|d and samsarlc countrlos ln tbo ton
dlroctlons as wo|| as tbolr lnbabltants aro tbo product ol
causa| soolng, boarlng, loo|lng and knowlng wblcb arlso lrom
tbo (suboctlvo) awaronoss ol tbo brlgbtnoss ol supramun-
dano wondrous Mlnd, ontal|lng mlxturos and unlons ol con-
currlng causos wblcb rosu|t ln tbolr rlso and la||.
Revealing the Independent Basic Bodhi
to Expose the Unfettered Absoluteness (Bhtatathat)
`Ho wbo can avold tbo (l||usor) mlxturo and unlon and non-
mlxturo and non-unlon ol concurront causos, wl|| bo ab|o to
dostro a|| causos ol blrtb and doatb, tborob porloctlng tbo
transcondonta| naturo ol En|lgbtonmont and roa|lzlng tbo
pormanont baslc Bodbl ol puro and c|oan So|l-mlnd.
57. Attacbmont to dbarma (tblngs) lmp|los man`s c|lnglng to tbo lnnor bod and mlnd, mado ol llvo
aggrogatos (l.o. tbo roa|m ol |lvlng bolngs) and to outor mountalns, rlvors, spaco and tbo wor|d (l.o.
tbo roa|m ol matorla| tblngs), a|| ol wblcb soom to oxlst. Honco tbo Buddba spoko ol `wrong vlows,
wblcb wherever tbo occur, causo |lvlng bolngs to bo caugbt there ln tbo turnlng karmlc wboo| ol
oxlstonco.` Tbls ls tbo moanlng ol tbo salng: `A|| (monta|) stlrrlngs causo sullorlng.`
lndlvldua| karma causos direct retribution, wblcb allocts tbo lndlvldua| wltb a bod and mlnd,
and co||octlvo karma causos dependent retribution, wblcb allocts tbo matorla| wor|d or tbo
surroundlngs ol a|| wbo sbaro tbo samo karma. Fundamonta|| tboso two la|sltlos do not oxlst ln tbo
abso|uto stato, but undor do|uslon, tbo 5|aa consclousnoss glvos rlso to perception wblcb ls tbo
la|so mlnd, and form wblcb ls tbo l||usor oboct. Honco tbo truo Mlnd ls |lkonod to good oos and
|amp|lgbt, tbo la|so mlnd to lnl|amod oos, tbo bod and mlnd, to tbo clrc|o round tbo |lgbt ol a
|amp, and tbo matorla| wor|d, to a l|owor ln tbo sk. Ho wbo awakons to tbls l||noss ol tbo oos,
roa|lzos tbo unroa|lt ol tboso two la|sltlos, bonco tbo Buddba usod an lnl|ammatlon ol tbo oos to
oxposo tbolr non-oxlstonco.
lndlvldua| karma causlng la|so soolng ls man`s dlroct rotrlbutlon ln tbo lorm ol a bod and
mlnd wblcb do not oxlst lundamonta|| and dopond on la|so soolng lor tbolr soomlng oxlstonco.
Tbls ls-|lkonod to an lnl|ammatlon ol tbo oos wblcb causos tbo soolng ol a clrc|o round tbo |lgbt ol
a |amp. Tbls l||uslon noltbor oxlsts bocauso ol tbo |amp nor apart lrom lt, tboroloro, bow can lt bo
dlscussod on tbo basls ol tbo dua| `ls` and `ls not` Llko tbo co|our tbat comos lrom tbo |amp, wbat
ls la|so a|so comos lrom wbat ls roa|. Tbls ls |lko a socond moon wblcb ls boond botb oxlstonco and
non-oxlstonco. Ho wbo undorstands tbls, awakons to tbo unroa|lt ol tbo llvo aggrogatos and wlpos
out a|| doubts about causo and condltlon, tbo so|l as sucb, mlng|lng and unlon, and non-mlng|lng
and non-unlon.
Co||octlvo karma concorns a|| |lvlng bolngs sbarlng tbo samo rotrlbutlon, tbat ls tbo matorla|
wor|d wblcb lundamonta||, doos not oxlst and arlsos a|so lrom la|so soolng. lt ls oas to awakon to
tbo unroa|lt ol an ogo but lt ls vor dllllcu|t to roa|lzo tbo non-oxlstonco ol tbo matorla| wor|d.
Honco tbo comparlson ol lndlvldua| wltb co||octlvo karma and vlco-vorsa, to oxp|aln tbo unroa|lt ol
tbo roa|m ol matorla| tblngs. For botb tbo clrc|o round tbo |lgbt ol a |amp and tbo matorla| wor|d
como lrom a doloct ln tbo soolng slnco tbo tlmo wltbout boglnnlng, duo to baslc lgnoranco causod
b tbo llrst stlrrlng tbougbt tbat rosu|tod ln (suboctlvo) awaronoss ol tbo brlgbtnoss ol Truo Mlnd
and subsoquont wrong perception wblcb croatod pbonomona (form).
Tbls wlpod out tbo two roa|ms to rovoa| tbo unroa|lt ol dbarma.
Wiping Out All Traces of the False to Enter the Abstruse
to Reveal the Bhtatathat
`nanda, tbougb ou bavo undorstood tbo prolound and
brlgbt naturo ol baslc Bodbl wblcb ls noltbor causa|, nor con-
dltlona|, nor tbo so|l as sucb, ou aro stl|| not c|oar about tbls
on|lgbtonod substanco wblcb noltbor mlxturo and unlon nor
non-mlxturo and non-unlon can croato.
`nanda, l must now ask ou a quostlon. Slnco ou stl||
bo|d tbat a|| la|so tblnklng mlxos and unltos wltb causos and
condltlons, ou aro ln doubt and worr about (tbo tbougbts
ol) a Bodbl mlnd arlslng lrom sucb mlxturo and unlon. ll so,
doos our ossonco ol porcoptlon mlx wltb |lgbt, or darknoss,
wltb c|arlt, or obstructlon ll lt mlxos wltb |lgbt, wbon tbo
|attor appoars and ou soo lt, wboro doos lt mlx wltb our
soolng Slnco our soolng ls c|oar, wboro can ou llnd sucb
mlxturo ll lt ls not tbo soolng, wb do ou soo |lgbt ll lt ls
tbo soolng, bow can ou soo our own soolng Slnco our
soolng ls comp|oto b ltso|l, bow can lt bo mlxod wltb tbo
|lgbt Slnco |lgbt ls comp|oto b ltso|l, wboro can lt contaln
our soolng Tboroloro, soolng and |lgbt dlllor, and ll tbo aro
mlxod up, ovon tbo word |lgbt wou|d coaso to oxlst, ln
otbor words, sucb a mlxturo wou|d suppross tbo |lgbt. Con-
soquont|, our concopt ol a mlxturo ol soolng wltb |lgbt ls
wrong, and so ls a mlxturo ol soolng wltb darknoss, c|arlt
and obstructlon.
`Agaln, nanda, doos tbo ossonco ol our porcoptlon
unlto wltb |lgbt, darknoss, c|arlt and obstructlon ll lt unltos
wltb |lgbt, tbon wbon |lgbt vanlsbos and ls rop|acod b dark-
noss, tbo soolng sbou|d not unlto wltb tbo |attor, but wb do
ou stl|| soo darknoss Wbon ou soo darknoss, ll our soolng
doos not unlto wltb lt, tbon wbon lt unltos wltb |lgbt, ou
sbou|d not soo |lgbt as wo||. ll |lgbt ls not soon, tbon wbon
tboro ls |lgbt, do ou know tbat lt ls |lgbt and not darknoss
Llkowlso, a unlon ol tbo soolng wltb darknoss, c|arlt and ob-
structlon ls oqua|| la|so.`
nanda askod: `Wor|d Honourod Ono, l am tblnklng
agaln about tbls on|lgbtonod substanco, doos lt noltbor mlx
nor unlto wltb causa| oxtorna|s and wltb tbo mlnd`s tblnklng
and dlscornlng`
Tbo Buddba rop|lod: `You now spoak ol not mlxlng
and not unltlng. Do ou moan tbat tbls ossonco ol soolng
doos not mlx wltb |lgbt, darknoss, c|arlt and obstructlon
ll so, tbon wbon ou soo tbo |lgbt, tboro sbou|d bo a domar-
catlon |lno botwoon soolng and |lgbt. Now |ook carolu||
(and to|| mo) wboro aro tbo llo|ds ol |lgbt and ol our soo-
lng, and wboro aro tbolr boundarlos: nanda, ll ou do not
soo wboro |lgbt ls, tbon our soolng wl|| not roacb lt, ll so,
ou wl|| not ovon know wboro tbo |lgbt ls, and bow can
tboro bo a bordor |lno lt ls tbo samo wltb darknoss, c|arlt
and obstructlon.
`Agaln, do ou moan tbat tbls ossonco ol soolng doos
not unlto wltb |lgbt, darknoss, c|arlt and obstructlon ll lt
doos not unlto wltb |lgbt, tbon botb tbo soolng and |lgbt aro
ln opposltlon, |lko our oars and tbo |lgbt wblcb can novor
moot. So our soolng wou|d not porcolvo antblng wboro
tboro ls |lgbt, tbon bow can ou causo tbom oltbor to unlto
or not lt ls tbo samo wltb darknoss, c|arlt and
Direct Pointing to the One Mind
`nanda, ou aro stl|| not c|oar about tbo l||usor appoar-
ancos ol a|| passlng pbonomona wblcb vanlsb wborovor
tbo arlso. Tboso l||uslons ln tbo sbapo ol lorms sprlng lrom
(tbolr undor|lng naturo wblcb ls) tbo substanco ol wondor-
lu| Bodbl. So a|so aro tbo slx ontrancos (organs), tbo two|vo
5atana (slx sonso organs and slx sonso data) and tbo olgbt-
oon roa|ms ol sonsos wblcb la|so| arlso lrom tbo mlxturo
and unlon ol causos and condltlons and wblcb la|so| vanlsb
wbon tbo samo causos and condltlons aro dlsconnoctod.
Tbo aro but croatlon and dostructlon appoarlng and van-
lsblng wltbln tbo pormanont, wondorlu|| brlgbt, lmmutab|o,
a||-ombraclng and prolound Bbtatatbat5 (abso|uto) naturo
ol tbo Tatb5gata storo wboroln noltbor comlng nor golng,
noltbor do|uslon nor on|lgbtonmont, and noltbor blrtb nor
doatb can bo lound.
5S. Tbo Buddba bad a|road taugbt tbat baslc Bodbl cou|d on| appoar altor lncoptlvo Bodbl bad boon
arousod, but nanda stl|| tbougbt tbat wbon lncoptlvo Bodbl mlxod and unltod wltb baslc Bodbl,
u|tlmato En|lgbtonmont wou|d rosu|t. Tbus bo tbougbt tbat tbo Truo Mlnd ol baslc En|lgbtonmont
wou|d arlso wbon tboro was sucb mlxlng and unltlng. Tboroloro tbo Buddba wlpod out tbo
dlsclp|o`s dlscrlmlnatlon to rovoa| abso|uto truo Mlnd wblcb ls lroo lrom a|| ro|atlvltlos and contrarlos.
Honco tbo abovo boadlng Wiping out all traces to enter Abstruseness (addod b tbo commontator
Han Sban). Tbls wlpod out tbo la|so vlow ol Unlt-wltb-dlllorontlatlon to rovoa| tbo Abso|uto wblcb
ls boond monlsm and p|ura|lsm. (Soo a|so Cb`an and Zon Toacblng, Flrst Sorlos, The Diamond
Sutra, pago 202.)
So lar samsarlc l||uslons bavo boon usod to dlstlngulsb tbo la|so lrom tbo roa| ln ordor to rovoa|
tbo truo Mlnd ol baslc Bodbl. ln tbo lo||owlng toxt, tbo uncroato ls doa|t wltb to roturn tbo la|so to
tbo roa| ln ordor to rovoa| tbo abso|uto Voldnoss ol tbo Tatb5gata womb.
Fusing Myriads of Things with the Absolute to Reveal
the Identity of Phenomenon with Noumenon
Fusing the Five Aggregates
The First Aggregate Rpa
`nanda, wb aro tbo llvo aggrogatos lundamonta|| tbo
wondrous naturo ol tbo Abso|uto ol tbo Tatb5gata storo
nanda, lor lnstanco, wbon a man |ooks at a c|oar sk wltb
c|oar oos, bo soos on| tbo vold wblcb contalns notblng. ll
suddon| wltbout an apparont roason bo stoadlos bls soolng,
lt wl|| bo dlsturbod and bo wl|| soo l|owors danclng and otbor
obocts movlng ln tbo sk. lt ls tbo samo wltb tbo aggrogato
rupa. nanda, tboso danclng l|owors como noltbor lrom tbo
vold nor lrom bls oos. ll tbo camo lrom tbo vold, tbo
wou|d roturn to lt, ll tboro was roa|| sucb a comlng and golng
ol tboso l|owors, tbo vold wou|d not bo ompt. ll voldnoss
was roa|| not ompt (l.o. ll lt was so|ld), tbon tbo cou|d not
appoar and vanlsb ln lt. Tbls ls |lko nanda`s (so|ld) bod
5. Tbls ls tbo dlroct polntlng at tbo sourco ol tbo Ono Mlnd ol tbo untroatod and unondlng naturo ol
tbo Tatb5gata storo to luso mrlads ol l||usor pbonomona lnto tbolr undor|lng prlnclp|o. For mlnd
and soolng portaln to 5|aa`s perception and a|| causa| obocts to 5|aa`s form, tbls ls baslc lgno-
ranco, bonco man`s lnabl|lt to roa|lzo tbo non-oxlstonco ol a|| appoarancos. Tbls ls wb tbo Buddba
plckod out causa| obocts to sbow tbo unroa|lt ol form and tborob ol perception. Tbus perception
and form woro roturnod to tbo ossonco ol consclousnoss, tbat ls tbo 5|aa consclousnoss, wblcb
wou|d tbon bo brokon up to rovoa| lncoptlvo Bodbl lor u|tlmato roturn to tbo Ono Mlnd. Tbls
oxposod tbo substanco ol tbo abso|uto voldnoss ol tbo Tatb5gata storo. A|| tbls was boond tbo
comprobonslon ol nanda wbo was stl|| a man ol tbo Sma|| Voblc|o. Honco tbo Buddba`s toacblng
on l||uslons wblcb vanlsb wborovor tbo arlso, lor tbo a|| sprlng lrom tbo Truo Mlnd ol tbo
Tatb5gata storo wblcb ls lmmutab|o, pormanont and a||-ombraclng. ll pbonomona aro c|ung to,
tboro soom to bo blrtb and doatb, but ll tbo truo Mlnd ls |ookod lnto, tbo aro on| l||uslons tbat rlso
and la|| wltbln lt. (Tbls ls wbat tbo Hoart Sutra moans b `Form doos not dlllor lrom tbo vold, nor
tbo vold lrom lorm. Form ls ldontlca| wltb tbo vold and tbo vold ls ldontlca| wltb lorm.` So a|so aro
tbo romalnlng lour aggrogatos ln ro|atlon to tbo vold, Soo Cb`an and Zon Toacblng, Flrst Sorlos,
The Heart Sutra.) Tbls ls dlroct polntlng at tbo Ono Mlnd.
wblcb doos not a||ow (anotbor) nanda to ontor lt. ll tboso
l|owors como lrom tbo oos, tbo sbou|d bo ab|o to roturn to
tbo oos, and bocauso tbo como lrom (tbo lacu|t ol) soolng,
tbo sbou|d bo ab|o to soo (tblngs). Tbus wbon tbo |oavo tbo
oos, tbo bocomo l|owors ln tbo sk and wbon tbo roturn,
tbo sbou|d soo tbo organ ol slgbt. ll tbo cannot soo (tblngs),
tbon wbon tbo |oavo, tbo sbou|d scroon tbo sk and wbon
tbo roturn, tbo sbou|d vol| tbo oos, but wbon tbo man soos
tboso l|owors, bls oos aro not vol|od. Tbon wb do ou walt
untl| tbo sk ls c|oar (ol tboso l|owors) to sa tbat our oos
aro roa|| c|oar Tboroloro, ou sbou|d know tbat tbo aggro-
gato lorm ls unroa| lor lt ls noltbor causa| nor condltlona| nor
The Second Aggregate Vedan
`nanda, wbon, lor lnstanco, a man ls ln good boa|tb and bls
|lmbs aro ln good condltlon, bo doos not loo| antblng. But ll
suddon|, wltbout an roason, bo rubs bls pa|ms togotbor, bo
loo|s coarsonoss, smootbnoss, co|d and warmtb. lt ls tbo
samo wltb tbo socond aggrogato vodan5. nanda, tboso
sonsatlons como lrom noltbor tbo vold nor bls pa|ms. ll tbo
como lrom tbo vold, wb aro tbo lo|t b bls pa|ms on| and
not b bls bod lt sbou|d not bo up to tbo vold to cbooso
bls pa|ms to loo| tbom. ll tbo como lrom bls pa|ms, tbo
sbou|d not walt lor tbo pa|ms to bo brougbt togotbor to bo
60. Stoadlng stands lor ignorance, troub|od soolng, lor la|so perception, and danclng l|owors, lor
l||usor form, tbls ls tbo orlgln ol lorm. Tbo Buddba usod tbo vold and oos to rovoa| tbo unroa|lt
ol tbo llrst aggrogato. Tboroloro, bo wbo undorstands tbat danclng l|owors como lrom noltbor tbo
vold nor tbo oos, roa|lzos tbo non-oxlstonco ol lorm wblcb ls an l||uslon.
lo|t. Moroovor, ll tbo roa|| como lrom bls pa|ms and aro lo|t
wbon tbo |attor aro brougbt togotbor, wbon tbo aro soparat-
od, tboso sonsatlons sbou|d ro-ontor tbo pa|ms, arms, sbou|-
dors, bonos and marrow wblcb sbou|d a|so loo| tbolr ro-
ontr. Tbo sbou|d a|so bo lo|t b tbo mlnd as comlng ln and
out, as ll somotblng bad movod ln and out ol tbo bod. ll so,
tboro ls no nood to brlng tbo two pa|ms togotbor to loo| tboso
sonsatlons. Tboroloro, ou sbou|d know tbat tbo aggrogato
vodan5 ls unroa| and ls noltbor causa| nor condltlona| nor
The Third Aggregate Saja
`nanda, ll somoono spoaks ol sour p|ums, our moutb wl||
wator, and ll ou tblnk ol wa|klng abovo an ovorbanglng
c|lll, ou wl|| bavo tbo sonsatlon ol sblvorlng ln tbo so|os ol
our loot. Tbls ls tbo samo wltb tbo tblrd aggrogato sa5.
nanda, tbls ta|k ol sournoss doos not como lrom tbo p|um,
nor doos lt ontor our moutb. ll lt comos lrom tbo p|um, lt
sbou|d bo spokon ol b tbo p|um ltso|l, tbon wb doos lt walt
lor somoono to spoak ol lt ll lt ontors our moutb, lt sbou|d
bo our moutb wblcb actua|| ta|ks about lt, tbon wb doos
lt walt untl| our oars boar ol lt ll lt ls our oars wblcb a|ono
boar lt, wb doos not tbat wator como out ol tbom Tbls ls
tbo samo wltb our tbougbt ol (wa|klng abovo) an ovor-
banglng c|lll. Tboroloro, ou sbou|d know tbat tbo tblrd
aggrogato sa5 ls noltbor causa| nor condltlona| nor so|l-
The Fourth Aggregate Saskra
`nanda, tbo lourtb aggrogato samsk5ra ls |lko wator wblcb
l|ows ln a torront ond|oss| and ln good ordor ovor a la||.
nanda, tbls l|ow doos not como lrom tbo vold nor ls lt duo
to tbo wator, lt ls noltbor tbo wator ltso|l nor doos lt oxlst apart
lrom tbo vold and tbo wator. ll lt ls croatod b tbo vold,
bound|oss spaco wou|d bocomo an ond|oss l|ow ol wator and
tbo wbo|o wor|d wou|d bo submorgod. ll lt ls duo to tbo
wator, tbon lt sbou|d not bo wator and sbou|d bavo lts own
lorm and |ocatlon wblcb sbou|d bo apparont. ll lt ls wator,
tbon stl|| and c|oar wator sbou|d not bo wator. ll lt oxlsts apart
lrom tbo vold and wator, (tbls ls lmposslb|o bocauso) spaco
(ls a||-ombraclng and) bas (notblng) outsldo (lt) and bocauso
tboro ls no l|ow wltbout wator. Tboroloro, ou sbou|d know
tbat tbo lourtb aggrogato samsk5ra ls la|so and ls noltbor
causa| nor condltlona| nor so|l-oxlstont.
The Fifth Aggregate Vina
`nanda, tbo (llltb) aggrogato consclousnoss ls |lko tbo vold
ln an ompt pltcbor wltb two moutbs.
ll somoono b|ocks
botb moutbs and carrlos lt to anotbor countr, tbo vold doos
not go lrom ono p|aco to anotbor. ll tbo vold comos lrom
somowboro, tbat p|aco sbou|d |oso somo ol lts voldnoss, and
on arrlva| o|sowboro, wbon tbo moutbs aro oponod and tbo
pltcbor rovorsod, ono sbou|d soo tbo vold pourod out ol lt.
Tboroloro ou sbou|d know tbat consclousnoss ls unroa| and
ls noltbor causa| nor condltlona| nor so|l-oxlstont.`
6. A kava|lnka pltcbor.

Fusing the Six Entrances

Entrance through the Eyes
`Agaln, nanda, wb aro tbo slx ontrancos (ol l||uslons lnto
tbo mlnd) lundamonta|| tbo abso|uto naturo ol tbo Tatb5gata
nanda, tbo stoadlng ol tbo soolng tbat dlsturbs tbo
slgbt, as wo|| as tbo oos and tbo dlsturbanco ltso|l aro but
troub|o arlslng lrom Bodbl. Bocauso tbo soolng arlsos bo-
twoon tbo two statos ol |lgbt and darknoss, tbo aro drawn
lnto (5|aa`s) porcoptlon wblcb ls ca||od tbo (lacu|t ol) soolng.
Tbls soolng bas no lndopondont substanco tbat oxlsts apart
lrom tbo two statos ol |lgbt and dark. Tboroloro, nanda, ou
sbou|d know tbat tbls soolng comos lrom noltbor |lgbt, nor
darknoss and lrom noltbor tbo organ ol slgbt nor tbo vold.
Wb Bocauso ll lt comos lrom |lgbt, lt wou|d coaso to oxlst
wbon darknoss appoars and wou|d not porcolvo tbo |attor. ll
lt comos lrom darknoss, lt wou|d bo no moro wbon tboro ls
|lgbt, and wou|d not porcolvo tbo |attor. ll lt comos lrom tbo
organ (ol slgbt), tboro wou|d bo no (oboctlvo) |lgbt and dark-
noss, tbon sucb ossonco ol porcoptlon wou|d bavo no naturo
ol lts own. ll lt comos lrom tbo vold, wbon lt porcolvos tboso
two statos, lt wou|d a|so soo tbo organ ol slgbt. Moroovor, tbo
vold wou|d tbus porcolvo ovortblng ol ltso|l and bavo notblng
62. Tbo pltcbor stands lor tbo bod ln tbo lntormodlato stato altor man`s doatb`, tbo vold, lor consclous-
noss, and tbo two moutbs, lor tbo man`s boarlng and soolng. At doatb, bls soolng and boarlng coaso
to [unctlon, bonco tbo two b|ockod spouts. Hls karma causos blm to bo roborn ln anotbor countr. ll
consclousnoss ls tbougbt ol as lo||owlng tbo man to como at blrtb and go at doatb, tbon lt sbou|d dlo
ln ono countr to bo roborn ln anotbor, |lko tbo pltcbor lu|| ol alr carrlod lrom ono p|aco to anotbor,
ll so, tbo p|aco tbo man |oavos sbou|d |oso somo ol lts alr and tbo p|aco wboro bo arrlvos sbou|d galn
somo now alr tbat ls pourod lrom tbo pltcbor. Honco wo know tbat tbo vold ls lmmutab|o and tbat
consclousnoss noltbor comos nor goos. Tboroloro, tbo concopt ol a consclousnoss tbat comos and
goos to lo||ow blrtb and doatb ls ground|oss, bocauso consclousnoss lundamonta|| doos not oxlst.
Tbo abovo wlpos out tbo la|sonoss ol tbo llvo aggrogatos to rovoa| tbo abso|uto voldnoss ol tbo
naturo ol tbo Tatb5gata storo.
to do wltb ontranco tbrougb our oos. Tboroloro, ou sbou|d
know tbat ontranco tbrougb tbo oos ls la|so and ls noltbor
causa| nor condltlona| nor so|l-oxlstont.
Entrance through the Ears
`nanda, ll a man suddon| c|osos bls oars wltb two llngors,
dlsturbanco wl|| arlso ln tbls sonso organ and bo wl|| boar
sounds ln bls boad. (Tbls, c|oslng ol tbo oars) as wo|| as tbo
oars and tbo dlsturbanco oxporloncod aro troub|o tbat comos
lrom Bodbl. Slnco tbls boarlng arlsos botwoon tbo two statos
ol stl||noss and motlon, tbo aro drawn lnto (5|aa`s) porcop-
tlon wblcb ls ca||od boarlng. Tbls boarlng bas no substanco
lndopondont ol stl||noss and motlon. nanda, ou sbou|d
know tbat tbls boarlng comos lrom noltbor stl||noss, nor
motlon, nor lrom a sonso organ nor tbo vold. Wb Bocauso
ll lt comos lrom stl||noss, lt sbou|d coaso to oxlst wbon tboro
ls motlon and wou|d not boar tbo |attor. ll lt comos lrom
motlon, lt sbou|d coaso to oxlst wbon tboro ls stl||noss and
wou|d not boar tbo |attor. ll lt comos lrom a sonso organ,
tboro wou|d bo no (oboctlvo) stl||noss nor motlon, tbon tbls
lacu|t ol boarlng wou|d bavo no naturo ol lts own. ll lt
comos lrom tbo vold, tbat wblcb can boar ls (cortaln|) not
tbo vold. Moroovor, tbo vold wou|d boar ol ltso|l and wl||
bavo notblng to do wltb tbat ontranco tbrougb our oars.
Tboroloro, ou sbou|d know tbat ontranco tbrougb tbo oars
ls noltbor causa| nor condltlona| nor so|l-oxlstont.
63. Stoadlng tbo soolng stands lor lgnoranco, and dlsturbanco lor tbo slgbt ol |lgbt and darknoss, botb
aro troub|os tbat como lrom Bodbl. Bodbl ls tbus scroonod b lgnoranco, bonco 5|aa`s tbroo
cbaractorlstlcs: so|l-ovldonclng, porcoptlon and lorm, wblcb aro a|| unroa|.
Entrance through the Nose
`nanda, ll a man suddon| bo|ds bls broatb, bls nostrl|s wl||
loo| co|d. Bocauso ol tbls loo|lng, bo can dlstlngulsb c|oaranco
(vontl|atlon) lrom obstructlon (sullocatlon) and omptlnoss
lrom lu||noss and can smo|| lragrant and ollonslvo odours.
Tbls rostralnt ol broatb as wo|| as tbo noso and lts loo|lng aro
troub|o tbat comos lrom Bodbl. Slnco loo|lng arlsos botwoon
tbo two la|so condltlons ol c|oaranco and obstructlon, sonsa-
tlons aro drawn lnto (5|aa`s) porcoptlon wblcb ls ca||od
smo||. Tbls smo|| bas no substanco lndopondont ol c|oaranco
and obstructlon. You sbou|d know tbat lt comos noltbor lrom
tboso two statos nor lrom tbo noso nor tbo vold. Wb
Bocauso ll lt comos lrom tbo c|oaranco, lt wl|| coaso to oxlst
wbon tboro ls obstructlon, but wb doos lt loo| tbo |attor ll lt
comos lrom obstructlon, lt wl|| coaso to bo c|oar, but wb
doos lt como lnto contact wltb lragranco and stoncb ll lt
comos lrom a sonso organ, tboro wou|d bo no (oboctlvo)
c|oaranco and obstructlon, tbon tbls lacu|t ol smo||lng wou|d
bavo no naturo ol lts own. ll lt comos lrom tbo vold, lt sbou|d
bo ab|o to smo|| our own noso, ll so, tbo vold ltso|l wou|d
smo|| and wou|d bavo notblng to do wltb tbat ontranco
tbrougb our noso. Tboroloro, ou sbou|d know tbat tbat
ontranco ls noltbor causa| nor condltlona| nor so|l-oxlstont.
Entrance through the Tongue
`nanda, ll, lor lnstanco, a man |lcks bls |lps agaln and agaln,
bo wl|| bavo troub|o (wltb bls sonso ol tasto), ll bo ls l|| bo wl||
oxporlonco a blttor tasto, and ll bo ls boa|tb, a (somowbat)
swoot ono. Tbus blttornoss and swootnoss rovoa| tbls sonso
wblcb ls a|was tasto|oss ln tbo absonco ol stlrrlng (loo|lngs)
and wblcb, togotbor wltb tbo tonguo and tbo troub|o (causod
b tbo tasto) aro but l||uslon wblcb comos lrom Bodbl. Tbls
l||uslon ls duo to la|so oxtorna|s (sucb as) blttornoss and
swootnoss and ls drawn lnto (5|aa`s) porcoptlon wblcb ls
ca||od tasto. Tbls tasto bas no lndopondont substanco apart
lrom l|avours (sucb as) swootnoss and blttornoss, and tasto-
|ossnoss. nanda, ou sbou|d know tbat tbls porcoptlon ol
tasto comos noltbor lrom tbo l|avours (sucb as) swootnoss and
blttornoss nor tasto|ossnoss, nor lrom a sonso organ nor tbo
vold. Wb Bocauso ll lt comos lrom swootnoss and blttor-
noss, lt wl|| vanlsb ln tbo stato ol tasto|ossnoss, but wb doos
lt loo| tbo |attor ll lt comos lrom tasto|ossnoss, lt wl|| dlsappoar
wbon ln toucb wltb swoots, but wb doos lt stl|| loo| swoot and
blttor tastos ll lt comos lrom tbo tonguo, tbo |attor orlglna||
ls noltbor tasto|oss nor swoot nor blttor, bonco wo know tbat
tbo organ ol tasto bas no naturo ol lts own. ll lt comos lrom
tbo vold, tbo |attor not bolng our moutb, wou|d tasto b lt-
so|l, tbon wbat bas lt to do wltb tbat ontranco tbrougb our
tonguo Tboroloro, ou sbou|d know tbat tbls ontranco ls un-
roa| and ls noltbor causa| nor condltlona| nor so|l-oxlstont.
Entrance through the Body
`nanda, lor lnstanco, wbon a man toucbos bls warm band
wltb bls co|d ono, ll tbo co|dnoss oxcoods tbo warmtb, tbo
warm band wl|| bocomo co|d and ll tbo warmtb oxcoods tbo
co|dnoss, tbo co|d band wl|| bocomo warm. Tbls toucb ls ro-
voa|od wbon tbo two bands moot and tbon soparato. Tbls
contact causos tbo loo|lng ol toucb wblcb, togotbor wltb bls
bod and tbo l||uslon oxporloncod, aro but troub|o wblcb
comos lrom Bodbl. Tbls troub|o occurs wboro tboro aro two
la|so condltlons ol contact and soparatlon, and ls drawn lnto
(5|aa`s) porcoptlon wblcb ls ca||od toucb. Tbls toucb bas no
lndopondont naturo apart lrom contact and soparatlon and
lrom p|oasant and dlsagrooab|o condltlons. nanda, ou
sbou|d know tbat tbls porcoptlon ol toucb comos noltbor
lrom contact nor soparatlon, nor lrom p|oasant nor dlsagroo-
ab|o condltlons, nor lrom a sonso organ nor tbo vold. Wb
Bocauso ll lt comos lrom contact, lt sbou|d vanlsb ln tbo stato
ol soparatlon, but wb doos lt loo| tbo |attor lt ls tbo samo
wltb p|oasant and dlsagrooab|o condltlons. ll lt comos lrom a
sonso organ, lt wou|d bo lroo lrom contact and soparatlon
and lrom p|oasant and dlsagrooab|o condltlons, tbon our
bod tbat loo|s tbom wou|d bavo no naturo ol lts own. ll lt
comos lrom tbo vold, tbo |attor wl|| loo| tbo toucb b ltso|l,
tbon wbat bas lt to do wltb our ontranco tbrougb tbo bod
Tboroloro, ou sbou|d know tbat tbls ontranco ls la|so and ls
noltbor causa| nor condltlona| nor so|l-oxlstont.
Entrance through the Intellect
`nanda, wbon lor lnstanco, a man ls tlrod, bo s|oops sound|,
tbon bo awakos and wbon bo soos obocts, bo romombors and
altor a tlmo lorgots a|| about tbom. Tbls ls tbo lnvortod condl-
tlon ol blrtb, sta, cbango and doatb wblcb ls contlnuous|
drawn lnto tbo lnnor lnto||oct, bonco tbo organ ol manas,
wblcb, togotbor wltb tbo lnto||oct and tbo troub|o (oxporl-
oncod) aro an l||noss arlslng ln Bodbl. Tbls l||noss comos lrom
porcolvlng tbo two la|so condltlons ol blrtb and doatb, a por-
coptlon wblcb covors a|| lnnor data tbat cannot bo roacbod b
soolng. and boarlng, bonco lt ls ca||od knowlng. Tbls knowlng
bas no substanco ol lts own apart lrom tbo waklng and s|oop-
lng statos and lrom tbo condltlons ol blrtb and doatb. Tbus,
nanda, ou sbou|d know tbat tbo organ ol knowlng comos
noltbor lrom tbo waklng and s|ooplng statos, nor lrom tbo con-
dltlons ol blrtb and doatb, and noltbor lrom a sonso organ nor
tbo vold. Wb Bocauso ll lt comos lrom tbo waklng stato, lt
sbou|d coaso to oxlst ln tbo s|ooplng stato, tbon wb doos ono
s|oop ll lt comos lrom blrtb, lt sbou|d bo vold at doatb, tbon
wbo wl|| dlo ll lt comos lrom doatb, lt wou|d coaso at blrtb,
tbon wbo ls |lvlng ll lt comos lrom a sonso organ, tbon wbl|o
tbo bod oxporloncos tbo two statos ol waklng and s|ooplng,
tbo knowlng bas no naturo, ol lts own apart lrom tboso two
statos and wl|| bo |lko a l|owor ln tbo sk. ll lt comos lrom tbo
vold, tbo |attor wl|| know ovortblng and wl|| bavo notblng to
do wltb our ontranco tbrougb tbo lnto||oct. Tboroloro, tbls on-
tranco ls noltbor causa| nor condltlona| nor so|l-oxlstont.'
Fusing the Twelve yatana (Six Sense Organs & Six Sense Data)
Eyes & Form
`Agaln, nanda, tbo two|vo 5atana aro lundamonta|| (tbo
samo as) tbo Abso|uto ol tbo Tatb5gata storo. nanda, ust
|ook at tbo grovo and stroam ln Jotavana park, ls lt lorm tbat
croatos tbo oos` soolng or vlco vorsa ll tbo organ ol slgbt
croatos lorm, wbon ou soo tbo vold wblcb ls not lorm, lorm
wou|d vanlsb, wblcb moans tbat notblng wou|d oxlst. Tbon ll
lorm ls no moro, wbat can bo usod to rovoa| tbo vold
lt ls
tbo samo wltb tbo vold. ll lorm producos tbo oos` soolng,
wbon ou soo tbo vold wblcb ls not lorm, our soolng wou|d
vanlsb, wblcb moans tbat notblng wou|d oxlst, tbon wbo dls-
tlngulsbos tbo vold lrom lorm Tboroloro, ou sbou|d know
tbat noltbor soolng nor lorm nor tbo vold bas a p|aco ol
abodo, and tbat lorm and soolng aro la|so and aro noltbor
causa| nor condltlona| nor so|l-oxlstont.
Ears & Sound
`nanda, ln Jotavana park wbon ou boar a drum boat to an-
nounco a moa| and a bo|| rung to summon tbo bblksus, tboso
sounds succood ono anotbor, do tbo como to tbo oars or do
tbo oars go to tbom nanda, ll tbo como to tbo oars, lt ls
|lko wbon l go to Sr5vasti to bog lor lood and am absont lrom
Jotavana park. ll tboso sounds como to nanda`s oars,
Maudga|aputra and K5sapa sbou|d not boar tbom. Tbon
wb do a|| tbo ,250 bblksus, wbon tbo boar tbo bo||, go to-
gotbor to tbo oatlng ba|| ll our oars go to tbo sound, lt ls |lko
wbon l roturn to Jotavana park and am not ln Sr5vasti. Tbon
wbon ou boar tbo drum, ll our oars go to lt, ou sbou|d not
boar tbo bo|| wblcb rlngs at tbo samo tlmo, nor tbo sound ol
o|opbants, borsos, bulla|oos and sboop (ln tbls park). ll tboro
64. Form and voldnoss aro tbo two oxtromos ol a dua|lt, ll lorm vanlsbos, bow can tbo vold romaln
ls no sucb comlng and golng, tboro wou|d bo no boarlng.
Tboroloro, ou sbou|d know tbat boarlng and sound bavo no
|ocatlon and tbat botb aro la|so, bolng noltbor causa| nor con-
dltlona| nor so|l-oxlstont.
Nose & Smell
`nanda, ust smo|| tbo smoko ol sanda|wood ln tbls burnor.
Tbo quantlt burnt ls sma|| but lts lragranco sproads to
Sr5vasti and tbo nolgbbourbood.
Do ou tblnk tbat tbls
porlumo comos lrom tbo sanda|wood, lrom our noso, or
lrom tbo vold nanda, ll lt comos lrom our noso lt sbou|d
bo producod b and sproad lrom lt, but slnco our noso ls not
sanda|wood, bow can tboro bo tbls lragranco tboro ll ou
sa tbat ou smo|| porlumo, lt sbou|d bo lnba|od lnto our
noso, but slnco lt omanatos lrom lt (as alorosald), lt ls wrong
to sa tbat ou smo|| lt. ll lt comos lrom tbo vold, tbo |attor
bolng pormanont, tbls lragranco sbou|d bo so as wo|| and
tboro wou|d bo no nood to burn dr sanda|wood. ll lt comos
lrom tbo sanda|wood, lts lragrant substanco bas bocomo
smoko b burnlng, and ll our noso smo||s tbls porlumo, our
noso sbou|d bo lu|| ol smoko, as smoko rlsos ln tbo alr, bow
can lt bo smo|t ln dlstant p|acos ovon boloro lt roacbos tbom
Tboroloro, ou sbou|d know tbat odour, noso and smo||lng
bavo no llxod |ocatlon and tbat smo||lng and odour aro la|so
bolng noltbor causa| nor condltlona| nor so|l-oxlstont.
65. ll boarlng ls dlsongagod lrom sound, a|| dlllorontlatlon wl|| coaso and tbo Tatb5gata storo wl|| bo
66. Llt. Sr5vasti town and p|acos lort ml|os around lt.

Tongue & Taste

`nanda, twlco a da ou go out to bog lor lood and occa-
slona|| aro glvon buttor and croam wblcb aro tast do|lcaclos.
Do ou tblnk tbat tbls tasto comos lrom tbo vold, our tonguo
or tbo lood nanda, ll lt comos lrom our tonguo, tbo |attor
bas a|road bocomo buttor, and slnco ou bavo on| ono
tonguo, bow can ou tbon tasto bono ll ou do not, tbls
moans tbat our tasto doos not cbango, tbon bow can lt bo
ca||od tastlng ll lt cbangos and slnco our tonguo ls ol ono
substanco bow can tbls slng|o tonguo know varlous tastos ll
lt comos lrom tbo lood, tbo |attor cannot know, tbon bow can
lt tasto ltso|l Assumlng tbat lt knows ltso|l, lt and otbor lood
wl|| bavo notblng to do wltb our tastlng. ll lt comos lrom tbo
vold, wbon ou blto tbo alr wbat doos lt tasto |lko Assumlng
tbat lt comos lrom tbo vold, wbon tbo |attor tastos sa|t, as our
tonguo ls sa|t, our laco sbou|d bo so too, ll so a|| mon wou|d
bo |lko llsb ln tbo soa. ll ou aro sa|t, ou wl|| not know wbat
ls tasto|oss. ll ou do not know wbat ls tasto|oss, and do not
tasto sa|t, ou wl|| bavo no tasto, tbon bow can tboro bo tasto
Tboroloro, ou sbou|d know tbat noltbor tasto nor tonguo nor
tastlng bas |ocatlon and tbat tastlng and tasto aro la|so bolng
noltbor causa| nor condltlona| nor so|l-oxlstont.
Body & Touch
`nanda, ou aro accustomod to rub our boad wltb our
band ovor da oar| ln tbo mornlng. Wbon loo|lng tbls rub
do ou know wbotbor tbat wblcb rubs ls our band or our
boad ll lt ls our band, tbon our boad (an oboct) sbou|d
not loo| tbat lt ls bolng rubbod, ll so bow can tboro bo toucb
ll lt ls our boad, tboro wou|d bo no nood lor our band to
rub lt, tbon bow can ou ca|| lt toucb ll botb band and boad
aro subocts, tbon ou, nanda, sbou|d bavo two bodlos. ll lt
comos lrom tbo contact ol our band wltb our boad, tbon
botb our band and boad sbou|d bo ono, and ono tblng can-
not contact ltso|l. ll lt ls two (l.o. band and boad), lrom wblcb
doos lt arlso, lor suboct and oboct dlllor Noltbor can tboro
bo toucb wbon our boad comos lnto contact wltb tbo vold.
Tboroloro, ou sbou|d know tbat noltbor tbo loo|lng ol toucb
nor our bod bas |ocatlon and tbat tbo aro la|so, bolng nol-
tbor causa| nor condltlona| nor so|l-oxlstont.
Intellect & Dharma
`nanda, bocauso ol good, ovl| and noutra| causos, our ln-
to||oct (manas) a|was glvos rlso to dbarma. Aro tboso dbar-
ma croatod b tbo mlnd or do tbo oxlst apart lrom lt and
bavo tbolr own p|aco nanda, ll tbo aro tbo samo as tbo
mlnd, tbo cannot bo lts obocts lor tbo aro not lts causa|
pbonomona, tbon bow can tbo bavo a p|aco (ol tbolr own)
ll tbo oxlst apart lrom tbo mlnd and bavo tbolr own p|aco,
do tbo possoss (tbo lacu|t ol) knowlng or not ll tbo do,
tbo aro moro| tbo mlnd, but slnco tbo bavo (tbo lacu|t ol)
knowlng and dlllor lrom ou, tbo sbou|d not bo our dbar-
ma but sbou|d bo|ong to somoono o|so`s mlnd. ll tbo bavo
(tbo lacu|t ol) knowlng and aro our dbarma (at tbo samo
tlmo) tbo aro moro| our mlnd, tbon bow can ou bavo an-
otbor mlnd as wo|| as our own ll tbo dlllor lrom ou and
do not bavo (tbo lacu|t ol) knowlng, wboro aro tbo, slnco
tbo aro not (lnanlmato pbonomona sucb as) lorm, sound,
smo|| and l|avour, nor co|d and warmtb duo to contact or
soparatlon, as wo|| as to tbo vold Slnco tbo cannot bo
sbown ln oltbor lorm or tbo vold, tboro sbou|d not bo ln tbo
unlvorso anotbor voldnoss outsldo tbo vold. Assumlng tbat
tboro ls anotbor outor voldnoss, tbo cannot bo tbo mlnd`s
causa| pbonomona, tbon wboro aro tbo Tboroloro, ou
sbou|d know tbat noltbor dbarma nor mlnd bas |ocatlon and
tbat lnto||oct and dbarma aro botb la|so, bolng noltbor causa|
nor condltlona| nor so|l-oxlstont.
Fusing the Eighteen Fields or Realms of the Senses
The Field of Sight-Perception
`Agaln, nanda, wb aro tbo olgbtoon llo|ds or roa|ms ol tbo
sonsos (tbo samo as) tbo Abso|uto (ln tbo Tatb5gata storo)
`nanda, as ou (a|road) know, oos and lorm aro
causos tbat bogot slgbt-porcoptlon. ls tbls slgbt-porcoptlon
croatod and condltlonod b tbo oos or b lorm nanda, ll
lt ls croatod b tbo oos, ln tbo absonco ol botb lorm and tbo
vold, tboro wl|| bo notblng to bo dlllorontlatod, tbon wbat ls
tbo uso ol tbls porcoptlon ovon ll ou own lt ln tbls lnstanco
wbat ou soo wl|| bo noltbor b|uo, o||ow, rod nor wblto,
wboro tbon can ou sbow lts boundar ll lt ls croatod b
lorm, wbon ou soo tbo vold, wblcb moans tbat lorm ls ab-
sont, our porcoptlon sbou|d coaso to oxlst, tbon wb do ou
stl|| dlstlngulsb tbo vold Wbon lorm cbangos, ou notlco lt
but our porcoptlon ls uncbanglng, tbon wboro can lts
boundar bo ll porcoptlon lo||ows tbo cbango ol lorm to un-
dorgo lts own cbango, tboro wou|d bo no boundar. ll lt ls
uncbanglng, lt sbou|d bo pormanont, tbon (as lt ls croatod b
lorm) lt sbou|d not porcolvo tbo vold. ll lt ls croatod b botb
tbo oos and lorm, tboso two aro soparato wbon (ou tblnk
tbat tbo aro) unltod and unlto (wbon ou tblnk tbat tbo aro)
soparato, ll so, botb lntormlng|o, tbon bow can tboro bo tbo
roa|m ol tbo oos and tbat ol lorm
Tboroloro, ou sbou|d
know tbat botb causa| oos and lorm as wo|| as tbo (so-
ca||od) croatod porcoptlon do not oxlst, and tbat tbo oos,
lorm and tbo roa|m ol lorm aro noltbor causa| nor condltlona|
nor so|l-oxlstont.
The Field of Sound-Perception
`nanda, as ou (a|road) know, oars and sound aro causos
tbat bogot porcoptlon ol sound. ls tbls porcoptlon croatod
and condltlonod b tbo oars or b sound ll lt ls croatod b
tbo oars, tbls organ, ln tbo absonco ol botb dlsturbanco and
stl||noss, doos not dlscorn antblng and ls, tboroloro, dovold
ol obocts, ll lt cannot dlscorn, bow can lt croato porcoptlon
67. Tbo organ ol slgbt and lorm aro opposltos, ll ou tblnk tbo can unlto, tbo cannot actua|| roacb
oacb otbor and so aro soparato. ll ou tblnk tbat tbo aro soparato, wbon ou opon our oos, ou
soo tbat tbo aro ln contact wltb oacb otbor. ll botb croato slgbt-porcoptlon, tbo lntormlng|o and
wboro tbon ls tbo roa|m ol tbo oos and tbat ol lorm
6S. Tbls ls dlroct polntlng to tbo Uncroato. Tbo M5dbamlka S5stra sas: `A|| pbonomona aro noltbor
so|l-croatod, nor croatod b an orlglnator, nor b tbo unlon ol compononts and tbo do not arlso
wltbout causo.` Tboso lour lorms ol croatlon aro wlpod out ln tbo toxt to rovoa| tbo Uncroato, bonco
tbo naturo ol tbo Uncroato wblcb ls ldontlca| wltb tbo Tatb5gata storo.
Assumlng tbat boarlng (bogots) porcoptlon b tbo oars, slnco
no boarlng occurs in tbo absonco ol botb dlsturbanco and
stl||noss, bow can tbo oars (wblcb aro) lorm unlto wltb oxtor-
na| obocts to produco porcoptlon and wboro can tbo |attor`s
llo|d bo ll lt ls croatod b sound, tbat ls ll lt doponds (so|o|)
on sound, tbon lt sbou|d bavo no ro|atlon to our boarlng.
But ll boarlng coasos, tboro wl|| bo no sound. Now assumlng
tbat lt ls roa|| croatod b sound and tbat sound oxlsts bo-
causo ol boarlng, tbon our boarlng ol sound sbou|d bo por-
colvod b tbo oars. ll tbls sound ls not porcolvod, lt wou|d
bavo no ro|atlon wltb tbo roa|m ol oar-porcoptlon. (On tbo
otbor band) ll lt ls board, lt ls a|road sound, and slnco lt ls
boarlng`s oboct, (lt cannot dlscorn antblng), tbon wbo
knows tbo porcoptlon ll tboro ls no sucb knowor, ou wl|| bo
|lko grass and p|ants. Tboro cannot bo a mlxlng ol sound and
boarlng to croato botwoon tbom an lntormodlato roa|m (ol
porcoptlon b tbo oar) lor sucb a roa|m cannot bo at tbo
contor, ln tbo lnnor organ, or ln tbo outor sound. Tboroloro
noltbor oars nor sound oxlst as causos, nor porcoptlon b tbo
oar (as olloct) and oars, sound and lts llo|d aro noltbor causa|
nor condltlona|, nor so|l-oxlstont.
The Field of Smell-Perception
`nanda, as ou (a|road) know, tbo noso and smo|| aro
causos tbat bogot tbo porcoptlon ol smo||. ls tbls porcoptlon
croatod and condltlonod b tbo noso or b smo|| ll so,
nanda, wbat ls tbls noso ls lt tbat bookod and l|osb part
ol our laco wltb wblcb ou snlll But tbls ploco ol l|osb bo-
|ongs to tbo bod and tbo bod`s porcoptlon ls ca||od toucb,
tbo bod ls not tbo noso and toucb ls lts oboct. ll tbo noso
cannot bo namod, wboro ls lt ll lt porcolvos smo||, wboro ls
tbat porcoptlon ln our mlnd ll porcoptlon comos lrom a
part ol tbo laco, lt ls toucb and bas notblng to do wltb tbo
noso. ll lt comos lrom tbo vold, lt sbou|d bo known b tbo |at-
tor lnstoad ol bolng lo|t b tbo l|osb, ll so, tbo vold sbou|d bo
ou and our bod wou|d loo| notblng. Tbon, tboro wou|d bo
no nanda anwboro at tbo momont.
`ll smo|| ls tbo knowor, lt sbou|d know ltso|l and wou|d
bavo notblng to do wltb ou. ll good and bad smo||s croato
our noso, tbo sbou|d not produco sanda|wood and lotld
borbs. Wltbout tbo |attor, smo|| our own noso and soo ll lt ls
lragrant or ollonslvo. Slnco lragranco cannot stlnk and stoncb
cannot bo lragrant, ll ou can smo|| botb, ou sbou|d bavo
two nosos, and now as ou ask mo about tbo Dbarma, tboro
sbou|d bo two nandas, tbon wblcb nanda aro ou ll tboro
ls on| ono noso and ll lragranco and stoncb aro not two dll-
loront smo||s, tbo can bo mlstakon lor oacb otbor, wblcb
provos tbat noltbor oxlst, ll so wboro can tbo llo|d ol smo||
porcoptlon bo ostab|lsbod ll lt ls croatod b smo|| and ll por-
coptlon oxlsts bocauso ol smo||, lt ls |lko our oos wblcb can
soo tblngs, but not tbomso|vos, so tbat porcoptlon wblcb
oxlsts bocauso ol smo|| sbou|d not scont lt. ll lt doos, lt cannot
bo croatod b smo||, and ll lt doos not, lt ls doprlvod ol tbat
porcoptlon. Slnco smo|| doos not dopond on porcoptlon, lt
bas no llo|d. ll porcoptlon cannot smo||, lts llo|d cannot bo
ostab|lsbod on tbo basls ol smo||. Slnco tboro ls no lntor-
medlato porcoptlon (botwoon noso and smo||), tboro wou|d
be noltbor lnnor (organ) nor outor (oboct). Tbus smo||-
porcoptlon ls la|so. Tboroloro, noltbor noso nor smo||, as
causos, nor tbo llo|d ol smo||-porcoptlon, as tbolr croatlon,
oxlst, wbl|o noso, smo|| and lts llo|d aro noltbor causa|, nor
condltlona|, nor so|l-oxlstont.
The Field of Taste-Perception
`nanda, as ou (a|road) know, tonguo arld tasto aro causos
tbat bogot porcoptlon b tbo tonguo. ls tbls porcoptlon croat-
od and condltlonod b tbo tonguo, or b tasto
`nanda, ll lt ls croatod b tbo tonguo, tbon sugar cano,
sour b|ack p|ums, blttor wort, rock-sa|t, wl|d splkonard,
glngor and cassla wou|d bo tasto|oss. Tasto our own tonguo
and soo ll lt ls swoot or blttor. ll lt ls blttor, wbo ls tbo tastor
Slnco tbo tonguo cannot tasto ltso|l, wbo oxporloncos tbo
tasto ll lt ls not blttor, no tasto can como lrom lt. Tbon bow
can lt bo condltlonod
`ll porcoptlon dorlvos lrom tasto, lt wou|d bo tasto ltso|l
but, |lko tbo tonguo, lt cannot tasto ltso|l. Tbon bow can lt dls-
tlngulsb varlous l|avours Agaln, slnco tboro aro man l|a-
vours wblcb cannot como lrom a slng|o sourco, tboro sbou|d
bo as man (corrospondlng) porcoptlons. ll tboro ls on| ono,
and ll lt ls croatod b (dllloront) l|avours, tbon a|| sa|t, lnslpld,
swoot and blttor l|avours sbou|d unlto and bocomo ono, tbon
tboro wou|d bo no dlscornlng. ll so, tboro wou|d bo no por-
coptlon (b tbo tonguo). How tbon can tbo tonguo, tasto and
porcoptlon bo condltlonod Tbo vold cannot mako our
mlnd porcolvo. Slnco tonguo (organ) and tasto (oboct) can-
not unlto to croato an lntormodlato (porcoptlon), wboro ls
tbo |attor`s llo|d Tboroloro, tonguo and tasto, as causos, and
tbo llo|d ol tasto-porcoptlon, as tbolr croatlon, do not oxlst,
wbl|o tonguo, tasto and tbolr llo|d ol porcoptlon aro noltbor
causa| nor condltlona| nor so|l-oxlstont.
The Field of Touch-Perception
`nanda, as ou (a|road) know, bod and toucb aro causos
tbat croato tbo porcoptlon ol toucb. ls tbls croatod and con-
dltlonod b tbo bod or b toucb
`nanda, ll lt ls croatod b tbo bod, wbat doos tbo
|attor porcolvo wbon tboro ls noltbor contact nor soparatlon
ll b toucb, our bod wou|d not bo noodod, tbon wbo can,
wltbout a bod, loo| contact and soparatlon nanda, obocts
do not porcolvo toucb, but tbo bod knows and loo|s lt.
Bod`s porcoptlon ls rovoa|od b toucb and toucb tbrougb
tbo bod. Tboroloro, bod and toucb aro lnsoparab|o but
tbo aro not tbo samo and so orlglna|| tbo bavo no bomo.
Wbon toucb contacts bod, lt bocomos tbo bod and wbon
lt coasos, lt bocomos tbo vold. Slnco tboro aro no sucb tblngs
as lnnor (bod) and outor (toucb), bow can tboro bo an lntor-
modlato (porcoptlon) botwoon tbom Wboro tbon ls tbo llo|d
ol bod-porcoptlon Tboroloro, bod and toucb, as causos,
and bod-porcoptlon, as tbolr croatlon, do not oxlst, and a||
tbroo aro noltbor causa| nor condltlona| nor so|l-oxlstont.
The Field of the Sixth Consciousness
`nanda, as ou (a|road) know, lnto||oct (manas) and dbarma
(ldoas) aro causos tbat croato tbo slxtb consclousnoss. ls tbls
consclousnoss croatod and condltlonod b lnto||oct, or b
`nanda, ll tbls consclousnoss ls croatod b lnto||oct, tbo
|attor (as organ) sbou|d contaln dbarma (as oboct) to rovoa|
lts own oxlstonco. ln tbo absonco ol dbarma, our lnto||oct
(doos not oxlst and) cannot croato antblng, ovon ll lt doos
croato consclousnoss, wbat ls tbo |attor`s uso ll lt ls not con-
lrontod wltb causa| ldoas (dbarma) Moroovor, botb our
mlnd (l.o. tbo slxtb consclousnoss) and our tblnklng procoss
(l.o. tbo lnto||oct) dlscorn ldoas and tblngs, aro tbo tbo samo
as, or dllloront lrom oacb otbor ll tbo samo, consclousnoss ls
ust lnto||oct, tbon bow can lt bo croatod b lnto||oct ll dlllor-
ont, consclousnoss wou|d bo unconsclous, tbon bow can lt
como lrom lnto||oct ll lt ls a|so consclous tbon (to|| mo) wbat
lnto||oct and consclousnoss aro. Tboroloro tbo aro noltbor tbo
samo nor dllloront, tbon wboro ls tbo llo|d ol consclousnoss
`ll consclousnoss ls croatod b dbarma, a|| tblngs ln tbo
wor|d aro lnsoparab|o lrom tbo llvo sonso data ol lorm, sound,
smo||, tasto and toucb, wblcb c|oar| corrospond wltb tbo sonso
organs and aro not alloctod b tbo lnto||oct. ll our consclous-
noss doponds on dbarma lor lts oxlstonco, |ook carolu|| lnto
dbarma and soo wbat tbo |ook |lko, lor boond lorm and
voldnoss, motlon and stl||noss, c|oarnoss and obstructlon,
unlon and soparatlon, and blrtb and doatb, wboro can dbarma
bo lound For dbarma arlso slmu|tanoous| wltb lorm, vold-
noss, otc., and vanlsb wltb tbom. Slnco tboro aro no causos
|oadlng to tbolr croatlon, wbat aro tbo lorms and sbapos ol
dbarma ll tboso do not oxlst, wbat tbon condltlons dbarma
Tboroloro, lnto||oct and dbarma as causos, and tbo llo|d ol tbo
slxtb consclousnoss, as tbolr croatlon, do not oxlst and tbo aro
noltbor causa| nor condltlona| nor so|l-oxlstont.`
Fusing the Seven Elements into the Absolute to Reveal the
Free Intermingling of Phenomenon & Noumenon
nanda sald to tbo Buddba: `Wor|d Honourod Ono, tbo Tatb-
5gata bas olton spokon ol causo, condltlon and tbo stato ol tbo
so|l as sucb and bas taugbt us tbat a|| cbangos and translorma-
tlons ln tbo wor|d aro duo to tbo mlxturo and luslon ol tbo lour
o|omonts. Wb doos bo now wlpo out a|| concopts ol causo,
condltlon and tbo stato ol tbo so|l as sucb l do not undor-
stand, wl|| Ho bo compasslonato onougb to oxp|aln ln lu|| to
6. Evor slnco nanda askod about tbo practlco ol samatba, tbo Buddba llrst wlpod out tbo unroa| to
rovoa| tbo roa| and tbon roturnod pbonomona to Roa|lt to doa| wltb noumonon lrom lts sba||ow-
noss to lts doptb, tbus covorlng tbo lour porlods ol Hls toacblng.
At llrst ln Hls dlscusslon ol tbo soolng, Ho askod about tbo l||usor mlnd to wlpo out tbo ldoa ol
tbo bod as roa|, tbls corrospondod to Hls toacblng ol Hina5na durlng tbo gama porlod (ol two|vo
oars). Hls noxt o|lmlnatlon ol porcoptlon and ol tbo Essonco ol consclousnoss accordod wltb Hls
oxpandod toacblng durlng tbo Valpu|a (Hina5na-wltb-Mab55na) porlod (ol olgbt oars). Tbon
Hls lnstructlon on roturnlng tbo tbroo catogorlos (ol tbo soomlng, tbat ls) tbo llvo aggrogatos, two|vo
ontrancos, and olgbtoon llo|ds ol tbo sonsos, to tbo Tatb5gata storo to rovoa| tbolr unroa|lt, covorod
Hls sormons on wlsdom (durlng tbo noxt twont-two oars). Hls noxt toacblng on tbo lundamonta|
naturo ol tbo Abso|uto ln tbo Tatb5gata storo, sbowlng tbo truo naturo ol a|| pbonomona tbat sprlng
lrom Roa|lt, corrospondod wltb Hls llna| toacblng ln tbo Lotus porlod (ol olgbt oars).
ln tbo lo||owlng toxt wblcb doa|s wltb bow tbo a||-ombraclng sovon o|omonts lroo| lntormln-
g|od ln tbo Dbarma-roa|m, Hls toacblng contalnod tbo Avatamsaka doctrlno ol tbo lroo lntoractlon
ol noumonon and pbonomonon ln tbo Dbarmadb5tu, tbus rovoa|lng tbo porloct luslon ol tbo tbroo
dogmas (ol tbo vold, tbo soomlng and tbo moan) lnto tbo abso|uto Tatb5gata storo, tbo suboct ol
tbo modltatlvo stud ol tbo vold.
So lar, tbo Buddba bad taugbt tbo luslon ol tbo tbroo catogorlos (ol tbo soomlng, tbat ls tbo
llvo aggrogatos, tbo two|vo ontrancos and tbo olgbtoon llo|ds ol tbo sonsos) to oxposo tbo ldontlt ol
pbonomonon and noumonon.
a|| |lvlng bolngs tbo Moan wblcb ls boond a|| sopblstr`
Tbo Buddba rop|lod: `You aro tlrod ol, and bavo sougbt
to abandon, tbo Hina5na toacblng on tbo sr5vaka and
pratoka-buddba stagos, and so wlsb to sook unsurpassod
Bodbl. l wl||, tboroloro toacb ou tbo Supromo Trutb. Wb do
ou stl|| rostrlct ourso|l b roasonlng lrlvo|ous| about la|so
causos and condltlons A|tbougb ou bavo |lstonod to mo a |ot,
ou aro |lko ono wbo ls accustomod to ta|k about modlclnos
but wbo, wbon bo soos tbom cannot plck out tboso wblcb aro
good. Tbls ls wb tbo Tatb5gata sas tbat ou aro roa|| to bo
pltlod. Llston wltb attontlon to wbat l now to|| ou, so tbat a||
wbo practlso Mab55na ln tbo luturo can attaln Roa|lt.
nanda kopt sl|ont, awaltlng tbo bo| toacblng.
Exposing Faulty Differentiation
`nanda, as ou bavo sald, wbon tbo lour o|omonts mlx and
luso tbo causo a|| klnds ol translormatlon ln tbo wor|d. But
tbo cannot mlx and unlto ll lt ls agalnst tbolr naturo, ust as
tbo vold cannot wltb lorm. On tbo otbor band, ll tbo so mlx
and luso tbo aro translormatlons and owo tbolr oxlstonco
wbo|| to tbolr mutua| dopondonco, tbo aro tbus suboct to
croatlon and dostructlon ln ond|oss succosslon, |lko tbo rlng
ol llro causod wbon a torcb ls wavod ln a clrc|o.
Pointing to the One Source
`nanda, tbls ls |lko wator wblcb, altor bocomlng lco, can
cbango back lnto wator.
Instruction on the Seven Elements
The element of earth
`Look at tbo o|omont ol oartb wblcb rangos ln slzo lrom tbo
groat oartb to a tln spock ol dust. Sp|lt tbls spock wblcb ls
noar to notblng and roduco lt to tbo llnost moto on tbo ox-
tromo bordor ol lorm. Tbon sp|lt lt agaln and lt bocomos tbo
vold. nanda, ll tbls moto can bo roducod to notblng, ou
sbou|d know tbat lorm comos lrom tbo vold.
`You now ask about matorla| cbangos wblcb ou at-
trlbuto to tbo mlxlng and unltlng (ol tbo lour o|omonts). Tako,
lor lnstanco, tbls moto wblcb ls noarost to tbo vold, bow
mucb voldnoss sbou|d bo mlxod and unltod to produco lt
But lt ls absurd to supposo tbat tbls can bo dono b unltlng
motos. Slnco a moto can bo sp|lt and roducod to voldnoss,
bow man (partlc|os ol) lorm sbou|d bo lusod togotbor to
croato tbo vold Tbo unlon ol lorm (wltb lorm) producos
lorm but not voldnoss, and tbo unlon ol tbo vold (wltb tbo
vold) producos voldnoss but not lorm. Form can bo sp|lt up
but bow can tbo vold unlto (wltb lorm)
`You do not know tbat ln tbo Tatb5gata storo botb lorm
and (lts opposlto) tbo vold arlso lrom so|l-naturo and aro
ldontlca| wltb oacb otbor, and tbat tbo o|omont ol oartb ls lun-
damonta|| puro and c|oan, ombracos a|| ln tbo Dbarma-
70. Tbls was tbo Buddba`s comp|oto answor to nanda`s quostlon. Tbo dlsclp|o c|ung to tbo ldoa ol tbo
lour o|omonts wblcb mlx and luso to causo a|| translormatlons ln tbo wor|d, lor bo was not c|oar
about tbo a||-ombraclng and commlng|lng naturo ol noumonon. Tbo Buddba moant tbat ll tboso
o|omonts dld not mlx and luso wltb ono anotbor, tbo woro |lko tbo vold wblcb can bavo no ro|atlon
wltb lorm, and tbat on tbo otbor band, ll tbo dld mlx and luso, tbo wou|d bo translormatlons ln
an unlntorruptod succosslon ol blrtbs and doatbs. Tboroloro, ono cannot spoak ol wbotbor or not
tbo mlx and unlto. Howovor, ll ono undorstands tbat botb tbo roa| and unroa| arlso lrom tbo samo
(undor|lng) substanco, |lko wator tbat can bocomo lco wblcb can cbango back to wator, ono wl||
coaso to dlscrlmlnato and dlscorn.

