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The Loddon Valley Link

Church and Parish Magazine

for Sherfield-on-Loddon, Stratfield Saye and Hartley Wespall with Stratfield Turgis

Easter Edition - April 2012

Issue 445

Sunday 1st April 10.00am Holy Communion


Family Service St Marys Stratfield Saye* 6.30pm Evensong with Holy Communion St Marys Hartley Wespall Maundy Thursday 7.00pm Informal Supper Liddell Hall, Sherfield Good Friday 11.00am Meditation at the Cross St Marys Stratfield Saye

Palm Sunday St Leonards Sherfield

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Easter & The Iron Lady

Rody and I went to see the Iron Lady in which Meryl Streep brilliantly plays the part of Margaret Thatcher. I came away deeply impressed with the message behind this drama. Whilst its central theme is biographical, revolving around the life and times of Mrs Thatcher, it introduces significant sub-themes which affect us all and which I think can be collectively gathered under the heading of loss. Mrs Thatcher faced the loss of her friend Airey Neave killed by an IRA bomb, the loss of office and power, the loss of her husband Dennis, the loss of her relationship with her son and eventually the loss of her cognitive skills through dementia. Loss is something we all have to grapple with in ways both great and small. You don't have to be old to experience loss, even a child who loses its favourite cuddly can experience loss. As a student I recall going through some experiences which left me with a great sense of loss. How can you restore that which has been taken away? How do you find hope, purpose, meaning and a future? It was a Christian friend who suggested I read through one of the four Gospels. Jesus had never been someone Id taken seriously before but as I read about him it became self evident that in his encounters with people he restored what they had lost. He healed the sick, mended the broken hearted and released the oppressed, he ended speculation about God, teaching us about his Father and showing us what God is like. His pice de rsistance was his death on a cross yet he rose again to give us the gift of his own life, Gods life. Even in death he came to restore what we have lost. Easter is the great festival for Christians because it is the good news that at every point of our human frailty Jesus came to give us assurance and hopewere not alone. Whilst life is ebbing away he wants to give us his eternal life, life that can never decay. The portrayal of Margaret Thatcher in the film The Iron Lady is the very human story of our frailty. Gods story has been told through the birth, life, death and resurrection of his Son and is the story of Gods enduring love for us. Discover Gods Easter joy and let the Author of Life restore your heart. Christian greetings,
Cover photo Easter Lilies by Sheena Archer

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Sherfield on Loddon Contact: Rev Chris Russell 01276 21469 Geoff Belsham 01256 882534

APRIL 2012
SUN 1st THU 5 FRI 6
th th

10.30am 7.30pm 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 3PM 7pm 2.30pm 10.30am 10.30am 3pm

Family Worship led by Neil Owen Bible Study at 9 Coopers Lane GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE led by Geoff Belsham EASTER DAY SERVICE led by Graham Locke Family Worship led by Neil Owen Bible Study at Chapel Swimming at Tadley Pool ( Mencap) Disabled Christian Fellowship at Camberley Baptist Church Family Worship led by Geoff Belsham Family Worship led by George Chilvers Bible Study at Chapel

SUN 8th SUN 15th WED 18 SAT 21



SUN 22nd SUN 29


and every
TUE WED 10.30am 2pm Open Morning (please phone) Kurling at Ridgeway Centre, Buckskin (with Mencap)

Church of St Bede, Popley ( Contact Fr. Dominic Golding, at the Parish Office Tuesday to Friday 9.30 - 1.00pm Tel: 01256 465214 Sunday Mass 9.00 am, 11.00 am, and 6.30pm
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Jubilee Events and Activities. Calling all Jubilee event organisers. Your event has been advertised in this edition of the Link. Activities range from Street Parties to Village Sporting events, from Hog Roasts to Childrens Games. Could event organisers please arrange to Brian Archer - Editor send our editor a write up of your event or activity (one, or a maximum of two paragraphs), together with high resolution coloured photos to arrive in time for the July Edition of the Link - deadline for reports is the 16th of June. The e-mail address is: The July Edition will be a special Souvenir Edition and we aim to publish reports on all Jubilee events in our villages. Brian Archer - Editor Loddon Valley Link Editorial Team The Committee welcome Jane Abrams to the editorial team. Jane understudied with Brian for this edition and they will be joint editors for the May issue of the Link. Many of the worshippers at St. Leonards will know Jane for her fine solo singing in church, often accompanied by her husband Mike, on the organ. We are sure she will bring a very positive contribution to the magazine. We now have three regular editors backed up by committee member Claire Osborne, who will be editing the special Diamond Jubilee edition in June. It is a privilege to have such a fine team working for the magazine. Donald Dawson, Chairman

Queens Jubilee Saturday 2nd June

Hartley Wespall and Stratfield Turgis residents are reminded to let the organisers of the Jubilee Lunch have rough numbers of people attending. or (See also Page 33)

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Every Tuesday 10.00am to 12 noon Sherfield Park Community Centre Climbing frame, toys, parachute games, singing, juice and biscuits, tea and coffee. A great place to meet new people and make new friends everyone welcome! Come and join us! designed to wear out your children! Contacts: Louisa 01256 881229, Beccy 880894, Kerry 880167


Antonia Dewhurst is teaching classes in Drawing & Painting. Monday 10.00-12.00am, 12.45-2.45pm and 7.00-9.00pm 90 for 10 weeks. 80 OAPs Situated in Cufaude Lane, Beginners & Improvers welcome. Tel: 01256 883876

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Saturday Open Days
On the 7th, 14th and 28th of April from 10am until 4pm.
A list of all the Open Day dates for the year is displayed in the Lych Gate at the Church. Everyone is welcome to visit for quiet reflection, a prayer, to study the architecture and history of the church or to view with a wedding in mind.

