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topic: Fun vs.

Funny - The Art of Bullshitting (1 of 18) board: Advanced from: n3rv1 / profile / recent posts by n3rv1 (first login: September, 27, 2002 02:28 AM) date: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 01:06 PM vote: (popup) v rate this user v rate this post (popup) I realize the consensus around here is to not try to be funny in an attempt to win the affection of women. I agree with that. However, I think such a principle can be misleading, and I would like to clarify what I believe to be a very useful socialization technique. Bullshitting! Allow me to define what I mean by bullshitting. The most important, underlying concept is probably to not really pay attention to what the other person says. You have to listen in order to have something to go off of, but for the most part the crux of this style is placing minimal importance on what the other person is saying. More on why this is effective later. So here's what I do: 1. Make things up that are obviously not true and speak about them like an authority. Example: "You know I was thinking about growing a mustache." She says I should go for it. "You know, in fact, mustaches on women are all the rage out west right now." She laughs and is interested. "Yeah, it's crazy. Women are getting mustache implants and all kinds of shit. When that trend makes it out here in five years, I'm going to move to the south, because it'll be another five years before it makes it down there, then by that time the trend will have passed and I'll be able to move out west. It's a cyclic process. Expensive, but it's a good lifestyle." 2. Intentionally misunderstand people, take what they say and run with it. I try to be as random as possible and still make sense. I keep a straight face and speak in a convincing tone. Example: She says, "I want to be a teacher." My response, "you're in TKE!??!! (a fraternity pronounced 'tee kay ee') NO WAY!! SO AM I!! I cook for the Tuesday morning fish fry, been doing it for two years now and man do I have a mean recipe for fish batter!" 3. Use strange combinations of words. Example: Walking with a girl, take a deep breath through the nostrils and say, "aaaaaaaaaah, I love this time of year. It smells like cheese curds and tulips. So refreshing." 4. Devalue myself. Example: "Do you go to school here?" I say, "are you kidding??? Do I look like I go to school here? I'm actually unemployed and homeless. I don't even know these people (pointing at my friends), I just met them panhandling and they felt so bad for me that they said they'd take me out and buy me drinks. Good people!" 5. Disagree a lot. If there is any room for difference of opinions I'll exploit it. This plays out a lot like #1, where I will act like an authority on something, saying things that are obviously untrue. Example: "Oh look it must've rained out earlier." I say, "no actually it's just the Monday night carwash patrol.

One of the beautiful things about this city is they like the cars clean. They go around on Monday nights and hose down all the parked cars free of charge!" This is all meaningless via text, without hearing and/or seeing what's actually happening, but the above examples are from real conversations. Obviously not verbatim, but definitely taken from actual events. Facial expressions, tonality, and hand gestures are key (of course). The more expressive the better. Ideally what happens is the person consciously understands that what you're saying is bullshit because it's so outlandish, but because of your delivery and subcommunication they FEEL like what you're saying is true. This creates confusion in people who "don't get it," but laughter in people who do. Since I have started doing this the common response is a great, fun, lively exchange, and a lightening of the whole tone of the interaction. It tends to bring others into the mix because they see the fun happening. This brings me to the main purpose of this post. Being FUNNY in an entertainer sense can be lame and try-hard. What I am talking about here is being FUN. There's a big difference. Think tickling vs. dressing up like a clown and dancing around on one foot. Tickling is FUN. Clowns are just pathetic. Especially in social setting like bars/clubs and parties/get togethers, people are there to HAVE FUN. *So many* people I come across take themselves and their environments sooo seriously. That's why I said above the most important thing is not paying too much attention to what other people say, and why so much of what I do is playful and purposeful misinterpretation. Many people will naturally try to bring things down to earth/seriousness. By no means can you allow them to do this unless you are prepared to go into bedroom rapport style (not adviseable until AFTER sex). It's fun to break people out of thier seriousness, and they appreciate it. It can also be a great screening device. I want women who I can enjoy myself with. Smart women who I can laugh and joke and play with. If a chick is uptight or not willing to relax and bullshit with me, then why would I want to have anything to do with her? Don't be desperate for pussy. Plus it creates a great connection with the chicks who really do get your sense of humor. It is a way, I guess, to "add value" to the interaction. Instead of being an energy drain, talking about work and school and other boring bullshit that makes you want to take a nap, you are a FUN guy that can lead the interaction in a FUN direction. Again, contrast this with the loser jackass style humor. You are not acting like a retard or a zaney six year old, you are just a force that makes shit up as he goes along. You don't dwell on anything. You don't really even process what anyone else says, except to use it as a stepping stone to your next tangent. You are living "in your own reality" in the best sense. You are externalizing your light-hearted perception of reality. Another bonus is this is an effective way to get those annoying AMOG nut fleas to take a hike. Most douchebag AMOGs I come across are just sad men. They take themselves to seriously and are swamped by negativity. They can't think as quickly as I can because they are so wrapped up in themselves, which enables me to run conversational circles around them. They either think I'm crazy and are intimidated by that, or they don't find it worth the effort, because it works for me as a way to blow them out without being effected by their whack personalities.

