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My Favourite Sportsman: Ferenc Puskas

Ferenc Pusks, born Purczeld Ferenc, better known as Pusks csi or Pancho in Spain, was born in Budapest on the 1st of April in 1927. He was a football player, manager, the captain of the Hungarian Golden Team, the Sportsman of the Nation. Puskas is regarded as the best Hungarian football player ever. Besides universal Hungarian acclaim , he is also highly regarded by many of the best in football, such as Cruydd, Beckenbauer or Di Stfano. His style is characterised through his perfect ball-handling, inscrutable tricks, precise passes,brilliant solutions and shooting-technique,. Puskas was the team captain of the Hungarian national league between the years of 1950 and 1954. The Golden Team, with Puska sin its ranks became the most successful Hungarian team of all times. The composition of the legendary team soon became wel known: Grosics, Buznszky, Lrnt, Lantos, Bozsik, Zakaris, Budai, Kocsis, Hidegkuti, Pusks, Czibor. Puskas most famous shot at the goal area can be seen in many documentaries about football. At this shot, prior to the kick, he dodged the English Billy Wright with an elegant move. He regarded that match as one of his best in his carrier. Puskas had began coaching in 1967, first at the Spanish Hrcules Alicante, then in the United States and later in Canada. After this he had returned to Spain, to the Deportivo Alavs, where he had stayed for ayear before going to Greece. Between 1970 and 1974 he worked at the Panathinaikos Athens , which was the biggest success of his coaching carrier. In the following years Puskas had been working as a coach for the national teams of Spain, Chile and Saudi Arabia and then he returned to Greece. Between 1979 and 1984 he coached the Egyptian team of Al-Masri, which was followed by more coaching successes. Due to his guidance the Australian South Melbourne Hellas won a championship and a triumphed in a Cup Final. In 1998 he became a member in the FIFA Hall of Fame.In 1999 he received the honorary title of Ambassador of Hungarian Sports, and then he was named the best male sportsman of the century. From 2000 Puskas health began to deteriorate due to his

Alzheimer disease. In 2002 a stadium was named after him ( two of his former teammates had also earned this privilege). In 2006 he was taken to the emergency room with a severe case of pneumonia and high fever. His condition didnt show any sign of change in the next few weeks. Puskas died on the 17th of November, at 7 oclock due to circulatory failure. He was buried as the nations dead at Saint Stevens Basilica in Budapest. This day became a national day of mourning and the funeral was broadcasted on several TV and radio channels.

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