Friday 20th April at 4.15pm

Life isnt tidy and one of the strengths of our Church is that we dont mind getting messy! Messy Church is a monthly opportunity for families to enjoy being together, making things, eating and celebrating God together. All are welcome: children, parents, grandparents and friends. Come and see what happens to Daniel in the Lions Den! The session will run something like this:4.15pm arrive and register, have a drink and a biscuit 4.30pm Worship, followed by Craft Activities and then Food! If you would like to come along please give us a little notice by contacting Jody Taylor on 01256 886119 or
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Renowned for delicious food, great ales and a warm welcome
White Hart, Reading Road, Sherfield on Loddon, Hants, RG27 0BT

01256 882280

Wellington Farm Shop - 01189 326132 Located on the A33 at the Riseley roundabout between Reading and Basingstoke

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Church Toddler Time for Babies to 5s

Wednesday 25th April 2012 4.00-4.20pm At St Leonards Church on the Red Carpet
Nursery Rhymes, Story, Prayer. Healthy refreshments. All welcome Contact Bob Politt for more information 01256 882209

The Crucifixion
by John Stainer Please come and listen to this popular Cantata on Palm Sunday - 1st April 3pm at St James Church Bramley We will also be singing selected excerpts at the 10am morning service at St Leonards Church. Further details from Rody Politt on 01256 882209

Coming soon please book the date!

Sherfield Flower and Arts Festival.

To be held at St Leonards Church on the weekend of 21st/22nd July 2012. The theme will be Going for Gold. On the evening of 21st July there will be a Concert in the Church by Cove. For more information please contact Rody Politt 01256 882209.
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For information call: 0118 932 6308 Brochure hotline: 0118 932 6480 www. e-mail:

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Inauguration and Enthronement Service for the new Bishop of Winchester

Bishop Tim Dakin will be officially inaugurated the 97th Bishop of Winchester on Saturday 21st April at Winchester Cathedral. Tim Dakin was consecrated as Bishop on Wednesday 25th January at St Pauls Cathedral. As well as heading up the Church Missionary Society since 2000 Tim has been a member of the Church of Englands ruling body, the General Synod, an associate priest in the parish of Ruscombe and Twyford in the Diocese of Oxford and an Honorary Canon Theologian of Coventry Cathedral. The Service is strictly ticket only. If you wish to attend please contact Bob as he has a very limited number of tickets. 01256 882209

Percys Plant Sale

Saturday May 12th, from 10.00am to 12 noon Sherfield Village Hall Wide variety of Plants for Sale! If you are able to grow some seeds for the sale that would be wonderful. It would be great to make it an especially big success this year in memory of Percy Sims. Proceeds to St. Leonard's Church, Sherfield Village Hall and the Garden Club

The winner of the Sherfield Football Club meat raffle for March 2012 was Darren Hitchcock. Darren has won 20 of vouchers to spend in The Shop. Tickets are available for the next raffle at The White Hart at only 1 each please ask at the bar.
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Pygmalion Interiors
The complete interior design service. Our large showroom allows us to offer a wide range of furniture in addition to fabrics, wallpapers, blinds, flooring, pictures & prints and many accessories.

Happy Faces Playgroup

Sherfield-on-Loddon Bring your happy face to our
happy place

A small, friendly playgroup for children aged 2 years 6 months to school age Flexible Sessions including all day
F or further information, please contact us o n F or a prospectus/ application fo rm, contact

Tel: (01252) 842287

01256 880903

01256 883162 0845 479 8890

Unit 6, Warren Hill Farm, Hulfords Lane, Hartley Wintney

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E-mai l: happyfacesplaygroup@hotmai Websi te: www .happy-faces

Est. 1982

Charity No. 1029688

Easter Celebrations Maundy Thursday Supper 5th April 7.00pm,

Liddell Hall, Sherfield-on-Loddon Come along to an informal supper. An ecumenical evening to which Christians of all denominations or none are welcome.

Good Friday Meditation 6th April 11.00am

An hour at the Cross, St Marys, Stratfield Saye

Easter Sunday Church Worship

10.00 am Family Communion at St Leonards, Sherfield-onLoddon (Please bring a flower for the Resurrection tree) 10.00 am Family Communion at St Marys, Hartley Wespall 10.00 am Family Service at St Marys, Stratfield Saye followed at 10.30am by BCP Holy Communion by Extension

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Tree Surgery Stump Grinding Hedge Cutting Fencing Decking Power Washing Turfing Garden Maintenance Peter Elliott 01256 883743 Mobile: 07725 749 644

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1 Corinthians 15 : 1-6 Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance : that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time. The NIV Bible

Prayer for the Month.

Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you for the victory of love over hatred that we celebrate in this season. We praise you for staying true to your chosen path, despite all the malice thrown against you, the repeated taunts to put yourself first, and the very real temptation which you experienced. Hear now our prayer for the world for which you gave your life - a world so racked by enmity and division and so desperately in need of love - a world which you were willing to die for and would not abandon. Help us to recognise the folly of our ways and give us the courage to try another way, the way you revealed so powerfully through your life and death the way of love gracious Lord, wherever hatred seems to rule , may love emerge victorious.

Prayer Points for April

Pray for the peace in Afghanistan that our troops stationed there may soon be returned to their families. Pray for a solution to the disputes and conflict which are creating such tension in Syria and for peaceful ways out of the potential conflict between Israel and Iran. Pray for rain in our area to resolve the shortage of water. Pray for those who are distressed by the financial crisis causing the future to be so uncertain. Give thanks for the Easter message that The Lord is Risen, indeed and give thanks also for the beauty of spring confirming Gods faithfulness.
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The Garage
Goddards Lane, Sherfield-on-Loddon, HOOK, Hants. RG27 0EZ Tel: 01256 882271 Mobile: 07812 939498 Under new management Main dealer trained technicians Labour rates reduced by 20% WE CAN CARRY OUT MOTS - CARS/MOTORCYCLES SERVICES DIAGNOSTICS REPAIRS AIR CONDITIONING COLLECTION AND DELIVERY SERVICE AVAILABLE

Page 17

YOUR COUNTRY FLORIST CHINEHAM Traditional and contemporary flowers for all occasions Weddings, Funerals, Parties etc. Remember your loved one the best way possible, with flowers. 1 Reading Road, Chineham RG24 8LN (next to Indian Restaurant) Tel/Fax 01256 840222

FUNERAL DIRECTORS & MONUMENTAL MASONS. ALEXANDER & DRY Twenty four hour service. Pre-paid funeral plans available. 1 Seal Road, Basingstoke, RG21 7NQ Tel: 01256 844663
Page 18

Parish Registers Funerals Ann Buckett Enid Hunt Oliver Cameron Marie Banister & Joss Gamble 27.02.12 16.03.12 Baptism 25.03.12 Wedding 30.03.12 Sherfield Sherfield Sherfield Sherfield

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Theres never enough time to do Garden Clearance, Seasonal Tidies, Grass Cutting, Turfing, Hedge Trimming, Steam Cleaning (Patios, Paths, Walls), Creosoting. We offer weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly visits or one-off tidy ups Tel: 01256 880333 or Mob: 07776 211211

Wills Garden Services

Tel: 07951917943/01256 881354 Email: A complete range of garden services: Garden clearance, Mowing, Hedgetrimming, Paving, Pruning, Fencing, Turfing, Tree Care

Rewires, Fuse boxes, security lights Garden lights, alarms quotes free 0118 942 7553
Page 20

Sherfield Park Community Centre

Ladies Pamper Day - Sunday 15th April, 2-5pm Tickets 5 (include drink & nibbles). Spring Ball: Saturday 21st April, 8pm 12pm, live band and buffet, bar and raffle. Tickets 15 each (drink on arrival) Diamond Jubilee Street Party: Monday 4th June music, food, games, stalls & lots more! The Sherfield Park Community Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Saturday 28 April 2012 at the Community Centre at 10.30 am. Any questions related to the Associations activities should be forwarded to: for inclusion in the agenda to arrive not later than Saturday 7th April. Contact Tel 01256 883967 or visit

In the March Edition, Julie Irwin's enquiry about a 1940s forces hospital in Sherfield on Loddon.
Thank you for the many emails and telephone calls I received in reply to Julie's appeal for information in the March Link. It has been established that there was a forces hospital at what is now The Loddon School. There was also a nurses home at what is now Sherfield School. Buses took nurses to Park Prewitt hospital in Basingstoke (which was another forces hospital) and to other medical facilities in the area.. The Loddon School hospital is the most likely to fit Julie's enquiry. We have not established whether it was still functioning in 1947, when Julie's father was injured in Palestine, but you have given her the vital information to continue her research. Sheena Archer

Photograph your Jubilee event for the Souvenir edition of the LINK
Page 21

Beat officers report: Mandy Jewell. Mobile 07554 775617

Beat Officers Report Crime prevention: After the beat panel meeting in December it was agreed that, via our NHW coordinators, crime prevention advice would be passed on to local residents. This has been done. Incidents in February: The numbers of incidents across the area ranged from Bramley beat having 59 with the other beats averaging 11. Of the incidents of ASB most of these related to neighbour disputes and dog complaints. Countrywatch: The area now has a Countrywatch team who will look at poaching, ASB on rural land (misuse of footpaths/ fields, raves) and fly tipping (illegal dumping of waste). Incidents to be reported as any other incident: 0845 045 45 45 or 101 The New Forest & Hampshire County Show 24th - 26th July In keeping with the Jubilee celebrations this year, the County Show theme is The Best of British. We already highlight local goods and produce but this will be extended to encompass every part of Britain, and will include a brand new Best of British Pavilion dedicated to demonstrations and interactive events. Alan Titchmarsh is our president and will be touring around the Showground on all three days. If anyone has any agricultural memorabilia please get in touch with the Press Officer, Jackie Neylon now on or ring 07767 252531
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Update from Sherfield-on-Loddon Parish Council

