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3/1/12 Welcome to Bank of Baroda


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Basic Details (As printed on the Score Card for Common Written Eam) :
Registration No : 100103+595
Roll No : 17+0118267
Full Name : NANAS! v!SHNU CHAvAN
Date of Birth: 28-09-1988
Category : SC
Father's f Husbands Name: v!SHNU ANANTRAO
Centre of Examination : PUNE
Date on which the candidate took the Common Written
Examination :
Session of Written Examination : EvEN!NG
Centre for !nterview : Pune
Details of Application Fee Paid :
Payment !n: Bank of Baroda offline
Transaction No : 007+73+0
Branch Code : SH!POO
Branch Name : SH!POO
City : PUNE
Date of Deposit : (21.02.2012 - 10.03.2012) 27f02f2012
Amount : Rs. 50.00
IBPS Scores obtained (in the Common Written Eamination) :
Reasoning : 26 Quantitative Aptitude : 22
General Awareness : 27 Computer Knowledge : 27
English : 26 Descriptive Paper : 28
Total Weighted Standard Score : 129
Date of !ssuance of Score Card : 12-12-2011
!BPS Code Number printed on the score card : 17+2+1681
Qualification Details :
Eam Passed Subject /Stream % of Marks Date of Passing Class
Graduation f Equivalent :
(as on 01.07.2011) :
CONNERCE 83.+2 16f06f2009 First Class
Recruitment of Probationar Officers - JMG Scale - I
3/1/12 Welcome to Bank of Baroda
Professionalf Others : ANF! 66.00 12f02f2011 First Class
Diploma in Banking 8 Finance (DBF) from the !ndian !nstitute of
Banking 8 Finance? :
Declaration :
! hereby declare that all the information furnished in this application and the information registered with !BPS, Numbai are true
and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ! am aware that in case ! have given wrong information or suppressed
material fact or factual information or ! do not satisfy the eligibility criteria for !BPS Common Written Examination for POsfNTs
conducted on 18.9.2011 8 13.11.2011 or ! do not satisfy the eligibility criteria as per the Bank Advertisement, then my
candidature will be rejected f services will be terminated even after permanent employment without given any notice or reasons
thereof. ! am willing to serve anywhere in !ndia and abide by the service rules applicable to officers from time to time. !
undertake to abide by all the terms 8 conditions of this advertisement. ! agree that any legal proceedings in respect of any
matter or claims arising out of this application or out of the said advertisement can be instituted by me only at Numbai only and
the courts situated in Numbai only shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction to try any cause f dispute.
Dae: 29/02/2012

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