One thing needs to be said at this point. Positivity is absolutely key to all of this. It's necessary. If you have residual negativity, it will come out once you begin to free associate like this. You don't want to talk about violent, disgusting, or offensive shit. Sexual stuff is okay, but please, be tasteful. Don't be a loser. Obviously. So you need to have a clear, positive foundation to your mindset to pull this off. Women are especially good at sniffing out negativity, and I think that is what they term "creepy." Being "creepy" is the exact opposite of fun, friendly, and outgoing. Remember: you are a guy that everyone likes. You like everyone. You are in touch with reality and your emotions. You are happy. Life is good. You are smart, and you know what you're doing. Many people are uptight and unsure of themselves. Don't take them seriously. By no means take yourself seriously. Get others to play into your happy silly bullshit and they will like you. That's what I've been doing for the past month, and it has been "working" for me. Not only am I enjoying myself a ridiculous amount, but others are too. And last but not least: kino early, kino often, and go in for the kiss when the opportunity presents itself. Don't be afraid, because if you can get a woman loose, laughing, and enjoying herself, combined with some non-chalant kino she should be more than willing to get intimate with you. Keep it light and fun and everything works out. ************************* Sometimes the thing you NEED to do the MOST is the thing you WANT to do the LEAST. *************************

Reliable link to this post: Archive link: Not available in archive yet. The above post is de facto Copyright by "n3rv1" with rights also assigned to Learn The Skills Corp (LTSC) and Explicit permission is required for reproduction outside this forum, as well as full agreement to the copyright notice on, which may require additional permissions from LTSC. [top] [new post] [REPLY] [REPLY/QUOTE] [email reply] [DELETE] [EDIT] [< previous] [next >] [<< previous topic] [next topic >>] [^entire topic^] topic: Fun vs. Funny - The Art of Bullshitting (2 of 18) board: Advanced from: Transgressor / profile / recent posts by Transgressor (first login: November, 07, 2004 01:46 PM) date: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 01:48 PM vote: (popup) v rate this user v rate this post (popup)

Thanks for the post. I like bullshitting a lot. I like bullshitting a lot, really a lot. Like what is a lot for you? For me...bla bla bla You are stupid, no way! You! You! YOU!I'm Pitagoras, and you? Some lame model girl! You think you got me? haha lol hahahahhaha FUNNNNNNNNNNNNN!

PS. Sorry for BS'ing - I had to.

Reliable link to this post: Archive link: Not available in archive yet. The above post is de facto Copyright by "Transgressor" with rights also assigned to Learn The Skills Corp (LTSC) and Explicit permission is required for reproduction outside this forum, as well as full agreement to the copyright notice on, which may require additional permissions from LTSC. [top] [new post] [REPLY] [REPLY/QUOTE] [email reply] [DELETE] [EDIT] [< previous] [next >] [<< previous topic] [next topic >>] [^entire topic^] topic: Fun vs. Funny - The Art of Bullshitting (3 of 18) board: Advanced from: killswitch / profile / recent posts by killswitch (first login: December, 05, 2005 03:44 AM) date: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 02:56 PM vote: (popup) v rate this user v rate this post (popup) I'm totally with you on this I also like uncalled for reactions to minor things. her - "I work at X drugstore on X street" me - "WHAT?? Yeah right, you do not" (scowl disaprovingly) her - "I DO!!" (doesn't understand) me - (laughing, holding her arm) "You're such a LIAR!"

Reliable link to this post: Archive link: Not available in archive yet. The above post is de facto Copyright by "killswitch" with rights also assigned to Learn The Skills

Corp (LTSC) and Explicit permission is required for reproduction outside this forum, as well as full agreement to the copyright notice on, which may require additional permissions from LTSC. [top] [new post] [REPLY] [REPLY/QUOTE] [email reply] [DELETE] [EDIT] [< previous] [next >] [<< previous topic] [next topic >>] [^entire topic^] topic: Fun vs. Funny - The Art of Bullshitting (4 of 18) board: Advanced from: Knightstriker / profile / recent posts by Knightstriker (first login: September, 25, 2005 10:31 PM) date: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 09:00 PM vote: (popup) v rate this user v rate this post (popup) great post. thats what i do. funny is worth shit. bullshitting is what makes it happen. you can also call it being playful.

Reliable link to this post: Archive link: Not available in archive yet. The above post is de facto Copyright by "Knightstriker" with rights also assigned to Learn The Skills Corp (LTSC) and Explicit permission is required for reproduction outside this forum, as well as full agreement to the copyright notice on, which may require additional permissions from LTSC. [top] [new post] [REPLY] [REPLY/QUOTE] [email reply] [DELETE] [EDIT] [< previous] [next >] [<< previous topic] [next topic >>] [^entire topic^] topic: Fun vs. Funny - The Art of Bullshitting (5 of 18) board: Advanced from: parkblvd / profile / recent posts by parkblvd (first login: October, 28, 2001 09:04 PM) date: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 10:52 PM vote: (popup) v rate this user v rate this post (popup) Hey n3rv1. This is a great post, so I'm going to tack my improv stuff onto it. =) The reason I'm doing it is because you just wrote about what I call "structural improv". Methods for taking any statement or situation and, in a structured way, running with it by improvising humor. First, comments on what you said: >1. Make things up that are obviously not true and speak

>about them like an authority. This doesn't cover all of it. Specifically, you're talking about something *ridiculous* like an authority. I know that seems to be nitpicky, but without it, there's no humor. Still, awesome - I should do a little more of this. >2. Intentionally misunderstand people, take >what they say and run with it. Misinterpretation. I typically focus this on her "funny life situations", or "what she does is weird". "I'm a teacher." "... so you have a thing for kids?" >3. Use strange combinations of words. Or just total gibberish. I like to reply to her with nonsense words that rhyme with hers. Gotta calibrate, though - cheese curds and turnips... could come across odd. >4. Devalue myself. Awesome. I stay away from this, since my delivery is so dry, I typically get misconstrued. >5. Disagree a lot. I hate to disagree... lol but I would never do this. Disagreement is a bit tough, since it pushes you away from comfort. You can do this sparingly, but I'd like to know how you'd do this any time after say A3. The fun vs funny distinction is golden. Well written. Ok - now for what I do. My structural improv is all response-oriented. Sometimes it's a response to something you said, sometimes to what she said. If I want to create a new thread, I just do so. I'm cooler, and my life is full of interesting experiences and IIVDs to talk about. No need to have a structure (other than escalation and moving through MM) to do that. My improv falls into a few categories: responses to her statements: -agreement/exaggeration -BHRR (which also covers pull-pushes) -misinterpretation -compliance testing (CT) (For compliance testing, I treat everything she does as an offer. Mostly because it is all an offer. If she says, "fuck off," and you can come back from that, she knows you're worthy. If she says anything else and you can make her laugh with it or challenge her on it, ditto. But I'll often order her to respond or explain - just a simple "tell me" or "go on". It's all about what she can do for me, and I start small and