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Village Hall Matters

Sherfield on Loddon Village Hall Reg. Charity No. 272385 Tel: 01256 883624 Email:


As part of the village celebrations of the Diamond Jubilee, the Village Hall will be the venue for a number of events:

SHERFIELD DERBY NIGHT - Sat 2nd June, doors open 7pm SENIOR CITIZENS TEA PARTY - Mon 4th June, 3pm onwards BIG SCREEN PALACE CONCERT - Mon 4th June, doors open 7pm
The Diamond Jubilee Celebrations Programme of Events detailing these and other events can be found in this issue of the Link. During April a programme will also be delivered to every household in Sherfield village by a team of co-ordinators. Your co-ordinator should be able to answer any queries you may have.

Loddon Players will be performing a comedy play The Opposite Sex by David Tristram (See the advert on Page 40)

Please dont forget the PoSH Coffee Morning on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10.30am in the Garden Room. All welcome.


If you need a venue for a club or group there are some spare daytime sessions available in the Main Hall, Liddell Hall and the Garden Room. Call Loraine Smith on 883624. For more information on clubs and groups, events and booking the hall, visit our website at:

At the heart of our community for over 100 years

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Berkshire Brass Concert

at St. Leonard's Church, Sherfield on Loddon Sunday 22 April 2012 at 7pm

This 10-piece ensemble has a good reputation and an extremely wide repertoire. For more information on the group see A range of easy listening well known pieces will be performed such as: Music by Henry VIII; Tunes from the Shows; Something from the Proms (Sea Songs, with audience participation) Folk tunes (Londonderry Air, Scarborough Fair); Entry of the Queen of Sheba. Dont miss out on this fun evening in aid of the St. Leonards Extension fund. Refreshments will be available. Tickets are 5 each (minimum donation); Children under 12 years free. Reserve your tickets by contacting Bob or Rody Politt on 01256 882209 or The end of March saw the retirement of Graham Watson, the postmaster at Sherfieldon-Loddon. Graham, together with his wife Sally and daughters Jennifer and Samantha, have lived at the Post Office since 1998, serving Sherfield and the surrounding countryside. It has been a privilege to have been able to serve the village and our many customers, and we shall miss that, they said, However, we look forward to our retirement and the freedom that gives us to explore new surroundings. The Link welcomes the new Postmistress, Sarah Fannon, and we look forward to hearing her plans in a future issue.
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Cherry Blossom One Year On...

The first anniversary celebrations held in January at Cherry Blossom Manor saw the launch of a new initiative developed in conjunction with The Alzheimer's Society and Carers Together for a Carers' Support Group. This is an invaluable service that will bring together care professionals, experienced carers and those who are new to caring for loved ones, to learn from each other and develop a new network of sympathetic friends and to develop existing friendships. This group is open to families and friends of Cherry Blossom residents as well as anybody caring for or having an interest in caring within their wider community; it is also open to families and friends of people residing in any other care home, regardless of who the care provider is. The next meeting is on Thursday 12th April from 2pm till 4pm and all guests are invited to bring anybody else who may wish to have a greater understanding of caring for a loved one. They can also bring the person whom they care for. A service also offered at Cherry Blossom Manor is a Legal Surgery, which runs the first Thursday of every month. An appointment can be booked for a free 45 minute consultation with a qualified solicitor who can offer advice on matters such as Powers of Attorney, Court of Protection and Probates. For those seeking specific advice on the financial responsibility of funding long term care, we are also able to book free consultations with an independent financial advisor who specialises in Care Fee Planning a crucial and integral part of looking at making the right provisions for care. In our commitment to not only providing care to our residents in the home, but to provide information, advice and guidance for anyone involved in elderly care, be it professionally or in their personal commitments, we are very pleased to confirm that we are hosting a Dementia Awareness Day. The day will comprise of talks and workshops and we are delighted that David Clegg, who provides a wealth of information on Creative Ideas in Dementia Care, will be our guest speaker for this event being held on Thursday 26th April. Places will be limited and details are still being finalised at time of going to print. For more information on any of the above and/or to book your place please do not hesitate to contact Geraint Williams or Serb Sidhu at Cherry Blossom Manor on either 01256 886436 or or
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Fashion Show for Naomi!! Naomi House Childrens Hospice are delighted to be holding their first ever Fashion Show in conjunction with the ASDA clothing brand George to showcase their brand new Spring/Summer collection, whilst raising vital funds for local charity Naomi House Childrens Hospice. Naomi House are delighted to be working with ASDA, Basingstoke on what should be a fun evening of fashion for the whole family. In addition to showcasing the latest clothing range from George, the evening will include a hair and makeup demonstration by a local hair salon. There will also be the chance to browse some wonderful stalls and receive your very own free George goody bag. The event will take place on Friday 27th April at Popley Fields Community Centre, Basingstoke. Stalls will open from 6pm, with the fashion show commencing at 7pm. Tickets are priced at 5.00 per person and include entry to the fashion show and a free George goody bag. Tickets can be purchased in advance by contacting the Naomi House Fundraising Office on 01962 843513, or by emailing Natalie at Tickets will be available on the door on a first come first serve basis only. All money raised on the evening will contribute towards the 5 million that is needed each year to keep the doors of Naomi House and jacksplace open. With only 15% of this total coming from government funding, the charity relies on fundraising events such as this and the support of the local community to continue providing its vital services. For more information, please visit the Naomi House website at

