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The aim of the recruitment officer at this stage of the process is to attratct a group of applicants, all of whom are at least minimally qualified. From these, he can, after collecting information about the candidates, choose the most suitable to fill the vacancy. Potential applicants can be found both inside and outside the organization. INTERNAL APPLICANTS In large organizations it makes a good sense to allow existing employee to apply for any vacant positions.It is easier to assess the existing employees suitability as their abilities are known to the organization. Furthermore, having a policy of permitting employees to apply for vacancies in the organization will motivate and help to retain some workers who may be bored with their jobs or who may have developed certain new skills which they would like to put into useful practice. Suitable internal applicants may be sourced through an employee audit or through a job posting and bidding system.

EXTERNAL APPLICANTS There are a number of different methods of attracting people to apply for vacancies in an organization. These are : 1. Employment agencies and consultants. 2. Campus recruitting. 3. Employee referrals 4. Unsolicited applicants 5. Advertising in the mass media 6. Through the internet. The method chosen would depend largely on the state of the labour market and the level of the vacancy in the organizational hierarchy. Where a tight labour market exists, several of the methods may be needed to attract a pool of qualified candidates and if the situation is bad enough the company may need to be rather creative to find ways of getting people to apply.

SELECTION Selection is the process of choosing the most suitable applicant from a group ao applicants, for an available vacancy. To choose the most suitable candidate, information must be collected and each applicant carefully assessed. This is teh most crucial step in the recruitment process. If an unsuitable worker is recruited, not only will it be necessary to go through the harrowing process of dismissing the worker but also the recruitment process with all its finacial and time costs will hav eto be repeated.Its obviously worthwhile to spend time and money at this stage to ensure only suitable candidates are employed. The most popular techniques available to help collect informatiob about applicants are: a) The application form. A well designed application form enables the organization to collect factual information about the candidate. An application form can provide a framework for the employment interview. For the selected candidate, it becomes a basis for a permanent personal record although more information will have to be obtained once the recruits report to duty. While a different form for each different classification of employee would be unwidely, the organization should prepare at least two forms, one for manual workers and machine operators and another for higher level skilled, executive and managerial jobs.The sections on a form can be divided into :

Personal details of the applicant Educational qualifications Working experience Interests/recreational activities

All the questions included in an application form should be relevant to helping the employer decide whether or not the applicant is the suitable for the job. b) The reference heck The only way to check on the truthfulness of candidates statements about themselves and to discover other peoples opinions of them is to contact referees directly like speak face-to-face or over the phone. The information even there are not a lot but still useful to the employer. c) Test Testing is an attempt to introduce some objectivity. While tests are valuable tool in the hands of an experienced recruiter, they must be treated with caution. Before looking at the various test available, two crucial concepts must be discussed. To be usable, tests must be valid and reliable. The most popular types of tests are; performance tests, aptitude tests, personality tests and intelligence tests.

THE RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS Job analysis defines the duties and human requirements of the companys job. The next step is to recruit and select employees. We can envision the recruitment and selection process as a series of hurdles. 1. Decide what positions to fill through personnel planning and forecasting. 2. Build a pool of candidates for these jobs by recruitting internal or external candidates. 3. Have candidates complete application forms and perhaps undergo initial screening interviews. 4. Use selection tools like tests, background investigations and physical exams to identify viable candidates. 5. Decide who to make an offer to, by having the supervisor and perhaps others interview the candidates.

The recruitment and selecting process starts with employment or personnel planning. This is the process of deciding what positions the firm will have to will, and how to fill them. Personnel planning embraces all future positions, from maintennance clerk to CEO.However, most firms call the process of deciding how to fill executive jobs succession planning. Employment planning should flow from the firms strategic plans. Plans to enter new businesses, build new plants or reduce costs all influence the types of positions the firm will need to fill (or eliminate).

Succession planning is a systematic technique for ensuring that top management and other key position are field quickly in the event of the loss of a senior officer. Some organizations are skeptical about the effectiveness of succession planning in the current business climate whereby change is so rapid. Nevertheless, it remains a key human resources management tool for ensuring the success of organizations. Succession planning is part of risk management. It is a technique for averting a crisis in the event a senior manager leaves the organization whether voluntarily or because of an accident. Recruiting and selecting a replacement when a top manager leaves cannot be rushed. The process can easily take 3 to 6 months to complete. In the meantime, investor and customer confidence in the organization may disappear. To avoid such catastrophes, companies prepare plans so that someone is always ready to take over if a senior manager is lost. Succession planning is not only about avoiding crises. It is closely allied to talent management. Organizations need to prepare senior managers for orderly promotion into the top ranks. Further down the organizational hierarchy, executives need to be prepared to become managers and a steady stream of talented executives needs to be recruited. Succession planning requires companies to : Identify the knowledge, experience, skills and competencies needed for the key positions in the organizations. Identify existing workers who have required level of knowledge and skills so that they are ready to be promoted. Identify existing workers who can be prepared for the key positions. Appropriate training and development activities will be provided to these employees. Identify persons from outside the organization who could be attracted to join in an emergency if no existing staffs are ready to step into the high-level vacancies that may arise. Many organizations establish a very senior management committee for this purpose. The human resources specialist in the organization will act as secretary to the