work up.) -authority-as-daddy (or as big brother) (Essentially what it sounds like, but also with overtones of "I can handle what you throw at me.") -CT2/DQ2: she can help me/that's good, but useless (just specific CT and DQs that I use most frequently) responses to her questions: -BRRR (in which she baits, you respond, and you reel and release just as in BHRR) -motivation/behaviour -hit her with the same kind of question -omg - is this girl logic? -jealous of my lifestyle finally, responses to anything: -how would dane cook riff off this situation -ditto mitch hedberg -ditto cartman -ditto a pimp -ditto somethingawful (a website) -busting/negging/teasing her -FUN suggestions This may all sound really dry, but it's *gold* when run properly. I can keep someone laughing for hours, and they never know what's going on. The funny thing is that with only a handful of these (I typically use exaggeration like there's no tomorrow, with liberal doses of Mitch, misinterpretation, motivation, and CT), you can go for hours. No need to throw it all in. But once in a while, it's fun to branch out. How long can you respond to her like Cartman would and keep her laughing? This is the non-routine-based game that isn't taught. Swinggcat teaches frames, but I could never employ those properly. His book is of course crazy wonderful, but I needed a year to figure out how to get humor to work consistently. That's the problem with humor - people will say, "It's very difficult to tell someone how to be funny," and it is not even remotely difficult. Just nobody does it. Hope you don't mind the giant tack-on. ;) If anyone has any questions about how you'd employ any of these, just ask. park

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forum, as well as full agreement to the copyright notice on, which may require additional permissions from LTSC. [top] [new post] [REPLY] [REPLY/QUOTE] [email reply] [DELETE] [EDIT] [< previous] [next >] [<< previous topic] [next topic >>] [^entire topic^] topic: Fun vs. Funny - The Art of Bullshitting (6 of 18) board: Advanced from: ijjjji / profile / recent posts by ijjjji (first login: May, 16, 2002 05:01 AM) date: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 03:24 AM vote: (popup) v rate this user v rate this post (popup) Yeah! I like more DRAMA/asshole bullshitting. The setup is simple. Be/say something VERY UN-NICE. Escalate it for a while. Then crack up laughing and say you are only kidding. Then switch back to being evil. Then laugh more.. etc.. My favorites: Say all girls are WHORES and listing all the reasons why I hate ALL girls. Suddenly getting really pissed off and pretend I'm gonna beat her up. Ranting about a really cute new girl in the office and how I flirt with her ALL DAY at work. Hinting that I might flake from next meet. Hinting I have doubt about 'us'. Ranting on how I can NEVER marry or settle down with one girl. Some repost stuff of mine: Yeah, or just call for full attention/silence as you are going to do something *incredible*, then do some mundane thing in slow over-dramatized fashion while adding sport commentry.. Or flex your muscles and huff-puff/scream like weight lifter before lifting some light object. etc etc

Reliable link to this post: Archive link: Not available in archive yet. The above post is de facto Copyright by "ijjjji" with rights also assigned to Learn The Skills Corp (LTSC) and Explicit permission is required for reproduction outside this forum, as well as full agreement to the copyright notice on, which may require additional permissions from LTSC.

[top] [new post] [REPLY] [REPLY/QUOTE] [email reply] [DELETE] [EDIT] [< previous] [next >] [<< previous topic] [next topic >>] [^entire topic^] topic: Fun vs. Funny - The Art of Bullshitting (7 of 18) board: Advanced from: Nowhere / profile / recent posts by Nowhere (first login: April, 18, 2004 07:43 PM) date: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 02:11 PM vote: (popup) v rate this user v rate this post (popup) n3rv1, Awesome post. I think practically every PUA/natural does this, but I have yet to see it mentioned and discussed here like this. This post is very helpful in that regard. Mad props. parkblvd, Cool stuff. I definitely want to get my humor to tight levels, and plan to take an improv class this summer. Got a few specific questions: >Or just total gibberish. I like to >reply to her with nonsense words that >rhyme with hers. Gotta calibrate, >though - cheese curds and turnips... >could come across odd. Cool stuff. Another awesome thing is if her words remind you of any song lyrics start singing. >My improv falls into a few categories: > >responses to her statements: >-agreement/exaggeration >-BHRR (which also covers pull-pushes) >-misinterpretation >-compliance testing (CT) >(For compliance testing, I treat >everything she does as an offer. Mostly >because it is all an offer. If she >says, "fuck off," and you can come back >from that, she knows you're worthy. If >she says anything else and you can make >her laugh with it or challenge her on >it, ditto. But I'll often order her to >respond or explain - just a simple "tell >me" or "go on". It's all about what she >can do for me, and I start small and >work up.) Can you explain CT more? Or give a few examples? I'm not quite following. >-authority-as-daddy (or as big brother) >(Essentially what it sounds like, but >also with overtones of "I can handle

>what you throw at me.") >-CT2/DQ2: she can help me/that's good, >but useless >(just specific CT and DQs that I use >most frequently) Can you give a few examples of these two above? > >responses to her questions: >-BRRR >(in which she baits, you respond, and >you reel and release just as in BHRR) What do you mean? Like you qualify yourself then self-disqualify to a question of hers? Can you give an example? >-motivation/behaviour Huh? >-hit her with the same kind of question lol.. I remember once a chick shit-tested me with "are you trying to get me drunk?" when I was first starting out and tried to pull her to my room, and I just responded with the same question, even though it made no sense at all. Somehow it passed the test, although at the time I was a bit worried that it wasn't a clever enough C/F answer (she said "you're the one that asked" then I said "oh you're clever" then she just said she's cool with going there and it went all good) >-omg - is this girl logic? >-jealous of my lifestyle Can you give an example of these also? (sorry, you have to admit you're being very general here) > >finally, responses to anything: >-how would dane cook riff off this >situation >-ditto mitch hedberg >-ditto cartman >-ditto a pimp >-ditto somethingawful (a website) >-busting/negging/teasing her >-FUN suggestions Cool. Do you do any exercises to train your ability to do this? ijjjji, Good stuff. Another fun similar thing I do a lot is to get really soap operaish dramatic over some small event (like spilling a bit of my drink or losing a pen or something).