Photograph your Jubilee event for the Souvenir edition of the LINK
Page 31

J Cook Landscapes

Holdshott Farm Shop Heckfield

Maintenance Decking & Fencing Patios & Driveways Garden Design & Build Clearance

Your local organic meat supplier Situated on the B3011, the farm shop is in an idyllic location with plenty of parking. We have a master butcher - Mr Roger David on site who has over 40 years experience. Holdshott Farm Shop, Holdshott Farm, Heckfield, Hook, Hampshire, UK, RG27 0JZ Telephone/Fax: 0118 932 6650 E-mail:

Call now for a free quote:

01256 412723 / 0771 7214521
Page 32

RAISE FUNDS for YOUR CHARITY The Rotary Club of Basingstoke is holding their Annual Walk for charity on Sunday May 27th 2012. Please join us and enjoy the beautiful Hampshire downs on one of three circular routes varying between 4 and 9 miles starting from the Hannington communication mast. This event is designed to give all the participants the opportunity to raise funds for their favourite charity. A nominal charge of 6 per walker is made to cover the administration cost and to provide each walker with water at points around the route and light refreshments at the finish. Of the funds raised by each walker 90% goes to the charity of your choice and 10% to Sebastians Action Trust and other local charities including Life Education Wessex supported by Basingstoke Rotary. Registration, entry forms, details of the walk and sponsorship forms are all available online at We look forward to meeting you at the end of May for an enjoyable morning. Please come and join us.

Final opportunity to register for the Jubilee Lunch

The parishes of Hartley Wespall and Stratfield Turgis will be holding a ` joint Celebration for the Queens Diamond Jubilee on the green in Hartley Wespall on Saturday 2nd June at 12.30 pm. If you live in these parishes you are invited to attend together with your close relatives such as children and grandchildren providing you have registered. Please visit our website and register by Saturday 14th April.
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Petra Jewellery A reputation for quality

Jewellery made to suit you & your budget!

Free design consultations Bespoke wedding rings Stunning selection of designs in stock 01256 355945

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Selling a vast range of groceries including: Local Bakery bread & Cakes Market fresh fruit & veg Quality fresh meat & poultry Excellent selection of Wine Beer Spirits & Tobacco
All at competitive prices THE SHOP, Reading Road, Sherfield Telephone: 01256 882234 Open: MondaySaturday 7.00 am to 7.00 pm Sundays 9.00 am to 5.00 pm


For a Warm Friendly Welcome

Page 35

West Green Road, Hartley Wintney RG27 8LP Open June to late September for Pick Your Own & Ready Picked fruit, vegetables and flowers including Strawberries, Tayberries, Currants, Gooseberries, Raspberries, New Potatoes, Asparagus and Flowers. We also sell local Honey, Free Range Eggs and Homemade Jams CALL 01252 845772 from May 1st For information, & to place orders. Or visit

Page 36


Reported by Ilene Iles Our President, Dee Bulpitt, welcomed everyone, Jerusalem was sung and the Minutes of the last Meeting were read and signed. Val Denny went through the correspondence and up-coming events around the County and asked for two Members to attend the Basingstoke Evening WI Birthday Party. This will include a speaker from the Hawk Conservancy on Red Kites. She went on to remind those present about our trip to Alton and Selborne on the 17th April and also mentioned that Hampshire County Federation are arranging three more visits to the Olympic Sites as the trips have proved so popular. Christine Skillett said that she and Brenda Frost had been on the earlier trip and had thoroughly enjoyed a very interesting day. Evelyn Holdaway gave the Treasurers report, birthday cards were distributed and a list for food for our Birthday Meeting in April was passed round. The Business Meeting closed at 2.40 p.m. Dee then introduced our Speaker Ms Maggie Forbes whose subject was Craft Crazy Recycler. Ms Forbes showed us examples of her work crochet, free machine embroidery, needle felting and peg loom weaving, all using recycled items. Maggie showed us a peg loom and how to weave with it. She said that practically anything can be woven plastic carrier bags, t-shirts, net curtains etc., etc. She also showed us paper beads, fabric mache beads, toys made from socks sock monkeys and a socktapus and a picture using different wood shavings. We all enjoyed an eye-opening presentation by a very enthusiastic and inventive recycler and amusing speaker. Christine gave the vote of thanks, a delicious tea was served and the Raffle was drawn. NEXT MEETING: WEDNESDAY, 4TH APRIL 2012 AT 2 P.M. BIRTHDAY MEETING SPEAKER: MR J SMITH SUBJECT: BEYOND CANDLEFORD GREEN

Childrens Society Boxes. The total amount collected for the Childrens Society this year is 477.81. Thank you to all box holders for your contributions.

