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Aaron Price: Exhibi0on

I would like to choose to present my work through an exhibi0on I think my nal prints and concept will work well in a gallery represen0ng its ideas in a subtle way without text explaining it

My concept is showing the people who live in Medway what waste they consume in there everyday life by using photographing techniques such as nega0ve sandwiching and double exposures. Intending on doing this in such a way it shocks people who live in Medway and especially the people that I have photographed to achieve this. Inspired by Chris Jordans Midway Atoll

Final Prints

Amy Overbury

Memories & Aspira0ons

Publica0on: Exhibi0on My concept is based on our need to retain memories through hoarding items of clothing which link to important events in most peoples lives. This causes materialis0c waste which I have highlighted through the use of four dresses owned & worn once by three genera0ons of women in my family alone; events that most aspire to achieve. The use of a black void creates this sense of unaLainability and fragility, lost in 0me & space both literally and metaphorically.

Commission Unit: Waste

A Portrait of Waste
The Commission

Ashleigh Britten

I have produced a photographic series of images based on workers from a Waste Company. The photographs capture the workers and the environment in which they work the point of this being to put the gures into context. Its important to know that everyone is individual regardless of where they live, how they look or where they work this is most important. The point of my work is to gain a response, to question how outsiders would react to these gures given that they work with our, Waste.  I would like my work to be published in a newspaper. 

Commission Unit
Ashleigh Wright

My preferred output would be an exhibition.

My concept is that of the waste of human life presented by war. There are many men and women who have lost their lives either physically or mentally as a result of war. I consider this a waste as there could have been the poten0al for these people to achieve so much more if the war had not happened.


My concept focuses on how people are dealing with waste. In particular how people change it for benefit. Eg; 2nd hand book shops etc..

The Commission Project Waste

Christine Sanderson

Preferred Output Option Exhibition

My Concept
My series is about the availability of the second hand market and the advantage of having it in our current economy as well as the anonymity behind it's context. My series is based around perfectly good furniture and objects which have become waste to one person but are appreciated by others; one mans trash is another mans treasure.

Preferred viewing order

The Commission Project: Waste

Images of Wasting River

Christopher Turner


My idea stemmed from seeing random litter dropped on beaches back home and the way the objects are random and seem out of place. By taking the objects away from the place they were found the images focus on the objects and the way they look.

Project Title: Commission: Waste Name: Christy Brocklesby Weller

Project Concept:

My concept for the Commission Unit is to produce a series of images that focused on the decaying and wasteful nature of the numerous vessels and boats that dot the Medway Maritime shoreline and how they had been left to waste away.

Preferred Publication: Exhibition

The Commission - Waste

By Michelle Negus

The Waste of the Older Genera0on in Western Society

My concept was to produce a series of images reec0ng how the older genera0on are discarded in western society. The elderly oSen feel isolated, alienated, ridiculed and disrespected. I chose to externalize this idea by photographing found waste items placed in simulated everyday seUngs emphasising these feelings along with text to further describe.

Output choice:

The Disappearance

Commission Ramona Guntert


The value of the clothes is changing with the time. In this series something desirable (dress) becomes something unwanted and disappears. In the end it is what it was A piece of fabric.

Commission Project
Dana Zvarova

Preferred output

Waste as a metaphor. Demolished and abandoned places and buildings Abstract depic0ons

Project Title: The Commission

Name: Daniel Metcalfe

Project Concept:

Recycling unused & wasted photographs from 35mm posi0ve slides. Unlocking the memories and stories found within these photographs that have been lost and forgoLen.

Preferred Publica0on:


Dirty Food Project

Commission Unit Preferred Output: Exhibi0on Cri0cal Appraisal Samuel Horne

The Concept
Dirty Food is the name of my project that consists of focusing on the idea that a lot of fast food, or even quick x food has packaging, and people just discard it, removing it from their personnel to wherever seems convenient. These materials no longer hold any signicance to them, but they con0nue to exist, driSing around the world as used packaging; as waste. People forget about them, but they dont disappear. I wanted to create a scene that looked 0meless, a scene which presented these thoughts that closely mimic the results of peoples careless disposal methods.

To Conclude
My project could be seen as a small part to play on my own account to bring people down to the level of waste, and really focus on what is truly happening, to focus on their own ac0ons when they nd themselves with leSover trash to be discarded, or to even think about the sorts of food they buy and what impact they may have around them. The angle I take is to see the size of the issues through physically bringing it to the viewers eye. Trash can be seen as 0ny and insignicant in its smallest form, that 0ny wrapper in your hand, but the truth of the maLer is that it truly adds up. Being mindful of your ac0ons is important.

