Granolite Vitrified Tiles Pvt. LTD Project Report-Prince Dudhatra

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-:Prepered BY:-


I, the undersigned VIDJA NISHA P. a student of second Year B.B.A. of GYANYAGNA COLLEGE, Saurashtra University. Here by declare the project work presented in this report is my own work and has been carried out under the supervision and guidance of the professor and principal. This project work is not previously submitted to any other university for any other examination purpose. I have tried my level best to include all information in this report. Place:-RAJKOT Date:NISHA P.) SIGNATURE ( VIDJA

I am student of S.Y.B.B.A. faculty of GYANYAGNA COLLEGE. I am indeed very thankful to all those who have encouraged me to join the course of business administration. In this course, we have special subject of practical training introduced by Saurashtra University. The objective of practical training of S.Y.B.B.A. is to bring aware about the industries environment and business practices. The preparation of report depends on so many people each stage of its advancement. It is difficult to acknowledge all those who are involved with all the department of the industry. I must however mention that all the managers of the industry have enthusiastically supported the project work by making the data available and spending their precious time to my study. Their co-operation is highly appreciable.

It is my great pleasure to present this report before you. I thank all who helped me to get the necessary Information to prepare this report. First I am grateful to my parents who have taken all care for my education. I would like to thank to our College Principal Mr. A.U.PATEL & Our Proffeser for their personal guidance, never ending encouragement and his willingness to be of help whenever I needed. I appreciate co-operation of my classmates. I am greatly thankful to all the executives and officers of GRANOLITE VITRIFIED TILES PVT. LTD. Who spared their valuable time for me. I am glad to submit this report before you. I hope that you will acknowledge my report. With great pleasure I shall take this opportunity to express my gratitude towards management body of this industry for providing me a precious opportunity for taking management training. I have tried my level best to present the available information in best possible manner. Thanking you, PLACE: RAJKOT SIGNATURE








02. Regd. Office



OLD GHUNTU ROAD, MORBI-363 642 (GUJ.), IND. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. Phone No. Fax No. Web Site E-mail Size of the Organization Name of the Mg.Director Name of the G.M. Year of Establishment Name of the Product :::::::::+91-2822-241988 +91-2822-241225 WWW.DECO COVERING.COM DECOLIGHT2004@ YAHOO.COM LARGE SCALE GRISH BHAI RAMESH BHAI 2004 VITRIFIED TILES

12. 13.

Banker Corporate office



14. 15.

marketing office Profit :Number of Employees Executive/Officer Assistant Sub Staff Workers

:- Ahemedabad, Mumbai, Delhi ,Hyderabad :- 10% from the product



5 Persons 20 Persons 10 Persons 30 Persons Srilanka, china ,eatly, South Africa, Dubai.


Exporting Countries

There is good demand of VITRIFIED TILES since some year. GRANOLITE decided to establish firm VITRIFIED TILES. At that time they have vary large experience of this business because they have all ready two firms of glaze tiles. Although they take this decision because there was increase the production capacity, so they started to construct the building of GRANOLITE in 2003. GRANOLITE started its production in 2004. They always concentrate on their quality only they have a quality control manager who try to maintain the quality of them product and because of this they were in INDIA as well as in international market also. In GRANOLITE they make many different size and designs of VITRIFIED TILES, which are not easily available in market, and therefore they make them good will in the market. The Directors of this company Girishbhai m.pethapara, kantibhai m.pethapara & Jayantibhai m. pethapara all are believe in COMING TOGETHER IS BEGINNING KEEPING TOGETHER IS PROGRESS WORKING TOGETHER IS SUCCESS.

There are various forms of the organization the chart of various form of business organization is shown as under. Organization is the framework within which the responsibility of management is discharged. Organization structure is very necessary to define the other official relation between employee and employer helps in accomplishing targets with their best efforts and co-operation, with efficient organization structure, best use of available resources becomes possible. Thus, for controlling and co-ordination routine activities of the organization, GRANOLITE follows the following organization structure.








Time waits for on one Time cannot be wasted as once its lost its last forever. Thus a firm should develop an effective time keeping system maintenance of discipline in time keeping system. Helps the organization to achieve various benefits. There are many factors, which affects the time keeping system like production capacity, inventory conversion period, etc. After a through study of all these factors the time schedules are adjusted as under. Time keeping also takes against violation. There are three shift are exist for workers. i. ii. iii. 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. 4 P.M. to 12 A.M. 12 A.M. to 8 P.M.

There are different workers in different shift and at 12 to 8 A.M. sometimes when the demand is high, the workers are asked to work for overtime and accordingly they are paid more.


