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Certificate III Education Support


UNIT CHCEDS301A | Comply with legislative, policy and industrial requirements in the education environment INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES |
Please read these instructions

Before completing this form please read the fact sheet What is Recognition found at: Once you have completed this form, please save a copy and upload it to the course Moodle along with a scanned copy of the last page with signatures, and all the documents you listed as evidence.
Please read this section to ensure you are familiar with the Unit requirements



To apply for Recognition of Prior Learning for this unit, you must demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to participate in quality improvement activities, monitor and obtain feedback on work performance, maintain compliance with legislation and industrial instruments that relate to the education support worker role. In order to be granted Recognition it is essential that the individual being assessed must provide evidence of specified essential knowledge as well as skills. The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the identified work role. Understand and adhere to own work role and responsibilities Legislation relating to the education sector, the education support workers role and key requirements of each Integration of legislation to form legislative framework for the education environment Curriculum and curriculum framework Organisations policies and procedures for responding to legislative issues Duty of care responsibilities as applies to non teaching staff Safe working practices Potential hazards and risks for students resulting from breaches of relevant legislation or policy Key requirements of Industrial awards Relevant code/s of ethics Equal employment opportunity and equity and diversity principles



The candidate must be able to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the identified work role.

Certificate III Education Support


UNIT CHCEDS301A | Comply with legislative, policy and industrial requirements in the education environment INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES |

Please read these instructions

Follow school/centre policies and procedures Identify inappropriate conduct Undertake basic research and evaluation of enabling legislation, awards, certified agreements, workplace policies and work procedures Liaise with and report to relevant personnel Respond to diversity, including gender and disability in compliance with legislation and policies Apply environmental and occupational health and safety (OHS) Undertake self assessment Communicate with others involving exchanges of complex oral and written information Apply the level of reading, writing, language and numeracy competence required to perform effectively in an education support role

Certificate III Education Support


UNIT CHCEDS301A | Comply with legislative, policy and industrial requirements in the education environment SELF ASSESSMENT |
ELEMENT OF COMPETENCY 1. When I identify legislative and policy requirements, I:
Please describe how you carry out each Element of Competency in your workplace


Access current workplace information that covers the range of

legislation and guidelines relevant to the job role Confirm with senior staff key requirements of relevant legislation Clarify and confirm understanding of legislation to ensure consistency of interpretation and application Clarify and confirm understanding of legislation integration to form a legislative framework in the education environment

Obtain advice from supervisor when conflicting legislative

directives are found In my workplace, I do this by: Meet the exectation of the superviser at all times,apply Code Of Conduct, do not cross over any rules, review excisting Laws to determin continuance, Join any hearings on education policy issues, and always be honest about any advice I need to give.

2. When I comply with legislative and policy requirements, I:

Undertake work in accordance with requirements of legislation

and organization policies

Report promptly, incidents of non-compliance resulting from

breaches of legislation

Inform authorized persons or bodies of inadequacies in

workplace procedures which may contribute to noncompliance Review own conduct and seek feedback from others to confirm continuing compliance with legislation, policy and procedures

Report changes to personal circumstances affecting

compliance in a regulated education environment In my workplace, I do this by: I follow directions or impliment what I have been adviced to do by my superviser. Check with superviser to confirm the legislative requirement. 3. When I identify and comply with industrial instru Identify the industrial award relevant to the job role and identify key responsibilities

Certificate III Education Support


UNIT CHCEDS301A | Comply with legislative, policy and industrial requirements in the education environment SELF ASSESSMENT |
ments relating to the job role, I: In my workplace, I do this by:
Please describe how you carry out each Element of Competency in your workplace

Source and read any relevant certified agreements

Clarify award conditions with appropriate personnel as required

I would impliment all of the above.

Certificate III Education Support


UNIT CHCEDS301A | Comply with legislative, policy and industrial requirements in the education environment WORK EXPERIENCE |
experience: Please answer the following questions regarding your work

1. If you have participated in an induction session, please indicate below the name and position of the facilitator, as well as the date it was held, (approximate date is acceptable).

Yes I have participated in an induction session with Dr Rahbarpour in Imam Ali Arabic school in Feb 2008.
2. As a DET employee, you have a duty to take reasonable care for the safety and welfare of the departmental school students in your charge. The DET Code of Conduct, outlines what this Duty of Care involves. Refer to and from the right-hand side of the page select the Code of Conduct document which is a pdf file of 3.6MB, so only view it. Indicate below the page number this appears on and a number of points, to demonstrate you have accessed and read this material in the Code. Code Of Conduct Page 6. Duty Of Care page 13. 3. The above Code of Conduct is underpinned by some legislation listed on its Introduction page. List the four main legislations as well as the first three in the also relevant list Engage in personal conduct that upholds the reputation of the Department. Apply the Departments policies and procedures. Act ethically and responsibly. Be accountable for your actions and decisions. 4. The above Code of Conduct contains a Statement of Ethics on p3. List 4 of these below: Be consistently honest, trustworthy and accountable. Maintain professional relationships with parents, students, colleagues and business partners.

5. Access and review policies on four of the following areas highlight or tick the four areas you review: Multicultural Student Records Disabilities Accidents Excursions Child Protection Values Safety

Certificate III Education Support


UNIT CHCEDS301A | Comply with legislative, policy and industrial requirements in the education environment
Supervision Behaviour & discipline Controversial Issues

Certificate III Education Support


UNIT CHCEDS301A | Comply with legislative, policy and industrial requirements in the education environment PORTFOLIO OF EVIDENCE |
support your application Please list the documentation you will submit to

EVIDENCE GUIDE | Suggestions for documentation you could use as evidence to support this application

Job description for Schools Learning Support Officer Information regarding cultural sensitivity: apprtcult.htm School Mission/Vision statement Code of Conduct table of contents only Information on Values in the school environment (see Certificates from professional development activities you have attended Information on Equal Opportunity in the school environment (see Information on Accessibility in the school environment (see

MY PORTFOLIO OF EVIDENCE The following documents will be uploaded to the course Moodle to support my application for RPL:

Certificate III Education Support


UNIT CHCEDS301A | Comply with legislative, policy and industrial requirements in the education environment NOTE TO CANDIDATE |
Once this page has been signed and dated, you must upload a scanned copy of this page with signatures to the course Moodle for your application to be assessed.
Please supply your personal details here



Specific role where performance criteria was carried out:


To be completed by the Applicant

1. I declare that to the best of my knowledge, this Application for RPL and supporting Portfolio of Evidence contains documents, statements, photographs and material which are a true and accurate representation of my own work.

2. I have not used materials from other persons without their consent, and I have not plagiarised any detail or information contained in this portfolio.

3. I have kept a copy of this Application for RPL and supporting Portfolio of Evidence and
can reproduce it if the original is misplaced or damaged.

Applicant Signature: ________________________________ Date: __________________________



To be completed by your Workplace Supervisor or School

Supervisor Position Title: Supervisor Name: Tel:

I declare that to the best of my knowledge, this Application for RPL and supporting Portfolio of Evidence are a true and accurate representation of the work experience and skills possessed by the above named applicant.

Supervisor Signature:______________________________


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