Understanding these issues is knowing what you personally are doing which is either aiding or adding more trouble to the cause. I understand that recycling and bins do their part, but it only goes so far, oSen leaving leSovers scaLered in hidden places. I would place my work in the context of an Exhibi0on, mainly in part due to its non- journalis0c, and non-fashion related nature, it falls nicely into a crea0ve work to be moving and mo0va0ng. My aesthe0c choice to bring the camera down to ground level is for the human eye to see it, as the same size as them, to really consider the consequences of their ac0ons through reec0ng on what they see. If I had to really reect on the process of making it all, I would concentrate on my processing skills, I hadnt printed in a long while, so I had to refamiliarise myself with it all, and that was challenging. I guess that was a challenge, making sure I swiSly got on with the manual processes again. I wont let that happen twice I shall write it all down if I have to and revise the methods.


Emilia Pennanen

The Sky Is Washed And Dark is a series based upon the waste of time, of the life that were all living and experiencing. The series captures the shortness of life and the waste that we all leave behind series without completely recognizing it; only our skin is left to reect it. This waste is more than what we use it is all the things we forget to use and leave behind untouched.  This body of work is to be published in an exhibition. 

The commission - Waste

Emily Adams

My concept was to show how un-used land can be regenerated for the community to use. This was because I found an old mine that had been made into a community park. I decided to layer images that I had found of how it used to be with my images from now.

Choice of output: Exhibi0on

Harry Scott: The Commission

Dying for a bacon sandwich

Waste of life from ea-ng meat

Either Exhibi0on or Newspaper (started talking with a group who's working is on the same lines as my own)


Final Prints

Commission - Waste
Holly Young


Studying the amount of wasteful food on a daily basis in a household. Represen0ng the food in three photos leading to resemble a dessert. A dessert, because I wanted the aLrac0on we associate desserts with to contrast with the repulsive look of the roUng food in which we waste.

Preferred Publica-on- Exhibi0on

PROJECT TITLE: Commission Unit, Waste. NAME: Ian Turner

PROJECT CONCEPT: "My concept is based upon waste food, What I, as a single human being wastes over the duration of four days and the packaging that contains the food I eat.


Ian Wisbey
The Commission

Push all your problems somewhere-else


This project focuses on the issue of y 0pping around certain areas, how some residents feel that their household waste should be dealt with by someone else. I tried to create naturalis0c images, whereby the waste has become embedded into the surrounding environment and been grown over; Indica0ng that the waste hasn't been dealt with for a long 0me and therefore, neither has the damaged mindset of the local residents.

Suffocated space"
Ingrid Gustafsson"

We all know that the climate change is a great issue; we all know how to stop it. Still we are clinging on to a way of thinking that is slowly suffocating ourselves. In my work for the commission I wanted to investigate how plastic takes over a space."

Preferred publication: Exhibition"

The Commission; Recklessness of youth in contemporary society

Jaime McDonnell

Through my concept and three final images I wish to communicate the degradation of the human body and mind, focusing on the recklessness of youth in contemporary societies. The final images will concentrate mainly on areas of education of the mind and parts of the body which people take for granted, that have the ability to replenish themselves such as hair and skin.


The Commission: Abandonment Joe Borsos

Preferred Output: Fashion Publica0on

Concept: My projects concept is to look at the repercussions of our way of living; not per say an en0rely environmental repercussion, nor looking at simple cause and eect, but more our aUtude and way of life. Our throw away aUtude to all of our crea0ons. The word I aLach to this, is abandonment as we create and discard, and we hide what we discard.

What Goes Around Comes Around
By Johanna Rosenlew

Preferred Output Option:

Newspaper or Exhibition

My Commission project deals with pollution. I want to make the viewer conscious about how the toxins that we contaminate our waters with get back to us through the food chain.

Commission: waste
John Phipp

Preferred output; Magasene

To highlight incidents were waste has not been mindlessly discarded but purposefully disposed of in an improper manner, par0cularly in the case of recyclable materials.

Commission Hand In Presenta0on

Comparing By Josen Andersson

Concept and preferred output

To compare the Rochester Indoor Market, a charity shop and an an0que shop Looking at how they present their products, considered to be waste by previous owners, and make them appealing to the new customer Preferred output: Newspaper



Josh Jordan

My preferred output op0on would be a newspaper. The concept of my project is to look at the waste management system implemented in the medway area. In an aLempt to clean up the local area and make medway more green, the council reformed its posi0on on recycling in 2005, hoping to cut down waste massively by 2012. I wanted to document the changes and people involved in making this happen.

Josie McCann
Commission Unit Output op2on: Newspaper Concept: -Waste within the Fashion Industry. -How us as consumers are like their mannequin. Design Consume Use by Discard (Repeat)

The Commission
Julia Lagerstrom Preferred Output option: Exhibition Project Concept: Playing with the roles of human vs. nature. What happens when people become waste?