Production department is a place where some activities like manufacturing, planning its control material handling and the workers do store keeping etc. that is related to production process. In which place where raw material is converted into semi finished goods and this goods are convert into finished goods by the manpower and machine and where this process are done this whole unit is called production department utilizes the manpower and machines and makes the products. So we can say this department is heart of whole Industry and profit of company of industry is very much depend on this department so by using good quality of machine raw material and good workers we can increases the production. But in same automatic production products are manufactured only by machine less need of mans to operate these machines so by this we can say that number of mans and machines depend on the nature of production process.

The production department is the main department of any company because this department is produced finish goods. So this department also called manufacturing department. In production department raw material is converted into finish good or semi finished good, with help of man, power, and machines. The production department combines manpower and machines and every unit are used man machines. PRODUCT VITRIFIED TILES is the main product of the GRANOLITE VITRIFIED TILESPVT LTD., which is used in lobbies, restaurants, driveways, pathways, hospitals and banks and even in exhibition hall. The unit is having joint system of operation where man and machine is utilized.

For manufacturing of products the raw material is the main need or we can say the life bound of the manufacturing process. They distribute their manufacturing process into one part. 1. 1. CLAY i. ii. iii. POWDER i. Potas feldspar ii. iii. Quartz Soda feldspar Urcrain Clay : From Santalpur Bikaner Clay : From Bikaner, Rajsthan China Clay : From Kutch Body process Raw material for Body process: -


Boil Mill GRANOLITE VITRIFIED TILES PVT LTD. has a boil mill in this water and clay etc. is mixed prepared in form of salary. Salary means a particular liquid. In this machine pebbles are put for mixing the ingredients. Grinding is ready after 8 hours and salary is made. Pressing In this step the salary is transfer into filter press by turbine, by pressing salary is converted into biscuit form.



Dry By this step the biscuits is dry into sunshine and emergency they use creak dryer fro drying.


After firing the biscuits are bring to the shorting department by trolley. Here skilled worker does Shorting. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Side Creak Bend Hardness Cutting Creak Cutting Creak Iron or Pebble etc.

In this department the tiles are shorting as per already fixed grades manually & filling the cartons and identity of the grade code No., Date & Year & MRP are stumped by manually. Cartons are shift at storage department for dispatch. For Transporting, ~ Truck/Tempo/Tractors etc. ~ Containers for exporting.


Personnel department provides the Energy for the business because material may be purchased at the most competitive rates. Materials may be worked at their maximum speed but the output willingly. If we go a step further and somehow motivate the workers, the output can be raised higher with the same type of materials and machines. Management means optimum utilization not only at the physical factors. According riggers and masers good management means is getting effective results with the people. Subordinates, who generally used to work according to the policy, which are filed by the head of the department or by the authority. Personnel department takes work from the labor with applying right type of behavior. Manage your man you can manage everything. This department stimulates the personal to wards the achievement of predetermine goal. Planning is in a paper but true implementation of planning is doing by the personnel. Partners have to recognize the future of staffing. It is necessary to maintain workers within the organization formal and informal meeting can maintain relation workers. Human being is very complex and it is very difficult to convince goal. So more attentions are needed for development to handle human resources. This department also looks after right of the labor. This basic there of personnel department is to give importance of active resources. If your organization goal is satisfied the workers goal are satisfied automatically. You have to share your profits with your workers. In short, stuffing means acquisition, development, utilization and Maintenance of human resources, motivate person can lead to wards high efficiency and profits. Personal department provides the energy to the business. Material may be purchase at the most competitive rates and machinery may be worked at their maximum speed but out put can be maximum only when workers are willing to work in all organization human resources is the

main element. An organization is set up with view to achieve some objective and the achievement of objectives is possible. When its human factors are willing to work so knoontz said Management is an art of getting thing done through other people. And personnel management is method of development of employee generally personnel management is concerned with employees management these personnel management is concerned with employee both as individual and group.

This principal concept of an organization is its human resources. Thus managing them effectively and properly will result into high productivity and profitability. Human resources are the valuable assets for the company. It should be development and maintained for long run interest of the organization chart for better management of personnel department.


A promotion is the process of ranking lower level employees to some higher and butter position, which demands better salary, wages, better work environment, challenging tasks, etc. In GRANOLITE VITRFIED PVT LTD. clerk may be promoted to the post of assistant; a sales assistant may be given the post of marketing manager. The promotion is done on the bases seniority or merits according to the suitability of job. Usually for workers, it is done considering their efficiency & production ability. The promotion is under taken at the end of every year.

