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G3: Water governance and community based management



The Ganges basin development challenge is increasing resilience of agricultural and aquaculture systems in the Ganges delta focusing water and food security. There are five projects namely G1, G2, G3, G4 and G5 having different objectives under Ganges Basin Development Challenge (BDC) programme. The Project G3 is entitled Water governance and community based management As one of the partners of G3 Institute of Water modelling (IWM) has been entrusted to carry out the following activities to support International Water Management Institute (IWMI); Preparation of baseline GIS maps, inventory and condition of drainage sluices & structures, land inundation map with land type (F0,F1,F2, F3 .. ), participatory resource mapping, GIS map showing Mouza area, Mouza population & Population density for 5 BWDB polders and 4 LGED subprojects. This report contains progress of field survey and data collection work, data processing and preparation project base maps and GIS maps for each polder of the study area of G3 and inventory of structures.


Study area

The study area is in the coastal zone of Bangladesh. The southern part of the country adjoining the Bay of Bengal is known as the coastal zone. In earlier decades when polders were not constructed, low-lying areas of coastal zone were frequently flooded by salt water during high tide and most of the area remained fallow and cropping intensity was very low, livelihood opportunity was also poor because of less intensive economic activities. In order to increase agricultural production by preventing the land of coastal area from frequent tidal flooding and salinity intrusion the Coastal Embankment Project (CEP) was implemented in accordance with the Master Plan adopted in 1964. Under this program Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) had built a series of polders enclosing the low-lying coastal areas. Coastal polders are the first large scale human intervention in the coastal area. Over the years it is learned that efficient water management involving active participation of local community is a prerequisite for polder management in enhancing agriculture and aquaculture production.

The study area of G3 is within the Ganges basin of the coastal zone of Bangladesh, which is, shown in Figure 2.1. The study area includes five BWDB polders namely P-3, P-31, P-30, P43/2f and P-24G and four LGED sub projects namely Bhagirabad-Jainkathi, Jabusha Beel, Baganchra-Badurgacha, Latabunia.

G3: Water governance and community based management

Fig 2.1: Study area map of G3

G3: Water governance and community based management


Progress of work
Field survey and Data collection


Summary of survey work

IWM has made a comprehensive field survey using state of the art survey technology to collect quality information on infrastructure of the polders. The field survey work has been started from 15 November, 2011 and substantial progress has been made. The field data collection for four BWDB polders (3, 30, 31, 42/2f) and four LGED subprojects (BhagirabadJainkathi, Jabusha Beel, Baganchra-Badurgacha, Latabunia) has been completed. The summary of the activities carried out for data collection campaign is shown in Table-3.1 Table-3.1: Summary of survey activity
Sl. Events No. Specification Location Progress of work All data collection except 50% work of 24G which will be completed by25th March-2012 So Remarks



Location, no. of vents, vent Size, silt & soffit Inventories of level, type of Structures, regulator Active/ Inactive, Fall board/Flap Gate Picture Inventories of Location Unauthorized Type Structures Size / Pipe Diameter

Polder 3, 30, 31, 24G, 43/2F and 4 LGED subprojects

RTK GPS and Level machines are used for this survey


So Conducted by hand GPS and by using existing google image Hand GPS


All the planned Alignment of All the existing drainage polders and LGED Khal khal along with name subprojects Surrounding the polders Alignment of mentioning the existing Embankment condition Location of important features like educational institution, religious Institution, Important Office, Hatbazar etc All the planned polders and LGED subprojects

Completed All data collection except 50% work of 24G which will be completed



Inside all the Geographical coordinates polders and of the feature subprojects

All data collection except 50% work of 24G which will be completed soon

Hand GPS


Survey methodology

The inventory surveys of existing structures are conducted for the Polder 3, 30, 31, 24G, 43/2F and 4 LGED subprojects. For the structure inventory the main features survey are location (GPS & also village name), type of structure (Pipe, regulator, Box culvert), no of vent, size of vent or dia, silt level, sofit level, deck level, Fall board/flap gate, active/inactive, condition (good, minor problem, major problem), interviewing of the local people if it is

G3: Water governance and community based management

adequate or not. RTK GPS has been used to establish the reduced level on the deck level of the each structure with respect to IWM existing nearest BM/TBM values. Then the another team measure the silt level, soffit level, structure dimension by using level machine and tape and made interview of the local people for necessary information. During this data collection, inventory of the unauthorized structures constructed by the people for the own purpose also conducted. The alignment survey of embankment, Khals and roads and the Geographical coordinates of the feature in the polders and subprojects have been taken with Hand GPS.

