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Rachel Stevenson

Curriculum Vitae
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109

2012 2006 Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, USA. Title: The Spectacular Outburst of Comet 17P/Holmes. Advisor: Prof. David Jewitt M.Sci. Astrophysics (First Class Honors), University College London, UK

2012 20092011 20062009 2005 NASA Postdoctoral Fellow, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Graduate Student Researcher, Dept. Earth and Space Sciences, UCLA Graduate Research Assistant, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii Research Assistant, Dept. Physics and Astronomy, University College London

2012 2010 2009 2009 2004 2003 NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship Waggoner Scholarship, UCLA Hartman Travel Grant, Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society Europlanet Bursary, European Planetary Science Congress Friends of University College London Scholarship Agilent Technologies Prize, University College London

Invited Talks
Planetary Group Seminar, University of Central Florida; April 2010. Title: The Aftermath of the Comet Holmes Outburst Astrophysics Research Center Invited Seminar Series, Queens University Belfast; September 2009. Title: The Spectacular Outburst of Comet 17P/Holmes Planetology Seminar, UCLA; April 2009. Title: A Comet Larger than the Sun: An in-depth study of the 2007 Outburst of Comet 17P/Holmes

Workshops and Schools

Extrasolar Planets and Habitability, International School of Astrobiology, Santander, Spain; June 2010 Herschel Open Time Observation Planning, NASA Herschel Science Center, Pasadena; June 2010 The View from 5 AU: Measuring the Diuse Sky Brightness from the Outer Solar System, University of California, Irvine; March 2010 Exoplanets for Planetary Scientists, University of Central Florida, Orlando; January 2010

Professional Development
2011 2008 Member of the American Astronomical Society UCLA Colloquium Organizing Committee University of Hawaii Telescope Allocation Committee

Press Releases
Mini-Comets Observed During A Mega-Outburst (2009). Released at the 2009 European Planetary Science Congress in Potsdam, Germany and covered online by National Geographic, Fox News and others Comet Holmes Grows Larger than the Sun (2007). Released from the University of Hawaii and covered online by Nature, New Scientist and others

Teaching Experience
20052006 20032004 University of London Observatory Teaching Assistant (Observing and Data Reduction) University College London Teaching Assistant (Electromagnetism)

Public Outreach
2010 2008 20062009 Public lecture to the Mount Wilson Observatory Association Evening lecture to the Hawaiian Astronomical Society Multiple educational talks and planetarium shows to elementary and highschool children in Hawaii

Observing Experience
Kitt Peak: 2.1 m (GoldCam), Mayall 4 m (R-C Spec) Mauna Kea: UH 2.2 m (OPTIC, Tek, SNIFS), CFHT 3.6 m (MegaCam), UKIRT 3.8 m (WFCAM), Subaru 8.2 m (FOCAS), Keck I 10 m (LRIS) Cerro Tololo: Blanco 4 m (R-C Spec) Cerro Pachon: SOAR 4.1 m (SOI, Goodman HTS), GBT 100 m (MUSTANG) Palomar Observatory: Hale 5 m (LFC)

Technical Prociency
UNIX/LINUX/Windows/Mac OSX operating systems IDL, IRAF, SExtractor, SWARP A Text editing (Emacs, Vi, Microsoft Word, Pages, L TEX), presentation software (PowerPoint, Keynote), web design (HTML, iWeb)

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