Commission: Waste
Ka0e Joiner Fashion The idea of reusing materials that others call waste. Reusing car parts to create jewelry and change the car parts status.

The Commission: Kym Mumford


Preferred output: Exhibi0on

How the food we waste each day, eventually decomposes and can become something beau0ful. Natures way of dealing with waste

Commission Project Laura Dack

Preferred Output Op9on: Newspaper


The digital era that we ourselves have created forces the once everyday analogue ar0cle into transiency, focusing on the more unnecessary and, some0mes in recent news, controversial gadgets spawn from the world of entertainment. Not only do they lay waste to their analogue origins but when we get bored of these things they create highly pollutant e- waste.

PROJECT TITLE: Christophers sculptures NAME: Laura Kale

A look into waste being used for recyclable purposes through the art of sculpture making. - A personal story behind the ar0st who created them and the rela0onship between mental illness and the psychological process in crea0ng the resul0ng artworks . Explored through portraiture at the ar0sts home in a documentary style.

Lifestyle/art magazine or Exhibi0on


The Commission
Luke Charles

Preferred output: Fashion Publica0on

Concept: To make a comment about fast throwaway fashion and that people have the ability to repair or recycle their clothes.

Commission: Marie Hanrahan Waste of tax payers money

I have focused on three politicians that were involved in the expenses claim scandal 2011. My concept was the idea that tax payers money had been wasted by those that had been elected and entrusted by the public. My portraits represent the way that the way the they were viewed once the scandal had been revealed.

I have decided that my work is best suited to being displayed in and exhibition. This is because my work is a combination of both collage and portraiture which I would say falls under the category of fine art.

The Commission Unit: Waste

Action Potential By Ollie Gaper

Preferred Output Option: Exhibition


The title Action Potential refers to the electrical used by the bodies centralnervous system to communicate messages and instructions between the brain and body. It is these messages that can be damaged and/or blocked by the neurological condition multiple sclerosis. My father was diagnosed with MS some 26 years ago and since then as been unable to work or even perform some of the most basic of mobility actions. My series Action Potential is intended as a photographic exploration of the psychological effects of having such a disability, in particular the feeling of waste an pointlessness almost inevitable for someone whos entire working life was ended in almost an instant.

Preferred Viewing Order

Abandoned bunkers in the countryside, the silent witnesses of war.

An Exhibi9on By Mar9n Wilby

A series of images showing abandoned WWII bunkers in the countryside. These structures slowly merge into the environment, yet they s0ll remain as a reminder of the waste and loss created by War. They are also a na0onal cultural and historical part of our heritage that is decaying and overlooked.

Michelle Baker

My project concept was to look at the consumerism that has overtaken our society, and the ever increasing disposable culture that we live in. I wanted to capture the mass waste that our society throws away even when it doesn t need to be. My overall aim was to portray that our throw away culture has grown from throwing away paper cups to disposing of television sets and sofas unnecessarily.

Preferred Publication: Newspaper

Commission project Waste: Monta Dedele

Preferred Output op0on: Exhibi-on

My interpreta0on of theme Waste is based on people as a waste of society,people becoming a waste of society. My idea is to show how addic0on can completely isolate people and make them depressed,empty and unenthusias0c, accordingly useless to the society as a whole.

The Commission: Waste Nikita Shergill

For the commission project I have produced a series of four photographs of street drains in the local Medway area. In regard to waste my idea was to take a scientific approach in that these drains become a sociological study of people s attitudes and behaviour. Their contents speaks about the type of people living or travelling their and are accompanied with a contextual title that is just as important to inform the audiences perceptions.

Tap N Tin Nightclub

Council Estate


Magistrate Court

The Commission Edvardas Poska

It isn't pollu0on that's harming the environment. It's the impuri0es in our air and water that are doing it. Dan Quayle

Publica0on: Exhibi0on

Waste Chain

Our economic system, as it is, need to create waste to survive, aec0ng our natural resources and inuencing our lifestyle. My project will represent and inves0gate this precious and peculiar rela0onship between human-nature. I will write a text to enforce my view and to explain how the rela0onship between our environment and us is strongly inuenced by our economic system. My work should be printed on a hemp made newspaper, where the images and the text lay on a same hierarchy level.

Commission : The Closure of the High Street

Rebecca Adams

Preferred Publica0on : Newspaper Concept

Analysing the brief in context allowed me to start a decision process and decide upon what I wanted to comment upon under the theme of waste. I wanted to respond to the brief by looking in depth at the waste of an interior space due to the brief being aimed at the Medway towns I was intrigued by the amount of interior spaces abandoned in the town of Chatham so therefore I have decided I will revolve my project around the closure of stores on the High Street of Chatham.