Wages are the basic incentive for workers. Wages should be paid properly and regularly to avoid decrease in productivity & profitability. It increases the morale of workers and efficiency to work wages is for workers while salary are for clerical, managerial and supervisory stuff. The wages of the labors depends upon the number of units produced by them. Generally the wages ranges from Rs. 60 to 100. The minimum wage paid to the workers is Rs. 40 workers working for some extra hours are provided more wages depending on the units produced and hours of working. The salary is paid to engineer on the bases of his experience and the number of years he has been working in the unit. The salary range Rs. 100 to Rs. 200 per day.

1. RECRUITMENT GRANOLITE VITRIFIED TILES PVT LTD. follows the two methods for recruitment of person. A. Internal B. External

Internal sources means to promote person with in the organization. That is promotion of employees in the organization, employees recommendation etc is the internal sources, and the external sources means to get the person from out side of organization. That is profession association, technical institution, giving advertisement etc. are external source. GRANOLITE VITRIFIED TILES PVT LTD. recruits their employees with both the types internal and external they recruit unskilled worker and semiskilled worker from local area and some times by giving promotion they recruit other higher post. For high skilled person some times they used them personal relation because at higher post the higher responsibility is occur and they believe that if known person is there then more safety is there but in all case it is not possible therefore sometimes they give the advertisement in newspaper.


SELECTION Selection is a process by which qualified and talented person is to be choosing from the application. Who have a demand to the organization for employees and selection is a process in the hand management to get qualified and disqualified applicant by various methods. These methods are as follows. Initial screening Interviews A. B. C. Preliminary Selection Final Selection Placement

Training is techniques by which a new employees is know his work and management also gets information that this employees is right for the job or not. GRANOLITE VITRIFIED TILES PVT. LTD. is also given training to his new employee. In this firm new employees trained by old employees or other skilled person. New workers are works under old workers for three month. They give on the job training to the employee in the most of the case.

GRANOLITE VITRIFIED TILES PVT. LTD. provides welfare facility to their employees or workers is a follows.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Medical charges Provident fund House lone Scooter lone Marriage loan Festival gifts

GRANOLITE VITRIFIED TILES PVT. LTD. is maintained many register to maintain the personal records the following resisters are maintain. i. Daily present record In this register present and absent of each employee written. ii. Salary and Wages register

In this register salary of each employees is written. Any employees who get how mush salary at end the year is written. iii. Leave encasement record

Even on declared on public holiday worker perform his work and not enjoy holiday is known as encased. iv. Register of employee

Records also maintain for the personnel details of the employees like his name, age, sex, address, etc. and also present position of employees.

The term industries relationship is used to refer to the relation between parties concerned. There are two parties coming directly connect with each other. 1. 2. Worker Management

The best relation between these two parties is key for the progress of industries. In GRANOLITE Co-ordinal relation exist between workers and management. All workers are in direct relation with partners so the workers have no any dissatisfaction with the partners so them industrial relation with the workers are very good and in management there is family member so no any problem in the side of management.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Financial management is that managerial activity which is concerned, with the planning and controlling of the companys financial resources. So finance is lifeblood for every organization without efficient finance. Managements Company cannot service for long time. Finance management also raises funds by borrowing form banks financial institution and other resources. There exists and inseparable relationship between the finance functions on the one hand and production, marketing and other function on the other. Almost all kinds of business activities, directly or indirectly involve the acquisition and use of money. GRANOLITE have a very active and creative department, which looks for finance managements of company. Finance department of company is well arranged and equipped with all modern facility like on live computer system, fax machine etc. most of works done by finance department with the help of computers. Division of work play important role in every organization for smooth working. Company divided its financial department into various selections, so speedy workers becomes possible. For the smooth work, GRANOLITE have divided financial departments into various selections, which is discuss as below.


It is must for every financial manager to review the financial planning every week because some adjustments have to be made if the external factor affects the plan. Marking adjustment cannot avoid the affects that are to be caused by external factors but the organization would have ability to face them. He has to evaluate the efficiency of financial planning. In GRANOLITE, a weekly financial planning to is under taken by an active partner and the same is reviewed every month, so adjustment can be made whenever needed. Here they have to plan that how much capital should be borrowed, whether the profit should be ploughed back, how much owned capital to be invested etc. Here the capital compromises of partners funds, reserve and surplus, plugging buck of profit, and borrowed capital in form off loans and deposits which consists of long term debt.