Neville Biden and Jeannette Kirby.

Page 37

Carl Fanning
The Village Decorator Decorating the Loddon Valley Area Painter and Decorator Local Tradesman with 25 years experience Decorating local properties since 1980 A Dulux Trade Member Good quality Trade Paints used Internal and external decorating Free estimates - advice on colour and paints Full liability cover - all work is guaranteed

Telephone: Carl on: 01189 424 883 or: 0795 266 1965
Page 38

Report by Gill Fearon A new venture this year was to start a walking group, so recently four of us and a dog walked across the fields and by the Loddon to Summerstead Farm and back via Longbridge Mill. It was an invigorating walk and hopefully the start of many more. Our theme evening this year is Greece and as part of this theme some of us visited the Ure Museum at the University of Reading which is only open during the working day. Started by Percy Ure and his wife around 1911 and officially opened in 1922, it is the fourth most important Greek museum after the British, Ashmolean and Fitzwilliam Museums. It contains beautiful Greek ceramics thousands of years old and in some cases, in excellent condition. After an introductory talk by the curator, we enjoyed browsing on our own. It was certainly worth a visit. Later, for our Greek evening, we all brought Greek dishes some of which consisted of Dolmades, Taramasalata, Lamb Pilaff, Greek Salad, Moussaka, Chicken in cream and ouzo sauce followed by Baklava, Yogurt and Honey Pudding and Lemon Pudding. It was a sumptuous feast and many went back for seconds! While we were eating we listened to the best of Mikis Theodorakis who is famous for his musical accompaniment to the film Zorba the Greek. During and after dessert we looked at a list of names and words associated with Greece and tried to work out their connections, e.g. Hippocrates, Melina Mercouri, Archimedes and Pythagoras. We then listened to a short talk on learning modern Greek and this was then followed by a quiz on the Olympics where we learnt what the five intertwined rings symbolise and why the colours were chosen. Answer the five rings represent the five inhabited continents and the colours represent the fact that every nation has at least one of them on its national flag. The Olympic Games were believed to have started at Olympia in 776BC, but declined after the Romans gained power and influence in the 6th and 5th centuries BC. They were started again in the late 19th century and have continued since then with only three cancellations, 1916, 1940 and 1944 due to the two world wars. London has hosted twice before, in 1908 and 1948. It was an interesting and fun evening! Our next meeting will be Aspects of Diamonds (in honour of the Diamond Jubilee) when we will be discussing anything to do with diamonds.
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Sherfield and District Gardening Club

Our 2012 schedule continues with excellent speakers booked for April. Monday 16th April sees the return of Ray Broughton whose lively talk last February about soil Management was very well received. This time Ray will tell us about Plant Propagation This talk is based on his own observations and is backed up by years of scientific study and practice. If its anything like last years talk, he will have us enthralled and scribbling notes to catch his words of wisdom. Ray was trained at RHS Garden Wisley, is a fellow of the Institute of Horticulture and a lecturer for the Royal Horticultural Society. For arrangements contact: Linda on 882341 or Vanessa on 881760

The Evergreens Club reported by May Wilkie

Due to alterations being carried out at the village hall our February meeting was cancelled which would have been our AGM so this was carried forward to our March meeting. The chairperson opened the meeting by distributing the yearly financial report to all the members. Minutes of the last AGM were read and agreed by the members present. The previous committee members were re-elected. The chairperson then informed members of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations programme of events taking place in the village on the 3rd and 4th June. There followed discussion about where to go for our outing in August, a trip to the New Forest and afternoon tea was decided and also on the 10th December to Bashley Park for the Christmas meal. After tea and biscuits we had a quiz followed by our raffle. The next meeting is on the 2nd April @ 2pm

New Forest Spring Fair

Brand new for 2012! New Park, Brockenhurst, New Forest Spring Fair on Sunday 8th April. The Fair will have a full programme of events in the display ring, country activities, trade stands and animals. This will be a fun filled day out for all the family and something for all ages. If you would like any further information please visit our website at or contact the Show Office on 01590 622400. Page 41

M. Elliott Builders
No job too small
Garden Walls Patios Extensions Driveways Block paving Steps etc. Telephone 01256 334233 Mobile 07729263775

Page 42

Seeking a Venue for your Party, Reception, Craft Fair or Club meeting.... then look no further.....

Sherfield-on-Loddon Village Hall is the place for you!