roa|m and manllosts bocauso tbo mlnds ol |lvlng bolngs know

and dlstlngulsb (botwoon tblngs) ln accordanco wltb tbo |aws
ol karma. lgnorant word|lngs wrong| attrlbuto tbls to causo,
condltlon and tbo stato ol tbo so|l as sucb, bocauso tbolr con-
sclousnossos dlllorontlato and dlscrlmlnato wltbout tbolr
knowlng tbat tbo |anguago tbo uso bas no roa| moanlng.
The element of fire
`nanda, llro bas no ogo but oxlsts bocauso ol (oxtorna|) causos.
Wbon poop|o ln a town aro about to proparo tbolr moa|s, tbo
uso mlrrors ol po|lsbod mota| to obtaln llro lrom tbo sun.
`nanda, about (our ldoa ol) mlxturo and unlon, tako
tbls communlt ol mso|l and two|vo bundrod and lllt
bblksus, tbougb tbo group ls ono, oacb mombor bas bls own
bod, c|an and namo, |lko S5rlputra wbo ls a Brabman, Uru-
vl|v5, a K5sapa trlbosman, and ou, nanda, wbo aro ol tbo
Gautama c|an.
`nanda, ll llro comos lrom tbo mlxturo and luslon (ol
tbo o|omonts), wbon a man bo|ds a mlrror to obtaln llro ln tbo
sun, doos tbls llro como lrom tbo mlrror, tbo moxa or tbo
sun nanda, ll lt comos lrom tbo sun, lt can burn tbo moxa
ln our band, ll so, a|| tbo troos wl|| bo scorcbod. ll lt comos
7. Tbls polnts to tbo a||-ombraclng o|omont ol oartb, tbo substanco ol wblcb ls vold, to rovoa| Roa|lt
as sucb. Now tbo groat oartb ls an accumu|atlon ol dust, a spock ol wblcb can bo sp|lt and roducod
to a stato ol noar voldnoss and llna|| to notblng. Tbls sbows tbat lorm arlsos lrom tbo vold and tbat
tbo o|omont ol oartb lundamonta|| doos not oxlst. ll, as ou roason, tbo groat oartb oxlsts tbrougb
tbo mlxturo and luslon ol dust, bow mucb vold ls noodod to produco a moto lrom wblcb tbo wbo|o
oartb grow ll a moto can bo roducod to notblng, bow man aro roqulrod to croato tbo vold ll lorm
unltos wltb lorm, lt cannot produco voldnoss and ll tbo vold unltos wltb ltso|l, no lorm can rosu|t.
You bavo tboroloro a wrong ldoa about tbo mlxturo and luslon ol tbo lour o|omonts. You bavo not
roa|lzod tbat tbo o|omont ol oartb ls a manllostatlon ol karma wltbln tbo Tatb5gata storo, and ls not
a product ol tbo (so ca||od) mlxturo and luslon ol tbo lour o|omonts. ll ou aro c|oar about tbls
aspoct ol karma, ou wl|| awakon to tbo a||-ombraclng so|l-naturod Roa|lt.
lrom tbo mlrror and tbon |lgbts tbo moxa, wb doos lt not
mo|t tbo mlrror and burn our band But ll ou do not ovon
loo| tbo boat, bow can tbo mlrror mo|t ll lt comos lrom tbo
moxa, wb doos tbo |attor roqulro tbo sun and tbo mlrror to
mako lt burn Look at tbo mlrror bo|d b tbo band, tbo sun
up ln tbo sk and tbo moxa wblcb orlglna|| camo lrom tbo
ground, bow can llro travo| o|sowboro boloro comlng boro
(Moroovor) tbo sun and tbo mlrror aro a vor |ong wa apart
and cannot mlx and unlto wltb oacb otbor. Flna|| llro cannot
oxlst b ltso|l.
`You do not roa|lzo tbat ln tbo Tatb5gata storo botb llro
and (lts opposlto) tbo vold arlso lrom tbo so|l-naturo and aro
ldontlca| wltb oacb otbor, and tbat tbo o|omont ol llro ls lun-
damonta|| puro and c|oan, ombracos a|| ln tbo Dbarma-
roa|m and manllosts bocauso tbo mlnds ol |lvlng bolngs
know and dlstlngulsb (botwoon tblngs). nanda, ou sbou|d
know tbat llro ls producod wborovor a man bo|ds a mlrror (ln
tbo sun), and tbat ll mlrrors aro bo|d up tbrougbout tbo
Dbarma-roa|m, llro wl|| sprlng up ovorwboro ln accordanco
wltb tbo |aws ol karma and not ln a glvon p|aco and dlroc-
tlon. lgnorant wor|d|lngs wrong| attrlbuto tbls to causo, con-
dltlon and tbo stato ol tbo so|l as sucb wltbout roa|lzlng tbat
lt ls bocauso tbolr consclousnossos dlllorontlato and dlscrlm-
lnato and tbat tbo |anguago tbo uso bas no roa| moanlng.
The element of water
`nanda, wator ls unstab|o b naturo lor lt oltbor l|ows or ls
stl||. Groat maglclans ln Sr5vasti, sucb as Kapl|a, Cakra, Pad-
ma and Hasta () obtaln wator to mlx wltb tbolr modlclnos b
oxposlng a crsta| ba|| to tbo lu|| moon. Doos tbls wator como
lrom tbo ba||, tbo vold or tbo moon nanda, ll lt comos lrom
tbo moon wblcb ls a vor |ong wa oll lt sbou|d pass tbrougb
tbo troos ln tbo lorost boloro roacblng tbo crsta| ba|| to l|ow
lnto tbo bow|. ll lt doos not l|ow tbrougb tbo troos, tbls sbows
tbat lt doos not drop lrom tbo moon. ll lt comos lrom tbo
crsta| ba||, lt sbou|d l|ow rogu|ar| not on| wbon tbo moon
ls lu||. ll lt comos lrom tbo vold ol spaco wblcb ls bound|oss,
lt sbou|d l|ow ovorwboro, submorglng ovortblng botwoon
oartb and boavon, ll so, bow can tboro bo |lvlng bolngs to
wa|k on tbo oartb, l| ln tbo alr and swlm ln tbo wator Tblnk
ol a|| tbls agaln, tbo moon ls ln tbo sk, tbo crsta| ba|| ls ln
tbo man`s band and tbo bow| ls ln lront ol blm, so wboro
doos tbls wator como lrom to l|ow (lnto tbo bow|) Tbo moon
and tbo ba|| aro a vor |ong wa apart and cannot mlx and
unlto wltb oacb otbor. lt ls absurd to sa tbat tbls wator doos
not como lrom an sourco.
`You do not know tbat ln tbo Tatb5gata storo botb
wator and (lts opposlto) tbo vold arlso lrom so|l-naturo and
aro ldontlca| wltb oacb otbor, and tbat tbo o|omont ol wator ls
lundamonta|| puro and c|oan, ombracos a|| ln tbo Dbarma-
roa|m, and manllosts bocauso tbo mlnds ol |lvlng bolngs
know and dlstlngulsb (botwoon tblngs). Tbus wator l|ows
wborovor crsta| ba||s aro usod to co||oct lt and ll tbo aro
bo|d up tbrougbout tbo Dbarma-roa|m, lt wl|| l|ow ovor-
wboro ln accordanco wltb tbo |aws ol karma and not ln a
glvon p|aco or dlroctlon. lgnorant wor|d|lngs wrong| at-
trlbuto, tbls to causo, condltlon and tbo stato ol tbo so|l as
sucb wltbout knowlng tbat lt ls bocauso tbolr consclousnossos
dlllorontlato and dlscrlmlnato and tbat tbo |anguago tbo uso
bas no roa| moanlng.
The element of wind
`nanda, tbo o|omont ol wlnd bas no substanco and oltbor
movos or ls stl||. Wbon ou oln a gatborlng and adust our
robo tbo bom (occaslona||) brusbos tbo porson noxt ou,
dlsturblng tbo alr wblcb lans bls laco. Doos tbls wlnd como
lrom tbo bom ol our robo, lrom tbo vold or lrom tbat man`s
`nanda, ll lt comos lrom tbo bom ol our robo, tbo
|attor sbou|d |oavo our bod (to brusb tbo man`s laco). As l
proacb tbo Dbarma boro, m robo doos not movo, wboro can
ou llnd an wlnd ln lt lt bas no blddon p|aco wboro wlnd
can bo storod.
`ll tbo wlnd comos lrom tbo vold, wb doos lt not lan
(tbo man) wbon our robo ls stl|| (Moroovor) tbo vold ls por-
manont and so sbou|d bo tbo wlnd, tbon wltbout tbo wlnd
tboro wou|d bo no vold. You can loo| wbon tbo wlnd stops
lannlng, but wbat lndlcatlon can tboro bo wbon tbo vold
coasos to oxlst ll tbo vold can bo croatod and dostrood, lt
cannot (roa||) bo vold, and ll lt ls, bow can lt croato tbo wlnd
`ll tbo wlnd comos lrom our nolgbbour`s laco, lt
sbou|d a|so lan ou, tbon wb doos not our robo wbon
brusblng agalnst blm lan ou back
`Look lnto a|| tbls carolu||. Tbo robo wblcb ou adust
ls ours, tbo laco lannod ls tbat ol anotbor bblksu and tbo
vold ls stl|| and doos not movo, tbon wboro doos tbo wlnd
como lrom Tbo wlnd and tbo vold dlllor and can noltbor mlx
nor unlto, wbl|o tbo wlnd cannot oxlst ol ltso|l wltbout a
causo. You do not roa|lzo tbat ln tbo Tatb5gata storo wlnd
and (lts opposlto) tbo vold arlso lrom so|l-naturo and aro
ldontlca| wltb oacb otbor, tbat tbo o|omont ol wlnd ls lunda-
monta|| puro and c|oan and ombracos a|| ln tbo Dbarma-
roa|m and manllosts bocauso tbo mlnds ol |lvlng bolngs know
and dlstlngulsb (botwoon tblngs). ll, nanda, ou movo our
robo, a |lgbt wlnd stlrs. And ll tboro ls slml|ar movomont
tbrougbout tbo Dbarma-roa|m, tboro wl|| bo wlnd a|| ovor tbo
wor|d ln accordanco wltb tbo |aws ol karma and not ln a
glvon p|aco or dlroctlon. lgnorant wor|d|lngs attrlbuto tbo
o|omont ol wlnd to causo, condltlon and tbo stato ol tbo so|l
as sucb bocauso tbolr consclousnossos dlllorontlato and dls-
crlmlnato wltbout roa|lzlng tbat tbo |anguago tbo uso bas no
roa| moanlng.
The element of space
`nanda, spaco ls lar lrom tbo rlvor, poop|o ol dllloront
castos, sucb as Ksatrla, Brabman, Valsa, Sudra, Bb5rad-
v5a and Cand5|a, wbo como to |lvo tboro, dlg wo||s to llnd
wator. Eacb loot ol oartb ls rop|acod b a loot ol spaco and
ton loot ol oartb b ton loot ol spaco, so tbat tbo sba||ownoss
or doptb ol oacb wo|| corrosponds wltb tbo amount ol oartb
romovod. Doos tbls spaco como lrom tbo oartb, lrom tbo dlg-
glng or lrom ltso|l as sucb
`nanda, ll spaco oxlsts ol ltso|l, wb boloro tbo dlgglng
was lt not unobstructod b tbo oartb Wb was tboro on|
oartb wltbout an spaco bolng soon tboro
`ll spaco comos lrom tbo oartb, lt sbou|d bo soon to
ontor tbo wo|| wbon tbo oartb ls bolng dug out. ll on| tbo
oartb ls romovod wltbout spaco ontorlng tbo wo||, bow can
spaco como lrom tbo oartb ll (oartb) ls not oxcavatod and
(spaco) doos not ll|| ln tbo bo|o, botb spaco and oartb sbou|d
bo tbo samo, tbon wb ls not spaco dug out wltb tbo oartb
`ll spaco comos lrom tbo dlgglng, wbon tbo lormor ls
producod b tbo |attor, no oartb sbou|d bo romovod. ll spaco
doos not como lrom tbo dlgglng, wb wbon oartb ls bolng
dug out, ls spaco soon ln tbo wo||
`Tblnk about a|| tbls and soo wboro spaco comos lrom
wbon a man usos bls bands to dlg oartb to mako a wo||. For
dlgglng and spaco aro not ln tbo samo catogor and can bo
noltbor mlxod nor unltod. And lt ls absurd to supposo tbat
spaco oxlsts ol ltso|l wltbout comlng lrom an causo. ll spaco
ls porloct| a||-ombraclng and ossontla|| unmovlng, ou
sbou|d know tbat lt and tbo o|omonts ol oartb, wator, llro and
wlnd - wblcb togotbor aro ca||od tbo llvo o|omonts, lntor-
mlng|o natura|| and aro moro| tbo untroatod and unondlng
Tatb5gata storo.
`nanda, slnco our mlnd ls do|udod and ou romaln
unawaro ol tbo roa| (ldontlt ol) tbo lour o|omonts ln tbo
Tatb5gata storo, ou sbou|d |ook lnto spaco and soo wbotbor
or not lt comos or goos, or noltbor comos nor goos. You do
not know tbat ln tbo Tatb5gata storo Bodbl and (lts opposlto)
tbo vold arlso lrom tbo so|l-naturo and aro ldontlca| wltb oacb
otbor, bocauso tbo o|omont ol spaco ls lundamonta|| puro
and c|oan, ombracos a|| and manllosts bocauso tbo mlnds ol
|lvlng bolngs know and dlstlngulsb (botwoon tblngs). Tbo ton
quartors, nanda, aro |lko an ompt plt ll||od wltb spaco
wblcb ln accordanco wltb tbo |aws ol karma bas no glvon
p|aco nor dlroctlon. lgnorant wor|d|lngs attrlbuto tbls to
causo, condltlon and tbo stato ol tbo so|l as sucb bocauso
tbolr consclousnossos dlllorontlato and dlscrlmlnato wltbout
knowlng tbat tbo |anguago tbo uso bas no roa| moanlng.
The element of perception
`Porcoptlon knows notblng b ltso|l and on| manllosts
tbrougb lorm and voldnoss. As ou aro now ln Jotavana
park, ou soo |lgbt b da and darknoss ln tbo ovonlng. At
nlgbt tboro ls |lgbt wbon tbo moon sblnos and darknoss wbon
tboro ls no moon. Tbls |lgbt and darknoss aro dlscornod b
tbo soolng, (but) ls tbls soolng ol tbo samo naturo as |lgbt,
darknoss and tbo vold or not, ls lt tbo samo or dllloront lrom
`nanda, ll tbo soolng ls ol tbo samo naturo as |lgbt,
darknoss or tbo vold, (wo como to tbls:) as |lgbt and darknoss
a|tornato, and wbon tboro ls ono tbo otbor dlsappoars, tbon ll
tbo soolng ls ono wltb darknoss, lt sbou|d vanlsb wbon tboro
ls |lgbt and vlco vorsa. As tbo soolng dlsappoars ln botb casos,
wb aro |lgbt and darknoss stl|| soon As tbo dlllor, lt lo||ows
tbat tbo soolng ls boond croatlon and annlbl|atlon: ll so, bow
can tbo soolng bo tbo samo as |lgbt and darknoss
`ll tbo soolng ls not ol tbo samo naturo as |lgbt and dark-
noss, tr to llnd out wbat tbls soolng |ooks |lko apart lrom
|lgbt, darknoss and tbo vold, wltbout wblcb tboro can bo no
soolng |lko tbo balr ol a tortolso and tbo borns ol a baro.
`As |lgbt, darknoss and tbo vold dlllor, wboro can tbo
soolng bo As |lgbt and darknoss aro ln opposltlon, bow can
tbo soolng oquato wltb tbom ll tboro ls no soolng wltbout
|lgbt, darknoss and tbo vold, bow can lt dlllor lrom tbom
`ll ou tr to soparato tbo vold lrom tbo soolng, ou wl||
not llnd tbolr boundarlos, ll so, wb aro tbo not tbo samo
Wbon ou soo |lgbt and darknoss, our soolng doos not
cbango, so wb doos lt not dlllor lrom tbom
`ll ou |ook c|oso| and mlnuto| lnto a|| tbls and oxam-
lno lt agaln and agaln, ou wl|| llnd tbat |lgbt comos lrom tbo
sun, darknoss lrom tbo moon|oss nlgbt, c|oaranco lrom
spaco and obstructlon lrom tbo oartb, so wboro ls tbo bogot-
tor ol tbls ossonco ol soolng Slnco tbo soolng can dlscorn
wboroas tbo vold cannot, tbo can noltbor mlx nor unlto.
And wo cannot sa tbat tbls ossonco ol soolng comos lrom
`You sbou|d know tbat porcoptlon b soolng and boar-
lng wblcb porvados a|| and ossontla|| doos not cbango, and
bound|oss unmovlng spaco, as wo|| as lts movlng (countor-
parts as sucb) tbo o|omonts ol oartb, wator, llro and wlnd -
a|| ol wblcb aro ca||od tbo slx o|omonts, lntormlng|o b naturo
and aro tbo lundamonta| untroatod and unondlng Tatb5gata

`You aro lnlatuatod b naturo and do not undorstand

tbat soolng, boarlng, loo|lng and knowlng lundamonta||
como lrom tbo Tatb5gata storo. You sbou|d onqulro lnto
tbom and soo ll tbo portaln to blrtb and doatb, ll tbo aro
ono or man, ll tbo portaln noltbor to blrtb nor doatb and ll
tbo aro noltbor ono nor man.
`You do not know tbat ln tbo Tatb5gata storo so|l-
naturod soolng ls baslca|| tbo on|lgbtonod porcoptlon wblcb
ls puro and c|oan, ombracos a|| ln tbo Dbarma-roa|m and
manllosts bocauso tbo mlnds ol |lvlng bolngs know and dls-
tlngulsb (botwoon tblngs). Llko soolng wblcb porvados tbo
wbo|o Dbarma-roa|m, boarlng, smo||lng, tastlng and toucblng
as wo|| as tbo actlvltlos ol bod and mlnd bavo wondorlu| vlr-
tuos wblcb aro brlgbt and unlvorsa| and so aro not ln a glvon
p|aco or dlroctlon. Tbo manllost accordlng to tbo |aws ol
karma but lgnorant wor|d|lngs tblnk wrong| tbat tbo aro
causa|, condltlona| and duo to tbo so|l as sucb. Bocauso ol
tbolr consclousnossos tbo dlllorontlato and dlscrlmlnato and
do not know tbat tbolr |anguago bas no roa| moanlng.
The element of consciousness
`nanda, consclousnoss bas no orlgln and ls (an l||uslon)
arlslng lrom tbo slx organs and sonso data. Look at, tbls bo|
assomb| and turn round to soo tboso prosont, our oos aro
|lko a mlrror wblcb cannot dlscorn wbl|o our consclousnoss
72. Tbls sbows tbo o|omont ol Porcoptlon wblcb ls lundamonta|| a||-ombraclng ln tbo Dbarma-roa|m. lt
ls ono ol tbo 5|aa`s tbroo cbaractorlstlcs (so|l-ovldonclng, perception and lorm) and ls a|so ca||od
tbo ossonco ol soolng. lt ls unknowing lor lt ls ossontla|| tbo brlgbt |lgbt ol wlsdom, ls abso|uto and
ls boond a|| contrarlos and ro|atlvltlos. Undor do|uslon, lt bas bocomo la|so soolng and c|lngs to
l||usor obocts, sucb as lorm and tbo vold. As lt ls lundamonta|| abso|uto, tbo Buddba usod |lgbt,
darknoss and tbo vold and tbo (wor|d|) concopt ol unlt-wltb-dlllorontlatlon to rovoa| lt.
notlcos ln turn tbo prosonco ol Mausri, Purnamaltr5-
aiputra, Maudga|5ana, Subbutl, S5rlputra (otc.). Doos
tbls consclousnoss como lrom porcoptlon, lorm or tbo vold,
or doos lt (omorgo) suddon| wltbout an causo
`nanda, ll our consclousnoss comos lrom our
soolng (porcoptlon), tbon ln tbo absonco ol |lgbt, darknoss,
lorm and tbo vold, tboro wl|| bo no soolng, and wbon tboro ls
no porcoptlon, bow can lt croato consclousnoss
`ll our consclousnoss comos lrom lorm - tbat ls not
lrom porcoptlon, tbon, wbon |lgbt and darknoss aro not soon,
tboro aro noltbor lorm nor tbo vold, tbon bow can non-
oxlstlng lorm croato consclousnoss
`ll our consclousnoss comos lrom tbo vold - tbat ls
noltbor lrom lorm nor porcoptlon, tbo absonco ol porcoptlon
moans a|so tbat ol dlscornmont wblcb lmp|los tbo non-
porcoptlon ol |lgbt, darknoss, lorm and tbo vold, and tbo
absonco ol lorm ls tbo ond ol a|| oxtorna| causos, bow, tbon,
can our soolng, boarlng, loo|lng and knowlng occur Tbus
wltbout lorm and porcoptlon, consclousnoss wblcb comos
lrom tbo vold slmp| doos not oxlst. (On tbo otbor band), ll
lt oxlsts ln tbo absonco ol obocts, wbat can lt dlscorn
`ll our consclousnoss suddon| omorgos wltbout an
causo, wb cannot lt dlscorn tbo moon ln tbo datlmo
`Now |ook c|oso| and mlnuto| lnto a|| tbls, our soolng
(porcoptlon) doponds on tbo pupl|s ol our oos mootlng an
oxtorna| oboct wblcb ls wbon tboro ls lorm and ls not
wbon tboro ls no lorm. Tboso aro tbo lour causos (l.o. tbo
soolng, oos, lorm and voldnoss) lrom wblcb consclousnoss
arlsos, but wblcb ono ol tbom croatos consclousnoss Slnco
consclousnoss ls a|was movlng (to dlllorontlato) wboroas
porcoptlon ls stl|| (lor lt doos not dlscrlmlnato), tbo cannot
mlx and luso togotbor. Your boarlng, loo|lng and knowlng
aro ln tbo samo catogor (as our soolng) but our consclous-
noss sbou|d stl|| bavo a sourco.
`ll tbls consclousnoss comos lrom notblng, ou sbou|d
know tbat porcoptlon (b moans ol) soolng, boarlng, loo|lng
and knowlng porvados ovorwboro and comos not lrom an
sourco. Moroovor wltb spaco, oartb, wator, llro and wlnd
tbo aro ca||od tbo sovon o|omonts, tbo naturos ol wblcb aro
roa| and lntormlng|o (lroo|), bolng but tbo untroatod and un-
ondlng Tatb5gata storo.
`nanda, bocauso our mlnd ls unsott|od, ou do not
roa|lzo tbat tbo soolng and boarlng tbat arouso consclousnoss,
como lundamonta|| lrom tbo Tatb5gata storo. You sbou|d
|ook lnto tbo consclousnossos lnsldo tbo Slx Entrancos and
soo ll tbo aro tbo samo or dllloront, oxlst or not, aro noltbor
tbo samo nor dllloront, and noltbor oxlst nor not. For ou do
not roa|lzo tbat ln tbo Tatb5gata storo so|l-naturod consclous-
noss ls tbo on|lgbtonod baslc Bodbl wblcb ombracos and por-
vados tbo wbo|o Dbarma-roa|m, ls not (to bo lound) ln a
glvon, p|aco or dlroctlon and manllosts accordlng to tbo |aws
ol karma. lgnorant wor|d|lngs tblnk wrong| tbat lt ls causa|,
condltlona| and duo to tbo so|l as sucb, accordlng to tbo wa
tbolr consclousnossos dlllorontlato and dlscrlmlnato wbl|o
tbo do not know tbat tbo |anguago tbo uso bas no roa|
nandas Understanding Expressed in his Gth
Altor |lstonlng to tbo Buddba`s prolound lnstructlon, nanda
and tbo assomb| roa|lzod tbat tbolr bodlos and mlnds woro
now lroo lrom a|| obstructlons. Eacb undorstood tbat bls so|l-
mlnd porvadod tbo ton dlroctlons ol spaco wblcb bo saw
c|oar| |lko a |oal bo|d ln bls own band, and tbat a|| tblngs
woro tbo wondrous and brlgbt lundamonta| Mlnd ol Bodbl.
Wbl|o bls ossonco ol Mlnd ombracod a|| and contalnod tbo
ton dlroctlons, bo |ookod back at bls own bod glvon blm b
bls paronts, wblcb was |lko a spock ol dust danclng ln tbo
groat vold, somotlmos vlslb|o and somotlmos not, and |lko a
bubb|o rlslng and la||lng alm|oss| ln a bound|oss c|oar ocoan.
Altor soolng a|| tbls c|oar|, tbo a|| roa|lzod tbolr lundamon-
ta|, prolound, pormanont and lndostructlb|o (so|l-) mlnds,
and brougbt tbolr pa|ms togotbor to pa rovoronco to tbo
Buddba (tbanklng Hlm) lor (sbowlng tbom) wbat tbo bad
novor soon boloro.
Tboroupon, nanda pralsod tbo Buddba ln tbo lo||ow-
lng g5tb5:
`O tbou sorono, a|| poworlu|
and uncbanglng Lord,
Raro ls our a||-ombraclng supromo Surangama
Wblcb bo|ps mo to root out wrong tbougbts tbat bavo boon
bo|d lor unto|d aoons
And toacbos mo bow to roa|lzo Dbarmak5a ln an lnstant.
73. Up to boro, tbo Buddba taugbt bow to roturn a|| tbat ls la|so to Roa|lt to rovoa| tbo untroatod and
unondlng naturo ol tbo abso|uto Tatb5gata storo.
74. `A|| poworlu|` ls oxpodlont| usod boro lor tbo Sanskrlt `Db5rani ` wblcb moans `abso|uto contro|
ovor good and ovl|.`
Ma l now wln tbo lrult and acblovo on|lgbtonmont
To savo |lvlng bolngs count|oss as tbo Gangos` sands.
To mrlad Buddba-|ands l now ollor tbls mlnd prolound.
To ropa m dobt ol gratltudo lor tbo graco ol tbo Lord.
Humb| l now lmp|oro tbo Wor|d Honourod Ono to soa|
M oatb to ro-ontor tbo llvo turbld roa|ms
ll ovon ono bolng lal|s to bocomo a Buddba
l sba|| (at onco) ronounco a|| m c|alm to Nlrv5na.
O Groat Horo, tbo Mlgbt, tbo Compasslonato Ono,
Ma ou a|so dostro m |ast socrot do|uslon
So tbat l soon attaln to Bodbl Supromo,
Slttlng ln bodblmanda|as
Tbo vold to an ond ma como,
But m llrm mlnd wl|| not l|lncb.
75. Soo p. 4S lor a lu|| oxp|anatlon ol tbo llvo ka|pas ol turbldlt.
76. To slt ln bodblmanda|as ls to turn tbo Wboo| ol tbo Law to savo |lvlng bolngs. A bodblmanda|a ls a
sacrod p|aco wboro tbo Dbarma ls taugbt to on|lgbton and do|lvor |lvlng bolngs.
77. Tbo llrst |lno pralsos tbo Buddba`s Dbarmak5a wblcb ls puro and c|oan, and sorono| moots a||
pbonomona, bonco lt ls serene. Tbls ossontla| bod ls tbo substanco ol a|| dbarma and possossos
tbroo ossontla| vlrtuos: otornlt, wlsdom and sovorolgn |lbort (onolng comp|oto contro| ovor good
and ovl|), bonco lt ls dominant. lt ls ovor omnlprosont and uncbanglng, bonco lt ls immovable.
nanda usod to c|lng to tbo Buddba`s tblrt-two oxco||ont pbslca| marks wblcb causod blm to
oln tbo Ordor wltbout knowlng tbat tbo Buddba wblcb bo saw was unroa|, tboroloro, bls mlnd was
oqua|| la|so. Altor boarlng tbo Buddba`s toacblng, bo awakonod to bls truo mlnd and was ab|o to
dlscorn tbo Buddba`s Dbarmak5a, bonco bls pralso ol tbo Buddba.
Tbo socond |lno sbows nanda`s awakonlng to tbo Suragama sam5dbl wblcb rovoa|od tbo
Ono Mlnd, bonco bls pralso ol tbo Dbarma.
Tbo llltb, slxtb, sovontb and olgbtb |lnos sbow tbat nanda wbo bad now dovo|opod tbo
prolound Mab55na mlnd, sougbt so|l-on|lgbtonmont lor tbo wo|laro ol a|| |lvlng bolngs, wblcb was
tbo on| wa to ropa bls lmmonso dobt ol gratltudo to tbo Buddba.
Tbo nlntb, tontb, o|ovontb and two|ltb |lnos sbow tbat nanda bad now takon tbo
Bodblsattva`s groat vow to do|lvor a|| |lvlng bolngs wltbout oxcoptlon.
Tbo |ast two |lnos sbow bls dotormlnatlon ln bls Bodblsattva work, now tbat bo bad awakonod
to tbo poworlu| Suragama sam5dbl as taugbt b tbo Buddba.
So lar tbo Buddba bad taugbt samatba or tbo modltatlvo stud ol a|| as vold (l.o. tbo
noumonon ln tbo Tatb5gata storo). ln tbo lo||owlng cbaptor, Ho taugbt sam5pattl or tbo modltatlvo
stud ol a|| as unroa| (l.o. tbo pbonomonon ln tbo Tatb5gata storo).
The Phenomenon in the Tathgata Store
The Meditative Study of All as Unreal (Sampatti)
The One Mind Being the Source of Both Delusion & Enlightenment
Purnamaltr5aniputra, wbo was ln tbo assomb|, roso lrom bls
soat, uncovorod bls rlgbt sbou|dor, kno|t upon bls rlgbt knoo,
rovoront| olnod tbo pa|ms ol bls bands and sald to tbo
Buddba: `O August and Wor|d Honourod Ono, ou bavo ro-
voa|od tbo Tatb5gata`s prolound moanlng so wo|| to a|| |lvlng
bolngs. Tbo Buddba bas a|was doc|arod tbat l surpass a|| mon
ln proacblng tbo Dbarma, but as l now |lston to Hls mo|odlous
and doop Dbarma volco, l am |lko a doal man (strlvlng to) boar
l|los and mosqultoos a bundrod loot awa, bo cannot soo, stl||
|oss can bo boar tbom. ln splto ol wbat tbo Buddba taugbt to
cut oll our do|uslon, l lal| to undorstand lts u|tlmato moanlng
wblcb ls a|togotbor boond mo. Wor|d Honourod Ono, (lt ls
roasonab|o tbat) tboso |lko nanda wbo bavo moro| oponod
tbolr mlnds but bavo not cast awa tbolr wor|d| bablts, do not
undorstand lt, but tbougb l (and otbors boro) bavo roacbod tbo
stato boond tbo stroam ol transmlgratlon, wo aro stl|| not qulto
c|oar about tbo Dbarma (ust) taugbt b tbo Tatb5gata.
`Wor|d Honourod Ono, ll a|| tblngs (sucb as) tbo sonso
organs and data, aggrogatos, ontrancos and llo|ds ol sonso aro
lundamonta|| tbo puro and c|oan Tatb5gata storo, wb doos
tbo |attor suddon| croato mountalns, rlvors, tbo groat wor|d and
a|| otbor lorms tbat rlso and la|| ln turn wltbout lntorruptlon
`Tbo Tatb5gata bas a|so spokon ol (tbo o|omonts ol)
oartb, wator, llro and wlnd wboso naturos mlx and porvado tbo
wbo|o Dbarma roa|m ln wblcb tbo romaln a|| tbo tlmo. Wor|d
Honourod Ono, ll tbo o|omont ol oartb was a||-ombraclng bow
cou|d lt contaln tbo o|omont ol wators ll tbo |attor was a||-
porvadlng, tboro wou|d bo no llro, tbon bow can ono bo c|oar
tbat tboso two o|omonts porvado a|| spaco wltbout dostrolng
oacb otbor Wor|d Honourod Ono, tbo naturo ol oartb ls
obstructlvo wbl|o tbat ol spaco ls tbo rovorso, bow can botb ol
tbom porvado tbo wbo|o Dbarma roa|m l roa|| do not undor-
stand. Ma tbo Tatb5gata bo compasslonato onougb to on-
|lgbton mo and so dlspo| tbo c|ouds ol m do|uslon`
Altor salng tbls, bo prostratod and oagor| awaltod tbo
bo| toacblng.
Tbo Buddba sald to Purnamaltr5aniputra and a||
arbats ln tbo assomb| wbo bad roacbod tbo stato boond
samsarlc transmlgratlon and boond lurtbor stud: `Tbo
Tatb5gata now oxpounds tbo blgbost transcondonta| Trutb so
tbat tboso boarors wltb sott|od mlnds
and arbats wbo bavo
not ot roa|lzod tbat noltbor ogo nor dbarma oxlst and wbo
sook Roa|lt, wl|| know tbo corroct practlco ol tbo passlon|oss-
noss ol tbo Supromo Voblc|o. Llston attontlvo| to wbat l sa.`
Purnamaltr5aniputra and tbo assomb| kopt sl|ont
awaltlng wltb rovoronco tbo Buddba`s Dbarma volco.
Tbo Buddba askod: `Pramaltr5aiputra, ou now
ask wb tbat wblcb ls lundamonta|| puro and c|oan suddon-
| croatod mountalns, rlvors and tbo groat oartb, but bavo
7S. Wboso mlnds aro sot on so|l-on|lgbtonmont and not on Bodblsattva dovo|opmont.
ou not board tbo Buddba doc|aro tbat (so|l-) naturod Bodbl
ls abso|uto and on|lgbtonod and tbat baslc Bodbl ls on|lgbt-
onod and abso|uto`
Purnamaltr5aniputra rop|lod: `Yos, Wor|d Honourod
Ono, l bavo board tbls.`
A Probe into the Disciples Understanding of
Noumenon & Phenomenon to Reveal the Rise of Illusions
Tbo Buddba askod: `Wbon ou spoak ol Bodbl and En|lgbt-
onmont, do ou moan tbat bocauso ol lts on|lgbtonod naturo,
ou ca|| lt Bodbl, or bocauso ol lts (baslc) unon|lgbtonod
naturo, ou (now) ca|| lt on|lgbtonod Bodbl`
The Real Missed by Cognizance of the False
Purnamaltr5aniputra sald: `ll tbat wblcb ls unon|lgbtonod ls
ca||od Bodbl, lt ls not awaro ol antblng.`
7. So|l-naturod Bodbl stands lor Substance wblcb ls ossontla|| abso|uto (l.o. lroo lrom a|| dua|ltlos)
and ls, tboroloro, on|lgbtonod. Baslc Bodbl stands lor Function wblcb ls on|lgbtonod and ls,
tboroloro, abso|uto (l.o. lroo lrom a|| ro|atlvltlos and contrarlos).
S0. Tbls two prongod probo was to oxposo tbo causo ol rlslng l||uslons. Horo a Cb`an Mastor wou|d
glvo a sbout or a b|ow wltb bls stall to dlspo| a|| romalnlng doubts ln tbo studont`s mlnd. But ln tbo
Toacblng scboo|, tbo Buddba was ob|lgod to traco a|| l||uslons back to tbolr sourco ln ordor to
oxp|aln tbat tbo la|so arlsos lrom tbo Roa|, bonco Ho sot up tbo Dbarma roa|m ol Ono Roa|lt wblcb
ls tbo common sourco ol botb do|uslon and on|lgbtonmont. And so Ho ropoatod Hls provlous
statomont about `(so|l-) naturod Bodbl wblcb ls abso|uto and on|lgbtonod and baslc Bodbl wblcb ls
on|lgbtonod and abso|uto,` to probo tbo dlsclp|o`s capabl|lt. Ho moant: `Do ou tblnk tbat Bodbl-
naturo ls lundamonta|| on|lgbtonod and noods no lurtbor on|lgbtonlng to bo ca||od Bodbl (Tbls ls
tbo Abso|uto.) Or do ou tblnk tbat Bodbl-naturo ls unon|lgbtonod and noods on|lgbtonlng to
bocomo on|lgbtonod Bodbl (Tbls ls Sams5ra.)` Tbls was to soo ll tbo dlsclp|o gavo an oboctlvo
rop| botralng tbo causo ol bls do|uslon.
Tbo roa|lzatlon ol Buddba-naturo ls duo to tbroo causos: direct, concurrent and realizing. lts
abso|uto naturo ls lundamonta|| porloct and so|l-oxlstlng and noods no practlco, tbls `ls the direct
cause. lt ls attalnab|o bocauso ol tbo teaching b on|lgbtonod mastors lor lt ls sald tbat tbo Buddba-
sood sprouts ln lavourab|o clrcumstancos, tbls ls tbo concurrent cause. lt ls attalnab|o b moans ol
practlco and tralnlng, tbls ls tbo realizing cause.
Tbo statomont: `So|l-naturod Bodbl ls abso|uto and on|lgbtonod` lmp|los tbo dlroct causo ol
Buddha-nature, and `baslc Bodbl ls on|lgbtonod and abso|uto` sbows lts realizing cause, lor on|
altor tbo olloctlvo roa|lzatlon ol inceptive Bodhi can basic Bodhi bo attalnod. Tboroloro, practlco
and tralnlng aro roqulrod to roa|lzo En|lgbtonmont.
The Three Finer Conditions of Unenlightenment
(Basic Ignorance: Subject & Object)
Tbo Buddba sald: `You sa tbat tbat wblcb ls not awaro ol
antblng ls not on|lgbtonod Bodbl, but tbat wblcb croatos an
l||usor oboct ls unon|lgbtonod and tbat wblcb abstalns lrom
so dolng ls lroo lrom (suboctlvo) awaronoss. Tbo unon|lgbt-
onod ls (cortaln|) not tbo c|oan naturo ol Bodbl, lor (so|l-)
naturod Bodbl ls ossontla|| on|lgbtonod but ls mlstakon lor
on|lgbtonod awaronoss. Bodbl ls not (tbat) awaronoss ol
tblngs lor sucb awaronoss sots up obocts, and tbo sottlng up
ol l||usor obocts lmp|los an l||usor suboct.
The Six Coarser Conditions of Unenlightenment
`Tbus lrom tbat wblcb was boond botb ldontlt and dlvor-
slt aroso a|| dllloroncos. Wbon tbo dlllorontlatlng suboct
conlrontod lts dlllorontlatod obocts, tbo rosu|tant dlvorslt
|od to ldontlllcatlon. ldontlt and dlvorslt lurtbor |od to
S. Tbo dlsclp|o`s answor botraod tbo orlgln ol bls do|uslon bocauso bo c|ung to an oboct ol wblcb Bodbl
sbou|d bo awaro, tbls was bls samsarlc awaronoss wblcb lmp|lod a dua|lt ol suboct and oboct.
S2. Tbls sbows tbo orlgln ol tbo la|so. Tbo Buddba bogan b ropoatlng wbat tbo dlsclp|o bad sald ol an
unon|lgbtonod Bodbl wblcb was not awaro ol obocts. ll Bodbl was lroo lrom tbls awaronoss, lt
wou|d lndood bo gonulno, lor lt wou|d bo lroo lrom a|| dua|ltlos. Ho tbon wlpod out tbo dlsclp|o`s
mlsconcoptlon and doc|arod tbat tbat wblcb croatod obocts was not truo Bodbl and tbat wblcb was
lroo lrom tbom was cortaln| not la|so Bodbl, lor tbat wblcb lundamonta|| was not on|lgbtonod was
not tbo c|oan naturo ol Bodbl. So|l-naturod Bodbl ls ossontla|| on|lgbtonod and noods no lurtbor
on|lgbtonlng to bo so; this was His teaching on the self-existing Buddha nature. lt was, bowovor,
mlstakon lor on|lgbtonod awaronoss, and bocauso ol tbls tbougbt, tbo on|lgbtonod abso|uto so|l-
naturo was mlssod, this was His teaching on delusion. Awaronoss ol an oboct ls lau|t and portalns
to lgnoranco, this was His teaching on the three subtle defilements of karma (baslc lgnoranco:
suboct and oboct).
Bocauso ol lgnoranco causod b tbls lau|t awaronoss, tbo abso|uto Truo Mlnd ls scroonod and
rop|acod b tbo dua|lt ol suboct and oboct. Tbls object ls tbo orlgln ol spaco, tbo wor|d and |lvlng
bolngs. Honco tbo toxt sas: `Bodbl ls not tbat awaronoss ol tblngs lor sucb (suboctlvo) awaronoss
sots up obocts,` tbat ls tbo manllostatlon ol form. Tbo sottlng up ol lorm rosu|ts ln dua|ltlos and
causos tbo lundamonta|, abso|uto and brlgbt wlsdom-|lgbt ol Nlrvanlc l||umlnatlon to cbango lnto
tbo la|so soolng ol suboctlvo porcoptlon. Honco tbo toxt sas: `Tbo sottlng up ol l||usor obocts
lmp|los an l||usor suboct.` Tbls ls translormatlon ol tbo Abso|uto lnto lorm.
tbat wblcb was noltbor tbo samo nor dllloront. Tboso con-
l|lctlng dlsturbancos rosu|tod ln troub|od (porcoptlon)
wblcb ln tlmo gavo rlso to oboctlvo lorm. So|l-croatod con-
luslon, causod b c|lnglng to namos, causod karmlc actlvlt
and so sullorlng. Tbus tbat wblcb manllostod bocamo tbo
(cbanglng) wor|d and tbat wblcb was stl|| was spaco.
Honco spaco stands lor ldontlt and tbo wor|d lor dlvorslt,
and tbat wblcb ls noltbor tbo samo nor dllloront ls a |lvlng
The Law of Continuity
Continuity of the (physical) universe
`Sustalnod conlrontatlon ol (suboctlvo) awaronoss wltb
(oboctlvo) dlm voldnoss producod vlbratlon and movo-
mont, bonco tbo wboo| ol wlnd
ln constant motlon ln tbo
S3. Tbls lurtbor sbows tbo orlgln ol tbo la|so to rovoa| tbo slx coarsor condltlons ol unon|lgbtonmont
(wblcb aro: know|odgo, contlnuous rosponslvonoss, attacbmont arlslng lrom tbo |ast, namlng
obocts, karmlc doods, and tbo sullorlng tbat rosu|ts tborolrom).
Tbo pormanont Truo Mlnd ln tbo Dbarma roa|m ol Ono Roa|lt ls boond botb ldontlt and
dlvorslt. Tbo llrst tbougbt tbat stlrrod tbo so|l-naturo gavo rlso to do|uslon, tborob cbanglng lt lnto
tbo unon|lgbtonod 5|aa consclousnoss. Honco tbo tbroo llnor condltlons ol unon|lgbtonmont, tbo
lororunnor ol lts coarsor condltlons, rosu|tlng ln tbo manllostatlon ol dllloront lorms, sucb as tbo
wor|d and |lvlng bolngs ln tbo storo consclousnoss.
Tboroloro, a|| klnds ol dllloronco aroso lrom tbat wblcb was boond botb ldontlt and
dlvorslt. Tbus lgnoranco bocamo tbo dlllorontlatlng suboct and tbo wor|d lts dlllorontlatod
oboct. Tbat wblcb dlllorod lrom tbo dlllorontlatod wor|d was spaco, lor tbo wor|d was cbanglng
wboroas spaco dld not. Honco Mausri sald ln bls g5tb5: `Tbus ln do|uslon tboro appoarod ono-
sldod omptlnoss.` Altor motlon and stl||noss bad como to bo, a |lvlng bolng was croatod to
doslgnato tbat wblcb was noltbor tbo samo nor dllloront, lor a bolng bas lorm and sbapo and so
dlllors lrom tbo vold, and ls consclous and so dlllors lrom lnanlmato tblngs. Honco Mausri sald
ln bls g5tb5: `ln wblcb an lmaglnar wor|d arbltrarl| was bul|t. wbl|o tbo l||usor knowor bocamo
a |lvlng bolng.`
Tbo Buddba tbon oxp|alnod tbo slx coarsor condltlons ol unon|lgbtonmont. Ho rovoa|od tbo
llrst condltlon, knowledge, ln tboso words: `Tboso conl|lctlng dlsturbancos rosu|tod ln troub|od
porcoptlon, tbo socond condltlon, continuous responsiveness, ln: `.wblcb, ln tlmo, gavo rlso to
oboctlvo lorm`, tbo tblrd and lourtb condltlons, attachment and names, ln: `so|l-croatod conluslon
causod b c|lnglng to namos`, and tbo llltb and slxtb condltlons, karmic deeds and suffering, ln:
`.causod karmlc actlvlt and so sullorlng.` Tbat wblcb, ls noltbor tbo cbanglng wor|d nor
uncbanglng spaco ls tbo |lvlng bolng wbo ls suboct to blrtb and doatb.
S4. Tbo lour wboo|s on wblcb tbo wor|d rosts: wlnd, wator, mota| and spaco.
unlvorso. Awaronoss so sbakon b tbo vold, was bo-
numbod b lt and bardonod lnto tbo (o|omont ol) mota|,
bonco tbo wboo| ol mota| to prosorvo tbo oartb. Wbon tbo
movomont causod b awaronoss producod wlnd and bard-
onod lnto mota|, tbo lrlctlon botwoon wlnd and mota|
l|asbod llro, tbo naturo ol wblcb was translormatlvo. Flro
sprang up and mo|tod mota|, bonco tbo wboo| ol wator por-
vados a|| tbo wor|ds ln tbo ton dlroctlons. Tbo mootlng ol
rlslng llro wltb la||lng wator, lormod wot ocoans and dr
contlnonts. Tbls ls wb llro (somotlmos) rlsos lrom tbo bot-
tom ol tbo soas, and stroams and rlvors l|ow ovor contl-
nonts. Excoss ol wator ovor llro rosu|tod ln (tbo lormatlon
ol) blgb mountalns, bonco rock sparks wbon struck and
mo|ts wbon submlttod to groat onougb boat. An oxcoss ol
oartb ovor wator rosu|tod ln tbo growtb ol vogotatlon,
bonco a lorost llro roducos tbo troos to asbos (l.o. oartb) and
a p|ant b|oods wbon twlstod. Tbus tboso l||usor (lour
wboo|s) lntormlng|od and bocamo mutua| soods to onsuro
tbo contlnult ol tbo wor|d.
Continuity of living beings
`Furtbor, Purnamaltr5aniputra, tbls doloct ln awaronoss was
causod b lts suboctlvonoss tbat sot up l||usor obocts bo-
ond wblcb awaronoss (tbus clrcumscrlbod) cannot roacb,
bonco ono`s boarlng ls |lmltod to sound and ono`s soolng to
lorm. Tbo slx l||usor sonso data, tbus croatod, dlvldod (tbo
undlvldod naturo) lnto soolng, boarlng, loo|lng and knowlng.
As a rosu|t (ol unon|lgbtonod) actlvltlos, slml|arlt ol karma
causod alllnlt
wboroas dlsslml|arlt |od to oltbor unlon lor
or partlng lor translormatlon.
`Wbon tbo porcoptlon ol (an attractlvo) |lgbt rovoa|s an
(l||usor) lorm, tbo c|oarnoss ol tbo |attor stlmu|atos a koon
doslro lor lt. Opposlng vlows causo batrod wboroas concord-
ant onos |oad to |ovo, tbo l|ow ol wblcb bocomos tbo sood-
gorm wblcb, b unltlng wltb cravlng, lorms a lootus. Tbus
soxua| lntorcourso attracts tboso wbo sbaro tbo samo karma
and causos tbo llvo statos ol a lootus.
Tboroloro, tbo lour
lorms ol blrtb dorlvo lrom partlcu|ar causos, blrtb lrom an
ogg ls duo to (tbo prodomlnanco ol) tbougbts, tbat lrom a
womb to passlons, tbat lrom bumldlt to rosponslvo unlon,
and tbat b translormatlon to partlng and motamorpbosls.
Tbo unlon and partlng ol tbougbts and passlons causo lur-
tbor cbangos and translormatlons wblcb rlso and la||, c|oso|
lo||owod b |lvlng bolngs wbo aro tbus suboct to tbo rotrlb-
utlvo ollocts ol tbolr karma. Honco tbo contlnult ol (tbo
roa|m ol) |lvlng bolngs.
S5. Blrtb lrom womb and oggs.
S6. Blrtb lrom bumldlt.
S7. Blrtb b translormatlon.
SS. Tbo llvo stagos ol tbo lormatlon ol a lootus aro: ka|a|a, or s|lppor coagu|atlon, l.o. tbo buman
ombro durlng tbo llrst wook, arbuda, or a mass durlng tbo socond wook, posi, or a ploco ol solt
l|osb durlng tbo tblrd wook, gbana, or a so|ld |ump durlng tbo lourtb wook, and pras5kb5, or a
lootus wltb organs durlng tbo llltb wook.
S. ln tbo lntormodlato stato altor doatb, man`s consclousnoss wandors ln soarcb ol lts lormor |ovo. lt ls
bodl|oss but can soo lrom a dlstanco ol sovora| tbousand ml|os, a|was |ooklng lor lts cborlsbod
oboct. Honco tbo toxt sas: `Wbon tbo porcoptlon ol (an attractlvo) |lgbt rovoa|s a lorm.` Wbon lt
llnds lts oboct, lt rusbos to lt wltb a|| tbougbts dlroctod to bolng ombodlod ln or tbrougb tbat oboct.
Honco `tbo c|oar slgbt ol a lorm stlmu|atos a koon doslro lor lt.` lt ls attractod to soxua| lntorcourso, ll
lt ls ma|o, lt |ovos tbo woman and batos tbo man and ll lt ls loma|o, lt |ovos tbo man and batos tbo
woman. And so: `opposlng vlows causo batrod wboroas concordant onos |oad to |ovo.` lt ls tbus
attractod b tbls p|a ol sox and ls drawn b l|owlng |ovo to tbo woman`s womb wboroln lt bocomos
tbo sood ol a lootus. Honco `tbo l|ow ol |ovo bocomos tbo gorm.` Tbls sood ontors tbo coup|o`s
gonoratlvo l|uld, and b unltlng wltb lts cravlng, takos tbo l||usor lorm ol an ogo. Honco: `tbo gorm
b unltlng wltb cravlng lorms a lootus.` Tbls ls blrtb lrom tbo womb. Tbo lour lorms ol blrtb accord
wltb tbo rotrlbutlvo karma ol oacb |lvlng bolng.
Continuity of karmic retribution
`Purnamaltr5aniputra, slnco doslro and |ovo aro tlod so
c|oso| togotbor, no dlsongagomont ls posslb|o and tbo rosu|t
ls an ond|oss succosslon ol tbo blrtbs ol paronts, cbl|dron and
grandcbl|dron. Tbls comos maln| lrom (soxua|) doslro wblcb
ls stlmu|atod b |ovo.
`Slnco passlon cannot bo dostrood, |lvlng bolngs born
lrom wombs, oggs, bumldlt and b translormatlon tond to
uso tbolr strongtb to kl|| oacb otbor lor lood. Tbls comos
maln| lrom tbolr passlon lor kl||lng.
`So ll a man (kl||s a sboop to) oat lts moat, tbo sboop
wl|| bo roborn as a buman bolng and tbo man, altor bls
doatb, wl|| bo roborn a sboop (to ropa bls lormor dobt).
Tbus |lvlng bolngs ol tbo ton statos ol blrtb,
dovour oacb
otbor and so lorm ovl| karma wblcb wl|| bavo no ond. Tbls
comos maln| lrom tbolr passlon lor stoa|lng.
`Duo to sucb causos as ou owo mo m |llo

l pa m dobt,
|lvlng bolngs aro suboct to blrtb and
doatb lor bundrods and tbousands ol aoons. Duo to sucb
causos as ou troasuro m boart, l |ovo our boaut,
tbo contlnuo to bo tlod to oacb otbor lor bundrods and
tbousands ol ka|pa. Tboroloro, tbo baslc causos ol contln-
uous karmlc rotrlbutlon aro tbroo: kl||lng, stoa|lng and
0. Cl. Cb`an and Zon Toacblng, Flrst Sorlos, p. 6, lor a dotal|od oxp|anatlon ol tbo ton statos ol
. Kl||lng as baslc causo ol karmlc rotrlbutlon.
2. Stoa|lng as baslc causo ol karmlc rotrlbutlon.
3. Carna|lt as baslc causo ol karmlc rotrlbutlon.
`Tbus Purnamaltr5aniputra, tboso tbroo ovl| causos
succood ono anotbor so|o| bocauso ol unon|lgbtonod awaro-
noss wblcb glvos rlso to tbo porcoptlon ol lorm and so soos
la|so| mountalns, rlvors and tbo groat oartb as wo|| as otbor
pbonomona wblcb unlo|d ln succosslon and, bocauso ol tbls
vor l||uslon, appoar agaln and agaln, as on a turnlng wboo|.`
The Uncreated & Unending
`Purnamaltr5aniputra askod: `ll Bodbl, wblcb ls baslca||
abso|uto and on|lgbtonod and ls tbo samo as tbo uncbanglng
Tatb5gata mlnd, can suddon| croato mountalns, rlvors, tbo
groat oartb and otbor pbonomona, wbon wl|| tbo Buddba,
wbo bas attalnod Abso|uto En|lgbtonmont, agaln glvo rlso to
tbo wor|d| porcoptlon ol mountalns, rlvors and tbo groat
Tbo Buddba sald: `Purnamaltr5aniputra, ll a man
|osos bls wa to a vl||ago b mlstaklng soutb lor nortb, doos
bls orror como lrom do|uslon or on|lgbtonmont`
Purnamaltr5aniputra rop|lod: `From noltbor. Wb
Bocauso, slnco do|uslon bas no root bow can tbls orror como
lrom lt Slnco on|lgbtonmont doos not bogot do|uslon, bow
can lt causo blm to orr`
Tbo Buddba askod: `ll tbls man, wbl|o orrlng, suddon|
moots somoono wbo sbows blm tbo rlgbt wa, do ou tblnk
ln splto ol bls mlstako, bo wl|| |oso bls wa agaln`
(Purnamaltr5aniputra rop|lod:) `No, Wor|d Honourod
(Tbo Buddba sald:) `Purnamaltr5aniputra, lt ls tbo
samo wltb a|| Buddbas ln tbo ton dlroctlons. Do|uslon bas no
root lor lt bas no so|l-naturo. Fundamonta|| tboro bas novor
boon do|uslon and tbougb tboro ls somo somb|anco ol lt,
wbon ono ls awakonod, lt vanlsbos (lor) Bodbl doos not
bogot lt. Tbls ls |lko a man sullorlng lrom an optlca| l||uslon
wbo soos l|owors ln tbo sk, ll bo ls curod, tboso l|owors wl||
dlsappoar. But ll bo walts lor tbom to appoar agaln, do ou
ca|| blm stupld or lnto||lgont`
Purnamaltr5aniputra rop|lod: `Fundamonta|| spaco
bas no l|owors but duo to doloctlvo slgbt tbo aro soon as
bolng ln tbo vold, tbls ls a|road a la|so attltudo. ll ln addltlon,
tbo aro roqulrod to appoar agaln, tbls ls moro lo||, bow tbon
can tbat man bo ca||od stupld or lnto||lgont`
Tbo Buddba sald: `Slnco ou bavo lntorprotod wo|| tbo
non-oxlstonco ol l|owors ln tbo sk, wb do ou stl|| ask mo
about tbo lmmatorla| abso|uto Bodbl ol a|| Buddbas croatlng
mountalns, rlvors and tbo groat oartb lt ls |lko oro wblcb con-
talns puro go|d, onco tbo |attor ls oxtractod, lt cannot bo
mlxod wltb tbo oro agaln. lt ls a|so |lko tbo asbos ol burnt
wood wblcb cannot bocomo wood agaln. lt ls tbo samo wltb
a|| Buddbas ol tbo nlrvanlc on|lgbtonmont.
The Unhindered Intermingling of Noumenon & Phenomenon
`Purnamaltr5aniputra, ou now ask about tbo o|omonts ol
oartb, wator, llro and wlnd wblcb lundamonta|| lntormlng|o
wltbout blndranco ln tbo Dbarma roa|m, ou aro ln doubt
about wb tbo o|omonts ol wator and llro do not dostro oacb
otbor and bow tbo o|omonts ol spaco and oartb can contaln
oacb otbor.
`Purnamaltr5aniputra, tako lor lnstanco spaco wblcb
dlllors groat| lrom a|| lorms but wblcb doos not provont
tbom lrom manllostlng ln lt. Wb Bocauso spaco ls radlant
ln tbo sun and dark wbon tbo sk ls c|oud, lt movos wltb tbo
wlnd, ls brlgbt ln a c|oar sk, baz ln a mlst, obscuro ln a dust-
storm and ls rol|octod wbon abovo c|oar wator. Do ou tblnk
tbat tboso translont lorms ln dllloront p|acos aro croatod b
tboso condltlons or tbat tbo como lrom spaco ll tbo como
lrom tboso condltlons, tbon, wbon tbo sun sblnos, tboro ls
sun|lgbt and a|| tbo wor|ds ln tbo ton dlroctlons sbou|d bo
ldontlca| wltb tbo sun, tbon wb ls tbo sun soon ln tbo sk ll
spaco sblnos, lt sbou|d sblno upon ltso|l, wb tbon at nlgbt or
wbon tboro aro c|ouds and log, ls tboro no |lgbt Llgbt tboro-
loro ls noltbor tbo samo as nor dllloront lrom tbo sun and
`Tbus wbon |ookod lnto, ossontla|| tboro aro no lorms
(l.o. tbo sovon o|omonts) lor tbo cannot bo polntod out |lko
unroa| l|owors ln tbo sk tbat can on| produco unroa| lrult,
so wb do ou lnqulro about tbolr mutua| dostructlon But
wbon tbolr (undor|lng) naturo ls |ookod lnto, lt ls lundamon-
ta|| roa| lor lt ls abso|uto Bodbl. Slnco tbls abso|uto on|lgbt-
onod Mlnd ls baslca|| noltbor wator nor llro, wb do ou
quostlon tbolr mutua| blndranco Wltbln tbls truo and abso-
|uto Bodbl En|lgbtonmont, ll ou glvo rlso to (tbo karmlc l||u-
slon ol) spaco, spaco wl|| manllost. ll ou bavo (slml|ar
l||uslons ol) oartb, wator, llro and wlnd ono altor anotbor,
tbo wl|| manllost soparato| and ll ou glvo rlso to tbom a||,
tbo wl|| appoar slmu|tanoous|. Purnamaltr5aniputra, wbat
doos slmu|tanoous appoaranco moan, ll two mon wa|klng
ln opposlto dlroctlons soo tbo sun rol|octod ln wator, oacb wl||
soo tbo rol|octlon lo||ow ln bls dlroctlon. Tboro ls no llxod
standard boro and ou cannot quor wb ono sun can movo
ln opposlto dlroctlons or wb two suns aro soon wbon on|
ono appoars (ln tbo sk)
tborob dooponlng our do|uslon
wltbout an prop on wblcb to bo|d.
Expounding the Common Source of Delusion &
Enlightenment to Sum Up the Intermingling of
Phenomenon & Noumenon
`Purnamaltr5aniputra, bocauso ou c|lng to lorm and spaco
tbat dlsp|aco oacb otbor ln tbo Tatb5gata storo, tbo |attor ln
accordanco wltb our karma, manllosts as spaco and lorm
wblcb porvado tbo wbo|o Dbarma roa|m, and as a rosu|t,
tboro appoar wltbln lt tbo b|owlng wlnd, stl|| voldnoss, a
brlgbt sun and dark c|ouds. Duo to tbolr do|uslon and por-
p|oxlt, |lvlng bolngs turn tbolr backs on Bodbl and c|lng to
sonso obocts tborob glvlng rlso to troub|os, (k|osa) wltb tbo
rosu|tant appoaranco ol l||usor lorms.
`(As to mo), m uncroatod and unondlng prolound on-
|lgbtonmont accords wltb tbo Tatb5gata storo wblcb ls abso-
4. Tbls wlpos out tbo concopt ol unlt-wltb-dlllorontlatlon.
5. Tbls onds tbo Buddba`s toacblng on tbo unblndorod lntormlng|lng ol noumonon wltb pbonomonon.
|uto Bodbl, and onsuros m porloct lnslgbt lnto tbo Dbarma
roa|m wboro tbo ono ls lnllnlto and tbo lnllnlto ls ono, wboro
tbo |argo manllosts ln tbo sma|| and vlco-vorsa, wboro tbo lm-
movab|o bodblmanda|a appoars ovorwboro, wboro m
bod ombracos tbo ton dlroctlons ol lnoxbaustlb|o spaco,
wboro tbo klngdom ol troasuros (l.o. tbo Buddba-|and) ap-
poars on tbo tlp ol a balr, and wboro l slt ln a spock ol dust to
turn tbo wboo| of tbo Dbarma. As l bavo wlpod out a|| l||usor
obocts ol sonsos to accord wltb Bodbl, l bavo roa|lzod tbo
naturo ol tbo abso|uto En|lgbtonmont ol tbo Bbutatatbat5.`

6. Tbo two |ast paragrapbs sum up tbo lntordopondonco ol pbonomonon and noumonon and tbo
lntordopondonco ol a|| pbonomona (accordlng to tbo Hua Yon or Avatamsaka Scboo|). Startlng on
p. 24 tbo Buddba taugbt Sam5pattl or tbo modltatlvo stud ol a|| as unroa| or transltor. ln tbo
lo||owlng toxt bo taugbt Db5na, or tbo modltatlvo stud ol tbo Moan wblcb lnc|udos botb Roa|lt
and Unroa|lt.
The Tathgata Store Containing Both
Noumenon & Phenomenon
Meditative Study of the Mean (Dhyna)
Elimination of is to reveal the True Mind
`Tbo lundamonta|, abso|uto and porloct Mlnd ol tbo Tatb5gata
storo ls noltbor mlnd nor tbo o|omonts ol spaco, oartb, wator,
wlnd and llro, noltbor oo nor oar, noso, tonguo, bod nor ln-
to||oct, noltbor lorm nor sound, smo||, tasto, toucb nor ldoa
(dbarma), noltbor tbo llo|d ol slgbt-porcoptlon nor tbo otbor
llo|ds ol sonso lnc|udlng tbat ol tbo lnto||oct,
noltbor on|lgbt-
onmont nor unon|lgbtonmont nor tbo (o|ovon) otbor |lnks ln
tbo cbaln ol oxlstonco lnc|udlng o|d ago and doatb, noltbor tbo
ond ol on|lgbtonmont nor tbat ol unon|lgbtonmont nor tbat ol
tbo (o|ovon) otbor |lnks,
noltbor mlsor nor tbo accumu|atlon
ol mlsor, oxtlnctlon ol passlon and tbo patb tboroto,

wlsdom nor galn (roa|lzatlon), noltbor cbarlt (d5na) nor dlscl-
p|lno (si|a), noltbor zoa| (vira), patlonco (ks5ntl), modltatlon
(db5na), wlsdom (pra5) nor porloctlon (p5ramlt5),
ovon noltbor Tatb5gata, Arbat, Samak-sambodbl, Parl-
7. Tbo Tatb5gata storo is noltbor tbo wor|d| mlnd (wblcb comprlsos suboctlvo consclousnoss and
porcoptlon) nor tbo (oboctlvo) o|omonts ol spaco, oartb, wator, wlnd and llro, tbo slx organs, slx
sonso data and slx consclousnossos.
S. Nor ls lt tbo supramundano stago ol a pratoka-buddba attalnab|o altor awakonlng to tbo two|vo
|lnks ln tbo cbaln ol oxlstonco and tbolr onds.
. Nor ls lt tbo supramundano stago ol a sr5vaka attalnab|o altor awakonlng to tbo Four Nob|o Trutbs.
00. Nor ls lt tbo supramundano stago ol Bodblsattva dovo|opmont wblcb comprlsos wlsdom and galn
(roa|lzatlon) b moans ol tbo Slx P5ramlt5. Cl. Cb`an and Zon Toacblng, Flrst Sorlos, Part lV, The
Heart Sutra, lor a lu||or oxp|anatlon ol tbo abovo notos 2, 3 and 4.
nlrv5na, nor (truo) Etornlt, B|lss, So|l and Purlt.
Elimination of is not to reveal the True Mind
`Tbus tbo baslc on|lgbtonod Mlnd ol tbo Tatb5gata storo, bolng
noltbor mundano nor supramundano ls wondorlu| ln tbat lt ls
(a|so) ldontlca| wltb (wor|d|) mlnd and (tbo o|omonts ol) spaco,
oartb, wator, wlnd and llro, wltb oo, oar, noso, tonguo, bod
and lnto||oct, wltb lorm, sound, smo||, tasto, toucb and ldoas,
wltb tbo llo|d ol oo-porcoptlon and a|| otbor llo|ds boloro and
lnc|udlng tbat ol lnto||oct, wltb on|lgbtonmont, unon|lgbtonmont
and tbo (o|ovon) otbor |lnks ln tbo cbaln ol oxlstonco boloro and
lnc|udlng o|d ago and doatb, wltb tbo ond ol on|lgbtonmont, ol
unon|lgbtonmont and ol tbo (o|ovon) otbor |lnks, wltb mlsor
and lts accumu|atlon, wltb tbo oxtlnctlon ol passlons and tbo
patb tboroto, wltb d5na, si|a, vira, ks5ntl, db5na, pra5 and
p5ramlt5, and a|so wltb Tatb5gata, Arbat, Samak-sambodbl,
Parlnlrv5na, truo Etornlt, B|lss, So|l and Purlt.
Simultaneous elimination of
is & is not to reveal the Absolute Mind
`Tbus tbo (undor|lng) prlnclp|o ol tbo abso|uto En|lgbtonod
Mlnd ol tbo Tatb5gata storo, bolng ldontlca| wltb and (lnc|ud-
lng) botb tbo mundano and supramundano, ls abovo ls and
ls not and boond botb ldontlt and dllloronco.
`How tboroloro, can wor|d| bolngs ol tbo tbroo roa|ms
ol oxlstonco and ln tbo supramundano sr5vaka and pratoka-
0. Nor ls lt tbo supromo stato ol Buddbabood, wltb lts blgbost tlt|os ol Tatb5gata, Arbat and Samak-
sambodbl, nor tbo stago ol Parlnlrv5na wltb lts lour cbaractorlstlcs ol Abso|uto Etornlt, Abso|uto
B|lss, Abso|uto So|l and Abso|uto Purlt. Tbus tbo `Moan` wlpos out botb tbo wor|d| and salnt| to
oxposo tbo Tatb5gata storo.
buddba statos latbom tbo Tatb5gata`s Supromo Bodbl and
ponotrato tbo Buddba-wlsdom b word and spoocb For ln-
stanco tbougb a |uto can mako swoot mo|od, lt ls uso|oss ln
tbo absonco ol skl|lu| llngors,
lt ls tbo samo wltb ou and
a|| |lvlng bolngs lor a|tbougb tbo Truo Mlnd ol proclous Bodbl
ls comp|oto wltbln ovor man, wbon l pross m llngor on lt,
tbo Ocoan Srnbo|
radlatos but as soon as our mlnd
movos, a|| troub|os (k|osa) arlso. Tbls ls duo to our romlss-
noss ln our soarcb lor Supromo Bodbl, ln our do|lgbt ln
Hina5na and our contontmont wltb tbo |ltt|o progross
wblcb ou rogard as comp|oto.`
The One Mind, Sudden Awakening & Realization
Purnamaltr5aniputra sald: `Tbo Buddba and l possoss tbo
truo, abso|uto and c|oan Mlnds ol Comp|oto En|lgbtonmont
wblcb aro tbo samo and wbo|| porloct, but wb, altor so man
transmlgratlons duo to m do|uslon lrom tbo tlmo wltbout bo-
glnnlng and altor m prosont attalnmont ol tbo Salnt| Voblc|o,
am l stl|| unab|o to roa|lzo tbo U|tlmato wboroas tbo Wor|d
Honourod Ono bas o|lmlnatod a|| la|sonoss and bas roa|lzod
abso|uto pormanonco l bog to ask tbo Tatb5gata wbat causos
tbo do|uslon tbat scroons |lvlng bolngs lrom tbolr prolound on-
02. Practlco and tralnlng.
03. Tbo Ocoan Smbo| sbows tbo vastnoss ol tbo modltatlon ol tbo Buddba, tbo vlslon ol a|| tblngs.
04. Tbls onds tbo toacblng on tbo modltatlvo stud ol tbo Moan. From tbo boglnnlng ol tbo sormon, tbo
Buddba rovoa|od tbo tbroo cbaractorlstlcs ol tbo Tatb5gata storo: tbo vold (lts substanco), tbo non-
vold (lts lunctlon) and tbo vold ot non-vold (wblcb corrosponds wltb tbo tbroolo|d modltatlvo stud
ol a|| as vold, ol a|| as unroa| and ol tbo Moan wblcb lnc|udos botb). Studonts ol tbo Abso|uto
Dbarma sbou|d laml|larlzo tbomso|vos wltb tboso tbroo cbaractorlstlcs ol tbo Tatb5gata storo and tbo
corrospondlng tbroolo|d modltatlvo stud as taugbt ln tbo toxt ln ordor to comprobond tbo
prolundlt ol tbo Supromo Voblc|o.
|lgbtonmont and so subocts. tbom to tbolr prosont pordltlon.`
Tbo Buddba rop|lod: `A|tbougb ou bavo wlpod out
our troub|os (k|osa), tracos ol our doll|omont stl|| romaln. l
wl|| now put somo wor|d| quostlons to ou. Havo ou not
board ol (tbo mad man) Yaadatta ol Sr5vasti wbo wou|d
|ook lnto a mlrror and do|lgbt ln soolng bls oobrows and
oos but wbon ono mornlng bo lal|od to soo tbom ln bls own
boad, tbougbt blmso|l bodovl||od Do ou tblnk tboro was
an va|ld roason lor sucb madnoss
Purnamaltr5aniputra rop|lod: `Tboro was no va|ld roason.`
Tbo Buddba sald: `Tbo Abso|uto Bodbl ls baslca|| on-
|lgbtonod and abso|uto. Wbon lt ls (scroonod and wrong|)
ca||od la|so, bow can tboro bo a REAL causo (ol) tbls do|uslon
For ll tboro ls a REAL roason, bow can lt bo ca||od FALSE A||
tbls arlsos lrom wrong tblnklng wblcb dovo|ops lnto lurtbor
wrong tblnklng. Wbon ono la|sonoss ls boapod on anotbor, ln
splto ol tbo toacblngs b Buddbas ln count|oss lormor aoons,
ou aro stl|| unab|o to avold do|uslon. lts causos aro a|so undor
do|uslon, but ll ou roa|lzo tbat lt bas nono, la|sonoss wl|| bavo
no support (and wl|| vanlsb). Slnco (do|uslon) was novor cro-
atod, wbat ls tboro to dostro to roa|lzo Bodbl
`Tbls ls |lko a man wbo, wbon awako, ro|atos wbat bo
saw ln a droam, bo ma bo lngonlous but wbat can bo got lrom
lt Stl|| |oss can bo bonollt lrom a stato wblcb doos not dorlvo
lrom an causo and doos not roa|| oxlst, |lko Yaadatta wbo,
wltbout roason, took lrlgbt at not soolng bls own boad. ll bo
suddon| coasod to bo craz, bls boad wou|d not como lrom
o|sowboro, and ovon ll bo was stl|| mad, lt was not roa|| |ost.
Purnamaltr5aniputra, slnco tbls ls tbo naturo ol la|sonoss
wboro ls lts causo ll ou wl|| on| coaso to dlscrlmlnato and to
bo|lovo ln tbo (tbroo l||uslons tbat tboro aro) tbo unlvorso,
karmlc rotrlbutlon and (tbo roa|ms ol) |lvlng bolngs, tbo tbroo
condltlons (dorlvod lrom kl||lng, stoa|lng and carna|lt) wl||
como to an ond. Wltbout tboso condltlons, tbo tbroo causos
wl|| not arlso and, as wltb mad Yaadatta, tbo mad naturo ol
our own mlnd wl|| como to an ond and wbon lt doos, tbat ls
En|lgbtonmont (Bodbl). Tbus our unoxco||od, puro and on-
|lgbtonod Mlnd wblcb ossontla|| porvados tbo Dbarma roa|m,
doos not como lrom outsldo, bow can lt bo roa|lzod b tol|-
somo and prolound practlco and b acblovomont Tbls ls |lko
a man wltb a clnt5manl poar| sown ln bls coat wbo lorgots a||
about lt, tblnks bo ls roa|| poor and wandors about bogglng
lor lood. A|tbougb bo ls poor, bls poar| bas novor boon |ost. ll
a wlso man suddon| to||s blm tbat lt ls ln bls coat, a|| bls wlsbos
wl|| bo answorod and bo wl|| bocomo vor rlcb. Ho wl|| tbus ro-
a|lzo tbat bls wondorlu| gom doos not como lrom outsldo.`
05. Tbo dlsclp|o`s quor about tbo causo ol do|uslon wont to tbo boart ol tbo mattor (l.o. tbo mlnd).
Tboroloro, studonts ol tbo Transmlsslon sbou|d a|was |ook lnto tbls mlnd`s dal| actlvltlos and
sbou|d not tblnk wrong| tbat tbo Toacblng Scboo| doos not advocato tbo Patrlarcb`s prolound alm
(l.o. tbo mlnd). Tbls quostlon ls vor dllllcu|t to answor, so tbo Buddba usod tbo stor ol Yaadatta
to toacb tbat la|sonoss bas no causo, |lko tbo craz man`s boad wblcb dld not como lrom outsldo.
For tbo on|lgbtonod Mlnd ol Abso|uto Bodbl ls lundamonta|| lroo lrom a|| la|sonoss. ll lt ls ca||od
la|so, bow can falseness bavo a real causo ll lt comos lrom a roa| causo, lt sbou|d not bo ca||od
la|so, lor la|sonoss comos lrom accruod la|so tblnklng and accumu|atod do|uslon. Tboroloro, tbo
causo ol la|sonoss on| arlsos lrom do|uslon wblcb ll roa|lzod as bavlng no (lnboront) causo wl|| |oso
lts support and wl|| vanlsb. ll lt bas novor boon croatod, bow can lt now bo annlbl|atod Tbo non-
oxlstont naturo ol la|sonoss ls |lko tblngs soon ln a droam, bow can lt bavo a roa| causo Sucb bolng
tbo naturo ol do|uslon, wboro can lt bo lound ll ou on| coaso to dlscrlmlnato and to bo bound b
tbo tbroolo|d cbaln ol tbo unlvorso, karma and |llo, tbo tbroo condltlons (ol kl||lng, stoa|lng and
carna|lt) wl|| como to an ond and tbo tbroo baslc causos (tbo wor|d, karma and |llo) wl|| dlsappoar.
ll ou awakon to tboso tbroo condltlons, our baslc lgnoranco wl|| coaso suddon| and our
on|lgbtonod Mlnd ol Abso|uto Bodbl wblcb ls ossontla|| not do|udod wl|| appoar lnstantanoous|,
|lko Yaadatta`s boad wblcb was novor |ost and dld not como lrom o|sowboro wbon bls mad mlnd
camo to a stop.
Tbls ls tbo Buddba`s toacblng on lnstantanoous awakonlng.
nanda tbon camo lorward, prostratod blmso|l wltb bls
boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba, stood up and askod: `Tbo
Wor|d Honourod Ono now spoaks ol o|lmlnatlng tbo tbroo con-
dltlons ol kl||lng, stoa|lng and carna|lt to onsuro tbat tbo tbroo
baslc causos do not arlso and so to stop tbo upsurgo ol
Yaadatta`s madnoss and roa|lzo Bodbl wblcb tbus doos not
como lrom outsldo. Tbls wltbout a sbadow ol doubt sbows tbo
causos and condltlons but wb doos tbo Tatb5gata tbrow tbom
awa comp|oto| lt ls a|so duo to causos and condltlons tbat
m mlnd bas oponod. Wor|d Honourod Ono, l am not tbo on|
boaror (sr5vaka) wbo, tbougb stl|| noodlng stud and |oarnlng,
bas so awakonod, but otbors ln tbls assomb|, |lko Mab5-
maudga|5ana, S5rlputra, Subbutl, otc., wbo lo||owod tbo Brab-
board ol tbo Buddba`s toacblng on causos and con-
dltlons, tbon awakonod to tbo Dbarma and acblovod tbo stato
boond transmlgratlon. ll ou now sa tbat bodbl doos not
dopond on causos and condltlons, tbon tbo so|l-oxlstont as
proacbod b tbo borotlcs ln R5agrba, sucb as Maskarl Gos5|i-
and otbors, wou|d bo Nlrv5na. Wl|| ou bo so compas-
slonato onougb to on|lgbton m do|uslon and porp|oxlt`
Tbo Buddba sald: `nanda, ln tbo caso ol Yaadatta, ll
tbo (so-ca||od) causo and condltlon ol bls madnoss bad boon
wlpod out, bls own naturo wblcb was not mad wou|d bavo ro-
voa|od ltso|l, and wbatovor ou ma ratlona|lzo about causo,
condltlon and so|l-oxlstonco doos not go boond tbls.
06. Brabmln ascotlcs wltb tbolr mlnds sot on puro |lvlng.
07. Ono ol tbo Slx Horotlcs (Tlrtblkas) wbo donlod tbat tbolr prosont |ot was duo to karmlc doods ln
lormor |lvos.
0S. Botb do|uslon and on|lgbtonmont aro la|so.
`nanda, ll Yaadatta`s boad bad baslca|| boon so|l-
oxlstont, lt sbou|d a|was bavo boon so and cou|d not bavo
boon otborwlso. Wbat tbon woro tbo causo and condltlon
tbat rosu|tod ln bls
taklng lrlgbt and golng mad
`ll bls so|l-oxlstont boad bocamo mad owlng to causo
and condltlon, wb was lt not |ost But wbon bo took lrlgbt
and wont mad, wb was lt stl|| tboro uncbangod Tbus bow
cou|d causo and condltlon alloct bls boad

