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Benefits Of Sugarcane

Sugarcane is a form of grass that belongs to Poaceae family. It is native to the regions of the Old World, ranging from warm temperate ones to tropical ones. Sugarcanes have a stout, jointed and fibrous stalk, which can measure 2 to 6 meters in height. They are rich in sugar and today, are being grown in over 200 countries of the world. In 2005, Brazil was the largest producer of sugarcane in the world, followed by India. Apart from being the source of sugar, sugarcanes are also consumed in the raw form, especially in India. The juice from sugarcane is also very healthy and is loaded with a range of essential nutrients. Cane juice is a natural highenergy drink, which makes it a healthy alternative to refined sugar added drinks. The health and nutrition benefits that result from consuming sugarcane, in the raw form as well as in the form of juice, have been listed below. Health & Nutrition Benefits of Eating Sugarcanes

Sugarcane, being low on glycemic index, helps keep the body fit and healthy. Sugarcane juice has been found to be very beneficial for preventing as well as treating sore throat, cold and flu. Since sugarcane has no simple sugar, it can be enjoyed by diabetics without any fear. However, they intake should still be limited for people suffering from type-2 diabetes. Being alkaline in nature, sugarcane juice helps the body in fighting against cancer, especially prostate and breast cancer. Sugarcane provides glucose to the body, which is stored as glycogen and burned by the muscles, whenever they require energy. Therefore, it is considered to be one of the best sources of energy. If you have been exposed to heat and physical activity for too long, drink sugarcane juice. It will help hydrate the body quickly. Sugarcane is believed to strengthen stomach, kidneys, heart, eyes, brain, and sex organs. Sugarcane juice is an excellent substitute for aerated drinks and cola. Sugarcane clears the urinary flow and also helps the kidney to perform its functions smoothly. Sugarcane juice has been found to be good for those who are suffering from febrile disorders. Febrile disorders are responsible for causing fevers, which can result in a great amount of protein loss from the body. Liberal consumption of sugar cane juice provides the necessary protein and other food elements to the body. Sugarcane is beneficial for micturation, caused due to high acidity, along with genorrhoea, enlarged prostate, cyctitis and nepthritis. Mixing sugarcane juice with lime juice, ginger juice and coconut water will give better results. Sugarcane juice is said to speed up the recovery process after jaundice. As sugarcane consists of carbohydrates, in good quantities, it serves to refresh and energize the body. It supplies instant energy to working muscles and for this reason, it is also known to maximize performance in sports and endurance. Sugarcane is also good for digestion, as it can effectively work as a mild laxative because of its high potassium content.

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One night in Egypt, our tour guide took a few of us shopping and he invited us to some sugar cane juice. Id never tried it before but agreed and proceeded to this small shop where a man was forcing tall sugar cane pieces down a machine. Within seconds we each had a tall glass of sugar cane juice.

After my first sip I chugged the whole glass it was so delicious. Once we got back to the boat cruise we even joked amongst ourselves that we would never be able to sleep having consumed all that raw sugar.

However the health benefits to sugar cane juice are pretty awesome, so thought I would share some with you: The Benefits Of Drinking Sugarcane Juice: 1) Sugarcane juice is a great preventive and healing source for sore throat, cold and flu. 2) It has a low glycemic index which keeps the body healthy. 3) This is one sweet drink diabetics can enjoy without fear because it has no simple sugars. 4) Due to its alkaline nature, it helps fight cancer. Studies indicate that it has positive activity against prostate and breast cancer cells. 5) It hydrates the body quickly when exposed to prolong heat and physical activity. 6) They are excellent substitutes for aerated drinks and cola. 7) It refreshes and energizes the body instantly as it is rich in carbohydrates. 8 ) Sugarcane strengthens the stomach, kidneys, heart, eyes brain and sex organs. 9) Febrile disorders which cause fever happen when there is a great amount of protein loss. But liberal intake of sugarcane juice provides the body with necessary protein and other food elements. 10) It keeps the urinary flow clear and helps the kidneys to perform their functions smoothly. Who knew all this sweetness was so good for you.

why drink it! What are the benefits of Sugarcane Juice? Firstly we have to put a disclaimer here. Dont believe what we write take it upon yourself to do your own due diligence and research it.