committee. Once talented employees have been identified, a variety of activities will be planned and implemented. Development activities for senior managers are more likely to take the form of assignments rather than classroom training. Depending upon the nature of the business, the manager may be rotated through different departments so that he or she has a thorough understanding of business. Wherever appropriates, the manager could be given an expatriate assignment or he might be seconded to another organizations to broaden his knowledge as well as his network of contacts. A secondment is a temporary loan of the employee to another organization. Public sector employees could be seconded to the private sector or to another public agency. For instance, a university lecturer teaching economies could be seconded to the Economic Planning Unit in the Prime Ministers Department to strengthen their understanding of Malaysian economics. Secondments are usually for a fixed time period of anywhere between 3 to 12 months. The employee gains new knowledge and skills which he or she can bring back and use to the advantage of his or her employee. The employee wages may be paid by either the employer or receiving host organization succession plans need to be constantly updated and reviewed. Many changes affect succession plan including: Changes in the company business People who may have been designated as stars ready to be promoted may resign from the company. New employees with talents and abilities may join the company. The company that we choose for human resources planning is Valve Automation Specialist. At Valser, we are committed and dedicated to continuously add value to our customers in these areas: Cost Saving : Valser is a One-Stop-Centre for AVS design, integration, testing, maintenance and services; eliminating multiple subcontracts and multiple price mark-ups imposed previously by manufacturer, overseas packager and regional agents.

Single Point responsibility : Valser provides total warranty on integrated AVS components i.e. valve, actuator and control system covering design, repair & modification, replacement and spare parts; starting from design up to testing and communication site. Localization and Expertise Development : Valser aspires to achieve 70% local content in AVS and continuously develop local expertise and create job opportunities in the Malaysian oil & gas industry with the Think Global; Act Local mindset. Technology transfer to Malaysia : Valser long term target in AVS business is to transfer technology to Malaysia through partnership and JVs in areas of engineering, supplies, manufacturing, testing, servicing, and diagnostics with internationally established companies enroute to become a Regional AVS One-Stop Centre encompassing South East Asia and Middle East Region.

Valve Automotion Specialists have provide us the Staffing strategy for their company. As said by the manager of the company, this is the main human resource planning for the company, where they focused more on the recruitment and staffing. Below are the staffing strategy for the Valser company from 2010-2012.

STAFFING REQUIREMENT (2010-2012) Major Development LOCATION 1. Labuan 2. Regional Valve & Actuator stock Centre 3. R&D Centre 2nd Quarter 2012 20 TIMING 3rd Quarter 2010 2nd Quarter 2011 REQUIREMENT 15 5


STAFFING STRATEGY 1. Employer Branding a. Collaboration with universities/colleges Grab talent. b. Utilization of company website. c. Participation in employer handbook Graduate. d. Job advertisement at newspapers. e. Participations in Career Fairs f. Cooperation with Labor Offices.

2. Internal Announcements Notice Boards/ E-mails. 3. Sub contracting 3rd parties. 4. Recruitment agencies.


EMPLOYER BRANDING a) Collaboration with universities/colleges Grab talent. Participations in Career Fair Acceptance of practical trainee Courtesy visits/commubity works Internships (Future Plan) b) Utilization of company Website. Submissions of resumes via Notifications on job vacancies c) Participation in employer handbook Graduate Provide company profiles and contact details. d) Job advertisement on Newspapers General advertisement of job opportunities. e) Participation in Career Fairs Gather candidate potentials f) Cooperation with Labor offices Provide company profiles and contact details.


OTHER AREAS Compensation and Benefits In order to have a competitive C & B Package, market survey within oil and gas industry to be conducted every 2 years. Training & Development Provide continous training and development plan for every individual employees.


In Valve Automation Specialist, they provide task and functions that include the talent management and succession planning. In this succession planning that Valser use are: To facilitate open dialogue with top management in relation to

Talent Management and succession planning and pipeline matter. Conduct career aspiration chat with senior manager and match against the needs of business. Assess future workforce needs in the next 3 to 4 years. Craft a desired success profile of General Manager and Senior Manager. Link leadership development strategies to the vision and mission of company. Define and identify high potential candidates to move up. Able to construct the 9 box matrix or other model that able to categorize talent according to their potential and performance. Create and chart road map for staff personal development plan in the company and create talent pool. Company will be spoilt for choice.



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