`ll bls madnoss was so|l-oxlstont, lt sbou|d a|was bavo

boon tboro but boloro bo bocamo mad, wboro was lt blddon
`ll bls madnoss was not so|l-oxlstont and tboro was notb-
lng sorlous| wrong wltb bls boad, wb dld bo go mad
`ll ou roa|lzo tbat bls lundamonta| boad (was lntact),
ou wl|| know tbat (on|) bls Consclousnoss bocamo mad
and wl|| roa|lzo tbat to ta|k ol causo, condltlon and so|l-
oxlstonco ls lrlvo|ous.
`Tbls ls wb l sa tbat ll tbo tbroo condltlons (ol kl||lng,
stoa|lng and carna|lt) aro o|lmlnatod, tbls ls Bodbl Mlnd.
(But tbo ldoa tbat) Bodbl Mlnd ls croatod altor tbo samsarlc
mlnd bas boon annlbl|atod portalns to sams5ra.
`Evon altor tbo ldoas ol botb croatlon and dostructlon
bavo boon abandonod, wltb no moro tbougbt ol practlco and
0. Llt. .rosu|tod ln bls boad taklng lrlgbt and golng mad
0. Hoad stands lor tbo truo naturo. Tbls sbows tbat tbo truo naturo ls not so|l-oxlstont.
. Tbls sbows tbat tbo truo naturo doos not como lrom causo and condltlon.
2. Tbls sbows tbat do|uslon ls not so|l-oxlstont.
3. Tbls sbows tbat do|uslon doos not como lrom causo and condltlon.
4. Tbls rovoa|s tbo abso|uto naturo wblcb ls boond causo, condltlon, and so|l-oxlstonco, and ls abovo
a|| sopblstr.
5. Tbls oxposos tbo subt|o causo ol doll|omont wblcb lmp|los tbo dua|lt ol ro|atlvo on|lgbtonmont and
roa|lzatlon, ll tbo (|oast bo|lol ln) so|l-oxlstonco romalns tbls
sbows c|oar| tbat tbo doatb ol tbo wor|d| bas glvon blrtb to
tbo so|l-oxlstont mlnd wblcb a|so portalns to sams5ra wltb lts
lmp|lod opposlto, so|l-oxlstonco. Tbls ls |lko tbo mlxturo and
luslon ol varlous wor|d| matorla|s lnto a composlto com-
pound wblcb lmp|los lts opposlto, tbo uncompoundod. (But)
tbo Abso|uto wblcb ls noltbor orlglna| nor unorlglna|, noltbor
mlxod and unltod nor not mlxod and not unltod, and noltbor
apart nor not apart lrom unlon and soparatlon, ls abovo and
boond a|| sopblstr.
`Bodbl and Nlrv5na aro stl|| vor lar awa and cannot
bo attalnod wltbout aoons ol practlco and oxporlonco. Evon
ll ou (succood ln) momorlzlng tbo two|vo dlvlslons ol tbo
Mab55na canon taugbt b a|| tbo Buddbas, and tbo pro-
lound and porloct doctrlnos count|oss as tbo Gangos` sands,
tbls wl|| on| lncroaso sopblstr. A|tbougb ou spoak ol
causo, condltlon and so|l-oxlstonco as ll ou aro vor c|oar
about tbom, and ln splto ol poop|o ca||lng ou tbo llrst ol
tboso wltb a wldo know|odgo-(ol tbo Dbarma) wltb lts bono-
llcla| lnl|uonco lor aoons past, ou bavo boon unab|o to avold
tbo plt lnto wblcb M5tangi lo||, wb bavo ou waltod to bo
roscuod lrom lt b m Surangama mantra wblcb causod tbo
glr| to oxtlngulsb tbo llro ol |ust comp|oto|, to roa|lzo tbo stato
ol An5g5mln and to ontor tbo donso lorost ol zoa| and dovo-
tlon As tbo rlvor ol |ovo drlod up, ou woro do|lvorod lrom
`Tboroloro, nanda, our momorlzlng and romombor-
lng tbo Tatb5gata`s prolound and wondorlu| toacblng lor
succosslvo aoons cannot comparo wltb ono da`s practlco ol
tbo Transcondonta| Patb wblcb bas onab|od ou to avold sul-
lorlng lrom botb |ovo and bato. M5tangi was a prostltuto but
sbo gavo up |ust and doslro wltb tbo ald ol tbo mantra, tboro-
b bocomlng a Bblksuni, ca||od So|l-naturo, ln tbls assomb|.
Botb sbo and Yasodbar5, tbo motbor ol (m o|dor son)
R5bu|a, awoko to sullorlngs causod b doslro and |ovo ln
tbolr provlous |lvos and, ln a l|asb ol tbougbt, practlsod tbo
Transcondonta| Wa, ono was lrood lrom bonds and tbo
otbor rocolvod (m) prodlctlon ol bor luturo on|lgbtonmont.
Wb do ou stl|| docolvo ourso|l b c|lnglng to wbat ou soo
and boar`

6. Tbo Buddba tbus rovoa|od tbo tbroo cbaractorlstlcs ol tbo Tatb5gata storo lor tbo tbroo
corrospondlng modltatlvo studlos, and urgod tbo assomb| to practlso tbo Dbarma (lnstoad ol
momorlzlng Hls words).
Objects Contemplated in Meditative Studies
Altor boarlng tbo Buddba`s toacblng, nanda and tbo assom-
b|, now rld ol doubt and l||uslon, awoko to Roa|lt and lo|t a
|lgbtnoss ol bod and mlnd wblcb tbo bad novor oxporloncod
boloro. nanda agaln wopt, prostratod blmso|l wltb bls boad at
tbo loot ol tbo Buddba, kno|t down, brougbt bls pa|ms togotbor
and sald: `O poor|oss, compasslonato and lmmacu|ato Klng ol
Troasuros, ou bavo oponod m mlnd so wo|| b uslng a|| klnds
ol oxpodlonts and oncouragomont to |oad mo out ol darknoss
ln tbo ocoan ol sullorlng. Wor|d Honourod Ono, altor boarlng
our Dbarma-volco, a|tbougb l bavo roa|lzod tbat tbo Brlgbt
Mlnd ol Abso|uto Bodbl ol tbo Tatb5gata storo porvados tbo
ton dlroctlons to brlng a|| tbo |ands tboroln to tbo puro and
maostlc klngdom ol Abso|uto En|lgbtonmont, tbo Buddba
agaln b|amos m uso|oss know|odgo acqulrod b |lstonlng
wblcb cannot comparo wltb truo practlco and tralnlng. l am |lko
a travo||or wbo ls suddon| glvon b tbo klng ol boavon a sp|on-
dld manslon, wblcb now tbat bo owns lt, bo sbou|d know bow
to ontor. Ma tbo Tatb5gata not lorsako Hls groat compasslon
and ma Ho toacb a|| tbo do|udod ln tbls assomb| bow to glvo
up tbo Sma|| Voblc|o and bow to dovo|op tbolr mlnds ln ordor
to attaln to U|tlmato Nlrv5na, so tbat tboso wbo stl|| nood stud
and |oarnlng ma know bow to ovorcomo tbolr c|lnglng to
causa| pbonomona ln ordor to acblovo porloct contro|
(db5rani) and ontor tbo Buddba`s A||-wlsdom.`
Altor salng tbls, bo prostratod blmso|l and rovoront|
awaltod tbo bo| Toacblng.
Tbo Buddba took plt on tbo sr5vakas and pratoka-
buddbas ln tbo assomb| wboso mlnds sot on on|lgbtonmont
woro stl|| not at oaso and (a|so) on luturo |lvlng bolngs ln tbo
Dbarma ondlng ago wbo wl|| want to dovo|op tbolr Bodbl
mlnds and to troad tbo Patb ol tbo Supromo Voblc|o. Ho sald
to nanda and tbo assomb|: `As ou aro dotormlnod to do-
vo|op tbo Bodbl mlnd and practlso tbo Tatb5gata`s Sam5dbl
tlro|oss|, ou sbou|d llrst ascortaln tbo two doclslvo lactors ln
tbo dovo|opmont ol our mlnd. Wbat aro tbo
The subjective mind in the meditation
`nanda, as ou docldo to glvo up tbo stato ol a sr5vaka to
practlso wltb tbo Bodblsattva Voblc|o ln ordor to possoss tbo
Buddba`s A||-Wlsdom, ou sbou|d soo c|oar| ll tbo causo-
ground (usod as) a polnt ol doparturo and lts lrult-ground
(l.o. roa|lzatlon) aro compatlb|o or not. nanda, ll ou uso
our wor|d| mlnd as a causa| polnt ol doparturo, ou wl|| lal|
ln our soarcb lor tbo Buddba Voblc|o wblcb ls boond blrtb
and doatb. Tboroloro, ou sbou|d lnqulro lnto a|| tbo croa-
tlons (ol tbo mlnd) wblcb ln tbls matorla| wor|d aro suboct to
cbango and dostructlon. nanda, wblcb ono ol tbom doos
not doca Yot ou bavo novor board tbat spaco can porlsb.
Wb Bocauso lt ls not a croatod tblng.
The objective phenomena in the meditation
`ln our bod, tbat wblcb ls so|ld ls tbo o|omont ol oartb, tbat
wblcb ls |lquld ls tbo o|omont ol wator, tbat wblcb ls warm ls
tbo o|omont ol llro and tbat wblcb movos ls tbo o|omont ol
wlnd. Tboso lour rostralnlng o|omonts dlvldo our puro, por-
loct, abso|uto and on|lgbtonod Bodbl lnto soolng, boarlng,
knowlng and dlscornlng: bonco tbo llvo turbld condltlons
(kas5a) lrom tbo boglnnlng to tbo ond.
`Wbat ls turbldlt nanda, tako lor lnstanco c|oar
wator wblcb ls so b naturo, and dust, oartb, asbos and sand
wblcb aro obstructlvo b naturo. ll somoono tbrows oartb
and dust lnto c|oar wator, tbo lormor wl|| |oso tbolr obstruc-
tlvo qua|ltlos and tbo |attor lts c|oarnoss: tbo rosu|t ls dlrt
wator wblcb ls ca||od turbld. Your llvo turbld condltlons aro
|lko tbat dlrt wator.
`nanda, wbon ou soo spaco ln tbo ton dlroctlons, our
porcoptlon and tbo vold aro lnsoparab|o, and slnco tbo vold ls
bodl|oss and our porcoptlon unon|lgbtonod, botb unlto lnto
ono la|sonoss wblcb ls tbo llrst |aor, ca||od turbld ka|pa.
`Your bod ls mado ol lour o|omonts wblcb |lmlt our
mlnd and dlvldo lt lnto soolng, boarlng, loo|lng and knowlng:
tbo unlon ol wator, llro, wlnd and oartb wltb our loo|lng and
knowlng bogots anotbor la|sonoss wblcb ls tbo socond |aor,
ca||od turbld vlows.
`Your roco||octlon and bablts glvo rlso to lnto||octlon
7. Tbls sbows tbo orlgln ol blrtb and doatb, bonco tbo two doclslvo lactors ol tbo polnt ol doparturo.
Tbo Buddba was about to toacb tbo corroct practlco b moans ol tbo truo Mlnd, wblcb ls boond
blrtb and doatb, as tbo maln causo. Tboroloro, Ho spoko llrst ol tbo llvo condltlons ol turbldlt ln
sams5ra, moanlng tbat blrtb and doatb can bo |ookod lnto to roa|lzo tbo Uncroato, tbat ls tbo llvo
aggrogatos can bo usod lor modltatlon to wln tbo Dbarmak5a. For do|uslon comos lrom tbo
transmutatlon ol tbo Ono Mlnd lnto karmlc consclousnoss, ol (5|aa`s) porcoptlon lnto lorm and
mlnd, and ol lorm and mlnd lnto tbo llvo aggrogatos, bonco tbo dlvlslon lnto organs, sonso data and
consclousnossos. Tbo llvo aggrogatos aro, tboroloro, tbo orlgln ol sams5ra. Now wbon roturnlng
la|sonoss to Roa|lt, ll tbo llvo aggrogatos tbat mako up bod and mlnd aro not |ookod lnto, tboro ls
no otbor wa lor rlgbt practlco. Honco tbo modltatlvo stud ol tbo llvo aggrogatos ls tbo gatowa to
En|lgbtonmont. ln tbo abovo toxt, tbo Buddba spoko ol tbo llvo condltlons ol turbldlt as tbo orlgln
ol blrtb and doatb, and ln tbo lo||owlng paragrapbs Ho gavo a lu||or doscrlptlon ol tbom.
wblcb rosponds to tbo slx sonso data. Tbls lnto||oct bas no ln-
dopondont lorm apart lrom tbo obocts ol sonso and ls
dovold ol naturo apart lrom porcoptlon: lt unltos wltb sonso
data, to bocomo anotbor la|sonoss wblcb is tbo tblrd |aor,
ca||od turbld passlons (k|osa).
`ln tbo ond|oss rlso and la|| ol l||uslons ln sams5ra our ln-
to||oct ls lntont on stalng ln tbo wor|d wboroas our karma lorcos
ou to transmlgrato lrom p|aco to p|aco: tbo tbus unlto lnto an-
otbor la|sonoss wblcb ls tbo lourtb |aor, ca||od turbld bolng.
`Fundamonta|| our soolng and boarlng aro b naturo
tbo samo but, bolng |lmltod b sonso data, tbo dogonorato
lnto two soparato (lacu|tlos): tbo aro awaro ol oacb otbor
wltbln tbolr (common) naturo but dlllor ln tbolr lunctlons. As
a rosu|t tbo aro (as lt woro) upsldo down and unlto lnto an-
otbor la|sonoss wblcb ls tbo llltb |aor, ca||od turbld |llo.
S. Tbo llvo condltlons ol turbldlt aro croatod b tbo llvo aggrogatos. As a man undor do|uslon
translorms bls baslc Bodbl naturo lnto lorm and mlnd, bo bocomos a buman bolng mado ol llvo
aggrogatos tborob po||utlng bls Truo Mlnd: bonco tbo llvo klnds ol turbldlt.
At llrst, (5|aa`s) porcoptlon and du|| voldnoss unltod to bocomo tbo llrst aggrogato lorm
(rupa), ust as wbon c|oar wator ls mlxod wltb oartb and dust lt bocomos turbld. Tbls was tbo orlgln
ol tbo aggrogato ol lorm wblcb contlnuod lor a porlod ol tlmo, bonco tbo turbld ka|pa (ln contrast
wltb tbo tlmo|oss puro Roa|lt).
Turbld (or dotorloratod) vlows corrospond wltb tbo socond aggrogato vodan5, or tbo rospon-
slvonoss ol tbo (llrst) llvo consclousnossos wblcb c|lng to tbo bod mado ol lour o|omonts, wblcb
doos not oxlst lundamonta|| but dlvldos tbo Truo Mlnd lnto soolng, boarlng, loo|lng and knowlng.
Tbo unknowing Bodbl Mlnd ls tbus translormod lnto tbo knowing ogo, bonco tbo turbld vlows
wblcb rlso and la|| wltbout lntorruptlon.
Turbld passlon (k|osa) corrosponds to tbo tblrd aggrogato sa5, wblcb ls tbo slxtb consclous-
noss tbat tblnks wrong|. A|tbougb k|osa bas no naturo ol lts own and wrong tblnklng ls ossontla||
non-oxlstont, our roco||octlon and bablts glvo rlso to tbougbts ol provlous| soon and known
obocts, bonco tbo manllostatlon ol tbo slx sonso data wblcb cannot bo lound ln tbo Truo Mlnd.
Turbld bolng corrosponds wltb tbo lourtb aggrogato samsk5ra. Fundamonta|| a |lvlng bolng ls
l||usor and non-oxlstont but our wrong tblnklng ls ond|oss and novor stops, bonco our doslro to
sta ln tbls l||usor wor|d wboroln our contlnuod karmlc actlvltlos causo ou to transmlgrato
tbrougb a|| roa|ms ol oxlstonco.
Turbld |llo corrosponds wltb tbo llltb aggrogato vl5na. Lllo doos not roa|| oxlst but our truo
naturo ls dlvldod b tbo lour o|omonts lnto soolng, boarlng, loo|lng and knowlng wblcb arlso lrom a
slng|o undor|lng substanco but lunctlon soparato|. Tbls vl5na c|lngs to lorm and mlnd as tbo
basls ol lts oxlstonco, bonco turbld |llo.
Tboso llvo turbld condltlons do not oxlst ln tbo Bodbl Mlnd wblcb ls po||utod b tbo llvo
aggrogatos, bonco tbo llvo turbldltlos wblcb aro tbo orlgln ol do|uslon.
The point of departure
`nanda, ll ou wlsb to brlng our soolng, boarlng, loo|lng
and knowlng lnto |lno wltb tbo Tatb5gata`s abso|uto Etornlt,
B|lss, So|l and Purlt, ou sbou|d llrst plck out tbo root ol
blrtb and doatb, and turn lts wor|d| la|sonoss back to lts un-
wor|d| prolound naturo untl| lt ls subduod and rovorts to
Baslc Bodbl, and tbon uso tbls puro naturo as tbo causa|
mlnd-ground (l.o. as tbo polnt ol doparturo) to porloct our
practlco and roa|lzatlon ol tbo lrult-ground.

`Tbls ls |lko purlllng mudd wator ln a c|oan contalnor,

|olt unsbakon ln comp|oto ca|mnoss, tbo sand and mud wl||
slnk to tbo bottom. Wbon tbo c|oar wator appoars, tbls ls
ca||od tbo llrst supprosslon ol tbo lntrudlng ovl| o|omont ol
passlon. Wbon tbo mud bas boon romovod |oavlng boblnd
on| tbo c|oar wator, tbls ls ca||od tbo pormanont cuttlng oll
ol baslc lgnoranco. En|lgbtonmont ls (puro and) unmlxod,
and lts manllostatlons aro not ol tbo naturo ol k|osa, but aro
ln accord wltb tbo lmmacu|ato vlrtuos ol Nlrv5na.
Looking into the roots of klea
to find the sense organ suitable for meditation
`Wbat ls tbo socond doclslvo lactor ln our dotormlnatlon to
dovo|op tbo Bodbl Mlnd and to advanco bo|d| a|ong tbo
Bodblsattva Patb b ro|lnqulsblng ovortblng wor|d|, ou
sbou|d |ook c|oso| lnto tbo orlgln ol k|osa, causod b our
baslc lgnoranco and dovo|oplng dlscrlmlnatlon, and soo wbo
. Tbls accords wo|| wltb tbo Cb`an tocbnlquo wblcb conslsts ln banlsblng a|| tbougbts and tbon uslng
tbo tbougbt|oss momont to |ook lnto ono`s lundamonta| laco.
croatos and onduros tbom. nanda, ln our cu|tlvatlon ol
Bodbl, ll ou do not lnqulro lnto tbo root ol k|osa, ou wl||
novor know (bow and) wboro tbo organs and sonso data aro
turnod upsldo down. ll ou lal| to undorstand tbls, bow can
ou ovorcomo tbom to wln tbo Tatb5gata stago
`nanda, ll a man wbo ls good at untlng knots, doos
not soo tbom, bow can bo undo tbom And ou bavo novor
board tbat tbo vold can bo unlastonod lor lt bas noltbor lorm
nor sbapo and ls not |lko a knot tbat can bo untlod. But our
oos, oars, noso and tonguo as wo|| as our bod and mlnd,
aro tbo slx docos wblcb a tblol usos to stoa| tbo troasuros ol
our bouso. For tbls roason, slnco tbo tlmo wltbout bogln-
nlng, |lvlng bolngs and tbls wor|d, bavo a|was boon lntor-
|ockod (ln tlmo and spaco) bonco ou aro unab|o to |oap
boond tbo matorla| wor|d.
`nanda, wbat ls (tbls) roa|m ol tlmo and spaco
Tlmo moans duratlon and spaco |ocatlon. You know tbat
tbo ton dlroctlons aro ln spaco and tbat tbo past, prosont
and luturo aro ln tlmo. Tboro aro ton dlroctlons (ol spaco)
and tbroo (aspocts ol) tlmo. A|| |lvlng bolngs owo tbolr
bodlos to l||usor tlmo and spaco wblcb aro lntorwovon
wltbln tbom and contlnuo to alloct tbom. A|tbougb tboro aro
ton dlroctlons, tbo wor|d| man rocognlzos on| tbo oast,
wost, soutb and nortb as cardlna| polnts but dlsrogards tbo
lntormodlato onos and tbo zonltb and nadlr wblcb bo con-
sldors as unlmportant.
20. Tbo Cblnoso oqulva|ont ol tbo Wostorn word `Wor|d` ls Sblb Cbleb, |lt. Tlmo-Boundar, or roa|m ol
tlmo and spaco.
`Tbo ontang|omont ol tbo tbroo tlmos wltb tbo lour car-
dlna| polnts (3 x 4) or ol tbo lour cardlna| polnts wltb tbo
tbroo tlmos (4 x 3) rosu|ts ln tbo constant two|vo. A||owlng lor
tbo cbango and translormatlon ol dlscrlmlnatlvo tbougbts
occurrlng tbrlco (to covor tbo past, prosont and luturo), tbls
constant ls lncroasod lrom to 0,00 and ,000 to covor
tbo wbo|o llo|d ol actlvlt ol oacb ol tbo slx sonso organs, lts
maxlmum sum ol morlts (l.o. lts potontla| lunctlon) bolng rop-
rosontod b tbo numbor ,200.
`nanda, now moasuro tbo potontla|lt (lor morlt) ol
oacb organ. For lnstanco, our-oos can soo tblngs ln lront
and on botb sldos but notblng boblnd ou. lts lncomp|oto
llo|d ol actlvlt roprosonts on| two tblrds ol tbo maxlmum,
tbat ls on| S00 morlts.
`As to our oars, tbolr llo|d ol actlvlt lnc|udos a|| tbo ton
dlroctlons: a sound ls board wbotbor noar or dlstant wbl|o
sl|onco ls roglstorod as bolng bound|oss. Honco tbls organ
oarns tbo lu|| ,200 morlts.
`Tbo lunctlon ol our noso ro|los on ln and out broatbs
wblcb |ack a common polnt ol contact: bonco lt oarns on|
S00 morlts.
2. Tbls sbows tbo sultabl|lt and unsultabl|lt ol an ol tbo slx sonso organs usod lor tbo modltatlvo
stud. lt was oxp|alnod oar|lor tbat slnco |lvlng bolngs and tbo roa|m ol tlmo and spaco woro so
lntorwovon tbat tbo woro unab|o to |oap boond tbo matorla| wor|d. Tlmo ls roprosontod b tbo
l|ow ol tbougbts, and spaco b tbo bod wltb lts surroundlngs condltlonod b tbo lour cardlna|
polnts. Tbus wltb tbo rlso ol tbo llrst tbougbt, oltbor tlmo ls lnvo|vod ln tbo lour dlroctlons ol spaco,
(tbat ls 3 X 4) or spaco ln tbo tbroo tlmos, (tbat ls 4 X 3) and tbo constant ls 2. Tbls ls tbo constant
lor tbo llrst tbougbt arlslng lrom notblngnoss, smbo|lzod b tbo dlglt . Eacb tbougbt |asts 0
momonts (ksana) oacb ol wblcb lnvo|vos 00 blrtbs and doatbs (but lor slmp|lclt sako) tbo
numbors 0, 00 and ,000 aro usod to stand lor a|| cbango and translormatlon wbon tbo llrst
tbougbt arlsos. Wbon tbo socond tbougbt rop|acos tbo llrst ono, oacb cardlna| polnt lnvo|vos 3
aspocts ol tlmo wblcb, mu|tlp|lod b 0 lor tbo cbango, glvo 30, or 20 lor a|| tbo lour cardlna|
polnts lnvo|vod ln tbo cbango. A tblrd tbougbt wl|| lnvo|vo anotbor cbango, or 20 X 0 = ,200
wblcb ls a maxlmum numbor wblcb ls adoquato to moasuro tbo potontla|lt ol oacb ol tbo slx
`Wbon our tonguo propagatos mundano and supra-
mundano wlsdoms, tbougb |anguago ls rostrlctod, tbo moanlng
ls lnoxbaustlb|o. Honco tbls organ roglstors a|| tbo ,200 morlts.
`Wbon our bod loo|s tbat lt ls toucbod, tbls loo|lng
oxlsts wbon tboro ls toucb but vanlsbos ln lts absonco. Honco
our bod bas on| S00 morlts.
`As lnto||oct ombracos botb tbo mundano and supra-
mundano ol tbo past, prosont and luturo ln tbo ton dlroctlons,
lnc|udlng a|| tbo wor|d| and salnt| wltbout |lmlts, ou
sbou|d know tbat tbls organ oarns tbo lu|| ,200 morlts.
`nanda, as ou now wlsb to go agalnst tbo samsarlc
curront ol doslro, ou sbou|d rovort to tbo vor organ (lrom
wblcb lt l|ows) untl| ou roacb tbo stato boond blrtb and
doatb. (Tboroloro,) ou sbou|d |ook lnto tbo slx lunctlonlng
organs and soo wblcb ono ls conslstont or not, ls doop or
sba||ow and ls a||-ponotratlng or dollclont. ll ou llnd tbo a||-
porvadlng organ, ou sbou|d turn back lts karmlc l|ow so tbat
lt accords wltb lts ponotratlng qua|lt: tbo dllloronco botwoon
roa|lzatlon b moans ol tbls ponotratlng organ and tbat
tbrougb a dollclont ono ls comparab|o to tbat botwoon a da
and an aoon. l bavo now rovoa|od to ou tbo slx organs (arls-
lng lrom) our Truo Mlnd and tbolr rospoctlvo potontla|ltlos
so tbat ou can cbooso tbo ono most sultab|o to ou and ad-
vanco ln our practlco.
`A|| tbo Tatb5gatas practlsod so|l-cu|tlvatlon tbrougb tbo
olgbtoon roa|ms ol sonso to roa|lzo Supromo Bodbl, to tbom
a|| tboso olgbtoon obocts ol modltatlon woro sultab|o lor tbolr
practlco, but our qua|lt ls lnlorlor and ou aro unab|o to uso
tbom to wln Supromo Wlsdom. Tbls ls wb l now toacb ou
to cbooso a sultab|o organ lor our doop modltatlon: onco
ou bavo ontorod lt and lrood ourso|l lrom l||uslon, a|| our
slx organs wl|| bocomo puro and c|oan slmu|tanoous|.`
nanda askod: `Wor|d Honourod Ono, bow can ono
b golng agalnst tbo samsarlc curront, ontor doop lnto a
slng|o sonso organ so as to onsuro tbat a|| tbo slx sonsos
bocomo puro and c|oan slmu|tanoous|`
Tbo Buddba rop|lod: `A|tbougb ou bavo roa|lzod tbo
stato ol stroam ontr (srota-5panna) and wlpod out wor|d|
vlows, ou aro stl|| not ot c|oar about tbo lnnor tbougbts tbat
bavo accumu|atod slnco tbo tlmo wltbout boglnnlng, tbo
o|lmlnatlon ol wblcb can bo mado on| b practlco and traln-
lng. Stl|| |oss aro ou c|oar about tbo lnnor l||uslons ol blrtb,
sta, cbango and doatb to bo wlpod out durlng tbo succosslvo
stagos (ol Bodblsattva dovo|opmont).
`Now |ook at our slx organs: aro tbo ono or slx
nanda, ll tbo aro ono, wb cannot ou soo wltb our oars,
boar wltb our oos, wa|k wltb our boad and spoak wltb
our loot ll tbo aro slx, tbon as l oxpound tbo prolound
Dbarma, wblcb ono ol tbom rocolvos m lnstructlon`
nanda sald: `l uso m oars to |lston to lt.`
Tbo Buddba sald: `ll so our oars sbou|d bavo no ro|a-
tlon wltb our bod and moutb wbon our moutb asks lor lts
moanlng and our bod stands up to rocolvo lt rovoront|.
Tboroloro, tbo aro noltbor ono ondlng ln slx nor slx ondlng
ln ono: ln otbor words, baslca|| our sonso organs aro nol-
tbor ono nor slx.
`nanda, ou sbou|d roa|lzo tbat our organs aro
noltbor ono nor slx and tbat bocauso ou bavo soon ovor-
tblng upsldo down slnco tbo tlmo wltbout boglnnlng, (tbo
l||uslon ol) ono and slx bavo arlson lrom tbat wblcb ls porloct
and c|oan. A|tbougb our attalnmont ol tbo stato ol srota-
5panna bas wlpod out tbo (l||usor concopt ol) slx, ou stl||
rotaln (tbat ol) ono.
`Tbls ls |lko tbo vold (contalnod) ln dllloront vosso|s and
ca||od b dllloront namos accordlng to tbo sbapos ol tbo con-
talnors: ll ou tbrow awa tbo vosso|s and |ook at tbo vold,
ou wl|| sa tbat lt ls ono. But bow can tbo vold lo||ow our
dlscrlmlnatlon to bocomo ono or man Stl|| |oss can lt
bocomo ono or nono. So our slx actlvo organs aro |lko tbo
vold (ln dllloront contalnors).
`Bocauso ol |lgbt and darknoss wblcb (a|tornato wltb)
and rovoa| oacb otbor, tbolr adboslon to tbo wondrous por-
loct (mlnd) rosu|ts ln porcoptlon, tbo ossonco ol wblcb rol|octs
lorms and unltos wltb tbom to bocomo a sonso organ. Tbls
organ orlglna|| comos lrom tbo lour llno o|omonts (ol oartb,
wator, llro and wlnd) and ls ca||od an oo wblcb ls sbapod |lko
a grapo. Honco tbls organ ol porcoptlon
ls ln constant
soarcb ol lorms.
`Bocauso tbo condltlons ol dlsturbanco and stl||noss
contrast wltb oacb otbor, tbolr adboslon to tbo wondrous por-
loct (mlnd) rosu|ts ln boarlng, tbo ossonco ol wblcb ocboos
wltb sound and unltos wltb lt to bocomo a sonso organ. Tbls
organ orlglna|| comos lrom tbo lour llno o|omonts and ls
22. ln contrast wltb tbo lacu|t ol porcoptlon wblcb ls boblnd tbo ordlnar organ ol porcoptlon.
ca||od an oar wblcb ls sbapod |lko a oung ro||od |oal. Honco
tbls organ ol porcoptlon ls ln constant soarcb ol sound.
`Bocauso ol tbo two (a|tornatlng) condltlons ol c|oar-
anco and obstructlon, tbolr adboslon to tbo wondrous porloct
(mlnd) rosu|ts ln smo||lng, tbo ossonco ol wblcb rosponds to
odour and absorbs lt to bocomo a sonso organ. Tbls organ
orlglna|| comos lrom tbo lour llno o|omonts and ls ca||od a
noso wblcb ls sbapod |lko tbo c|aw (ond ol a bammor). Honco
tbls organ ol porcoptlon ls ln constant soarcb ol smo||.
`Bocauso ol cbanglng and uncbangod condltlons, tbolr
adboslon to tbo wondrous porloct (mlnd) rosu|ts ln tastlng,
tbo ossonco ol wblcb rosponds to l|avour and absorbs lt to
bocomo a sonso organ. Tbls organ orlglna|| comos lrom tbo
lour llno o|omonts and ls ca||od a tonguo wblcb ls sbapod |lko
a croscont moon. Honco tbls organ ol porcoptlon ls ln con-
stant soarcb ol tasto.
`Bocauso ol tbo a|tornato condltlons ol contact and sop-
aratlon, tbolr adboslon to tbo wondrous porloct (mlnd) ro-
su|ts ln loo|lng, tbo ossonco ol wblcb rosponds to toucb and
unltos wltb lt to bocomo a sonso organ. Tbls organ orlglna||
comos lrom tbo lour llno o|omonts and ls ca||od a bod wblcb
ls sbapod |lko a trunk narrow ln tbo contro. Honco tbls organ
ol porcoptlon ls ln constant soarcb ol toucb.
`Bocauso ol tbo two succosslvo statos ol croatlon and
dostructlon, tbolr adboslon to tbo wondrous porloct (mlnd) ro-
su|ts ln knowlng, tbo ossonco ol wblcb c|lngs to, dbarma and
unltos wltb tbom to bocomo a sonso organ. Tbls organ orlgl-
na|| comos lrom tbo lour llno o|omonts and ls ca||od an lnto|-
|oct wblcb ls |lko porcoptlon blddon ln a dark room.
tbls organ ol porcoptlon ls ln constant soarcb ol dbarma.
`Tbus, nanda, tboso slx sonso organs causo tbo on-
|lgbtonod Bodbl to bocomo suboctlvo awaronoss so tbat lt
mlssos lts ossonco b c|lnglng to la|sonoss. Tbls ls wb tboro
ls no substanco ol soolng ln tbo absonco ol botb |lgbt and
darknoss: no substanco ol boarlng wltbout botb stl||noss and
dlsturbanco: no naturo ol smo||lng ln tbo absonco ol c|oar-
anco and obstructlon: no tasto wltbout cbanglng and un-
cbangod condltlons: no loo|lng ol toucb boond contact and
soparatlon and no prop lor knowlng ln tbo absonco ol croa-
tlon and dostructlon.
`You bavo on| not to lo||ow tbo statos ol stl||noss and
dlsturbanco, ol contact and soparatlon, ol cbanglng and un-
cbangod condltlons, ol c|oaranco and obstructlon, ol croatlon
and dostructlon and ol |lgbt and darknoss, and lrom tboso
two|vo wor|d| condltlons, ust root out an ono ol our slx
sonso organs to dlsongago lt lrom botb lnnor and outor adbo-
slon. As soon as lt ls subduod and brougbt back to tbo roa|,
tbo |attor`s |lgbt wl|| appoar. Wbon tbo brlgbt naturo manllosts,
tbo otbor llvo adboslons wl|| bo comp|oto| rootod out and
ou wl|| bo lroo lrom wrong vlows croatod b tbo sonso data.
`Tbls |lgbt doos not lo||ow tbo sonso organs but manllosts
tbrougb tbom and so a|| tbo slx organs lunctlon tbrougb oacb
otbor. nanda, do not ou soo ln tbls assomb| Anlruddba
wbo ls b|lnd but soos, Upananda wbo ls doal but boars, tbo
Goddoss ol tbo Gangos wbo ls noso|oss but smo||s, Gav5mpatl
23. Tbo lnto||oct ls lmporcoptlb|o lrom wltbout but porcolvos tblngs outsldo.
wbo doos not tasto wltb bls tonguo and tbo God ol Sunat5
wbo bas no bod but loo|s toucb. Tbls God ol tbo vold ap-
poars tomporarl| ln tbo Tatb5gata |lgbt, slnco bls bod ls (|lko)
alr and doos not oxlst matorla||, bo bas roa|lzod stl||noss
(db5na) dorlvod lrom tbo o|lmlnatlon ol tbo socond and tblrd
aggrogatos, tborob acblovlng tbo poaco ol tbo sr5vaka stago.
And Mab5k5sapa, wbo ls boro, succoodod |ong ago ln root-
lng out tbo organ ol lnto||oct tborob roa|lzlng porloct know-
|odgo wblcb doos not dorlvo lrom tbo tblnklng procoss.
`nanda, ll a|| our sonso organs aro rootod out, our
lnnor |lgbt wl|| appoar, a|| translont sonso data as wo|| as tbo
cbanglng condltlons ol tbo matorla| wor|d wl|| vanlsb, |lko lco
mo|tod b bol|lng wator, and ou wl|| roa|lzo Supromo Bodbl
lnstant|. nanda, ll a man wbo soos wltb bls oos suddon|
c|osos tbom, darknoss wl|| appoar boloro blm scroonlng a|| bls
slx sonso organs lnc|udlng bls boad and loot. ll bo tbon loo|s
bls bod wltb bls bands, bo wl|| dlscorn bls boad and loot a|-
tbougb bo doos not soo tbom. Tbls sbows tbat bls knowlng ls
tbo samo wbotbor bo soos somotblng ln tbo |lgbt or notblng
ln tbo dark. Tbat wblcb doos not ro| on tbo |lgbt to manllost
ls not alloctod b darknoss. Altor a|| organs and sonso data
bavo vanlsbod, wb cannot ou roa|lzo tbo porloct and abso-
|uto on|lgbtonod Bodbl`
Expedient Instruction on the One Mind
nanda sald: `Wor|d Honourod Ono, as tbo Buddba bas sald,
tbo causa| ground usod as tbo polnt ol doparturo ln quost ol
Roa|lt sbou|d bo compatlb|o wltb tbo lrult-ground. Wor|d
Honourod Ono, tbougb roa|lzatlon ol tbo lrult-ground ls ca||od
b sovon dllloront namos: Bodbl, Nlrv5na, tbo Abso|uto,
Buddba-naturo, lmmacu|ato Know|odgo (Ama|avl5na),
lmmatorla| Tatb5gata Storo, tbo Groat Mlrror Wlsdom, lt ls
puro, c|oan and porloct, and lts substanco doos not cbango, |lko
tbo roa| dlamond wblcb ls pormanont and lndostructlb|o. Now
tbo lacu|tlos ol soolng and boarlng bavo no lndopondont naturo
ln tbo absonco ol brlgbtnoss and darknoss, stl||noss and motlon,
and c|oaranco and obstructlon, and aro |lko tbo tblnklng mlnd
wblcb coasos to oxlst ln tbo absonco ol sonso data. How can
tbo bo usod as tbo polnt ol doparturo ln tbo soarcb lor tbo
Tatb5gata`s sovon pormanont lrults Wor|d Honourod Ono,
soolng coasos to oxlst ln tbo absonco ol |lgbt and darknoss, |lko
tbo tblnklng mlnd wblcb comos to an ond wbon tboro aro no
oxtorna| pbonomona. As l |ook lnto a|| tbls, l soarcb ln valn lor
m mlnd and lts obocts: wbat tbon sbou|d l sot up as tbo causo
ln m quost ol Supromo Bodbl Doos tbo Tatb5gata`s provlous
toacblng on (tbo naturo ol) soolng wblcb ls prolound, puro, por-
loct and pormanont, contradlct our truo words and bocomo
sopblstr (as wo||) Wl|| ou p|oaso bo compasslonato onougb
to c|oar awa m do|uslon and porp|oxlt`
Tbo Buddba sald: `You bavo wldonod our know|odgo
b boarlng but bavo lal|od to got out ol tbo stroam ol trans-
mlgratlon comp|oto|. Tbougb ou know tbo causo ol our
upsot, ot wbon ou llnd ourso|l ln tbo prosonco ol tbat
causo, ou lal| to rocognlzo lt. Lost our trustlu|noss romaln
lncomp|oto, l wl|| now do somotblng to c|oar awa our
doubt and susplclon.`
Tbo Buddba tbon ordorod R5bu|a to rlng tbo bo|| and
askod nanda: `Do ou boar lt` nanda and tbo otbors ln
tbo assomb| rop|lod tbat tbo dld. Wbon tbo bo|| was no
moro board, tbo Buddba askod agaln: `Do ou stl|| boar lt`
Tbo a|| rop|lod tbat tbo dld not. R5bu|a agaln rang tbo bo||
and tbo Buddba askod: `Do ou boar lt` Tbo rop|lod tbat
tbo dld. Tbo Buddba tbon askod nanda: `Wbat do ou
moan b boarlng and not boarlng` nanda and tbo otbors
rop|lod: `ll tbo bo|| ls rung, wo ca|| lt boarlng and wbon tbo
sound and lts ocbo stop, wo ca|| lt not boarlng.`
Tbo Buddba agaln ordorod R5bu|a to rlng tbo bo|| and
askod nanda: `ls tboro an sound` nanda and tbo otbors
rop|lod tbat tboro was a sound ol tbo bo||. A |ltt|o |ator wbon
lt cou|d no |ongor bo board, tbo Buddba askod agaln: `ls
tboro an sound` Tbo a|| rop|lod tbat tboro was nono. Tbon
Rbu|a rang tbo bo|| agaln and tbo Buddba askod: `ls tboro
an sound` Tbo a|| rop|lod ln tbo alllrmatlvo. Tbo Buddba
tbon askod nanda: `Wbat do ou moan b sound and no
sound` nanda and tbo otbors rop|lod tbat ll tbo bo|| was
rung, tboro was sound and wbon botb tbo sound and lts ocbo
stoppod, tbls was ca||od no sound.
Tbo Buddba sald: `Wb dld ou ta|k so wl|d|`
nanda and tbo otbors askod: `Wb do ou sa tbat wo
ta|kod wl|d|` Tbo Buddba sald: `Wbon l askod ou about
boarlng, ou spoko ol boarlng and wbon l askod ou about
tbo sound, ou spoko ol lt. So moro| about boarlng and
sound, our answors woro amblguous, bow cou|d tbo not
bo ca||od wl|d nanda, wbon botb tbo sound and lts ocbo
coasod, ou sald tboro was no boarlng: ll tboro roa|| was no
boarlng, lts naturo wou|d bavo dlod and wou|d bo |lko a wltb-
orod |og, but wbon tbo bo|| was rung agaln, bow dld ou boar
lt Exlstonco and non-oxlstonco concorn on| tbo sound
wblcb ma bo prosont or not, but bow can tbo naturo ol our
boarlng lo||ow our dlscrlmlnatlon to oxlst or not ll lt roa||
coasod, wbo tbon know tboro was no sound
`Tboroloro, nanda, ln our boarlng, tbo sound ma
oxlst or not, but tbls doos not moan tbat tbo sound, wbotbor
board or not, (can) causo our boarlng to oxlst or not. ln our
do|uslon ou mlstako tbo sound lor our boarlng and so
rogard tbo pormanont as translont. You sbou|d not sa tbat
boarlng bas no naturo wbon lt oxlsts apart lrom (tbo condl-
tlons ol) dlsturbanco, stl||noss, obstructlon and c|oaranco.
`For lnstanco, wbon a man s|oops sound|, ll poop|o
pound rlco, bo ma boar tbo boatlng ol a drum or tbo rlnglng
ol a bo||. So wbon as|oop bo ma llnd lt strango tbat tbo bo||
ls |lko tbo boatlng ol a (ploco ol) wood or stono, but ll bo sud-
don| wakos up and boars tbo post|o, bo wl|| to|| bls laml|
about bls mlstako wbon as|oop. nanda, doos tbat man ro-
mombor ln bls s|oop (tbo condltlons ol) stl||noss, dlsturbanco,
c|oaranco and obstructlon A|tbougb bls bod rosts, tbo
naturo ol bls boarlng ls prosont.
`Evon wbon our bod porlsbos and our |llo comos to
an ond, bow can tbls naturo vanlsb For slnco tbo tlmo wltb-
out boglnnlng a|| |lvlng bolngs bavo lo||owod lorms and
sounds and pursuod tbo l|ow ol tbolr tbougbts wltbout awak-
onlng to tbolr puro, prolound and pormanont naturo. B
stralng lrom tbo pormanont and b lo||owlng blrtb and
doatb, tbo bavo boon contamlnatod wltb doll|omonts ln suc-
cosslvo |lvos. ll ou (on|) koop awa lrom sams5ra and dwo||
ln roa| pormanonco, our otorna| Llgbt wl|| appoar tborob
causlng our organs, sonso data, consclousnoss and (mad)
mlnd to vanlsb slmu|tanoous|. Tbo obocts ol our tblnklng
procoss aro (po||utlng) dust and tbo loo|lngs tbat arlso lrom
our consclousnoss aro lmpurltlos, ll botb aro kopt awa,
our Dbarma oo wl|| appoar puro and brlgbt lnstant|. Wb
tbon cannot ou roa|lzo Supromo Bodbl`
Main Instruction on the Three Meditative
Studies of the One Mind
nanda sald: `Wor|d Honourod ono, a|tbougb tbo Tatb5gata
bas taugbt tbo socond doclslvo polnt (ln tbo dovo|opmont ol
tbo mlnd), l tblnk tbat ll tbo man good at untlng knots doos
not know bow tbo camo to bo tlod, bo wl|| bo unab|o to
undo tbom. ln tbls assomb| l and tboso wbo nood to stud
and |oarn moro, aro ln tbo samo caso. Slnco tbo tlmo wltbout
boglnnlng wo and our do|uslons bavo botb boon suboct to
blrtb and doatb, and a|tbougb wo bavo cu|tlvatod good qua|-
ltlos tbat bavo onab|od us to wldon our know|odgo b boarlng
(about lt a||) and so aro ca||od |oavors ol bomos, wo aro |lko
a porson sullorlng lrom ma|arla wblcb rocurs ovor otbor da.
Wl|| ou tako plt on us and savo us lrom drownlng Wl|| ou
to|| us wblcb ol our bodlos and mlnds aro ln a knot and bow
to untlo lt so tbat a|| sullorlng bolngs can oscapo lrom sams5ra
and avold la||lng (agaln) lnto tbo tbroo roa|ms ol oxlstonco`
Altor salng tbls, bo and a|| tbo assomb| prostratod
tbomso|vos, sbod blttor toars and oagor| awaltod tbo Buddba`s
supromo rovo|atlon.
Tbo Buddba took plt on nanda and tboso ln tbo
assomb| wbo stl|| noodod to stud and |oarn as wo|| as on
luturo |lvlng bolngs. ln ordor to onab|o tbom to sow tbo
causo ol tbolr luturo appoaranco ln tbo wor|d (as toacbors)
and so bocomo tbo oo (ol wlsdom) to guldo comlng gonor-
atlons. Ho oxtondod Hls sblnlng go|don-buod band to toucb
nanda`s boad (and comlort blm).
Tboroupon a|| Buddba |ands ln tbo ton dlroctlons sbook
slx tlmos
and Tatb5gatas, count|oss as motos ol dust, sont
out, lrom tbo tops ol tbolr boads, radlant ras ol |lgbt wblcb
roacbod Jotavana to sblno upon tbo Buddba`s boad. Tbls
bad not boon soon boloro b tbo assomb|. Tbon nanda
and a|| tboso prosont board count|oss Buddbas doc|aro wltb
ono volco: `Exco||ont, nanda, ll ou want to know about tbo
lnnato lgnoranco tbat causos ou to transmlgrato ln sams5ra,
(ou sbou|d know tbat) tbo roots ol our blrtb and doatb aro
our slx sonso organs. ll ou want to know about Supromo
Bodbl, lt ls tboso slx organs tbat wl|| onab|o ou spoodl| to
roa|lzo bapplnoss ln |lboratlon and pormanonco ln Nlrv5na.`
A|tbougb nanda bad board tboso Dbarma volcos, bo
was stl|| not c|oar about tbolr (prolound) moanlng. So bo
bowod and askod tbo Buddba: `How can tbo samo slx organs
causo mo to transmlgrato ln sams5ra and bo bapp ln abso-
|uto Nlrv5na`
24. Bodbl wblcb sbook a|| tbo slx sonso organs, tbo root ol unon|lgbtonmont.
Tbo Buddba sald: `nanda, botb organs and tbolr ob-
octs sprlng lrom tbo samo sourco, bondago and |lboratlon
aro not two dllloront tblngs. Consclousnoss ls l||usor, |lko a
l|owor ln tbo sk. nanda, our knowlng orlglnatos lrom
oacb pbonomonon wblcb takos on lorm bocauso ol our
sonso organs. Botb lorm and soolng aro mutua|| dopondont,
|lko two bund|os ol rusbos tbat stand b |oanlng agalnst oacb
otbor. Tboroloro, ll our lnto||oct acts as tbo knowor, tbls ls
tbo root ol our lgnoranco (but) ll lt ls lroo lrom soolng, lt wl||
bo Nlrv5na wblcb ls transcondonta| and puro. How tbon can
tbo |attor a||ow lorolgn o|omonts to lntrudo`
To ropoat Hls lnstructlon, tbo Buddba road tbo lo||ow-
lng g5tb5:
Truo Naturo
ls lroo lrom a|| pbonomona
Wblcb aro l||uslons b causos croatod.
Noumona noltbor rlso nor la||, but a||
Pbonomona aro l|owors ln tbo sk.
Tbo unroa| rovoa|s tbo roa|
But botb aro but l||uslons.
Slnco tboro ls notblng roa| nor unroa|
How can tboro bo a suboct and an oboct
For botwoon tbo two tboro ls no truo naturo |lko
25. Truo Naturo, or tbo Ono Mlnd, sbou|d bo tbo polnt ol doparturo ln tbo tbroolo|d modltatlvo stud.
26. Samatba, or modltatlvo stud ol a|| as vold.
27. Sam5pattl, or modltatlvo stud ol a|| as unroa|.
2S. Db5na, or modltatlvo stud ol tbo `Moan` wblcb ls lnc|uslvo ol botb uncbangod noumonon and
cbanglng pbonomonon.
2. Botb tbo roa| and unroa| aro ro|atlvo and sbou|d bo wlpod out so tbat tbo abso|uto can manllost.
30. E|lmlnatlon ol botb organs and sonso data to wlpo out tbo l||uslon ol lgnoranco.
Tbo polnt wboro two rusb bund|os moot wbon sot uprlgbt.
Tlng and untlng lrom tbo samo causo arlso,
Wbl|o tbo salnt| and tbo wor|d| aro not dua|.
Consldor undor|lng naturo at tbo polnt
Ol mootlng wboro botb `ls` and `ls not` cannot bo.
ll ou dlsrogard lt ou aro ln do|uslon,
ll ou awakon to lt ou aro lroo at onco.
Slx knots aro untlod ono altor tbo otbor,
Wbon slx aro undono ono vanlsbos as wo||.
Cbooso an organ tbat ls a|| ponotratlng
To ontor tbo bo| stroam and attaln Bodbl.
O|d bablts l|ow |lko torronts ln
|aa`s subt|o consclousnoss.
Slnco tbo roa| ot unroa| can croato conluslon
l bavo rolralnod lrom rovoa|lng lt to ou.
ll mlnd bo sot on soarcblng lor tbo mlnd, tbat wblcb
At boart ls not l||uslon bocomos l||usor.
3. lgnoranco comos lrom tbo organs and sonso data, smbo|lzod b two bund|os ol rusbos |oanlng
agalnst oacb otbor to stand uprlgbt, but ls ompt |lko tbolr polnt ol lntorsoctlon.
32. Botb tlng (do|uslon) and untlng (|lboratlon) como lrom tbo samo causo, or tbo mlnd.
33. Botb tbo salnt| and tbo wor|d| como lrom tbo samo mlnd and, tboroloro, aro non-dua|.
34. ll ou |ook lnto tbo undor|lng naturo, ou wl|| llnd tbat lt ls boond a|| dua|ltlos.
35. You aro do|udod bocauso ou aro conlusod about tbls undor|lng naturo, but ll ou cognlzo lt, ou
wl|| bo on|lgbtonod lnstant|.
36. A|| tbo slx organs como lrom tbo mlnd and wbon ou aro lroo lrom tbo lormor tbo |attor a|so
vanlsbos. Tbls ls an approprlato answor to tbo kung an (koan): `A|| tblngs aro roturnab|o to Ono, to
wboro doos Ono roturn`
37. |aa, or baslc lgnoranco, ls tbo oboct to bo wlpod out b tbo suboctlvo tbroolo|d modltatlvo stud.
Tbls consclousnoss ls vor prolound and subt|o and cbangos accordlng to tbo soods ol o|d bablts
accumu|atod ln lt slnco tbo tlmo wltbout boglnnlng. lt comprlsos botb roa|lt and la|sobood, bonco
`tbo roa| ot unroa|` wblcb can croato conluslon ln tbo mlnds ol boglnnors. For tbls roason tbo
Buddba dld not dlsc|oso lt to Hls dlsclp|os.
3S. ll tbo truo Mlnd wblcb ls baslca|| not an l||uslon ls c|ung to, lt wl|| bocomo ono bocauso ol our
c|lnglng. Tbon tbo dua|lt ol noumonon and pbonomonon ls croatod and scroons tbo truo naturo.
ll ou stop a|| grasplng tbon tboro ls notblng roa|:
ll wbat ls not l||uslon coasos
To arlso, wboro can l||uslon bo
Tbls ls tbo prolound Lotus Dbarma (Law),
Tbo proclous Bodbl ol tbo roa| gom,
Tbo Sam5dbl ol soolng a|| tblngs as l||uslon
Wblcb ln a llngor-snap |oads to tbo stato boond
A|| stud. Tbo unsurpassod Doctrlno
was lo||owod
B a|| Bbagavats ln a|| dlroctlons
On tbo Ono Patb tbat to Nlrv5na |oads.
How to Untie the Six Knots
Tbus nanda and tbo assomb| |lstonod to tbo compasslon-
ato Buddba`s unsurpassod sormon and g5tb5 wboso pro-
lound moanlngs woro so on|lgbtonlng and ponotratlng, tbat
tbolr monta| oos woro oponod, tbo pralsod wbat tbo bad
novor soon boloro. nanda tbon brougbt bls pa|ms togotbor,
prostratod and sald: `l bavo toda |lstonod to tbo Buddba`s
compasslonato toacblng wblcb rovoa|od tbo puro, subt|o and
pormanont Roa|lt ol tbo (so|l-) naturo, but l am stl|| not c|oar
about bow to untlo tbo (slx) knots ono altor tbo otbor and
wbat ou moant b wbon tbo slx knots aro undono tbo ono
3. ll ou on| stop c|lnglng, ovon tbo truo mlnd cannot bo lound.
40. Tbls ls tota| o|lmlnatlon ol botb roa|lt and la|sobood to oxposo tbo Abso|uto.
4. Tbo Surangama Sam5dbl ls puro and cannot bo su||lod |lko tbo |otus l|owor.
42. lt ls lndostructlb|o |lko tbo roa| dlamond and can dostro tbo darknoss ol lgnoranco.
43. lt |ooks lnto a|| pbonomona and roa|lzos tbolr l||usor and translont naturo.
44. Abbldbarma.
45. Tbls g5tb5 doa|s wltb tbo prolound toacblng ol tbo a||-ombraclng Surangama Sutra and answors
nanda`s roquost lor lnstructlon at tbo boglnnlng ol tbo mootlng.
a|so vanlsbos. Wl|| ou agaln tako plt on tbls assomb| and
luturo gonoratlons and toacb us ln ordor to wasb our doll|o-
monts awa`
Tbo Buddba wbo was on bls |lon-soat,
adustod bls
lnnor garmonts and outor robo and took lrom tbo toapo a
ploco ol boautllu| c|otb wblcb tbo Yama dova
bad glvon
Hlm. Tbon ln tbo prosonco ol tbo assomb|, Ho tlod a knot
and sbowod lt to nanda, asklng: `Wbat ls tbls` nanda and
tbo otbors rop|lod: `lt ls a knot.` Tbo Buddba tbon tlod anotb-
or knot and askod: `Wbat ls tbls` Tbo a|| rop|lod: `Tbls a|so
ls a knot.` Tbo Buddba tlod lour moro knots, sbowlng oacb
to nanda and asklng: `Wbat ls tbls` Tbo a|| rop|lod tbat
oacb was a knot.
Tbo Buddba sald to nanda: `Wbon l llrst tlod tbls c|otb,
ou ca||od lt a knot. Tboro ls on| ono ploco ol c|otb but wb
dld ou ca|| tbo socond and tblrd tlos a|so knots` nanda ro-
p|lod: `Wor|d Honourod Ono, a|tbougb tboro ls on| ono
ploco ol c|otb, ll ou tlo lt onco, tboro wl|| bo a knot and ll ou
tlo lt a bundrod tlmos, tboro wl|| bo a bundrod knots. But tbls
c|otb bas on| slx knots bocauso ou on| tlod lt slx tlmos.
Wb do ou agroo to m ca||lng tbo llrst tlo a knot and dls-
agroo to tbo socond and tblrd onos a|so bolng ca||od knots,`
Tbo Buddba sald: `nanda, orlglna|| tboro was on|
ono ploco ol c|otb but wbon l tlod lt slx tlmos, tboro woro slx
knots. As ou soo lt, tbo |ongtb ol c|otb was tbo samo boloro
but ls now dllloront wltb lts slx knots. Tbo llrst knot l tlod was
46. Slmb5sana: a |lon tbrono, or coucb, a Buddba soat, wboro tbo Buddba slts, ovon wbon on tbo baro
47. A klng ol tbo tblrd dova|oka, wboro tbo tlmos, or soasons, aro a|was good.
ca||od tbo llrst ono and a|togotbor l tlod slx ol tbom, do ou
tblnk tbat tbo slxtb ono can bo ca||od tbo llrst knot` nanda
rop|lod: `No, Wor|d Honourod Ono, so |ong as tboro aro slx
knots, tbo |ast ono ls tbo slxtb and cannot bo ca||od tbo llrst.
Evon ll l dlscuss tbls lor tbo rost ol m |llo, bow can l numbor
tboso slx knots ln tbo wrong ordor`
Tbo Buddba sald: `lt ls so, tboso slx knots aro dllloront
but como lrom ono |ongtb ol c|otb and ou cannot rovorso
tbolr ordor. lt ls tbo samo wltb our slx sonso organs wblcb,
tbougb comlng lrom tbo samo (sourco), aro manllost| dlllor-
ont. nanda, c|oar| ou oboct to tbo slx knots and prolor
ono (ploco ol c|otb) but bow can ou obtaln lt` nanda ro-
p|lod: `ll tboso slx knots romaln, concopts ol rlgbt and wrong
wl|| arlso ln groat conluslon, wltb (sucb tblngs as) tbls knot ls
not tbat ono and tbat knot ls not tbls ono. Wor|d Honourod
Ono, ll a|| tbo knots woro untlod, tboro wou|d romaln notb-
lng, wltb comp|oto o|lmlnatlon ol tblsnoss and tbatnoss: tbon
ln tbo absonco ol ovon ono, bow can tboro bo slx`
Tbo Buddba sald: `Llkowlso, wbon tbo slx knots aro un-
tlod, tbo ono a|so vanlsbos. lt ls bocauso ol conluslon ln our
mad mlnd slnco tbo tlmo wltbout boglnnlng tbat our lnto||oct
glvos rlso to l||uslons, tbo uncoaslng croatlon ol wblcb dls-
turbs our soolng and causos lt to porcolvo obocts ln tbo
samo wa tbat troub|od oos soo danclng l|owors. Honco ln
tbo c|oar and brlgbt (Roa|lt) arlso wltbout an causo a||
wor|d| pbonomona sucb as mountalns, rlvors, tbo groat
oartb, sams5ra and nlrv5na wblcb aro but danclng l|owors
(croatod b) conluslon, troub|o (passlons) and lnvorslon.`
nanda askod: `How can ono untlo tboso knots croatod
b troub|o and conluslon
Tbon tbo Buddba bo|d (up) tbo ploco ol c|otb, pu||od lts
|olt ond and askod: `Can lt bo untlod ln tbls wa` nanda ro-
p|lod: `No, Wor|d Honourod Ono.` Tbo Buddba tbon pu||od
tbo rlgbt ond and askod: `Can lt bo untlod ln tbls wa`
nanda rop|lod: `No, Wor|d Honourod Ono.` Tbo Buddba
sald: `l bavo pu||od botb onds ol tbo c|otb but bavo boon
unab|o to untlo tbo knots. Wbat wl|| ou do now` nanda
rop|lod: `Wor|d Honourod Ono, (oacb) knot sbou|d bo untlod
ln lts contor (boart).` Tbo Buddba sald: `Corroct, nanda,
corroct. A knot sbou|d bo untlod lrom lts boart. nanda, tbo
Buddba Dbarma wblcb l oxpound manllosts duo to causos
and ls boond tboso coarso lorms tbat como lrom wor|d|
(concopts ol) mlxturos and unlons. Wbon tbo Buddba ro-
voa|s tbo mundano and supramundano, Ho knows tbolr cblol
causos and concurront condltlons. Ho ls ovon c|oar about tbo
numbor ol drops ol raln ln a p|aco as man ml|os awa lrom
boro as tboro aro sand gralns ln tbo Gangos, as wo|| as wb
plno troos arc stralgbt and bramb|os crookod, gooso wblto
and crows b|ack. Tboroloro, nanda, cbooso ono organ lrom
tbo slx, and ll lts knot ls untlod, a|| obocts ol sonso wl|| vanlsb
ol tbomso|vos. Wbon a|| l||uslons dlsappoar, ll tbls ls not
Roa|lt, wbat moro do ou oxpoct nanda, to|| mo now ll
tbo slx knots ol tbls c|otb can bo untlod slmu|tanoous|.`
nanda rop|lod: `No, Wor|d Honourod Ono, bocauso
tbo woro orlglna|| tlod ono altor tbo otbor and sbou|d bo
untlod ln tbo samo ordor. A|tbougb tbo aro ln tbo samo
ploco ol c|otb, tbo woro not tlod slmu|tanoous|, bow can
tbo now bo untlod a|| at onco`
Tbo Buddba sald: `Your slx organs sbou|d bo dlson-
gagod ln tbo samo wa. Wbon ou bogln to dlsontang|o tbom,
ou wl|| roa|lzo tbat tbo ogo ls vold. Wbon tbls voldnoss ls por-
loct| c|oar, ou wl|| roa|lzo tbat a|| dbarma (pbonomona) aro
vold. Wbon ou aro dlsongagod lrom dbarma, tbo voldnoss
(ol ogo and dbarma) wl|| vanlsb.
Tbls ls ca||od tbo Patlont
Enduranco ol tbo Uncroato acblovod b moans ol Sam5dbl
ln tbo Bodblsattva stago.`
Altor nanda and tbo assomb| bad board tbo
Buddba`s toacblng, tbolr undorstandlng was c|oar and lroo
lrom doubt and susplclon. nanda brougbt bls pa|ms togotb-
or, prostratod blmso|l and sald: `Toda our bodlos and mlnds
aro c|oar, at oaso and unblndorod. Tbougb l bavo undor-
stood wbat ou moan b tbo dlsappoaranco ol (botb) ono
and slx, l am stl|| unab|o to porloct m sonso organs. Wor|d
Honourod Ono, l am |lko a |ono| wandoror and a bap|oss or-
pban. How lortunato bavo l boon to moot tbo Buddba and
to bo Hls ro|atlvo, |lko a bungr bab wbo suddon| moots lts
suck|lng motbor. Tbls glvos mo a cbanco to attaln tbo bo|
goa|, but a|tbougb l bavo |lstonod to Hls prolound words, l
am stl|| unawakonod as ll l bad not board tbom. Wl|| ou
p|oaso rovoa| to mo tbo U|tlmato Approacb (b moans ol tbo
approprlato organ)`
4S. Tbo slx knots stand lor tbo slx sonso organs, and a|so lor tbo slx l||uslons ol (a) tbo lnborn and
(b) dlscrlmlnatlvo Ego, (c) tbo lnborn and (d) dlllorontlatod dbarma, and tbo non-oxlstonco ol
(o) Ego and (l) dbarma, a|| tboso slx l||uslons sbou|d bo wlpod out boloro tbo Abso|uto ls attalnod.
(Cl. Cb`an and Zon Toacblng, Tblrd Sorlos, Part lll, pago S, The Sutra of Complete
Altor salng tbls, bo prostratod blmso|l and concontratod
on bls lnnor potontla|lt to rocolvo tbo prolound lnstructlon.
Tboroat tbo Wor|d Honourod Ono sald to tbo groat
Bodblsattvas and cblol Arbats ln tbo assomb|: `l want to ask
ou, Bodblsattvas and Arbats wbo bavo practlsod m
Dbarma and bavo roacbod tbo stato boond stud, tbls quos-
tlon: Wbon ou dovo|opod our mlnds to awakon to tbo
olgbtoon llo|ds ol sonso, wblcb ono dld ou rogard as tbo bost
moans ol porloctlon and b wbat motbods dld ou ontor tbo
stato ol Sam5dbl`
Meditation on the six sense data
Kaundlna, (ono ol) tbo llrst llvo bblksus, roso lrom bls soat,
prostratod blmso|l wltb bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba
and doc|arod: `Wbon, soon altor Hls on|lgbtonmont, wo mot
tbo Tatb5gata ln tbo Mrgad5va and Kukkuta parks, l board
Hls volco, undorstood Hls toacblng and awakonod to tbo
Four Nob|o Trutbs. Wbon quostlonod b tbo Buddba, l lntor-
protod tbom corroct| and tbo Tatb5gata soa|od m awakon-
lng b namlng mo 5ta (Tborougb Know|odgo). As Hls
wondorlu| volco was mstorlous| a||-ombraclng, l attalnod
arbatsblp b moans ol sound. As tbo Buddba now asks about
tbo bost moans ol porloctlon, to mo sound ls tbo bost accord-
lng to m porsona| oxporlonco.`
Upanlsad tbon roso lrom bls soat, prostratod blmso|l
wltb bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba and doc|arod: `l a|so
mot tbo Buddba soon altor Hls on|lgbtonmont. Altor modltat-
lng on lmpurlt wblcb l lound ropu|slvo and lrom wblcb l
kopt, l awakonod to tbo undor|lng naturo ol a|| lorms l roa|-
lzod tbat (ovon our) b|oacbod bonos tbat camo lrom lmpurlt
wou|d bo roducod to dust and wou|d llna|| roturn to tbo
vold. As botb lorm and tbo vold woro porcolvod as non-
oxlstont, l acblovod tbo stato boond stud. Tbo Tatb5gata
soa|od m undorstandlng and namod mo Nlsad. Altor oradl-
catlng tbo (ro|atlvo) lorm, wondorlu| lorm (surupa) appoarod
mstorlous| a||-ombraclng. Tbus l attalnod arbatsblp
tbrougb modltatlon on lorm. As tbo Buddba now asks about
tbo bost moans ol porloctlon, to mo lorm ls tbo bost accord-
lng to m porsona| oxporlonco.`
A Bodblsattva namod `Fragranco-adornod` tbon roso
lrom bls soat, prostratod blmso|l wltb bls boad at tbo loot ol
tbo Buddba and doc|arod: `Altor tbo Tatb5gata bad taugbt
mo to |ook lnto a|| wor|d| pbonomona, l |olt Hlm and rotlrod
to sot m mlnd at rost. Wbl|o obsorvlng tbo ru|os ol puro |lv-
lng, l saw tbo bblksus burn sanda| lnconso. ln tbo stl||noss, lts
lragranco ontorod m nostrl|s. l lnqulrod lnto tbls smo|| wblcb
was noltbor sanda|wood nor voldnoss, and noltbor smoko
nor llro and wblcb bad noltbor wbonco to como nor wbltbor
to go, tborob m lnto||oct vanlsbod and l acblovod tbo stato
boond tbo stroam ol transmlgratlon. Tbo Tatb5gata soa|od
m awakonlng and namod mo Fragranco-adornod. Altor
tbo suddon o|lmlnatlon ol (ro|atlvo) smo||, tbo wondorlu| lra-
granco bocamo mstorlous| a||-ombraclng. Tbus l attalnod
arbatsblp b moans ol smo||. As tbo Buddba now asks about
tbo bost moans ol porloctlon, to mo smo|| ls tbo bost accord-
lng to m porsona| oxporlonco.`
Tbo two Bodblsattvas ca||od Bbalsaa-r5a and
Bbalsaa-samudgata wbo woro prosont wltb llvo bundrod
Brabmadovas, tbon roso lrom tbolr soats, prostratod tbom-
so|vos wltb tbolr boads at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba and do-
c|arod: `Slnco tbo tlmo wltbout boglnnlng wo bavo boon
skl|lu| pbslclans ln tbo wor|d and bavo tastod wltb our own
moutbs borbs, p|ants and a|| klnds ol mlnora| and stono
lound ln tbo wor|d (sab5), numborlng 0S,000 ln a||. As a
rosu|t wo know porloct| tbolr tastos, wbotbor blttor or sour,
sa|t, lnslpld, swoot, acrld, otc., tbolr natura|, cbanglng or bar-
monlzlng proportlos, and wbotbor tbo aro coo|lng, boatlng,
polsonous or wbo|osomo. Wo rocolvod lnstructlon lrom tbo
Tatb5gata and know c|oar| tbat tasto was noltbor oxlstlng
nor non-oxlstont, was noltbor bod nor mlnd and dld not
oxlst apart lrom tbom. Slnco wo cou|d dlscorn tbo causo ol
tasto, wo acblovod our awakonlng wblcb was soa|od b tbo
Buddba wbo tbon namod us Bbalsaa-r5a and Bbalsaa-
samudgata. Wo aro now rankod among tbo sons ol tbo
Dbarma klng ln tbls assomb| and bocauso ol our awakon-
lng b moans ol tasto, wo bavo attalnod tbo Bodblsattva
stago. As tbo Buddba now asks about tbo bost moans ol
porloctlon, to us tasto ls tbo bost accordlng to our porsona|
Bbadrap5|a wbo was wltb slxtoon companlons wbo
woro a|| groat Bodblsattvas, roso lrom bls soat, prostratod
blmso|l wltb bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba and doc|arod:
`Wbon tbo Buddba wltb an awo-lnsplrlng volco (Bbisma-
garlta-gbosa-svara-r5a) appoarod ln tbo wor|d, l board ol
tbo Dbarma and |olt bomo. At tbo tlmo ol batblng, l lo||owod
tbo ru|os and ontorod tbo batbroom. Suddon| l awakonod to
tbo causa| wator wblcb c|oansod noltbor dlrt nor bod, tboro-
b l lo|t at oaso and roa|lzod tbo stato ol notblngnoss. As l bad
not lorgotton m lormor practlco, wbon l |olt bomo to lo||ow
tbo Buddba ln m prosont |llo, l acblovod tbo stato boond
stud. Tbat Buddba namod mo Bbadrap5|a bocauso ol m
awakonlng to wondorlu| toucb and m roa|lzatlon ol tbo rank
ol a son ol Buddba. As tbo Buddba asks now about tbo bost
moans ol porloctlon, to mo toucb ls tbo bost accordlng to m
porsona| oxporlonco.`
Mab5k5sapa wbo was prosont wltb tbo bblksuni
`Go|don Llgbt` and otbors (ol bls group), tbon roso lrom bls
soat, prostratod blmso|l wltb bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo
Buddba and doc|arod: `ln a lormor aoon, wbon Candra-
sura-pradipa Buddba appoarod ln tbls wor|d, l bad a cbanco
ol lo||owlng blm and ol boarlng tbo Dbarma wblcb l prac-
tlsod. Altor bo bad passod awa, l rovorod bls ro|lcs, |lt |amps
to porpotuato bls |lgbt and docoratod bls statuo wltb puro
go|d powdor. Slnco tbon, ln ovor subsoquont rolncarnatlon,
m bod bas boon radlant wltb porloct go|don |lgbt. Tbls
bblksuni Go|don Llgbt and tbo otbors wbo aro wltb bor, aro
m rotlnuo bocauso wo dovo|opod tbo samo mlnd at tbo
samo tlmo. l |ookod lnto tbo slx cbanglng sonso data wblcb
can bo roducod to comp|oto oxtlnctlon on| tbrougb tbo stato
ol nlrv5na. Tbus m bod and mlnd woro ab|o to pass
tbrougb bundrods and tbousands ol aoons ln a llngorsnap.
B oradlcatlng a|| dbarma (tblngs and ldoas), l roa|lzod arbat-
sblp and tbo Wor|d Honourod Ono doc|arod tbat l was tbo
loromost dlsclp|lnarlan. l awakonod to tbo wondorlu|
dbarma, tborob puttlng an ond to tbo stroam ol transmlgra-
tlon. As tbo Buddba now asks about tbo bost moans ol por-
loctlon, to mo dbarma aro tbo bost accordlng to m porsona|
Meditation on the five sense organs
Anlruddba tbon roso lrom bls soat, prostratod blmso|l wltb
bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba and doc|arod: `Altor l |olt
bomo, l was a|was vor lond ol s|oop and tbo Tatb5gata
sco|dod mo, salng tbat l was |lko an anlma|. Altor tbls sovoro
roprlmand, l wopt blttor| and b|amod mso|l. Bocauso ol
m sadnoss l dld not s|oop lor sovon succosslvo nlgbts and
wont comp|oto| b|lnd. Tbon tbo Wor|d Honourod Ono
taugbt mo bow to tako do|lgbt ln tbo En|lgbtonlng Vara
Sam5dbl wblcb onab|od mo to porcolvo, not wltb m oos
(but m mlnd), tbo Puro Trutb porvadlng tbo ton dlroctlons,
vor c|oar| porcoptlb|o, as oas to soo as a mango bo|d ln
m own band. Tbo Tatb5gata soa|od m attalnmont ol arbat-
sblp. As Ho now asks about tbo bost moans ol porloctlon, to
mo soolng ls, accordlng to m porsona| oxporlonco, tbo bost
wblcb ls mado posslb|o b turnlng tbo organ ol slgbt back to
lts sourco.`
Ksudrapantbaka tbon roso lrom bls soat, prostratod
blmso|l wltb bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba and doc|arod:
`l dld not know mucb (about tbo Dbarma) lor want ol road-
lng and rocltlng (tbo Scrlpturos). Wbon l llrst mot tbo
Buddba, l board ol tbo Dbarma and tbon |olt bomo. l trlod to
momorlzo a |lno ol Hls g5tb5 but lal|od lor a bundrod das
bocauso as soon as l cou|d rotaln lts llrst words, l lorgot tbo
|ast onos, and wbon l cou|d romombor tbo |ast words, l lorgot
tbo llrst onos. Tbo Buddba took plt on m stupldlt and
taugbt mo bow to |lvo ln a qulot rotroat and to rogu|arlzo m
broatblng. At tbo tlmo l |ookod oxbaustlvo| lnto oacb ln and
out broatb and roa|lzod tbat lts rlso, sta, cbango and ond
|astod on| an lnstant (ksana), tborob m mlnd bocamo
c|oar and unblndorod untl| l stoppod out ol tbo stroam ol
transmlgratlon and llna|| attalnod arbatsblp. l camo to sta
wltb tbo Buddba wbo soa|od m roa|lzatlon ol tbo stato
boond stud. As Ho now asks about tbo bost moans ol por-
loctlon, to mo broatblng ls tbo bost accordlng to m porsona|
oxporlonco ln turnlng tbo broatb back to tbo condltlon ol
Gav5mpatl tbon roso lrom bls soat, prostratod blmso|l
wltb bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba and doc|arod: `Bo-
causo ol m vorba| sln wbon l trll|od wltb monks ln a lormor
aoon, ln ovor succoodlng rolncarnatlon l bavo boon born
wltb a moutb tbat a|was cbows tbo cud |lko a cow. Tbo
Tatb5gata taugbt mo tbo puro and c|oan doctrlno ol Ono
Mlnd wblcb onab|od mo to o|lmlnato tbo concoptlon ol
mlnd lor m ontr lnto tbo stato ol Sam5dbl. l |ookod lnto
tastlng, roa|lzod tbat lt was noltbor (a suboctlvo) substanco
nor (an oboctlvo) tblng and |oapod boond tbo stroam ol
transmlgratlon, l tborob dlsongagod mso|l lrom botb tbo
lnnor bod and mlnd and tbo outor unlvorso and was ro-
|oasod lrom tbo tbroo wor|ds ol oxlstonco. l was |lko a blrd
oscaplng lrom lts cago, tbus avoldlng lmpurltlos and doll|o-
monts. Wltb m Dbarma oo now puro and c|oan, l attalnod
arbatsblp and tbo Tatb5gata porsona|| soa|od m roa|lza-
tlon ol tbo stago boond stud. As tbo Buddba now asks
about tbo bost moans ol porloctlon, to mo tbo turnlng ol
tasto back to lts knowor ls tbo bost accordlng to m porsona|
Pl|lndavatsa tbon roso lrom bls soat, prostratod blmso|l
wltb bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba and doc|arod: `Wbon
l llrst lo||owod tbo Buddba to ontor upon tbo Patb, vor olton
l board tbo Tatb5gata spoak about tbo wor|d| wblcb cou|d
not glvo o and bapplnoss. (Ono da) l wont to town to bog
lor lood, and as l was tblnklng about Hls toacblng, l stoppod
lnadvortont| on a polsonous tborn tbat plorcod m loot and
causod mo to loo| paln a|| ovor m bod. l tbougbt ol m
bod wblcb know and lo|t tbls groat paln. A|tbougb tboro was
tbls loo|lng, l |ookod lnto m puro and c|oan mlnd wblcb no
paln cou|d alloct. l a|so tbougbt, How can tbls ono bod ol
mlno bavo two sorts ol loo|lng? and altor a sbort (monta|)
concontratlon on tbls, a|| ol a suddon, m bod and mlnd
soomod to bo non-oxlstont and tbroo wooks |ator l acblovod
tbo stago boond tbo stroam ol transmlgratlon and tborob
attalnod arbatsblp. Tbo Buddba porsona|| soa|od m roa|l-
zatlon ol tbo stago boond stud. As Ho now asks about tbo
bost moans ol porloctlon, to mo tbo puro awaronoss tbat
wlpos out tbo (concoptlon ol) bod ls tbo bost accordlng to
m porsona| oxporlonco.`
Subbutl tbon roso lrom bls soat, prostratod blmso|l wltb
bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba and doc|arod: `As m
mlnd was a|road lroo lrom a|| blndrancos ln lormor aoons, l
can now romombor m provlous rolncarnatlons as count|oss
as tbo sands ln tbo Gangos. Evon wbon l was a lootus ln m
motbor`s womb, l bad a|road awakonod to tbo condltlon ol
stl|| voldnoss wblcb subsoquont| oxpandod to ll|| a|| tbo ton
dlroctlons and wblcb onab|od mo to toacb |lvlng bolngs bow
to awakon to tbolr abso|uto naturo. Tbanks to tbo Tatb5gata,
l roa|lzod tbo abso|uto voldnoss ol so|l-naturod awaronoss,
and wltb tbo porloctlon ol m lmmatorla| naturo, l attalnod
arbatsblp, tborob ontorlng suddon| lnto tbo Tatb5gata`s
Proclous Brlgbtnoss wblcb was as lmmonso as spaco and tbo
ocoan, wboroln l (partla||) acblovod Buddba know|odgo.
Tbo Buddba soa|od m attalnmont ol tbo stago boond
stud, l am, tboroloro, rogardod as tbo loromost dlsclp|o bo-
causo ol m undorstandlng ol lmmatorla| so|l-naturo. As tbo
Buddba now asks about tbo bost moans ol porloctlon,
accordlng to m porsona| oxporlonco, tbo bost conslsts ln
porcolvlng tbo unroa|lt ol a|| pbonomona, wltb tbo o|lmlna-
tlon ol ovon tbls unroa|lt, ln ordor to roduco a|| tblngs to
Meditation on the six consciousnesses
S5rlputra tbon roso lrom bls soat, prostratod blmso|l wltb bls
boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba and doc|arod: `ln lormor
aoons, tbo slgbt-porcoptlon ol m mlnd was a|road puro and
c|oan, and ln m subsoquont lncarnatlons as count|oss as tbo
sands ln tbo Gangos, l cou|d soo wltbout blndranco tbrougb
a|| tblngs oltbor on a wor|d| or supramundano p|ano. (Ono
da), l mot on tbo road tbo two brotbors K5sapa wbo woro
botb proacblng tbo doctrlno ol causa|lt, and altor |lstonlng to
tbom, m mlnd awakonod to tbo Trutb and tborob bocamo
oxtonslvo and bound|oss. l tbon |olt bomo to lo||ow tbo
Buddba and acblovod porloct slgbt porcoptlon tborob ac-
qulrlng loar|ossnoss, attalnlng arbatsblp and qua|lllng as tbo
Buddba`s E|dor Son - born lrom tbo Buddba`s moutb and
b translormatlon ol tbo Dbarma. As tbo Buddba now asks
about tbo bost moans ol porloctlon, accordlng to m porson-
a| oxporlonco, tbo bost conslsts ln roa|lzlng tbo most l||umlnat-
lng know|odgo b moans ol tbo mlnd`s radlant slgbt-
Samantabbadra Bodblsattva tbon roso lrom bls soat,
prostratod blmso|l wltb bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba
and doc|arod: `l was a|road a son ol tbo Dbarma klng wbon
lormor| l was wltb tbo Tatb5gatas wbo woro count|oss as tbo
sands ln tbo Gangos. A|| tbo Buddbas ln tbo ton dlroctlons
wbo toacb tbolr dlsclp|os to p|ant Bodblsattva roots, urgo
tbom to practlso Samantabbadra doods wblcb aro ca||od altor
m namo. Wor|d Honourod Ono, l a|was uso m mlnd to
|lston ln ordor to dlstlngulsb tbo varlot ol vlows bo|d b |lvlng
bolngs. ll ln a p|aco, soparatod lrom boro b a numbor ol
wor|ds as count|oss as tbo sands ln tbo Gangos, a |lvlng bolng
practlsos Samantabbadra doods, l mount at onco a slx-
tuskod o|opbant and roproduco mso|l ln a bundrod and a
tbousand apparltlons to como to bls ald. Evon ll bo ls unab|o
to soo mo bocauso ol bls groat karmlc obstructlon, l socrot|
|a m band on bls boad to protoct and comlort blm so tbat
bo can succood. As tbo Buddba now asks about tbo bost
moans ol porloctlon, accordlng to m porsona| oxporlonco,
tbo bost conslsts ln boarlng wltb tbo mlnd, wblcb |oads to
non-dlscrlmlnatlvo dlscornmont.`
Sundarananda tbon roso lrom bls soat, prostratod blm-
so|l wltb bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba and doc|arod:
`Wbon l |olt bomo to lo||ow tbo Buddba, a|tbougb lu|| or-
dalnod, l lal|od to roa|lzo tbo stato ol Sam5dbl bocauso m
mlnd was a|was unsott|od, l was, tboroloro, unab|o to roacb
tbo condltlon boond tbo stroam ol transmlgratlon. Tbo
Wor|d Honourod Ono tbon taugbt mo and Kaustbl|a to llx
tbo mlnd on tbo tlp ol tbo noso. l startod tbls modltatlon and
somo tbroo wooks |ator, l saw tbat tbo broatb tbat wont ln and
out ol m nostrl|s was |lko smoko, lnward| botb bod and
mlnd woro c|oar and l |ookod tbrougb tbo (oxtorna|) wor|d
wblcb bocamo a puro omptlnoss |lko crsta| ovorwboro.
Tbo smoko gradua|| dlsappoarod and m broatb
bocamo wblto. As m mlnd oponod, l acblovod tbo stato
boond tbo stroam ol transmlgratlon. Botb m ln and out
broatbs, now brlgbt, l||umlnod tbo ton dlroctlons so tbat l at-
talnod tbo arbat stago. Tbo Wor|d Honourod Ono propbo-
slod tbat l wou|d wln on|lgbtonmont. As Ho now asks about
tbo bost moans ol porloctlon, accordlng to m porsona| ox-
porlonco, tbo bost ls to o|lmlnato broatb wblcb wl|| tbon turn
radlant, onsurlng tbo attalnmont ol tbo stago ol porloctlon
boond tbo stroam ol transmlgratlon.`
Purnamaltr5aniputra tbon roso lrom bls soat, prostrat-
od blmso|l wltb bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba and do-
c|arod: `ln lormor aoons, m powor ol spoocb was unbln-
dorod and l proacbod tbo (doctrlno ol) mlsor and unroa|lt,
tborob ponotratlng doop lnto tbo abso|uto Roa|lt. l (a|so)
oxpoundod ln tbo assomb| tbo Tatb5gata`s Dbarma doors
to on|lgbtonmont as uncountab|o as tbo sands ln tbo Gangos,
and tborob won loar|ossnoss. Tbo Wor|d Honourod Ono
know tbat l bad acqulrod tbo groat powor ol spoocb and
taugbt mo bow to porlorm tbo Buddba work b proacblng.
Tboro, ln bls prosonco, l asslstod Hlm ln turnlng tbo Wboo| ol
tbo Law and slnco l cou|d glvo tbo |lon`s roar, l attalnod
arbatsblp. Ho soa|od m unoxco||od skl|| ln oxpoundlng tbo
Dbarma. As Ho now asks about tbo bost moans ol porloc-
tlon, accordlng to m oplnlon, tbo bost conslsts ln omp|olng
tbo Dbarma volco to subduo tbo onmlt ol M5ra and to stop
tbo stroam ol transmlgratlon.`
Up5|l tbon roso lrom bls soat, prostratod blmso|l wltb
bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba and doc|arod: `l porsona||
accompanlod tbo Buddba and wo c|lmbod tbo clt wa|| to
l|oo lrom bomo. Wltb m own oos, l saw bow Ho ondurod
bardsblp ln Hls practlco durlng tbo llrst slx oars ol ascotlc
|llo, subduod a|| domons, ovorcamo borotlcs and lrood Hlm-
so|l lrom wor|d| doslros and a|| lmpuro oll|ux (5srava) lrom
tbo mlnd. Ho porsona|| taugbt mo dlsclp|lno, lnc|udlng tbo
tbroo tbousand rogu|atlons and olgbt tbousand |lnos ol con-
duct wblcb purlllod a|| m lnnato and convontlona| subt|o
As m bod and mlnd woro ln tbo nlrvanlc stato,
l attalnod arbatsblp and tbo Tatb5gata soa|od m mlnd bo-
causo ol m strlct obsorvanco ol dlsclp|lno and contro| ol
bod. l am now a pl||ar ol dlsclp|lno ln tbls assomb| and am
rogardod as tbo loromost dlsclp|o. As tbo Buddba now asks
about tbo bost moans ol porloctlon, ln m oplnlon, tbo bost
conslsts ln dlsclp|lnlng tbo bod so tbat lt can lroo ltso|l lrom
a|| rostralnts and tbon ln dlsclp|lnlng tbo mlnd so tbat lt can
bo a||-porvadlng, wblcb rosu|ts ln tbo lroodom ol botb bod
and mlnd.`
Mab5-Maudga|5ana tbon roso lrom bls soat, pros-
tratod blmso|l wltb bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba and
doc|arod: `Ono da as l was bogglng lor lood ln tbo stroot,
l mot tbo tbroo K5sapa brotbors, Uruvl|v5, Ga5 and Nadi,
wbo proacbod tbo prolound doctrlno ol causa|lt taugbt b
tbo Tatb5gata. Suddon| m mlnd oponod and bocamo a||-
porvadlng. Tbon tbo Tatb5gata gavo mo a monk`s robo and
wbon l woro lt, m balr and board lo|| out. l ramb|od ln tbo
ton dlroctlons and mot no obstructlon. l tbus acqulrod tran-
scondonta| powor wblcb provod tbo loromost and |od to m
attalnmont ol arbatsblp. Not on| tbo Wor|d Honourod
Ono, but a|| tbo Tatb5gatas ln tbo ton dlroctlons pralsod m
supornatura| powors wblcb woro porloct, puro, sovorolgn
and loar|oss. As tbo Buddba now asks about tbo bost
moans ol porloctlon, ln m oplnlon tbo bost conslsts ol ro-
turnlng to stl||noss to a||ow tbo |lgbt ol tbo mlnd to appoar
ust as mudd wator b sott|lng bocomos puro and c|oan as
4. Karma agalnst natura| |aw, o.g. stoa|lng, and karma agalnst convontlona| ru|os, o.g. lor a monk to
oat moat.
Meditation on the seven elements
Usscbusma tbon camo lorward ln lront ol tbo Tatb5gata,
olnod tbo pa|ms ol bls two bands, prostratod blmso|l wltb bls
boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba and doc|arod: `l can stl|| ro-
mombor tbat ln a vor romoto aoon, l was ll||od wltb sonsua|
doslro. At tbo tlmo a Buddba ca||od Tbo Klng ol lmmatorla|-
lt appoarod ln tbo wor|d. Accordlng to blm, tboso wltb |ust-
lu| doslros lncroasod tbolr own bo|| llros. Ho tbon taugbt mo
to modltato on tbo bonos ln m bod, on m lour |lmbs and
on m warm and co|d broatbs. So b turnlng lnward| tbo
splrltua| |lgbt lor polntod concontratlon, m |ustlu| mlnd
turnod lnto tbo llro ol wlsdom. Slnco tbon, l was ca||od Flro
Hoad b a|| tbo Buddbas. Bocauso ol m poworlu| Flro
Llgbt Sam5dbl, l attalnod arbatsblp. Tbon l took m groat
vow to bocomo a domlgod (vlra) so tbat wbon a|| Buddbas
woro about to attaln on|lgbtonmont, l wou|d porsona|| bo|p
tbom to ovorcomo tbo onmlt ol M5ra. As tbo Buddba now
asks about tbo bost moans ol porloctlon, accordlng to m
oplnlon, tbo bost conslsts ln |ooklng lnto tbo non-oxlstont
boat ln m bod and mlnd ln ordor to romovo a|| blndrancos
tboroto and to put an ond to tbo stroam ol transmlgratlon so
tbat tbo groat Proclous llgbt can appoar and |oad to tbo roa|-
lzatlon ol Supromo Bodbl.`
Dbaranlmdbara Bodblsattva tbon roso lrom bls soat,
prostratod blmso|l wltb bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba
and doc|arod: `l stl|| romombor tbat lormor| wbon tbo
Buddba ol Unlvorsa| Llgbt appoarod ln tbo Wor|d, l was a
50. Tbo sovon o|omonts aro: llro, oartb, wator, wlnd, spaco, consclousnoss and porcoptlon.
bblksu wbo usod to |ovo| a|| obstac|os, bul|d brldgos and
carr sand and oartb to lmprovo tbo maln roads, lorrlos, rlco-
llo|ds and dangorous passos wblcb woro ln bad condltlon or
lmpassab|o to borsos and carts. Tbus l contlnuod to tol| lor a
|ong tlmo ln wblcb an uncountab|o numbor ol Buddbas ap-
poarod ln tbo Wor|d. ll somoono mado a purcbaso at tbo
markotp|aco and roqulrod anotbor to carr lt bomo lor blm, l
dld lt wltbout cbargo. Wbon Vlsvabbu Buddba
ln tbo wor|d and lamlno was lroquont, l bocamo a carrlor
cbarglng on| ono coln no mattor wbotbor tbo dlstanco was
|ong or sbort. ll an ox cart cou|d not movo ln a bog, l usod
m supornatura| powor to pusb lts wboo|s lroo. Ono da tbo
klng lnvltod tbat Buddba to a loast: as tbo road was bad, l |ov-
o||od lt lor blm. Tbo Tatb5gata Vlsvabbu p|acod bls band on
m boad and sald: You sbou|d |ovo| our mlnd-ground,
tbon a|| tblngs ln tbo wor|d wl|| bo on tbo samo |ovo|. (Upon
boarlng tbls), m mlnd oponod and l porcolvod tbat tbo mo|-
ocu|os ol m bod dld not dlllor lrom tboso ol wblcb tbo
wor|d ls mado. Tboso mo|ocu|os woro sucb tbat tbo dld not
toucb ono anotbor and cou|d not bo toucbod ovon b sbarp
woapons. l tbon awakonod to tbo patlont onduranco ol tbo
uncroato and tborob attalnod arbatsblp. Tbon b turnlng m
mlnd lnwards, l roa|lzod tbo Bodblsattva stago and wbon l
board tbo Tatb5gatas oxpound tbo Buddba`s Unlvorsa|
Know|odgo ln tbo prolound Lotus Sutra, l was tbo llrst |lston-
or to bo awakonod to lt and was mado a |oador ol tbo assom-
b|. As tbo Buddba now asks about tbo bost moans ol
5. Tbo tblrd ol tbo sovon Buddbas ol antlqult. Cl. Cb`an and Zon Toacblng, Socond Sorlos, pago 2S.
porloctlon, ln m oplnlon, tbo bost conslsts ln |ooklng lnto tbo
samonoss ol bod and unlvorso wblcb aro croatod b lnloc-
tlon lrom la|sobood arlslng lrom tbo Tatb5gata storo, untl|
tbls doll|omont vanlsbos and ls rop|acod b porloct wlsdom
wblcb tbon |oads to tbo roa|lzatlon ol Supromo Bodbl.`
Candraprabba Bodblsattva tbon roso lrom bls soat,
prostratod blmso|l wltb bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba
and doc|arod: `l stl|| romombor tbat ln tbo romotost ol aoons
count|oss as tbo sands ln tbo Gangos, tboro was a Buddba,
ca||od Varuna, wbo appoarod ln tbo wor|d and taugbt
Bodblsattvas to contomp|ato tbo o|omont ol wator ln ordor to
ontor lnto tbo stato ol Sam5dbl.
`Tbls motbod conslsts ln |ooklng lnto tbo bod wboroln
a|| wator o|omonts do not b naturo suppross ono anotbor,
uslng as subocts ol modltatlon llrst toars and snot, and tbon
sa|lva, socrotlon, b|ood, urlno and oxcromont, and tbon ro-
vorslng tbo ordor, tborob porcolvlng tbat tbls o|omont ol
wator ln tbo bod doos not dlllor lrom tbat ol tbo lragrant
ocoans tbat surround tbo Puro Lands ol Buddbas, sltuatod
boond our wor|d.
`Wbon l acblovod tbls contomp|atlon, l succoodod ln
roa|lzlng on| tbo samonoss ol tbo o|omont ol wator (ovor-
wboro) but lal|od to ro|lnqulsb (m vlow ol) tbo bod. l was
tbon a bblksu practlslng db5na and wbon m dlsclp|o
poopod lnto tbo room, bo saw tbat lt was ll||od ontlro| wltb
c|oar wator, wltbout antblng o|so. As bo was an lgnorant
bo, bo plckod up a brokon tl|o, tbrow lt lnto tbo wator wltb
a sp|asb, gazod curlous| and |olt. Wbon l camo out ol m
db5na stato, l suddon| lo|t paln ln m boart as ll l bad tbo
samo troub|o wblcb S5rlputra bad wltb a wlckod domon. l
tbougbt, Slnco l bavo roa|lzod arbatsblp, l sbou|d bo lroo
lrom a|| causa| al|monts. Wb toda, a|| ol a suddon, bavo l
paln ln m boart, ls lt not a slgn ol m backs|ldlng Wbon
tbo bo roturnod and ro|atod wbat bo bad soon and dono
durlng m modltatlon, l sald: Wbon noxt ou soo wator ln
m room, opon tbo door, ontor tbo wator and tako awa tbo
brokon tl|o. Tbo bo obood, lor wbon l agaln ontorod tbo
db5na stato, bo saw tbo samo brokon tl|o ln tbo wator, bo
tbon oponod tbo door and romovod tbo tl|o. Wbon l camo
out ol db5na, m paln bad vanlsbod. Lator, l mot count|oss
Buddbas boloro l oncountorod S5gara-varadbara-buddbl-
vlkridlta-bbla Buddba (undor wboso lnstructlon) l succood-
od ln ro|lnqulsblng (tbo concoptlon ol) bod, tborob roa|lz-
lng porloct unlon ol tbls bod and tbo lragrant ocoans ln tbo
ton dlroctlons wltb abso|uto voldnoss, wltbout an lurtbor dll-
lorontlatlon. Tbls ls wb l was ca||od a son ol a Buddba and
was qua|lllod to attond a|| Bodblsattva mootlngs.
`As tbo Buddba now asks about tbo bost moans ol por-
loctlon, ln m oplnlon tbo bost conslsts ln acblovlng tbo un-
blndorod unlvorsa|lzlng porvaslon ol tbo o|omont wator,
tborob roa|lzlng tbo patlont onduranco ol tbo uncroato wblcb
onsuros Comp|oto En|lgbtonmont.`
Tbo Bodblsattva ol Crsta| Llgbt tbon roso lrom bls
soat, prostratod blmso|l wltb bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo
Buddba and doc|arod: `l stl|| romombor tbat onco, ln tbo ro-
motost ol aoons count|oss as tbo sands ln tbo Gangos, tboro
was a Buddba ca||od lnllnlto Volco wbo appoarod ln tbo
wor|d to rovoa| to Bodblsattvas tbo prolound| on|lgbtonod
lundamonta| awaronoss wblcb, b |ooklng lnto tbls wor|d
and tbo bodl| lorms ol a|| |lvlng bolngs, cou|d porcolvo tbat
a|| woro croatod b tbo powor ol tbo wlnd arlslng lrom l||uso-
r concurront causos. At tbo tlmo, l lnqulrod lnto tbo (l||usor)
sottlng up ol tbo wor|d, cbanglng tlmo, bodl| motlon and
motlon|ossnoss, stlrrlng ol mlnd, ln otbor words a|| klnds ol
movomont wblcb woro lundamonta|| tbo samo and dld not
dlllor lrom ono anotbor. l tbon roa|lzod tbat tboso movomonts
bad noltbor wbonco to como nor wbltbor to go and tbat a||
|lvlng bolngs ln tbo ton dlroctlons, as uncountab|o as tbo dust,
camo lrom tbo samo la|sobood. Llkowlso, a|| |lvlng bolngs ln
ovor sma|| wor|d ol tbo groat cbl|locosm woro |lko mosqul-
toos ln a trap ln wblcb tbo bummod alm|oss| and croatod a
mad tumu|t. Soon altor mootlng tbat Buddba, l roa|lzod tbo
patlont onduranco ol tbo uncroato. As m mlnd oponod, l
porcolvod tbo |and ol tbo lmporturbab|o Buddba ln tbo oast-
orn roglon wboro l was admlttod as a son ol tbo Dbarma klng,
sorvlng a|| tbo Buddbas ln tbo ton dlroctlons. M bod and
mlnd gavo out ras ol |lgbt tbat l||umlnod a|| tbo wor|ds wltb-
out obstructlon.
`As tbo Buddba now asks about tbo bost moans ol por-
loctlon, ln m oplnlon tbo bost conslsts ln |ooklng lnto tbo
powor ol tbo o|omont ol wlnd wblcb bas notblng (roa|) on
wblcb to ro|, tborob awakonlng to tbo Bodbl mlnd so as to
ontor Sam5dbl and (tbon) to unlto wltb tbo prolound Ono
Mlnd oxpoundod b tbo Buddbas ln tbo ton dlroctlons.`
k5sagarbba Bodblsattva tbon roso lrom bls soat, pros-
tratod blmso|l wltb bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba and do-
c|arod: `Wbon tbo Tatb5gata and l woro wltb Dipamkara
Buddba and roa|lzod our bound|oss bodlos, l bo|d ln m
bands lour blg proclous goms
wblcb l||umlnod a|| Buddba
|ands ln tbo ton dlroctlons, as uncountab|o as dust, and trans-
mutod tbom lnto tbo (abso|uto) vold. Tbon m own mlnd ap-
poarod |lko a groat mlrror omlttlng ton klnds ol mstorlous
proclous |lgbt
wblcb ponotratod tbo ton dlroctlons, roacb-
lng tbo boundarlos ol spaco and causlng a|| puro |ands ol
Buddbas to ontor tbo mlrror and tbon to lntormlng|o lroo|
wltb m own bod wblcb was ust |lko unobstructlvo spaco.
(Tbon) m bod cou|d ontor porloct| as man (samsarlc)
countrlos as tboro aro gralns ol dust to carr out lar and wldo
tbo Buddba works (ol sa|vatlon) so tbat unlvorsa|lt cou|d
proval| (ovorwboro). Tbls groat transcondonta| powor do-
rlvod lrom m c|oso lnqulr lnto tbo lour o|omonts wblcb bad
notblng roa| to ro| upon and lnto la|so tblnklng tbat roso and
lo|| (a|tornato| and ondod ln notblngnoss). l roa|lzod tbo non-
dua|lt ol spaco and tbo samonoss ol tbo Buddba`s (puro
|ands) and samsarlc wor|ds, tborob acblovlng tbo patlont on-
duranco ol tbo uncroato.
`As tbo Buddba now asks about tbo bost moans ol por-
loctlon, accordlng to m own oxporlonco, tbo bost conslsts ln
tbo c|oso oxamlnatlon lnto bound|oss spaco, |oadlng to ontr
52. Tbls Bodblsattva bad tbon succoodod ln bls modltatlon on tbo lour o|omonts ol oartb, wator, llro
and wlnd, wblcb bo cou|d porcolvo as ldontlca| wltb tbo undor|lng prlnclp|o, tbus transmutlng tbom
lnto lour proclous goms.
53. To porcolvo tbo lundamonta| samonoss ln tbo ton dbarmadb5tus, l.o. tbo slx samsarlc wor|ds and
tbo lour salnt| roa|ms.
lnto Sam5dbl and porloctlng tborob tbo mstorlous splrltua|
Maltroa Bodblsattva tbon roso lrom bls soat, prostrat-
od blmso|l wltb bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba and do-
c|arod: `l stl|| romombor tbat ln tbo romotost ol aoons as
uncountab|o as tbo dust, tboro was a Buddba ca||od Candra-
sura-pradipa wbo appoarod ln tbo wor|d (to convort otb-
ors). l lo||owod blm to |oavo bomo. Howovor, l (stl||) cbor-
lsbod wor|d| lamo and |lkod to mlx wltb nob|o c|ans. Tbon
tbo Tatb5gata taugbt mo bow to practlso db5na modltatlon
on tbo mlnd`s consclousnoss
ln ordor to roa|lzo tbo stato
ol Sam5dbl. Evor slnco tbo lo||owlng aoons, l bavo usod tbls
Sam5dbl to sorvo Buddbas as man as tbo sands ln tbo Gan-
gos, tborob o|lmlnatlng comp|oto| m (provlous) mlnd sot
on wor|d| lamo. Wbon Dipamkara Buddba appoarod ln tbo
wor|d, (undor bls lnstructlon) l roa|lzod tbo consclousnoss-
porloctlng supromo Sam5dbl ol tbo mlnd wblcb onab|od mo
to porcolvo tbat a|| Tatb5gata (storos) and samsarlc wor|ds,
purlt and lmpurlt and oxlstonco and non-oxlstonco woro
but appoarancos causod b m own mlnd`s translormatlons.
Wor|d Honourod Ono, bocauso ol m c|oar undorstandlng
tbat on| tbo mlnd`s consclousnoss was tbo causo (ol a|| ox-
torna|s, l porcolvod) an un|lmltod numbor ol Tatb5gatas
comlng out ol tbo naturo ol consclousnoss, bonco (tbo
Buddba`s) propboc tbat l sba|| bo Hls succossor.
`As tbo Buddba now asks about tbo bost moans ol por-
54. Mlnd on|, tbo doctrlno tbat notblng oxlsts apart lrom mlnd, tbat tbo tbroo wor|ds ol oxlstonco (ol
doslro, lorm and boond lorm) como lrom tbo mlnd only and tbat a|| dbarma (tblngs) aro croatod
b consciousness on|.
loctlon, m oplnlon ls tbat tbo bost conslsts ol c|oso oxamlna-
tlon lnto a|| appoarancos wblcb aro croatod b consclousnoss
on|, ln ordor to porloct tbo consclous mlnd, tborob roa|lzlng
comp|oto roa|lt and onsurlng non-ro|lanco on oxtorna|s and
tbo broaklng ol a|| attacbmonts causod b dlscrlmlnatlon,
tborob acblovlng tbo patlont onduranco ol tbo uncroato.`
Mab5stb5ma, a son ol tbo Dbarma klng, wbo was tbo
boad ol a group ol lllt-two Bodblsattvas, roso lrom bls soat,
prostratod blmso|l wltb bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba
and doc|arod: `l stl|| romombor tbat ln tbo romotost ol aoons
count|oss as tbo sands ln tbo Gangos, tboro was a Buddba
ca||od Amlt5bba wbo was succoodod b o|ovon otbor Tatb5-
gatas ln tbat ka|pa. Tbo |ast ono was ca||od tbo Buddba
Wboso Llgbt Surpassod tbat ol tbo Sun and Moon, bo
taugbt mo bow to roa|lzo tbo stato ol Sam5dbl b tblnklng
oxc|uslvo| ol (Amlt5bba) Buddba. B wa ol l||ustratlon, ll
a man concontratos bls mlnd on somoono o|so wbl|o tbo
|attor a|was lorgots blm, botb ma moot and soo, but wltb-
out rocognlzlng, oacb otbor. Howovor, ll botb aro koon on
tblnklng ol oacb otbor, tbolr koonnoss wl|| grow lrom ono ln-
carnatlon to anotbor untl| tbo bocomo lnsoparab|o |lko a
bod and lts sbadow. Tbo Tatb5gatas ln tbo ton dlroctlons
bavo compasslon lor a|| |lvlng bolngs and a|was tblnk ol
tbom, |lko a motbor wbo novor coasos tblnklng ol bor son. ll
tbo son runs awa, bor tbougbts ol blm wl|| not bo|p. But ll
bo a|so tblnks ol bor wltb tbo samo koonnoss, tbo wl|| not
bo soparatod ln splto ol tbo passlng ol transmlgratlon. ll a
|lvlng bolng romombors and tblnks ol tbo Buddba, bo ls