It is full of vitamins, minerals & anti- oxidants. It has a low glycemic index - a known secret to long term health. The glycemic index loading is high - which may account for some people saying it is not LGI. Diabetics(pls check with your doctor and check your blood sugar levels with your needle prick in the finger test). Different bodies react differently. As it is a complex carbohydrate it breaks down slowly in the blood stream and provides slow release energy. The sugarcane plant holds cancer inhibiting extracts. It has positive activity against prostate and breast cancer cell lines. (Pr. David Leach, SCU) It is an alkaline drink. This is good as cancers can't form in an alkaline body. A great alternative natural sweetener. Contains anti- tooth decay components. Rehydrates the body after exposed periods in the heat or physical activity. Improved stamina & virility (this is what our male folk tell us). It is a healthier alternative to soft drinks, cordials & fruit juice concentrates. A great preventative and healing aid for sore throats, colds & flu's (as sworn by our customers). Can be mixed with other juices or alcohol to make delicious cocktails or smoothies. A welcome alternative to dinner parties and bar-b-ques in lue of wine or to mix with alcohol.

where to get byron cane juice- currently our stockist are waiting for us to rebrand, refine and restock the new range of 'get caned' juices. . coming to a shop near you soon. where to get byron cane juice- at the markets

Byron Bay Community Market - Butler Street Reserve. First Sunday of the month 8am-4pm(next to the music tent at rear of market grounds) Brunswick Heads Riverside Market Anzac Memorial Park. First Saturday of the month 8am-3pm The Channon Craft Market - Coronation Park. Second Sunday of the month 8am4pm Mullumbimby Museum Market - Stuart Street. Third Saturday of the month 8am-3pm

Bangalow Village Market - Bangalow Showground. Fourth Sunday of the month 8am-4pm Byron Bay Farmers Market - Butler Street Reserve. Every Thursday 8am11am Rain or Shine Mullumbimby Farmers Market Mullum Show grounds, Main Arm Rd, Mullumbimby. Every Friday 8am12midday Rain or Shine

WHAT TO DO WITH BYRON CANE JUICE You can drink it before you start a long period of physical activity. very popular where we live with surfers and cyclists. Also since my wife drank BCJ through her labour and gave birth May 2007 in 2 hours all her friends are drinking BCJ during labour. It gives you energy like food but doesnt fill your bowels. However I dont think it makes you birth any faster. Pack it with your kids lunch. It's great brain food... gets them energised without making them hyperactive. Especially good for older teenagers if they need a healthy replacement for caffeine based drinks.

Use it as a base for cocktails- especially good with white rum. Rumour has it you dont get hangovers when you use sugarcane as the base. Sugarcane Juice is great as a sweetener replacement. Mix it with your favourite cuppa or boil and reduce it to put into compotes, apple pie... be inventive. It is as healthy as having a shot of wheatgrass, so if you can, start your day with a small glass of BCJ. If you live in Byron Shire it's an easier task!!! Soak your muesli in it overnight instead of using water or apple juice. Really delicious, never again will you use sugar or honey. Use as a milk replacement for an exceptional dairy free smoothie. It is like liquid gold. Take it to social gatherings and impress your friends. Freeze it in iceblock holders for sugar free summer lolly iceblocks.