Reliable link to this post: Archive link: Not available in archive yet. The above post is de facto Copyright by "Nowhere" with rights also assigned to Learn The Skills Corp (LTSC) and Explicit permission is required for reproduction outside this forum, as well as full agreement to the copyright notice on, which may require additional permissions from LTSC. [top] [new post] [REPLY] [REPLY/QUOTE] [email reply] [DELETE] [EDIT] [< previous] [next >] [<< previous topic] [next topic >>] [^entire topic^] topic: Fun vs. Funny - The Art of Bullshitting (8 of 18) board: Advanced from: parkblvd / profile / recent posts by parkblvd (first login: October, 28, 2001 09:04 PM) date: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 05:30 PM vote: (popup) v rate this user v rate this post (popup) >Can you explain CT more? Or give a few examples? I'm not >quite following. lol you just CTed me. Compliance testing is getting people to do things for you. Pass me the cup. Hey go read that. Tell me about XXX. Stop here. Rub my back. Give me your hands. Kiss me on the cheek. Individually, totally innocuous. Together, they're exactly what women do to men, once in relationships. And once you get someone doing things for you, you have the power. When Woodhaven came up with CT, it changed my whole reality. >>-authority-as-daddy (or as big brother) She says something bratty, and you say either (like a dad), "Oh aren't you being silly," or (like a brother), "You are such a goober." It's basically responding with a lot of authority. Seriously - how would you respond if you were her dad/big brother and she did the whole rude act on you. Or the whole "get me this" act. I usually only use this frame to save my control of the frame if she hits me with something I can't find a good response to. >>-CT2/DQ2: she can help me/that's good, but useless "I have lots of friends who work backstage around here." "Good - can you get me into the green room at the Jimmy Kimmel show?" (real convo) "I have lots of friends who work backstage around here." (quick note - I cannot have caffeine) "Oh that's awesome. If I need someone to get me coffee, I'll so find you." Basically taking her attempt at a DHV and using it to either CT her or to subtly make her DHV look

tryhard. I don't do the latter once I'm in comfort, of course. >>-BRRR >>(in which she baits, you respond, and >>you reel and release just as in BHRR) >What do you mean? Like you qualify yourself then >self-disqualify to a question of hers? Can you give an >example? She says "how old are you". I say "oh I'm 29. It's awesome that you asked that - most girls aren't that up front. But it sucks that you're so young." Basically, I use her motivation in asking the question (or my answer to it) to DQ her. >>-motivation/behaviour >Huh? Her motivation. You can always misinterpret her motivation. And not just on the level of "wanting to get in your pants". People have WEIRD motivations for doing things sometimes. She asks how old you are, tell her you're not buying her alcohol. Now pot, sure. =) >>-omg - is this girl logic? >>-jealous of my lifestyle >Can you give an example of these also? "Did you just call me fat?" "omg - is this girl logic?" "Do you think that looking at other girls is ok?" "omg - is this girl logic?" (although in reality, I'd respond with a yes, first) "Do you think that looking at other girls is ok?" "*smile* If you want me to introduce you to them, that's fine." That was a bad example. Basically if there's ever a time in which something she says can be misinterpreted as her not in control of her life or wanting more, and you have that control or that thing, you can point it out. Like when you asked me, "can you give an example of that?" I say, "It's cool you want all these examples. I'm not sure why you've never heard this stuff before. Do you interact with people a lot?" etc >>-how would dane cook riff off this >>situation >>-ditto mitch hedberg >>-ditto cartman >>-ditto a pimp >>-ditto somethingawful (a website) >>-busting/negging/teasing her >>-FUN suggestions

>Cool. Do you do any exercises >to train your ability to do >this? Yeah - I'm me. But honestly, yes. I'll always interact with people (anywhere) and if it's a meaningless interaction, you can just practice getting someone to laugh by doing one or two of these things. Hot girls aren't the only things in "the field". Game works on *everyone*. That's the lesson for today. park

Reliable link to this post: Archive link: Not available in archive yet. The above post is de facto Copyright by "parkblvd" with rights also assigned to Learn The Skills Corp (LTSC) and Explicit permission is required for reproduction outside this forum, as well as full agreement to the copyright notice on, which may require additional permissions from LTSC. [top] [new post] [REPLY] [REPLY/QUOTE] [email reply] [DELETE] [EDIT] [< previous] [next >] [<< previous topic] [next topic >>] [^entire topic^] topic: Fun vs. Funny - The Art of Bullshitting (9 of 18) board: Advanced from: goose__ / profile / recent posts by goose__ (first login: October, 17, 2005 03:37 PM) date: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 03:13 PM vote: (popup) v rate this user v rate this post (popup) On 4/25/06 10:52:00 PM, parkblvd wrote: >Hey n3rv1. This is a great >post, so I'm going to tack my >improv stuff onto it. =) > >The reason I'm doing it is because you >just wrote about what I call "structural >improv". Methods for taking any >statement or situation and, in a >structured way, running with it by >improvising humor. > >First, comments on what you said: > >>1. Make things up that are obviously not true and speak >>about them like an authority.