bound to bobo|d Hlm ln bls prosont or luturo lncarnatlon. Ho

wl|| not bo lar lrom tbo Buddba and tbus wltbout tbo ald ol
an otbor oxpodlont, bls mlnd wl|| bo oponod. Ho ls |lko a
man wboso bod, porlumod b lnconso, glvos out lragranco,
bonco bls namo Ono G|orlllod b (Buddba`s) Fragranco
and Llgbt. From m lundamonta| causo-ground and wltb a||
m tbougbts concontratod on tbo Buddba, l acblovod tbo
patlont onduranco ol tbo uncroato. (Tbls ls wb) l bo|p a||
|lvlng bolngs ol tbls wor|d to contro| tbolr tbougbts b ropoat-
lng tbo Buddba`s namo so tbat tbo can roacb tbo Puro
Land. As tbo Buddba now asks about tbo bost moans ol por-
loctlon, l bo|d tbat notblng can surpass tbo porloct contro| ol
tbo slx sonsos wltb contlnuous puro tbougbts ln ordor to ro-
a|lzo Sam5dbl.`
Meditation on the organ of hearing
Tboroupon Ava|okltosvara Bodblsattva roso lrom bls soat,
prostratod blmso|l wltb bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba
and doc|arod: `l stl|| romombor tbat |ong boloro numbors ol
aoons count|oss as tbo sand gralns ln tbo Gangos, a Buddba
ca||od Ava|okltosvara appoarod ln tbo wor|d. Wbon l was
wltb Hlm, l dovo|opod tbo Bodbl Mlnd and, lor m ontr lnto
Sam5dbl, l was lnstructod b Hlm to practlso modltatlon b
moans ol tbo organ ol boarlng.
`At llrst b dlroctlng tbo organ ol boarlng lnto tbo
stroam ol modltatlon, tbls organ was dotacbod lrom lts ob-
oct, and b wlplng out (tbo concopt ol) botb sound and
stroam-ontr, botb dlsturbanco and stl||noss bocamo c|oar|
non-oxlstont. Tbus advanclng stop b stop botb boarlng and
lts oboct coasod comp|oto|, but l dld not stop wboro tbo
ondod. Wbon tbo awaronoss ol tbls stato and tbls stato ltso|l
woro roa|lzod as non-oxlstont, botb suboct and oboct
morgod lnto tbo vold, tbo awaronoss ol wblcb bocamo a||-
ombraclng. Wltb lurtbor o|lmlnatlon ol tbo vold and lts oboct
botb croatlon and annlbl|atlon vanlsbod glvlng wa to tbo
stato ol Nlrv5na wblcb tbon manllostod.
`Suddon| l |oapod ovor botb tbo mundano and
supramundano, tborob roa|lzlng an a||-ombraclng brlgbt-
noss porvadlng tbo ton dlroctlons, and acqulrod two unsur-
passod (morlts). Tbo llrst was ln accord wltb tbo lundamon-
ta| Prolound En|lgbtonod Mlnd ol a|| tbo Buddbas blgb up
ln tbo ton dlroctlons and possossod tbo samo morcllu|
powor as tbo Tatb5gata. Tbo socond was ln smpatb wltb
a|| |lvlng bolngs ln tbo slx roa|ms ol oxlstonco boro bo|ow ln
tbo ton dlroctlons and sbarod wltb tbom tbo samo p|oa lor
`Wor|d Honourod Ono, as l (lo||owod and) mado ollor-
lngs to tbo Tatb5gata Ava|okltosvara, Ho taugbt mo to uso
m l||usor boarlng and sub|lmato lt to roa|lzo tbo Dlamond
(Vara) Sam5dbl wblcb gavo mo tbo samo powor ol morc ol
a|| Buddbas and onab|od mo to translorm mso|l lnto tblrt-
two bodl| lorms lor tbo. purposo ol vlsltlng a|| countrlos ln
sams5ra (to convort and |lborato |lvlng bolngs).
`Wor|d Honourod Ono, ll tboro aro Bodblsattvas wbo
practlso Sam5dbl to attaln tbo transcondonta| (Moan), wbon
tboro ls a cbanco lor tbom to roa|lzo abso|uto Wlsdom, l wl||
appoar as a Buddba to toacb tbom tbo Dbarma to |lborato
`ll tboro aro so|ltar studonts sooklng (on|) so|l-
on|lgbtonmont, wbo practlso tbo stl||noss ol Nlrv5na, wbon
tboro ls a cbanco lor tbom to roa|lzo lt, l wl|| appoar as a
toacbor ol so|l-on|lgbtonmont to toacb tbom tbo Dbarma to
|lborato tbom.
`ll tboro aro studonts ol tbo Four Nob|o Trutbs wbo,
altor roa|lzlng tbo unroa|lt ol sullorlng and lts accumu|atlon,
troad tbo Patb |oadlng to tbo oxtlnctlon ol passlons, wbon
tboro ls a cbanco lor tbom to acblovo tbls, l wl|| appoar as a
boaror (sr5vaka) to toacb tbom tbo Dbarma to |lborato tbom.
`ll tboro aro |lvlng bolngs wbo roa|lzo (tbo barmlu|noss
ol) doslro ln tbo mlnd and abstaln lrom a|| wor|d| cravlngs to
acblovo purlt ol bod, l wl|| appoar as Brabm5 to toacb
tbom tbo Dbarma to |lborato tbom.
`ll tboro aro |lvlng bolngs wbo doslro to bo |ords ol
dovas to ru|o ovor tbo roa|ms ol tbo gods, l wl|| appoar as
Sakra to toacb tbom tbo Dbarma so tbat tbo roacb tbolr
`ll tboro aro |lvlng bolngs wbo wlsb to roam lroo| ln tbo
ton dlroctlons, l wl|| appoar as lsvaradova to toacb tbom tbo
Dbarma to tbat tbo roacb tbolr goa|s.
`ll tboro aro |lvlng bolngs wbo wlsb to l| lroo| ln ompt
spaco, l wl|| appoar as Mabosvara to toacb tbom tbo Dbarma
so tbat tbo roacb tbolr goa|s.
`ll tboro aro |lvlng bolngs wbo wlsb to bo |ords ol gbosts
and splrlts to protoct tbolr countrlos, l wl|| appoar as a groat
warrlor to toacb tbom tbo Dbarma so tbat tbo roacb tbolr
`ll tboro aro |lvlng bolngs wbo wlsb to ru|o ovor tbo
wor|d to protoct a|| lts lnbabltants, l wl|| appoar as a dova klng
ol tbo lour quartors to toacb tbom tbo Dbarma so tbat tbo
roacb tbolr goa|s.
`ll tboro aro |lvlng bolngs wbo wlsb to bo roborn ln tbo
pa|aco ol dovas to command gbosts and splrlts, l wl|| appoar
as a son ol tbo dova klng ol tbo lour quartors to toacb tbom
tbo Dbarma so tbat tbo roacb tbolr goa|s.
`ll tboro aro |lvlng bolngs wbo wlsb to bo klngs ol
buman bolngs, l wl|| appoar as a klng to toacb tbom tbo
Dbarma so tbat tbo roacb tbolr goa|s.`
`ll tboro aro |lvlng bolngs wbo wlsb to bo boads ol c|ans
to ono tbo rospocts ol tbolr c|ansmon, l wl|| appoar as a ro-
spoctab|o o|dor (grbapatl) to toacb tbom tbo Dbarma so tbat
tbo roacb tbolr goa|s.
`ll tboro aro |lvlng bolngs wbo ono dlscusslng wo||-
known salngs and practlso puro |lvlng, l wl|| appoar as a ro-
spoctab|o scbo|ar to toacb tbom tbo Dbarma so tbat tbo
roacb tbolr goa|s.
`ll tboro aro |lvlng bolngs wbo wlsb to govorn cltlos and
towns, l wl|| appoar as a maglstrato to toacb tbom tbo
Dbarma so tbat tbo roacb tbolr goa|s.
`ll tboro aro |lvlng bolngs wbo do|lgbt ln practlslng ms-
tlclsm lor so|l-wo|laro, l wl|| appoar as a Brabmln to toacb
tbom tbo Dbarma so tbat tbo roacb tbolr goa|s.
`ll tboro aro mon wbo aro koon on stud and |oarnlng
and |oavo bomo to practlso tbo ru|os ol mora|lt and dlscl-
p|lno, l wl|| appoar as a bblksu to toacb tbom tbo Dbarma so
tbat tbo roacb tbolr goa|s.
`ll tboro aro womon wbo aro oagor to stud and |oarn
and |oavo bomo to obsorvo tbo procopts, l wl|| appoar as a
bblksuni to toacb tbom tbo Dbarma so tbat tbo roacb tbolr
`ll tboro aro mon wbo obsorvo tbo llvo procopts, l wl||
appoar as a up5saka to toacb tbom tbo Dbarma so tbat tbo
roacb tbolr goa|s.
`ll tboro aro womon wbo obsorvo tbo llvo procopts, l
wl|| appoar as a up5slk5 to toacb tbom tbo Dbarma so tbat
tbo roacb tbolr goa|s.
`ll tboro aro womon wbo aro koon to lu|ll| tbolr bomo
dutlos tborob sottlng a good oxamp|o to otbor laml|los and
tbo wbo|o countr, l wl|| appoar as a quoon, a prlncoss or a
nob|o |ad to toacb tbom tbo Dbarma so tbat tbo roacb tbolr
`ll tboro aro oung mon wbo aro cbasto, l wl|| appoar as
a co|lbato outb to toacb tbom tbo Dbarma so tbat tbo roacb
tbolr goa|s.
`ll tboro aro oung womon wbo aro koon to avold car-
na|lt ln ordor to prosorvo tbolr vlrglnlt, l wl|| appoar as a
maldon to toacb tbom tbo Dbarma so tbat tbo roacb tbolr
`ll tboro aro gods wbo wlsb to bo lrood lrom bondago
ln tbolr roa|ms, l wl|| appoar as a dova to toacb tbom tbo
Dbarma so tbat tbo roacb tbolr goa|s.
`ll tboro aro dragons (n5gas) wbo wlsb to bo lrood lrom
bondago ln tbolr roa|ms, l wl|| appoar, as a n5ga to toacb
tbom tbo Dbarma so tbat tbo roacb tbolr goa|s.
`ll tboro aro aksas wbo wlsb to bo lrood lrom bondago
ln tbolr roa|ms, l wl|| appoar as a aksa to toacb tbom tbo
Dbarma so tbat tbo roacb tbolr goa|s.
`ll tboro aro gandbarvas wbo wlsb to bo lrood lrom
bondago ln tbolr roa|ms, l wl|| appoar as a gandbarva to toacb
tbom tbo Dbarma so tbat tbo roacb tbolr goa|s.
`ll tboro aro asuras wbo wlsb to bo lrood lrom bondago
ln tbolr roa|ms, l wl|| appoar as an asura to toacb tbom tbo
Dbarma so tbat tbo roacb tbolr goa|s.
`ll tboro aro garudas wbo wlsb to bo lrood lrom bond-
ago ln tbolr roa|ms, l wl|| appoar as a garuda to toacb tbom
tbo Dbarma so tbat tbo roacb tbolr goa|s.
`ll tboro aro klnnaras wbo wlsb to bo lrood lrom bond-
ago ln tbolr roa|ms, l wl|| appoar as a klnnara to toacb tbom
tbo Dbarma so tbat tbo roacb tbolr goa|s.
`ll tboro aro maboragas wbo wlsb to bo lrood lrom
bondago ln tbolr roa|ms, l wl|| appoar as a maboraga to toacb
tbom tbo Dbarma so tbat tbo roacb tbolr goa|s.
`ll tboro aro |lvlng bolngs wbo wlsb to bo roborn as
buman bolngs, l wl|| appoar ln buman lorm to toacb tbom tbo
Dbarma so tbat tbo roacb tbolr goa|s.
`ll tboro aro non-buman bolngs wltb or wltbout lorms
and oltbor tbougbtlu| or tbougbt|oss, wbo wlsb to bo lrood
lrom bondago ln tbolr roa|ms, l wl|| appoar as ono ol tbom to
toacb tbom tbo Dbarma so tbat tbo roacb tbolr goa|s.
`Tboso aro m tblrt-two translormatlon-bodlos ln
rosponso to (tbo noods ol) a|| countrlos ln sams5ra,
acblovod b moans ol tbo uncroatod sovorolgn powor ol
Sam5dbl roa|lzod ln m practlco ol sub|lmatlng tbo lacu|t
ol boarlng.
`Wor|d Honourod Ono, l a|so uso tbls uncroatod sovor-
olgn powor ol Dlamond Sam5dbl, dorlvod lrom sub|lmatlng
boarlng, to sbaro wltb a|| |lvlng bolngs ln tbo slx roa|ms ln tbo
ton dlroctlons tbo samo p|oa lor compasslon, and to bostow
upon tbom lourtoon klnds ol loar|ossnoss wblcb omanato
lrom m bod and mlnd.
. `Slnco l mso|l do not modltato on sound but on tbo
modltator, l causo a|| sullorlng bolngs to |ook lnto tbo sound
ol tbolr volcos ln ordor to obtaln |lboratlon.
2. `B roturnlng (dlscrlmlnatlvo) lnto||oct to lts (abso-
|uto) sourco, l causo tbom to avold bolng burnod wbon tbo
llnd tbomso|vos ln a groat llro.
3. `B roturnlng boarlng to lts sourco, l causo tbom to
avold drownlng wbon tbo aro adrllt on tbo soa.
4. `B stopplng wrong tblnklng and tborob c|oanslng
tbolr mlnds ol barmlu|noss, l |oad tbom to salot wbon tbo
wandor ln tbo roa|m ol ovl| gbosts.
5. `B sub|lmatlng tbolr (wrong) boarlng to rostoro lts
55. Tbls ls a vor prolound modltatlon wblcb roadors sbou|d not |ot pass wltbout carolu| stud ll tbo
wlsb to know wb Ava|okltosvara ls so popu|ar ln Far Eastorn countrlos wboro bo ls tbo morcllu|
patron salnt. B dlscardlng tbo sound to |ook lnto tbo modltator blmso|l, tbat ls lnto tbo naturo ol
boarlng, bo dlsongagos blmso|l lrom botb organs and sonso data and tborob roa|lzos bls a||-
ombraclng Buddba naturo wblcb contalns a|| |lvlng bolngs. B dovo|oplng tbolr puro laltb ln blm
and b ca||lng bls namo, or concontratlng on blm, tbo acblovo slng|onoss ol mlnd tbat mlng|os wltb
bls Bodbl substanco and bocomo ono wltb blm, bonco tbolr |lboratlon lrom sullorlngs wblcb do not
oxlst ln tbo abso|uto stato.
abso|uto condltlon, tborob purlllng a|| slx organs and por-
loctlng tbolr lunctlons, l causo tbom, wbon ln dangor, to bo
lmmuno lrom sbarp woapons wblcb bocomo b|unt and uso-
|oss |lko wator tbat cannot bo cut and da|lgbt tbat cannot bo
b|own awa, bocauso tbolr (undor|lng) naturo doos not
6. `B porloctlng tbo sub|lmatlon ol tbolr boarlng, lts
brlgbt |lgbt porvados tbo wbo|o Dbarma roa|m to dostro tbo
darknoss (ol lgnoranco) tborob dazz|lng ovl| bolngs sucb as
aksa, raksa, kumbb5nda, pls5ci, putana, otc., wbo cannot
soo tbom wbon mootlng tbom.
7. `Wbon boarlng ls rovorsod so tbat sound vanlsbos
comp|oto|, a|| l||usor obocts ol sonso dlsappoar so tbat
(practlsors) aro lrood lrom lottors wblcb can no |ongor ro-
straln tbom.
S: `Tbo o|lmlnatlon ol sound to porloct boarlng rosu|ts
ln unlvorsa| compasslon so tbat tbo can pass tbrougb
roglons lnlostod wltb robbors and bandlts wbo cannot p|un-
dor tbom.
. `Tbo sub|lmatlon ol boarlng dlsongagos tbom lrom
tbo obocts ol sonso and makos tbom lmmuno lrom (attrac-
tlvo) lorms, tborob onab|lng |ustlu| bolngs to got rld ol do-
slros and cravlngs.
0. `Tbo sub|lmatlon ol sound o|lmlnatos a|| sonso
data and rosu|ts ln tbo porloct mlng|lng ol oacb organ wltb
lts obocts and tbo tota| oradlcatlon ol suboct and oboct,
tborob onab|lng a|| vlndlctlvo bolngs to bur angor and

. `Altor tbo o|lmlnatlon ol sonso data and tbo roturn to

tbo brlgbt (Roa|lt), botb lnnor bod and mlnd and outor pbo-
nomona bocomo crsta| doar and lroo lrom a|| blndrancos, so
tbat du|| and lgnorant unbo|lovors (lccbantlka) can got rld ol
tbo darknoss ol lgnoranco.
2. `Wbon tbolr bodlos aro ln barmon wltb tbo naturo
ol boarlng, tbo can, lrom tbolr lmmutab|o stato ol on|lgbton-
mont (bodblmanda|a), ro-ontor tbo wor|d (to |lborato otbors)
wltbout barmlng tbo wor|d|, and can go anwboro to mako
ollorlngs to Buddbas count|oss as dust, sorvlng ovor Tatb5-
gata ln tbo capaclt ol a son ol tbo Klng ol tbo Law and
bavlng tbo powor to glvo ma|o bolrs wltb b|ossod vlrtuos and
wlsdom to cbl|d|oss poop|o wbo want bos.
3. `Tbo porloctlng ol tbo slx organs unlllos tbolr dlvld-
od lunctlons so tbat tbo bocomo a||-ombraclng, tbus rovoa|-
lng tbo Groat Mlrror (Wlsdom) and lmmatorla| Tatb5gata
womb compatlb|o wltb a|| Dbarma doors taugbt b Buddbas
as uncountab|o as dust. Tbo can bostow uprlgbt, b|ossod,
graclous, and rospoct-lnsplrlng glr|s on cbl|d|oss paronts wbo
want daugbtors.
4. `ln tbls groat cbl|locosm wblcb contalns a bundrod
|acs ol suns and moons, tboro aro now Bodblsattvas count-
|oss as sand gralns ln slxt-two
Gangos rlvors. Tbo prac-
tlso tbo Dbarma to sot a good oxamp|o to a|| |lvlng bolngs b
bolrlondlng, toacblng and convortlng tbom, ln tbolr wlsdom
tbolr oxpodlont motbods dlllor. Bocauso l usod ono ponotrat-
56. Tbo dlglt 6 stands lor tbo slxtb consclousnoss, or mad mlnd, wblcb croatos tbo dua|lt ol ogo and
dbarma, smbo|lzod b tbo dlglt 2. Tbo dut ol ovor Bodblsattva ls to |lborato |lvlng bolngs
docolvod b tbo l||uslons tbus croatod.
lng organ wblcb |od to m roa|lzatlon tbrougb tbo lacu|t ol
boarlng, m bod and mlnd ombraco tbo wbo|o Dbarma-
roa|m ln wblcb l toacb a|| |lvlng bolngs to concontrato tbolr
mlnds on ca||lng m namo. Tbo morlts tbat lo||ow aro tbo
samo as tboso dorlvod lrom ca||lng on tbo namos ol a|| tboso
Bodblsattvas. Wor|d Honourod Ono, m slng|o namo doos
not dlllor lrom tboso uncountab|o onos, bocauso ol m prac-
tlco and tralnlng wblcb |od to m truo on|lgbtonmont. Tboso
aro tbo lourtoon loar|oss (powors) wblcb l bostow upon |lvlng
`Wor|d Honourod Ono, bocauso ol m Porloct Undor-
standlng wblcb |od to m attalnmont ol tbo Supromo Patb, l
acqulrod lour lnconcolvab|o abso|uto vlrtuos.
. `Wbon l llrst roa|lzod tbo boarlng mlnd wblcb was
most prolound, tbo Essonco ol Mlnd (l.o. tbo Tatb5gata storo)
dlsongagod ltso|l lrom boarlng and cou|d no |ongor bo dlvld-
od b soolng, boarlng, loo|lng and knowlng, and so bocamo
ono puro and c|oan a||-porvadlng proclous Bodbl. Tbls ls wb
l can tako on dllloront wondorlu| lorms and mastor a count-
|oss numbor ol osotorlc mantras. l can appoar wltb ono,
tbroo, llvo, sovon, nlno, o|ovon and up to 0S, ,000, 0,000
and S4,000 sovorolgn (cakra) lacos, wltb two, lour, slx, olgbt,
ton, two|vo, lourtoon, slxtoon, olgbtoon, twont, twont-lour
and up to 0S, ,000, 0,000 and S4,000 arms maklng var-
lous gosturos (mudr5s), and wltb two, tbroo, lour, nlno up to
0S, ,000, 0,000 and S4,000 c|oan and puro proclous
oos, oltbor morcllu| or wratblu|, and ln a stato oltbor ol stl||
lmporturbabl|lt (db5na-sam5dbl) or ol abso|uto wlsdom
(pra5) to savo and protoct |lvlng bolngs so tbat tbo can
ono groat lroodom.
2. `Bocauso ol m modltatlon b moans ol tbo (organ
ol) boarlng, wblcb rosu|tod ln m dlsongagomont lrom tbo slx
sonso data, |lko a sound golng tbrougb a wa|| wltbout bln-
dranco, l can, wltb oacb appoaranco and wltb tbo ald ol oacb
mantra, bostow loar|ossnoss upon (sullorlng) bolngs ln coun-
trlos as count|oss as dust ln tbo ton dlroctlons ln wblcb l am
rogardod as tbo Glvor ol Daunt|ossnoss.
3. `Bocauso ol tbo porloctlon wblcb l won b sub|lmat-
lng tbo approprlato organ, |lvlng bolngs ln countrlos wblcb l
vlslt (|a down tbolr doslros and attacbmonts and) ollor tbolr
bodlos and troasuros to lmp|oro m compasslon.
4. `As bavo roa|lzod tbo Buddba mlnd and attalnod
U|tlmato (Roa|lt) l can mako ollorlngs to tbo Tatb5gatas ln
ton dlroctlons and satlsl |lvlng bolngs ln tbo slx wor|ds wbo
sook (vlrtuous) wlvos, (good) sons, sam5dbl, |ong |llo and
ovon parlnlrv5na.
`As tbo Buddba now asks about tbo bost moans ol por-
loctlon, m motbod wblcb conslsts ln rogu|atlng tbo organ ol
boarlng so as to qulot tbo mlnd lor lts ontr lnto tbo stroam ol
modltatlon |oadlng to tbo stato ol Sam5dbl and attalnmont ol
En|lgbtonmont ls tbo bost.
`Wor|d Honourod Ono, tbat Buddba pralsod m oxco|-
|ont motbod ol porloctlon and gavo mo, ln tbo prosonco ol
tbo assomb|, tbo-namo ol Ava|okltosvara. Bocauso ol m
a||-ombraclng (abso|uto lunctlon ol) boarlng, m namo ls
known ovorwboro.`
Tboroupon, tbo Buddba, lrom Hls |lon-soat, sont out
lrom tbo llvo mombors ol Hls bod, ras ol |lgbt wblcb roacbod
and sbono on tbo boads ol tbo Tatb5gatas and Bodblsattvas
count|oss as dust ln tbo ton dlroctlons. ln roturn count|oss
Tatb5gatas sont back ras ol |lgbt wblcb sbono on tbo boads ol
tbo Buddba, groat Bodblsattvas and Arbats ln tbo assomb|,
causlng tbo grovos and stroams to lntono tbo Dbarma and un-
countab|o ras ol |lgbt to lntor|aco ln proclous nots, a spoctac|o
novor soon boloro. As, a rosu|t, a|| (tbo Bodblsattvas and
Arbats ln tbo assomb|) roa|lzod tbo Dlamond Sam5dbl. At tbo
samo tlmo sbowors ol groon, o||ow, rod and wblto |otus b|os-
soms turnod tbo wbo|o ol spaco lnto a sovon co|ourod oxpanso
and causod mountalns, rlvors and tbo groat oartb to dlsappoar
and a|| tbo count|oss otbor roa|ms to morgo lnto ono unlvorso
ll||od wltb songs and rocltatlons.
Tboroupon, tbo Tatb5gata sald to Mausri: `Son ol tbo
Dbarma klng, tboso twont-llvo Bodblsattvas and Arbats
wbo no |ongor nood to stud and |oarn, bavo ro|atod tbo ox-
podlont motbods usod b tbom at tbo start ol tbolr practlco
lor tbolr roa|lzatlon ol Bodbl. ln roa|lt oacb ol tboso motbods
doos not dlllor lrom, and ls noltbor suporlor nor lnlorlor to tbo
otbors. To|| mo wblcb ono ol tbom ls sultab|o to nanda so
tbat bo can awakon to lt and wblcb ono ls oas ol acblovo-
mont, lor tbo bonollt ol |lvlng bolngs wbo, altor m nlrv5na,
wlsb to practlso wltb tbo Bodblsattva voblc|o ln tbolr soarcb
lor Supromo Bodbl.`
57. Tbls rovoa|s tbo b|lsslu| roa|m ol Ava|okltosvara`s roward-bod (sambbogak5a) wboroln a||
dua|ltlos and contrarlos aro rop|acod b a unllorm stato ol Sub|lmo Maost.
Majurs Gth Teaching the Appropriate
Method for Human Beings
As commandod, Mausri roso lrom bls soat, prostratod blm-
so|l wltb bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba and rovoront|
cbantod tbo lo||owlng g5tb5:
Porloct and c|oar b naturo ls tbo Bodbl ocoan,
Puro and lau|t|oss Bodbl ls ln ossonco wondorlu|.
lts lundamonta| brlgbtnoss sbono, so b cbanco croatlng
An oboct wblcb tbon obscurod lts radlant naturo.
Tbus ln do|uslon tboro appoarod ono-sldod omptlnoss
ln wblcb an lmaglnar wor|d arbltrarl| was bul|t.
Stoadlng ltso|l, tbo tblnklng procoss mado tbo contlnonts
Wbl|o tbo (l||usor) knowor bocamo a |lvlng bolng.
Tbo voldnoss so croatod wltbln Bodbl
ls but a bubb|o ln tbo ocoan. Wor|d|
Roa|ms, count|oss as tbo dust, aroso
ln tbls (ro|atlvo) omptlnoss.
Wbon tbo bubb|o bursts, tbo vold`s unroa|lt
ls oxposod: bow mucb moro so ls tbat ol tbo tbroo roa|ms
Tbougb a|| roturn to Ono Naturo at tbo sourco,
Tboro aro man oxpodlont motbods lor tbo purposo.
Tbougb bo| naturo porvados a||, dlroct
Or lnvorso motbods aro oxpodlonts,
Honco now| lnltlatod mlnds ol dllloront
Aptltudos aro qulck or s|ow to ontor Sam5dbl.
Form wblcb lrom tbougbt crsta||lzos
ls, too dllllcu|t to |ook tbrougb.
How can porloctlon bo acblovod
Tbrougb tbls lmponotrab|o lorm
Sound, volco, word and spoocb aro oacb
Conllnod to spoclllc dollnltlon
Wblcb b ltso|l ls not a|| ombraclng.
How can tbo bo|p porloctlon to acblovo
Smo||, porcolvod wbon ln contact wltb tbo noso,
Wltbout tbat contact ls non-oxlstont.
How can tbat wblcb ls not a|was prosont
Bo a moans to acblovo porloctlon
Tasto oxlsts not ol ltso|l, but ls
Porcolvod wbon l|avour`s prosont.
Slnco sonso ol tasto ls ovor varlod
How can lt to porloctlon |oad
Toucb oxlsts wbon tboro`s an oboct toucbod,
Wltbout an oboct toucb ls naugbt.
Slnco contact and lts absonco aro not constant,
How can toucb bo|p to acblovo porloctlon
Dbarma ls lnnor doll|omont ca||od,
Ro|lanco tboroon lmp|los an oboct.
Slnco suboct and oboct aro not a|| ombraclng,
How can dbarma |oad ono to porloctlon
Tbo organ ol slgbt, a|tbougb porcolvlng c|oar|,
Soos tblngs ln lront but cannot soo boblnd.
How can partla| (slgbt ol) tbo lour quartors
Ho|p ono to acblovo porloctlon
Tbo lnward and tbo outward broatb
Havo no |lnk unltlng tbom.
How can tbo, tbus unconnoctod,
Bo usod to acblovo porloctlon
Tbo tonguo ls uso|oss toucblng notblng,
Wbon l|avour ls prosont, tboro ls tasto
Wblcb vanlsbos wbon l|avour`s absont.
How can tbls bo|p to acblovo porloctlon
Bod must bo condltlonod to tbo oboct toucbod,
Botb cannot bo usod lor a|| ombraclng modltatlon
Wblcb ls boond botb suboct and oboct wltb tbolr |lmlts.
How can tbls sorvo to acblovo porloctlon
Tbo tumu|t ol tblnklng wltb tbo mlnd dlsturbs
Tbo soronlt ol rlgbt porcoptlon.
Slnco stlrrlng tbougbts aro most bard to oradlcato
How can lnto||oct sorvo to acblovo porloctlon
Unlon ol consclousnoss wltb oo and slgbt
Has tbroo compononts tbat aro not sott|od.
How can tbat wblcb ls dovold ol substanco
Bo usod as a moans to wln porloctlon
Tbo boarlng mlnd wblcb roacbos lnto spaco
Noods a groat causo lor lts dovo|opmont,
But untralnod mon cannot roa|lzo lt.
How can tbls bo|p to acblovo porloctlon
Modltatlon on tbo noso ls on| an oxpodlont
Moans to contro| tbo mlnd b llxlng lt lor tbo momont,
But wrong dwo||lng can croato an l||usor abodo.
How can tbls bo usod to acblovo porloctlon
Proacblng tbo Dbarma p|as upon volco and words,
But awakonlng occurrod durlng practlco |ong ago,
Words and spoocbos novor golng boond tbo wor|d| stroam.
How can tbls bo a moans to acblovo porloctlon
Obsorvanco ol ru|os ol dlsclp|lno contro|s
Tbo bod but novor tbat wblcb ls boond lt.
Slnco contro| ol bod ls not a|| ombraclng
How can tbls sorvo to acblovo porloctlon
Transcondonta| powors como lrom a lormor causo,
How can tbo dorlvo lrom dlscrlmlnatlng consclousnoss
Slnco tblnklng lrom oxtorna|s cannot stra,
How can lt sorvo to acblovo porloctlon
ll tbo o|omont ol oartb bo usod lor contomp|atlon,
lt ls so|ld and cannot bo ponotratod,
Bo|onglng to tbo wor|d| lt |acks splrltua|lt.
How can lt bo usod to acblovo porloctlon
ll modltatlon bo on tbo o|omont ol wator,
Tbo tbougbts tbat tbon arlso bavo no roa|lt.
Boond loo|lng and soolng ls tbo abso|uto,
How tbon can wator bo|p to acblovo porloctlon
ll lor modltatlon tbo o|omont ol llro bo usod,
Dls|lko ol doslro ls not comp|oto ronunclatlon,
`Tls no oxpodlont lor now| lnltlatod mlnds.
How tbon can llro bocomo a moans to acblovo porloctlon
ll modltatlon ls on tbo o|omont ol wlnd,
Motlon and stl||noss aro a la|so dua|lt
From wblcb Supromo Bodbl cannot dovo|op.
How can wlnd sorvo to acblovo porloctlon
ll tbo o|omont ol spaco bo usod lor modltatlon,
lts dlmnoss and du||noss cannot bo on|lgbtonmont.
Slnco wbato`or ls unon|lgbtonod dlllors mucb lrom Bodbl,
How can tbo o|omont ol spaco bo|p to acblovo porloctlon
ll on tbo o|omont ol consclousnoss ou modltato,
lt cbangos and ls not pormanont.
Tbo mlnd llxod on lt bolng la|so
How can tbat o|omont tbon bo|p ou to acblovo porloctlon
Pbonomona aro a|| lmpormanont,
Tblnklng orlglna|| comos and goos.
Slnco causo wl|| ovor dlllor lrom olloct,
How can tbo o|omont ol porcoptlon acblovo porloctlon
l now submlt to tbo Wor|d Honourod Ono
Tbat a|| Buddbas ln tbls wor|d appoar
To toacb tbo most approprlato motbod
Wblcb conslsts ln uslng porvaslvo sound.
Tbo stato ol Sam5dbl can bo
Roa|lzod b moans ol boarlng.
Tbus was Ava|okltosvara lrood lrom sullorlng.
Hal| to tbo Rogardor ol sound
Wbo, durlng aoons count|oss as Gangos` sand,
Entorod as man Buddba |ands to wln
Tbo powor and comlort ol bls lndopondonco
And bostow loar|ossnoss upon a|| |lvlng bolngs.
O ou wbo (bavo acblovod) tbo sound prolound,
Tbo soor ol sound,
ol sound tbo purlllor,
5S. Tbo Bodblsattva`s powor to tako on tblrt-two translormatlon-bodlos.
5. Hls powor to bostow lourtoon klnds ol loar|ossnoss upon a|| |lvlng bolngs.
60. Hls modltatlon on sound |oadlng to o|lmlnatlon ol ogo.
6. Hls modltatlon on wor|d| sound to roa|lzo two unsurpassod morlts.
62. Hls lmmunlzatlon lrom a|| attacbmonts b moans ol modltatlon on sound.
Wbo, unlal|lng as tbo sound ol ocoan tldos,
savos a|| bolngs
ln tbo wor|d mako
Tbom socuro, onsuro tbolr |lboratlon and attalnmont ol otornlt.
Rovoront| l doc|aro to tbo Tatb5gata
Wbat Ava|okltosvara sald:
Wbon ono dwo||s ln qulotudo,
Ro||s ol drums lrom ton dlroctlons
Slmu|tanoous| aro board,
So boarlng ls comp|oto and porloct.
Tbo oos cannot plorco a scroon,
But noltbor can moutb nor noso,
Bod on| loo|s wbon lt ls toucbod.
Mlnd`s tbougbts aro conlusod and unconnoctod,
(But) volco wbotbor noar or lar
At a|| tlmos can bo board.
Tbo llvo otbor organs aro not porloct,
But boarlng roa|| ls porvaslvo.
Tbo prosonco or absonco ol sound and volco
ls roglstorod b oar as `ls` or `ls not`.
Absonco ol sound moans notblng board,
Not boarlng dovold ol naturo.
Absonco ol sound ls not tbo ond ol boarlng,
And sound wbon prosont ls not lts boglnnlng.
Tbo lacu|t ol boarlng, boond croatlon
And annlbl|atlon, tru| ls pormanont.
Evon wbon lso|atod tbougbts ln a droam arlso,
63. Hls roa|lzatlon ol unlvorsa|lt tbat causos blm a|was to rospond to tbo noods ol otbors |lko tbo tldo
tbat novor lal|s to rlso and la||.
Tbougb tbo tblnklng procoss stops, boarlng doos not ond,
For tbo lacu|t ol boarlng ls boond
A|| tbougbt, boond botb mlnd and bod.
ln tbls Sab5 wor|d
Toacblng ls b volco.
Llvlng bolngs wbo cognlzo not boarlng`s naturo,
Fo||ow sound to contlnuo transmlgratlng.
Tbougb nanda momorlzod a|| tbat bo bad
Hoard, bo cou|d not avold porvortod tbougbts.
Tbls ls to la|| lnto sams5ra b c|lnglng to sound,
Wbl|st roa|lt ls won agalnst tbo wor|d| stroam.
Llston, nanda, |lston c|oso|,
ln tbo namo ol Buddba l proc|alm
Tbo Vara Klng ol En|lgbtonmont,
Tbo lnconcolvab|o undorstandlng tbat l||uslons
Aro unroa|, tbo truo Sam5dbl tbat bogots a|| Buddbas.
You ma boar ol osotorlc motbods
From Buddbas count|oss as tbo dust,
But ll ou cannot oradlcato
Doslro, to boar mucb causos orrors.
To boar our vor So|l, wb not turn backward
Tbat lacu|t omp|ood to boar Buddba`s words
Hoarlng ls not ol ltso|l,
But owos lts namo to sound.
Frood lrom sound b turnlng boarlng backwards,
Wbat do ou ca|| tbat wblcb ls dlsongagod
Wbon ono sonso organ bas to lts sourco roturnod,
A|| tbo slx sonsos tborob aro |lboratod.
Soolng and boarlng aro |lko optlca| l||uslons,
Just as a|| tbroo wor|ds rosomb|o l|owors ln tbo sk.
Wltb boarlng dlsongagod, tbo l||usor organ vanlsbos,
Wltb obocts oradlcatod, porloct| puro ls Bodbl
ln uttor purlt, tbo brlgbt |lgbt porvados a||,
Wltb lts sblnlng stl||noss onlo|dlng tbo groat vold.
A|| wor|d| tblngs, wbon c|oso| |ookod at,
Aro but l||uslons soon ln droams.
Droam-|lko was tbo M5tangi maldon:
How cou|d sbo koop our bod wltb bor
Llko a c|ovor sbowman
Prosontlng a puppot p|a,
Tbougb movomonts aro man,
Tboro ls but ono contro||or.
Wbon tbat contro| ls stoppod,
Flguros sbow no naturo.
Llkowlso aro tbo slx organs,
Dorlvod lrom ono 5|aa
Wblcb dlvldos lnto slx unlons.
ll ono ol tboso roturns to sourco,
A|| slx lunctlons aro ondod.
Wltb a|| lnloctlon ondod,
Bodbl ls tbon roa|lzod.
An doll|lng romnant roqulros lurtbor stud
Wboroas lu|| on|lgbtonmont ls tbo Tatb5gata.
nanda and a|| ou wbo |lston boro
Sbou|d lnward turn our lacu|t
Ol boarlng to boar our own naturo
Wblcb a|ono acblovos Supromo Bodbl.
Tbat ls bow on|lgbtonmont ls won.
Buddbas as man as tbo Gangos` sand
Entorod tbls ono gatowa to Nlrv5na.
A|| past Tatb5gatas
Havo acblovod tbls motbod.
A|| Bodblsattvas now
Entor tbls porloctlon.
A|| wbo practlso ln tbo luturo
On tbls Dbarma sbou|d ro|.
Ava|okltosvara dld not practlso
lt a|ono, bocauso tbrougb lt l a|so passod.
Tbo En|lgbtonod and Wor|d Honourod Ono
Has askod about tbo bost oxpodlonts
For tboso ln tbo Dbarma ondlng ago
Wbo wlsb lrom sams5ra to oscapo
ln tbolr soarcb lor Nlrv5na`s boart.
lt ls bost to contomp|ato on wor|d| sound:
A|| otbor motbods aro oxpodlonts
Usod b Buddba ln partlcu|ar casos
To koop dlsclp|os lrom occaslona| troub|o.
Tbo aro not good lor lndlscrlmlnato practlco
B mon ol dllloront tpos.
l sa|uto tbo Tatb5gata Storo
Wblcb ls boond tbo wor|d| stroam.
B|ossod bo comlng gonoratlons
So tbat tbo bavo (abldlng) laltb
ln tbls oas oxpodlont.
`Tls good lor toacblng nanda
And tboso ol tbo Dbarma ondlng ago
Wbo sbou|d uso tbo boarlng organ
Wblcb surpassos a|| otbors
And wltb tbo Truo Mlnd accords.
(Altor boarlng tbls) nanda and tbo assomb| (lo|t) tbolr bod-
los and mlnds to bo ln tuno wltb tbo prolound toacblng. To
tbom tbo Buddba`s Bodbl and Parlnlrv5na woro |lko tbo wa
bomo wblcb a travo||or sbou|d know wo|| boloro roturnlng
lrom a |ong ourno abroad. Otbors prosont, sucb as tbo olgbt
c|assos ol non-buman bolngs,
studonts ol Hina5na and
Bodblsattvas wbo bad ust dovo|opod tbo Bodbl Mlnd and
wboso numbor was count|oss as tbo sand ln ton Gangos rlv-
ors, awakonod to tbolr lundamonta| mlnds, avoldod doll|o-
mont and won tbo puro Dbarma oo. Altor boarlng tbo g5tb5,
Bblku So|l-Naturo roa|lzod arbatsblp and an uncountab|o
numbor ol |lvlng bolngs dovo|opod tbo unsurpassod Samak-
sambodbl mlnd.

