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P1_USER1---1234567 P1_USER2---1234567 P1_USER3---123456 1)Create Menu Application > Menu

2)Create Request Group Security>Responsibility > Request

3)Create Responsibilities P1_RESP1 with application as Manufacturing P1_RESP2 with application as Manufacturing, P1_RESP3 with application as Manufacturing, P1_HRMS with application as Human Resource. Security > Responsibility > Define

4)Attach the responsibility to the user and also attach P1_HRMS responsibility to the user. Security>User > Define

And similarly for all users. 5) Logon to P1_USER1 6) Create Accounting Calendar GL>Setup >Financials > Calendar > Accounting

7) Create SOB with Operations Accounting Flex as Chart Of Accounts

8) Assign Profiles to SOB Profile Name-GL Set Of Books to P1_RESP1,P1_RESP2,P1_RESP3 Go to System Admin, Assign HR:User Type to E7_RESP1,E7_RESP2,E7_RESP3 and E7_HRMS with HR with Payroll user. Save it 9) Open Periods for the P1_SOB1 GL>Setup > Open / Close

10) Creation of Location IJNV: Setup > Organization > Location

Save it. 11) Creation of Work Day Calendar (WDC) INV: Setup > Organization > Calendar

Click on Workday Pattern

After doing the WDC, tools > Build. Here it will give a request, Build Workday calendar 12) Create Business Group INV: Setup > Organization > Organizations Click on New. Name-P1_BG1 Type-Corporate Head Quarters.

Go to Others, Select Business Group Info

Then OK. 13)Attach HR Classification to BG Create a new line in P1_BG1 screen as HR Organization.

Save it. 14) Go to System Administration Profile > System Assign Profile HR: Security Profile to P1_BG1(Our Business Group) to P1_RESP1, P1_RESP2, P1_RESP3 and P1_HRMS 15)Create Org Legal Entity. INV:Setup > Org > Org Click on New Name- P1_LE1 Type-Area Headquarters.

Click on Others Additional Information-Legal Entity Accounting. And here u need to assign the SOB. 16) Create Org Operating Unit INV:Setup : Org > Org

Go to Others Operating Unit Information -Attach the Legal Entity and SOB here. 17)Assign Profile MO Operating Unit to operating unit P1_OU1 at responsibility level to the P1_RESP1, P1_RESP2, P1_RESP3 responsibilities by go through System Administrator Responsibility.

18) 18.Go to System Administrator Run Replicate Seeded Data program. Give the parameters as our Operating unit. 19) Create IMO(Item Master Organization) the role of IMO, it is a repository where we can create INV ORG, Sub Inv and Locators. when we create an item , the item gets automatically assigned to the IMO. INV:Setup > Organization > Organization Click on New. Name-PI_IMO1 Type-Plant

Click on Others Accounting Information-Here we attach our SOB, Legal Entity and Operating Entity. Inventory Information- Tools > Copy Organization and give Vision Operations.

Go to General Tab,

Receiving Information

Save it. 20)Create Child Org. P1_INV1 P1_INV2 21)Open inv accounting periods. INV:Accounting Close Cycle:Inventory Accounting Periods. And open the periods. 22)Create Jobs like consultant, Project Lead, Project Manager. HR:Workstructure >Job>Descriptions Click on New Enter job code as P1_CON and Job name as Consultant

Similarly do job code as P1_PL and job name as P1_Project Lead Similarly do job code as P1_PM and job name as P1_Project Manager. 23)Create Positions HR:Workstructure > Positions >Descriptions. Click on New Enter position code as P1_CS and Position name as Consultant_Support

Give FTE = 1 in Hiring Information. Click on New Enter position code as P1_PLS and Position name as Project lead Support And Position code as P1_PMS and Position name as Project Manager Support. 24)Create Employment HR:People >Enter and Maintain Last P1_EMP2 Action Create Emploment Gender-Female

Save it. Click on Assignment. Click on Position-P1_PLS.PROJECT LEAD SUPPORT. Click on correction. And similarly do for P1_EMP1 and P1_EMP3 and assign their positions. 25)Create Position Hierarchy. HR:Work Structure > Position Hierarchy Name-P1_HIE1 Date From-10-Jul-2008 Position Name-P1_PMS.PROJECT MANAGER SUPPORT Click on sub ordinate Name - P1_PLS.PROJECT LEAD SUPPORT Save it. Click on Down Arrow Name - P1_CS.CONSULTANT SUPPORT Save it.

26)Run Fill Employee Hierarchy Concurrent program from PO. 27)Choose SOB. PO>Set Of Books > Choose Select your SOB

28)Fill Purchasing Options PO> Setup > Organizations > Purchasing Options Receipt Accounting Tab

Control Tab

Default Tab

Numbering Tab

Tax Defaults Tab

29) Fill Financial Options- Ship To,Bill To, Inv Org,Business Group and Use Approval Hierarchy are the 5 important setups. Accounting Tab

Supplier Entry

Supplier Payables

Supplier Purchasing Choose your IMO


Human Resources

NOTE:For a proper approval workflow, we need to setup the below 5 important points:1)Employee User Associations 2)Document Type 3)Approval Group 4)Approval Assignments 5)Run Fill Employee Hierarchy 30)Attach Employee to User System Administrator : Security > User > Define

Similarly attach P1_USER2 to P1_EMP2 and P1_USER3 to P1_EMP3. 31) Verify the document Type for requisitions Owners can approve Checked and Security as Public. PO:Setup > Purchasing > Document Type

32)Create Approval Group(For each position we need to define the approval limits) PO: Setup > Approvals > Approval Groups For Consultant Support

For Project Lead

For Project Manager

33)Create Approval Assignment PO:Setup > Approvals > Approval Assignments Position - P1_CS.CONSULTANT SUPPORT Document Type- Approve Purchase Requisitions Approval Group - P1_CS_G1

Similarly do for Position -P1_PLS.PROJECT LEAD SUPPORT Document Type- Approve Purchase Requisitions Approval Group - P1_PL_G1 and Similarly do for Position - P1_PMS.PROJECT MANAGER SUPPORT Document Type- Approve Purchase Requisitions Approval Group - P1_PM_G1. 34)Check in Requitions, if u find line type as blank in Requisition screen. Then PO: Setup > Organization > Purchasing Options. In Default tab, Select Line type as Goods.

Always create Item in Inventory Org -Create Item P1_ITEM1

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