Working capital managements is concerned with management of the current assets. If firm does not invest sufficient amount in current assets that is if it does not have adequate working capital then it many become illiquid and as a result may not have ability to meet its current obligations. In GRANOLITE working capital is required to keep on the smooth and continuous flow of production, raw material have to be purchased, stock or work in progress and finished goods have to be maintained, expenditure have to be incurred on labor, electricity, administrative matter etc. If this requirement it always keeps a cash of Rs. 50,000 at hand. If also in cars Rs. 50,000 fixed lost and to variable cost varies accordingly.

Investment 8,00,00,000 Turn Over 4,00,00,000 Here, we call conclude that the firm is in a position to meet its current obligations easily since the current assets are more than current liabilities but the liquid ratio is low which is not very satisfying. It should improve its liquid position stock turnover ratio is low. This might be because of delay in collection period thus credit sales policy should be make stricter. So this will increase sales and also profit.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Marketing occupies can important position in the organization of business unit and also defined as the process involving exchange and distribution. It creates a bridge between manufacture and consumer and this department also help to organization for good turn over. In any organization -marketing department are very important factors, which affects the process of exchanges between goods and services. It involves a number of interrelated activity designs of interrelated activity designs to plan, promote, distribute, and price. A product of service in ordain to meet the wants and needs, of the parties in exchange transaction, consumer and by producerser def. Kotler define marketing as a needs and wants through exchanges process. And ray Cray defined as marketing consists of all activity by which a company adopts it self to its environment creatively and profitability.





Generally, every organization markets its products but in case of GRANOLITE its most important characteristic is that it does not market its any of the product. They are the O.F.S. purchaser order are obtained by marketing manager who then prepares the priority list of such purchase order. Depending on these orders, he undergoes a planning process with respect to the production lost, price fixation, packaging, dispatch of goods, quantity to products to be produced, production expenditure, etc. He arranges all the different activities of this department in sequence. He forecast the demand for the product and looks after the development of sales for these he develops an efficient pricing with the helps at to management In GRANOLITE there is a quality control officer whose task is to maintain a uniform quality of all product continuously. He is concerned with their characteristics that can be measured. So here quality control officer makes the standard measurement and compares. It with actual measurement to say that there is no difference in the quality. If both, the standard and actual measurement comply then only the product is forwarded for selling purpose. Otherwise it will be rejected and sent for reprocessing.

After the product is being forwarded for selling purpose, the last step is its dispatch, at the last stage, we have sales assistance is always busy with preparing different documents for dispatch of goods. He has to keep records regarding purchase order of different of goods. He has also to see whether the dispatching task is carried on smoothly or not. In this regard, he prepares different types of forms, which are as follow:1. DELIVERY CHANNEL

It is popularity known as 57f form. This form prepared by the party who send raw material to the other party. It contains details about quantity of raw material, lorry number, the names of two parties and all other related information. This forms has to be sent back to the party with in 16 days. 2. C-FORM

Whenever the goods are to be transported act of state, this form is prepared. The main purpose of c-form is fro the payment of taxes. It carries 4% central sales tax and 7% sales tax, which is to be paid on the total amount of goods sold. This form also includes a margin of 20% search charges on goods sold. FORM 19 This form is prepared when the goods are to be transported within the state only. As the goods are transported with in the state, the rate of tax is nil. In other words, no tax is charged. 4. H-FORM

This form is prepared when the goods are to export. Generally it is prepared by purchase party and includes the amount of sales tax and special tax. 5. G.P.1

G.P. is the gate pass prepared by the sellen for the removal of accessible goods forms the warehouse or factory, on payment of duty, GRANOLITE being as SSI unit it is exempted from excise duty till the

dispatch of goods worth Rs. 30 lakhs. Thus, this form is generally prepared when the excise on goods is not to be paid. G.P.2 When the dispatch of goods worth more than 30 lakhs, gate pass 2 is prepaid. It is issued by the seller and sent to the other party. After the payment of duty by the other party, one copy to this G.P.2 is sent against the security of AR-3A form. 5. AR 3A form seller.

It is with G.P.2 form, as it is a kind of two securities to the It provides security to the seller float the buyer he paid the fauves.

Thus, the sales assistant keeps himself busy in dispatching the goods outside the firm and in calculating the total price, total taxes to be paid, and total amount to be covered form the party concerned. He also prepares the above-described forms according to the necessity of the firm. The responsibility of the correspondence clerk is the maintenance of the sales, purchase, and return register. He has to register any purchase order that is received, to write a ply letter to any inquiry received, to write the letter of adjustment whenever there is delay in dispatch of goods for any reason and he also writes cancellation letter when the order is to be cancelled and the collection letter the outstanding payment.