64. Cl. Cb`an and Zon Toacblng, Tblrd Sorlos, p. 27S, noto 3, lor a doscrlptlon ol tbo olgbt c|assos ol
splrlts wbo a|was camo wbon tbo Buddba proacbod tbo Dbarma.
The Enlightenment of Others
nanda adustod bls robo, brougbt bls pa|ms togotbor and
prostratod blmso|l wltb bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba.
Ho roolcod at bls good undorstandlng ol tbo mlnd and, lor
tbo bonollt ol comlng gonoratlons, bowod agaln and sald: `O
groat Compasslonato and Wor|d Honourod Ono, l bavo now
awakonod to tbo Dbarma gatowa to Buddbabood b moans
ol rlgbt practlco about wblcb l bavo no moro doubt. l bavo
a|was board tbo Buddba spoak ol Bodblsattvas wbo, boloro
tbolr own |lboratlon, sot tbolr mlnds on lroolng otbors, and ol
Buddbas wbo, altor tbolr own comp|oto on|lgbtonmont, ap-
poarod ln tbo wor|d to on|lgbton otbors. Tbougb l am not ot
|lboratod, l now vow to do|lvor a|| |lvlng bolngs ln tbo Dbarma
ondlng ago.
`Wor|d Honourod Ono, luturo gonoratlons wl|| gradu-
a|| movo lartbor awa lrom tbo Buddba and (wl|| moot)
borotlcs as man as tbo sand gralns ln tbo Gangos. ln ordor
to contro| tbolr mlnds lor ontr lnto Sam5dbl, wbat sbou|d
tbo do to sot up soats ol stud and |oarnlng (bodblmanda|a)
to koop tbo domon awa and avold lal|uro (ln tbolr cu|tlva-
tlon) ol tbo mlnd sot on on|lgbtonmont`
Tbo Buddba pralsod nanda and sald: `Exco||ont,
nanda, oxco||ont, (lt ls good tbat) ou ask about tbo sottlng
up ol bodblmanda|as lor tbo protoctlon ol |lvlng bolngs
agalnst lal|uro ln tbo Dbarma ondlng ago. Llston attontlvo|
to wbat l now to|| ou.`
nanda and tbo assomb| rovoront| awaltod tbo (bo|)
Discipline & its Three Decisive Steps:
la, Dhyna, & Prajna
Tbo Buddba sald: `nanda, ou bavo a|was board mo
toacb about dlsclp|lno (vlnaa) wblcb conslsts ln tbo prac-
tlco ol tbroo doclslvo stops, tbo contro| ol mlnd, ca||od si|a
wblcb |oads to stl||noss (db5na) and tbonco to wlsdom
(pra5). Tbls ls ca||od tbo tbroolo|d stud ol tbo supramun-
dano wa.
Prohibition against carnality
`nanda, wb ls contro| ol mlnd ca||od si|a ll a|| |lvlng bolngs
ln tbo slx wor|ds ol oxlstonco abstaln lrom soxua| doslro, tbo
wl|| not bo suboct to tbo contlnua| round ol blrtbs and
doatbs. Your practlco ol Sam5dbl sbou|d lroo ou lrom do-
ll|omonts but tbo cannot bo o|lmlnatod ll our |ustlu| mlnd
ls not wlpod out. Evon altor ou bavo acqulrod sucb wlsdom,
ll ou lal| to kl|| sonsua|lt, tbon wbon db5na manllosts,
ou wl|| la|| lnto tbo wa ol domons ln wblcb tbolr klng takos
tbo blgb, bls ma|o subocts tbo mldd|o and bls loma|o subocts
tbo |ow rank. Tboso domons bavo tbolr lo||owlng and boast
65. Tbls ls tbo wor|d| db5na. Cl. Cb`an and Zon Toacblng, Tblrd Sorlos, p. 44, noto , lor tbo tbroo
klnds ol db5na.
ol bavlng attalnod tbo Supromo Patb. Altor m nlrv5na, ln
tbo Dbarma ondlng ago, tboso subocts ol M5ra wl|| bo lound
ovorwboro, wl|| oncourago sonsua|lt and wl|| dlsgulso
tbomso|vos as mon ol good counso| (ka|5namltras) and
causo |lvlng bolngs to la|| lnto tbo plt ol |ust tborob mlsslng
tbo Bodbl patb.
`You sbou|d toacb wor|d| mon wbo practlso Sam5dbl
to cut oll tbolr |ustlu| mlnds at tbo vor start. Tbls ls ca||od tbo
Buddba`s prolound toacblng ol tbo llrst doclslvo dood.
Tboroloro, nanda, ll carna|lt ls not wlpod out, tbo practlco
ol db5na ls |lko cooklng gravo| to mako rlco, ovon ll lt ls
bol|od lor bundrods and tbousands ol aoons, lt wl|| bo on|
bot gravo|. Wb Bocauso lnstoad ol rlco gralns lt contalns
on| stonos. ll ou sot our |ustlu| mlnd on sooklng tbo pro-
lound lrult ol Buddbabood, wbatovor ou ma roa|lzo wl|| bo
carna| b naturo. ll our root ls |ustlu|, ou wl|| bavo to trans-
mlgrato tbrougb tbroo unbapp was (to tbo bo||s ol llro,
b|ood and swords) lrom wblcb ou wl|| not oscapo. How
tbon can ou llnd tbo wa to cu|tlvato tbo Tatb5gata`s nlr-
v5na You sbou|d cut oll botb tbo sonsua| bod and mlnd
untl| ovon tbo vor ldoa ol dolng so coasos, on| tbon can ou
bopo to sook tbo Buddba`s En|lgbtonmont. Tbls toacblng ol
mlno ls tbat ol tbo Buddba wboroas an otbor ono ls tbat ol
ovl| domons (p5pl5n).
Prohibition against killing
`nanda, ll |lvlng bolngs ln tbo slx wor|ds ol oxlstonco coaso
to kl|| tbo wl|| not bo suboct to tbo contlnua| round ol blrtbs
and doatbs. Your practlco ol Sam5dbl sbou|d lroo ou lrom
doll|ornonts but ll our murdorous mlnd ls not cut oll, tbo
cannot bo o|lmlnatod. You ma acqulro mucb wlsdom but ll
ou lal| to stop kl||lng, wbon db5na manllosts, ou wl|| la||
lnto tbo wa ol splrlts, ln wblcb tbo blgb rank ls attalnod b
tbo mlgbt gbost (prota), tbo mldd|o ono b l|lng aksas and
cblol gbosts, and tbo |ow ono b oartb-bound r5ksasas.
Tboso bavo lo||owors and boas tbat tbo bavo attalnod tbo
Supromo Patb. Altor m nlrv5na, ln tbo Dbarma ondlng ago,
tboso gbosts wl|| bo lound tbrougbout ln tbo wor|d, and wl||
boast ol bow tbo lood on l|osb wblcb |oads tbom to roa|lzo
Bodbl. nanda, l pormlt tbo bblksus to oat on| tbo llvo
klnds ol puro l|osb
wblcb aro tbo product ol m transcon-
donta| powor ol translormatlon and not ol anlma| s|augbtor.
You, Brabman, |lvo ln a countr wboro vogotab|os do not
grow bocauso lt ls too damp and bot and bocauso ol a|| tbo
gravo| and rock. l uso m splrltua| powor ol compasslon to
provldo ou wltb l||usor moat to satlsl our appotlto. How
tbon, altor m nlrv5na, can ou oat tbo l|osb ol |lvlng bolngs
and so protond to bo m dlsclp|o You sbou|d know tbat
tboso wbo oat moat, tbougb tbolr mlnds ma opon and roa|-
lzo a somb|anco ol Sam5dbl, aro but groat r5ksasas wbo,
altor tbls |llo, wl|| slnk back lnto tbo blttor ocoan ol sams5ra
and cannot bo m dlsclp|os. Tbo wl|| kl|| and dovour ono
anotbor coaso|oss|, bow tbon can tbo oscapo lrom tbo
tbroo wor|ds ol oxlstonco
66. Tbo llvo klnds ol puro l|osb wblcb ma bo oaton b a boglnnor wbo doos not soo, boar ol, or doubt
about tbo anlma| bavlng boon kl||od purposo| lor blm to oat, but ls cortaln tbat lt oltbor dlod
natura|| or tbat lts l|osb bad boon abandonod b blrds ol pro.
`ln addltlon ou sbou|d toacb wor|d| mon wbo prac-
tlso Sam5dbl not to kl||. Tbls ls ca||od tbo Buddba`s prolound
toacblng ol tbo socond doclslvo dood. Tboroloro, nanda, ll
kl||lng ls not stoppod, tbo practlco ol db5na-sam5dbl ls |lko
sbuttlng ono`s oars wbl|o crlng ln tbo bopo tbat poop|o wl||
not boar ono`s volco, or |lko trlng to bldo somotblng tbat ls
a|road oxposod to lu|| vlow. A|| bblksus wbo |lvo puro| and
a|| Bodblsattvas a|was rolraln ovon lrom wa|klng on tbo
grass, bow can tbo agroo to uproot lt How tbon can tboso
wbo practlso groat compasslon lood on tbo l|osb and b|ood
ol |lvlng bolngs ll bblksus do not woar garmonts mado ol
(Cblnoso) sl|k, boots ol |oca| |oatbor and lurs, and rolraln
lrom consumlng ml|k, croam and buttor, tbo wl|| roa|| bo
|lboratod lrom tbo wor|d|, altor palng tbolr lormor dobts,
tbo wl|| not transmlgrato ln tbo tbroo roa|ms ol oxlstonco.
Wb Bocauso b uslng anlma| products, ono croatos causos
(wblcb aro a|was lo||owod b ollocts), ust |lko a man wbo
oats coroa|s grown ln tbo sol| and wboso loot cannot |oavo tbo
ground. ll a man can (contro|) bls bod and mlnd and tboro-
b rolralns lrom oatlng anlma| l|osb and woarlng anlma|
products, l sa bo wl|| roa|| bo |lboratod. Tbls toacblng ol
mlno ls tbat ol tbo Buddba wboroas an otbor ls tbat ol ovl|
Prohibition against stealing
`Furtbor, nanda, ll |lvlng bolngs ln tbo slx wor|ds ol oxlst-
onco coaso to stoa|, tbo wl|| not bo suboct to tbo contlnua|
round ol blrtbs and doatbs. Your practlco ol Sam5dbl sbou|d
lroo ou lrom doll|omonts, but ll our robbor`s mlnd ls not
wlpod out, tbo cannot bo o|lmlnatod. You ma acqulro
mucb wlsdom but ll ou do not stop stoa|lng, wbon db5na
manllosts, ou wl|| la|| lnto tbo wa ol dovl|s ln wblcb tbo blgb
rank ls attalnod b cunnlng splrlts, tbo lntormodlato ono b
ovl| splrlts and tbo |ow ono b bodovl||od mon. Tboso dovl|s
bavo tbolr lo||owlng and boast tbat tbo attaln Supromo
Bodbl. Altor m nlrv5na, ln tbo Dbarma ondlng ago, tboso
dovl|s wl|| bo lound ovorwboro ln tbo wor|d. Tbo wl|| bldo
tbolr porlld, poso as mon ol good counso| and doc|aro tbat
tbo bavo won tbo Suporlor Dbarma to docolvo tbo lgnorant
wbo wl|| tbus |oso tbolr mlnds, wborovor tbo pass, tbo wl||
causo unto|d mlsorlos to tbolr bo|lovors.
`Tbls ls wb l toacb tbo bblksus to bog lor lood so tbat
tbo can ovorcomo cupldlt and roa|lzo Bodbl. Tbo do not
cook tbomso|vos and pass tbolr romalnlng oars as transltor
travo||ors ln tbo tbroo roa|ms ol oxlstonco to provo tbolr |ast
transmlgratlon wltbout lncarnatlng agaln. How can tblovos
wbo woar tbo Sangba robo, act as Tatb5gata-mongors
and commlt karmlc doods, c|alm tbat tbo a|| proacb tbo
Buddba Dbarma Tbo aro not (truo) |oavors ol bomo and
aro not ordalnod Hina5na bblksus. Tbo docolvo an lnca|-
cu|ab|o numbor ol |lvlng bolngs causlng tbom to la|| lnto tbo
roa|m ol unlntormlttont bo||s.
`Altor m nlrv5na, ll tboro ls a bblksu wbo, ln tokon ol
bls dotormlnatlon to practlso Sam5dbl, |lgbts ln lront ol an
67. Tbls torm ls lroquont| lound ln Buddblst Scrlpturos and moans an unscrupu|ous porson wbo
knows notblng about tbo Dbarma but posos as an oxport ln Mab55na to wln lamo and mako
lmago ol tbo Tatb5gata a torcb (p|antod ln bls bod) or burns
a bono ol bls llngor or an lnconso stlck lnsortod ln bls l|osb, l
sa bo wl|| tbus ropa a|| bls karmlc dobts slnco tbo tlmo wltb-
out boglnnlng, wl|| |oavo tbo wor|d| wa lor ovor and wl||
oscapo lrom tbo stroam ol transmlgratlon, lor a|tbougb bo
bas not ot attalnod Supromo Bodbl, bls mlnd ls a|road sot
doclslvo| on tbo Dbarma. Howovor, wltbout tboso sma||
sacrlllcos, ovon ll bo roa|lzos somotblng, bo wl|| bo roborn as
a buman bolng and wl|| bavo to ropa bls lormor dobts, as l
dld wbon l bad to oat tbo graln lod to borsos.
`Tbon ou sbou|d toacb wor|d| mon wbo practlso
Sam5dbl not to stoa|. Tbls ls ca||od tbo Buddba`s prolound
toacblng ol tbo tblrd doclslvo dood. nanda, ll stoa|lng ls not
stoppod, tbo practlco ol db5na-sam5dbl ls |lko pourlng
wator lnto a vosso| wblcb wl|| novor bo|d lt ln splto ol tbo
passlng ol aoons count|oss as dust. ll tbls bblksu doos not
koop garmonts ln oxcoss ol wbat bo noods, glvos to otbors
a|| lood ln oxcoss ol bls roqulromont, olns bls two pa|ms to
sa|uto tbo communlt and rogards as pralso abuso and
b|ows - tbat ls ll bo ls road to glvo awa bls own l|osb,
bonos and b|ood, and ll bo doos not poso as an oxport lntor-
protor ol tbo oxpodlont lncomp|oto doctrlno and doos not
toacb lt to boglnnors ln ordor not to mls|oad tbom,
Buddba wl|| soa| bls roa|lzatlon ol Sam5dbl. Tbls toacblng ol
mlno ls tbat ol tbo Buddba, wboroas an otbor ls tbat ol ovl|
6S. Tbo Buddba`s lood wbon bo spont tbroo montbs wltb tbo Brabmln ru|or Agnldatta wltb llvo
bundrod monks, ono ol bls ton sullorlngs.
6. Hina5na sbou|d novor bo taugbt to tboso wbo aro rosponslvo on| to Mab55na and vlco-vorsa.
Prohibition against lying
`nanda, ll |lvlng bolngs ln tbo slx wor|ds ol oxlstonco, altor
c|oanslng tbolr bodlos and mlnds lrom kl||lng, stoa|lng and
carna|lt, contlnuo to |lo, tbo wl|| lal| to roa|lzo Sam5dbl and
wl|| bocomo domons (ll||od wltb) prldo and proudlco. As a ro-
su|t, tbo wl|| |oso tbo Tatb5gata sood and, ln tbolr soarcb lor
wor|d| lamo, wl|| c|alm tbat tbo bavo acblovod and roa|lzod
wbat roa|| tbo bavo not. Tbo boast ol tbolr roa|lzatlon ol
tbo statos ol srota-5panna, sakrd5g5mln, an5g5mln, arbat
and pratoka-buddba and tbo ton stagos ol Bodblsattva do-
vo|opmont, ln ordor to attract bo|lovors wbo wl|| mako ollor-
lngs to tbom lor tbo atonomont ol slns. Tboso unbo|lovors
(lccbantlka) wl|| dostro tbo Buddba sood as oasl| as cuttlng
lnto tbo trunk ol a pa|m wltb a sbarp cboppor (to stop lt lrom
growlng). Tbo Buddba prodlcts tbat tboso poop|o wl|| dostro
tbolr oxco||ont roots, wl|| not rogaln common sonso, wl|| slnk
lnto tbo tbroo ocoans (roa|ms) ol sullorlng and wl|| novor
acblovo Sam5dbl.
`l now command Bodblsattvas and Arbats to appoar, ln
tbo Dbarma ondlng ago altor m nlrv5na, ln a|| approprlato
translormatlon bodlos to savo tboso caugbt ln tbo wboo| ol
sams5ra. Tbo sbou|d como as monks, |a dlsclp|os, prlncos,
mlnlstors, bos, glr|s, and ovon as prostltutos, wldows,
roguos, tblovos, butcbors, pod|ars, otc., to koop compan
wltb tbom and pralso tbo Buddba Dbarma ln tbolr prosonco
so as to convort tbom and urgo tbom to practlso lt. ln so dolng
tbo sbou|d not dlsc|oso tbat tbo aro truo Bodblsattvas and
Arbats. Tbo wl|| not rovoa| to boglnnors tbo Buddba`s oso-
torlc causo but wbon tbo aro about to dlo, tbo wl|| socrot|
sbow somo prool ol tbolr on|lgbtonmont (to lncroaso tbolr
dlsclp|os` laltb ln tbo Dbarma). How tbon can sucb porsons
docolvo |lvlng bolngs b to||lng do|lborato |los
`You sbou|d toacb wor|d| mon wbo practlso Sam5dbl
not to |lo. Tbls ls ca||od tbo Buddba`s prolound toacblng ol
tbo lourtb doclslvo dood. nanda, ll |lng ls not stoppod, tbo
practlco ol db5na-sam5dbl ls |lko coplng ln oxcromont a
sanda|wood statuo and oxpoctlng lt to bo lragrant, wblcb ls
lmposslb|o. l toacb tbo bblksus to dovo|op a stralgbtlorward
mlnd wblcb ls tbo tomp|o ol on|lgbtonmont (bodblmanda|a)
and to bo rlgbtoous ln tbolr common acts ol dal| |llo, wbl|o
wa|klng, standlng, slttlng and roc|lnlng. How can a |lar pro-
tond tbat bo bas roa|lzod tbo Supromo Dbarma Tbls ls |lko a
poor man proc|almlng blmso|l a klng, bo wl|| on| lnvlto trou-
b|o and mlslortuno. Stl|| |oss can bo usurp tbo (tbrono ol tbo)
Klng ol tbo Law. ll tbo causa| ground ls la|so, lts lrult wl|| bo
dlstortod, and tbo quost ol Buddba`s En|lgbtonmont wl||
bocomo lmposslb|o.
`ll a bblksu (dovo|ops) a mlnd as stralgbt as a |uto-strlng
and ls trutblu| undor a|| clrcumstancos, bo wl|| avold, ln bls
practlco ol Sam5dbl, a|| troub|os causod b tbo domon. l wl||
soa| bls roa|lzatlon ol tbo Bodblsattva`s Supromo Bodbl. Tbls
toacblng ol mlno ls tbat ol tbo Buddba wboroas an otbor
ono ls tbat ol ovl| domons.`

Bodhisattva Development into
nanda roso lrom bls soat, prostratod blmso|l wltb bls boad
at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba and sald: `Wo woro lgnorant and
sougbt on| (know|odgo b) |lstonlng, tbls ls wb wo lal|od to
lorsako tbo wor|d| mlnd. Now altor wo bavo board wltb
groat bonollt tbo Buddba`s compasslonato lnstructlon on tbo
rlgbt practlco ol sub|lmatlon, our bodlos and mlnds oxporl-
onco groat comlort. Wor|d Honourod Ono, ln tbls practlco ol
Buddba Sam5dbl and boloro attalnlng Nlrv5na, wbat aro tbo
progrosslvo stops lrom tbo manllostatlon ol dr (l.o. unlortl-
|lzod) wlsdom, tbrougb tbo lort-lour stagos ol Bodblsattva
dovo|opmont, to tbo roa|lzatlon ol Unlvorsa| En|lgbtonmont`
Altor salng tbls, bo prostratod blmso|l and togotbor
wltb tbo wbo|o assomb| rovoront| starod at tbo Buddba and
awaltod Hls compasslonato volco.
Tbo Buddba pralsod nanda and sald: `Exco||ont, ox-
co||ont! lt ls good tbat, on boba|l ol tbls assomb| and ol a||
|lvlng bolngs ln tbo Dbarma ondlng ago wbo wl|| practlso
Sam5dbl ln tbolr quost ol Mab55na, ou can ask lor m ln-
structlon on tbo unsurpassod Patb lrom tbo wor|d| condltlon
to (transcondonta|) Parlnlrv5na. Llston attontlvo| to wbat l
now to|| ou.`
nanda and tbo assomb| brougbt tbolr pa|ms togotbor
and concontratod tbolr mlnds to rocolvo tbo Toacblng.
The Tathgata Store from which Arise
Both Sasra & Nirva
Tbo Buddba sald: `nanda, ou sbou|d know tbat tbo abso-
|uto naturo ls comp|oto| on|lgbtonod, lt ls boond namo and
lorm and ls lundamonta|| lroo lrom oltbor tbo wor|d or |lvlng
bolngs. Bocauso ol lgnoranco, tboro arlsos blrtb wblcb ls lo|-
|owod b doatb. So blrtb and doatb aro unroa| and tbo wlp-
lng out ol tbo unroa| brlngs about tbo roa| wblcb ls ca||od
Supromo Bodbl and Parlnlrv5na. Honco tboso torms lmp|
tbo twolo|d transmutatlon (ol k|osa and sams5ra lnto Bodbl
and Nlrv5na). nanda, ll ou now wlsb to acblovo tbo stato
ol Sam5dbl ln ordor dlroct| to roacb tbo Tatb5gata`s Parl-
nlrv5na, ou sbou|d know llrst tbo two lnvortod causos wblcb
|oad to tbo oxlstonco ol |lvlng bolngs and tbo wor|d. Tbo non-
rlslng ol tboso lnvorslons ls tbo Tatb5gata`s truo stato ol
The Origin of Living Beings & the World
`nanda, wbat aro tboso two lnvorslons Bocauso ol tbo
mlnd`s (arbltrar) awaronoss ol tbo (undor|lng) brlgbt
naturo, tbo |attor wblcb ls lundamonta|| on|lgbtonod bo-
comos an oboctlvo (lorm) as opposod to a la|so (porcop-
tlon). Tbus lrom lundamonta| notblngnoss arlsos actua|
pbonomonon. (Tboroloro), tbo oxlstonco (ol lgnoranco) and
lts croatlon (ol tbo wor|d and |lvlng bolngs), tbo causo|oss
causo ol suboctlvo (lgnoranco) and lts oboctlvo croatlon,
and suboctlvo (|lvlng bolngs) dwo||lng ln tbolr oboctlvo
abodo (tbo wor|d) bavo no roa| basls. From (Roa|lt) wblcb
doos not abldo anwboro sprlng tbo wor|d and |lvlng bolngs.
The Inverted Cause of the Existence of Living Beings
`(Wbat ls tbo lnvortod causo ol tbo soomlng oxlstonco ol |lvlng
bolngs) Tbo lau|t awaronoss ol comp|oto| on|lgbtonod
naturo croatos a la|sobood wblcb bas noltbor naturo nor
basls. ll ou wlsb to rostoro tbo roa|, tbls vor wlsb (portalns
to tbo samsarlc mlnd and) ls not ro|atod to abso|uto naturo. ll
tbo unroa| mlnd ls usod to rocovor roa| naturo, tbo |attor wl||
bo unroa| and ol nocosslt tboro lo||ow l||usor blrtb and ox-
lstonco as wo|| as unroa| mlnd and dbarma wblcb wl|| unlo|d
ond|oss| and wl|| galn ln lntonslt tborob croatlng (now)
karma and so rosponsos lrom tboso sbarlng tbo samo karma.
Tbls karmlc rosponslvonoss |oads to tbo lntordopondonco ol
blrtbs and doatbs. Honco tbo lnvortod causo ol tbo soomlng
oxlstonco ol |lvlng bolngs.
The Inverted Cause of the Existence of the World
`nanda, wbat ls tbo lnvortod causo ol tbo wor|d (l.o. tbo
roa|m ol spaco and tlmo) Bocauso ol tbo l||usor oxlstonco
(ol lgnoranco) and lts croatlon (ol tbo wor|d and |lvlng bo-
lngs) tboro arlsos tbo morta| |ot c|lnglng to spaco. Bocauso ol
tbo causo|oss causo ol suboctlvo (lgnoranco) and lts oboc-
tlvo croatlon and bocauso ol suboctlvo (|lvlng bolngs) dwo||-
lng ln tbolr oboctlvo abodo, a|| unlo|dlng contlnuous| and
transltorl|, tlmo arlsos. Tbus tbo tbroo aspocts ol tlmo and
tbo lour cardlna| polnts ol spaco lntormlng|o and comblno to
produco tbo two|vo (3 x 4) catogorlos ol bolngs.
The Twelve Types of Transformation
`Tboroloro, ln tbo wor|d, movomont |oads to sound, sound to
lorm, lorm to smo||, smo|| to toucb, toucb to tasto, and tasto
to tbougbts (dbarma). Tboso slx l||uslons contrlbuto to tbo
lormatlon ol karma wblcb causos tbo dlvlslon lnto two|vo (l.o.
slx l||uslons oacb lor bod and mlnd) dllloront tpos ol
cbango. Honco tbo wboo| turnlng ln sams5ra wboroln tboso
l||usor sonso data ond ln two|vo dllloront translormatlons ln
oacb rotatlon (l.o. oacb la|so tbougbt turns tbo wboo| and
contrlbutos to tboso two|vo tpos ol blrtbs).
The Twelve Groups of Living Beings
`Sucb lnvorslon tbat turns tbo wboo| ol sams5ra, croatos
(two|vo groups ol) spoclos born ol oggs, wombs, bumldlt,
and b translormatlon, bavlng lorms, bolng boond lorm,
tbougbtlu| or tbougbt|oss, bavlng noltbor lorm nor no lorm
and bolng noltbor tbougbtlu| nor tbougbt|oss.
`nanda, bocauso ol tbo turnlng wboo| ol l||uslon ln
(oboctlvo) sams5ra as a rosu|t ol lnvorslon causod b (sub-
octlvo) stlrrlng mlnds, botb suboct and oboct aro ln bar-
mon and comblno to produco lavourab|o condltlons lor
S4,000 rlslng and slnklng conlusod tbougbts wblcb lorm tbo
ombros (ka|a|a) ln oggs lor lncarnatlon as llsbos, blrds, tur-
t|os, snakos, otc.: tbo aro lound ln p|ont a|| ovor tbo wor|d.
(Tbls ls blrtb lrom oggs.)
`Bocauso ol tbo turnlng wboo| ol mora| lnloctlon ln (ob-
octlvo) sams5ra as a rosu|t ol lnvorslon causod b (suboc-
tlvo) sonsua| mlnds, botb suboct and oboct sustaln oacb
otbor and comblno to produco lavourab|o condltlons lor
S4,000 conluslng dlvorgont tbougbts wblcb bocomo lootusos
(arbuda) ln tbo wombs lor lncarnatlon as mon, anlma|s,
dragons, lmmorta| bolngs, otc., tbo aro lound ln p|ont a||
ovor tbo wor|d. (Tbls ls blrtb lrom wombs.)
`Bocauso ol tbo turnlng wboo| ol attacbmont ln (oboc-
tlvo) sams5ra as a rosu|t ol lnvorslon causod b (suboctlvo)
cravlng mlnds, botb suboct and oboct lnl|amo oacb otbor
and comblno to produco lavourab|o condltlons lor S4,000
vacl||atlng conlusod tbougbts wblcb bocomo damp ombros
(posi) ln bumldlt lor lncarnatlon as craw|lng lnsocts and
wrlgg|lng worms, tbo aro lound ln p|ont a|| ovor tbo wor|d.
(Tbls ls blrtb lrom bumldlt.)
`Bocauso ol tbo turnlng wboo| ol cbango ln (oboctlvo)
sams5ra as a rosu|t ol lnvorslon causod b (suboctlvo) docolt-
lu| mlnds, botb suboct and oboct stlmu|ato oacb otbor and
comblno to produco lavourab|o condltlons lor S4,000
cbanglng conlusod tbougbts taklng tbo sbapo ol so|ld |umps
(gbana) lor lncarnatlon as bolngs wblcb sbod tbolr sklns,
cbango tbolr lorms and l|, tbo aro lound ln p|ont a|| ovor
tbo wor|d. (Tbls ls blrtb b translormatlon.)
`Bocauso ol tbo turnlng wboo| ol stlll dlsposltlons ln
(oboctlvo) sams5ra as a rosu|t ol lnvorslon causod b (sub-
octlvo) blndorlng mlnds, botb suboct and oboct adboro and
comblno to produco lavourab|o condltlons lor S4,000 mstl-
ca|, trans|ucont and conlusod tbougbts wblcb tako so|ld lorm
to lncarnato as poop|o wboso |umlnous qua|lt lorobodos
good and ovl|, tbo aro lound ln p|ont a|| ovor tbo wor|d.
(Tboso aro borotlcs and mstlcs bavlng lorms.)
`Bocauso ol tbo turnlng wboo| ol dlsslpatlng dlsposl-
tlons ln (oboctlvo) sams5ra as a rosu|t ol lnvorslon causod b
(suboctlvo) do|udod mlnds, botb suboct and oboct unlto
wltb du||noss and comblno to produco lavourab|o condltlons
lor S4,000 conluslng mstorlous tbougbts lor lorm|oss ro-
blrtb as bolngs (wboso bodlos and mlnds) aro dlsso|vod ln tbo
groat omptlnoss, tbo aro lound ln p|ont a|| ovor tbo wor|d.
(Tboso aro lorm|oss bolngs.)
`Bocauso ol tbo turnlng wboo| ol lancllu| dlsposltlons ln
(oboctlvo) sams5ra as a rosu|t ol lnvorslon causod b (sub-
octlvo) lmaglnatlvo mlnds, botb suboct and oboct unlto wltb
roco||octlon and comblno to produco lavourab|o condltlons
lor S4,000 |atont and llrm| conlusod tbougbts to bo roborn
as gbosts or splrlts ol tbougbtlu| bolngs, tbo aro lound ln
p|ont a|| ovor tbo wor|d. (Tboso aro tbougbtlu| bolngs.)
`Bocauso ol tbo turnlng wboo| ol du|| dlsposltlons ln
(oboctlvo) sams5ra as a rosu|t ol lnvorslon causod b (sub-
octlvo) stupld mlnds, botb suboct and oboct c|lng to lntract-
ab|onoss and comblno to produco lavourab|o condltlons lor
S4,000 conluslng |llo|oss tbougbts lor roblrtb as splrlts dwo||-
lng ln oartb, troos, mota|s and stonos,
tbo aro tbougbt|oss
70. o.g. bronzo and stono statuos.
bolngs tbat aro lound ln p|ont a|| ovor tbo wor|d. (Tboso aro
tbougbt|oss bolngs.)
`Bocauso ol tbo turnlng wboo| ol parasltlc dlsposltlons
ln (oboctlvo) sams5ra as a rosu|t ol lnvorslon causod b (sub-
octlvo) gul|olu| mlnds, suboct and oboct lnloct oacb otbor
and comblno to produco lavourab|o condltlons lor S4,000
conluslng commonsa| tbougbts lor roblrtb as bolngs wbo aro
lorm|oss, ot bavo lorm, sucb as o||-llsb wblcb uso sbrlmps
as tbolr oos, tbo aro lound ln p|ont a|| ovor tbo wor|d.
(Tboso aro bolngs wblcb aro boond, ot bavo, lorm.)
`Bocauso ol tbo turnlng wboo| ol soductlvo dlsposltlons
ln (oboctlvo) sams5ra as a rosu|t ol lnvorslon causod b (sub-
octlvo) artlu| mlnds, botb suboct and oboct ro| on (maglc
and) spo||s and comblno to produco lavourab|o condltlons
lor S4,000 ontroatlng conlusod tbougbts lor roblrtb as bolngs
wltb lorm, ot lorm|oss, wbo grow woar ol wltcbcralt, tbo
aro lound ln p|ont a|| ovor tbo wor|d. (Tboso aro bolngs wltb
lorm, ot boond lorm.)
`Bocauso ol tbo turnlng wboo| ol docoltlu| dlsposltlons
ln (oboctlvo) sams5ra as a rosu|t ol lnvorslon causod b
(suboctlvo) trlck mlnds, botb suboct and oboct comblno to
produco lavourab|o condltlons lor S4,000 lntorcbanglng
conlusod tbougbts to bo roborn as tbougbtlu| ot tbougbt|oss
bolngs, sucb as wasps wblcb mlstako |arvao ol otbor lnsocts
lor tbolr own, tbo aro lound ln p|ont a|| ovor tbo wor|d.
(Tboso aro tbougbtlu|, ot tbougbt|oss bolngs.)
`Bocauso ol tbo turnlng wboo| ol rovongolu| dlsposl-
tlons ln (oboctlvo) sams5ra as a rosu|t ol lnvorslon causod b
(suboctlvo) murdorous mlnds, botb suboct and oboct unlto
ln wblms and comblno to produco lavourab|o condltlons lor
S4,000 lantastlc tbougbts ol parrlcldo and matrlcldo to bo
roborn as bolngs wbo aro tbougbt|oss, ot tbougbtlu|, sucb as
cortaln ow|s and tlgors wblcb rospoctlvo| dovour tbolr motb-
ors and latbors, tbo aro lound ln p|ont a|| ovor tbo wor|d.
(Tboso aro tbougbt|oss, ot tbougbtlu|, bolngs.)
Transmutation of Sasra into Nirva
`Tbus, nanda, oacb ol tboso spoclos bas lts two|vo klnds ol
lnvorslon wblcb, |lko danclng l|owors soon wbon ono rubs
ono`s oos, ovorturn tbo porloct and puro En|lgbtonod Mlnd
and causo wrong tblnklng. As ou now practlso tbo Buddba-
Sam5dbl, ou sbou|d tako tbroo gradua| stops to doa| wltb tbo
baslc causos ol stlrrlng tbougbts ln ordor to wlpo tbom out.
Tbls ls |lko romovlng polsonous bono lrom a pot b uslng bot
wator mlxod wltb asbos to c|oanso tbo contalnor, on| wbon
tbo |attor ls comp|oto| c|oan can lt bo usod to bo|d ambrosla.
The Three Gradual Steps to Wipe Out Sasra
`Wbat aro tboso tbroo gradua| stops (Tbo aro:) tbo contrlb-
utor practlco to romovo a|| accossor causos, tbo maln prac-
tlco to ob|ltorato tbo baslc causos and tbo progrosslvo practlco
to stop tbo growtb ol karma.
`Wbat aro tbo accossor causos nanda, tboso two|vo
spoclos ln, tbo wor|d owo tbolr oxlstonco to lour was ol lood-
lng: b oatlng,
tblnklng about
and bolng
consclous ol lood.
Tboroloro, tbo Buddba sas tbat a||
|lvlng bolngs dopond on loodlng lor tbolr sta (ln sams5ra).
`nanda, a|| bolngs |lvo ll tbo oat wbo|osomo lood and
dlo ll tbo tako polson. ln tbolr soarcb lor Sam5dbl, tbo
sbou|d abstaln lrom oatlng llvo klnds ol pungont roots (l.o.
gar|lc, tbo tbroo klnds ol onlons and |ooks), ll oaton cookod,
tbo aro apbrodlslac and ll raw, tbo causo lrrltabl|lt.
A|tbougb tboso wbo oat tbom ma road tbo two|vo dlvlslons
ol tbo Mab55na canon, tbo drlvo awa soors (rsl) ln tbo ton
dlroctlons wbo abbor tbo bad odour, and attract bungr
gbosts wbo |lck tbolr |lps. Tbo aro a|was surroundod b
gbosts, and tbolr good lortuno wl|| lado awa da b da to
tbolr own dotrlmont. Wbon tboso oators ol pungont roots
practlso Sam5dbl, nono ol tbo Bodblsattvas, soors and good
splrlts como to protoct tbom, wbl|o tbo mlgbt klng ol
domons takos advantago ol tbo occaslon to appoar as a
Buddba as ll to toacb tbom tbo Dbarma, dolamlng and
broaklng tbo procopts and pralslng carna|lt, angor and stu-
pldlt, at tbolr doatb, tbo wl|| oln bls rotlnuo, and at tbo ond
ol tbolr tlmo ln bls roa|m, tbo wl|| la|| lnto tbo unlntormlttont
bo||. nanda, practlsors ol Sam5dbl sbou|d novor oat tboso
llvo pungont roots. Tbls ls tbo llrst stop ol gradua| practlco.
`Wbat aro tbo baslc causos nanda, tboso practlsors
wbo wlsb to ontor tbo stato ol Sam5dbl sbou|d llrst obsorvo
7. o.g. ln tbo wor|d ol doslro wboro mon actua|| oat lood.
72. o.g. ln tbo wor|d ol gbosts and splrlts wbo on| smo|| tbo odour ol lood to satlsl tbolr bungor.
73. o.g. ln tbo db5na boavons wboro tbo moro tbougbt ol lood satlsllos bungor.
74. o.g. ln tbo lorm|oss roa|m wboro tbo moro consclousnoss ol loodlng satlsllos bungor.
strlct| tbo ru|os ol puro |lvlng to cut |ust lrom tbo mlnd b ab-
stalnlng lrom moat and wlno and b taklng cookod, lnstoad ol
raw lood. nanda, ll tbo do not abstaln lrom carna|lt and
kl||lng, tbo wl|| novor oscapo lrom tbo tbroo wor|ds ol oxlst-
onco. Tbo sbou|d consldor |ust as dangorous as a polsonous
snako and a doad| loo. Tbo sbou|d bogln b strlct| obsorv-
lng tbo Hina5na`s lour problbltlons lor monks and olgbt lor
to rogu|ato tbo bod, and tbon adboro to tbo
Bodblsattva dlsclp|lno to onsuro tbo non-stlrrlng ol mlnd. ll
tbo obsorvo tboso procopts, tbo wl|| wlpo out lorovor tbo
karma tbat |oads to blrtb and kl||lng. ll ln addltlon tbo coaso
to stoa|, tbo wl|| owo notblng to otbors and wl|| not bavo dobts
to ropa. Tboso wbo koop tbo ru|os ol puro |lvlng ln tbolr prac-
tlco ol Sam5dbl, wl|| bo ab|o to soo wltb tbolr own oos, wltb-
out tbo ald ol dova slgbt, a|| tbo wor|ds ln tbo ton dlroctlons.
Tbo wl|| bobo|d tbo Buddba proacblng tbo Dbarma, wl|| por-
sona|| rocolvo tbo bo| toacblng, wl|| wln tbo transcondonta|
powor wblcb onab|os tbom to roam lroo| ln a|| wor|ds and wl||
acqulro tbo Buddba know|odgo ol a|| lorms ol tbolr own and
otbors` provlous oxlstoncos, and so wl|| bo lmmuno lrom a||
ca|amltlos. Tbls ls tbo socond stop ol gradua| practlco.
`Wbat bappons wbon karma (no |ongor) grows Tbo
mlnds ol tboso practlsors wbo obsorvo tbo problbltlons, now
lroo lrom sonsua| doslro, wl|| not wandor outsldo ln soarcb ol
sonso data, but roturn to tbo lnnor (mlnd). For |ack ol causa|
sonso data, tbolr organs, tbus dlsongagod lrom oxtorna|s,
75. Tbo Hina5na`s lour problbltlons agalnst carna|lt, stoa|lng, kl||lng and |lng lor monks, and lts olgbt
problbltlons lor nuns agalnst tbo abovo lour olloncos, p|us |ustlu| contact wltb a ma|o, olgbt sorts ol
lmpropor assoclatlon wltb blm |oadlng to carna|lt, concoa|lng tbo mlsconduct ol a mombor ol tbo
ordor, and lmpropor doa|lngs wltb blm or bor.
turn back to tbo (undlvldod) ono to wblcb, slnco tbo slx lunc-
tlons bavo coasod to dlscrlmlnato, a|| countrlos wl|| appoar
puro and c|oan. Tbls ls |lko a crsta| ba|| wltb a brlgbt moon
lnsldo lt.
Tbolr bodlos and mlnds wl|| oxporlonco o and
groat comlort ln tbo stato ol abso|uto and porloct lmpartla|lt
ln wblcb tbo osotorlc porloctlon and puro abso|utonoss ol a||
Tatb5gatas appoar. Tbo wl|| tbon acblovo tbo groat patlonco
ol tbo uncroato and wl|| contlnuo tbolr progross towards
salntbood. Tbls ls tbo tblrd stop ol gradua| practlco.
Progressive Advance in Bodhisattva Development
The Stage of Dry Wisdom
`nanda, tboso vlrtuous mon wl|| dr up tbolr sonsua| doslro
and dlsongago tbolr organs lrom sonso data, tbls wltborlng ol
causos stops tbo growtb ol karma. Tbo c|lnglng mlnd ls now
ompt and c|oar, bolng but unmlxod wlsdom wblcb ls porloct
and brlgbt b naturo, l||umlnlng a|| wor|ds ln tbo ton dlroc-
tlons. Tbls roa|lzatlon ol wlsdom ls ca||od tbo stago ol dr wls-
dom bocauso tbo bavo cut oll tbolr sonsua| bablts but bavo
not ot ontorod tbo Tatb5gata`s Dbarma stroam.
The Ten Stages of Bodhisattva Faith
. `(Altor roa|lzlng tbo dr wlsdom, ll) tbo uso tbolr (progros-
slvo) mlnd to |ook lnto tbo lnnormost doptb, tbo porloct and
prolound (ossonco ol mlnd) wl|| manllost. Tbls stato ol abso-
76. Tbo crsta| ba|| stands lor wlsdom wblcb wlpos out a|| doll|omonts and tbo brlgbt moon lor
on|lgbtonod mlnd.
|uto porloctlon |oads to tbat ol truo abso|utonoss, rosu|tlng ln
tbo pormanonco ol abso|uto laltb and tbo tota| oradlcatlon ol
a|| la|so tblnklng. Tbls ls tbo Moan ln lts truo purlt and ls
ca||od tbo stago ol Bodblsattva laltb.
2. `Tbolr laltb, tbus gonulno| acblovod, onsuros tbolr
comp|oto undorstandlng wblcb ls no moro blndorod b tbo
(llvo) aggrogatos, (two|vo) ontrancos (5atana) and (olgbt-
oon) llo|ds ol sonsos (db5tu) and tborob ombracos tbo past,
prosont and luturo. Tbus aro oxposod tbo vlclous bablts
wblcb |od to tbolr count|oss lncarnatlons ln tbo past, tbo
sma||ost dotal|s ol wblcb tbo can now romombor. Tbls ls
ca||od tbo stago ol romombranco (or unlorgotlu|noss).
3. `Tbls abso|uto porloctlon ln lts purlt causos tbo
ossontla| (wlsdom) to turn a|| vlclous bablts contractod slnco
tbo tlmo wltbout boglnnlng lnto ono brlgbt ossonco wblcb
contlnuos to advanco towards tbo roa| and tbo puro.
ls ca||od tbo stago ol zoa|ous progross.
4. `Tbo ossonco ol mlnd wblcb now manllosts ls tbo
wlsdom (tbat dostros tbo darknoss ol lgnoranco). Tbls ls
ca||od tbo stago ol wlsdom.
5. `Tbls brlgbt wlsdom now sblnos upon lts own sub-
stanco ln stl||noss and prolundlt, tbus onsurlng tbo porma-
nont unlon (ol lunctlon and substanco). Tbls ls ca||od tbo
stago ol db5na.
6. `Tbo |lgbt ol db5na bocomos brlgbtor, lt ls now
moro ponotratlng and provonts a|| back-s|ldlng. Tbls ls ca||od
tbo stago ol non-rotrogrosslon.
77. Tbls ls tbo Hina5na`s Nlrv5na.
7. `Tbo mlnd now advanclng smootb| prosorvos a||
provlous acblovomonts and ls awaro ol a|| Tatb5gatas ln tbo
ton dlroctlons. Tbls ls tbo stago ol protoctlon ol tbo Dbarma.
S. `Tbo brlgbtnoss ol wlsdom, tbus prosorvod and
strongtbonod, can now, b moans ol lts transcondonta|
powor, rol|oct tbo |lgbt ol tbo Buddba`s compasslon and
tborob abldo wltbln Hls (bod), |lko two brlgbt mlrrors
laclng and rol|octlng oacb otbor to lnllnlt. Tbls ls tbo stago ol
rol|octlvo powors.
. `Tbo |lgbt ol tbo mlnd tbon turns lnwards and unltos
lor ovor wltb tbo unsurpassod abso|uto purlt ol tbo (lnnor)
Buddba, tborob rostlng ln tbo non-rotrogrosslvo stato ol
transcondonta| non-actlvlt (wu wol). Tbls ls ca||od tbo stago
ol (unsbakon) dlsclp|lno (si|a).
0. `A groat comlort dorlvos lrom tbls rost ln dlscl-
p|lno wblcb onab|os tbo mlnd to roam at wl|| anwboro ln
tbo ton dlroctlons. Tbls ls ca||od tbo stago ol tbo mlnd (ol
blgb) roso|vo.
The Ten Practical Stages of Bodhisattva Wisdom
. `nanda, altor acblovlng tboso ton stagos (ol Bodblsattva
laltb) b practlca| oxpodlonts, tbo ossonco ol mlnd manllosts
and radlatos, tbo lntormlng|lng ol tboso ton lunctlons ol mlnd
porlocts tbo Ono Mlnd. Tbls ls ca||od tbo purposlvo stago.
2. `Tbo lnnor mlnd now radlatos |lko brl||lant puro go|d
ln a g|obo ol c|oar crsta|. As tbo provlous (contomp|atlvo)
7S. Tbls ls tbo porloct acblovomont ol tbo Ono Mlnd.
7. Tbls ls roa|lzatlon ol lncoptlvo Bodbl boloro baslc Bodbl manllosts.
wlsdom now roacbos tbls mlnd-ground, tbls ls ca||od tbo
stago ol tbo contro| ol tbo (mlnd-) ground.
3. Tbo cognlzanco ol tbo mlnd-ground lu|| rovoa|s
botb wlsdom and lts oboct as ono roa|lt ln tbo ton dlroctlons
lroo lrom a|| blndranco. Tbls ls ca||od tbo stago ol (Bodbl-
sattva) practlco.
4. `Tbls Bodblsattva conduct ls now slml|ar to tbat ol
tbo Buddba wblcb lnl|uoncos lt. Llko a doad man ln tbo lntor-
modlato stato sooklng paronts as a cbanno| lor bls roblrtb ln
tbo wor|d, tbo advanclng mlnd ontors tbo Tatb5gata sood.
Tbls ls ca||od tbo stago ol nob|o blrtb.
5. `(Tbo mlnd) gostatlng ln tbo bo| womb lnborlts tbo
baslc Bodbl, and tbo lootus ls lormod wltb a|| lts cbaractorlstlcs:
Tbls ls ca||od tbo stago ol a|| ln roadlnoss (lor on|lgbtonmont).
6. `Botb lorm and mlnd aro ldontlca| wltb tboso ol tbo
Buddba. Tbls, ls ca||od tbo stago ol Truo Mlnd.
7. `Tbo lntogratlon ol bod and mlnd bocomos llrmor wltb
tbo passlng ol tlmo. Tbls ls ca||od tbo stago ol non-rotrogrosslon.
S. `Tbo lootus ls now comp|oto wltb tbo ton aspocts ol
tbo Buddba-bod.
Tbls ls ca||od tbo stago ol Bodbl ln lts
lnlanc (or lmmaturlt).
S0. C|oar crsta| stands lor tbo contomp|atlng wlsdom, and puro go|d lor tbo Ono Mlnd.
S. Tbo mlnd, now lroo lrom a|| bondago, oxpands and ombracos tbo wbo|o ol spaco.
S2. Tbo Tatb5gata sood ls tbo baslc Bodbl lnboront ln us a||.
S3. Tbls ls tbo contomp|atlng mlnd wltbout wblcb tbo baslc Bodbl cannot manllost.
S4. Tbo Truo Mlnd wblcb ls lroo lrom tbo dua|lt ol suboct and oboct.
S5. Tbo ton aspocts ol tbo Buddba-bod aro: Bodbl-bod, vow-bod, nlrm5nak5a, mlgbt bod,
maostlc bod, awo-lnsplrlng bod, bod roproducod at wl||, b|ossod bod, Dbarmak5a and
wlsdom-bod (5nak5a).
S6. Tbls ls tbo comp|oto baslc Bodbl ln lts lmmaturlt.
. Tbo lootus, now comp|oto| lormod, ls born and bo-
comos a son ol Buddba. Tbls ls ca||od tbo stago ol tbo bolr to
tbo Klng ol tbo Law.
0. `Tbo co|obratlon ol bls comlng ol ago ls |lko tbo
coromon bo|d wbon a crown prlnco
assumos tbo rolns ol govornmont. Tbls ls ca||od tbo stago ol
The Ten Lines of Bodhisattva Action
. `nanda, a|tbougb tboso vlrtuous mon, altor attalnlng tbo
rank ol a son ol Buddba, bavo acqulrod tbo Tatb5gata`s
count|oss morlts, tbo romaln ln barmon wltb a|| bolngs ln
tbo ton dlroctlons. Tbls ls ca||od olu| sorvlco.
2. Tbo aro ab|o to work lor tbo wo|laro ol a|| |lvlng
bolngs. Tbls ls ca||od bonollcla| actlvlt.
3. `Tbolr so|l-on|lgbtonmont and tbo on|lgbtonmont ol
otbors aro lroo lrom a|| contradlctlon. Tbls actlvlt ls ca||od
4. `Tbolr contlnuous appoaranco ln count|oss lorms ln
tbo unondlng luturo (lor tbo wo|laro ol otbors), lroo lrom tbo
concoptlon ol tlmo and spaco, ls ca||od lnoxbaustlb|o actlvlt.
5. `Tbolr proacblng, lroo lrom a|| c|lnglng, conlorms to
(tbo toacblng ol) non-dua|lt ol a|| Dbarma doors and ls
ca||od an actlvlt novor out ol ordor.
S7. As tbo modltatlon ls succosslu| ln roa|lzlng lncoptlvo Bodbl, baslc Bodbl manllosts |lko a bab born
lnto tbo wor|d.
SS. Consocratlon b sprlnk|lng, or pourlng wator on tbo boad.
S. Tbo unlon ol lncoptlvo Bodbl wltb baslc Bodbl cu|mlnatos ln u|tlmato Bodbl as a rosu|t ol tbo
modltatlvo stud ol tbo Moan. Tbls ls roa|lzatlon ol tbo lmmatorla| Tatb5gata storo.
6. `Tbo (noumona|) Unlt rovoa|s a vast varlot ol un-
dlllorontlatod pbonomona. Tbls ls ca||od skl|lu| actlvlt to
appoar (at wl||).
7. `ln tbls stato, a|| tbo wor|ds ln tbo ton dlroctlons
appoar ln ovor spock ol dust, wltb noltbor dust nor wor|ds
blndorlng oacb otbor. Tbls ls ca||od tbo non-c|lnglng actlvlt.
S. `A|| manllostatlons aro but tbo blgbost porloctlon
(p5ramlt5 |oadlng to tbo otbor sboro ol Bodbl). Tbls ls oxa|t-
lng actlvlt.
. `Tbls porloct lntormlng|lng (ol noumonon and pbo-
nomonon) acblovos tbo Buddba pattorn ln tbo ton dlroctlons
and ls ca||od tbo skl|lu| porlormanco ol tbo Law.
0. `Eacb |lno ol actlon ls but puro and transcondonta|
non-actlvlt (wu wol) dorlvod lrom tbo Ono Roa|lt ol Tbat-
noss. Tbls ls ca||od actlvlt ln barmon wltb tbo Trutb.

The Ten Acts of Dedication (Pariman)

. `nanda, altor tboso vlrtuous mon bavo won transcondon-
ta| powors ln tbolr porlormanco ol tbo Buddba-work, tbo at-
taln tbo stato ol puro Roa|lt wblcb lroos tbom lrom a||
blndrancos. Tbo sbou|d do|lvor |lvlng bolngs wltbout c|lng-
lng to tbo notlon ol sa|vatlon ln ordor to turn tbo non-actlvo
(wu wol) mlnd towards tbo patb to Nlrv5na. Tbls ls dodlca-
tlon to tbo sa|vatlon ol a|| |lvlng bolngs wbl|o avoldlng tbo
0. Tbls ls tbo porloct lntormlng|lng ol noumonon and pbonomonon.
. Tboso ton |lnos ol Bodblsattva actlons aro tbo bonollcla| lunctlon wblcb rovoa|s tbo matorla| or
manllostlng Tatb5gata storo.
2. Dodlcatlon ol acqulrod morlts to ono`s on|lgbtonmont, to ono`s roblrtb ln tbo Buddba-|and, or to tbo
sa|vatlon ol a|| |lvlng bolngs.
concoptlon ol (savlng) tbom.
2. `Tbo wlplng out ol a|| tbat ls dostructlb|o wbl|o avold-
lng tbo vor ldoa ol so dolng ls ca||od dodlcatlon to tbo lndo-
3. `Tbo roa|lzatlon tbat baslc Bodbl ls prolound and
oqua| to tbo Buddba`s En|lgbtonmont ls ca||od dodlcatlon to
oqua|lt wltb a|| Buddbas.
4. `Manllostatlon ol tbo puro Mlnd-ground wblcb ls ldontl-
ca| to tbo stato ol a Buddba ls ca||od dodlcatlon to omnlprosonco.
5. `Tbo lroo lntormlng|lng ol tbo wor|d| and tbo (abso-
|uto stato ol tbo) Tatb5gata ls ca||od dodlcatlon to tbo lnox-
baustlb|o storo ol morlts.
6. `Tbo rlslng ol on| puro causos lrom tbo samo stato
ol Buddbabood ln soarcb ol Nlrv5na ls ca||od dodlcatlon to
tbo oxco||ont roots ol lmpartla|lt.
7. `Tbo roa|lzatlon ol lmpartla|lt ln tbls wa wblcb ro-
voa|s tbo ldontlt ol a|| |lvlng bolngs ln tbo ton dlroctlons wltb
ono`s lundamonta| naturo, tbo porloctlng ol wblcb doos not
oxc|udo an ono ol tbom, ls ca||od dodlcatlon to tbo samo-
noss ol a|| bolngs.
3. ln bls practlco a Bodblsattva sbou|d dodlcato a|| morlts to (a) bls attalnmont ol Roa|lt, (b) bls
roa|lzatlon ol Bodbl and (c) tbo sa|vatlon ol a|| |lvlng bolngs. As bls baslc Bodbl now manllosts bo
c|lngs to noltbor noumonon nor pbonomonon, bonco his freedom from all hindrances. He should
deliver all living beings moans dodlcatlon to tbo sa|vatlon ol a|| bolngs. Without clinging to the
notion of salvation ol |lvlng bolngs wbo aro lundamonta|| ln tbo stato ol tbo abso|uto, tbls ls
dodlcatlon to bls attalnmont ol Roa|lt. To turn the non-active wu wei mind towards the path of
Nirva ls dodlcatlon to tbo roa|lzatlon ol Bodbl. Slnco bo blmso|l and a|| |lvlng bolngs aro ono, bo
dovotos a|| bls tlmo to do|lvorlng tbom wltbout c|lnglng to tbo ldoa ol tbolr bolng do|lvorod, bonco
dedication to the salvation of all living beings while avoiding the conception of (saving) them.
4. K|osa causod b lgnoranco ls dostructlb|o, bonco the wiping out of all that is destructible. Wbl|o
dostrolng k|osa, ono sbou|d avold ovon tbo ldoa ol not tblnklng about lts oxlstonco or dostructlon.
5. Tbo Ono Mlnd wblcb c|lngs to noltbor `ls` nor `ls not` ls puro and c|oan and ls as on|lgbtonod as tbo
S. `Tbo roa|lzatlon ol tbo ldontlt ol a|| pbonomona, lroo
lrom a|| dlllorontlatlon wltb no c|lnglng to oltbor samonoss or
dllloronco, ls ca||od dodlcatlon to tbo Abso|uto.
. `Tbo acblovomont ol tbls abso|uto (stato), lroo lrom
a|| blndranco ln tbo ton dlroctlons, ls ca||od dodlcatlon to un-
lmpodod |lboratlon.
0. `Porloct roa|lzatlon ol so|l-naturo wblcb wlpos out
a|| consldoratlon about tbo roa|m ol Dbarma, ls ca||od dodl-
catlon to tbo bound|oss Dbarmadbtu.
The Four Additional Harnessing Stages (Prayoga)
`nanda, tboso vlrtuous mon, altor acblovlng tboso lort-ono
stagos ol Bodblsattva dovo|opmont, sbou|d traln ln lour ad-
dltlona| barnosslng stagos.
. `Tbo Buddba Bodbl, omp|ood as so|l-mlnd, now
sooms to manllost but actua|| doos not ot do so, tbls ls |lko
klnd|lng a llro b rubblng two stlcks togotbor ln ordor to burn
tbom. lt ls ca||od tbo warmlng stago.
2. `Furtbor, tbo so|l-mlnd now usod as tbo ground lor
Buddba En|lgbtonmont,
sooms to ro| on wlsdom but
actua|| doos not, |lko a c|lmbor roacblng tbo top ol a moun-
taln wltb bls bod ln tbo alr wbl|o bls loot stl|| toucb tbo
6. ln splto ol tbo ton acts ol dodlcatlon to lntonsll tbo procodlng ton |lnos ol actlon ln accordanco wltb
tbo Moan, tbo practlsor bas not ot roacbod tbo sourco ol tbo Ono Mlnd. Honco tbo lo||owlng lour
addltlona| barnosslng stagos wblcb wlpo out tbo ro|atlvo ldoa ol tralnlng to morgo a|| tbo lort-ono
provlous stagos ol Bodblsattva dovo|opmont lnto actua| asconslon to tbo abso|uto Buddba stago.
7. Tbo mlnd roacbos maturlt wbon lt ls about to ontor tbo Buddba stago, bonco the Buddha Bodhi
now seems to manifest, but tbo contomp|atlng wlsdom ls stl|| tboro, bonco lt actually does not yet
do so.
S. Llt. `now usod as tbo ground lor tbo Buddba to wa|k on.`
ground. Tbls ls ca||od tbo summlt stago.

3. `Tbo roa|lzatlon ol tbo samonoss ol Mlnd and

Buddba |oadlng to tbo porloctlng ol tbo Moan ls |lko lorboar-
lng lrom somotblng wblcb can bo noltbor rotalnod nor ro-
octod. Tbls ls ca||od tbo lorboarlng stago.
4. `Bolng abovo a|| ostlmato and moasuro, tbo Moan
wblcb ls botwoon do|uslon and on|lgbtonmont, ls noltbor tbo
ono nor tbo otbor. Tbls ls ca||od tbo blgbost stago on tbo
wor|d| p|ano.
The Ten Highest Stages of Bodhisattva Attainment
. `nanda, altor tboso vlrtuous mon`s skl|lu| undorstandlng
ol tbo Groat Bodbl, tbo bocomo awaro ol tbo Tatb5gata`s
lu|| stato ol Buddbabood. Tbls ls ca||od tbo stago ol o (pra-
mudlt5) at bavlng ovorcomo a|| blndrancos and so ontorlng
upon tbo patb to Buddbabood.
2. `Tbo now roa|lzo tbat a|| dlllorontlatlon morgos lnto
a slng|o unlt wblcb a|so vanlsbos. Tbls ls ca||od tbo stago ol
lroodom lrom a|| doll|omonts (vlma|a).
3. `Uttor purlt now bogots lurtbor on|lgbtonmont. Tbls
ls ca||od tbo stago ol l||umlnatlon (prabb5kara).
4. `Porloct undorstandlng |oads to Bodbl ln lts lu||-
. Tbo loot stl|| standlng on tbo ground aro tbo |ast blndranco to tbo |oap ovor tbo wor|d.
200. Tbo contomp|atlng wlsdom ls about to vanlsb, bonco neither retained, but lts sbadow ls stl|| tboro,
bonco nor rejected. Tbls roqulros groat lorboaranco.
20. Tbo blgbost stago ln tbo wor|d, road lor tbo |oap ovor lt. A|| tbo abovo stagos stl|| portaln to tbo
quost ol ro|atlvo Bbutatatbat5 ln tbo roa|m ol ro|atlvltlos and contrarlos. Tbo lo||owlng ton stagos ol
dovo|opmont bo|ong to tbo abso|uto Nlrvanlc Ono Mlnd wblcb ls boond a|| dua|ltlos.
noss. Tbls ls ca||od tbo stago ol mastor ol g|owlng wlsdom
5. `Roa|lzatlon ol tbo condltlon boond unlt and dlllor-
ontlatlon ls ca||od tbo stago ol mastor ol utmost dllllcu|tlos
6. `Tbo manllostatlon ol non-actlvo Bbutatatbat5 ls ca||od
tbo stago ol tbo appoaranco ol tbo Abso|uto (abkblmukbi).
7. `Tborougb ponotratlon ol tbo wbo|o roglon ol tbo
Abso|uto ls ca||od tbo a||-ombraclng stago (duramgam5).
S. `Fu|| manllostatlon ol tbo abso|uto Ono Mlnd ls ca||od
tbo stago ol lmporturbabl|lt (aca|a).
. `Fu|| manllostatlon ol lts abso|uto lunctlon ls ca||od
tbo stago ol lorost wlsdom (s5dbumati).
`nanda, as tboso Bodblsattvas comp|oto tbolr practlco
and tralnlng wltb groat succoss, tbls ls a|so ca||od tbo stago ol
succosslu| practlco.
0. `Tbo now roa|lzo tbo stato ln wblcb sbo|torlng
c|ouds ol compasslon covor tbo ocoan ol Nlrv5na, tbls ls
ca||od tbo stago ol Dbarma-c|ouds (Dbarmamogba).
The Universal Enlightenment
`Wbl|o tbo Tatb5gata goos agalnst tbo (bo|) curront to
appoar ln tbo wor|d lor Hls work ol sa|vatlon, tboso Bodbl-
sattvas lo||ow tbat curront to roacb tbolr goa|s. Tbo polnt
wboro tbo lormor (tbo lrult-ground) moots tbo |attor (tbo
causo-ground) ls ca||od tbo stago ol Unlvorsa| En|lgbtonmont
The Absolute (or Wonderful) Enlightenment
`nanda, tbo dr wlsdom ln tbo Dlamond Mlnd can bo lu||
roa|lzod on| altor passlng tbrougb tbo wbo|o procoss ol
Bodblsattva dovo|opmont, tbat ls lrom tbo llrst stago ol dr
wlsdom up to tbat ol Unlvorsa| En|lgbtonmont. Tbus b pass-
lng tbrougb two|vo stagos, oltbor slng| or ln groups ol ton
statos oacb,
Abso|uto En|lgbtonmont can bo comp|oto|
roa|lzod lor tbo attalnmont ol Supromo Bodbl. Tbrougbout
tboso dllloront stagos acblovod b moans ol dlamond lnslgbt
lnto tbo ton prolound l||uslons,
tbo Tatb5gata`s c|oar por-
coptlon (vlpasan5) ls olloctlvo| usod durlng tbo stl||lng ol
mlnd (samatba) ln gradua| practlco and tralnlng. Tbus, nan-
da, tbo tbroo gradua| stops (to wlpo out sams5ra)
p|oto tbo lllt-llvo stagos ol Bodblsattva dovo|opmont on tbo
Bodbl patb. `Sucb modltatlon ls rlgbt wboroas an otbor ls
The Titles of this Stra
Tboroupon Bodblsattva Mausri roso lrom bls soat, prostrat-
od blmso|l wltb bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba and askod:
`Wbat namo sbou|d bo glvon to tbls sutra and bow sbou|d wo
and |lvlng bolngs rocolvo and practlso lt`
202. Dr Wlsdom, Warmlng, Summlt, Forboarlng, Wor|d| Holgbt, Unlvorsa| and Abso|uto
En|lgbtonmont aro slng|o stagos wboroas Faltb, Wlsdom, Actlon, Dodlcatlon and Hlgbost
Attalnmont aro ln groups ol ton statos oacb, tbus numborlng ln a|| two|vo stagos.
203. Tbo ton l||uslons aro: () a|| karma aro |lko an l||uslon, (2) a|| pbonomona aro |lko a l|amo, (3) a||
bodlos aro |lko tbo moon ln wator, (4) tbo wondorlu| lorm (ol tbo Buddba) ls |lko ompt spaco,
(5) tbo wondorlu| volco (ol tbo Buddba) ls |lko an ocbo, (6) a|| Buddba-|ands aro |lko a mlrago clt,
(7) tbo Buddba`s work (ol sa|vatlon) ls |lko a droam, (S) tbo Buddba-k5a ls |lko a sbadow, () tbo
Sambboga-k5a ls |lko an lmago, and (0) tbo Dbarma-k5a ls |lko a translormatlon.
204. Soo pago 229.
Tbo Buddba rop|lod: `Tbls sutra ls ca||od: Tbo Un-
surpassod Soa| ol tbo Supromo Dbarma`s Slt5tapatra,
tbo puro and c|oan ocoan-oo ol a|| Tatb5gatas ln tbo ton
`lt ls a|so ca||od: Tbo Sutra on tbo Protoctlon and
Do|lvoranco ol nanda and Bblksuni So|l-naturo ol tbls
assomb| so tbat tbo roa|lzo tbo Bodbl Mlnd to ontor tbo
Ocoan ol A|| Wlsdom.
`lt ls a|so ca||od: Tbo Practlco and Roa|lzatlon ol tbo
Wbo|o Trutb b moans ol tbo Tatb5gata`s Esotorlc
`lt ls a|so ca||od: Tbo Unlvorsa| Lotus Klng, tbo
Dbr5ni ol a|| Buddba-Motbors ln tbo Ton Dlroctlons.
`lt ls a|so ca||od: Tbo Bodblsattva`s Foromost Prac-
tlco ol tbo Surangama ol tbo Abblsoka (consocratlon)
`Undor tboso (llvo) namos ou sbou|d rocolvo and
practlso tbls Sutra.`