MORE FACTS What's in Sugarcane Juice? Believe or not there is only 0.1gm of sugar per 100ml. Sugarcane contains enzymes, amino acids, easily digestible anti-oxidants and anti-aging minerals:thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and chronium, as well as other micro-nutrients. What is Sugarcane Juice? Sugarcane Juice is classified as a wholefood, an unrefined source of carbohydrate that increases the blood sugar level slowly, thus providing constant and stable energy levels over a considerable period of time. This makes it perfect for maximising sports performance or endurance. Or as a natural isotonic blend that helps cool and hydrate the body on a hot summers day How long does Byron Cane Juice last? As it has no additives or preservatives this makes sugarcane juice a live drink with a limited life span. Best kept under refrigeration below 3degreesC. For bottled juice bought from the markets it is best before 4th day in 2 litre & 1 litre bottles. For bottles from the shops please check the use by date and consume soon after opening - and always keep under refrigeration. How is byron cane juice made? We go out to our sugarcane field and hand cut the cane and deleaf it. Then we clean the wax and other impurities off the cane. Then we press it through our custom made sugarcane juicing machine add lime juice and optional ginger. AND THERE YOU HAVE IT.

what people say

these are direct quotes from our customers at a weekend market. I think it's fantastic. Unique. Can't get it anywhere else. My little girl loves chewing on the sugarcane strips. It's a real meditation standing in the queue too. There is always a queque at Byron Cane Juice. - SUSIE (local performance artist)

I love it. I just love it. It's sweet but non-destructive. I soak my rolled oats in it overnight and add shredded

apple to it. No need for added sweetness. Delicious breakfast!! -ROGER (local tai chi master)

It's great. I only drink Byron Cane Juice, I wouldn't drink anything else. It makes it worth coming to Byron. JOHN (Sydney) Light & Refreshing. Doesn't leave a film in your mouth like other sugarcane juice. -SONIA (Sydney) I'm addicted. It's hard to get, so have to have it. It's sweet and delicate. We don't have this in Japan. -EMI (Japan) Absolutely scrummy! I get it whenever I'm in Byron- JANET (Brisbane) I buy 2 x 2litre bottles every market to take home but the kids finish it before the end of the day. I can never get enough. -CAROL (local) Really good. I've been having it for years. -JARRAD (local) It feels really nourishing. It's really yummy. No sugar comedown afterwards. It's just such a wonderful flavour. The guys here are a friendly mob too. -SAM (Gold Coast)


- at the next market ask for a drink card. For each purchase you receive a stamp then after 5 stamps you receive a free small cup of cane juice.

CUSTOMER LOYALTY Regular Customers receive special discounts on 1L & 2L's at markets. NEW PRODUCTS Cane Sticks we now sell peeled cane sticks at the markets. They are only $1- a great healthy treat for the kids.

Sugarcane Juice Business Plan

Executive Summary
We are the students of BBA from AIUB; under kind supervisor of sir MD. Mostofa Jaman started to work on new and innovative idea that has not been before in Bangladesh. As a step towards growing entrepreneurship in Bangladesh we students of AIUB have a tradition to present our new and innovative idea in front of people which could benefit the job situation in Bangladesh and so that we could become job givers not job beggars. Sugarcane juice industry is a business idea that deals is product. Our product is sugarcane juice in tin pack or pet bottles. Sugarcane juice is widely used in summer season because of its taste and low costs. Now in many countries its produced on chemical basis and there sales are quite high especially in Middle East countries. This juice is widely used in hot weather conditions.

Industry Environment
Over view of the industry
Our business is the part of fruit & vegetable industry of Bangladesh. Agriculture is the largest income and employmentgenerating sector of Bangladesh. About two third population of the country resides in rural areas and directly or indirectly depends on agriculture for their livelihood. The sector is an important source of demands for its products.

Company Locations and Facilities

We select our industry location in Ashulia, Gazipur because we collect most of our sugarcanes from the north Bengal. The transportation system with north Bengal to Ashulia is very good.

Potential customers
Our potential customers will be every kind of individuals like: Students at every level.(from school to universities) Employees who work the entire day in hot condition. Households, passengers. In summer season every kind of people with no age limit use this juice, because most of the people avoid unhygienic products. Initially we will only limit our geographical scope to Dhaka and then after initial success we will expand our target segments. We expect we will cover almost 30%-40% of Dhakas population which could be almost one million we expect that out of these 30%-40% we will capture 60%-70% of the market.