> >This doesn't cover all of it. >Specifically, you're talking about >something *ridiculous* like an >authority. I thought he meant talk about something ridiculous 'with authority', like your totally sincere. >>2. Intentionally misunderstand people, take >>what they say and run with it. Any advice to help keeping running with it? Generally I can only manage one smart line then I have to stop, or it goes rubbish and try hard. >Misinterpretation. I typically focus >this on her "funny life situations", or >"what she does is weird". that's great.

> >"I'm a teacher." >"... so you have a thing for kids?" > >>3. Use strange combinations of words. > >Or just total gibberish. I like to >reply to her with nonsense words that >rhyme with hers. Gotta calibrate, >though - cheese curds and turnips... >could come across odd. Is this like a reaction you've programmed into yourself then? Like if she's having a fit you just take the last word and rhyme it as a response? > >>4. Devalue myself. > >Awesome. I stay away from this, since >my delivery is so dry, I typically get >misconstrued. Wise, don't want to be lured into qualifying yourself.

>The fun vs funny distinction is golden. >Well written. > >Ok - now for what I do.

> >My structural improv is all >response-oriented. Sometimes it's a >response to something you said, WOW, are you like meta processing your whole conversation? >sometimes to what she said. If I want >to create a new thread, I just do so. >I'm cooler, and my life is full of >interesting experiences and IIVDs to >talk about. No need to have a structure >(other than escalation and moving >through MM) to do that. > >My improv falls into a few categories: > >responses to her statements: >-agreement/exaggeration >-BHRR (which also covers pull-pushes) You can actually do them! I haven't made any Mystery qualifying routines, and your not talking prerehearsed are you. Damn it. I think the easiest qualifying model is swingcats where you ask if she has something you like, then you say 'yeah I don't beleive you' and challenge her to prove it, force her to qualify herself like mad, and then finally concede that she's cool. Where's as Mystery does the intense: you've blown my buying temperature off the scale, and then comes up with a reason why its invalid. A greater emotional journey. I can't do that. yet. Any any further thoughts you can make on BHRR in any respect will be TOTALLY appreciated.

>-misinterpretation >-compliance testing (CT) >(For compliance testing, I treat >everything she does as an offer. Mostly >because it is all an offer. If she >says, "fuck off," and you can come back >from that, she knows you're worthy. If >she says anything else and you can make >her laugh with it or challenge her on >it, challenge her on it? ditto. But I'll often order her to >respond or explain - just a simple "tell >me" or "go on". huh? don't understand? you tell her to tell you to 'go on'??

It's all about what she >can do for me, and I start small and >work up.) I wish you wrote feild reports. The LA lair guys are such jammey bastards. >-authority-as-daddy (or as big brother) >(Essentially what it sounds like, but >also with overtones of "I can handle >what you throw at me.") I wish you wrote feild reports. The LA lair guys are such jammey bastards. >-CT2/DQ2: she can help me/that's good, >but useless >(just specific CT and DQs that I use >most frequently) DQs?? > >responses to her questions: >-BRRR >(in which she baits, you respond, and >you reel and release just as in BHRR) Elaborate on everything, don't even know what's happening there, you praise her for the insight of her question, then say but I don't like brainey chicks or something? >-motivation/behaviour >-hit her with the same kind of question >-omg - is this girl logic? >-jealous of my lifestyle Yeah, you raise your value so much, you could probably pimp yourself out. > >-ditto somethingawful (a website) >-busting/negging/teasing her >-FUN suggestions > > > >This is the non-routine-based game that >isn't taught. Hopefully all the physicists will be fired next year and you'll just have to churn out seduction products. Swinggcat teaches frames, >but I could never employ those properly.

>His book is of course crazy wonderful, >but I needed a year to figure out how to >get humor to work consistently. That's >the problem with humor - people will >say, "It's very difficult to tell >someone how to be funny," and it is not >even remotely difficult. Just nobody >does it. The LA lair guys are such jammey bastards. Swinggcat is very capable, but I think some of his names make things seem more complicated than they are 'meaning coups' for instance, and controlling the frame, the underlying meaning of the interaction, from the audio course they're just other ways of saying 'be the prize' and he can't say that every 2 seconds so has these other phrases. And be the prize just means make sure the meaning of the conversation is not you wanting her, and if she defines it as that, redefine it as her wanting you. Maybe I have missed the subtlety of it.

Reliable link to this post: Archive link: Not available in archive yet. The above post is de facto Copyright by "goose__" with rights also assigned to Learn The Skills Corp (LTSC) and Explicit permission is required for reproduction outside this forum, as well as full agreement to the copyright notice on, which may require additional permissions from LTSC. [top] [new post] [REPLY] [REPLY/QUOTE] [email reply] [DELETE] [EDIT] [< previous] [next >] [<< previous topic] [next topic >>] [^entire topic^] topic: Fun vs. Funny - The Art of Bullshitting (10 of 18) board: Advanced from: parkblvd / profile / recent posts by parkblvd (first login: October, 28, 2001 09:04 PM) date: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 05:54 PM vote: (popup) v rate this user v rate this post (popup) >>>2. Intentionally misunderstand people, take >>>what they say and run with it. >Any advice to help keeping running with it? Generally I can >only manage one smart line then I have to stop, or it goes >rubbish and try hard. Whatever you do with it should be within the confines of taking the interaction somewhere. Generally,