Product is anything that satisfies the wants or needs of an individual production manager has to plan and produce the products according to the requirements of purchasers. A purchaser sends a letter at inquiring with designs and drawings attached to tit to GRANOLITE inquiring whether the types of products needed by they are available of not. The drawings sent are steadied thoroughly by an engineer and if he finds that the products can be produced according to the drawing sent them he will ashes the production manager to produce few sample of it. If the buyer accepts qualities the product produced, then the production manager executes the order and the production process takes place. Thus product planning is prepared according to the requirement of a buyer.

Market segmentation is the division of marketing according to the consumer needs and wants so they can be served in better way. It is a method for achieving maximum market response from limited marketing resources. In India we have many VITRIFIED TILES industries but GRANOLITE made its own position in market by its good quality and reasonable price they make also some different size of VITRIFIED TILES which are not easily available in Indian market. They have many clients in foreign too. Therefore we conclude that GRANOLITE make its very good position in Indian market as well as international market.

GRANOLITE is the original equipment supplier thus its products are not markets. It produces VITRIFIED TILES, which are used in the construction market so they directly contact the retailers of locale builder on big contractors so they can easily get require customer. Some times because of relation ship they get more customers they have good relation with some international distributor so they get some international customers. GRANOLITE distribution channel chart can be shown as under. MANUFACTUREING OF GOODS DISTRIBUTER RETAILER OF CUSTOMER

Since GRANOLITE produces original equipment therefore its product is not marketed. It produces VITRIFIED TILES, which means it is a industrial product means it is a product of constructing industry. Because of this much reason they dont advertise them product but they used them relation for sales promotion. But it always maintains it quality of products, which servers as sales promotion of the unit for maintaining the quality their general practice is to manufacturing same samples whenever any news designs are available.

GRANOLITE being a large-scale unit does not have a special separate research and development. But it dose carry on, marketing research & development programs. This process is shown as follows. RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER SALES DEVELOPMENT OFFICER PRODUCT DESIGNER SUBORDINATES Introduction of a new product with good quality and many advantages can attract the buyer to purchase the product for introducing the new product or for improving the features of an existing product, an engineer has to undergo for intensive study of new drawings. He attempts to obtain every drawing that is possible. After obtaining new drawing, he studies them thoroughly with respect to the size of the raw material, chemical composition etc. If the results are not satisfactory then he can changes the drawings and accordingly he ask the production manager to product few samples of it. For the development of sales, price is the major factor in their buying decision. Demand for VITRIFIED TILES is derived demand. And since GRANOLITE is the industrial manufacturer of those goods, the demand for its goods is comparatively more. Thus for further promotion of sales, the sales department officer adopts a cold call technique. Any new product that is introduced in the market brought by him and he together with an engineer undertakes the product study plan. If they are successful and if the demand is then they execute the order for the production of the new product. As described above, the task of an engineer is to search for new drawings. Whole the talk of a product designs, that may have a greater

degree of adoption ability and also that will incur no less or reasonable cost of production.

This unit is a progressive one and the staff is working with responsibilities, so that the firm can achieve the ultimate goals. As this is partnership form, it is owned and managed by the efficient persons. There is a good co-operation among the employees and management & thus they dont face any strike problem. All workers are satisfied with the management and the rewards they got GRANOLITE have 45 employees in the unit so it provides employment to skilled, semiskilled & unskilled workers & helps then to earn according to their ability. Their firm believes top and bottom level management. The industrial relations in this company are very good. There is golden scope of opportunities for this company.

1) Marketing Management ~ By Phlip Kotler

2) Personnel Management ~ By C.V. Memoria


1. Advanced Technology used for production. There is fully automated facility and the latest superior technology imported from Italy.


Good Marketing Team

The company is having very good marketing team all over the India and we can say that it is its biggest strength.


Product of best quality

Maximizing quality control and innovation in design are on going processes at Varmora Granito.

More Price. One point we can say the due the best quality the price of the products is somewhat high so sometimes it creates problems. Less awareness in Consumers. As the company is situated near Morbi so first impression is that it may be a local company from that we can say that there is very less awareness in consumers.

Export Market. Presently best opportunity is to enter the export market and which the company has already started.

To sustain in competitive market. Presently the competition is very high and so the company needs constant strong marketing efforts for sustain in the market. To Hold and increase the market share. To hold and increase your market share is the biggest threat for any company. Export Market. Presently best opportunity is to enter the export market and which the company has already started.

The consumer demand of ceramic industry has been growing constituently more then 25% annually for the last decade. The government of India is also promoting and encouraging housing activities in the country. The Fiscal measures of the government of India will boast the demand of the housing in the Country. Due to above reasons, the industry is expected to grow with the same growth rate. Accordingly, the company has framed its plants.

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