205. Slt5tapatra: A wblto canop. White stands lor puro, lmmacu|ato and spot|oss, l.o. tbo Ono Mlnd ln
tbo storo ol consclousnoss wblcb ls boond a|| doll|omonts. Honco tbo White Canopy, or puro mlnd
tbat ombracos a|| dbarma and protocts a|| |lvlng bolngs.
206. Tlt|o ln accordanco wltb tbo noumona| ln ossonco and ln know|odgo.
207. Tlt|o ln accordanco wltb lts lunctlon.
20S. Tlt|o ln accordanco wltb tbo so|l (tbo practlsor) and tbo Dbarma (tbls sutra).
20. Tlt|o ln accordanco wltb tbo dbr5ni, or tbo contro| ol a|| Dbarma and tbo bonollt dorlvod lrom lts
20. Tlt|o ln accordanco wltb tbo Bodblsattva practlco ol tbls Sormon.
The Six Planes of Existence Caused
by Unenlightenment
The Six States of Living Beings in Sasra
Altor boarlng tbo Buddbas dlsc|osuro ol tbo Slt5taprata`s
osotorlc Soa|, and ol tbo Wbo|o Trutb, as tbo tlt|os ol tbls
sutra, nanda and tbo assomb| lnstant| awakonod to (tbo
stato ol) db5na, tbo practlco ol wblcb cou|d |oad to tbo bo|
stagos and lncroaso tbolr undorstandlng ol tbo prolound doc-
trlno, so tbat tbo cou|d wlpo out a|| tbo troub|os dorlvod
lrom (tbo llrst) slx c|assos ol do|uslon ln tbo tbroo roa|ms ol
nanda tbon roso lrom bls soat, prostratod blmso|l wltb
bls boad at tbo loot ol tbo Buddba, brougbt bls pa|ms togotb-
or and sald: `O August and Wor|d Honourod Ono, our com-
passlonato volco bas rovoa|od so skl|lu|| to us tbo subt|o
do|uslons ol a|| |lvlng bolngs lor m groat bonollt, tborob
2. Tbo tbroo roa|ms ol oxlstonco aro tbo roa|m ol doslro (k5madb5tu), ol lorm (rupadb5tu) and
boond lorm (arupadb5tu). Tboro aro ono roa|m ol doslro, lour roa|ms ol matorla| lorms and lour ol
puro splrlt, tbus nlno ln a||. Eacb bas nlno c|assos ol do|uslons: tbo uppor, mldd|o and |owor superior
grados, tbo uppor, mldd|o and |owor intermediate grados and tbo uppor, mldd|o and |owor inferior
Ho wbo wlpos out tbo tbroo inferior grados ol tbo roa|m ol doslro, roa|lzos tbo llrst stago ol tbo
Hina5na patb, ca||od srota-5panna, or ontr lnto tbo bo| stroam. nanda bad wlpod out on| tbo
llrst six catogorlos ol do|uslon as sald ln tbo toxt, and tborob roa|lzod tbo socond stago ca||od
Sakrd5g5mln wblcb lnvo|vos on| ono roblrtb.
ll tbo |ast tbroo catogorlos ol do|uslon aro wlpod out as wo||, tbo practlsor wl|| roa|lzo tbo tblrd,
or non-roturnlng, stago ca||od An5g5mln.
ll a|| tbo olgbt-ono catogorlos ol do|uslons ln tbo tbroo roa|ms ol oxlstonco aro wlpod out, tbo
practlsor wl|| roa|lzo arbatsblp wblcb ls tbo lourtb or blgbost stago ol tbo Hina5na patb. (Soo Cb`an
and Zon Toacblng, Flrst Sorlos, The Diamond Cutter of Doubts, pp. 70/ lor tbo lour Hina5na
brlnglng groat comlort to m bod and mlnd. Wor|d Hon-
ourod Ono, ll tbls Brlgbt and puro Abso|uto Mlnd woro osson-
tla|| porloct, tbon ovon tbo groat oartb, p|ants and troos (l.o.
lnanlmato tblngs) as wo|| as wrlgg|lng worms and a|| bolngs
possosslng |llo (l.o. sontlont bolngs) wou|d bo tbo lundamon-
ta| Bbutatatbat5 wblcb ls but tbo Tatb5gata`s roa| substanco
ln tbo stato ol Buddbabood. ll tbo Buddba`s substanco woro
truo and roa|, bow cou|d tboro a|so bo tbo wor|d ol bo||s,
bungr gbosts, anlma|s, asuras, mon and dovas Wor|d Hon-
ourod Ono, aro tboso wor|ds lundamonta|| so|l-oxlstont or
do tbo arlso bocauso ol |lvlng bolngs` vlclous bablt ol dwo||-
lng ln la|sobood
`Wor|d Honourod Ono, |ot mo l||ustrato wbat l moan.
Tbo Bblksuni Fragranco ol tbo Proclous Lotus, altor rocolv-
lng tbo ru|os ol Bodblsattva dlsclp|lno, lornlcatod and pro-
tondod tbat lt was noltbor kl||lng nor stoa|lng and was,
tboroloro, not suboct. to karmlc rotrlbutlon. As a rosu|t, altor
bor gonlta| organ bad boon s|ow| scorcbod b tbo l|amo (ol
passlon), sbo lo|| lnto tbo unlntormlttont bo||. Klng Crsta|
massacrod mon ol tbo Gautama c|an, and Bblksu Sanaksatra
wrong| proacbod tbo annlbl|atlon ol a|| tblngs (and so lm-
p|lod tbat tbo |aw ol causa|lt was lnva|ld). Botb as a rosu|t ol
tbolr (ovl|) acts, lo|| lnto tbo avicl. bo||. Aro tboso bo||s roa||
somowboro or aro tbo so|l-oxlstlng lor ovor slnnor to sullor
ln tbom Wl|| ou bo compasslonato onougb to on|lgbton us
so tbat tboso wbo obsorvo tbo procopts know wbat tbo
lmp| and do not broak tbom
Tbo Buddba sald: `lt ls good tbat ou ask tbls quostlon
lor tbo bonollt ol a|| |lvlng bolngs so tbat tbo coaso to bo|d
wrong vlows. Llston attontlvo| to wbat l now to|| ou.
`nanda, a|| |lvlng bolngs aro lundamonta|| puro but
bocauso ol tbolr wrong vlows, tbo bavo lormod vlclous
bablts, bonco tbolr lnnor and outor alloctlons.
`nanda, lnnor alloctlon concorns tbolr lnwardnossos.
Bocauso ol tbo talnt ol doslro, tbo glvo rlso to wrong pas-
slons tbo accumu|atlon ol wblcb producos tbo wator ol crav-
lng. Tbls ls wb tbo tbougbt ol good lood makos tbo moutb
wator, tbo tbougbt ol a prodocossor wbom ono pltlos or batos
ll||s ono`s oos wltb toars, tbo cravlng lor woa|tb stlrs ono`s
boart and makos sa|lva l|ow and tbo bod s|ook.
Wbon tbo mlnd glvos rlso to soxua| doslro, tbo gonora-
tlvo l|uld l|ows lrom tbo ma|o and loma|o organs. nanda,
a|tbougb tboso doslros dlllor, tbolr manllostatlons aro a|| cbar-
actorlzod b tbo socrotlon ol wator wblcb, b naturo, l|ows
down bl|| lnstoad ol up. Tbls ls lnnor alloctlon.
`nanda, outor alloctlon concorns |lvlng bolngs oxtor-
na||. Tbolr koon doslros produco l||usor tbougbts wblcb b
contlnuous pursult bocomo ovorwbo|mlng. Tbus tbo mlnd
bont on strlct obsorvanco ol tbo procopts makos tbo bod
|lgbt, tbo mlnd concontratod on lncantatlons (mantra) and
mstlc gosturos (mudr5) glvos a vlrl|o and roso|uto alr, tbo
mlnd sot on roblrtb ln tbo boavon ol gods brlngs droams ln
wblcb tbo practlsor sooms to l| upwards, tbo mlnd concon-
tratod on tbo Buddba-|and causos bo| roa|ms to appoar, and
roa| dovotlon to a ro|lglous counso||or (ka|5namltra) |oads to
tbo wl||lng sacrlllco ol ovon ono`s own |llo. nanda, a|tbougb
tboso tbougbts dlllor, a|| tboso manllostatlons aro, b naturo,
cbaractorlzod b a |lgbtnoss ol bod wblcb soars up lnstoad
ol slnklng down so tbat tbo |oap ovor tbolr (prosont) statos.
Tbls ls outor alloctlon.
`nanda, ln tbo round ol blrtbs and doatbs ln Sams5ra,
blrtb ls causod b tbo bablts (ol passlons) and doatb b tbo
l|ow ol (rotrlbutlvo) translormatlon. (Tbls ls wb) at tbo
momont ol doatb and boloro tbo boat comp|oto| |oavos tbo
bod, a|| good and ovl| doods ol a |llotlmo suddon| ro-
appoar to somoono wbo ls doad but on tbo polnt ol bolng
The realm of devas
`ll bls mlnd ls wbo|| tbougbtlu|, lt wl|| l| ln tbo alr and bo wl||
bo roborn ln boavon. ll ln tbls l|lgbt lt ls ll||od wltb b|ossodnoss
and wlsdom strong| sustalnod b bls puro vow, lt wl|| opon
to |ot blm bobo|d tbo puro |ands ol a|| Buddbas ln tbo ton
dlroctlons, bo wl|| bo roborn tboro as a rosu|t ol bls vow.
The realm of seers (i) and spirits
`ll bls mlnd ls moro tbougbtlu| tban passlonato, lt wl|| not bo
|lgbt onougb lor blm to l| to dlstant p|acos, bo wl|| bo roborn
as a l|lng rsl, a poworlu| klng ol gbosts, a l|lng aksa or an
oartbbound r5ksasa. Ho wl|| bo ab|o to roam lroo| ln tbo
boavons ol tbo lour dova klngs. ll bo ls good naturod and bas
takon a vow to protoct m Dbarma and tboso wbo obsorvo
tbo procopts, ropoat tbo mantras, modltato and roa|lzo patlont
onduranco, bo wl|| dwo|| bonoatb tbo tbrono ol tbo Tatb5gata.
The realm of human beings
`ll bls tbougbts and passlons aro ln oqua| proportlons, bo wl||
noltbor rlso nor slnk, but wl|| bo roborn ln tbo roa|m ol buman
bolngs wboro bls lnto||lgonco comos lrom tbo c|oarnoss ol bls
tbougbts and bls stupldlt lrom tbo du||noss ol bls passlons.
The realm of animals
`ll bls passlons oxcood bls tbougbts, bo wl|| bo roborn ln tbo
roa|m ol anlma|s wboro groat passlons croato boasts wltb balr
and lur and ml|d passlons produco wlngod and loatborod
The realm of hungry ghosts
`ll bls passlons and tbougbts aro ln tbo proportlon ol sovon
to tbroo, bo wl|| slnk lnto tbo wboo| ol wator c|oso to tbo ro-
glon ol llro, wl|| onduro lntonso boat and bo roborn as a bun-
gr gbost wboso bod ls constant| scorcbod b boat and
drownod ln wator, so tbat bo wl|| sullor lrom bungor and
tblrst lor bundrods and tbousands ol aoons.
The realm of hells
ll bls passlons and tbougbts aro ln tbo proportlon ol nlno to
ono, bo wl|| slnk lnto tbo wboo| ol llro and bo roborn wboro
wlnd and llro moot. Ho wl|| dwo|| ln tbo lntormlttont bo|| ll
bls passlons aro groat, ln tbo unlntormlttont ono ll tbo aro
vor strong, and ln tbo avicl bo|| ll bo ls comp|oto| doml-
natod b oxtromo| vlo|ont onos. ll ln addltlon bo s|andors
tbo Mab55na,
broaks tbo Buddba`s procopts, dlstorts tbo
22. Modorn commontators wbo do not undorstand tbo Mab55na and Cb`an transmlsslon aro slncoro|
urgod to tblnk twlco boloro loo|lsb| vl|lllng or damnlng tbo bo| toacblng.
Dbarma wbon proacblng lt to docolvo bls patrons lor so|llsb
galn or lor lamo, and commlts tbo llvo robo||lous acts
and ton gravo slns
bo wl|| bo roborn (ln turn) ln a|| tbo avicl
`A|tbougb tbo abovo aro so|l-lnl|lctod rotrlbutlons ro-
su|tlng lrom lndlvldua| ovl| doods, a|| slnnors onduro tbo samo
klnds ol sullorlng wblcb orlglnato lrom (tbo samo) concurront
The Ten Causes & Six Effects in the Realm of Hells
The Ten Karmic Causes of the Realm of Hells
`nanda, tboso (rotrlbutlons) como lrom tbo karmlc acts ol
|lvlng bolngs wbo croato ton karmlc causos b tbolr vlclous
bablts and so sullor lrom slx klnds ol rotrlbutlon.
The habit of sexual desire
`nanda, wbat aro tboso ton causos Lust grows lnto a bablt
bocauso ol soxua| lntorcourso ln wblcb two poop|o caross
oacb otbor tborob produclng boat tbat ln turn stlmu|atos
doslro. Tbls ls |lko tbo boat causod b rubblng tbo bands to-
gotbor. Tbo two bablts lrom karma and |ust stlmu|ato oacb
otbor and causo vlslons ol bot lron bods on bot coppor sup-
Honco a|| Buddbas rogard soxua| lntorcourso as a
23. Tbo llvo robo||lous acts (pac5nantara): parrlcldo, matrlcldo, kl||lng an arbat, sboddlng tbo b|ood ol
a Buddba, and dostrolng tbo barmon ol tbo ordor.
24. Tbo ton gravo slns (p5r5lka): kl||lng, stoa|lng, carna|lt, |lng, doa|lng ln splrlts, ta|klng ol a monk`s
mlsdoods, so|l-pralso lor dogradlng otbors, moannoss, angor at robuko and vl|lllng tbo Buddba,
Dbarma and Sagba.
25. Tbo bod stands lor soxua| doslro and lts supports lor tbo partnor on wbom tbo slnnor doponds to
stlmu|ato bls soxua| appotlto.
burnlng llro ol doslro and a|| Bodblsattvas avold carna|lt as
ll lt was a llor plt.
The habit of craving
`Cravlng grows lnto a bablt bocauso ol grasplng wblcb ls a
klnd ol suctlon, wblcb ln tlmo croatos tbo l||uslon ol co|d,
lrost, cbl|| and sblvorlng. Tbls ls |lko tbo co|d sonsatlon lo|t
wbon ono broatbos ln tbrougb pursod |lps. Tbo comblnatlon
ol karma and cravlng |oads to rotrlbutlon ln tbo lorm ol sul-
lorlng oxprossod b crlng out agalnst bltlng co|d and sbown
b (tbo skln turnlng) b|uo, rod or wblto. Honco a|| Buddbas
rogard cravlng as tbo wator ol grood and a|| Bodblsattvas
avold lt as tbo wou|d a soa ol postl|ontla| vapour.
The habit of arrogance
`Arroganco grows lnto a bablt bocauso ol abuso wblcb man-
llosts b tbo opprosslon (ol otbors), wblcb ln tlmo croatos tbo
(l||uslon ol) rost|oss wavos wblcb bul|d up a vo|umo ol wator.
Tbls ls |lko |lcklng ono`s moutb to mako lt wator. Tbo two
bablts lrom karma and arroganco stlmu|ato oacb otbor and
croato (vlslons ol) rlvors ol b|ood, (bot) asbos, burnlng sand,
polsonous soas and mo|ton coppor pourod on tbo slnnor`s
tonguo. And so a|| Buddbas rogard so|l-lmportanco as tbo
wator ol stupldlt and a|| Bodblsattvas avold lt as tbo wou|d
The habit of anger
`Angor grows lnto a bablt bocauso ol lrrltatlon wblcb manl-
losts as stubbornnoss wblcb ln tlmo lnl|amos tbo boart wboso
boat turns tbo vlta| broatb lnto mota|, bonco tbo l||uslons ol
bl||s ol knlvos, lron posts, troos and wboo|s ol swords, axos,
ba|bords, spoars and saws. Tbls ls |lko a man pusbod b bls
obstlnac to avongo a wrong. Tbo two bablts lrom karma
and angor stlmu|ato oacb otbor and croato vlslons ol castra-
tlon, backlng, boboadlng, cbopplng, woundlng, mutl|atlng,
b|udgoonlng and strlklng. Tbls ls |lko a man l|lng lnto a rago
and road to kl|| to rodross a wrong. Honco a|| Buddbas ro-
gard batrod as a sbarp sword and a|| Bodblsattvas l|oo lrom
lt as lrom tbolr own oxocutlon.
The habit of deceitfulness
`Docoltlu|noss grows lnto a bablt bocauso ol ontlcomont
wblcb manllosts as docolt wblcb ln tlmo croatos (l||uslons ol)
cords, stlcks, ropos and canguos tbat rostraln tbo slnnor. Tbls
ls |lko a llo|d l|oodod lor growlng grass and p|ants. Tbo two
bablts lrom karma and docoptlon sustaln oacb otbor and cro-
ato moro and moro ovl| doods tbat dosorvo punlsbmont wltb
lottors, |ocks, wblps, stavos, blrcbos and cudgo|s. And so, a||
Buddbas rogard docoltlu|noss as barmlu| as ca|umn and a||
Bodblsattvas avold lt as tbo wou|d a wo|l.
The habit of lying
`Llng grows lnto a bablt bocauso ol bogul|omont wblcb
manllosts as lraud, wblcb ln tlmo onds ln troacbor. Tbls cro-
atos (l||uslons ol) ll|tb sucb as dust, oxcromont and urlno. Tbls
ls |lko dust b|own b tbo wlnd wblcb scroons ovortblng. Tbo
two bablts lrom karma and |los lntonsll oacb otbor and ond
ln sullorlng lrom drownlng, tosslng, l|lng, dropplng, drlltlng
and slnklng. Honco a|| Buddbas rogard |lng as barmlu| as
p|undorlng and kl||lng and a|| Bodblsattvas avold lt as tbo
wou|d stopplng on vonomous snakos.
The habit of resentment
`Rosontmont grows lnto a bablt bocauso ol avorslon wblcb
manllosts as ma|lco. Tbls croatos (l||uslons ol) bolng stonod,
catapu|tod, sbut ln a prlson van, trappod, baggod and struck.
Tbls ls |lko a mlscblol-makor a|was wltb ovl| doslgns. Tbo
two bablts lrom karma and rosontmont comblno and rosu|t ln
punlsbmont b bolng tossod and bur|od about, solzod,
approbondod, struck and sbot. And so a|| Buddbas rogard ro-
sontmont as an ovl| splrlt and a|| Bodblsattvas avold lt as tbo
wou|d polsonod wlno.
The habit of wrong views
`Wrong vlows grow lnto bablt bocauso ol mlslntorprotatlon
wblcb covors (tbo llvo mlsconcoptlons lrom) tbo roa|lt ol tbo
ogo and obocts down to rlgorous ascotlc problbltlons.
Tbls causos tbo mlsundorstandlng ol karmlc ollocts duo to ro-
octlon ol tbo roa| and attacbmont to tbo unroa|. Honco tbo
(l||uslon ol) udgomont wltb prools ol ovldonco (wblcb can-
not bo donlod), as wbon two poop|o comlng lrom opposlto
dlroctlons cannot avold mootlng on tbo samo road. Tbo two
bablts lrom karma and wrong vlows comblno to causo
(vlslons ol) quostlonlng, cross-oxamlnatlon, udlcla| lnvostl-
26. Tbo llvo wrong vlows: () satk5adrstl, tbo roa|lt ol an ogo and lts obocts, (2) antargr5ba,
dua| vlows, o.g. pormanonco and annlbl|atlon, (3) mltb5, donla| ol tbo |aw ol causa|lt,
(4) drstlpar5marsa, obstlnato vlows wblcb lmp| wrong lnloronco, o.g. mlstaklng tbo stato ol
tbougbt|ossnoss lor Nlrv5na, and (5) si|a-vrata-par5marsa, rlgld vlows ln lavour ol rlgorous
austorltlos, o.g. covorlng onoso|l wltb asbos to obtaln roblrtb ln boavon.
gatlon, onqulr, lntorrogatlon and tbo unvol|lng ol rlgbt and
wrong ln court wbl|o good and bad counso| produco tbo doc-
umonts and arguo about tbom. Honco a|| Buddbas rogard
wrong vlows as an abss ol porvorslon and a|| Bodblsattvas
avold tbom as tbo wou|d a ravlno lu|| ol polson.
The habit of unfairness
`Unlalrnoss grows lnto a bablt bocauso ol la|so accusatlon
wblcb manllosts ln s|andor. Tbls croatos (l||uslons ol) bl||s and
rocks wblcb c|oso ln lrom a|| sldos to crusb, broak, scoro and
grlnd tbo slnnor. lt ls |lko abuslng tbo lnnocont. Botb bablts
lrom karma and lnustlco comblno to brlng about (l||uslons
ol) approbonslon, prossuro, boatlng, roprosslon, coorclon
and rostralnt ol tbo slnnor b tbo |aw. Honco a|| Buddbas ro-
gard dolamatlon as barmlu| as a tlgor and a|| Bodblsattvas
l|oo lrom lt as lrom a c|ap ol tbundor.
The habit of disputation
`Dlsputlng grows lnto a bablt bocauso ol mucb ta|k wblcb
manllosts ln concoa|lng (ono`s sbortcomlngs). Tbls croatos
(l||uslons ol) socrots bolng oxposod b bolng rol|octod ln a
mlrror or b a |amp bolng |lt, |lko obocts tbat cannot bo bld-
don ln broad da|lgbt. Tbo two bablts lrom karma and dlspu-
tatlon ond ln tbo oxposuro (ol slns), lor tbo mlrror and |amp
rovoa| lormor karmlc doods lor (llna|) udgomont. Honco a||
Buddbas rogard concoa|mont as a socrot onom and a||
Bodblsattvas consldor lt as dangorous as carrlng a bl|| on tbo
boad or wa|klng lnto tbo ocoan.
The Six Retributive Effects in the Realm of Hells
`Wbat aro tbo slx rotrlbutlvo ollocts nanda, a|| |lvlng bolngs
wboso slx consclousnossos causo tbom to commlt karmlc acts
sullor lrom ovl| ollocts tbrougb tbo slx sonso organs.
Retributive effects of wrong seeing
`Wbat aro tbo ovl| ollocts sullorod tbrougb tbo slx sonso organs
Wbon karma rlpons at tbo tlmo ol doatb, tbo ovl| ollocts ol
wrong soolng causo ono to soo a raglng llro tbat ll||s tbo ton
dlroctlons. Hls splrlt wl|| lo||ow tbo smoko and, ln a l|asb, wl||
la|| lnto tbo unlntormlttont bo|| wboro bo wl|| oxporlonco botb
|lgbt wblcb rovoa|s a|| sorts ol ovl| tblngs ovorwboro wblcb glvo
rlso to bound|oss droad, and sl|ont darknoss wblcb bldos ovor-
tblng and causos lnllnlto loar. So tbo l|amo ol wrong soolng
scorcbos tbo organ ol boarlng and translorms lt lnto (purga-
torlos ol) cau|drons ol bol|lng wator and soas ol mo|ton coppor,
tbo organ ol smo|| lnto b|ack smoko and purp|o l|amo, tbo
organ ol tasto lnto bot pl||s and mo|ton lron, tbo organ ol toucb
lnto bot asbos and burnlng cbarcoa|, and tbo organ ol lnto||oct
lnto scattorod sparks tbat dlsturb tbo wbo|o ol spaco.
Retributive effects of wrong hearing
`Wbon karma rlpons at tbo tlmo ol doatb, tbo ovl| ollocts ol
wrong boarlng causo ono to soo rlslng wavos tbat submorgo
boavon and oartb. Hls splrlt tbon lo||ows tbom to la|| lnto tbo
unlntormlttont bo|| wboro bo wl|| oxporlonco botb unboarab|o
nolsos tbat conluso and dlsturb blm and doad sl|onco tbat
makos blm dlsplrltod. So tboso wavos l|ow lnto tbo organ ol
boarlng to translorm lt lnto robuko and lntorrogatlon, lnto tbo
organ ol slgbt to turn lt lnto tbundor, roars (ol anlma|s) and
ots ol polsonous gas, lnto tbo organ ol smo|| to cbango lt lnto
raln, log and sbowors ol vonomous lnsocts tbat covor bls
wbo|o bod, lnto tbo organ ol tasto to translorm lt lnto pus,
b|ood and a|| sorts ol ll|tb, lnto tbo organ ol toucb to turn lt
lnto anlma|s, gbosts, oxcromont and urlno, and lnto tbo
organ ol lnto||oct to cbango lt lnto |lgbtnlng and bal| tbat strlko
and broak up bls splrlts.
Retributive effects of wrong smelling
`Wbon karma rlpons at tbo tlmo ol doatb, tbo ovl| ollocts ol
wrong smo||lng causo ono to soo (c|ouds ol) polsonous gas
ovorwboro. Hls splrlt wl|| |oap lrom tbo oartb to la|| lnto tbo
unlntormlttont bo|| wboro bo wl|| oxporlonco botb tbo stato ol
lroo broatblng tbat draws ln a|| sorts ol lou| lumos tbat lnloct
and upsot bls boart (mlnd), and ol b|ockod broatblng tbat
cbokos blm untl| bo swoons and drops to tbo ground. Tbus
tboso lou| alrs ontor tbo organ ol smo|| to c|oar and obstruct
bls nostrl|s, tbo organ ol slgbt to translorm lt lnto a l|amo or
(|lgbtod) torcb, tbo organ ol boarlng to turn lt lnto (tbo sounds
mado b) p|unglng lnto wator, b drownlng and b novor
coaslng wavos, tbo organ ol tasto lnto rotton and stlnklng llsb,
tbo organ ol toucb lnto a rlppod and docomposod (corpso)
and a groat bl|| ol l|osb wltb bundrods and tbousands ol oos
to soo ltso|l bolng dovourod b count|oss boasts, and tbo
organ ol tblnklng lnto dust, mlasmas and l|lng pobb|os tbat
strlko and broak bls bod.
Retributive effects of wrong tasting
`Wbon karma rlpons at tbo tlmo ol doatb, tbo ovl| ollocts ol
wrong tastlng causo tbo porson concornod to soo an lron not
and a groat b|azo ol llro tbat covor tbo wbo|o wor|d. Hls splrlt
wl|| tbon rlso to drop upsldo down lnto tbo not wltb bls boad
caugbt ln lts mosbos and bo wl|| tbon bo drawn lnto tbo un-
lntormlttont bo|| wboro bo wl|| botb loo| tbat bls ln-broatb ls
translormod lnto blttor co|d tbat bltos bls bod and bls out-
broatb turnod lnto llorco llro tbat scorcbos bls bonos and mar-
row. Tbus tbls wrong tastlng ontors tbo organ ol tasto to
translorm lt lnto groat bardsblps, tbo organ ol slgbt lnto mo|-
ton mota| and rock, tbo organ ol boarlng lnto sbarp woapons,
tbo organ ol smo|| lnto a bugo lron cago tbat covors tbo wbo|o
countr, tbo organ ol toucb lnto |ong-bows and arrows and
lnto cross-bows and bo|ts, and tbo organ ol tblnklng lnto lron
(bal|) tbat ralns down.
Retributive effects of wrong touching
`Wbon karma rlpons at tbo tlmo ol doatb, tbo ovl| ollocts ol
wrong toucb causo ono to soo groat mountalns c|oslng ln lrom
a|| tbo lour quartors wltb no wa to oscapo. Hls splrlt wl|| soo
an lron wa||od town, llor snakos and dogs, tlgors, wo|vos and
|lons, al|ors wltb ox-boads and r5ksasas wltb borso-boads
bo|dlng spoars and |ancos wbo cbaso blm lnto tbo town and
lorco blm lnto tbo unlntormlttont bo|| wboro bo wl|| oxporlonco
botb tbo ombraco ol mountalns (contact) tbat c|oso ln to crusb
bls bod lnto a moss ol bonos, l|osb and b|ood, and (tbo paln
ol) bolng cut up (soparatlon) wbon sbarp swords s|a bls bod
and rlp opon bls boart and |lvor. Tbus tbls wrong toucb ontors
lts own organ to translorm lt lnto tbo road (to bo||) and tbo
abodo (ol Yama) wltb ba|| and (udgomont) soat, tbo organ ol
slgbt lnto boat and burnlng, tbo organ ol boarlng lnto knock-
lng, strlklng, stabblng and sbootlng, tbo organ ol smo|| lnto
approbondlng, bagglng, udglng and roplng, tbo organ ol tasto
lnto p|ougblng, nlpplng, boboadlng, and cuttlng, and tbo
organ ol lnto||oct lnto l|lng, la||lng, lrlng and roastlng.
Retributive effects of wrong thinking
`Wbon karma rlpons at tbo tlmo ol doatb, tbo ovl| ollocts ol
wrong tblnklng causo ono to soo ovl| wlnds b|ow tbrougb and
dostro tbo countr. Hls splrlt wl|| bo b|own up lnto spaco
and tbon droppod down to bo carrlod lnto tbo unlntormlttont
bo|| wboro bo wl|| sullor lrom botb tbo uttor conluslon tbat
obscuros a|| bls sonsos and lrlgbtons blm lnto coaso|oss run-
nlng about, and lrom tbo porloct c|arlt ln wblcb a|| bls sonsos
lunctlon ln good ordor to loo| unboarab|o paln wbon bo ls bo-
lng lrlod and scorcbod. Tbus tbls wrong tblnklng ontors bls
lacu|t ol tbougbt to translorm lt lnto a rocoptac|o, tbo organ
ol soolng lnto scrutlnlzlng and ovldonclng, tbo organ ol boar-
lng lnto a rock, (lts warmtb) lnto lco and lrost, and (lts c|oar-
noss) lnto dust and log, tbo organ ol smo|| lnto a groat llor
cbarlot, vosso| and cago, tbo organ ol tasto lnto crlos,
scroams, |amontatlon and wooplng, tbo organ ol toucb lnto a
|argo or sma|| (bod) suboct ln a slng|o da to tons ol tbou-
sands ol blrtbs and doatbs.
`nanda, tboso aro tbo ton causos and slx ollocts ol tbo
roa|m ol bo||s wblcb aro a|| croatod b |lvlng bolngs tbrougb
tbolr own do|uslon and la|sonoss.
Degrees of Perversity in Relation to Suffering in the Hells
`ll at a|| tlmos a |lvlng bolng croatos tboso tbroo karmlc causos
ol rotrlbutlvo ollocts to bo sullorod b a|| slx sonso organs, bo
wl|| la|| lnto tbo avicl bo|| wboro bo wl|| onduro unto|d mlsorlos
lor count|oss aoons.
`ll at tlmos bo croatos lndlvldua| karmlc causos ol rotrlb-
utlvo ollocts to bo sullorod b bls sonso organs soparato|, bo
wl|| la|| lnto tbo olgbt unlntormlttont bo||s.
`ll bo kl||s, stoa|s, and ls carna| ln bod, moutb and
mlnd, bo wl|| la|| lnto tbo olgbtoon |ossor bo||s.
`ll bo doos not commlt tboso tbroo ovl| doods wblcb ln-
vo|vo bod, moutb and mlnd but occaslona||, kl||s or stoa|s,
bo wl|| la|| lnto tbo tblrt-slx |ossor bo||s.
`ll bo commlts on| ono ol tbom wltb a slng|o sonso
organ, bo wl|| la|| lnto tbo 0S mlnor bo||s.
`Tbus a|| |lvlng bolngs, tbougb croatlng tbolr own causos
ol rotrlbutlvo ollocts, bavo to onduro tbo samo corrospondlng
sullorlngs ln tbo samo bo||s wblcb aro tbo products ol tbolr
wrong tblnklng and wblcb lundamonta|| do not oxlst.
The Ten Categories in the Realm of Hungry Ghosts
`Furtbor, nanda, ll |lvlng bolngs vlo|ato tbo procopts, broak,
tbo ru|os ol Bodblsattva dlsclp|lno, dostro bo|lol ln tbo (so|l-
possossod) Buddba-naturo and croato tbo (abovo-montlonod
ton) karmlc causos, altor bolng scorcbod ln tbo bo||s lor suc-
cosslvo aoons, tbo wl|| bavo pald lor a|| tbo wrong tbo bavo
dono and wl|| bo roborn ln tbo roa|m ol bungr gbosts.
. `ll cravlng bo tbo causo ol tbolr mlsdoods, tbo wl||,
altor palng lor tbolr slns, tako tbo lorm ol wbatovor tbo
moot (on |oavlng tbo bo||s) to bocomo Strango Gbosts.
2. `ll |ust bo tbo causo ol tbolr mlsdoods, tbo wl||, altor
palng lor tbolr slns, tako lorm wbon b|own b tbo wlnd (on
|oavlng tbo bo||s) to bocomo Drougbt Gbosts.
3. `ll docoltlu|noss bo tbo causo ol tbolr mlsdoods, tbo
wl||, altor palng lor tbolr slns, tako lorm wbon mootlng anl-
ma|s to bocomo Anlma| Gbosts.
4. `ll bato bo tbo causo ol tbolr mlsdoods, tbo wl||, altor
palng lor tbolr slns, tako lorm wbon mootlng worms and ln-
socts to bocomo Noxlous Gbosts.
5. `ll rovongolu|noss bo tbo causo ol tbolr mlsdoods,
tbo wl||, altor palng lor tbolr slns, tako lorm ln tbo mldst ol
mlslortuno and ca|amlt to bocomo Cruo| Gbosts.
6. `ll arroganco bo tbo causo ol tbolr mlsdoods, tbo
wl||, altor palng lor tbolr slns, tako lorm wbon mootlng op-
prossod poop|o to bocomo Starvod Gbosts.
7. `ll lraud bo tbo causo ol tbolr mlsdoods, tbo wl||,
altor palng lor tbolr slns, tako lorm wbon llndlng tbomso|vos
ln dark p|acos to bocomo Nlgbtmarlsb Gbosts.
S. `ll wrong vlows bo tbo causo ol tbolr mlsdoods, tbo
wl||, altor palng lor tbolr slns, tako lorm wbon mootlng
sprltos to bocomo Nalads.
. `ll unlalrnoss bo tbo causo ol tbolr mlsdoods, tbo
wl||, altor palng lor tbolr slns, tako lorm wbon soolng tbo
|lgbt to bocomo Sorvant Gbosts.
0. `ll dlsputatlon bo tbo causo ol tbolr mlsdoods, tbo
wl||, altor palng lor tbolr slns, tako lorm wbon mootlng
modlums to bocomo Mossongor Gbosts (to ro|a tbo nows
lrom tbo doad).
`nanda, tboso bolngs arc comp|oto| domlnatod b
tbolr passlons wblcb causo tbolr la|| lnto tbo roa|m ol bo||s
wboro tbo aro scorcbod dr b tbo l|amo ol passlon and
lrom wblcb tbo wl|| omorgo as bungr gbosts. Tboso statos
aro tbo products ol karma croatod b wrong tblnklng. ll tbo
awakon to Bodbl, tbo wl|| llnd tbat lundamonta|| tboso
karmlc statos cannot bo lound ln tbo prolound porloct and
brlgbt mlnd.
The Ten Categories of Animals (Birds, etc.)
`Furtbor, nanda, wbon a|| karmlc ollocts bavo boon com-
p|oto| ondurod ln tbo roa|m ol bungr gbosts, tbat ls altor tbo
consoquoncos ol passlons and tbougbts bavo ondod, tbo
wl|| bo roborn as anlma|s (blrds, otc.) wbo moot tbolr lormor
crodltors to ropa outstandlng dobts.
. `Strango Gbosts, altor oxplatlng tbolr mlsdoods ln
tbolr roa|ms, aro most| roborn as ow|s.
2. `Drougbt Gbosts, altor oxplatlng tbolr mlsdoods ln
tbolr roa|m, aro most| roborn as un|uck croaturos (wbo
loroto|| mlslortunos and ca|amltlos).
3. `Anlma| Gbosts, altor oxplatlng tbolr mlsdoods ln
tbolr roa|m, aro most| roborn as loxos.
4. `Noxlous Gbosts, altor oxplatlng tbolr mlsdoods ln
tbolr roa|m, aro most| roborn as vonomous croaturos.
5. `Cruo| Gbosts, altor oxplatlng tbolr mlsdoods ln tbolr
roa|m, aro most| roborn as tapoworms.
6. `Starvod Gbosts, altor oxplatlng tbolr mlsdoods ln
tbolr roa|m, aro most| roborn as croaturos good lor lood.
7. `Nlgbtmarlsb Gbosts, altor oxplatlng tbolr mlsdoods
ln tbolr roa|m, aro most| roborn as croaturos wbo provldo
matorla|s lor c|otblng.
S. `Nalads, altor oxplatlng tbolr mlsdoods ln tbolr roa|m,
aro most| roborn as croaturos tbrougb wbom tbo luturo can
bo loroto|d.
. `Sorvant Gbosts, altor oxplatlng tbolr mlsdoods ln
tbolr roa|m, aro most| roborn as ausplclous croaturos.
0. `Mossongor Gbosts, altor oxplatlng tbolr mlsdoods
ln tbolr roa|m, aro most| roborn as domostlc anlma|s.
`nanda, tboso bungr gbosts, altor wltborlng bocauso
ol tbo scorcblng olloct ol tbo l|amo ol tbolr passlons to ropa
tbolr lormor dobts, aro tbus roborn as anlma|s (blrds, otc.)
Tboso statos aro causod b tbolr karmlc mlsdoods but ll tbo
awakon to tbo Bodbl mlnd, tbo wl|| llnd tbat tbo causos ol
la|sobood lundamonta|| do not oxlst. You bavo montlonod
Bblksuni Fragranco ol Proclous Lotus, Klng Crsta| and
Bblksu Sanaksatra, but (ou sbou|d know tbat) tbolr ovl|
karmas camo lrom noltbor boavon nor oartb, nor woro tbo
lmposod on tbom b otbors. Slnco tbolr ovl| doods woro so|l-
mado, tbo bad to sullor lrom tbo consoquoncos wblcb woro
tbo congoa|atlon ol passlng la|so tbougbts ln tbo Bodbl mlnd.
`Furtbor, nanda, ll tboso croaturos, wbl|o palng tbolr
lormor dobts, aro mado to ropa moro tban ls ust, tbo wl||
bo roborn as mon to roc|alm tbo dllloronco. ll tbo crodltors
aro mon ol good vlrtuo and can ropa tbo outstandlng ba|-
anco, tbo wl|| koop tbolr buman stato wbl|o dolng so, but ll
tbo aro mon ol |ltt|o vlrtuo, tbo wl|| bo roborn as anlma|s to
mako good tbo amount rocolvod ln oxcoss.
`nanda, ou sbou|d know tbat ll tbo lndobtodnoss
conslsts ol mono and |abour, lt wl|| bo canco||od as soon as
lt bas boon rolmbursod. But ll ln addltlon to rocovorlng lt, tbo
croaturos concornod aro kl||od to provldo lood (lor tbo crod-
ltors), tbls wl|| start, botwoon dobtors and crodltors, an ond-
|oss round ol mutua| kl||lng and oatlng wblcb can bo brougbt
to an ond on| b (tbo practlco ol) Samatba or wbon a
Buddba appoars ln tbo wor|d (to toacb tbom tbo Dbarma).
The Ten Categories in the Realm of Human Beings
. `You sbou|d know tbat ow|s, altor ropalng tbolr lormor dobts
aro roborn as waward mon ln tbo roa|m ol buman bolngs.
2. `lnausplclous croaturos, altor ropalng tbolr lormor
dobts, aro roborn as mon wltb anlma| bablts.
3. `Foxos, altor ropalng tbolr lormor dobts, aro roborn
as vu|gar mon.
4. `Vonomous croaturos, altor ropalng tbolr lormor
dobts, aro roborn as savagos.
5. `Tapoworms, altor ropalng tbolr lormor dobts, aro
roborn as vl|o mon.
6. `Croaturos good lor lood, altor ropalng tbolr lormor
dobts, aro roborn as cowards.
7. `Anlma|s provldlng matorla|s lor woarlng apparo|,
altor ropalng tbolr lormor dobts, aro roborn as sorvl|o mon.
S. `Croaturos tbrougb wbom tbo luturo can bo loroto|d,
altor ropalng tbolr lormor dobts, aro roborn as |ltorar mon.
. `Ausplclous croaturos, altor ropalng tbolr lormor
dobts, aro roborn as lnto||lgont mon.
0. `Domostlc anlma|s, altor ropalng tbolr lormor
dobts, aro roborn as mon vorsod ln tbo was ol tbo wor|d.
`nanda, tboso |lvlng bolngs, altor ropalng tbolr dobts,
aro roborn ln tbo roa|m ol buman bolngs bocauso slnco tbo
tlmo wltbout boglnnlng, tbo bavo, on account ol tbolr karma
and porvorslon, kl||od ono anotbor and bavo not mot tbo
Buddba or board tbo rlgbt Dbarma, bonco tbolr transmlgra-
tlon accordlng to tbo |aw ol sams5ra, tbo aro most pltlab|o.
The Ten Categories in the Realm of Seers (is)
`nanda, tboro aro mon wbo, lnstoad ol cu|tlvatlng tbo
Sam5dbl ol rlgbt Bodbl, practlso (lmmorta|lt) wrong|
accordlng to tbolr la|so tbougbts, tbus prosorvlng tbolr tblnk-
lng and bodlos, tbo aro lond ol |lvlng ln mountalns, grovos
and unlnbabltab|o p|acos. Tboro aro ton c|assos ol tbom.
. `nanda, tboso mon wbo dlot (spocla||) to prosorvo
tbolr bodlos and tborob |lvo |ong tbrougb dlotlng, aro ca||od
oartbbound soors.
2. `Tboso wbo tako borbs and lrults to prosorvo tbolr
bodlos and tborob |lvo |ong tbrougb taklng modlclno, aro
ca||od l|lng soors.
3. `Tboso wbo tako mlnora| products to prosorvo tbolr
bodlos and tborob |lvo |ong b moans ol a|cbom, aro ca||od
unblndorod roamlng soors.
4. `Tboso wbo rogu|ato tbolr (organlc) lunctlons to pro-
sorvo tbolr bodlos and tborob |lvo |ong b moans ol propor
broatblng, aro ca||od lmmatorla| soors.
5. `Tboso wbo mako good uso ol contro||lng tbolr sa|lva
to prosorvo tbolr bodlos and tborob |lvo |ong b moans ol
tbolr g|owlng splrltua|lt, aro ca||od boavon| soors.
6. `Tboso wbo lood on tbo vlta| prlnclp|o ol naturo to
prosorvo tbo ossonco ol lorm, and tborob |lvo |ong b ab-
sorblng natura| purlt, aro ca||od a||-ontorlng soors.
7. `Tboso wbo uso lncantatlons to prosorvo tbolr bodlos
and tborob |lvo |ong b moans ol occu|tlsm, aro ca||od soors
ol tbo (|ossor) Tao.
S. `Tboso wbo concontrato on tbolr tbougbts to pro-
sorvo tbolr bodlos and tborob |lvo |ong b moans ol monta|
concontratlon aro ca||od l||umlnatlng soors.
. `Tboso wbo practlso tbo lntogratlon ol (tbo posltlvo
and nogatlvo) prlnclp|os to prosorvo tbolr bodlos and tborob
|lvo |ong b moans ol tbo splrltua| barnosslng powor (ol oga)
aro ca||od splrltua| soors.
0. `Tboso wbo practlso sub|lmatlon ol tbolr bodlos
and tborob |lvo |ong b moans ol splrltua| awaronoss aro
soors ol tbo blgbost ordor.
`nanda, tboso mon rogu|ato tbolr mlnds but do not
practlso tbo rlgbt Bodbl, and |lvo lor porbaps a tbousand and
ton tbousand oars, tbo |lvo on blgb mountalns or (dosort)
ls|ands and cut oll a|| wor|d| connoctlons. Tbolr statos stl||
bo|ong to tbo samsarlc stroam ol wrong tbougbts, and slnco
tbo do not practlso Sam5dbl, wbon tbo bavo onood tbolr
condltlonod b|osslng, tbo wl|| bavo to roturn to tbo (|owor)
p|anos ol oxlstonco.
The Realm of the Gods (Devaloka)
The Six Heavens of the Realm of Desire (Kmadhtu)
. `nanda, tboro aro mon wbo do not sook tbo pormanont
bocauso tbo cannot ro|lnqulsb tbolr |ovo lor tbolr wlvos.
Tbo, bowovor, do not commlt adu|tor, and so tbolr mlnds
aro c|oar and brlgbt. Altor tbolr doatb, tbo wl|| bo roborn ln
tbo roglons noar tbo sun and tbo moon, ca||od tbo lour boav-
ons ol tbo lour dova-klngs (catur-mab5r5a-k5lka).
2. `Tboro aro mon wbo, tbougb |lvlng wltb tbolr wlvos,
aro |ukowarm about |ovo and soxua| doslro. Tbolr cbastlt ls,
tboroloro, not porloct and so, altor tbolr doatb, tbo wl|| bo
roborn ln tbo roglons abovo tbo sun and tbo moon and on
tbo top ol tbo world, ca||od tbo Traastrlms5 boavons.2S
3. `Tboso wboso soxua| lndu|gonco ls on| lncldonta|
27. Tbo aro lndra`s lour oxtorna| `gonora|s` wbo dwo|| oacb on a sldo ol mount Sumoru: tbo oast dova
ls ca||od Dbrtar5stra, tbo soutb dova, Vlrudbaka, tbo wost dova, Vlrup5ksa, and tbo nortb dova,
Valsramana. Tbo aro guardlans ol tbo wor|d and tbolr statuos aro lnsldo tbo ontranco door ol ovor
monastor ln Cblna.
2S. Tbo aro tbo boavons ol tbo tblrt-tbroo dovas, tbo boavon ol lndra on mount Sumoru.
2. Tbo stl|| bo|ong to tbo wor|d ol doslro.
and ls tbon a|was lorgotton,
and wbo prolor tranqul||lt
to dlsturbanco, wl||, altor tbolr doatb, bo roborn ln spaco
wboro tbo wl|| dwo|| ln brlgbtnoss wblcb oc|lpsos tbo |lgbt ol
tbo sun and moon bocauso ol tbolr |umlnous bodlos.
ls tbo Su5ma boavon.
4. `Tboso wbo |lvo ln tranqul||lt at a|| tlmos but aro stl||
not ot lmmuno to dlsturbanco, wl|| altor tbolr doatb, bo
roborn ln tbo subt|o roglon wblcb ls boond tbo roacb ol mon
and |owor dovas and wblcb romalns unalloctod b tbo tbroo
ca|amltlos (ol llro, wator and wlnd) durlng tbo ka|pa ol wor|d-
dostructlon. Tbls ls tbo Tuslta boavon.
5. `Tboso wbo bavo ro|lnqulsbod a|| soxua| doslros but
aro proparod to satlsl tboso ol tbolr wlvos and wbo loo| as ll
tbo cbow (tasto|oss) wax durlng tbo lntorcourso, wl||, altor
tbolr doatb, bo roborn ln tbo roglon attalnab|o b |oaps and
bounds (dlroct lrom tbo roa|m ol buman bolngs).
Tbls ls
tbo Nlrm5naratl boavon.
6. `Tboso wbo bavo cut oll tbolr wor|d| mlnds and aro
tbus lroo lrom oartb| proudlcos wbon doa|lng wltb wor|d-
|lngs wl||, altor tbolr doatb, bo roborn ln tbo roglon boond
tboso wboro o ls attalnab|o
and unattalnab|o
at wl||.
220. Tbo bavo ro|lnqulsbod |ovo.
22. Tbolr soxua| lndu|gonco conslsts ol ombraclng, wltbout lntorcourso.
222. Tbls ls tbo boavon ol contontmont wblcb bas an lnnor court, tbo Puro Land ol Maltroa wbo wl||
doscond to oartb as tbo noxt Buddba. Most Buddblsts wbo tako tbo vow to |lborato a|| |lvlng bolngs
altor tbolr own on|lgbtonmont, wl|| bo roborn tboro and wl|| lo||ow Maltroa, as asslstants, to toacb
buman bolngs altor tbo prosont Dbarma-ondlng ago.
223. Wltbout passlng tbrougb tbo lour |owor boavons.
224. Wboro ovor lorm ol o ls attalnab|o at wl|| and wboro moro sml|os satlsl soxua| doslros.
225. Tbo Nlrm5naratl boavon wboro o ls attalnab|o at wl||.
226. Tbo llrst lour |owor boavons wboro o cannot bo attalnod at wl||.
Tbls ls tbo Paranlrmltavasavartln boavon.
`nanda, tbougb tboso slx roa|ms ol boavons aro lroo
lrom (monta|) dlsturbancos, tbo stl|| rotaln tbo concoptlon
ol mlnd, bonco tbo aro ca||od, roa|ms ol doslros.
The Four Regions of the Dhyna Heavens of the Realm of Form
The first region of the three dhyna heavens
. `nanda, a|| wor|d| mon wbo do not practlso db5na ln
tbolr cu|tlvatlon ol tbo Mlnd, cannot acblovo Wlsdom. ll tbo
on| abstaln lrom soxua| doslros ol wblcb tbo do not ovon
tblnk ln tbolr dal| actlvltlos, tbo wl|| not bo contamlnatod b
|ovo and wl|| |oavo tbo roa|m ol doslros. Tbo wl|| bo roborn,
as tbo wlsb, as poop|o (Brabm5-p5rlsada) ln tbo boavon
ca||od Brabm5-k5lka.
2. `Tboso wbo ro|lnqulsb tbolr bablts ol doslro and so
roa|lzo mlnds lroo lrom |ust, aro ab|o to koop tbo ru|os ol
mora|lt and dlsclp|lno and to |lvo puro| wbatovor tbo do.
Tbo wl|| bo roborn as mlnlstors ol Brabm5 ln tbo boavon
ca||od Brabm5-purobltas.
3. `Tboso wboso bodlos and mlnds aro prolound and
porloct, wboso doportmont and puro |lvlng aro lrroproacb-
ab|o and wbo tborob acblovo c|oar undorstandlng, aro qua|-
lllod to ru|o ovor tbo Brabm5dovas as tbolr |ords
(Mab5brabm5-dova-r5a). Tbls ls tbo Mabbrabm5 boavon.
227. Tbo abodo ol Mabosvara (l.o. Slva) and ol M5ra, wboro tbo dovas aval| tbomso|vos ol tbo morlts ol
otbors lor tbolr own p|oasuros, and wboro tbo |ook at tbo opposlto sox to satlsl tbolr soxua| doslros.
22S. Tbo rotlnuo ol Brabm5.
22. Tbo mlnlstors ol Brabm5.
`nanda, tboso tbroo boavons aro lroo lrom a|| wor|d|
troub|os wblcb cannot roacb tbom. A|tbougb tboso gods do
not practlso tbo rlgbt Sam5dbl, tbolr mlnds aro stl|| and lroo
lrom a|| dlsturbancos. Tbls ls tbo llrst roglon ol tbo db5na
The second region of the three dhyna heavens
. `nanda, noxt comos tbo boavon ol Brabm wbo rolgns
ovor bls poop|o and porlocts tbo ru|os ol puro |lvlng and wboso
unporturbod mlnd ls stl|| and sblnlng. Tbls ls tbo boavon ol
Mlnor Llgbt (Paritt5bba).
2. `Tbo abovo |lgbt grows brlgbtor and l||umlnos a|| tbo
wor|ds ln tbo ton dlroctlons tborob cbanglng ovortblng lnto
c|oar crsta|. Tbls ls tbo boavon ol lnllnlto Llgbt (Apram5n5bba).
3. `Tbo prosorvatlon ol tbls lnllnlto Llgbt now bocomos
tbo tbomo ol tbo toacblng volco tbat proacbos purlt, and
c|oannoss to a|| wbo can rospond. Tbls ls tbo bb5svara
`nanda, tboso tbroo boavons aro boond a|| wor|d|
troub|os and a|tbougb tbolr dovas do not practlso tbo rlgbt
Sam5dbl, tbolr puro and c|oan mlnds aro lroo lrom a|| tbo
coarso cbaractorlstlcs ol sams5ra. Tbls ls tbo socond roglon ol
tbo db5na boavons.
The third region of the three dhyna heavens
. `nanda, tbus tboso dovas transmuto tbls porloct |lgbt
lnto tbo tbomo ol tbo volco wblcb rovoa|s tbo wondorlu|
(stato) and tborob glvos rlso to puro conduct tbat unltos
230. Tbo boavon ln wblcb tbo lnbabltants convorso b |lgbt lnstoad ol words.
wltb db5na b wlplng out (a|| lormor loo|lngs ol) o. Tbls
ls tbo boavon ol Mlnor Purlt (Parittasubba).
2. `Puro voldnoss now manllosts ln lts bound|oss lm-
monslt causlng botb bod and mlnd to oxporlonco comlort-
ab|o wolgbt|ossnoss and nlrvanlc b|lss. Tbls ls tbo boavon ol
lnllnlto Purlt (Apram5nasubba).
3. `Bod, mlnd and unlvorso aro now ln tbo stato ol
porloct purlt, wblcb rovoa|s c|oar| a supramundano abodo
lu|| ol nlrvanlc b|lss. Tbls ls tbo boavon ol Unlvorsa| Purlt
`nanda, tboso tbroo boavons accord wltb tbo (stato ol)
porloct db5na ln wblcb bod and mlnd aro at rost and ono
bound|oss b|lss. A|tbougb tbolr dovas bavo not acblovod tbo
rlgbt Sam5dbl, tbolr stl|| mlnds aro lu|| ol bapplnoss. Tbls ls
tbo tblrd roglon ol tbo db5na boavons.
The fourth region of the four dhyna heavens
. `Furtbor, nanda, tboso dovas wboso bodlos and mlnds
aro boond a|| sullorlngs tbo causos ol wblcb bavo boon com-
p|oto| wlpod out, roa|lzo tbat b|lss ls not pormanont and wl||
ln tlmo lnovltab| como to an ond. Tbo, tboroloro, ro|lnqulsb
comp|oto| tbo dua| concopt ol sullorlng and bapplnoss and,
as tbo wlpo out tbo coarso cbaractorlstlcs ol botb condltlons,
tbo stato ol lo|lclt manllosts ln a|| lts purlt. Tbls ls tbo boavon
ol lo|lcltous blrtb (Punaprasava).
2. `Tbo o|lmlnatlon (ol tbo abovo dua|lt) rosu|ts ln tbolr
comp|oto |lboratlon lrom tbls blndranco and onab|os tbom to
ono tbo lu|| moasuro ol lo|lclt as |ong as tbo sta ln tbls
boavon. Tbls ls tbo boavon ol lo|lcltous do|lgbt, or c|oud|oss
lo|lclt (Anabbraka).
3. `nanda, tbo (abovo) boavon now dlvldos lnto
two patbs, ono ol wblcb ls attalnab|o b tboso wbo, ln tbo
|lgbt ol bound|oss purlt, acblovo tbo porloctlon ol lo|lclt
as tbolr abodo. Tbls ls tbo boavon ol Abundant Frult
4. `(On tbo otbor band) ll tbo wlpo out botb sullorlng
and bapplnoss tborob dovo|oplng a ronounclng mlnd,
wblcb ln tlmo onsuros tbolr comp|oto ronunclatlon, botb tbolr
bodlos and mlnds wl|| bo o|lmlnatod and wltb tbom a|| monta|
troub|os. But bocauso tbolr practlco ls basod on tbo samsarlc
ldoa (ol blrtb and doatb) as a polnt ol doparturo, tbo wl||
not, lor llvo bundrod aoons, roa|lzo tbolr pormanont naturo.
Tbo roason ls tbat ln ovor ka|pa tbo can on| succood
durlng lts llrst ba|l ln wlplng out a|| tbolr tbougbts wblcb,
bowovor, wl|| rocur durlng lts socond ba|l (bocauso ol tbo
wrong startlng polnt). Tbls ls tbo boavon ol tbougbt|oss dovas
`nanda, tboso lour boavons ato boond a|| world|
sullorlng and bapplnoss wblcb can no moro stlr tbom. But
tbo bavo not ot roacbod tbo truo stato ol transcondonta|
(wu wol) lmmutabl|lt bocauso tbo (stl||) prosorvo tbo notlon
ol acblovomont. For tbls olllclont acblovomont, tbo aro
ca||od tbo lourtb roglon ol tbo db5na boavons.
The five heavens from which there is no return
`Furtbor, nanda, abovo tbo lourtb roglon ol tbo db5na
boavons tboro aro llvo boavons lrom wblcb tboro ls no
wboso dovas bavo comp|oto| cut oll a|| bablts
contractod tbrougb tbo nlno tpos ol do|uslon ol oacb ol tbo
|owor boavons.
Tbo aro tbus boond sullorlng
and dwo|| no moro ln tboso lnlorlor boavons.
Honco tbolr prosont abodos sot up b tbolr acblovomont ol
ronunclatlon. (Tbo aro):
l. `nanda, wltb tbo comp|oto o|lmlnatlon ol botb sul-
lorlng and bapplnoss, tbo strugg|lng mlnd coasos to arlso ln
tbls boavon wblcb ls lroo lrom troub|o and ls ca||od Avrba.
2. `Tboro romalns now tbo so|ltar ronounclng mlnd
tbat no |ongor conlronts obocts ln tbls boavon wblcb ls lroo
lrom tbo boat (ol mlnor troub|o) and ls ca||od Atapa.
3. `A|| tbo wor|ds ln tbo ton dlroctlons aro now c|oar|
porcolvod as porloct| stl|| wltbout ovon a spock ol lmpurlt
ln tbls boavon ol oxco||ont porcoptlon, ca||od Sudarsana.
4. `Tbo ossonco ol soolng now manllosts and dlsso|vos
a|| (subt|o) blndrancos ln tbls boavon ol oxco||ont manllosta-
tlons ca||od Sudrsa.
5. `Tbo utmost subt|ot ol lorm |oads to lts oxtromo |lmlt
wboro starts bound|oss spaco ln tbls u|tlmato boavon ol (lln-
ost) lorm, ca||od Akanlstba.
`nanda, tboso (llvo) boavons lrom wblcb tboro ls no
roturn aro lmporcoptlb|o to tbo dova klngs ol tbo lour db5na
23. Tbo dovas ol tboso llvo boavons wl|| not roturn to tbo roa|m ol doslro or to tbo lour llrst db5na
boavons ol tbo roa|m ol lorm.
232. Soo p. 244, noto 2, lor a lu|| doscrlptlon ol tbo nlno c|assos ol do|uslon.
233. Sullorlng ln tbo roa|m ol doslro.
234. Happlnoss ln tbo llrst db5na boavons.
boavons wbo on| boar ol tbolr oxlstonco but cannot soo
tbom. Tbo aro |lko tboso bo| sltos (bodblmanda|as) sltuatod
doop ln tbo mountalns, wblcb aro tbo abodos ol Arbats and
wblcb no wor|d|lng can soo.
`nanda, tbo abovo aro tbo olgbtoon boavons ol lorm
wboso dovas aro so|ltarlos boond a|| doslros, but aro stl|| bln-
dorod b tbolr lorms. Tboso boavons aro, tboroloro, ln tbo
roa|m ol lorm.
The Four Heavens of the Formless Realm of
Pure Spirit (Arpadhtu)
The state of the Great Arhat
`Furtbor, nanda, tbo roglon abovo tbo top ol tbo roa|m ol
lorm ls dlvldod lnto two patbs. ll tbo ronounclng mlnds ol
tboso dovas croato (transcondonta|) wlsdom, tbo |lgbt ol
wblcb ls porloct| ponotratlng, tbo wl|| |oap ovor sams5ra to
bocomo Arbats (|ator) to ontor tbo Bodblsattva stato. Tbo
aro ca||od Groat Arbats wboso mlnds aro turnod towards
The four heavens beyond form
. `On tbo otbor band, ll altor acqulrlng a ronounclng mlnd,
tbo ro|lnqulsb tbls acblovomont and loo| tbat tbolr bodlos
aro no |ongor obstructlvo, tbo wl|| romovo a|| obstac|os to
ontor tbo vold. Tbls ls tbo boavon ol bound|oss omptlnoss
2. `ll altor wlplng out a|| obstructlon, tbo koop awa
lrom bound|oss voldnoss, tbo wl|| rotaln on| tbo subt|o ba|l
ol (k|lsta-) mano-vl5na
ln tbo 5|aa. Tbls ls tbo boavon
ol bound|oss consclousnoss. (Vl5n5nant5atana).
3. `Wltb tbo o|lmlnatlon ol botb lorm and voldnoss and
tbo addltlona| oradlcatlon ol consclousnoss, a|| tbo ton dlroc-
tlons wl|| bo comp|oto| stl||, morglng lnto notblngnoss. Tbls
boavon ls ca||od Aklcan5atana.
4. `Consclousnoss now bocomos lmmovab|o awaro-
noss, tbus ondlng a|| lurtbor oxbaustlvo soarcb. As a rosu|t,
tbo lnoxbaustlb|o rovoa|s tbo oxbaustlb|o wblcb sooms to, ot
doos not, sta and wblcb sooms to, ot doos not, ond. Tbls ls
tbo boavon ol dovas wbo aro noltbor tbougbtlu| nor tbougbt-
|oss (Nalvasam5nasam5atana).
The Angmin stage
`Tbougb tbo dovas ol tbo lour boavons boond lorm succood
ln |ooklng oxbaustlvo| lnto tbo vold, tbo lal| to roa|lzo tbo
abso|uto voldnoss ol (lmmatorla|) noumonon. Tbo a|| como
lrom tbo llvo boavons ol lorm lrom wblcb tboro ls no roturn
and ll tbo do not stra lrom tbo bo| Wa, tbo aro ca||od
(An5g5mlns ol) Arbatsblp wboso du|| mlnds aro not turnod
towards Mab55na.
`Howovor, ll tbo lo||ow tbougbt|oss dovas ol tbo bot-
orodox wa and sta ln tbls lnoxbaustlb|o voldnoss, tbo wl||
do|lgbt ln samsarlc boavons and wl|| bo doprlvod ol tbo
cbanco ol boarlng tbo Dbarma, tbo wl|| llna|| bo turnod
back to tbo wboo| ol blrtbs and doatbs.
235. Tbo coarso ba|l ol tbo sovontb consclousnoss ls lorm wblcb was wlpod out oar|lor and lts subt|o ba|l
ls 5|aa`s suboctlvo porcoptlon, or Ego.
236. Tbo roglon wboro notblng oxlsts and wboro on| consclousnoss ln lts subt|ot romalns. lt ls not tbo
u|tlmato and stl|| portalns to Sams5ra.
`nanda, a|| tbo dovas ln tboso boavons woro onco
wor|d| mon wboso roward causod tbolr roblrtb tboro, and
altor onolng lts lrult, tbo wl|| bavo to roturn to Sams5ra.
Howovor, tbolr ru|ors (dovar5a) aro Bodblsattvas wbo, ln tbolr
practlco ol Sam5dbl, appoar ln tbolr boavons wblcb tbo uso
as patbs lor tbolr progrosslvo advanco towards Buddbabood.
`nanda, tbo dovas ln tboso lour boavons boond lorm
bavo wlpod out a|| tracos ol bod and mlnd. As tbolr stl|| (db5-
na) naturo bas appoarod, tbo aro lroo lrom a|| rotrlbutlon ln-
vo|vlng (matorla|) lorms. Honco tbls ls tbo roglon boond lorm.
`A|| tbls comos lrom tbolr bolng not c|oar about tbo pro-
lound mlnd ol Bodbl and bocauso ol tbolr prosorvatlon ol ac-
cumu|atod tbougbts, tbo croato tbo tbroo l||usor roa|ms ol
oxlstonco tbrougb tbo sovon statos,
bonco tbo aro |lvlng
bolngs (pudga|a)
ln tbo wor|ds tbo bavo dosorvod.
The Four Classes in the Realm of Titans (Asura-gati)
`Furtbor, nanda, tboro aro lour c|assos ol asuras ln tbo tbreo
roa|ms ol oxlstonco.
. `ll a bungr gbost, wbl|o ln bls roa|m, strlvos to pro-
toct tbo Dbarma and tborob usos bls poworlu| undorstand-
lng to ontor tbo vold, bo wl|| bo roborn lrom an ogg as an
asura wbo ls connoctod wltb tbo roa|m ol bungr gbosts.
2. `ll a dova, bocauso ol bls dlmlnlsblng morlts, ls about
to la|| lnto tbo roglon noar tbo sun and tbo moon, bo wl|| bo
237. Tbo sovon statos or gatl aro: bo|| (n5rakagatl), bungr gbost (prota), anlma| (tlragonl), man
(manusa), soor (rsl), god (dova), and tltan (asura).
23S. Llvlng bolngs suboct to motompscbosls.
roborn lrom a womb as an asura wbo ls connoctod wltb tbo
roa|m ol buman bolngs.
3. `A klng ol tbo asuras wbo ru|os ovor (tbo gbosts and
splrlts ln) tbo wor|d, ls poworlu| and loar|oss and can llgbt lor
powor agalnst Brabm5 and bls poop|o, Sakra and tbo lour
klngs ol tbo lour (|owor) boavons. Tbls asura ls born b trans-
lormatlon and ls connoctod wltb tbo roa|m ol boavons.
4. `nanda, tboro ls anotbor lnlorlor c|ass ol asuras wbo
aro born ln tbo soa on tbo bod ol wblcb tbo |lvo ln bo|os.
Tbo roam ln spaco durlng tbo da and roturn to tbo soa at
nlgbt. Tboso asuras aro born lrom bumldlt and aro connoct-
od wltb tbo roa|m ol anlma|s (blrds, otc.).
`nanda, tbo abovo sovon roa|ms ol bo||s, bungr gbosts,
anlma|s (blrds, otc.), mon, soors, boavons and tltans como lrom
tbolr own l||uslons ol wor|d| lorms. Tbo aro croatod b tbolr
wrong tblnklng and aro |lko l|owors ln tbo sk wltbln tbolr pro-
lound, porloct, brlgbt and non-croatlng lundamonta| mlnds.
Essontla|| tbo are not ln bondago to antblng, and aro (tbo
product ol) la|sobood wblcb bas noltbor root nor c|uo.
`nanda, tboso |lvlng bolngs aro unawaro ol tbolr lun-
damonta| mlnds and so sullor lrom tbls round ol blrtbs and
doatbs ln sams5ra. ll tbo bavo passod count|oss aoons wltb-
out roa|lzlng tbo truo and puro (mlnd), lt ls bocauso tbo bavo
kl||od, sto|on and boon carna| tbo coaslng ol wblcb bas
causod tbom to bo roborn wboro tboso acts aro unknown.
Wboro tboso acts oxlst ls ca||od tbo roa|m ol bungr gbosts
and wboro tbo do not ls ca||od tbo roa|m ol dovas. Tbo pros-
23. Tbo roa|m ol dovas.
onco or absonco ol tboso tbroo ovl|s a|tornato and causo tbo
wboo| ol Sams5ra to turn.
`ll tbo acblovo Sam5dbl, tbo wl|| roa|lzo tbo pro-
lound, otorna| and stl|| stato wblcb ls lroo lrom tbo dua|lt
ol oxlstonco and non-oxlstonco, and ls a|so boond tbls
vor lroodom lrom dua|lt.
ln sucb a stato wboro ovon
non-kl||lng, non-stoa|lng and non-carna|lzlng cannot bo
lound, bow can tboro bo sucb ovl|s as kl||lng, stoa|lng and
`nanda, ll an lndlvldua| doos not abstaln lrom tboso
tbroo ovl| doods, bo wl|| sullor lrom ovl| consoquoncos. ll a
group ol lndlvldua|s commlt tbom, tbo wl|| a|| onduro tbo
samo sullorlng ln tbo samo p|aco wblcb cannot bo sald to bo
non-oxlstont. Howovor, tbls (p|aco) arlsos lrom la|sobood
wblcb bas no causo and cannot bo sougbt anwboro.
`As ou strlvo to roa|lzo Bodbl, ou sbou|d wlpo out
tboso tbroo ovl|s. ll ou do not, wbatovor supornatura| powor
ou ma acqulro lrom our practlco stl|| portalns to wor|d|
acblovomont. ll our (vlclous) bablts aro not cut oll, ou wl||
la|| lnto tbo roa|m ol domons, and ovon ll ou tbon want to
wlpo out la|sobood, ou wl|| on| lncroaso lt. Tboroloro, tbo
Tatb5gata sas tbat ou arc most pltlab|o bocauso our sul-
lorlngs aro so|l-lnl|lctod and do not como lrom an doloct ol
`Tbo abovo proacblng ls rlgbt and an otbor ls tbat ol
tbo domon (Mra).`
240. Tbo u|tlmato stato ls noltbor Sams5ra wboro tbo tbroo ovl|s oxlst nor Nlrv5na wboro tbo do not.
24. A puro stato wblcb ls lroo lrom a|| dua|ltlos.
Warning to Practisers: The Fifty False States
Caused by the Five Aggregates
States of Mra Caused by the Five Aggregates
As tbo gatborlng drow to a c|oso, tbo Buddba graspod tbo
toapo and mado a movo to rlso lrom Hls |lon soat wbon sud-
don| bo cbangod bls mlnd, |oant back and sald to nanda
and tbo assomb|: `You sr5vakas and pratoka-buddbas nood
to stud moro ln our quost ol Supromo Bodbl: l bavo taugbt
ou tbo motbod ol corroct cu|tlvatlon but ou stl|| do not know
tbo subt|o statos ol M5ra wblcb appoar wbon ou practlso
samatba-vlpasan5. Wbon tbo manllost, ll ou lal| to dlstln-
gulsb tbom and ll our mlnds aro not ln a rlgbt stato, ou wl||
la|| lnto tbo ovl| was ol oltbor tbo domons or our llvo aggro-
gatos, ol tbo boavon| M5ras, ol gbosts and splrlts, or ol mls-
cblovous sprltos. ll ou aro not. c|oar about tbom, ou wl||
mlstako tblovos lor our own sons. Furtbor, ou ma rogard
somo |ltt|o progross as comp|oto acblovomont, |lko tbo untu-
torod Bblksu
wbo wbon bo roacbod tbo lourtb db5na
boavon prosumod tbat bo bad bocomo a salnt, altor bo bad on-
ood bls roward ln boavon, a|| lndlcatlons ol bls approacblng
la|| appoarod. As bo vl|lllod tbo arbats, bo croatod tbo karma ol
242. A monk wbo rolusod to boar tbo Dbarma bocauso bo tbougbt tbat b moro| stopplng a|| tblnklng
bo bad attalnod salntbood.
luturo lncarnatlon and tbon lo|| lnto tbo avicl bo||. You sbou|d
|lston carolu|| to wbat l now to|| ou ln dotal|.`
nanda roso lrom bls soat and, wltb a|| tboso roqulrlng
lurtbor stud, prostratod blmso|l at tbo Buddba`s loot and
awaltod Hls compasslonato lnstructlon.
Tbo Buddba sald: `You sbou|d a|| know tbat tbo c|oar
substanco ol tbo prolound and brlgbt baslc Bodbl ol a|| |lvlng
bolngs ol tbo two|vo tpos ol blrtb ln sams5ra ls tbat ol a||
Buddbas ln tbo ton dlroctlons. lt ls bocauso ou tblnk wrong|
tbat ou aro not c|oar about tbo noumonon and so bocomo
stupld and lu|| ol doslros wblcb |oad to our comp|oto do|u-
slon. Honco tbo (ro|atlvo) voldnoss, and as ou aro a|was do-
|udod, tbo wor|d ls la|so| croatod. A|| countrlos count|oss as
dust aro ln sams5ra bocauso ol our obstlnato wrong tblnklng.
But ou sbou|d know tbat (ro|atlvo) voldnoss ls croatod ln
our mlnds, |lko a sma|| c|oud tbat ls but a spock ln tbo groat
omptlnoss, bow mucb moro so ls tbo wor|d wblcb ls wltbln tbls
(ro|atlvo) voldnoss ll ou roa|lzo tbo roa| to roturn to tbo
sourco, tbo vold ln tbo ton dlroctlons wl|| vanlsb. Wb, tbon,
wl|| not a|| tbo countrlos ln tbat voldnoss sbako and crack
`Wbon ou practlso db5na to prosorvo tbo stato ol
sam5dbl, a|| Bodblsattvas, and a|| groat arbats wboso ossonco
ol mlnd ls a|road ponotratlvo, aro unmovod, but tbo klngs ol
tbo domons, gbosts, splrlts and |owor boavons aro sbockod
to soo tbolr pa|acos broak opon wltbout causo and tbo groat
oartb sbako and crack, a|| tboso on oartb and ln tbo alr tako
lrlgbt wboroas wor|d| mon wbo aro do|udod do not loo| an-
tblng, bocauso tboso domons, tbougb tbo bavo acqulrod
llvo supornatura| powors,
stl|| lal| to roa|lzo transcondonta|
lnslgbt lnto tbo ondlng ol tbo stroam ol transmlgratlon
tbo bavo not brokon tbolr |lnks wltb sams5ra, bow can tbo
|ot ou dostro tbolr dwo||lngs Tbls ls wb tbo como to
troub|o and anno ou wbon ou ontor tbo stato ol sam5dbl.
`Howovor, ln splto ol tbolr rago, tboso domons aro tboro
ln our prolound stato ol bodbl and aro |lko poop|o trlng ln
valn to b|ow out sun|lgbt and to cut wator wltb a sword, wbl|o
ou aro |lko bol|lng wator tbat mo|ts so|ld lco. Tbougb tbo
ro| on tbolr supor natura| powors, tbo aro but oxtorna|s and
wl|| on| succood ln dostrolng ou ll ou, wbo own tbo llvo
aggrogatos ln our mlnds, aro do|udod and |ot tbom do so.
For tboso domons cannot barm ou ln our stato ol db5na
