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%script for lab4 task_1 %Name: %UserID: Joel Fernandes 20432971

%This script calculates the ratio of to given numbers % Clear the screen first clear % Command to clear all the variables a=input('first number '); b=input('second number '); if b~=0 % '~=' represents 'not equal to' ratio=a/b end

%script for lab4 task_2 %Name: %UserID: Joel Fernandes 20432971

%This script calculates the total cost of a variable amount of apples % Clear the screen first clear % Command to clear all the variables cost = 25; n = input('How many apples do you have in your bag?') if n > 5 totalcost = (1-0.2)*n*cost %cost of n apples after discount else totalcost = n*cost end

function[y]= absval(x) if x>=0 y=x; else y=-x; end

%script for lab4 task_4 %Name: %UserID: Joel Fernandes 20432971

%This script calculates the maximum of any three numbers supplied by the %user num1=input('Please enter the first number: '); num2=input('Please enter the second number: '); num3=input('Please enter the third number: '); if num1 > num2 if num1>num3 max=num1; else max=num3; end elseif num2>num3 max=num2; else max=num3; end disp(max) % this gives the maximum number to be displayed on the screen

%script for lab4 task_5 %Name: %UserID: Joel Fernandes 20432971

%This script conditionally displays different text depending on the value %entered at the command line lotterynumber=input('Enter your number:'); switch lotterynumber case 12 disp('You are a Winner!'); case 24 disp('You are a Winner!'); otherwise disp('Sorry, you lost ... Please play again'); end

%script for lab4 task_6 %Name: %UserID: Joel Fernandes 20432971

n=input('Give me a positive integer.'); x=input('Give me a real number.'); res=0; %declare an initial value fro res for index=1:n res=res+(1+x)^index; end disp(['res=',num2str(res)]);

Command Window first number 3 second number 4 ratio = 0.7500 first number 30 second number 5 ratio = 6 first number 6 second number 0 first number 0 second number 7 ratio = 0 ??? Undefined function or method 'Clear' for input arguments of type 'char'. Error in ==> lab4_task2 at 8 Clear all ??? Undefined function or method 'Clear' for input arguments of type 'char'. Error in ==> lab4_task2 at 8 Clear all the variable values ??? Undefined function or method 'Clear' for input arguments of type 'char'. Error in ==> lab4_task2 at 8 Clear all % Command to clear all the variable values How many apples do you have in your bag?10 n = 10

totalcost = 200 How many apples do you have in your bag?25 n = 25 totalcost = 500 ??? Error: File: lab4_task3.m Line: 14 Column: 1 Function definitions are not permitted in this context. ??? Undefined function or variable "x". Error in ==> absval at 2 if x >= 0 ??? Error: File: absval.m Line: 2 Column: 4 Expression or statement is incomplete or incorrect. ??? Undefined function or variable "x". Error in ==> absval at 2 if x >= 0 >> fplot('absval(x)',[-10 10] ??? fplot('absval(x)',[-10 10] | Error: Expression or statement is incorrect--possibly unbalanced (, {, or [. >> fplot('absval(x)',[-10 10]) ??? Error using ==> inlineeval at 15 Error in inline expression ==> absval(x) Undefined function or variable "x". Error in ==> inline.feval at 36 INLINE_OUT_ = inlineeval(INLINE_INPUTS_, INLINE_OBJ_.inputExpr, INLINE_OBJ_.expr);

Error in ==> fplot at 102 x = xmin; y = feval(fun,x,args{4:end}); >> fplot('absval(x)',[-10 10]) ??? Error using ==> inlineeval at 15 Error in inline expression ==> absval(x) Undefined function or variable 'x'. Error in ==> inline.feval at 36 INLINE_OUT_ = inlineeval(INLINE_INPUTS_, INLINE_OBJ_.inputExpr, INLINE_OBJ_.expr); Error in ==> fplot at 102 x = xmin; y = feval(fun,x,args{4:end}); >> [10]=absval[-10] ??? [10]=absval[-10] | Error: Unbalanced or unexpected parenthesis or bracket. ??? Undefined function or variable 'x'. Error in ==> absval at 2 if x >= 0 ??? Input argument "x" is undefined. Error in ==> absval at 2 if x >= 0 ??? Input argument "x" is undefined. Error in ==> absval at 2 if x>= 0 ??? Input argument "x" is undefined. Error in ==> absval at 2 if x>=0 ??? Input argument "x" is undefined. Error in ==> absval at 2 if x>=0 >> fplot('absval(x)',[-10 10])

Please enter the first number: 8 Please enter the second number: 8 Please enter the third number: 4 8 Enter your number:12 You are a Winner! >> m=0; >> m=0: for i=1:10 m=[m i]; ??? m=0: | Error: Expression or statement is incomplete or incorrect. >> m=0; for i=1:10 m=[m i]; end m m = 0 10 >> for m=1:10 num=1/(m+1) end num = 0.5000 num = 0.3333 num = 0.2500 num = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0.2000 num = 0.1667 num = 0.1429 num = 0.1250 num = 0.1111 num = 0.1000 num = 0.0909 Give me a positive integer.4 Give me a real number.0.1 res=5.1051 Give me a positive integer.10 Give me a real number.-0.2 res=3.5705 >> for i=1:3 for j=1:3 A(i,j)=1/(i+j-1); end end >> A A =

1.0000 0.5000 0.3333 >> m=0; while m<10 m=m+1 end m = 1 m = 2 m = 3 m = 4 m = 5 m = 6 m = 7 m = 8

0.5000 0.3333 0.2500

0.3333 0.2500 0.2000

m = 9 m = 10 >> n=input('Natural numbers up to ='); s=0; counter=1; while counter<=n s=s+counter; counter=counter+1; end Natural numbers up to =5 >> s s = 15 >> v=1;num=1;i=1; while num<1000 num=2^i; if num>1000 break else v=[v;num]; i=i+1; end end >> v v = 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128

256 512

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