Picture: IWM engineer working with RTK GPS to establish the reduced level

G3: Water governance and community based management

3.2 Data processing and preparation of GIS map

Real-Time Kinematic Differential Global Positioning System (RTK-DGPS) technology with computer based data storage and processing facility have been used in map production under GIS environment. Field data has been collected using WGS84 datum and then the data has been transferred into local datum Everest1830 and finally the data has been projected in BTM projection system as convenient for Bangladesh. It can be mentioned that data for all physical features have been collected as point location having coordinates (Latitude and longitude) of the features. When the data have been projected the corresponding latitude and longitude values have been converted as northing and easting. The northing and easting values of each feature have been stored in excel file and from the excel file the shapefile of respective feature has been created. Using the available shapefile the final map has been prepared. It can also be mentioned that besides the field survey data, IWM archive has also been used. For example, Shapefile of road and river has been used form IWM archive and homestead boundary has been drawn from IWM achieved imagery. Both field data and archived data have been cross-checked to each other for better accuracy. In the map several types of physical features have been shown such as Water Structure (made by BWDB, LGED and Public), Roads, Khal, River and other features like Bridge/Culvert, Office, Religious Institution, Educational Institution, Bazar etc. The maps also contain Union and Upazila Boundary. Wherever exists, District Headquarter, Upazila Headquarter and Union Complex has been shown in the Map. Each feature in the map has been shown with appropriate LEGEND. All the maps have been prepared leaving .5 inch boarder in left, right and lower side and .75 inch in upper side for good visual representation. An index map has also been used to locate the study area with respect to Bangladesh. Main concern of the map is to illustrate exact location of various types of structures. In the study area, three types of structures are found. These are BWDB structures, LGED structures and Public Structures (Structures made by local people are herein called Public structures). Public structures mainly include pipes and small gates. These three types of structure have been shown with three different LEGENDS. Because of paramount importance, structure information has also been presented in a shorter tabular form in the Map and detailed structure information has been provided in separate spreadsheet. In that case serial number has been maintained both in LEGEND and in table. Other physical features in the map have been classified into five broad categories namely educational institution, religious Institution, Important Office, Bazar, Bridge/Culvert and other features. Moreover, each feature has been labeled with their name to know exactly what the feature is. A sample of baseline GIS map has been shown in Fig 3.2 and a sample of detailed structure information has been given in Table 3.2 and 3.3. Some pictures of a BWDB structures of Polde-30 is shown in fig 3.3