Robyn Armstrong

My concept is looking into Celebrity Culture as waste, this exaggeration of modern celebrity culture is created out of a need for drama and spectacle. Tabloid, Paparazzi and magazines are the prototype example of this theory.

I have chosen a Newspaper as my publication choice, as my work is all about the concept and theory which relates to modern society in a formative way.

Commission - waste
Rosie squires

Sculptures formed around the human body, created from medical waste that my mum produces in 1 week as a care in the community nurse. Focusing on medical gloves, plasters and bandages.

Output: Newspaper.

The Commission unit Samantha Shipton Preferred output: Newspaper The concept for my project is food packaging, and the amount one household produces a week. I wanted to show the scale of the packaging we collect over a short period of 0me and how it is greater than we think or need it to be.

My nal images:

SAANA HAMID Preferred output: Exhibition

This series is about struggling to dene cultural iden0ty for young Muslims, par0cularly women who have to deal with how to be successful, accepted and independent in a Western environment. In the process, parts of our culture and religion fall out of holes in our pockets and we nd ourselves subconsciously adopted other cultures, modern ones. We leave behind parts of us our parents and grandparents and great grandparents dreamt for us and adopt what they had nightmares about. We are a product of our environment and with each genera0on comes a culture which is formed of recycled inuences.

Derelict Homes.
The Commission. Sacha Stevenson.

The Concept.
For my commission project I chose to show the loss of life within the residen0al proper0es around the Medway area. ASer researching into the visual dierences and concepts between the abandonment of commercial and residen0al proper0es I chose to concentrate on the residen0al side of the area as I was interested by the issues of homelessness and the amount of empty proper0es that eected Medway. I wanted to use this to my advantage and clearly show this on the image; I felt as if it created a depth of meaning to the isolated of the building which the viewers could relate to. By using this aspect of the buildings I carefully chose the buildings I wanted so that the images would connect visually together making them more appeal as a series.

My approach towards the presenta0on would be to show my work in a large open spaced gallery. I would present the images with a basic black bordered frame in a large scale so that the detail of the building would be seen in greater depth so that the viewers can appreciate the state and isola0on of the building with greater understanding.


The Commission!
Waste! ! Sinikka Konttinen!

Preferred Output!
! !


I photographed jewellery made out of recycled rubber by Emma Ware. I wanted to use multiple exposures to highlight the idea of recycling and bring out the aesthetics of the jewelry. There is a notion of abstraction as the jewellery becomes one with the human form.!

The Commission-Recycled Fashion

By Sophia Chippett

Project concept: The concept of my project is to encourage people to recycle clothing because of the amount of waste created by mass consumption in the fashion industry. I styled my model in second hand clothing and arranged the images into a collage with pictures from old fashion magazines to emphasise the theme of recycled fashion. Preferred Publication: Fashion Magazine

PROJECT TITLE : COMMISSION `WASTE` NAME SOPHIE JONES Preferred Output op0on : Fashion Publica0on Concept (The outline must be no more than 3 sentences) : Throughout my project I have wanted to take a risk and progress vintage couture to a higher level. I wanted my work to resemble a striking display, deconstruc0ng, re-cuUng and completely transforming people s percep0on of second-hand clothing or recyclable material, and create ethical fashion with a sense of right and wrong?

The commission unit: Waste Title: Restoration Joe Earley "

Preferred output: Exhibition

My nal approach in the brief given on waste, is to explore the infatuation a personhas to bring an object or material from the dead back to life, to play its part for what it was rst created for or re-created into something different to be put ona new path in existence.

Impressions Lucie Nakach

Preferred output: Exhibi0on

It started with halls being over run by trash, and than moved on to the trashy impression and rst glance appearance leS by a large amount of students in halls. This than extended to Chatham and Medway itself. My concept is to show the trash through the impression of the shadows on the background, just like the impression of Medway was leS on me.

Project Title: The Commission Name: Bradley Helbert

becoming derelict and abandoned and how they should be made into houses instead of building new ones as it is a waste of land.

PROJECT CONCEPT: How the high street is dying and shops are PREFERRED PUBLICATION: Newspaper

Salvador Dewald The Commission

Through my photographs I wish to communicate the narra0ve in which how todays society, and how the western culture have progressed to ignore and hide the elderly and the idea of passing away. The idea of being hidden from society, the no0on that death is ignored and how it almost feels that once we have for-lled our purpose within society and reproduced, are then no longer needed, thus are stored away and to waste away the remainder of 0me available by given them the limited op0on of being placed in front of the Tv and waste away countless hours, the choice of a mundane life style. Magazine or Exhibi0on.

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