I follow MM. So if I'm in A2, I want her attracted. A3, flip the switch and get her chasing. There's no reason to riff off what she said with six misinterpretations. One misinterpretation which makes her qualify herself is all you need. >>Or just total gibberish. I like to >>reply to her with nonsense words that >>rhyme with hers. Gotta calibrate, >>though - cheese curds and turnips... >>could come across odd. >Is this like a reaction you've >programmed into yourself then? Like if >she's having a fit you just take the >last word and rhyme it as a response? Uh if she's having a fit, why would I DHV? I'd go into "authority as daddy" mode at that point. Girls don't have fits in front of their fathers. But if she says, "I really like the new Blue October song." I might say, "goo doe doe wah?" >>My structural improv is all >>response-oriented. Sometimes it's a >>response to something you said, >WOW, are you like meta processing your >whole conversation? Yes. I always do this. My brain works a lot faster than most people. If yours does not, carry a voice recorder. And I'll tell you right now, it took me years before I could feel the flow of everything that happened in the conversation and think of something quick to push it in the right direction. So I still carry my vocorder. :) In general, I do *not* operate on feel, nor intuition. Not that I can't - more that it's safer to operate on think, if you have quick algorithms (like what I've written) to insta-respond to her. >>-BHRR (which also covers pull-pushes) >You can actually do them! I haven't >made any Mystery qualifying routines, >and your not talking prerehearsed are >you. Damn it. BHRR is simply: 1. Ask a question that she'll eagerly respond to. (no facts - something feeling or interesting or chick crack) 2. Get her response. 3. Tell her that's awesome. Genuinely. Appreciate what she said. 4. And then interpret what she said in any way you can think of (that's not silly) to disqualify her. I know 4 is the tricky part, but it's not hard. Genuinely take a beat after you've said she was cool, and feel how what she said could be bad, and then just tell her how it could be bad. She'll qualify like MAD.

Swinggcat's "I don't believe you" is great, but it works once. You can't keep saying "I don't believe you." Whereas you can BHRR like 3 or 4 times usually without her noticing. I've had the occasional girl say, "stop." But that's rare, and if you do, I immediately DHV once or twice to get her mind OFF that pattern. >>(For compliance testing, I treat >>everything she does as an offer. Mostly >>because it is all an offer. If she >>says, "fuck off," and you can come back >>from that, she knows you're worthy. If >>she says anything else and you can make >>her laugh with it or challenge her on >>it, >challenge her on it? Qualify her. Challenges are just qualifiers that are also compliance tests. "I dare you." >ditto. But I'll often order her to >>respond or explain - just a simple "tell >>me" or "go on". >huh? don't understand? you tell her to >tell you to 'go on'?? No - I tell her to go on. "Go on" is an order. >I wish you wrote feild reports. The LA >lair guys are such jammey bastards. There is no LA lair. That's what peeves me. If my voice were 100%, I'd be pulling it together. As is, John and I will start picking up the pieces over the next few weeks. >DQs?? Disqualifiers. >>-BRRR >>(in which she baits, you respond, and >>you reel and release just as in BHRR) >Elaborate on everything, don't even know >what's happening there, you praise her >for the insight of her question, then >say but I don't like brainey chicks or >something? See my response above, but yes. Qualify her either on her question or on your response.


Reliable link to this post: Archive link: Not available in archive yet. The above post is de facto Copyright by "parkblvd" with rights also assigned to Learn The Skills Corp (LTSC) and Explicit permission is required for reproduction outside this forum, as well as full agreement to the copyright notice on, which may require additional permissions from LTSC. [top] [new post] [REPLY] [REPLY/QUOTE] [email reply] [DELETE] [EDIT] [< previous] [next >] [<< previous topic] [next topic >>] [^entire topic^] topic: Fun vs. Funny - The Art of Bullshitting (11 of 18) board: Advanced from: goose__ / profile / recent posts by goose__ (first login: October, 17, 2005 03:37 PM) date: Thursday, April 27, 2006 06:45 AM vote: (popup) v rate this user v rate this post (popup) Thanks for responding, your breakdown of BHRR is most helpful. :)

Reliable link to this post: Archive link: Not available in archive yet. The above post is de facto Copyright by "goose__" with rights also assigned to Learn The Skills Corp (LTSC) and Explicit permission is required for reproduction outside this forum, as well as full agreement to the copyright notice on, which may require additional permissions from LTSC. [top] [new post] [REPLY] [REPLY/QUOTE] [email reply] [DELETE] [EDIT] [< previous] [next >] [<< previous topic] [next topic >>] [^entire topic^] topic: Re: Fun vs. Funny - The Art of Bullshitting (12 of 18) board: Advanced from: joseph_went_south / profile / recent posts by joseph_went_south (first login: January, 04, 2005 00:37 AM) date: Thursday, April 27, 2006 08:05 AM vote: (popup) v rate this user

v rate this post (popup) Hey Park, Do you care to translate all those acronyms into something remotely resembling English? Cheers, Joseph

parkblvd wrote: > Hey n3rv1. This is a great post, so I'm going to tack my improv stuff onto it. > =) > > The reason I'm doing it is because you just wrote about what I call "structural > improv". Methods for taking any statement or situation and, in a structured > way, running with it by improvising humor. > > First, comments on what you said: > > >>1. Make things up that are obviously not true and speak >>about them like an authority. > > > This doesn't cover all of it. Specifically, you're talking about something > *ridiculous* like an authority. I know that seems to be nitpicky, but without > it, there's no humor. Still, awesome - I should do a little more of this. > > >>2. Intentionally misunderstand people, take >>what they say and run with it. > > > Misinterpretation. I typically focus this on her "funny life situations", or > "what she does is weird". > > "I'm a teacher." > "... so you have a thing for kids?" > > >>3. Use strange combinations of words. > > > Or just total gibberish. I like to reply to her with nonsense words that rhyme > with hers. Gotta calibrate, though - cheese curds and turnips... could come > across odd.