For further information on availability, charges and bookings contact Loraine Smith, Hall Manager. Tel: 01256 883624 Email: Web:

Basingstoke Window Cleaning Services

We use a pure water, reach and wash system for a perfect smear-free finish Windows Cleaned Inside Conservatory Roofs Cleaned Guttering Cleared & Cleaned Soffits & Fascias Cleaned For a free, no obligation quote call

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BNS is your local computer company with many years We offer a friendly, efficient service thats excellent We specialise in all aspects of software and hardware
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Page 44

Stratfield Turgis & Hartley Wespall Junior Cricket

Welcome to the inaugural year of our Junior Section. We firmly believe that the future of our club is in this section, and we have a structure that will provide cricket for all ages and ability's. Also, the section is fully inclusive and open to every child regardless of gender or any disability. In our first year we will be running an Under 9 Team in the North Hants Youth League with ten competitive games during the season based on the Kwik Cricket model. The league games will be played on Saturday mornings with a start time of 10am. First game to be played at home on the 28th April. All ages are welcome at our club nights starting on Friday May 11th at 6pm to 7pm. After 7pm the clubs facilities are open and families can use these for the evening. It is hoped that we can run some BBQs!! At the club nights, coaching for all ages will take place along with practise games. We will be expanding our Junior Section, in terms of competitive cricket, to older ages. We hope that Juniors joining our club will stay and be active members of our club for many years to come, going on and enjoying cricket in our senior teams. We are currently working with Hampshire County Cricket and the Chance to Shine Charity ( providing curriculum based programmes to 5 of our local schools. During March and April we are providing coaching for over 500 children!! Over the week of August 17th this year we are running a "Cricket camp", spaces will be limited so please book early to secure your places. Events all week will include Cricket based games and lots of fun and games to keep your children entertained in a safe and secure environment. All coaches at the club and Hampshire County Cricket are fully qualified and will provide certification to that effect including full CRB, Child Protection and Emergency First Aid. Paul Baldwin- Club Chairman
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K Bone Heating Services Ltd

Heating, Electrical, Plumbing & Renewable Solutions
Solar Photovoltaic PV Solar Hot Water - Heat Pumps Advanced Gas Heating

Tel: 01256 414190 - Mob: 07595 679211 For more details please visit our website at:

Tel. 01256-882736 or 882368 Mob. 07836 626323

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Updated April 2012: Allotments. Basingstoke Gazette. Bingo. Brownies. St. Leonards Church. Breach Lane Chapel. Catholic Church Clift Surgery Patient Group Cricket Club (Sherfield) Cricket Club (ST & HW) Evergreens. Football (Junior) Football (Seniors) Happy Faces Playgroup Loddon Players Loddon Quilters Loddon Valley Link. Lunch Club. NWR. Stratfield Saye P. Council. Stratfield Turgis P. Meeting Sherfield Parish Council Police - Local beat officer Police - Report an incident Poppies. Post Office Sher. Community Care Grp Sherfield Fete. Sher. Dist. Gardening Club Sherfield Show. Short Mat Bowls. Toddler Group 0-5s. Tree Warden. Village Green Volunteers. Whist Drive. Womens Institute Village Hall Caretaker/Bookings. Management Committee Fund Raising Committee

The STD code is 01256, unless otherwise stated. Bruce Batting Chris Horton Dawn Vernon Sue Handasyde-Dick Revd. Bob Politt Geoff Belsham Father Dominic Golding Bryan Jenkins Andy Stevens Paul Baldwin Jean Berntsen Fred Berntsen Gary Spencer Peggy Hutchins Chris Horton Pris ORourk (See back pages of magazine) Helen Belsham Gill Fearon Penny Mayo Sheila Campbell (Chair) Julie Collins (Clerk) Mandy Jewell Police Control Room Natalie Larner Doreen Tosswill Bruce Batting Linda Syckelmoore Natalie Larner Norman Stanley Judith Sullivan Jane Jordan Bruce Batting Jean Wright Val Denny Loraine Smith Bruce Batting Alan Ball 882605 882426 882693 882337 882209 882534 465214 881938 882414 881973 882798 882798 882597 880903 882426 881839 882534 882106 01189 332 379 882351 473927 07554 775617 0845 045 45 45 880075 882210 882344 882605 882341 880075 881021 883551 880852 882605 882845 882410 883624 882605 883838

Please inform the Editor of changes to the above information

Page 47

HOUSE CLEANING BY MARIA. Reliable & affordable service. Friendly, easy-going & experienced lady who cleans every corner. References available. Tel 07933 316989. E-mail BABY SITTING. 16 yr old girl. Experience. Good with children and animals. Call: Caitlin O'Sullivan 01256 880216. 5 BEDROOM HOLIDAY HOME IN JARNAC FRANCE Sleeps 12 ideal for two family's heated large swimming pool. Call Sue on 01256881077 or email LOCAL DRIVING INSTRUCTOR Experienced (18 years) now living in Sherfield Park. Good results, patient with learners, also Pass Plus and refresher lesson. Graham Ling 01256 882584