ll ou aro awakonod and aro not do|udod. ll ou wlpo out tbo
(llvo) aggrogatos, ou wl|| ontor tbo stato ol brlgbtnoss wboro-
ln a|| domons aro but dark vapours. Slnco |lgbt dostros dark-
noss, tbo wl|| porlsb as soon as tbo approacb ou, bow
tbon daro tbo dlsturb tbo stato ol sam5dbl
`On tbo otbor band, ll ou lal| to awakon and aro tboro-
b do|udod b tbo llvo aggrogatos, tbon, nanda, ou wl||
bocomo a son ol M5ra and bo|p tbo domons. As an l||ustra-
tlon, M5tangi wbo was so baso, usod maglc to causo ou to
broak ono ol tbo olgbt tbousand (mlnor) ru|os ol puro |lvlng,
but slnco our mlnd was puro, ou woro not rulnod. Tbls
sbows tbo (lmmlnont) |oss ol a|| our proclous bodbl. You
woro a|most |lko a cbanco||or ol stato wboso possosslons aro
243. Tbo llvo powors to soo tblngs ln tbo roa|m ol lorm, to boar an sound anwboro, to road otbors`
mlnds, to know tbo lormor oxlstoncos ol so|l and otbors, and to bo anwboro at wl||.
244. Tbo slxtb supornatura| powor wblcb sbou|d bo acqulrod boloro attalnlng bodbl.
suddon| conllscatod so tbat bo ls ln straltonod clrcumstancos
wltbout an bopo ol obtalnlng ald.
The Ten States Affected by the First Aggregate of Form (Rpa)
`nanda, wbon ou slt ln modltatlon, ll our tbougbts aro
wlpod out, tbo stato (ol our mlnd), now lroo lrom tbom, wl||
bo c|oar, and wl|| not bo cbangod b oltbor stl||noss or dlstur-
banco. ln tbls stato, botb romombranco and lorgotlu|noss aro
ono undlvldod wbo|o.
Wbl|o ln lt and boloro roa|lzlng sam5-
dbl, ou aro |lko a man wboso oos aro c|oar but wbo ls stl|| ln
tbo dark, lor tbougb our mlnd ls c|oar, lt doos not ot sblno.
Tbls ls tbo aggrogato ol lorm tbat condltlons our modltatlon.
ll our mlnd radlatos, ou wl|| c|oar| porcolvo a|| tbo ton dlroc-
tlons ol spaco. Tbls dlsappoaranco ol darknoss ls ca||od tbo
ondlng ol rupa and ou wl|| tbon |oap ovor and boond tbo tur-
bld ka|pa,
tbo maln causo ol wblcb ls our wrong tblnklng.
. `nanda, ln tbls prolound and c|oar stato ol our
ponotratlng mlnd, tbo lour o|omonts coaso to blndor ou, and
altor a |ltt|o, our bod wl|| bo lroo lrom a|| blndranco. Tbls ls
our c|oar mlnd sproadlng to lts obocts
and sbows tbo
olloctlvonoss ol our modltatlon, tbo tomporar acblovomont
ol wblcb doos not moan tbat ou aro a salnt. ll ou do not
rogard lt as sucb, lt ls an oxco||ont progrosslvo stago, but ll
ou do, ou wl|| succumb to domons.
245. Tbls ls slng|onoss ol mlnd.
246. Soo pago 48 (& lootnoto 7) lor a dotal|od oxp|anatlon ol tbo llvo condltlons ol turbldlt.
247. Soo m provlous book, The Secrets of Chinese Meditation (Rldor & Co.), wblcb oxp|alns bow tbo
mlnd sproads to lts surroundlngs.
2. `nanda, ln tbls prolound and c|oar stato ol our
ponotratlng mlnd, ou wl|| bo ab|o to dlscorn ovortblng
c|oar| ln our bod and wl|| suddon| soo |lvo| tapo-worms.
Tbls ls our c|oar mlnd sproadlng ln our bod and sbows lts
olloctlvo lunctlonlng, tbo tomporar acblovomont ol wblcb
doos not moan tbat ou aro a salnt. ll ou do not rogard lt as
sucb, lt ls an oxco||ont progrosslvo stago, but ll ou do, ou
wl|| succumb to domons.
3.` `Furtbor, ln tbls stato ol mlnd wblcb ponotratos botb
wltbln and wltbout, our splrlt and lacu|tlos, tbougb not our
bod, wl|| lntormlng|o as prlnclpa|s (bosts) and accossorlos
(guosts) and suddon| ou wl|| boar a volco ln tbo alr proacb-
lng tbo Dbarma or proc|almlng lts socrot moanlng ln tbo ton
dlroctlons. Tbls ls our splrlt and lacu|tlos wblcb unlto wltb, or
dlsongago lrom, ono anotbor to sow tbo oxco||ont sood, tbo
tomporar roa|lzatlon ol wblcb doos not moan tbat ou aro a
salnt. ll ou do not rogard lt as sucb, lt ls an oxco||ont progros-
slvo stago but ll ou do, ou wl|| succumb to domons.
4. `Furtbor, ln tbls c|oar, rovoa|lng, brlgbt and ponotrat-
lng stato ol mlnd, our lnnor |lgbt radlatos and gl|ds ovor-
tblng ln tbo ton dlroctlons wboroln a|| |lvlng bolngs aro
translormod lnto Buddbas. Suddon| ou wl|| soo Valrocana
soatod on a radlant tbrono surroundod b tbousands ol
Buddbas, wltb bundrods ol |acs ol countrlos and ol |otus
l|owors, a|| ol wblcb appoar at onco. Tbls ls tbo olloct ol bolng
awakonod b our mlnd`s splrltua|lt, tbo |lgbt ol wblcb pon-
otratos and sblnos on a|| tbo wor|ds. Tbls tomporar acblovo-
mont doos not moan ou aro a salnt. ll ou do not rogard lt
as sucb, lt ls an oxco||ont progrosslvo stago, but ll ou do, ou
wl|| succumb to domons.
5. `Furtbor, ll our ponotratlng mlnd, ln lts prolound
and c|oar stato, contlnuos to |ook wltbln wltbout pauso, and
so cbocks and stops comp|oto| a|| tblnklng, ou wl|| suddon-
| soo spaco ln tbo ton dlroctlons cbango lnto tbo co|ours ol
tbo sovon or ol a bundrod proclous goms, wblcb ll|| tbo wbo|o
spaco wltbout blndorlng ono anotbor. A|| co|ours sucb as
b|uo, o||ow, rod, wblto, (otc.) appoar ln uttor purlt. Tbls ls
bard prossod olllclonc, tbo tomporar acblovomont ol wblcb
doos not moan ou aro a salnt. ll ou do not rogard lt as sucb,
lt ls an oxco||ont progrosslvo stago, but ll ou do, ou wl|| glvo
wa to tbo domons.
6. `ln tbls c|oar and ponotratlng stato ol our mlnd
wbon lt |ooks wltbln, lts |lgbt appoars ln a|| lts purlt and at
mldnlgbt ou wl|| suddon| soo ln our dark room a|| sorts ol
apparltlons as c|oar| as ln broad da|lgbt, wltb a|| tbo otbor
obocts usua|| tboro. Tbls ls tbo mlnd, ln lts subt|ot, rollnlng
lts c|oar porcoptlon wblcb onab|os ou to soo dlstlnct| ln tbo
dark. Tbls tomporar acblovomont doos not moan, ou aro a
salnt. ll ou do not rogard lt as sucb, lt ls an oxco||ont progros-
slvo stago, but ll ou do ou wl|| glvo wa to domons.
7. `As tbo mlnd morgos wltb tbo vold, suddon| our
lour |lmbs wl|| bo |lko grass and p|ants, and wl|| loo| notblng
(ovon) ll burnod b llro or cut b a knllo. Tbls lmmunlt lrom
lnur rosu|ts lrom tbo ama|gamatlon ol (mlnd and) oxtorna|s
and wltb tbo o|lmlnatlon ol tbo lour o|omonts as lt morgos
wltb tbo vold. Tbls tomporar acblovomont doos not moan
ou aro a salnt, and ll ou do not rogard lt as sucb, lt ls an
oxco||ont progrosslvo stago, but ll ou do, ou wl|| glvo wa
to domons.
S. `As our mlnd bocomos puro and cloan, lts uttormost
purlllcatlon causos ou to soo suddon| tbo groat oartb,
mountalns and rlvors ln tbo ton dlroctlons cbango lnto tbo
Buddba`s (puro) |and adornod wltb a|| sorts ol proclous goms
wboso radlanco ls a||-porvadlng. You wl|| agaln soo c|oar|
Buddbas as count|oss as tbo Gangos` sands wltb boautllu|
tomp|o bul|dlngs ll||lng tbo wbo|o ol spaco, wltb tbo bo||s un-
dornoatb and dova pa|acos abovo. Tbls ls tbo translormatlon
ol (usua||) doop-rootod tbougbts ol |lko and dls|lko but doos
not moan ou aro a salnt. ll ou do not rogard lt as sucb, lt ls
an oxco||ont progrosslvo stago, but ll ou do, ou wl|| glvo
wa to domons,
. `As our mlnd ponotratos doopor, ou wl|| suddon|
soo at mldnlgbt lar awa markot-p|acos, stroots and |anos, as
wo|| as mombors ol our laml|, our ro|atlvos and c|ansmon
or boar tbom spoak. Tbls rosu|ts lrom tbo bard-prossod mlnd
wblcb oxpands so tbat ou soo tboso tblngs no mattor bow
lar awa. Tbls doos not moan ou aro a salnt, and ll ou do
not rogard lt as sucb, lt ls an oxco||ont progrosslvo stago, but
ll ou do, ou wl|| glvo wa to domons.
0. `As a rosu|t ol our mlnd`s lurtbost ponotratlon, ou
wl|| soo mon ol good counso| wboso bodlos cbango wltbout
roason ln a|| klnds ol was. Tbls ls our porvorso mlnd wblcb
ls lnl|uoncod b mlscblovous gbosts or boavon| domons and
wblcb wltbout roason, proacbos tbo Dbarma and compro-
bonds lts prolound moanlng. Tbls doos not moan ou aro a
salnt and ll ou do not rogard lt as sucb, M5ra`s lnl|uonco wl||
vanlsb, but ll ou do, ou wl|| glvo wa to domons.
`nanda, tboso ton statos ol db5na como lrom tbo ln-
tormlng|lng ol tbo aggrogato ol lorm wltb tbo modltatlvo
mlnd. Do|udod and waward practlsors do not know tbolr
own capabl|ltlos, cannot dlstlngulsb tboso statos wbon tbo
manllost, and wrong| doc|aro tbat tbo aro salnts. B so
dolng, tbo broak tbo problbltlon agalnst |lng and so la|| lnto
tbo unlntorruptod bo||. Altor m nlrv5na, ln tbo Dbarma
ondlng ago, ou sbou|d proc|alm tbls toacblng so tbat tbo
boavon| domons cannot tako advantago ol sucb statos and
practlsors can bo on tbolr guard and roa|lzo tbo Supromo Tao.
The Ten States Affected by the Second Aggregate
of Receptiveness (Vedan)
`nanda, ln tbo practlco ol samatba to roa|lzo sam5dbl, wbon
tbo llrst aggrogato ol lorm coasos to blndor, ono wl|| soo tbo
mlnds ol a|| Buddbas, |lko rol|octlons ln tbo brlgbt mlrror (ol
tbo mlnd). Ono wl|| loo| as ll ono wlns somotblng but cannot
ot mako uso ol lt.
lt ls |lko a s|oopor troub|od wltb a nlgbt-
maro wbo cannot movo to ropu|so lt a|tbougb bls lour |lmbs
aro not bound and bls consclousnoss ls c|oar. Tbls ls tbo soc-
ond aggrogato ol rocoptlvonoss wblcb condltlons ono`s modl-
tatlon. ll tbo nlgbtmaro vanlsbos, ono`s mlnd can |oavo ono`s
24S. Tbo Buddbas` mlnds aro lmmatorla| and to soo tbom sbows our mlnd`s rocoptlvonoss ol oxtorna|s
wblcb tborob blndors our lnslgbt and ls tbo causo ol our lnabl|lt to mako uso ol our
acblovomont. Wbon tbls socond aggrogato ls wlpod out, our mlnd wl|| bo lroo lrom a|| blndranco,
on| tbon can ou mako lu|| uso ol tbls progrosslvo stago.
bod to |ook at ono`s laco and wl|| bo lroo to sta or go wltb-
out lurtbor blndranco. Tbls ls tbo socond aggrogato ol vodan5
comlng to an ond and tbo practlsor wl|| tbon bo ab|o to |oap
ovor and boond tbo ka|pa ol turbld vlows, tbo maln causo ol
wblcb ls tbo soomlng porsplcaclt ol bls wrong tblnklng.
. `nanda, wbon tbo practlsor roacbos tbls stago, bo
wl|| llnd blmso|l ln a groat mass ol brlgbtnoss. Hls mlnd wl||
dlscorn (tbo sorr p|lgbt ol |lvlng bolngs) and on bolng
prossod bardor, lt wl|| glvo rlso to lnllnlto sadnoss. Ho wl||
ovon rogard gadl|los and mosqultoos as bls own cbl|dron on
wbom bo takos plt, burstlng unconsclous| lnto toars. Tbls
rosu|ts lrom bls bard prossod (contomp|atlon) and ls barm|oss
ll bo knows lts causo. lt ls not tbo salnt| stato and ll bo un-
dorstands lt, lt wl|| ln tlmo dlsappoar. Howovor, ll bo rogards
lt as salntbood, bo wl|| succumb to tbo domon ol sadnoss
wbo wl|| contro| bls mlnd and causo blm to bo mlsorab|o and
to |amont wbon mootlng otbors, bo wl|| |oso tbo bonollt lrom
tbo db5na so lar acblovod and wl|| la|| lnto tbo |owor statos.
2. `nanda, ln tbls stato ol db5na, as tbo aggrogato ol
lorm vanlsbos and rocoptlvonoss manllosts, bo makos moro
progross and ma, bocauso ol ovorstraln dovo|op lnllnlto
bo|dnoss tbat sbarpons bls roso|vo and makos lt oqua| to tbat
ol a|| Buddbas, so tbat bo can |oap ovor tbo tbroo groat
ln a momont ol tbougbt. Tbls comos lrom ovor-
stralnod concontratlon wblcb wl|| bo barm|oss ll bo knows lt
(lor wbat lt ls). lt ls not salntbood and ll lt ls wo|| undorstood,
24. Tbo tbroo aoons roqulrod lor a Bodblsattva to dovo|op lnto a Buddba: tbo llrst ono to boar tbo
Dbarma, tbo socond to practlso lt and tbo tblrd to roa|lzo lt.
lt wl|| ln tlmo vanlsb. But ll bo rogards lt as salnt|, tbo domon
ol wl|dnoss wl|| contro| bls mlnd and wl|| causo blm to boast
(ol bls acblovomont) wbon bo moots otbors. Ho wl|| bocomo
proud and so|l-lmportant wblcb wl|| b|lnd blm to tbo Buddba
blgb abovo and to |lvlng bolngs boro bo|ow. Ho wl|| tbus |oso
tbo bonollt lrom tbo db5na so lar acblovod and wl|| la|| lnto
tbo |owor statos.
3. `ln tbls stato ol db5na, as lorm vanlsbos and rocop-
tlvonoss manllosts, ll tbo practlsor makos no boadwa but
|osos (slgbt ol) bls provlous stato wbon |ooklng back, tbo
powor ol bls mlnd woakons. As lt soos notblng aboad, lt sud-
don| glvos wa to drnoss wblcb causos blm to lndu|go ln
ond|oss doop rol|octlon wblcb bo ma mlstako lor progrosslvo
advanco. Tbls ls absont-mlndodnoss wblcb |acks wlsdom
and ls barm|oss ll bo knows lt (lor wbat lt ls). Tbls ls not salnt-
bood but ll bo rogards lt as sucb, bo wl|| succumb to tbo
domon ol unlorgotlu|noss wbo wl|| contro| bls mlnd, and
contlnuo lt to a llxod p|aco causlng blm to |oso tbo bonollt lrom
tbo db5na so lar acblovod and to la|| lnto tbo |owor statos.
4. `ln tbls stl|| stato, as lorm vanlsbos and rocoptlvonoss
manllosts, tbo practlsor`s wlsdom ma grow out ol propor-
tlon and mucb ln oxcoss ol bls db5na, and bo ma wrong|
tblnk tbat bo bas acblovod tbo blgbost attalnmont and bas
roacbod tbo rank ol Valrocana. So bo ls satlsllod wltb a |ltt|o
progross wblcb bo rogards as comp|oto. Tbls ls bls mlnd
|oslng lts usua| lnslgbt and bolng mls|od b bls (dlscrlmln-
ator) knowlng and soolng. ll bo undorstands tbls, lt wl|| bo
barm|oss, but ll bo rogards lt as salntbood, bo wl|| succumb
to tbo lnlorlor so|l-satlsllod domon wbo wl|| contro| bls mlnd,
causlng blm to boast tbat bo bas roa|lzod Supromo Nlrv5na.
Ho wl|| tbus |oso a|| bonollt lrom tbo db5na so lar acblovod
and wl|| la|| lnto tbo |owor statos.
5. `ln tbls stato ol db5na, as lorm vanlsbos and rocop-
tlvonoss manllosts, boloro now boadwa ls mado and altor
bls provlous oxporlonco bas passod, bo ma llnd blmso|l ln a
sltuatlon wblcb sooms vor droadlu| and lu|| ol dangor, and
causos blm ond|oss anxlot and porp|oxlt. Ho sooms to slt
on a bot lron bod or to drlnk polsonous modlclno. As a rosu|t
bo tlros ol |llo and sooks to ond lt to got rld ol tbls tormont.
Tbls ls practlco wltbout tbo (nocossar) oxpodlont motbod
and, ls barm|oss ll bo knows tbo causo. lt ls not a salnt| stato,
but ll bo rogards lt as sucb, bo wl|| succumb to tbo domon ol
anxlot wbo wl|| contro| bls mlnd causlng blm to cut bls own
l|osb wltb a sbarp knllo so tbat bo can dlo or to l|oo to tbo
mountalns and grovos ln ordor to avold otbor poop|o. Ho wl||
tbus |oso a|| bonollt lrom tbo db5na so lar acblovod and wl||
la|| lnto tbo |owor statos.
6. `ln tbls stato ol db5na, as lorm vanlsbos and rocop-
tlvonoss manllosts, tbo practlsor ma, altor loo|lng vor com-
lortab|o ln tbo condltlon ol purlt and c|oannoss, suddon|
oxporlonco lnllnlto o wblcb bocomos so lntonso tbat bo
cannot cbock lt. Tbls ls do|lgbt ln wolgbt|ossnoss wblcb ls un-
contro||ab|o lor |ack ol wlsdom and ls barm|oss ll bo knows
tbo causo. Tbls ls not a salnt| stato but ll bo rogards lt as
sucb, bo wl|| succumb to tbo domon ol o wbo wl|| contro|
bls mlnd so tbat bo |augbs wltbout causo wbon soolng otbors
and slngs and dancos ln tbo stroot, boastlng ol bls roa|lzatlon
ol unblndorod |lboratlon. Ho wl|| |oso a|| bonollt lrom tbo
db5na so lar acblovod and wl|| la|| lnto tbo |owor statos.
7. `ln tbls stato ol db5na, as lorm vanlsbos and rocop-
tlvonoss manllosts, tbo practlsor ma tblnk tbat bo bas
acblovod lu|| roa|lzatlon. Tbls l||uslon causos blm suddon|,
wltbout an roason, to glvo rlso to so|l-concolt so tbat bo ro-
gards blmso|l, tbougb lnlorlor, as oqua| to otbors, tbougb
oqua|, as suporlor to otbors and to suporlors, as bolng a salnt
wbon bo ls not, and as not lnlorlor to lnlorlors,
a|| tboso
loo|lngs occur togotbor. Evon a|| tbo Buddbas aro notblng to
blm, stl|| moro so tbo |oss advancod sr5vakas and pratoka-
buddbas. Tbls ls an oxtraordlnar stato lrom wblcb bo lal|s to
oxtrlcato blmso|l lor |ack ol wlsdom. lt wl|| bo barm|oss ll bo
knows tbat lt ls not a salnt| stato, but ll bo rogards lt as sucb,
bo wl|| succumb to tbo domon ol so|l-concolt wbo wl|| contro|
bls mlnd and causo blm to stop rovorlng tbo stupas and tom-
p|os and to dostro tbo sutras and statuos ol Buddbas. Ho
wl|| doc|aro to bls patrons: Statuos aro but go|d, bronzo, c|a
and wood and sutras aro but pa|m (pattra) |oavos and
c|otbos. lnstoad ol rovorlng tbo bod ol l|osb and b|ood
wblcb ls roa|| pormanont, lt ls sboor-nonsonso to worsblp
c|a and wood. Tboso wbo bo|lovo blm dostro tbo statuos
and sutras and tbrow tbom on tbo ground, tbo aro mls|od b
blm and so wl|| ontor tbo unlntormlttont bo||. Tbus bo wl|| |oso
a|| bonollt lrom tbo db5na so lar acblovod and wl|| la|| lnto
tbo |owor statos.
250. Tbo sovonlo|d concolt comprlsos tbo abovo slx klnds and prldo ln ono`s boros.
S. `ln tbls stato ol db5na, as lorm vanlsbos and rocop-
tlvonoss manllosts, tbo practlsor ma acblovo tbo condltlon ol
brlgbt purlt and awakon to tbo prolound noumonon to
wblcb bo conlorms, tborob suddon| oxporlonclng lnllnlto
wolgbt|ossnoss. Ho wl|| tblnk tbat bo ls a salnt wblcb glvos blm
comlortab|o lndopondonco. Tbls ls wolgbt|oss purlt wblcb ls
barm|oss ll bo knows tbat lt ls not a salnt| stato, but ll bo ro-
gards lt as sucb, bo wl|| succumb to tbo domon ol wolgbt|oss
purlt wbo wl|| contro| bls mlnd causlng, blm to bo wo|| satls-
llod wltb bls (lncomp|oto) acblovomont and to rolraln lrom
strlvlng to advanco lurtbor. Ho ls |lko tbo untutorod bblksu
wbo mls|od otbors and tbon lo|| lnto tbo avicl bo||. Ho wl||
tbus |oso a|| bonollt lrom tbo db5na so lar acblovod and wl||
slnk lnto tbo |owor statos.
. `ln tbls stato ol db5na, as lorm vanlsbos and rocop-
tlvonoss manllosts, tbo practlsor ma mlsconcolvo tbo
appoarlng brlgbt omptlnoss as dovold ol naturo, tborob
glvlng rlso to tbo ldoa ol oxtlnctlon wblcb lmp|los tbat tbo |aw
ol causa|lt ls lnva|ld. Tbls (ro|atlvo) voldnoss causos blm to
dovo|op an ompt mlnd wblcb lmp|los annlbl|atlon. Tbls ls
barm|oss ll bo knows tbat lt ls not salntbood, but ll bo rogards
lt as sucb, bo wl|| succumb to tbo domon ol omptlnoss wbo
wl|| contro| bls mlnd and causo blm to crltlclzo tboso obsorv-
lng tbo ru|os ol puro |lvlng as mon ol Hina5na and to c|alm
tbat a|| Bodblsattvas awakonod to tbo vold can dlsponso wltb
a|| problbltlons. Sucb a porson usua|| lndu|gos ln moat and
wlno ln tbo prosonco ol bls bo|lovlng patrons and |oads a
|lcontlous |llo. Bocauso ol tbo domon`s lnl|uonco, bo contro|s
tbom llrm| and tbo do not suspoct blm. As tlmo passos,
tbo wl|| a|| rogard oxcromont, urlno, moat and wlno as
ompt and good lor lood. Tbo wl|| broak tbo ru|os ol mora|-
lt and dlsclp|lno and wl|| commlt a|| sorts ol slns. Tbo prac-
tlsor wl|| tbus |oso a|| bonollt lrom tbo db5na so lar acblovod
and wl|| la|| lnto tbo |owor statos.
0. `ln tbls stato ol db5na, as lorm vanlsbos and ro-
coptlvonoss manllosts, tbo practlsor ma c|lng to tbo ompt
brlgbtnoss wblcb wl|| tbon ponotrato bls mlnd and (ovon) bls
bonos. Suddon| bo wl|| loo| strong |ovo (lor lt) wblcb drlvos
blm mad and dovo|ops bls lntonso doslro (ol lt). Tbls ls a con-
dltlon ol stl|| comlort wblcb bo cannot contro| lor |ack ol wls-
dom, and wblcb mls|oads blm lnto a|| sorts ol doslros. lt ls
barm|oss ll bo knows tbat lt ls not salntbood but ll bo rogards
lt as sucb, bo wl|| succumb to tbo domon ol doslro wbo wl||
contro| bls mlnd and causo blm to proc|alm doslro as tbo
Bodbl patb and to toacb to |amon tbo practlco ol unlvorsa|
doslro, salng tbat soxua| lndu|gonco wl|| mako tbom sons ol
tbo Dbarma. Tbls domon`s lnl|uonco wl|| proval| ln tbo
Dbarma ondlng ago and wl|| alloct stupld poop|o wbo wl||
numbor as man as bundrods, tbousands and tons ol tbou-
sands. Wbon tbo domon ls woar ol tbo practlsor`s mlsdoods,
bo wl|| |oavo tbo |attor`s bod wblcb wl|| bocomo a sorr
wrock to sullor a|| tbo mlsorlos lnl|lctod b tbo roa| |aw. For
docolvlng otbors, bo wl|| la|| lnto tbo unlntormlttont bo||. Tbus
bo wl|| |oso a|| bonollt lrom tbo db5na so lar acblovod and
wl|| slnk lnto tbo |owor statos.
`nanda, tboso ton statos ol db5na como lrom tbo ln-
tormlng|lng ol tbo socond aggrogato ol rocoptlvonoss wltb
modltatlvo mlnd. Do|udod and waward practlsors do not
know tbolr own capabl|ltlos cannot dlstlngulsb tboso statos
wbon tbo manllost and wrong| doc|aro tbat tbo bavo
attalnod tbo bo| rank. B so dolng, tbo broak tbo ru|o agalnst
|lng and so wl|| la|| lnto tbo unlntorruptod bo||. Altor m nlr-
v5na, ln tbo Dbarma ondlng ago, ou sbou|d proc|alm tbls
toacblng so tbat |lvlng bolngs wl|| awakon to lt, tbat tbo boav-
on| domon cannot tako advantago ol sucb statos and tbat
practlsors can bo on tbolr guard and roa|lzo tbo Supromo Tao.
The Ten States Affected by the Third Aggregate of Conception
`nanda, ln tbo cu|tlvatlon ol sam5dbl, wbon tbo socond
aggrogato ol rocoptlvonoss coasos to blndor tbo practlsor,
a|tbougb bo ls stl|| ln tbo wor|d| stroam, bls mlnd can now
oscapo lrom bls bod, |lko a blrd lrom lts cago. From bls
wor|d| stato bo can now acblovo tbo slxt succoodlng bo|
stagos ol Bodblsattva dovo|opmont lnto Buddbabood and
tborob tako an lorm at wl||, lroo to movo anwboro wltbout
blndranco. Tbls ls |lko a man wbo ta|ks ln bls s|oop and
tbougb bo doos not know wbat bo sas, bls words aro ln
ordor (and comprobonslb|o), and tboso wbo aro not as|oop
undorstand blm. Tbls ls tbo tblrd aggrogato ol concoptlon
wblcb condltlons bls modltatlon.
`ll a|| bls stlrrlng tbougbts stop, bo wl|| bo rld ol tbo
tblnklng procoss and bls c|oar mlnd wl|| bo (|lko a mlrror)
rubbod c|oan ol tbo covorlng dust, and wl|| tbrow |lgbt upon
bls (prosont) lncarnatlon lrom blrtb to doatb. Tbon tbo tblrd
aggrogato ol concoptlon coasos to lunctlon and tbo practlsor
wl|| bo ab|o to |oap abovo and boond tbo ka|pa ol turbld
passlons, tbo maln causo ol wblcb was tbo soomlng porva-
slvonoss ol bls wrong tblnklng.
. `nanda, now tbat tbo practlsor ls lroo lrom anxlot,
altor bls rocoptlvonoss bas vanlsbod, bo llnds blmso|l ln tbo
stato ol porloct db5na and |lkos lts puro brlgbtnoss. But bo
ma bo tomptod to concontrato on tbo ono tbougbt ol skl|-
lu|| advanclng, tbus submlttlng to tbo boavon| domon
wbo lmmodlato| possossos anotbor man (to barm tbo
Tbls man, unawaro tbat bo ls possossod wl||,
as dlroctod, proacb tbo Dbarma ol tbo sutras and tblnk tbat
bo too bas roa|lzod Supromo Nlrv5na. Ho wl|| tbon como to
tbo practlsor`s p|aco and tako tbo blgb soat (rosorvod lor
roputab|o monks) to toacb blm tbo Dbarma. To sbow bls
skl||, bo wl|| appoar oltbor as a monk, lndra, a woman or a
nun, and bls bod wl|| sond out ras ol |lgbt tbat l||umlno tbo
dark bodroom. Tbo practlsor wl|| mlstako blm lor a Bodbl-
sattva and wl|| bo|lovo wbat bo sas, as a rosu|t, bls mlnd wl||
wavor and bo wl|| broak tbo ru|os and bavo doslros. Tbo
man wl|| spoak ol woa| and woo, ol a Buddba appoarlng at
a cortaln p|aco, ol scorcblng llro ln tbo ka|pa ol dostructlon
and ol luturo llgbtlng and wars to lrlgbton and ruln otbor
poop|o. Tbls ls tbo Strango Gbost wbo bas bocomo a
25. As tbo practlsor`s mlnd ls lroo lrom rocoptlvonoss, tbo domon ls unab|o to lnl|uonco lt, so bo usos
anotbor man to docolvo and barm blm.
domon ln bls o|d ago and wbo now comos to troub|o tbo
practlsor. Wbon bo ls woar ol bls mlsdoods, bo wl|| |oavo
tbo possossod man. Tbon botb toacbor (tbo possossod man)
and pupl| (tbo practlsor) wl|| sullor a|| tbo mlsorlos lnl|lctod
b tbo roa| |aw. You sbou|d llrst bo c|oar about tbls tomp-
tatlon to avold roturnlng to sams5ra, but ll ou aro do|udod
and do not rocognlzo lt, ou wl|| la|| lnto tbo unlntormlttont
2. `nanda, now tbat tbo practlsor ls lroo lrom la|so
anxlot altor bls rocoptlvonoss bas vanlsbod bo llnds blmso|l
ln tbo stato ol porloct db5na. But bo ma bo tomptod to
roam about (ln unknown roglons) and so concontratos on
tbo ono tbougbt ol galnlng lurtbor oxporlonco, tbus succumb-
lng to tbo boavon| domon wbo lmmodlato| possossos an-
otbor man (to barm tbo modltator). Tbls man unawaro tbat
bo ls possossod wl||, as dlroctod, proacb tbo Dbarma and
tblnk tbat bo blmso|l bas roa|lzod Supromo Nlrv5na. Ho wl||
tbon como to tbo practlsor`s p|aco and tako tbo blgb soat to
toacb blm tbo Dbarma. Wltbout cbanglng bls own appoar-
anco, bo wl|| causo tbo practlsor and tboso prosont to soo
tbolr own radlant go|don bodlos soatod on proclous |otus
l|owors. Tbo practlsor wl|| bo docolvod lnto mlstaklng tbo
man lor a Bodblsattva and wl|| bo|lovo wbat bo sas, as a
rosu|t bo wl|| lndu|go ln |uxurlous oaso, broaklng tbo
Buddba`s ru|os and bocomlng |lcontlous. Tbo man wl|| spoak
ol Buddbas appoarlng ln tbo wor|d, ol a cortaln porson at a
glvon p|aco, wbo ls a Buddba ln bls translormatlon bod and
ol somoono o|so wbo ls a Bodblsattva comlng to convort
poop|o. Tbo practlsor ls lasclnatod and admlros wbat bo bas
soon, tborob glvlng rlso to wrong vlows and so dostrolng
(bls) sood ol wlsdom. Tbls ls tbo Drougbt Gbost wbo bas
bocomo a domon ln bls o|d ago and now comos to troub|o
tbo practlsor. Wbon bo ls woar ol bls mlsdoods, bo wl|| |oavo
tbo possossod man. Tbon botb toacbor and pupl| wl|| sullor
tbo mlsorlos lnl|lctod b tbo |aw. You sbou|d llrst bo c|oar
about tbls tomptatlon to avold roturnlng to sams5ra but ll ou
aro do|udod and do not rocognlzo lt, ou wl|| la|| lnto tbo un-
lntormlttont bo||.
3. `Now tbat tbo practlsor ls lroo lrom la|so anxlot altor
bls rocoptlvonoss bas vanlsbod bo llnds blmso|l ln tbls stato ol
porloct db5na. But bo ma bo tomptod b bls do|lgbt to con-
contrato on tbo ono tbougbt ol unltlng wltb lt, tbus succumb-
lng to tbo boavon| domon wbo lmmodlato| possossos
anotbor man (to barm tbo modltator). Tbls man unawaro tbat
bo ls possossod wl||, as dlroctod, proacb tbo Dbarma and
tblnk tbat bo blmso|l bas roa|lzod Supromo Nlrv5na. Ho wl||
tbon como to tbo practlsor`s p|aco and tako tbo blgb soat to
toacb blm tbo Dbarma. Wltbout cbanglng bls own or tbo |ls-
tonors` lorms, bo wl|| causo tbom to opon tbolr mlnds wblcb
wl|| ump about so tbat ln turn tbo know a|| tbolr lormor
|lvos, road tbo mlnds ol otbors, soo tbo bo||s, comprobond a||
good and ovl| wor|d| doods, road g5tb5s and roclto sutras.
And so bo lasclnatos tbom wltb sucb raro tblngs. Tbo practls-
or wl|| bo docolvod lnto mlstaklng blm lor a truo Bodblsattva
and wl|| bo ontbuslastlc about a|| bo sas, tborob broaklng
tbo Buddba`s ru|os and bocomlng |lcontlous. Tbls man wl||
c|assll tbo Buddbas and Bodblsattvas lnto blg and sma||,
oar| and |ato, roa| and la|so, and ma|o and loma|o. Tbo prac-
tlsor bo|lovos blm so tbat bls mlnd ls dlsturbod and bo bo-
comos a borotlc. Tbls ls tbo Boast Gbost wbo bas bocomo a
domon ln bls o|d ago and wbo now comos to troub|o tbo
practlsor. Wbon bo ls woar ol bls mlsdoods, bo wl|| |oavo tbo
possossod man. Tbon botb toacbor and pupl| wl|| sullor tbo
mlsorlos lnl|lctod b tbo |aw. You sbou|d llrst bo c|oar about
tbls tomptatlon to avold roturnlng to sams5ra, but ll ou aro
do|udod and do not rocognlzo lt, ou wl|| la|| lnto tbo unlntor-
mlttont bo||.
4. `Now tbat tbo practlsor ls lroo lrom la|so anxlot altor
bls rocoptlvonoss bas vanlsbod bo llnds blmso|l ln tbls stato ol
porloct db5na. But bo ma bo tomptod b bls do|lgbt ln lt to
go to tbo root ol a|| tblngs ln ordor to know tbo boglnnlng and
tbo ond ol a|| translormatlon, tborob wlsblng to ana|so
ovortblng to so|vo a|| bls doubts to bls ontlro satlslactlon. As
a rosu|t, tbo boavon| domon lmmodlato| possossos anotbor
man (to barm tbo modltator). Tbls man unawaro tbat bo ls
possossod wl||, as dlroctod, proacb tbo Dbarma, tblnklng tbat
bo blmso|l bas roa|lzod Supromo Nlrv5na. Ho wl|| tbon como
to tbo practlsor`s p|aco wboro bo wl|| tako tbo blgb soat to
toacb blm tbo Dbarma, sbowlng bls awo-lnsplrlng autborlt
to wblcb tbo modltator wl||lng| submlts ovon boloro boarlng
bls words. Ho wl|| doc|aro tbat tbo Buddba`s nlrvanlc and
bodblc Dbarmak5a ls bls own bod ol l|osb and b|ood
wblcb lnborlts tbo bo| ossonco, as a son lrom bls latbor, tbat
lt ls tbo pormanont splrltua| bod wblcb wl|| bo transmlttod
lorovor, tbat wbat bls |lstonors soo around tbom ls tbo
Buddba-|and, and tbat tboro ls no otbor puro roglon nor an-
otbor go|don bod. Tbo practlsor wl|| bo|lovo tbls, |oso bls
lormor stl|| mlnd and submlt to blm, pralslng tbo raro rovo|a-
tlon, bo and otbor do|udod |lstonors wl|| mlstako tbo pos-
sossod man lor a truo Bodblsattva, and wl|| lo||ow blm to
broak tbo Buddba`s ru|os b lndu|glng ln soxua| doslro. Tbls
man wl|| doc|aro tbat tbo oos, oars, noso and tonguo aro
puro |ands and tbat tbo ma|o and loma|o organs aro tbo
abodos ol Bodbl and Nlrv5na, and bls do|udod |lstonors wl||
bo|lovo bls porvorso proacblng. Tbls ls tbo Noxlous or Nlgbt-
marlsb Gbost wbo bas bocomo a domon ln bls o|d ago and
now comos to troub|o tbo practlsor. Wbon bo grows woar ol
bls mlsdoods, bo wl|| |oavo tbo possossod man. Tbon botb
toacbor and pupl| wl|| sullor tbo mlsorlos lnl|lctod b tbo |aw.
You sbou|d bo llrst c|oar about tbls tomptatlon to avold ro-
turnlng to sams5ra, but ll ou aro do|udod and do not rocog-
nlzo lt, ou wl|| la|| lnto tbo unlntormlttont bo||s.
5. `Now tbat tbo practlsor ls lroo lrom la|so anxlot altor
bls rocoptlvonoss bas vanlsbod bo llnds blmso|l ln tbls stato ol
porloct db5na. But bo ma bo tomptod b bls do|lgbt ln lt to
sook communlon (wltb tbo Buddba) and tborob loo|s a
strong doslro lor splrltua| lntorcourso, tbus succumblng to tbo
boavon| domon wbo wl|| lmmodlato| possoss anotbor man
(to barm tbo modltator). Tbls man unawaro tbat bo ls pos-
sossod wl||, as dlroctod, proacb tbo Dbarma and tblnk tbat bo
bas roa|lzod Supromo Nlrv5na. Ho wl|| tbon como to tbo
practlsor`s p|aco and tako tbo blgb soat to toacb tbo Dbarma
and causo bls |lstonors to soo blm as a man a bundrod or a
tbousand oars o|d. Tbo wl|| admlro blm, wl|| |lvo wltb and
sorvo blm and provldo blm wltb tbo lour nocossltlos (ol a
monk) and wl|| not tlro ol so dolng. Slnco tbo practlsor ls con-
vlncod tbat tbo man was bls mastor ln a provlous |llo, bo ro-
spocts and bocomos attacbod to blm, pralslng bls raro
rovo|atlon, bo and otbor do|udod |lstonors wl|| mlstako blm
lor a truo Bodblsattva and wl|| lo||ow bls lnstructlon, tborob
broaklng tbo Buddba`s ru|os and lndu|glng ln soxua| doslro.
Tbo man wl|| doc|aro tbat ln a provlous |llo bo do|lvorod bls
wllo or brotbor wbo now comos to lo||ow blm to a partlcu|ar
roglon wboro tbo wl|| a|| sorvo a cortaln Buddba, or bo wl||
spoak ol a radlant boavon wboro tbo Buddba now dwo||s and
wboro a|| tbo Tatb5gatas aro at rost. Tbo practlsor wbo ls do-
|udod wl|| bo|lovo a|| tbls and wl|| |oso bls c|oar mlnd. Tbls ls
tbo Cruo| Gbost wbo bas bocomo a domon ln bls o|d ago and
now comos to troub|o tbo practlsor, wbon bo grows woar ol
bls mlsdoods, bo wl|| |oavo tbo possossod man. Tbon botb
toacbor and pupl| wl|| sullor tbo mlsorlos lnl|lctod b tbo |aw.
You sbou|d llrst bo c|oar about tbls tomptatlon to avold ro-
turnlng to sams5ra, but ll ou aro do|udod and do not rocog-
nlzo lt, ou wl|| la|| lnto tbo unlntormlttont bo||s.
6. `Now tbat tbo practlsor ls lroo lrom la|so anxlot altor
bls rocoptlvonoss bas vanlsbod bo llnds blmso|l ln tbls stato ol
porloct db5na. But bo ma bo tomptod b bls do|lgbt ln lt to
strlvo to go doopor ln bls soarcb lor rostlu|noss, and so suc-
cumb to tbo boavon| domon wbo wl|| possoss anotbor man
(to barm tbo modltator). Tbls man unawaro tbat bo ls pos-
sossod wl||, as dlroctod, proacb tbo Dbarma and a|so tblnk
tbat bo bas roa|lzod Supromo Nlrv5na. Ho wl|| tbon como to
tbo practlsor`s p|aco and tako tbo blgb soat to toacb tbo
Dbarma and causo oacb ol bls |lstonors to know bls own
karma. Ho wl|| to|| ono ol tbom tbat tbougb tbo |attor ls stl||
|lvlng, bo ls a|road an anlma|, or ordor anotbor to slt on tbo
ground and tbon mako blm unab|o to got up. Tboso prosont
wl|| admlro bls supornatura| powors and submlt tbomso|vos
to blm, ll ono ol tbom tblnks ol antblng, tbo man knows lt
at onco. Ho wl|| ordor tbom to practlso unnocossar austorl-
tlos ln addltlon to tbo Buddba`s procopts. Ho wl|| vl|ll tbo
bblksus and curso tbolr lo||owors. Ho wl|| rovoa| otbors` sbort-
comlngs wltbout bolng alrald ol rldlcu|o. Ho wl|| loroto|| woa|
and woo wblcb |ator matorla|lzo. Tbls ls tbo Poworlu| Gbost
wbo bas bocomo a domon ln bls o|d ago and wbo now
comos to troub|o tbo practlsor, wbon bo ls woar ol bls mls-
doods, bo wl|| |oavo tbo possossod man. Tbon botb toacbor
and pupl| wl|| sullor tbo mlsorlos lnl|lctod b tbo |aw. You
sbou|d llrst bo c|oar about tbls tomptatlon to avold roturnlng
to sams5ra, but ll ou aro do|udod and do not rocognlzo lt,
ou wl|| la|| lnto tbo unlntormlttont bo||s.
7. `Now tbat tbo practlsor ls lroo lrom la|so anxlot altor
bls rocoptlvonoss bas vanlsbod, bo llnds blmso|l ln tbls stato
ol porloct db5na. But bo ma bo tomptod b bls do|lgbt ln lt
to strlvo lor moro |oarnlng ln bls soarcb lor know|odgo ol bls
lormor |lvos, tborob succumblng to tbo boavon| domon
wbo lmmodlato| possossos anotbor man (to barm tbo modl-
tator). Tbls man unawaro tbat bo ls possossod wl||, as dlroct-
od, proacb tbo Dbarma and a|so tblnk tbat bo blmso|l bas
roa|lzod Supromo Nlrv5na. Ho wl|| tbon como to tbo practls-
or`s p|aco and tako tbo blgb soat to toacb tbo Dbarma and tbo
|attor suddon| llnds a proclous poar| (ln tbo room). Tbo
domon wl|| oltbor appoar as an anlma| wltb a poar|, and otbor
proclous stonos, documonts and roglstors ln bls moutb,
wblcb lt glvos to tbo man to docolvo bls |lstonors, or wl|| bldo
a brlgbt poar| ln tbo ground to |lgbt up tbo wbo|o p|aco. Hls
|lstonors wl|| pralso tbo mlrac|o. Tbo possossod man wl|| ab-
staln lrom lood, oatlng on| modlclna| borbs, or wl|| tako on|
a bomp-sood or a graln ol wboat oacb da, but tbo domon
wl|| causo blm to bo strong and sturd. Ho wl|| vl|ll tbo
bblksus and curso tbolr lo||owors. Ho wl|| rovoa| otbor poo-
p|o`s sbortcomlngs wltbout bolng alrald ol rldlcu|o. Ho wl||
rovoa| socrot p|acos wboro troasuros aro blddon and wboro
salnts |lvo, and tboso wbo tbon go tboro actua|| moot strango
porsons. Tbls ls tbo gbost ol tbo mountalns, grovos and rlvors
wbo bas bocomo a domon ln bls o|d ago. Hls alm ls to on-
courago otbors to broak tbo Buddba`s ru|os, to lndu|go ln |ust
and glvo roln to tbo llvo doslros (arlslng lrom tbo obocts ol
tbo llvo sonsos). ll bo makos progross at tbo start ol bls prac-
tlco, bo wl|| oat on| borbs and p|ants and bls actlons wl|| bo
uncortaln. Hls oboct ls to troub|o tbo practlsor and wbon bo
ls woar ol bls mlsdoods, bo wl|| |oavo tbo possossod man.
Tbon botb toacbor and pupl| wl|| sullor tbo mlsorlos lnl|lctod
b tbo |aw. You sbou|d llrst bo c|oar about tbls tomptatlon to
avold roturnlng to sams5ra but ll ou aro do|udod and do not
rocognlzo lt, ou wl|| la|| lnto tbo unlntormlttont bo||s.
S. `Now tbat tbo practlsor ls lroo lrom la|so anxlot altor
bls rocoptlvonoss bas vanlsbod bo llnds blmso|l ln tbls stato ol
porloct db5na. But bo ma bo tomptod b bls do|lgbt ln lt to
sook and uso tbo abovo supornatura| powors, tbus succumb-
lng to tbo boavon| domon wbo lmmodlato| possossos anotb-
or man (to troub|o blm). Tbls man unawaro tbat bo ls pos-
sossod wl||, as dlroctod, proacb tbo Dbarma and a|so tblnk tbat
bo bas roa|lzod Supromo Nlrv5na. Ho wl|| tbon como to tbo
practlsor`s p|aco and tako tbo blgb soat to proacb tbo Dbarma.
Ho wl|| bo|d a ba|| ol llro wblcb bo dlvldos lnto as man ba||s
as tboro aro |lstonors puttlng ono on oacb ol tbolr boads. Tbo
wl|| not loo| tbo boat and wl|| not bo burnod a|tbougb tbo llro-
ba||s aro sovora| loot blgb. Ho a|so wa|ks on wator, slts motlon-
|oss ln tbo alr, ontors a bott|o or a bag and wa|ks tbrougb tbo
wa|| but bo ls not lmmuno to cboppors and swords.
c|alms to bo a Buddba and tbougb bo ls a |aman, bo daros to
rocolvo rovoronco lrom tbo bblksus, curslng tbolr dlsclp|os and
vl|lllng tbo ru|os ol dlsclp|lno. Ho |lkos to dlsc|oso otbor poo-
p|o`s sbortcomlngs wltbout bolng alrald ol rldlcu|o. Ho boasts
ol bls supornatura| powors and causos bls |lstonors to soo
Buddba-|ands wblcb aro la|so and unroa|. Ho pralsos carna|lt
and oncouragos |lcontlous conduct wblcb bo usos to transmlt
bls Dbarma. Tbls ls ono ol tboso Strong Splrlts ol tbo moun-
talns, soas, wlnd, rlvors and oartb, dwo||lng ln grass and p|ants,
or a N5ga or docalng soor about to dlo and bocomo a gbost,
wboso lorms aro possossod b otbor gbosts, ono ol wblcb now
comos to troub|o tbo practlsor, wbon bo grows woar ol bls
252. Bocauso tbo man stl|| possossos a pbslca| bod wblcb can bo lnurod.
mlsdoods, bo wl|| |oavo tbo possossod man. Tbon botb toacbor
and pupl| wl|| sullor tbo mlsorlos lnl|lctod b tbo |aw. You
sbou|d llrst bo c|oar about tbls tomptatlon to avold roturnlng
to sams5ra, but ll ou aro do|udod and do not rocognlzo lt,
ou wl|| la|| lnto tbo unlntormlttont bo||s.
. `Now tbat tbo practlsor ls lroo lrom la|so anxlot altor
bls rocoptlvonoss bas vanlsbod bo llnds blmso|l ln tbls stato ol
porloct db5na. But bo ma bo tomptod b bls do|lgbt ln lt to
sook tbo oxtlnctlon ol sullorlng (ln Nlrv5na) and so soarcbos
doop| lnto tbo naturo ol translormatlon ln bls soarcb lor pro-
lound omptlnoss. As a rosu|t bo succumbs to tbo boavon|
domon wbo lmmodlato| possossos anotbor man (to troub|o
tbo modltator). Tbls man unawaro tbat bo ls possossod wl||, as
dlroctod, proacb tbo Dbarma and a|so tblnk tbat bo bas roa|-
lzod Supromo Nlrv5na. Ho wl|| tbon como to tbo practlsor`s
p|aco and tako tbo blgb soat to proacb tbo Dbarma to bls |ls-
tonors. ln tbolr prosonco, bo wl|| dlsappoar suddon| and tbon
doscond lrom tbo sk, agaln vanlsblng and ro-appoarlng at
wl||. Hls bod wl|| soom transparont as crsta| and bls |lmbs
wl|| bo lragrant |lko sanda|wood. Hls oxcromont and urlno aro
as bard as rock-cand. Ho broaks tbo Buddba`s ru|os and do-
splsos a|| monks and nuns. Ho proacbos tbat tbo |aw ol cau-
sa|lt ls lnva|ld, tbat tboro ls annlbl|atlon altor doatb and no
sucb tblng as rolncarnatlon or wor|d| and salnt| statos (altor
tbls |llo). Tbougb bo bas roa|lzod voldnoss, bo lndu|gos ln
soxua| doslros and boasts tbat bls lo||owors a|so roa|lzo tbo
vold ln wblcb tboro ls noltbor causo nor olloct. Tbls ls ono ol
tboso gbosts and splrlts wbo |lvo lor tbousands and tons ol
tbousands ol oars and bavo bocomo domons ln tbolr o|d
ago, bo now comos to troub|o tbo practlsor and wbon bo
grows woar ol tboso mlsdoods, be wl|| |oavo tbo possossod
man. Tbon botb toacbor and pupl| wl|| sullor tbo mlsorlos ln-
l|lctod b tbo |aw. You sbou|d llrst bo c|oar about tbls tompta-
tlon to avold roturnlng to sas5ra, but ll ou aro do|udod and
do not rocognlzo lt, ou wl|| la|| lnto tbo unlntormlttont bo||s.
0. `Now tbat tbo practlsor ls lroo lrom la|so anxlot
altor bls rocoptlvonoss bas vanlsbod, bo llnds blmso|l ln tbls
stato ol porloct db5na. But bo ma bo tomptod b bls do|lgbt
ln lt to sook |ongovlt and lndu|go ln tlrosomo rosoarcb ln bls
quost lor otornlt b ro|lnqulsblng bls morta| |ot ln oxcbango
lor lmmorta|lt. Tbus bo succumbs to tbo boavon| domon
wbo lmmodlato| possossos anotbor man (to troub|o blm).
Tbls man unawaro tbat bo ls possossod wl||, as dlroctod,
proacb tbo Dbarma and a|so tblnk tbat bo blmso|l bas roa|lzod
Supromo Nlrv5na. Ho wl|| tbon como to tbo practlsor`s p|aco
and tako tbo blgb soat to toacb tbo Dbarma to tboso prosont,
doc|arlng tbat bo can travo| to and lrom dlstant p|acos ol wl||,
wl|| tbon go tbousands ol ml|os awa and roturn to bls soat ln
tbo twlnk|lng ol an oo, brlnglng tblngs back wltb blm. Or bo
ma sbow tbom tbat lor oars tbo wl|| bo unab|o to wa|k
moro tban a low pacos across tbo room. Tbo wl|| bo|lovo blm
and mlstako blm lor a Buddba. Ho wl|| tbon proc|alm tbat a||
|lvlng bolngs aro bls cbl|dron, tbat bo ls a bogottor ol Buddbas,
tbat bo appoars ln tbo wor|d (to savo otbors), tbat bo ls tbo
prlma| Buddba and noods no practlco to bo so. Tbls boavon|
domon ma bo oltbor a oa|ous loma|o splrlt (c5mund5) lrom
tbo lsvara boavon or a consumor ol vlta|lt (pls5cab) lrom tbo
boavon ol tbo lour dova klngs, wbo bas not a stralgbtlorward
mlnd and usos tbo practlsor`s wrong tblnklng to absorb bls
vlta|lt. Ho ma not possoss anotbor man but ma appoar as
ono wltb powor to wlo|d a vara to bostow |ong |llo on tbo
practlsor or as a boautllu| glr| to soduco blm, tborob oxbaust-
lng bls vlta|lt. Ho ls do|lrlous and can bo dlstlngulsbod b bls
lncoboront spoocb, but ll tbo practlsor lal|s to rocognlzo blm,
bo wl|| mako mlscblol. Tbo modltator wl|| tbon sullor tbo mls-
orlos lnl|lctod b tbo |aw, bo usua|| dlos lrom oxbaustlon
boloro bls punlsbmont ls carrlod out (b tbo autborltlos). You
sbou|d llrst bo c|oar about tbls tomptatlon to avold roturnlng
to sams5ra, but ll ou aro do|udod and do not rocognlzo lt,
ou wl|| la|| lnto tbo unlntormlttont bo||s.
`nanda, tboro ls no nood lor ou to attaln Nlrv5na
now. Tbougb ou bavo roacbod tbo stago boond a|| studlos,
ou sbou|d lu|ll| our vow to ro-ontor tbls wor|d ln tbo
Dbarma ondlng ago to dovo|op groat compasslon and to do-
|lvor tboso |lvlng bolngs wboso mlnds aro sot on rlgbt bo|lol
so tbat tbo wl|| not bo troub|od b domons but roa|lzo rlgbt
know|odgo. l bavo do|lvorod ou lrom sams5ra and b carr-
lng out m ordor, ou wl|| ropa our dobt ol gratltudo to tbo
`nanda, tbo abovo ton statos ol db5na como lrom tbo
lntormlng|lng ol tbo tblrd aggrogato ol concoptlon wltb modl-
tatlvo mlnd. Do|udod and waward practlsors wbo do not
know tbolr capabl|ltlos, cannot dlstlngulsb tboso statos wbon
tbo manllost and wrong| doc|aro tbat tbo bavo attalnod tbo
bo| rank. B so dolng, tbo broak tbo problbltlon agalnst
|lng and wl|| la|| lnto tbo unlntormlttont bo||s. Altor m nlr-
v5na ln tbo Dbarma ondlng ago, ou sbou|d proc|alm tbls
toacblng so tbat |lvlng bolngs wl|| awakon to lt, tbat boavon|
domons cannot tako advantago ol sucb statos and tbat a||
practlsors can bo on tbolr guard and roa|lzo tbo Supromo Tao.
The Ten States Affected by the Fourth Aggregate of
Discrimination (Saskra)
`nanda, ln bls cu|tlvatlon ol sam5dbl, wbon tbo tblrd aggro-
gato ol concoptlon onds, tbo practlsor wl|| bo lroo lrom tbo
usua| do|uslvo tblnklng and wl|| acblovo tbo stl|| and brlgbt
stato ol mlnd wblcb ls |lko tbo c|oar sk and ls a|was tbo
samo wbotbor waklng or s|ooplng, and dovold ol tbo sbad-
ows ol coarso sonso data. To blm tbo mountalns, rlvors, groat
oartb and unlvorso aro rol|octlons ln a brlgbt mlrror, appoar-
lng and vanlsblng wltbout |oavlng a traco boblnd, tbus bls
mlnd on| rol|octs oxtorna|s wltbout bolng alloctod b tbom.
Tbls ls tbo ono ossonco (5|aa) ln wblcb tbo lourtb aggrogato
now manllosts. Tbo practlsor wl|| porcolvo a|| |lvlng bolngs ol
tbo two|vo tpos ol blrtb ln tbo ton dlroctlons and tbougb bo
doos not know tbo truo causo ol tbolr oxlstonco, to blm tbo
aro a|| ln tbo samo stato ol |llo. Tbls lunctlonlng ol mlnd
(samsk5ra) ls |lko a twlnk|lng mlrago tbat dlsturbs tbo c|oar
(borlzon) and ls tbo cblol causo ol tbo l||uslon ol tbo sonso
organs and data. Tbls ls tbo lourtb aggrogato wblcb condl-
tlons tbo practlsor`s modltatlon.
`ll tbls spark|lng dlsturbanco roturns to lts sorono sourco
(5|aa), |lko rlpp|os tbat sott|o to bocomo ca|m and c|oar
wator, tbo aggrogato samsk5ra wl|| como to an ond, and tbo
practlsor wl|| |oap abovo and boond tbo ka|pa ol turbld
bolng, tbo maln causo ol wblcb ls tbo undotoctod subt|ot ol
bls wrong tblnklng.
. `nanda, ou sbou|d know tbat wbon tbo practlsor,
as a rosu|t ol polntod concontratlon (altor tbo tblrd aggrogato
bas vanlsbod), acqulros corroct know|odgo ln bls practlco ol
samatba, bls mlnd ls sott|od and c|oar and can no moro bo
troub|od b tbo ton c|assos ol domons. On| now can bo |ook
oxbaustlvo| lnto tbo orlgln ol |lvlng bolngs. ln bls dlscovor
ol tbo subt|o dlsturbanco (wblcb ls not oasl| dotoctab|o), ll bo
boglns to dlllorontlato bo wl|| la|| lnto orror bocauso ol tbo
(lo||owlng) two botorodox concoptlons ol tbo non-oxlstonco
ol causo.
`l. Ho llnds no antorlor causo (ol oxlstonco) ln bls lnvos-
tlgatlon. Wb Bocauso bo bas wlpod out tbo mocbanlsm ol
|llo and can now, b moans ol tbo S00 morlts ol bls organ ol
slgbt, |ook lnto tbo S0,000 ka|pas ln wblcb a|| |lvlng bolngs
transmlgrato lrom p|aco to p|aco and boond wblcb bo can
soo notblng. Ho tbon conc|udos tbat a|| |lvlng bolngs oxlst ol
tbomso|vos wltbout an causo durlng tboso S0,000 aoons
and, bocauso ol tbls dlllorontlatlon, bo wl|| mlss tbo Buddba`s
unlvorsa| know|odgo tborob la||lng lnto boros wblcb wl||
scroon bls Bodbl naturo.
`ll. Ho llnds no postorlor causo (ol oxlstonco) ln bls ln-
vostlgatlon. Wb Bocauso bo bas soon tbo root ol |llo and
conc|udos tbat, as a|was, mon bogot mon and blrds blrds,
tbat crows aro b|ack and storks wblto, tbat mon and dovas
aro uprlgbt and anlma|s s|antlng, tbat tbolr wblto co|our doos
not como lrom wasblng nor tbolr b|ack co|our lrom dos, and
tbat a|| tbls bas boon and wl|| bo so tbrougbout tboso S0,000
aoons. Slnco bo novor saw Bodbl boloro, bow can bo roa|lzo
lt now Ho wl|| now conc|udo tbat a|| tblngs como lrom no
causo, so bo wl|| mlss tbo Buddba`s unlvorsa| know|odgo and
wl|| la|| lnto boros wblcb wl|| scroon bls Bodbl naturo.
`Tbo abovo portaln to tbo llrst stato ol botorodox dls-
crlmlnatlon (samsk5ra) wblcb postu|atos tbo non-oxlstonco
ol causo.
2. `nanda, ln bls cu|tlvatlon ol sam5dbl, as a rosu|t ol
polntod concontratlon, tbo practlsor`s mlnd ls now sott|od and
can no moro bo troub|od b domons. Ho can |ook oxbaus-
tlvo| lnto tbo orlgln ol a|| |lvlng bolngs, and ln bls dlscovor ol
tbo subt|o dlsturbanco wblcb contlnuos ond|oss|, ll bo boglns
to dlllorontlato, bo wl|| la|| lnto orror bocauso ol tbo (lo||owlng)
lour botorodox concoptlons ol unlvorsa| pormanonco.
`l. B |ooklng oxbaustlvo| lnto tbo mlnd and lts oboct,
bo llnds tbat botb aro causo|oss, and slnco bls modltatlvo
stud onab|os blm to know tbat ln 20,000 aoons a|| |lvlng
bolngs aro suboct to tbo ond|oss round ol blrtbs and doatbs
wltbout bolng annlbl|atod, bo glvos rlso to tbo wrong concopt
ol tbo pormanonco (ol mlnd and lts oboct).
`ll. B |ooklng oxbaustlvo| lnto tbo lour o|omonts, bo
llnds tbo oxlst pormanont|, and slnco bls modltatlvo stud
onab|os blm to know tbat ln 40,000 aoons a|| |lvlng bolngs
prosorvo tbolr lorms wblcb aro not dostrood ln splto ol tbolr
blrtbs and doatbs, bo glvos rlso to tbo wrong concopt ol tbo
pormanonco ol tbo lour o|omonts.
`lll. B |ooklng oxbaustlvo| lnto tbo slx organs and tbo
sovontb and olgbtb consclousnossos, bo llnds tbat tbo orlgln
ol mlnd, lnto||oct and consclousnoss ls pormanont. Tbus bls
modltatlvo stud onab|os blm to know tbat ln S0,000 ka|pas
a|| |lvlng bolngs a|was prosorvo tbls orlgln and tbat lt a|was
romalns, tborob glvlng rlso to tbo concopt ol tbo porma-
nonco (ol tbo olgbtb consclousnoss).
`lv. As tbo practlsor bas wlpod out tbo tblrd aggrogato
comp|oto|, bo (wrong|) tblnks tbat |llo bas coasod to l|ow and
tbat slnco bls tblnklng mlnd (sa5) bas ondod, tbat wblcb
now romalns (l.o. samsk5ra) ls pormanont, tbus glvlng rlso to
tbo concopt ol tbo pormanonco (ol tbo lourtb aggrogato).
`Bocauso ol bls wrong concoptlon ol truo pormanonco,
bo mlssos tbo Buddba`s unlvorsa| know|odgo and la||s lnto
boros wblcb scroons bls Bodbl naturo. Tbo abovo portalns
to tbo socond stato ol botorodox dlscrlmlnatlon (samsk5ra)
wblcb postu|atos wrong pormanonco.
3. `Furtbor, ln bls cu|tlvatlon ol sam5dbl wblcb, as a
rosu|t ol bls polntod concontratlon ol mlnd, can no moro bo
troub|od b domons ll bo |ooks oxbaustlvo| lnto tbo orlgln ol
|lvlng bolngs to dlllorontlato as bo contomp|atos tbo contlnu-
ous subt|o dlsturbanco ln tbls c|oar stato, bo wl|| la|| lnto orror
bocauso ol tbo (lo||owlng) lour porvorso vlows ol tbo dua|lt
ol pormanonco and lmpormanonco.
253. Tbls ls tbo sovontb consclousnoss c|lnglng to 5|aa`s porcoptlon wblcb ls rogardod as an ogo.
`l. Tbo practlsor |ooks lnto tbo prolound brlgbt mlnd
wblcb porvados ovorwboro and rogards lt as bls splrltua|
ogo, bo llnds tbat bls ogo wblcb ls brlgbt and uncbanglng,
ombracos a|| tbo ton dlroctlons and tbat a|| |lvlng bolngs aro
born and dlo b tbomso|vos ln bls mlnd, tborob conc|udlng
tbat lt ls pormanont and a|| tboso suboct to blrtb and doatb
aro lmpormanont.
`ll. Tbo practlsor, lnstoad ol |ooklng lnto bls own mlnd,
contomp|atos countrlos wblcb aro count|oss as tbo Gangos`
sands, and tborob rogards as lmpormanont tboso roglons
wblcb aro annlbl|atod ln tbo ka|pa ol dostructlon
and as
pormanont tboso unalloctod b lt.
`lll. Tbo practlsor |ooks lnto bls mlnd wblcb, to blm, ls
subt|o and mstorlous |lko mo|ocu|os wblcb ponotrato every-
wboro and wboso naturo ls uncbangod, and can suboct
bls bod to blrtb and doatb slmu|tanoous| ln ovor l|asb ol
tbougbt. Ho rogards tbat wblcb doos not doca as bls porma-
nont ogo and tbat wblcb ls suboct to blrtb and doatb and
l|ows lrom bls ogo as lmpormanont.
`lv. Tbo practlsor wbo knows tbat altor tbo tblrd aggro-
gato bas vanlsbod, tbo lourtb ono l|ows contlnuous|, wl||
rogard tbo |attor as pormanont and tbo llrst tbroo aggrogatos
wblcb bavo a|road ondod as lmpormanont.
`B so dlllorontlatlng botwoon pormanonco and lmporma-
nonco, bo la||s lnto boros wblcb scroons bls Bodbl naturo. Tbo
abovo portaln to tbo tblrd stato ol botorodox dlscrlmlnatlon wblcb
254. Tbo tblrd db5na boavon and tbo wor|ds bo|ow lt.
255. Tbo lourtb db5na boavon and tboso abovo lt.
postu|atos tbo dua|lt ol pormanonco and lmpormanonco.
4. `Furtbor, ln bls cu|tlvatlon ol sam5dbl wblcb, as a
rosu|t ol polntod concontratlon ol mlnd, can no moro bo
troub|od b domons, ll tbo practlsor |ooks oxbaustlvo| lnto
tbo orlgln ol |lvlng bolngs and boglns to dlllorontlato as bo
contomp|atos tbo contlnuous dlsturbanco ln tbls c|oar stato,
bo wl|| la|| lnto orror bocauso ol tbo lo||owlng lour dua| vlows
ol tbo llnlto and lnllnlto.
`l. Ho |ooks lnto tbo orlgln ol |llo wblcb l|ows ond|oss|
and conc|udos tbat tbo past and tbo luturo wblcb bo doos not
soo aro llnlto and tbat bls prosont mlnd wblcb doos not stop
ls lnllnlto.
`ll. Ho |ooks lnto S0,000 ka|pas and soos |lvlng bolngs
ln tbls |ong porlod ol tlmo but wbon |ooklng lnto tbo tlmo
prlor ovon to tbat bo soos and boars notblng, bo tbon con-
c|udos tbat tbo roglon wboro bo soos and boars notblng ls ln-
llnlto and tbo ono wboro tboro aro |lvlng bolngs ls llnlto.
`lll. Tbo practlsor llnds tbat bls know|odgo roacbos ovor-
wboro and conc|udos tbat slnco a|| |lvlng bolngs appoar tboroln
(l.o. ln bls knowlng mlnd), bls naturo ls lnllnlto. As tbolr know-
|odgo (l.o. tbolr mlnds) do not appoar ln bls, bo roasons tbat
tbolr mlnds aro llnlto as wo|| as tbolr naturo.
`lv. As tbo practlsor |ooks oxbaustlvo| lnto tbo lourtb
aggrogato and llnds tbat lt onds ln omptlnoss, (bo roasons
tbat lts ond ls annlbl|atlon and lts manllostatlon ls croatlon
and so) lnlors tbat oacb |lvlng bolng part| oxlsts and part|
doos not and so conc|udos tbat a|| tblngs ln tbo wor|d aro ba|l
llnlto and ba|l lnllnlto.
B so dlscrlmlnatlng botwoon tbo llnlto and tbo lnllnlto, bo
la||s lnto boros wblcb scroons bls Bodbl naturo. Tbo abovo por-
taln to tbo lourtb stato ol botorodox dlscrlmlnatlon (samsk5ra)
wblcb postu|atos tbo dua|lt ol tbo llnlto and tbo lnllnlto.
5. `Furtbor, ln bls cu|tlvatlon ol sam5dbl wblcb, as a
rosu|t ol bls polntod concontratlon ol mlnd, can no moro bo
troub|od b domons, ll tbo practlsor |ooks oxbaustlvo| lnto
tbo orlgln ol |lvlng bolngs and boglns to dlllorontlato botwoon
vlows wbon contomp|atlng tbo contlnuous subt|o dlsturbanco
ln tbls c|oar stato, bo wl|| la|| lnto orror bocauso ol tbo (lo||ow-
lng) lour conlusod vlows about tbo undlng boavon.
`l. As, bo lnvostlgatos tbo orlgln ol translormatlon, bo
ma ca|| cbanglng tbat wblcb varlos, uncbanglng tbat wblcb
contlnuos, born tbat wblcb ls vlslb|o, annlbl|atod tbat wblcb
ls no moro soon, lncroaslng tbat wblcb prosorvos lts naturo ln
tbo procoss ol translormatlon, docroaslng tbat wboso naturo
ls lntorruptod ln tbo cbanglng procoss, oxlstlng tbat wblcb ls
croatod and non-oxlstont tbat wblcb dlsappoars, tbls ls tbo
rosu|t ol bls dlllorontlatlon ol tbo (olgbt statos) soon as bo
contomp|atos tbo manllostatlons ol tbo lourtb aggrogato. ll
sookors ol tbo trutb ca|| on blm lor lnstructlon, bo wl|| doc|aro:
l now botb |lvo and dlo, botb oxlst and do not, botb lncroaso
and docroaso, tbus ta|klng wl|d| to mls|oad tbom.
`ll. As tbo practlsor |ooks oxbaustlvo| lnto bls mlnd, bo
llnds tbat oacb tbougbt coasos to oxlst ln a l|asb and con-
c|udos tbat tbo aro non-oxlstont. ll poop|o ask lor lnstruc-
256. Horotlcs bo|lovo tbat boavon ls undlng and tbat bo wbo doos not mls|oad otbors wbon toacblng
tbom, wl|| bo roborn tboro. Honco, ln tbolr answors to tbolr studonts` quostlons, tbo uso abstruso
torms and abstaln lrom glvlng comp|oto and spoclllc rop|los wblcb tbo Buddba donouncos as wl|d ta|k.
tlon, bls answor conslsts ol tbo ono word Notblng, boond
wblcb bo sas notblng o|so.
`lll. As tbo practlsor |ooks oxbaustlvo| lnto bls mlnd, bo
soos tbo rlso ol bls tbougbts and conc|udos tbat tbo oxlst. ll
poop|o ask lor lnstructlon, bls answor conslsts ol tbo ono
word Somotblng, boond wblcb bo sas notblng o|so.
`lv. Tbo practlsor soos botb oxlstonco and non-
oxlstonco and llnds tbat sucb statos aro so comp|lcatod
tbat tbo conluso blm. ll poop|o ask lor lnstructlon, bo wl||
sa: Tbo oxlstlng comprlsos tbo non-oxlstont but tbo non-
oxlstont doos not comprlso tbo oxlstlng,
ln sucb a por-
lunctor mannor as to provont oxbaustlvo lnqulrlos.
`B so dlscrlmlnatlng, bo causos conluslon and so la||s
lnto boros wblcb scroons bls Bodbl naturo. Tbo abovo por-
taln to tbo llltb stato ol botorodox dlscrlmlnatlon (samsk5ra)
wblcb postu|atos conlusod vlows about tbo undlng.
6. `Furtbor, ln bls cu|tlvatlon ol sam5dbl wblcb, as a
rosu|t ol bls polntod concontratlon ol mlnd, can no moro bo
troub|od b domons, ll tbo practlsor |ooks oxbaustlvo| lnto
tbo orlgln ol |lvlng bolngs and boglns to dlllorontlato as bo
contomp|atos tbo ond|oss l|ow (ol tbo lourtb aggrogato), bo
wl|| la|| lnto orror bocauso ol bls wrong vlow ol tbo contlnuod
oxlstonco ol lorm altor doatb
arlslng lrom bls upsot mlnd.
`So bo c|lngs llrm| to bls bod and bo|lovos tbat lorm
ls ogo, bo soos tbat bls mlnd ombracos a|| countrlos ovor-
257. Ho soos not on| tbo rlso, but a|so tbo la||, ol tbougbts, bonco bls amblguous rop|: `Somotblng`
wltbout darlng to spoak spoclllca|| ol tbolr oxlstonco ln ordor not to bo ln tbo wrong.
25S. For bo daros not sa dollnlto| tbat somotblng oxlsts ln tbo non-oxlstont.
25. For bo mlstakos tbo lourtb aggrogato lor bls ogo.
wboro and bo|lovos tbat lorm ls wltbln ogo, bo soos tbat lorm
ls now rostorod to lo||ow bls ogo, and bo|lovos tbat ogo oxlsts
apart lrom lorm, and bo soos tbat bls ogo contlnuos to oxlst
ln tbo l|ow ol samsk5ra and bo|lovos tbat lt ls wltbln lorm.
`Tboso aro (tbo lour klnds ol) dlscrlmlnatlon arlslng
lrom tbo bo|lol tbat lorm contlnuos to oxlst altor doatb. Tbus
tboro aro slxtoon klnds ol sucb dlscrlmlnatlon duo to wrong
contomp|atlon ol tbo llrst lour aggrogatos (rupa, vodan5,
sa5 and samsk5ra).
`From tbon on tbo practlsor dlscrlmlnatos botwoon lun-
damonta| troub|os (k|osa) and lundamonta| Bodbl as oxlstlng
sldo b sldo wltbout contradlctlng oacb otbor. For tbls wrong
vlow tbat lorm contlnuos altor doatb, bo wl|| la|| lnto boros
tbat scroons bls Bodbl naturo.
`Tbo abovo portaln to tbo slxtb stato ol botorodox dls-
crlmlnatlon (samsk5ra) wblcb postu|atos tbo wrong vlow tbat