> > >>4. Devalue myself. > > > Awesome. I stay away from this, since my delivery is so dry, I typically get > misconstrued. > > >>5. Disagree a lot. > > > I hate to disagree... lol but I would never do this. Disagreement is a bit > tough, since it pushes you away from comfort. You can do this sparingly, but > I'd like to know how you'd do this any time after say A3. > > > The fun vs funny distinction is golden. Well written. > > Ok - now for what I do. > > My structural improv is all response-oriented. Sometimes it's a response to > something you said, sometimes to what she said. If I want to create a new > thread, I just do so. I'm cooler, and my life is full of interesting > experiences and IIVDs to talk about. No need to have a structure (other than > escalation and moving through MM) to do that. > > My improv falls into a few categories: > > responses to her statements: > -agreement/exaggeration > -BHRR (which also covers pull-pushes) > -misinterpretation > -compliance testing (CT) > (For compliance testing, I treat everything she does as an offer. Mostly > because it is all an offer. If she says, "fuck off," and you can come back > from that, she knows you're worthy. If she says anything else and you can make > her laugh with it or challenge her on it, ditto. But I'll often order her to > respond or explain - just a simple "tell me" or "go on". It's all about what > she can do for me, and I start small and work up.) > -authority-as-daddy (or as big brother) > (Essentially what it sounds like, but also with overtones of "I can handle what > you throw at me.") > -CT2/DQ2: she can help me/that's good, but useless > (just specific CT and DQs that I use most frequently) > > responses to her questions: > -BRRR > (in which she baits, you respond, and you reel and release just as in BHRR)

> -motivation/behaviour > -hit her with the same kind of question > -omg - is this girl logic? > -jealous of my lifestyle > > finally, responses to anything: > -how would dane cook riff off this situation > -ditto mitch hedberg > -ditto cartman > -ditto a pimp > -ditto somethingawful (a website) > -busting/negging/teasing her > -FUN suggestions > > > This may all sound really dry, but it's *gold* when run properly. I can keep > someone laughing for hours, and they never know what's going on. The funny > thing is that with only a handful of these (I typically use exaggeration like > there's no tomorrow, with liberal doses of Mitch, misinterpretation, > motivation, and CT), you can go for hours. No need to throw it all in. But > once in a while, it's fun to branch out. How long can you respond to her like > Cartman would and keep her laughing? > > This is the non-routine-based game that isn't taught. Swinggcat teaches > frames, but I could never employ those properly. His book is of course crazy > wonderful, but I needed a year to figure out how to get humor to work > consistently. That's the problem with humor - people will say, "It's very > difficult to tell someone how to be funny," and it is not even remotely > difficult. Just nobody does it. > > Hope you don't mind the giant tack-on. ;) If anyone has any questions about > how you'd employ any of these, just ask. > > park >

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[top] [new post] [REPLY] [REPLY/QUOTE] [email reply] [DELETE] [EDIT] [< previous] [next >] [<< previous topic] [next topic >>] [^entire topic^] topic: Fun vs. Funny - The Art of Bullshitting (13 of 18) board: Advanced from: Shezz / profile / recent posts by Shezz (first login: October, 20, 2005 04:36 AM) date: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 06:55 AM vote: (popup) v rate this user v rate this post (popup) Great Post Mate! Do you happen to be from the North of England? Because scarily that post just happened to capture the essence of me - seriously! Greatstuff! You and me would get on well! :D Sarge On... I Go Sarging So The KBJ's Dont Have To - Shezz

Reliable link to this post: Archive link: Not available in archive yet. The above post is de facto Copyright by "Shezz" with rights also assigned to Learn The Skills Corp (LTSC) and Explicit permission is required for reproduction outside this forum, as well as full agreement to the copyright notice on, which may require additional permissions from LTSC. [top] [new post] [REPLY] [REPLY/QUOTE] [email reply] [DELETE] [EDIT] [< previous] [next >] [<< previous topic] [next topic >>] [^entire topic^] topic: Fun vs. Funny - The Art of Bullshitting (14 of 18) board: Advanced from: n3rv1 / profile / recent posts by n3rv1 (first login: September, 27, 2002 02:28 AM) date: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 02:36 PM vote: (popup) v rate this user v rate this post (popup) Transgressor - Thanks for the reply! I think you get it. However, who is Pitagoras? That isn't the guy who came up with the triangle theorum, is it? Killswitch - the uncalled for overreaction idea is great! I will definitely start using it. Thanks!

Knightstriker - Playful is KEY! You are trying to see how far you can take an idea before someone's bullshit detector goes off. If they don't wanna play, NEXT!! parkblvd - Awsome post man! What you're saying makes a lot of sense. A few of the acronyms were lost on me though. I don't know what BHRR, BRRR, CT2, or DQ2. If you could let me know, it would be appreciated. I also share some of Nowhere's questions, so definitely give up some more detailsl my man! Oh by the way, I wrote "cheese curds and TULIPS," not "turnips." :) ijjjji - You listed some absolute GOLD! I will definitely keep your stuff in mind and start using it. I especially like the getting angry and pretending like you're going to beat her up part, as well as the calling for silence. Hilarious! You know I love your posts, so keep up the good work. I much appreciate your writing! Nowhere - I'm glad you got something out of my post. Thanks for letting me know! I have had similar experiences where nonsensical answers completely blow away shit tests! I think it points to a larger issue that I know ijjjji harps on all the time: avoid thinking/logic! If you start to dwell on someone else's bullshit YOU LOSE! Most chicks are *pro* bullshitters. Not falling for someone else's BS is the name of the game! Shezz - Thank you! I actually live in the Great Lakes region of the United States. If you're ever in the area drop me a line. We'll drink some brew and hob-knob with babes! I'm not sure what's happened to me. I somehow reactivated a neural pathway in my brain or something that has rekindled my sense of humor. It has completely changed the way I interact with people and it's GREAT! My advice to anyone out there who has trouble with humor to start watching comedy! Let yourself laugh and enjoy it, then go out and try to recreate it. Humor is not only fun, but it keeps you from thinking too deeply about stuff. Having fun and getting others to have fun with you is so so SOOOO important! ************************* Sometimes the thing you NEED to do the MOST is the thing you WANT to do the LEAST. *************************

Reliable link to this post: Archive link: Not available in archive yet. The above post is de facto Copyright by "n3rv1" with rights also assigned to Learn The Skills Corp (LTSC) and Explicit permission is required for reproduction outside this forum, as well as full agreement to the copyright notice on, which may require additional permissions from LTSC.