G3: Water governance and community based management

Fig 3.2: Baseline GIS map of Polder-30

G3: Water governance and community based management

Table 3.2: Sample of detailed BWDB structure information for Polder-30
Sl no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Structure name Per Batiaghata Sluicegate Per Batiaghata Regulator Aushkhali Regulator Titokhali Sluicegate Kholishabunia Regulator Sukdara Sluice Sukdara Sluice Amtola Regulator Kashidanga Sluice Kaimkhola Hula Sluice Mosherdanga Regulator Barunpara Sluice Gopalpur Sluice Katiangla Sluice Khejurtola Sluice Andaria Regulator Gagramary Sluice Fultola mot Sluice Kismot Fultola Regulator Kismot Fultola Sluice Shoilmary Shoilmary Khalishabunia Chak Shoilmary Hoglabunia Sluicegate Hatbati Sluicegate Hoglabunia Moddhopara Sluicegate Uttar Hoglabunia Sluice Khal name Per Batiaghata Khal Batiaghata Khal Kalar Khal No khal Kolatola khal No khal No khal Amtola khal Kashidanga sluice No khal Mosherdanga khal Barunpara khal Gopalpur khal Katiangla khal Khejurtola doani Khoria nodi No khal No khal Batiaghata Khal No khal Bheeler Khal Kata khal Thakuntole Khal Chak Shoilmary Hoglabunia khal Hatbati khal Balar khal No khal Village Per Batiaghata Per Batiaghata Aushkhali Titokhali Kholshibunia Sukdara Sukdara Gondamari Kashidanga Kaimkhola hula Mosherdanga Barunpara Gopalpur katiangla Khejurtola Andaria Gagramary Fultola Kismot fultola Kismot fultola Shoilmary Shoilmary Khalishabunia Chak Shoilmary Hoglabunia Hatbati Hoglabunia Uttar Hoglabunia Union Gangarampur Gangarampur Gangarampur Gangarampur Gangarampur Surkhali Surkhali Gangarampur Gangarampur Gangarampur Gangarampur Gangarampur Gangarampur Gangarampur Gangarampur Gangarampur Gangarampur Batiaghata Batiaghata Batiaghata Batiaghata Batiaghata Batiaghata Batiaghata Batiaghata Batiaghata Batiaghata Batiaghata Easting Northing 445167 445686 445862 446396 446530 447121 447885 448292 448844 449452 449930 451059 451663 451922 451821 451855 451950 451638 451015 450895 446199 446878 445780 447280 449704 450517 449430 448126 514210 513410 511587 509982 508654 506929 506522 505857 504755 503210 502988 503417 505162 506468 507879 508887 509412 511173 512834 513117 516295 517738 515561 517752 515434 514985 516277 517445 1 0.90 1.10 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1.80 0.00 0.80 1.50 0.90 1.50 0.90 0.90 1.50 0.60 1.07 0.90 1.50 0.90 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.15 1.20 1.10 1.80 0.95 0.95 1.20 0.90 1.22 1.22 1.80 1.10 1.80 Vent Vent Height Pipe dia nos width (m) (m) 0.75 2 1.50 1.80 0.00 1 1.50 1.80 0.00 1 0.90 0.90 0.00 2 1.50 1.80 0.00 0.50 1 0.90 0.80 0.00 2 1.50 1.80 0.00 0.45 0.55 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.75 0.00 Gate type Length Barrel (m) Lift Gate 4.80 Lift Gate 5.00 Lift Gate 5.00 Flap Gate 18.00 Lift Gate 4.80 Fall Board 13.00 Fall Board 13.00 Lift Gate Fall Board Fall Board Lift Gate Lift Gate Flap Gate Lift Gate Flap Gate Lift Gate Flap Gate Flap Gate Lift Gate Fall Board Lift Gate Flap Gate Lift Gate Fall Board Lift Gate Fall Board Lift Gate Fall Board 4.00 13.00 13.00 4.00 16.00 7.30 4.00 18.00 3.70 14.00 15.00 4.30 14.00 5.00 7.30 7.70 16.00 4.65 15.00 15.00 15.40 Sill Level -0.13 -1.37 -0.85 -0.19 -0.76 1.32 0.03 -0.75 0.98 0.94 -0.84 -0.05 0.46 0.08 -0.31 -0.49 0.97 -0.05 -0.32 1.23 -0.32 -0.22 -0.59 0.00 -0.52 -0.31 -0.04 -0.63 Sofit level 0.89 0.43 0.95 0.71 1.05 1.82 0.83 1.05 1.43 1.49 0.96 0.08 1.61 1.28 0.79 1.31 1.92 0.99 0.88 2.13 0.90 1.00 1.24 Condition Good Good Good no gate Good Good Good d/s silted, gate broken, ironcap broken no fall board no need, no board good, iron cap broken good, no wheel no gate good, iron cap broken Active/ Inactive Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Inactive Active Active Active Active Inactive Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Inactive Active Active Active Active

barrel dammage iron cap broken no gate good railing broken d/s silted, good good good good u/s and d/s silted,barrel 0.00 damage 1.28 good 0.65 no gate 0.71 0.45 good, c/s siltation good, no gate

G3: Water governance and community based management

Table 3.3: Sample of detailed unofficial structure information for Polder-30
Sl no. 1 2 3 4 5 Structure Type Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Location Fultola Fultola Sholua Titokhali Malimara Union Batiaghata Batiaghata Gangerampura Gangerampura Batiaghata Easting Northing Pipe nos 451465 451530 446513 446182 445700 511893 511597 509340 510176 512598 1 1 1 1 1 Pipe dia (m) 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.15 Made by Public Public Public Public Public

Fig 3.3: Picture of the structures in Polder-30

Upper right: Upper left: Lower right: Lower left:

Andaria Regulator Katiangla Sluice Kaimkhola Hula Sluice Sukdara Sluice

G3: Water governance and community based management

3.3 Preparation of GIS map showing Mouza data

The Mouza data (shape files) for all the Polders and Subprojects has already been collected form LGED and found some mismatch in the data. With discussion with LGED it is now being corrected. After correction this Mouza map will be superimposed to the baseline GIS map. The Mouza map will have the information of Mouza area, Mouza population & Population density.