lorm oxlsts doatb.
7. `Furtbor, ln bls cu|tlvatlon ol sam5dbl wblcb, as a
rosu|t ol bls polntod concontratlon ol mlnd, can no moro bo
troub|od b domons, ll tbo practlsor |ooks lnto tbo orlgln ol
|lvlng bolngs and boglns to dlllorontlato as bo contomp|atos
tbo lourtb aggrogato (samsk5ra) wblcb wl|| vanlsb ln tbo samo
wa tbo llrst tbroo (rupa, vodan5 and sa5) dld boloro, bo
wl|| la|| lnto orror bocauso ol bls wrong vlow ol tbo non-
oxlstonco ol lorm altor doatb arlslng lrom bls upsot mlnd.
`Ho saw tbat lorm was causo|oss wbon rupa vanlsbod,
tbat bls mlnd was lroo lrom bondago wbon sa5 ondod and
tbat a|| |lnks woro brokon wbon vodan5 stoppod. Ho now
conc|udos tbat onco tbo aggrogatos aro no moro, |llo do-
prlvod ol vodan5 and sa5 ls |lko grass and p|ants. Evon
rupa doos not oxlst ln |llo, bow can tboro bo lorm altor
doatb So bls lnvostlgatlon rovoa|s tbo non-oxlstonco ol lorm
altor doatb wltb tbo onsulng olgbtlo|d absonco ol lorm.
Honco bls bo|lol tbat Nlrv5na bas noltbor causo nor olloct and
tbat a|| tblngs aro vold, bavo on| (ompt) namos and aro
lundamonta|| suboct to annlbl|atlon.
`For tbls wrong vlow ol annlbl|atlon altor doatb, bo la||s
lnto boros tbat scroons bls Bodbl naturo. Tbls ls tbo sovontb
stato ol botorodox dlscrlmlnatlon (samsk5ra) wblcb postu-
|atos tbo wrong vlow ol annlbl|atlon (uccbodadarsana).
S. `Furtbor, ln bls cu|tlvatlon ol sam5dbl wblcb, as a
rosu|t ol bls polntod concontratlon ol mlnd, can no moro bo
troub|od b domons, ll tbo practlsor |ooks lnto tbo orlgln ol
|lvlng bolngs and boglns to dlllorontlato as bo contomp|atos
tbo lourtb aggrogato wblcb now manllosts wboroas (rupa),
vodan5 and sa5 bavo vanlsbod, bo wl|| la|| lnto orror bo-
causo ol tbo wrong dua| vlow ol oxlstonco and non-oxlstonco
wblcb ls so|l-contradlctor and wblcb lmp|los tbo nogatlon ol
botb altor doatb.
`Tbus rupa, vodan5 and sa5, provlous| soon to
oxlst now do not. ll samsk5ra wblcb now manllosts ls |lkowlso
not to oxlst lt ls (ln lact) not non-oxlstont. ll tboso lour aggro-
260. Eacb ol tbo llrst lour aggrogatos ls dovold ol causo-lorm and olloct-lorm.
26. Ho roasons tbat slnco tbo llrst tbroo aggrogatos bavo vanlsbod, tbo lourtb wl|| lo||ow tbom soonor
or |ator, and so lnlors tbat a|| lour aro non-oxlstont. Ho tbon roasons tbat tbo lourtb aggrogato
manllosts now ln splto ol tbo dlsappoaranco ol tbo llrst tbroo, and so lnlors tbat a|| lour aro not
non-oxlstont. Tbus bo conc|udos tbat slnco tbo lour aggrogatos aro noltbor oxlstlng nor non-oxlstont
ln |llo, tbo wl|| bo so altor doatb, bonco tbo olgbtlo|d nogatlvo vlow.
gatos aro |lkowlso |ookod lnto, tbo conc|uslon ls tbo olgbtlo|d
nogatlvo vlow ol lorm ln |llo and altor doatb. Tbus oacb ol
tbom wbon lnvostlgatod can bo sald to bo noltbor oxlstlng nor
non-oxlstont altor doatb.
`Furtbor, slnco tbo lourtb aggrogato ls (a|was) cbang-
lng, bo roasons tbat botb lts oxlstonco and non-oxlstonco aro
lnva|ld lor lt ls noltbor roa| nor unroa| (ln |llo). So bo lnlors
tbat notblng can bo sald ol lt ln tbo dark and obscuro condl-
tlon altor doatb.
`For bo|dlng tbo abovo vlows, bo wl|| la|| lnto boros
tbat scroons bls Bodbl naturo. Tbo portaln to tbo olgbtb stato
ol dlscrlmlnatlon (samsk5ra) wblcb postu|atos tbo lnva|ldlt
ol botb tbo oxlstonco and non-oxlstonco ol tbo llvo aggro-
gatos altor doatb.
. `Furtbor, ln bls cu|tlvatlon ol sam5dbl wblcb, as a
rosu|t ol bls polntod concontratlon ol mlnd, can no moro bo
troub|od b domons, ll tbo practlsor |ooks lnto tbo orlgln ol
|lvlng bolngs to dlllorontlato as bo contomp|atos tbo lourtb
aggrogato wblcb ls suboct to annlbl|atlon altor lts rlso and la||
ln ovor l|asb ol tbougbt, bo wl|| la|| lnto orror bocauso ol bls
wrong concoptlon ol oltbor ono ol tbo sovon statos wboro
bod, doslro, sullorlng, o, and lndllloronco
aro do-
strood and wboro notblng oxlsts altor tbolr annlbl|atlon
wblcb ls llna|.
`For tbls wrong vlow ol annlbl|atlon altor doatb, bo wl||
la|| lnto boros wblcb scroons bls Bodbl naturo. Tbls ls tbo
262. Annlbl|atlon ol bod ln tbo roa|ms ol mon and dovas, ol doslro ln tbo llrst db5na boavon, ol
sullorlng ln tbo socond, ol o ln tbo tblrd and lndllloronco ln tbo lourtb db5na boavon and tbo
lorm|oss wor|d.
nlntb stato ol botorodox dlscrlmlnatlon wblcb arlsos lrom tbo
upsot mlnd and wblcb postu|atos tbo annlbl|atlon ol tbo llvo
aggrogatos altor tbo prosont |llo.
0. `Furtbor, ln bls cu|tlvatlon ol sam5dbl wblcb, as a
rosu|t ol bls polntod concontratlon ol mlnd, can bo no moro
troub|od b domons, ll tbo practlsor |ooks lnto tbo orlgln ol
|lvlng bolngs and boglns to dlllorontlato as bo contomp|atos
tbo lourtb aggrogato wblcb wl|| rocur altor lts annlbl|atlon
(altor doatb), bo wl|| la|| lnto orror bocauso ol bls mlsconcop-
tlon ol tbo llvo la|so condltlons ol Nlrv5na.
`ln bls contomp|atlon ol tbo condltlon ol porloct c|oar-
noss wblcb now manllosts, bo ls tomptod to transmuto lnto
Nlrv5na oltbor (a) tbo boavon ol doslro bocauso ol bls do|lgbt
ln tbat condltlon, (b) tbo llrst db5na boavon bocauso lt ls
lroo lrom troub|o and anxlot, (c) tbo socond db5na
boavon bocauso lt ls lroo lrom sullorlng, (d) tbo tblrd db5na
boavon bocauso lt ls lu|| ol o, or (o) tbo lourtb db5na
boavon wblcb ls lroo lrom botb sullorlng and o and ls
boond blrtb and doatb ln sams5ra. Tbus bo wl|| mlstako
samsarlc boavons lor tbo (lundamonta|) wu wol stato and
c|lng to (oltbor ono ol) tboso llvo statos as an u|tlmato abodo
ollorlng poaco and socurlt. Bocauso ol tbls dlllorontlatlon,
bo wl|| la|| lnto boros wblcb wl|| scroon bls Bodbl naturo.
Tbls ls tbo tontb stato ol botorodox dlscrlmlnatlon
(samsk5ra) wblcb postu|atos llvo condltlons ol Nlrv5na, arls-
lng lrom tbo llvo aggrogatos.
`nanda, tboso ton klnds ol wl|d lntorprotatlon ol
db5na como lrom tbo lntormlng|lng ol tbo lourtb aggrogato
ol dlscrlmlnatlon wltb modltatlvo mlnd. Do|udod and wa-
ward practlsors wbo do not know tbolr own capabl|ltlos,
cannot dlstlngulsb tboso statos wbon tbo manllost and
wrong| doc|aro tbat tbo bavo attalnod tbo bo| rank. B so
dolng, tbo wl|| broak tbo ru|o agalnst |lng and so la|| lnto tbo
unlntormlttont bo||s. Altor m nlrv5na, ln tbo Dbarma ondlng
ago, ou sbou|d proc|alm tbls toacblng so tbat |lvlng bolngs
wl|| awakon to lt, tbat tbo domons ol tbolr mlnds wl|| not |oad
tbom to so|l-lnl|lctod ca|amltlos, and tbat a|| practlsors can bo
on tbolr guard and wlpo out botorodox vlows. You sbou|d
toacb tbom bow to dlsclp|lno tbolr bodlos and mlnds so tbat
tbo awakon to Roa|lt and avold stralng lrom tbo Supromo
Patb, and to rolraln lrom wlsblu| tblnklng and lrom mlstaklng
somo |ltt|o progross lor comp|oto roa|lzatlon. You sbou|d act
as tbolr guldo to Supromo En|lgbtonmont.
The Ten States Affected by the Fifth Aggregate of
Consciousness (Vijana)
`nanda, ln tbo cu|tlvatlon ol sam5dbl, wbon tbo lourtb aggro-
gato ol dlscrlmlnatlon (samsk5ra) comos to an ond, tbo subt|o
dlsturbanco ln tbo stato ol c|oarnoss, (tbat ls tbo lunctlonlng ol
samsarlc mlnd), wblcb ls tbo mocbanlsm ol blrtb and doatb,
suddon| oxp|odos and oxposos an out|ook comp|oto| dlllor-
ont lrom tbat ol tbo prolound karma ol pudga|a (l.o. a|| bolngs
suboct to transmlgratlon). Tbls ls tbo momont wbon Nlrv5na
ls about to dawn, |lko tbo cock-crow tbat bora|ds tbo llrst |lgbt
ol tbo da ln tbo oast, wbon tbo slx sonsos aro vold and stl||
and no moro wandor outsldo. Wltbln and wltbout tboro ls on|
a prolound brlgbtnoss roacblng tbo root ol |llo ol a|| bolngs ol
tbo two|vo lorms ol blrtb ln tbo ton dlroctlons ol spaco wboroln
tboro ls notblng tbat can bo lurtbor ponotratod. Tbls contom-
p|atlon ol tbo ossonco ol baslc c|lnglng (l.o. tbo llltb aggrogato
ol consclousnoss) ro|oasos tbo practlsor lrom a|| attractlon (b
o|d bablts and now karma) and lmmunlzos blm lrom lurtbor
transmlgratlon ln sams5ra lor bo bas roa|lzod tbo ldontlt ol
mlnd wltb lts so|l-croatod oxtorna|s ovorwboro. As tbo naturo
ol consclousnoss now manllosts c|oar|, bo wl|| dlscovor lts
blddon doptb, Tbls ls tbo llltb aggrogato ol consclousnoss
wblcb condltlons tbo practlsor`s modltatlon.
`As tbo practlsor ls lmmuno agalnst oxtorna| attractlons
and roa|lzos tbo ldontlt ol mlnd, and obocts, tbo soparato-
noss arlslng lrom tbo slx dllloront sonso organs coasos and
tbo mlnd lunctlons unllorm| wltb soolng and boarlng ln
rogard to a slng|o lunctlon wblcb ls puro and c|oan. ln tbls
stato, a|| tbo wor|ds ln tbo ton dlroctlons, togotbor wltb bls
bod and mlnd, aro c|oar and transparont |lko crsta| botb
wltbln and wltbout. Tbls ls tbo ond ol tbo aggrogato ol con-
sclousnoss wblcb onab|os tbo practlsor to |oap ovor and
boond tbo ka|pa ol turbld |llo, tbo maln causo ol wblcb ls tbo
(llrst) soomlng sbadow ol bls wrong tblnklng.
: `nanda, ou sbou|d know tbat, as tbo practlsor
|ooks oxbaustlvo| lnto tbo lourtb aggrogato (samsk5ra), lt
wl|| roturn to lts sourco, tbat ls (tbo llltb aggrogato) consclous-
noss. Tbougb bo wlpos out blrtb and doatb, bo doos not ot
263. l.o. tbo llrst tbougbt tbat stlrrod tbo mlnd slnco tbo tlmo wltbout boglnnlng.
acblovo tbo puro and prolound stato ol Nlrv5na. Ho can now
unll tbo dllloront lunctlons ol tbo sonso organs, and so ls
awaro tbat a|| bolngs aro croatod b consclousnoss. Tbus bo
can ontor tbo sourco ol porloctlon but ll, on bls roturn to lt,
bo wrong| sots lt up as tbo causo ol truo pormanonco, and
rogards tbls as corroct, bo wl|| la|| lnto orror and wl|| bocomo
an adboront ol tbo Kapl|a doctrlno wblcb postu|atos prlmor-
dla| darknoss, tborob scroonlng bls Bodbl naturo and mlss-
lng tbo Buddba-know|odgo.
`Tbls ls tbo llrst stato ol tbo aggrogato ol consclousnoss
wblcb sots up tbo mlnd tbus roa|lzod as u|tlmato attalnmont
so stralng lar lrom Comp|oto En|lgbtonmont and standlng
opposlto to Nlrv5na, tbus sowlng tbo sood ol boros.
2. `nanda, as tbo practlsor |ooks oxbaustlvo| lnto
samsk5ra wblcb now bocomos vold, bo wl|| wlpo out blrtb
and doatb but wl|| not ot acblovo Nlrv5na. ll bo rogards con-
sclousnoss as bls substanco and lnslsts tbat bo ls rlgbt ln tblnk-
lng tbat a|| |lvlng bolngs ol tbo two|vo tpos ol blrtb ln bound-
|oss spaco sprlng lrom bls bod, bo wl|| orr bocauso ol bls
wrong concoptlon ol a suboctlvo croator and wl|| bocomo an
adboront ol Mabosvara wbo appoars ln a bod wblcb bas no
|lmlt, lt wl|| scroon bls Bodbl naturo and wl|| causo blm to mlss
tbo Buddba-know|odgo.
`Tbls ls tbo socond stato ol tbo aggrogato ol consclous-
noss wblcb sots up tbo mlnd-croator as u|tlmato attalnmont,
tbus stralng lar lrom Comp|oto En|lgbtonmont and standlng
opposlto to Nlrv5na, tborob sowlng tbo sood ol groat prldo
ln an omnlprosont dlvlno ogo.
3. `As tbo practlsor |ooks oxbaustlvo| lnto samsk5ra
wblcb now bocomos vold, bo wl|| wlpo out blrtb and doatb
but wl|| not ot acblovo Nlrv5na. ll bo c|lngs to consclousnoss
as bls rolugo, bo wl|| lntorprot tbat bls bod and mlnd as wo||
as tbo wbo|o ol spaco sprlng lrom tbat rolugo, tborob
wrong| lnlorrlng tbat tbls sourco ls truo Roa|lt, lroo lrom
blrtb and doatb. Bocauso ol bls mlslntorprotatlon ol vl5na
(consclousnoss) as pormanont, bo wl|| undorstand noltbor tbo
Uncroato nor (tbo croatod) blrtb and doatb. For bls do|lgbt ln
tbls do|udod stato, bo wl|| la|| lnto orror bocauso bo mlstakos
lmpormanonco lor pormanonco and wl|| tbus bocomo an ad-
boront ol lsvaradova, (tbo dlvlno ogo wbo croatos a|| tblngs),
tborob scroonlng bls Bodbl naturo and mlsslng tbo Buddba-
`Tbls ls tbo tblrd stato ol tbo aggrogato ol consclous-
noss wblcb sots up tbo causa| mlnd as u|tlmato attalnmont,
tbus stralng lar lrom Comp|oto En|lgbtonmont and stand-
lng opposlto to Nlrv5na and so sowlng tbo sood ol porloc-
tlon`s opposlto.
4. `As tbo practlsor |ooks oxbaustlvo| lnto samsk5ra
wblcb bocomos vold, bo wl|| wlpo out blrtb and doatb but
wl|| not ot acblovo Nlrv5na. ll bo c|lngs to bls know|odgo
ol bls a||-ombraclng consclousnoss (5|aa) and so sots up
bls own lntorprotatlon tbat a|| grass and p|ants aro son-
tlont and do not dlllor lrom mon and tbat altor doatb mon
wl|| bocomo grass and p|ants. ll bo do|lgbts ln sucb mls-
concoptlon, bo wl|| la|| lnto orror bocauso ol wrong know-
lng and wl|| bocomo an adboront ol tbo doctrlno ol
and Sanl, tbus scroonlng bls Bodbl naturo
and mlsslng tbo Buddba-know|odgo.
`Tbls ls tbo lourtb stato ol tbo aggrogato ol consclous-
noss wblcb sots up tbo knowlng mlnd as u|tlmato attalnmont,
tbus stralng lar lrom Comp|oto En|lgbtonmont and standlng
opposlto to Nlrv5na, tborob sowlng tbo sood ol lnvortod
5. `As tbo practlsor |ooks oxbaustlvo| lnto samsk5ra
wblcb now onds, bo wlpos out blrtb and doatb but doos not
ot acblovo Nlrv5na. ll bo awakons to tbo unllormlt ol tbo
(slx) sonso organs, as bo contomp|atos tbo orlglna| translor-
matlon (ol tbo lour o|omonts), bo ma bo tomptod to worsblp
tbo brlgbtnoss ol llro, tbo purlt ol wator, tbo lroodom ol wlnd
and tbo croatlvonoss ol oartb. Ho wl|| rogard tbom as lunda-
monta| causos ol croatlon and as pormanont Roa|lt, tborob
la||lng lnto orror bocauso ol bls wrong vlow ol croatlon. Ho
wl|| lo||ow tbo toacblng ol K5sapa
and otbor Brabmans
and wl||, ln bls quost ol lmmorta|lt, ollor bls bod and mlnd
to sorvo and worsblp llro and wator, tborob scroonlng bls
Bodbl naturo and mlsslng tbo Buddba-know|odgo.
`Tbls ls tbo llltb stato ol tbo aggrogato ol consclousnoss
wblcb postu|atos tbo worsblp (ol tbo o|omonts) tbus tbrowlng
awa tbo mlnd to pursuo lts obocts and wrong| sooklng tbo
causos ol lrultlon, bo wl|| tbus stra lar lrom Comp|oto
En|lgbtonmont and wl|| stand opposlto to Nlrv5na, tborob
sowlng tbo sood ol lnvortod translormatlon.
264. A Brabman wbo ls sald to bavo donlod tbo pormanonco ol Nlrv5na and malntalnod tbat p|ants bad
|lvos and sontlonco.
265. Wbo sots up a Croator ol gods, domons, mon and anlma|s.
6. `As tbo practlsor |ooks oxbaustlvo| lnto samsk5ra
wblcb now onds, bo wlpos out blrtb and doatb but doos not
ot acblovo Nlrv5na. ln tbls stago ol brlgbt and ompt con-
sclousnoss, bo ma bo tomptod to bo|lovo tbat voldnoss do-
stros a|| tblngs and wl|| c|lng to annlbl|atlon as bls |ast rolugo.
Ho wl|| la|| lnto orror bocauso bo c|lngs to notblngnoss and so
wl|| tblnk tbat dovas wltbout tbougbt aro vold tborob scroon-
lng bls Bodbl naturo and mlsslng tbo Buddba-know|odgo.
`Tbls ls tbo slxtb stato ol tbo aggrogato ol consclousnoss
wblcb ls comp|oto| vold and mlnd|oss |oadlng to ompt lru-
ltlon, tbo practlsor wl|| stra lar lrom Comp|oto En|lgbton-
mont and wl|| stand opposlto to Nlrv5na, tborob sowlng tbo
sood ol annlbl|atlon.
7. `As tbo practlsor |ooks oxbaustlvo| lnto samsk5ra
wblcb now onds, bo wlpos out blrtb and doatb but doos not
ot acblovo Nlrv5na. ln tbls contlnuod stato ol consclousnoss,
bo ma bo tomptod b lts soomlng pormanonco to tr and
mako bls own bod doatb|oss and lroo lt lrom morta|lt. Sucb
mlsconcoptlon wl|| causo blm to la|| lnto orror bocauso ol bls
wrong doslro and to lo||ow tbo toacblng ol Aslta-rsl wbo pos-
tu|atos |ongovlt, tborob scroonlng bls Bodbl naturo and
mlsslng tbo Buddba-know|odgo.
`Tbls ls tbo sovontb stato ol tbo aggrogato ol consclous-
noss wblcb c|lngs to |ong |llo and sots, up tbo la|so causo ol
prosorvatlon ln tbo soarcb lor pormanont lrultlon, tbo practls-
or wl|| tbus stra lar lrom Comp|oto En|lgbtonmont and wl||
stand opposlto to Nlrv5na, tborob sowlng tbo sood ol la|so
pro|ongatlon ol |llo.
S. `As tbo practlsor |ooks oxbaustlvo| lnto samsk5ra
wblcb now onds, bo wlpos out blrtb and doatb but doos not
ot roa|lzo Nlrv5na. ln bls contomp|atlon ol tbo aggrogato ol
consclousnoss. lrom wblcb sprlngs |llo, bo ma bo approbon-
slvo tbat lts ond wl|| causo tbo tota| annlbl|atlon ol tbo wor|d|,
bo wl|| b moans ol tbo powor ol translormatlon (ol 5|aa),
slt ln a |otus pa|aco and oxblblt tbo sovon troasuros and boau-
tllu| glr|s to glvo roln to bls mlnd. Ho wl|| tbus la|| lnto orror
bocauso ol bls lndu|gonco ln la|sobood and wl|| lo||ow tbo
boavon| domon, tborob scroonlng bls Bodbl naturo and
mlsslng tbo Buddba-know|odgo.
`Tbls ls tbo olgbtb stato ol tbo aggrogato ol consclous-
noss wblcb glvos rlso to tbo causo ol wor|d| lrultlon, tbo
practlsor wl|| tbus stra lar lrom Comp|oto En|lgbtonmont b
standlng opposlto to Nlrv5na, tborob sowlng tbo sood ol
boavon| domons.
. `Furtbor, as tbo practlsor |ooks oxbaustlvo| lnto
samsk5ra wblcb now onds, bo wlpos out blrtb and doatb but
doos not ot acblovo Nlrv5na. As bo contomp|atos bls brlgbt
consclousnoss, ll bo boglns to dlllorontlato botwoon lts llno
and coarso
cbaractorlstlcs, tbus lmp|lng tbo dua|lt ol
roa|lt and la|sobood ln bls soarcb lor tbo trutb, bo wl|| stra
lrom tbo puro and c|oan Patb, bo wl|| |ook lnto sullorlng, tbo
cuttlng ol lts causo, lts dostructlon and tbo wa tboroto, and
wl|| stop at lts annlbl|atlon wltbout strlvlng to advanco lurtbor.
B so dolng, bo wl|| lo||ow tboso wboso mlnds aro llxod on
266. |aa ltso|l.
267. |aa`s obocts.
tbo sr5vaka stago, tboso dovas ol tbo lour db5na boavons
and tboso wbo roluso to boar lurtbor about tbo Dbarma, and
so dovo|op so|l-concolt, tborob scroonlng bls Bodbl naturo
and mlsslng tbo Buddba-know|odgo.
`Tbls ls tbo nlntb stato ol tbo aggrogato ol consclous-
noss wblcb unltos wltb lts ossonco lor nlrvanlc lrultlon, tbo
practlsor wl|| tbus stra lar lrom Comp|oto En|lgbtonmont b
standlng opposlto to Nlrv5na, tborob sowlng tbo sood ol ob-
structlvo voldnoss.
0. `Furtbor, as tbo practlsor |ooks oxbaustlvo| lnto
samsk5ra wblcb now onds, bo ls lroo lrom blrtb and doatb
but doos not ot acblovo Nlrv5na. As bo contomp|atos tbo
brlgbt and puro ossonco ol consclousnoss, ll bo |ooks doopor
lnto lts doptb, bo ma rogard tbo |attor as Nlrv5na and wl|| not
strlvo to advanco lurtbor. Ho wl|| bo ono ol tboso wboso
mlnds aro sot on pratoka Buddbabood and wbo |lvo apart
lrom otbors to sook so|l-on|lgbtonmont, tborob scroonlng bls
Bodbl naturo and mlsslng tbo Buddba-know|odgo.
`Tbls ls tbo tontb stato ol tbo aggrogato ol consclousnoss
ls tbo unlon ol mlnd wltb puro awaronoss cu|mlnatlng ln c|oar
lrultlon, tbo practlsor wl|| tbus stra lar lrom Comp|oto En-
|lgbtonmont b standlng opposlto to Nlrv5na tborob sowlng
tbo sood ol lncomp|oto on|lgbtonmont.
`nanda, tboso aro tbo ton statos ol db5na |oadlng to
wl|d spocu|atlons bocauso tbo practlsor ro|los on do|uslon and
rogards lnadoquato acblovomont as lu|| roa|lzatlon. Tbo aro
duo to tbo lntormlng|lng ol tbo llltb aggrogato ol consclousnoss
wltb modltatlvo mlnd. Do|udod and waward poop|o wbo do
not know tbolr own capabl|ltlos, rost tbolr mlnds lnlatuatod b
lormor bablts on tboso statos wblcb now manllost and wblcb
tbo rogard as tbolr u|tlmato abodos. Tbo wl|| wrong| do-
c|aro tbat tbo bavo roa|lzod Supromo Bodbl and wl|| tbus
broak tbo ru|o agalnst |lng, tborob lormlng tbo ovl| karma ol
borotlcs and ovl| domons wblcb wl|| sond tbom down to tbo
unlntormlttont bo||s. As to sr5vakas and pratoka-buddbas
(wboso mlnds aro llxod), tbo wl|| not mako lurtbor progross.
`Altor m Nlrv5na, ln tbo Dbarma ondlng ago, ou
sbou|d a|| proc|alm tbls toacblng so tbat |lvlng bolngs wl||
awakon to lt, tbat tbo domons ol tbolr la|so porcoptlon cannot
causo tbom so|l-lnl|lctod ca|amltlos and tbat a|| practlsors can
bo on tbolr guard and wlpo out botorodox vlows. You sbou|d
toacb tbom bow to dlsclp|lno tbolr bodlos and mlnds so tbat
tbo acblovo tbo Buddba-know|odgo b not golng tbo wrong
wa lrom tbo start ol tbolr practlco. Tbls Dbarma-door was
lo||owod ln past aoons count|oss as tbo Gangos` sands b
Tatb5gatas numbor|oss as dust, wbo tborob oponod tbolr
mlnds and won tbo Supromo Tao.
`ll tbo aggrogato ol consclousnoss comos to an ond, a||
our sonso organs wl|| lntormlng|o lor unllorm lunctlonlng
and ou wl|| ontor tbo lndostructlb|o stato ol dr wlsdom ln
wblcb our on|lgbtonod ossonco ol mlnd wl|| manllost, |lko
puro crsta| wltb tbo proclous moon wltbln. You wl|| tbon
|oap ovor tbo ton stagos oacb ol Bodblsattva laltb, tbo ton
stagos oacb ol a Bodblsattva`s wlsdom, actlvltlos and dodl-
catlon, tbo lour stagos ol lntonslllod ollorts, tbo ton lndo-
structlb|o Bodblsattva posltlons (Dasabbuml) and tbo stato ol
Unlvorsa| En|lgbtonmont to ontor tbo Tatb5gata`s maostlc
ocoan ol Wondorlu| En|lgbtonmont, tbus porloctlng Bodbl to
roturn to wboro notblng can bo won.
`Tbo abovo aro vor llno statos ol M5ra dlscornod b
past Buddbas wbl|o abldlng ln tbo condltlon ol vlpasan5
wbon tbo practlsod samatba. ll ou know boloroband tboso
m5ra statos, ou wl|| bo ab|o to rub oll tbo dust ol our mlnd
and wl|| avold wrong vlows, tbo domons ol tbo llvo aggro-
gatos wl|| vanlsb, tbo boavon| domons wl|| bo crusbod, tbo
poworlu| gbosts and splrlts wl|| tako lrlgbt and run awa; tbo
splrlts ol tbo rlvors and bl||s wl|| not como to troub|o ou untl|
ou acblovo Bodbl. You wl|| tbus bogln our practlco lrom ln-
lorlor statos ol mlnd and tbon progross toward groat Nlrv5na
wltb a mlnd lroo lrom do|uslon and porp|oxlt.`
The Falsehood of the Five Aggregates
Altor boarlng tbo Buddba`s lnstructlon, nanda roso lrom bls
soat and prostratod blmso|l wltb bls boad at Hls loot. Slnco
bo bad rocolvod tbo toacblng wblcb bo cou|d now romombor
wo||, bo sald: `As tbo Buddba bas sald, tbo llvo klnds ol la|so-
bood arlslng lrom tbo llvo aggrogatos aro duo to tbo tblnklng
mlnd but wo bavo not board our oxp|anatlon ln dotal|.
Furtbor, sbou|d tbo llvo aggrogatos bo wlpod out slmu|tano-
ous| or soparato| ono altor anotbor Wbat aro tbolr bound-
arlos Wl|| ou bo compasslonato onougb to toacb us so tbat
ovorono boro can c|oanso bls mlnd-oo and bo tbo luturo
guldlng oo lor |lvlng bolngs ln tbo Dbarma ondlng ago`
Tbo Buddba sald: `nanda, puro Roa|lt ls prolound
En|lgbtonmont, and baslc En|lgbtonmont ls porloct and puro,
contalnlng noltbor blrtb and doatb nor an lmpurltlos nor
ovon voldnoss, a|| ol wblcb sprlng lrom la|so tblnklng. From
tbo prolound on|lgbtonod truo ossonco ol baslc En|lgbton-
mont arlsos tbo l||uslon ol a matorla| unlvorso ln tbo samo wa
tbat Yaadatta docolvod blmso|l lnto bo|lovlng ln tbo lmago
ol bls boad. Fundamonta|| la|sobood bas no causo but la|so
tblnklng sots lt up and do|udod poop|o (lurtbor) mlstako lt lor
bolng tbo so|l as sucb. Evon voldnoss ls but an l||uslon, (bow
mucb moro so aro) causo and tbo so|l as sucb wblcb aro tbo
product ol dlscrlmlnatlon arlslng ln tbo la|so mlnd ol |lvlng bo-
lngs. nanda, ll ou know wboro la|sobood arlsos, ou can
spoak ol causo, but ll lundamonta|| tboro ls no la|sobood,
bow can ou spoak ol causo Stl|| |oss can ou spoak ol tbo
so|l as sucb. Tboroloro, tbo Tatb5gata rovoa|s to ou tbat tbo
baslc causo ol tbo llvo aggrogatos ls la|so tblnklng.
Falseness of the first aggregate of form (rpa)
`Your bod owos lts oxlstonco llrst to our paronts` tbougbt
ol glvlng blrtb but bad ou not tbougbt (ol bolng born), tboro
wou|d bavo boon no cbanco lor our lncarnatlon ln tbolr
tbougbt. As l sald oar|lor, wbon ou tblnk ol vlnogar, our
moutb wators and wbon ou tblnk ol sca|lng a blgb c|lll, ou
loo| dlstross ln tbo so|os ol our loot. But tboro ls noltbor vln-
ogar nor c|lll and ll our bod ls not ol tbo samo (l||usor) na-
turo as la|sobood, bow can wator como to our moutb wbon
ou tblnk ol vlnogar Tboroloro, ou sbou|d know tbat our
pbslca| bod (rupak5a) ls tbo llrst stato ol congoa|atlon ol
our la|so tblnklng.
Falseness of the second aggregate of receptiveness (vedan)
`Wo bavo spokon ol tbo tbougbt ol sca|lng a c|lll wblcb can
causo our bod to loo| dlstross. Tbls ls tbo aggrogato ol ro-
coptlvonoss alloctlng our pbslca| bod wblcb ls tbus
movod b lavourab|o or advorso loo|lngs. Tbls ls tbo socond
stato ol ompt rol|octlon ol our la|so tblnklng.
Falseness of the third aggregate of conception (saja)
`Your tbougbt can mako our bod movo but ll botb aro not
akln bow can bod obo tbougbt`s ordor to act Tboroloro,
wbon mlnd stlrs, bod obos and botb act ln porloct unlson.
Wbon ou aro awako, our tblnklng mlnd works but wbon
ou s|oop, droams tako tbo p|aco ol tbougbts.
ou sbou|d know tbat our tbougbts stlr our la|so loo|lngs.
Tbls ls tbo tblrd stato ol porvaslvonoss ol our la|so tblnklng.
Falseness of the fourth aggregate of discrimination (saskra)
`Translormatlon novor stops and cbangos lmporcoptlb|
ovor lnstant, as sbown b tbo growtb ol balr and nal|s, and
tbo |oss ol vlta|lt ln o|d ago as rovoa|od b tbo wrlnk|os on
ono`s laco. Tbls cbango occurs da and nlgbt, but wo do not
notlco lt. nanda, ll tbls ls not ou, wb doos our bod
cbango (On tbo otbor band) ll lt ls ou, wb do ou not no-
tlco tbo cbango Tboroloro, ou sbou|d know tbat ovor dls-
26S. Tbls ls probab| wb tbo |ato Prol. C. G. Jung studlod droams ln bls rosoarcb lnto wbat bo ca||od
tbo unconsclous.
crlmlnatlon doos not stop ln a l|asb ol tbougbt. Tbls ls tbo
lourtb stato ol concoa|mont ol our la|so tblnklng.
Falseness of the fifth aggregate of consciousness (vijna)
`ll our puro, brlgbt, prolound and subt|o (consclousnoss) ls
pormanont, wb (ls lt condltlonod b and) doos not go bo-
ond our bod`s soolng, boarlng, loo|lng and knowlng ll lt
ls tbo roa|, lt sbou|d not a||ow ltso|l to bo alloctod b our
la|so bablts. Vor |ong ago ou saw unusua| tblngs but ou
tbon lorgot a|| about tbom. Wb do ou romombor tbom so
vlvld| wbon ou now soo tbom agaln Tbls sbows tbat tbo
contamlnatlon ol our c|oar and stl|| consclousnoss contln-
uos, lnstant altor lnstant, ln unbrokon contlnult, bow can
ou ascortaln tbls nanda, ou sbou|d know tbat tbls stl||
(Consclousnoss) ls not Roa|lt and ls |lko a rlvor wblcb l|ows
swllt| but sooms to bo stl||, ll ou do not soo lt l|ow, tbls doos
not moan tbat lt stops. ll consclousnoss ls not tbo sourco ol
la|so tblnklng, bow can lt bo lnl|uoncod b wrong bablts ll
ou lal| to (wlpo out soparatonoss and) acblovo tbo unllorm
lunctlonlng ol a|| our slx sonso organs, our la|so tblnklng
cannot bo brougbt to an ond. Tboroloro, boblnd our soolng,
boarlng, loo|lng and knowlng, tboro ls cbaln ol subt|o wor|d|
bablts and wltbln our stl|| consclousnoss tboro ls somotblng
wblcb sooms not to but doos oxlst and wblcb ls tbo llltb subt|o
stato ol our la|so tblnklng.
`nanda, a|| tbo llvo aggrogatos aro croatod b tbls llvo-
lo|d la|so tblnklng. As to tbolr boundarlos about wblcb ou
wlsb to know, lorm and voldnoss aro tbo boundarlos ol tbo
aggrogato ol rupa, rocoptlvonoss and non-rocoptlvonoss ol
vodan5, romombranco and lorgotlu|noss ol sa5, rlso and
la|| ol samsk5ra, and tbo roturn ol consclousnoss to, and lts
unlon wltb, lts substanco aro tboso ol vl5na.
`Tbo llvo aggrogatos arlso b pl|lng tbomso|vos upon
ono anotbor. Tbo orlglnato lrom consclousnoss (mlnd) and
sbou|d bo o|lmlnatod boglnnlng wltb lorm (mattor). ln prln-
cip|o, tbo a|| vanlsb tbo momont ono ls lnstantanoous| awak-
onod, but ln practlco, tbo aro wlpod out gradua|| duo to tbo
lorco ol bablt. l bavo sbown ou bow to untlo tbo slx knots
ln a c|otb and a|| tbls sbou|d bavo boon c|oar to ou, wb do
ou stl|| ask mo (about lt)
`You sbou|d awakon to tbo sourco ol la|so tblnklng and
opon our mlnd, and tbon toacb practlsors ln tbo Dbarma
ondlng ago so tbat tbo know lts la|sobood and rooct lt,
bocomo awaro ol tbo oxlstonco ol Nlrv5na, and so stop
hankorlng altor tbo tbroo wor|ds.
`nanda, ll a man ll||s spaco ln tbo ton dlroctlons wltb
tbo sovon troasuros and tbon ollors tbom to Buddbas un-
countab|o as dust, wltb bls mlnd sot on sorvlng tbom lau|t-
|oss|, wbat do ou tblnk ol bls morlts lrom sucb a good
nanda rop|lod: `Spaco ls bound|oss and tbo troasuros
cannot bo countod. Onco a man on| ollorod sovon colns to
(sovon) Buddbas and bls morlt |od to bls roblrtb as a boavon|
ru|or ol tbo wor|d, bow mucb moro so ls tbo un|lmltod morlt
dorlvod lrom ollorlng troasuros tbat ll|| Buddba-|ands ln
bound|oss spaco`
Tbo Buddba sald: `nanda, tbo words ol Buddbas aro
not docoltlu|. ll anotbor man, altor commlttlng tbo lours
and ton
slns (p5r5lkas) and altor la||lng lnto tbo avicl bo||s,
can, ln a l|asb, tblnk ol toacblng tbls Dbarma door to |lvlng
bolngs ln tbo Dbarma ondlng ago, bls ovl| slns wl|| vanlsb and
bls bo||s ol sullorlng wl|| cbango lnto bapp p|acos lor bls
morlt surpassos tbat ol tbo glvor ol troasuros, bocauso tbo |at-
tor`s cannot bo ovon a bundrodtb, a tbousandtb, a bundrod
tbousandtb ol tbo lormor`s, ln lact no comparlson can bo
mado botwoon tbo two. nanda, ll somoono roads (and
practlsos) tbls sutra, tbo wbo|o aoon wl|| pass |ong boloro bls
morlts can bo onumoratod ln lu||. Ho wbo lo||ows and prac-
tlsos m toacblng wl|| bo lroo lrom a|| tbo obstructlons ol
M5ra and wl|| roa|lzo Bodbl.`
Altor tbo Buddba bad oxpoundod tbls sutra, a|| tbo
monks, nuns, ma|o and loma|o dovotoos, dovas, mon,
Bodblsattvas, sr5vakas, pratoka-buddbas, rsls and now| ln-
ltlatod gbosts and splrlts woro ll||od wltb o, pald rovoronco
to Hlm and |olt.
26. Tbo lour slns aro: kl||lng, stoa|lng, carna|lt and |lng.
270. Tbo ton slns aro: kl||lng, stoa|lng, carna|lt, |lng, so||lng wlno, ta|klng ol a monk`s mlsdoods, so|l-
pralso lor dogradlng otbors, moannoss, angor at robuko and vl|lllng tbo Trlratna.
bhsvara: Tbo tblrd db5na boavon ol tbo socond roglon
wboro lnllnlto |lgbt ls tbo tbomo ol tbo toacblng volco tbat
proacbos purlt and c|oannoss to a|| wbo can rospond.
Abhimukh: Tbo stago ol tbo appoaranco ol tbo abso|uto, tbo
slxtb ol tbo ton blgbost stagos ol Bodblsattva attalnmont.
Abhisecana: Consocratlon b sprlnk|lng, or pourlng wator
on tbo boad.
Acala: Stago ol lmporturbabl|lt, tbo olgbtb ol tbo ton
blgbost stagos ol Bodblsattva attalnmont.
Ajta-kauinya: A dlsclp|o ol tbo Buddba wbo attalnod
arbatsblp b moans ol modltatlon on tbo sound.
Akaniha: Tbo |ast ol tbo llvo boavons lrom wblcb tboro ls
no roturn.
kagarbha: A Bodblsattva wbo roa|lzod on|lgbtonmont
b moans ol modltatlon on tbo o|omont ol spaco.
knantyyatana: Tbo boavon ol bound|oss omptlnoss,
tbo llrst ol tbo lour boavons boond lorm.
Akicanyyatana: Tbo boavon ol notblngnoss, tbo tblrd ol
tbo lour boavons boond lorm.
laya: Tbo storo ol consclousnoss, a|so ca||od tbo olgbtb
Amitbha: Tbo Buddba ol lnllnlto Llgbt ol tbo Wostorn
Paradlso ol B|lss, wltb Ava|okltosvara on bls |olt and
Mab5stb5mapr5pta on bls rlgbt.
Anabhraka: Tbo boavon ol lo|lcltous do|lgbt, tbo socond ol
tbo lour db5na boavons ol tbo lourtb roglon.
Angmin: A non-comlng or non-roturnlng arbat wbo wl||
not bo roborn, tbo tblrd stago ol tbo patb.
nanda: A cousln ol tbo Buddba. Ho was notod as tbo most
|oarnod dlsclp|o, and lamod lor boarlng and romombor-
lng Hls toacblng. Ho was a compl|or ol sutras and tbo
Socond Patrlarcb ol tbo Cb`an soct.
Aniruddha: A dlsclp|o ol tbo Buddba wbo roa|lzod on|lgbt-
onmont b turnlng tbo organ ol slgbt back to lts sourco.
Anutpattika-dharma-knti: Tbo patlont onduranco ol tbo
uncroato, or rost ln tbo lmporturbab|o roa|lt wblcb ls
boond blrtb and doatb and roqulros a vor patlont
onduranco. Tbo Pra5p5ramlt5-s5stra dollnos lt as tbo
unl|lncblng laltb and unporturbod abldlng ln tbo undor-
|lng roa|lt ol a|| tblngs, wblcb ls boond croatlon and
dostructlon. lt must bo roa|lzod boloro attalnmont ol
Aprambha: Tbo boavon ol lnllnlto |lgbt, tbo socond ol
tbo tbroo db5na boavons ol tbo socond roglon.
Apramaubha: Tbo boavon ol lnllnlto purlt, tbo socond
ol tbo tbroo db5na boavons ol tbo tblrd roglon.
Arbuda: Or a mass, durlng tbo socond wook ol lormatlon ol
a lootus.
Arcimat: Tbo stato ol g|owlng wlsdom, tbo lourtb ol tbo
ton blgbost stagos ol Bodblsattva attalnmont.
Arhat: A salnt| man, tbo blgbost tpo or ldoa| ln Hina5na
ln contrast wltb a Bodblsattva as tbo salnt ln Mab55na.
Arpadhtu: Tbo roa|m boond lorm.
Asajisattva: Tbo boavon ol tbougbt|oss dovas, tbo |ast ol
tbo lour db5na boavons ol tbo lourtb roglon.
srava: Wor|d| or lmpuro oll|ux lrom tbo mlnd, as
contrastod wltb ansrava, l.o. outsldo tbo passlon-stroam.
Asura: Tltanlc domons, onomlos ol tbo gods, wltb wbom,
ospocla|| lndra, tbo wago constant war.
Atapa: A boavon lroo lrom tbo boat ol mlnor troub|o, tbo
socond ol tbo llvo boavons lrom wblcb tboro ls no roturn.
Avalokitevara: Kuan Yln or Goddoss ol Morc ln Cblna,
so ca||od bocauso ol bls appoaranco as a bonovo|ont
|ad. Ho attalnod on|lgbtonmont b moans ol tbo lacu|t
ol boarlng.
Avci: Tbo |ast and doopost ol tbo olgbt bo||s, wboro slnnors
sullor, dlo and aro lnstant| roborn to sullor wltbout
Avha: A boavon lroo lrom troub|o, tbo llrst ol tbo llvo
boavons lrom wblcb tboro ls no roturn.
yatana: Tbo two|vo: Slx sonso organs and slx sonso data.
Bhadrapla: A Bodblsattva wbo roa|lzod on|lgbtonmont b
moans ol modltatlon on toucb.
Bhaiajya-rja: Tbo o|dor ol tbo two brotbors, wbo was tbo
llrst to docldo on bls caroor as Bodblsattva ol boa|lng and
|od bls oungor brotbor to adopt tbo samo courso.
Bhaiajya-samudgata: Tbo Bodblsattva ol boa|lng wboso
olllco ls to boa| tbo slck, oungor brotbor ol Bbalsaa-rna.
Bhiku, bhiku: Buddblst monk and nun.
Bhma-garjita-ghoa-svara-rja: Tbo klng wltb a an awo-
lnsplrlng volco, tbo namo ol count|oss Buddbas succos-
slvo| durlng tbo ka|pa or aoon ca||od `tbo ka|pa lroo lrom
tbo ca|amltlos ol docadonco, lamlno, opldomlcs, otc.`
Bhtatathat: Bbuta ls substanco, tbat wblcb oxlsts, tatbat5
ls sucbnoss, tbusnoss, l.o. sucb ls lts naturo. lt moans tbo
roa|, tbus a|was, or otorna|| so, l.o. roa|lt as contrastod
wltb unroa|lt, or appoaranco, and tbo uncbanglng or
lmmutab|o as contrastod wltb lorm and pbonomona.
Bodhi: En|lgbtonmont.
Bodhimaala: Ho| slto, p|aco ol on|lgbtonmont, tbo
p|aco wboro tbo Buddba attalnod on|lgbtonmont or
wboro Ho oxpoundod tbo Dbarma, a monastor.
Bodhisattva: A Mabaanlst sooklng on|lgbtonmont to
on|lgbton otbors, bo ls dovold ol ogolsm and dovotod to
bo|plng a|| |lvlng bolngs.
Buddha: Tbo En|lgbtonod Ono, tbo llrst ol tbo Trlp|o Gom,
tbo socond bolng Dbarma (Doctrlno) and tbo tblrd,
Sangba (Ordor).
Buddha Dharma: Tbo doctrlno or toacblng ol tbo Buddba.
Brahm: Tbo latbor ol a|| |lvlng bolngs, tbo llrst porson ol
tbo Brabmlnlca| Trlmurtl (trlnlt): Brabm5, Vlsnu and
Slva, rocognlzod b Buddblsm as dovas but as lnlorlor to
a Buddba or on|lgbtonod man.
Brahmacrin: A Brabman ascotlc wltb bls mlnd sot on puro
Brahmakyika: Assomb| ol brabma-dovas.
Brahmapurohitas: Rotlnuo ol Brabm5.
Bhatphala: Tbo boavon ol Abundant Frult, tbo tblrd ol tbo
lour db5na boavons ol tbo lourtb roglon.
Candraprabha: A Bodblsattva wbo roa|lzod on|lgbtonmont
b moans ol modltatlon on tbo o|omont ol wator.
Candra-srya-pradpa: Tbo tlt|o ol 20,000 Buddbas wbo
succoodod oacb otbor proacblng tbo Lotus Sutra.
Catur-mahrja-kyika: Tbo lour boavons ol tbo lour dova-
klngs, tbo llrst ol tbo slx boavons ol tbo roa|m ol doslro.
Chan: Namo ol mlnd, cb`an bolng namo and mlnd bolng
substanco, wrong| lntorprotod as modltatlon, abstrac-
tlon, or db5na ln Sanskrlt.
Dna: Cbarlt, a|msglvlng, l.o. ol mono, goods or doctrlno.
Dnapramit: Tbo llrst ol tbo slx p5ramlt5s, conslstlng ln tbo
porloct oxorclso ol a|msglvlng lor tbo purposo ol crosslng
ovor lrom tbls sboro ol morta|lt, or sams5ra to tbo otbor
sboro, or Nlrv5na. Tbo llvo otbor p5ramlt5s aro: si|a, mora|
conduct, ks5ntl, patlont onduranco, vira, zoa| and dovo-
tlon, db5na, abstract modltatlon and pra5, wlsdom.
Daabhmi: Tbo ton blgbost stagos ol Bodblsattva attalnmont.
Devas: Tbo gods, tbo blgbost lncarnatlons ol tbo slx wor|ds ol
Devaloka: Tbo roa|m ol gods.
Dhra: Or mantra, an lncantatlon, spo||, oatb, mstlca|
lormu|ao omp|ood ln oga to contro| tbo mlnd so tbat lt
cannot bo alloctod b oxtorna| lnl|uonco.
Dharaidhara: Or `Ru|or ol tbo Eartb`, a Bodblsattva
wbo roa|lzod Bodbl b moans ol modltatlon on tbo
o|omont ol oartb.
Dharma: Tbo trutb, |aw or doctrlno, a tblng, a|| tblngs, an-
tblng groat or sma||, vlslb|o or lnvlslb|o, roa| or unroa|,
concroto tblng or abstract ldoa. lt connotos Buddblsm as
tbo porloct ro|lglon and bas tbo socond p|aco ln tbo
trlratna, or Trlp|o Gom.
Dharmadhtu: (a) A namo lor tblngs ln gonora|, noumona|
or pbonomona|, lor tbo pbslca| unlvorso, or an part ol
lt. (b) Tbo unlllng undor|lng splrltua| roa|lt rogardod as
tbo ground or causo ol a|| tblngs, tbo abso|uto lrom wblcb
a|| procoods. (c) Ono ol tbo olgbtoon db5tus, or roa|ms ol
sonsos. Tboro aro catogorlos ol tbroo, lour, llvo and ton
dbarmadb5tus. Tbo ton aro tbo roa|ms ol () Buddbas,
(2) Bodblsattvas, (3) pratoka-buddbas, (4) sr5vakas,
(5) dovas, (6) mon, (7) asuras, or tltans, (S) anlma|s,
() bungr gbosts and (0) bo||s. Tbo lour aro: () tbo
pbonomona| roa|m, wltb dlllorontlatlon, (2) tbo noumo-
na| roa|m, wltb unlt, (3) tbo roa|m ol botb tbo noumona|
and pbonomona| wblcb aro lntordopondont and (4) tbo
roa|m ol pbonomona wblcb aro a|so lntordopondont. Tbo
tbroo aro tbo abovo lour mlnus tbo pbonomona| roa|m.
l.o. () tbo noumona| roa|m, (2) tbo roa|m ol botb nou-
mona| and pbonomona| wblcb aro lntordopondont, and
(3) tbo roa|m ol pbonomona wblcb aro a|so lntordopond-
ont. Tbo llvo aro:() tbo wor|dl, or tbo abovo `pbonom-
ona|` roa|m, (2) tbo transcondonta|, or tbo abovo `noumo-
na|`, (3) tbo roa|m ol botb tbo wor|d| and transcondon-
ta|, or tbo abovo `noumona| and pbonomona| wblcb aro
lntordopondont`, (4) noltbor tbo wor|d| nor tbo transcon-
donta| or tbo abovo `noumona| and pbonomona| wblcb
aro lntordopondont`, and (5) tbo unblndorod roa|m, or
tbo abovo `pbonomona wblcb aro a|so lntordopondont`.
Dharmakya: Bod ln lts ossontla| naturo, or tbat ol tbo
Buddba as sucb, lt ls porcoptlb|o to Buddbas on|.
Dharmamegha: Tbo stago ol Dbarma-c|ouds ln wblcb
sbo|torlng c|ouds ol compasslon covor tbo ocoan ol
Nlrv5na, tbo ton blgbost stagos ol Bodblsattva
Dhyna: Modltatlon, abstract contomp|atlon, modltatlvo
stud ol tbo `moan` wblcb ls lnc|uslvo ol botb uncbangod
noumonon and cbanglng pbonomona.
Dhyna-pramita: Tbo llltb ol tbo slx p5ramlt5s, conslstlng
ln tbo porloct modltatlon lor tbo purposo ol crosslng ovor
lrom tbls sboro ol morta|lt, or sams5ra to tbo otbor
sboro, or Nlrv5na.
Dpakara Buddha: Tbo twont-lourtb prodocossor ol
S5kamunl, wbo prodlctod tbo |attor`s attalnmont ol
Dragam: Tbo a||-ombraclng stago, tbo sovontb ol tbo
ton blgbost stagos ol Bodblsattva attalnmont.
Gandharvas: Splrlts on tbo lragrant mountaln so ca||
bocauso tbo do not oat moat or drlnk wlno, but lood on
lnconso and glvo oll lragrant odours.
Garua: A mtblca| blrd, tbo quoon ol tbo loatborod raco,
onom ol tbo sorpont raco, voblc|o ol Vlsnu.
Gth: Stanza, poom or cbant, ono ol tbo two|vo dlvlslons
ol tbo Mab55na canon.
Gavpati: A dlsclp|o ol tbo Buddba, wbo attalnod
arbatsblp b moans ol modltatlon on tbo organ ol tasto.
Ghana: A so|ld |ump durlng tbo lourtb wook ol lormatlon ol
a lootus.
Han Shan: `Sl|| Mountaln`, a namo adoptod b Cb`an
mastor To Cb`lng wbo was rosponslb|o lor tbo rovlva| ol
tbo Cb`an Soct ln Cblna ln tbo Mlng dnast. Born ln
546 and dlod ln 623.
Hetupratyaya: Hotu, prlmar causo, o.g. a sood, prataa,
condltlon or socondar causo, o.g. tbo oartb, raln,
sunsblno. Trans|atod as causo and condltlon.
Hnayna: `Sma|| Voblc|o`, a|so ca||od `ba|l-word`, pro|lml-
nar toacblng glvon b tbo Buddba to Hls dlsclp|os wbo
woro stl|| not qua|lllod lor rocolvlng Hls Mab55na doc-
trlnos, ca||od `wbo|o-word.`
Hsu Yun: A|so ca||od To Cb`lng, a Cb`an mastor rogardod
as tbo rlgbt Dbarma Eo ol tbo prosont gonoratlon,
Jambudvpa: Our oartb.
Jetavana park: A park noar Sr5vasti, sald to bavo boon
obtalnod lrom Prlnco Jot5 b tbo o|dor An5tbaplndada,
ln wblcb monastlc bul|dlngs woro oroctod. lt was tbo
lavourlto rosort ol tbo Buddba.
Jnakya: Wlsdom-bod ol tbo Buddba.
Kakuda Ktyyana: An lndlan pbl|osopbor wbo sald tbat
wbon tbo bod dlod, lts annlbl|atlon was Nlrv5na.
Kalala: A s|lppor coagu|atlon, tbo buman ombro durlng
tbo llrst wook ol lormatlon ol a lootus.
Kalpa: Aoon. Tbo porlod ol tlmo botwoon tbo croatlon,
dostructlon and rocroatlon ol a wor|d or unlvorso.
Kalyamitra: A man ol good counso|, or ono wbo ls road
to toacb tbo Dbarma to otbors.
Kmadhtu: Tbo roa|m ol doslro.
Karma: Mora| actlon causlng luturo rotrlbutlon, and oltbor
good or ovl| transmlgratlon.
Kasya: A porlod ol turbldlt, lmpurlt or cbaos, l.o. ol doca.
Ktyyana: A|so ca||od Mab5k5t5ana and Mab5k5t5a-
nlputra, ono ol tbo ton notod dlsclp|os ol tbo Buddba.
Kauhila: A|so ca||od Mab5kaustbl|a, an arbat, matorna|
unc|o ol 5rlputra, wbo bocamo an omlnont dlsclp|o ol
tbo Buddba.
Kinnara: Tbo muslclans ol Kuvora (tbo god ol rlcbos) wltb
mon`s bodlos and borsos` boads.
Klea: Worr, anxlot, troub|o, dlstross and wbatovor
causos tbom.
Klia-mano-vijna: Tbo sovontb consclousnoss, lt ls tbo
dlscrlmlnatlng and constructlvo sonso, moro tban tbo
lnto||octua|| porcoptlvo, lt ls tbo causo ol a|| ogolsm and
lndlvldua|lzlng, l.o. ol mon and tblngs.
Kaa: Tbo sbortost moasuro ol tlmo, 60 ksana oqua| ono
llngorsnap, 0 a tbougbt, 4,500 a mlnuto.
Kntipramit: Tbo tblrd p5ramlt5 conslstlng ln practlco
ol patlont onduranco to cross ovor lrom tbls sboro ol
morta|lt, or sams5ra to tbo otbor sboro, or Nlrv5na.
Kudrapanthaka: A dlsclp|o ol tbo Buddba wbo roa|lzod
arbatsblp b moans ol modltatlon on tbo organ ol smo||.
Kukkua park: Cook`s Foot mountaln ln Magadba, on wblcb
K5sapa ontorod lnto Sam5dbl but wboro bo ls to bo |lvlng.
Mdhyamika: Tbo Mldd|o Scboo|, loundod b N5g5runa.
Mahbrahm heaven: Tbo |ast ol tbo tbroo db5na
boavons ol tbo llrst roglon.
Mahkyapa: A Brabmln ol Magadba, dlsclp|o ol tbo
Buddba, to wbom was bandod down tbo Mlnd Dbarma,
outsldo ol Scrlpturos, tbo Flrst Patrlarcb ol tbo Cb`an
soct, accrodltod wltb suporvlslng tbo llrst compl|atlon ol
tbo Buddba`s sormons.
Mah-Maudgalyyana: A|so ca||od Maudga|aputra, ono ol
tbo ton cblol dlsclp|os ol tbo Buddba, spocla|| notod lor
bls transcondonta| powors.
Mahsthma: A|so ca||od Mab5stb5mapr5pta, a Bodblsattva
roprosontlng tbo Buddba-wlsdom ol Amlt5bba. Ho ls on
Amlt5bba`s rlgbt wltb Ava|okltosvara on tbo |olt. Tbo aro
ca||od tbo Tbroo Ho| Onos ol tbo Wostorn Paradlso ol B|lss.
Mahyna: Tbo Groat Voblc|o wblcb lndlcatos unlvorsa|-
lsm, or sa|vatlon lor a||, lor a|| aro Buddbas and wl|| attaln
on|lgbtonmont. (Soo Hina5na.)
Mahoraga: A c|ass ol domons sbapod |lko tbo boa.
Maitreya: Tbo Buddblst Mosslab, or noxt Buddba, now ln
Tuslta boavon, wbo ls to como 5,000 oars altor tbo
Nlrv5na ol S5kamunl Buddba.
Majur: A Bodblsattva wbo ls tbo smbo| ol wlsdom and
ls p|acod on tbo Buddba`s |olt wltb Samantabbadra on
tbo rlgbt. Hls bodblmanda|a ls on tbo Flvo-Poakod
mountaln (Wu T`al Sban) ln Cblna.
Mano-vijna: Tbo lacu|t ol mlnd, usua|| ca||od tbo slxtb
Mantra: Soo Db5rani.
Manuya: A man.
Mra: A domon.
Maskari Golputra: Ono ol tbo slx borotlcs wbo donlod
tbat tbo prosont |ot was duo to karmlc doods ln lormor |lvos.
Mtag: A |ow-casto woman wbo lnvolg|od nanda.
Mgadva park: A door park nortb-oast ol V5r5nasi, a
lavourlto rosort ol tbo Buddba.
Mudr: Manua| gosturos usod ln oga wblcb stands lor dood
(bod) wbl|o tbo ropotltlon ol mantra lor word (moutb)
and modltatlon lor tbougbt lnto||oct). Tbo tbroo aro
nocossar to dlsongago tbo mlnd lrom oxtorna|s ln tbo
practlco ol db5na.
Nga: A dragon.
Naivasajn-sajyatana: Tbo boavon ol dovas wbo
aro noltbor tbougbtlu| nor tbougbt|oss, tbo |ast ol tbo lour
boavons boond lorm.
Nrakagati: Tbo roa|m ol bo||s.
Nirmakya: Translormatlon bod ol a Buddba, tbat ol
powor to translorm blmso|l at wl|| lnto an lorm lor tbo
omnlprosont sa|vatlon ol tboso noodlng blm. lt ls porcop-
tlb|o to mon and dovas.
Nirmarati: A boavon wboro o ls attalnab|o at wl||.
Niad: Soo Upanlsad.
Pacnantarya: Tbo llvo robo||lous acts parrlcldo, matrl-
cldo, kl||lng an arbat, sboddlng tbo b|ood ol a Buddba,
and dostrolng tbo barmon ol tbo Ordor.
Prjika: Tbo ton gravo slns: kl||lng, stoa|lng, carna|lt,
|lng, doa|lng ln splrlts, ta|klng ol a monk`s mlsdoods,
so|l-pralso lor dogradlng otbors, moannoss, angor at
robuko and vl|lllng tbo Buddba, Dbarma and Sangba.
Ppyn, ppyas: A vor wlckod domon, tbo Evl| Ono, Dovl|.
Pramit: Crosslng ovor lrom tbls sboro ol blrtbs and
doatbs to tbo otbor sboro, or Nlrv5na.
Pramiti: An lndlan monk lrom Contra| Nortb lndla wbo
camo to Cblna to trans|ato tbo Surangama Sutra.
Paranirmata-vaavartin: Tbo |ast ol tbo slx boavons ol tbo
roa|m ol doslro.
Pariman: Dodlcatlng morlts acqulrod b onoso|l to
lurtbor progross ln Bodbl, or to otbors so tbat tbo
succood ln tbolr practlco ol tbo Dbarma.
Parinirva: Flna| oxtlnctlon ol samsarlc oxlstonco wltb
comp|oto ond ol lts concomltant sullorlng lor ontr lnto
tbo transcondonta| roa|m ol truo pormanonco, b|lss, so|l
and purlt as doscrlbod ln tbo Mab5parlnlrv5na Sutra.
Parttbha: Tbo boavon ol Mlnor Llgbt, tbo llrst ol tbo tbroo
db5na boavons ol tbo socond roglon.
Parttaubha: Tbo boavon ol Mlnor Purlt, tbo llrst ol tbo
tbroo db5na boavons ol tbo tblrd roglon.
Pe: A ploco ol solt l|osb durlng tbo tblrd wook ol lormatlon
ol a lootus.
Pilindavatsa: A dlsclp|o ol tbo Buddba wbo attalnod arbat-
sblp b moans ol modltatlon on tbo bod.
Prabhkara: Tbo stago ol l||umlnatlon, tbo tblrd ol tbo ton
blgbost stagos ol Bodblsattva attalnmont.
Praj: Wlsdom.
Praja-pramit: Tbo |ast ol tbo slx p5ramlt5s conslstlng ln
tbo porloct arousa| and oxorclso ol lnnor wlsdom lor tbo
purposo ol crosslng ovor lrom tbls sboro ol morta|lt, or
sams5ra to tbo otbor sboro, or Nlrv5na.
Pramudit: Tbo stago ol o, tbo llrst ol tbo ton blgbost
stagos ol Bodblsattva attalnmont.
Prakh: A lootus wltb organs durlng lts llltb wook ol
Prasenajit: Klngs ol Sr5vasti, contomporar ol tbo Buddba.
Pratyeka-buddha: Ono wbo |lvos apart lrom otbors and
attalns on|lgbtonmont a|ono, or lor blmso|l, ln contrast
wltb tbo a|trulsm ol tbo Bodblsattva prlnclp|o.
Preta: A bungr gbost.
Puyaprasava: Tbo boavon ol lo|lcltous blrtb, tbo llrst ol tbo
lour db5na boavons ol tbo lourtb roglon.
Pramaitryaputra: A dlsclp|o ol tbo Buddba wbo
roa|lzod arbatsblp b moans ol modltatlon on tonguo
Rhula: Tbo o|dost son ol S5kamunl and Yasodbar5.
Rkasa: A loma|o domon.
Ri: A soor, an lmmorta|.
Rpa: Tbo llrst aggrogato, lorm, mattor, tbo pbslca| lorm
ro|atod to tbo llvo sonso organs.
Rpadhtu: Tbo roa|m ol lorm.
Sdhumat: Tbo stago ol llnost wlsdom, tbo nlntb ol tbo ton
blgbost stagos ol Bodblsattva attalnmont.
Sgara-varadhara-buddhi-vikritbhija Buddha: Tbo
Buddba wbo taugbt Candraprabba to wlpo out tbo
concoptlon ol bod ln ordor to roa|lzo Bodbl.
Sah: Our wor|d ol blrtb and doatb.
Sakdgmin: Onco moro to como, or bo roborn, tbo
socond stago ol Hina5na patb lnvo|vlng on| ono roblrtb.
Samdhi: lntorna| stato ol lmporturbabl|lt, oxompt lrom a||
oxtorna| sonsatlon, tbls stato procodos tbo attalnmont ol
Samantabhadra: A Bodblsattva, smbo| ol tbo lundamon-
ta| |aw, db5na and tbo practlco ol a|| Buddbas. Ho ls tbo
rlgbt-band asslstant ol tbo Buddba and Mausri ls Hls
|olt-band asslstant. Mount O-Mol ln Szocbuan, Cblna, ls
bls bodblmanda|a, and dovotoos go tboro to soo mrlad
Buddba |amps ln tbo sk at nlgbt:
Sampatti: Ho|dlng tbo mlnd ln oqul|lbrlum or bo|dlng
onoso|l ln oquanlmlt, abstract modltatlon proparator to
tbo llna| attalnmont ol Sam5dbl.
amatha: Rost, poaco, powor to ond passlon, otc., lntor-
protod b tbo T`lon T`al (Tondal) Scboo| as `Cblb` wblcb
stops tbo wandorlng mlnd, sl|oncos or puts to rost tbo
actlvo mlnd, tbo mlnd stoadl| llxod on ono p|aco, or ln
ono posltlon, gottlng rld ol dlstractlon lor mora| onds, lt ls
abstractlon and ls comp|omontod b `Kuan` wblcb
obsorvos, contomp|atos, sllts ovldonco.
amatha-Vipayan: lntorprotod as `Cblb` and `Kuan` ln
Cblnoso. Cblb ls sl|onclng tbo actlvo mlnd and Kuan ls
dovo|oplng an lnslgbt lnto tbo stl|| mlnd. Tbo cblol oboct
ls tbo concontratlon ol tbo mlnd b spocla| motbods lor
tbo purposo ol c|oar lnslgbt lnto tbo trutb and to bo rld ol
Sambhoga-kya: Roward bod ol a Buddba, tbat ol b|lss or
onomont ol tbo lrults ol bls past savlng |abours. lt ls
porcoptlb|o to Bodblsattvas on|.
Sasra: Tbo roa|m ol blrtbs and doatbs
Saskra: Actlon, actlvlt, concoptlon, dlsposltlon.
Samyak-sabodhl: Abbrovlatlon lor Anuttara-samak-
sambodbl: unoxco||od comp|oto on|lgbtonmont, an attrl-
buto ol ovor Buddba. Trans|atod lnto Cblnoso: tbo blgb-
ost, corroct and comp|oto or unlvorsa| know|odgo or
awaronoss, tbo porloct wlsdom ol a Buddba. Omnlsclonco.
Sagha: Tbo Buddblst Ordor, tbo |ast ol tbo Trlp|o Gom.
Saj: Tbo tblrd aggrogato, concoptlon or dlscornlng, tbo
lunctlonlng ol mlnd ln dlscornlng.
riputra: A dlsclp|o ol tbo Buddba, notod lor bls wlsdom.
Sauvastika: A rovorso Svastlka wltb lts arms turnod to tbo
|olt, an ausplclous slgn ln tbo contro ol tbo cbost ol tbo
la: Procopt, problbltlon, command, dlsclp|lno, ru|o, mora|lt.
lapramit: Tbo socond ol tbo slx p5ramlt5s, conslstlng ln
tbo porloct obsorvanco ol procopts and dlsclp|lno lor tbo
purposo ol crosslng ovor lrom tbls sboro ol morta|lt or
sams5ra to tbo otbor sboro or Nlrv5na.
Sihsana: A |lon tbrono, or coucb, a Buddba soat, wboro
tbo Buddba slts, ovon wbon on tbo baro ground.
Sittaprata: A wblto canop. Wblto stands lor puro, lm-
macu|ato and spot|oss, l.o. tbo Ono Mlnd ln tbo storo ol
consclousnoss wblcb ls boond a|| doll|omonts. Honco
tbo `wblto canop` or puro mlnd tbat ombracos a|| tblngs
and protocts a|| |lvlng bolngs.
Skandhas, The five: Pacaskandba ln Sanskrlt, tbo llvo aggro-
gatos: lorm, loo|lng, ldoatlon, roactlon and consclousnoss.
rvaka: A boaror, dlsclp|o ol tbo Buddba wbo undor-
stands tbo Four Nob|o Trutbs, rlds blmso|l ol tbo unroa|lt
ol tbo pbonomona| and ontors tbo lncomp|oto Nlrv5na.
rvast: `Tbo lamous Clt` noar wblcb was Jotavana park,
tbo lavourlto rosort ol tbo Buddba.
rota-panna: Ono wbo bas ontorod tbo stroam ol bo|
|lvlng, tbo llrst stago ol tbo Hina5na patb.
ubhaktsna: Tbo boavon ol unlvorsa| purlt, tbo |ast ol tbo
tbroo db5na boavons ol tbo tblrd roglon.
Subhti: A sonlor dlsclp|o ol tbo Buddba wbo roa|lzod
arbatsblp b moans ol modltatlon on tbo lnto||oct.
Sudarana: Tbo boavon ol oxco||ont porcoptlon, tbo tblrd ol
tbo llvo boavons lrom wblcb tboro ls no roturn.
Suda: Tbo boavon ol oxco||ont manllostatlons, tbo lourtb
ol tbo llvo boavons lrom wblcb tboro ls no roturn.
Sudurjay: Tbo stago ol mastor ol utmost dllllcu|tlos, tbo
llltb ol tbo ton blgbost stagos ol Bodblsattva attalnmont.
Sunakatra: Ono ol tbo tbroo sons ol tbo Buddba. Altor
roadlng tbo sutras, bo succoodod ln kooplng lrom
troub|os (k|osa) ln tbo wor|d ol doslro and ln acblovlng tbo
monta| concontratlon ol tbo lourtb db5na boavon wblcb
bo mlstook lor tbo roa| Nlrv5na. Lator, bo lo||owod
botorodox toacbors, backs|ld and dld not bo|lovo ln tbo
doctrlno ol Nlrv5na and tbo |aw ol causa|lt. Ho bocamo
bostl|o to tbo Buddba and was roborn ln tbo wor|d ol
bo||s. Honco bo was ca||od tbo `Unbo|lovlng bblksu`.
Sundarananda: A dlsclp|o ol tbo Buddba wbo attalnod
arbatsblp b moans ol modltatlon on smo|| porcoptlon.
nya: Empt, vold, vacant, non-oxlstont.
nyat: Voldnoss, omptlnoss, non-oxlstonco, lmmatorla|-
lt, unroa|lt, tbo l||usor naturo ol a|| oxlstonco, tbo
soomlng wblcb ls unroa|.
Surpa: Tbo wondorlu| lorm or bod, l.o. ol a Buddba`s
sambbogak5a and bls Puro Land. Wbon lorm or rupa ls
succosslu|| |ookod lnto as ldontlca| wltb tbo undor|lng
prlnclp|o lrom wblcb lt sprlngs, lt bocomos surupa or
wondorlu| lorm.
Stra: Tbo Buddba`s sormons, ono ol tbo two|vo dlvlslons
ol tbo Mab55na canon.
Suyma heaven: Tbo boavon tbo brlgbtnoss ol wblcb
oc|lpsos tbo |lgbt ol sun and moon, tbo tblrd ol tbo slx
boavons ol tbo roa|m ol doslro.
Tao: Road, wa, patb, doctrlno, trutb, roa|lt, so|l-naturo,
tbo abso|uto.
Tathgata: Ho wbo camo as dld a|| Buddbas, wbo took tbo
abso|uto wa ol causo and olloct, and attalnod to porloct
wlsdom, ono ol tbo blgbost tlt|os ol a Buddba.
Tathgata-garbha: Tatb5gata storo or womb, tbo abso|uto
ln tbo mldst ol do|uslon ol doslros and passlons.
Tirthika: Or Tlrtas, tbo borotlcs ln lndla.
Tiryagoni: Anlma|s.
Tiryagoni-gati: Tbo roa|m ol anlma|s.
Trayastri: Tbo boavons ol tbo tblrt-tbroo dovas, tbo
boavon ol lndra on mount Sumoru, tbo socond ol tbo slx
boavons ol tbo roa|m ol doslro.
Tuita: Tbo lourtb ol tbo slx boavons ol tbo roa|ms ol doslro,
tbo boavon ol contontmont wblcb bas an lnnor court, tbo
Puro Land ol Maltroa wbo wl|| doscond to oartb as tbo
noxt Buddba.
Ucchuma: `Tbo Flro-boad,` an arbat wbo attalnod on|lgbt-
onmont b moans ol modltatlon on tbo o|omont ol llro.
Upli: A dlsclp|o ol tbo Buddba wbo attalnod arbatsblp b
moans ol modltatlon on tbo porcoptlon ol tbo oboct ol
Upananda: A dlsclp|o ol tbo Buddba.
Upaniad: A dlsclp|o ol tbo Buddba wbo attalnod arabatsblp
b moans ol modltatlon on lorm. Soo a|so Nlsad.
Uruvilv Kyapa: Ono ol tbo cblol dlsclp|os ol tbo
Buddba, so-ca||od bocauso bo practlsod ascotlclsm ln
tbo Uruvl|v5 lorost.
Vairtputra, Sajaya Vairtputra: An lndlan borotlc wbo
taugbt tbat tboro ls no nood to sook tbo rlgbt patb, as
wbon tbo nocossar aoons bavo passod, morta|lt onds
and Nlrv5na natura|| lo||ows, a toacbor ol natura|lsm.
Vajra: Tbo tbundorbo|t.
Varua: A Buddba wbo contro||od tbo wators and taugbt
Bodblsattvas to modltato on tbo o|omont ol wator ln
ordor to roa|lzo Sam5dbl.
Vedan: Tbo socond aggrogato, rocoptlon, sonsatlon,
loo|lng, tbo lunctlonlng ol mlnd and sonsos ln connoctlon
wltb allalrs and tblngs. A|so tbo sovontb ol tbo two|vo
|lnks ln tbo cbaln ol oxlstonco.
Vihra: A gardon, park, monastor, tomp|o.
Vijna: Tbo llltb aggrogato, monta| lacu|t ln rogard to
porcoptlon and cognltlon, dlscrlmlnatlvo ol allalrs and
tblngs. Consclousnoss. A|so tbo tblrd ol tbo two|vo |lnks
ln tbo cbaln ol oxlstonco.
Vijnnantyyatana: Tbo boavon ol bound|oss con-
sclousnoss, tbo socond ol tbo lour boavons boond lorm.
Vimala: Tbo stago ol lroodom lrom a|| doll|omont, tbo
socond ol tbo ton blgbost stagos ol Bodblsattva
Vra: A domlgod.
Vrya-pramit: Tbo lourtb ol tbo slx p5ramlt5s, conslstlng
ln tbo porloct oxorclso ol zoa| and progross lor tbo
purposo ol crosslng ovor lrom tbls sboro ol morta|lt, or
sams5ra to tbo otbor sboro ol Nlrv5na.
Vivabh: Tbo ,000tb Buddba ol tbo G|orlous Aoon wbo
taugbt Dbaranlmdbara Bodblsattva to modltato on tbo
o|omont ol oartb ln ordor to roa|lzo on|lgbtonmont.
Wu Wei: Or Asamskrta, antblng not suboct to causo,
condltlon or dopondonco, out ol tlmo, otorna|, lnactlvo,
Yajadatta: A mad man ol Sr5vasti wbo tbougbt blmso|l
bodovl||od wbon ono mornlng bo lal|od to soo bls boad
wbl|o |ooklng lnto a mlrror.
Yaka: Domons ln tbo oartb, alr or |owor boavons.
Yaodhar: Wllo ol tbo Buddba boloro bls on|lgbtonmont
and motbor ol R5bu|a.
May the virtue accrued from this work
Adorn the Buddhas Pure Land
Repaying four kinds of kindness above
And aiding those suffering in the paths below
May those who see and hear of this
All bring forth the resolve of Bodhi
And when this retribution body is over
Be born together in Ultimate Bliss

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