[top] [new post] [REPLY] [REPLY/QUOTE] [email reply] [DELETE] [EDIT] [< previous] [next >] [<< previous topic] [next topic >>] [^entire topic^] topic: Fun vs. Funny - The Art of Bullshitting (15 of 18) board: Advanced from: hangman / profile / recent posts by hangman (first login: August, 04, 2005 10:54 PM) date: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 03:46 PM vote: (popup) v rate this user v rate this post (popup) On 4/26/06 2:36:00 PM, n3rv1 wrote: > >I'm not sure what's happened to me. I >somehow reactivated a neural pathway in >my brain or something that has rekindled >my sense of humor. It has completely >changed the way I interact with people >and it's GREAT! Dude, its the ASF effect. Sudden realization that its all "doable". Liberation. Thats what it is for me. >My advice to anyone out there who has >trouble with humor to start watching >comedy! Let yourself laugh and enjoy >it, then go out and try to recreate it. So true! Now, I laugh like a fucking retard when I see Police Academy style slapstick comedy. When I was 19-21, I would be censoring things so much in my head and trying to feel superior. >Humor is not only fun, but it keeps you >from thinking too deeply about stuff. >Having fun and getting others to have >fun with you is so so SOOOO important! Excellent original post. Thanks for taking the time to write it. Consider your lines/themese stolen.

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[top] [new post] [REPLY] [REPLY/QUOTE] [email reply] [DELETE] [EDIT] [< previous] [next >] [<< previous topic] [next topic >>] [^entire topic^] topic: Fun vs. Funny - The Art of Bullshitting (16 of 18) board: Advanced from: parkblvd / profile / recent posts by parkblvd (first login: October, 28, 2001 09:04 PM) date: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 05:15 PM vote: (popup) v rate this user v rate this post (popup) Hey man - BHRR is Bait, Hook, Reel, Release. It's just Mystery's "ask an interesting question, get her to bite, then say that's awesome (the reel) BUT and tell her why it makes her seem weird or awkward or something (the release). BRRR is Bait, Respond, Reel, Release - except she's baiting you, but you reverse it. Sorry I'm acronymmy - I keep this stuff in my head, and I memorize faster that way. CT2 is just compliance testing, part 2. DQ is disqualification. park

Reliable link to this post: Archive link: Not available in archive yet. The above post is de facto Copyright by "parkblvd" with rights also assigned to Learn The Skills Corp (LTSC) and Explicit permission is required for reproduction outside this forum, as well as full agreement to the copyright notice on, which may require additional permissions from LTSC. [top] [new post] [REPLY] [REPLY/QUOTE] [email reply] [DELETE] [EDIT] [< previous] [next >] [<< previous topic] [next topic >>] [^entire topic^] topic: Re: Fun vs. Funny - The Art of Bullshitting (17 of 18) board: Advanced from: joseph_went_south / profile / recent posts by joseph_went_south (first login: January, 04, 2005 00:37 AM) date: Thursday, April 27, 2006 08:01 AM vote: (popup) v rate this user v rate this post (popup) Hey great stuff man! This is EXACTLY the kind of intelligent goofiness I am known for on my radio show. It's a lot of fun! I especially like this part of your post: n3rv1 wrote:SNIP >

> Remember: you are a guy that everyone likes. You like everyone. You are in > touch with reality and your emotions. You are happy. Life is good. You are > smart, and you know what you're doing. Many people are uptight and unsure of > themselves. Don't take them seriously. By no means take yourself seriously. > Get others to play into your happy silly bullshit and they will like you. > That's what I've been doing for the past month, and it has been "working" for > me. Not only am I enjoying myself a ridiculous amount, but others are too. > A couple of examples I've used in the past: HB: Oh I don't eat meat at all JWS: So when did you become a veterinarian? HB: I went to John A. Cumber Primary school JWS: What? You want me to join a cucumber party? HB (after lots of C&F as above): JWS you shit! JWS (serious deadpan look with slight DDB eyes): I think I am falling for you too. (lowering eyes and voice to a whisper) Now just ..... slow.... the fuck.... down (then crack a smile). You've got to be totally congruent and fun with all this, as you've stated. Cheers, Joseph

Reliable link to this post: Archive link: Not available in archive yet. The above post is de facto Copyright by "joseph_went_south" with rights also assigned to Learn The Skills Corp (LTSC) and Explicit permission is required for reproduction outside this forum, as well as full agreement to the copyright notice on, which may require additional permissions from LTSC. [top] [new post] [REPLY] [REPLY/QUOTE] [email reply] [DELETE] [EDIT] [< previous] [next >] [<< previous topic] [next topic >>] [^entire topic^] topic: Fun vs. Funny - The Art of Bullshitting (18 of 18) board: Advanced from: Nowhere / profile / recent posts by Nowhere (first login: April, 18, 2004 07:43 PM) date: Thursday, April 27, 2006 11:47 AM vote: (popup) v rate this user

v rate this post (popup) park, Thanks. I learned a lot from your response. n3rv1, Word. A lot of guys are scared of bullshitting, but they don't realize that chicks do it all the time. heh..actually this reminds me of something. I overheard a conversation some weeks ago. Some chick was talking to her friend and said "so he asked me if I was seeing anyone. I can't believe that. I totally should have said 'yeah, I'm seeing 3 guys, you have competition', but he was cute so I let him go on that." Heh, that line is definitely something a lot of PUAs would say..Girls seem to have much of ASF internalized.

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