Drainage modelling and preparation of inundation map

The regional model for the coastal area has been updated based on available data. The calibrated and validated drainage model for the existing system will be applied to assess the existing drainage performance of the present drainage networks in the selected polders and sub projects. The drainage model will be developed using two separate module of MIKE 11 modelling system; rainfall-runoff modelling (hydrological modelling, MIKE11-NAM) and hydrodynamic modelling (MIKE11-HD). MIKE-GIS module will also be used for inundation and depth duration mapping. The existing calibrated and validated Southwest Regional Model will be the basis to develop the drainage model for the proposed study incorporating the detail catchments distribution of the river systems, up-dated river crosssection data and existing regulators in the study area. Drainage models will be developed for five BWDB polders namely P-3, P-31, P-30, P-43/2f and P-24G and four LGED sub projects namely Bhagirabad-Jainkathi, Jabusha Beel, Baganchra-Badurgacha, Latabunia.


Participatory resource mapping

The participatory mapping for the selected polders and subprojects will be started after finishing the baseline map. Participatory mapping for drainage problems, cropping pattern and land use map for Kharif-I, Kharif-II and Rabi/Boro for the year 2010-2011 has already been started. The drainage subsystem delineation will be done consulting with the local people. In polder 3, there are some locations where conflicts between farmers and fishermen are present due to rice and shrimp cultivation. These conflict spots will be located by discussing with the local people and then will be updated in the GIS map. The work plan of participatory resource mapping is given in Table 3.4.

G3: Water governance and community based management

Table 3.4: Work Plan for Participatory Resource Mapping

18/3-19/3 20/3-22/3

Date (17/3/2012-11/5/2012)
24/3-29/3 31/3-5/4 7/4-12/4 14/4-19/4 21/4-27/4 28/4-3/5 6/5-14/5 15/5-18/5

Team mobilization (2 teams, 4 persons) Team No. 1 & 2 Training (2 teams, 4 persons) Team No. 1 & 2 Development of inundation Maps Latabunia, Baganchra-Badurgacha FCD,Jabusa Beel FCD Jainkati-Bhagirabad FCD Subprojects and Polder-31, Polder30, (Team-1) Polder 3 (Team-2) Assessment of condition of internal canals in a participatory way Latabunia, Baganchra-Badurgacha FCD,Jabusa Beel, Polder-31, Polder-30,Jainkati (Team-1) Polder 3 (Team-2) Development of cropping pattern for the year of 2010-2011 Latabunia, Baganchra-Badurgacha FCD,Jabusa Beel, Polder-31, Polder-30,Jainkati (Team-1) Polder 3 (Team-2) Delineation of drainage sub-system in the maps Latabunia, Baganchra-Badurgacha FCD,Jabusa Beel, Polder-31, Polder30,Jainkati (Team-1) Polder 3 (Team-2) Development of Maps showing conflict hot spots Latabunia, Baganchra-Badurgacha FCD,Jabusa Beel, Polder-31, Polder30,Jainkati (Team-1) Polder 3 (Team-2)


G3: Water governance and community based management

18/3-19/3 20/3-22/3

Date (17/3/2012-11/5/2012)
24/3-29/3 31/3-5/4 7/4-12/4 14/4-19/4 21/4-27/4 28/4-3/5 6/5-14/5 15/5-18/5

Historical development of a particular area Latabunia, Latabunia, Baganchra-Badurgacha FCD,Jabusa Beel, Polder-31, Polder-30,Jainkati (Team-1) Polder 3 (Team-2) Development of inundation Maps Assessment of condition of internal canals in a participatory way Development of cropping pattern for the year of 2010-2011 Delineation of drainage sub-system in the maps Development of Maps showing conflict hot spots Historical development of a particular area Polder 43_2F (Team-1) Polder 24 (WMA G (Team-2) Data Check and Compilation Submit to IWM for GIS Map preparation


G3: Water governance and community based management

3.6 Review of policies and practices for coastal zone management

Two extensive review reports 1)BWDB Initiatives Experiences towards Participatory Water Resources Management and 2) Review of Policies in Water Sector and Related Sectors that relate to Coastal Zone Management have been prepared and submitted. BWDB Initiatives Experiences towards Participatory Water Resources Management analyzed and describes the chronological development of participatory water resource management practice under BWDB since 1972. The report also evaluated how the experiences and lesson learned were internalized within BWDB and the Government policy. Review of Policies in Water Sector and Related Sectors that relate to Coastal Zone Management reviewed the existing water sector policies and those of the related sectors that relate to Coastal Zone Management. The report reviewed as many as 18 policies and analyzed and outlined their relevancy to the Coastal Zone Management.


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