Direct competitors
We dont have direct competitors in our product however in substitute products we have mainly big companies like: Pran, Shezan, Akiz, Partex etc.


Business opportunity
This is the business plan of a partnership in the name of Sugarcane juice. The plan is to process and market the highquality sugarcane juice. First time in Bangladesh, juice will be preserved in tin pack keeping them as fresh as at time of extraction. Till now market deals in fresh fruit juices which can be easily preserved however this idea has not been catered yet.

Collecting raw materials

Bangladesh country is an agricultural country. In North Bengal the farmers produce a huge amount of sugarcane. So it is a great opportunities for us to collect our raw materials. 1st year we buy our raw materials from those farmer. On the other hand in that year we leas 450-500 acres of land from the farmers and produce sugarcane in those land. Our sugarcane production will be increase if we grab the market.

Company impact
Sugarcane juice is widely used because of its sweet taste and being a solution to different health problems. The cost of production and raw material is not so much. It needs not to be marketed so much because its a new thing which people will try and love a lot. Simply we can place it in universities cafeterias, gourmet franchises and grocery shops, the only thing we must do is to ensure its shelf life and long time preservation time.

Company strategy
In first year, our company will market in Dhaka. Dhaka will be sole market for first year. Then looking through our sales history we will expand our business opportunities to other big cities of Bangladesh. More products that will be processed in same way and will be included in product line after making a good repute in the history. Operation

Organizational structure
AAA is an organization that will be legally formed as partnership firm. The partners will be Afroja Islam, Wasif Sabbir Hossain, Jabir Rahman, Shubo Saha and Md. Yusuf Raihan. Each partner will contribute 20% as initial investment in business.

Key management personnel

4 important departments will be there:

Purchasing and logistics

Mr. Wasif Sabbir Hossain with one assistance (employee) will be responsible for all operating materials purchases at best possible rates and delivering at the appropriate time, use of just in time inventory.

Production and Financial operations

Md. Yousuf Raihan will be responsible for qualify production process. He will also be responsible for financial records and accounting. Md. Yusuf Raihan needs the following staff at the plant in the process. Process workers (1)

Miss Afroja Islam is our marketing researcher. She alone with assistance of Jabir Rahman is responsible to design promotional campaigns and do art work for advertisement. Their main task is to work in celebration with sales department to create demand opportunities and find out new market segments.

Warehouse Management and sales

Mr. Shubo Saha will be responsible for managing finished goods inventory in Dhaka Warehouse and office and to go generate sales per decided and approved credit terms from financial department.

Machinery requirement
We use few kinds of machinery in our industry. Like crusher machine for crash sugarcane, filter machine for filter the crushed juice, labeling machine, can lid machine etc. Our plant capacity will be 3500-4000 Liters per day. Preservation system for sugarcane Aqueous ammonia (28% NH3 w/v) was mixed with 500ml batches freshly extracted sugarcane juice at level of 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 30% (w/v). the mixture were at a room temperature is sealed glass containers for 7 day period to measure changes in pH and Brix of the juice. Result for pH & Brix during 7 days after treatment are shown in Table 1. It gives the trends in these measurement for aqueous ammonia level of 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2%. Results for higher concentrations were identical to those for 2% aqueous ammonia. It is obvious that ammonia works well as a preservation especially if fairly high level are used, at level above 2% w/v the juice becomes less palatable for cattle and such situations if should bereft to stand until the excess ammonia dissipates. It has been suggested by Leng and Preston (1976) that the optimum level of available nitrogen in the rumen to ensure optimum synthesis of microbial protein in 3 g N/100 g of fermentable organic matter. Taking this case of cane juice at 14 Brix, then this world require about 1.5% (w/v) of aqueous ammonia (28% NH3 w/v) in order to provide the required amount of available nitrogen for microbial protein synthesis. In the experiment reported here, the inclusion of from 1.5-2.0% aqueous ammonia in the sugarcane juice, thus provided the necessary amount of Nitrogen for rumen systematic protein and also preserved the juice over 6 days.

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