LOCAL PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR and EXTERIOR DECORATOR First class job guaranteed. Over 30 years experience. No job too small. For a free estimate ring Ian on 01256 882132 or mobile 07876021772 LOCAL EXPERIENCED TAX ADVISER Self Assessment Tax Returns, Arrears, Claims, Payroll, Self Employed, VAT Returns. Initial consultation free. Call 07920 112533 or email SEWING. EXPERIENCED & CONVENIENT. Visit Dis emporium at the Conservatory in the Sherfield (Wyevale) Garden Centre car park. Bespoke dressmaking, clothing, alterations & repairs. Curtains, blinds, soft furnishings and Arts & Crafts. Call Diana on 07796 045944 COMMERCIAL & DOMESTIC BUILDINGS MAINTENANCE T.S.I. Electrical, plumbing, carpentry, decorating. For any quotation Tel: 01256 780460 Mob: 07989940210 WAG TAILS DOG SERVICE Looking for a reliable, trustworthy local dog walker - Sherfield, Bramley, Chineham and Old Basing? Contact Katie on 01256 880446 or Mob: 07985 157700 GUITAR LESSONS. Local teacher covering rock, heavy metal, acoustic and jazz styles. Lessons are one-to-one, half an hour to one hour. Call Graham 01256 881513 or mob: 07908422440 A & L ELECTRICAL SERVICES. Over 30 years experience. Specialising in domestic work, boiler control wiring and PAT testing. Andrew Doughty and Liam Cranston. Office 01932 880930. Andy 07861 749311. Liam 07889 029219. E-mail Free quotes. GLOUCESTER OLD SPOT SAUSAGES AND BACON available. Orders taken now for pork boxes. Reared in Hartley Wespall. Please email:

Page 48

V.I.P PLASTERING. Internal & external plastering, rendering, coving & floor screeding. Plaster over artex ceiling, 29 years experience. Tel. 01420 89468 Mob 07970064182. CORNERHOUSE CAKESCAKES MADE AND DECORATED Sugarcraft lessons. One to one available. Two hour beginners lessons everything provided. Take home your own made bouquet Contact Chris 0118 9812889 after 5p.m.


Working couple seeks part time assistant. Duties will include small business accounting, filing, monthly P&L, paying invoices and dealing with correspondence. Experience and references vital. Pay will reflect experience. Please send your CV to Mrs Mary Cole, The Estate Office, Stratfield Saye RG7 2BT
ZUMBA fitness classes LAUNCHES 27th February at Sherfield Village Hall and at other venues near to you! For more info or to reserve your place call Natalie 07900333848 or First class half price with this ad! PARENTS FIRST AID COURSES - we run a 2 hour course in your own home. Training delivered by qualified instructors. Written guide given too. Contact First Aid Angels Phone: 01256 412240 Sherfield on Loddon based DOMESTIC CLEANING. Excellent rates & good references. Call 01256 883397 or "". Other services including private PA and accounting services on request. FOR SALE. Two loose box sections in steel with hardwood infill. One tack room in steel with hardwood infill. Buyer collects. 1,300.00 ono Tel 01256 883523 (Lynda Gill)

Photograph your Jubilee event for the Souvenir edition of the LINK
Page 49

Loddon Valley Link Management Committee

Chairman: Deputy Chairman: Treasurer Dr. Donald Dawson Tel. 01256 882379 email: Revd. Bob Politt Tel. 01256 882209 email: Winston Bruce Tel.01256 883277 (email: Pip Iles Tel. 01256 880559 (email:

Advertising enquiries to:

Deadline for ads. for next edition is 10 th of the month All ads. Email:
ADVERTISING IN THIS MAGAZINE AND ONLINE Small ads. For businesses are 5 monthly for a maximum of 30 words. For Sale / Wanted ads 2 monthly for a maximum of 12 words. Space permitting. Requests are dealt with in order. Display ads. Contact Pip Iles for prices

Editors for the MAY Edition

Jane Abrams and Brian Archer

Deadline for copy for the next edition is 16 th of the month Email: Secretary: Ilene Iles Tel. 01256 880559 email: Hartley Rep.: Dr. John Williams Tel. 01256 882705 email: Sherfield Park Rep: Eileen Leivesley Tel: 01256 882938 email: Stratfield Saye Rep: Germano Giugovaz Tel: 01189 332166 Committee Member: Claire Osborne Tel. 01256 324458 email: Editor: Simon Boase Tel: 01256 881250 email: Editor: Brian Archer Tel. 01256 882099 email: Editor Jane Abrams Tel. 01256 881188 email:
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Rector: Kindly Note: Lay Readers: Reverend Bob Politt Tel: 01256 882209 The Rectors day off is Thursday Richard Elphick Dr. John Williams Tel. 01256 882860 Tel. 01256 882705

Assistant Priest: Revd. Sammie Armstrong Tel: 01189 816593

ST. LEONARDS CHURCH, SHERFIELD ON LODDON Churchwardens: Peter Gould Treasurer: Organists: Dan Farrow Mike Abrams Brian Archer Peggy Wilson ST. MARYS CHURCH, STRATFIELD SAYE Churchwarden: Treasurer: Vacant Charles Atkinson Tel: 01256 882459 Tel. 01256 882538 Tel. 01256 882680 Tel. 01256 881188 Tel. 01256 882099 Tel. 01256 880503

ST. MARYS CHURCH, HARTLEY WESPALL Churchwarden: Treasurer: Organists: Pip Iles Michael Webster Dr. Gill Williams Andrew Doggart Tel. 01256 880559 Tel. 01256 882413 Tel. 01256 882705 Tel: 01256 880092

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