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3.1 Research methodology:

Research design: As research design is the arrangement of the conditions and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. The study is Descriptive in nature. On the basis of the information collected logical conclusions have been drawn. Descriptive research: Descriptive studies are concerned with describing the characteristics of a particular individual or group. Often by creating a profile of a group of problems, people, or events through the collection of data and the tabulation of the frequencies on research variables. The study Reveals who, what, when, where, or how much. The Descriptive study well structured it is necessary that the researcher give sufficient thought to frame the research questions and deciding. Thus the study is descriptive in nature where the data is collected through well structured questionnaire and from the information available in the organization.

Source of data collection:

Primary data and secondary data were used to analyze the information obtained. Primary data: The primary data is collected from the respondents through the well structured Questionnaire. The data was collected through direct methods that are directly from the Respondents from different the college. The responses are collected on a 5 point scale. The scores are: 1. STRONG AGREE 2. AGREE

3. NOTSURELY 4. DIS AGREE 5. STRONG DISAGREE Secondary data: The secondary data was collected from internal source as well as external source. Internal Source of data is collected from website magazines, etc. The external source of data is collected from the Internet and also from the textbooks. Sampling design: A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. The survey was conducted from a population of 100 employees was taken and then the survey was conducted. Sample size and area: The sample size collected for this research is 100, which has been collected from varies colleges

Instrumentation Techniques:
The technique that is used for data collection is questionnaire. A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. The form of the questionnaire is multiple-choice. Few options are given and the Employee is likely to select the closest option to his opinion. The options range from Strongly disagree to No The form of questionnaire is a standard form. Questionnaires are printed and are Handed over to the respondents. They are given ample time to return the form. Results

Are statistically analyzed

Actual collection of data:

Data is the fact of an event. Data is the base for every research work. The data is mainly classified into two groups. Primary data: Thrust has been on collection of primary data. Structured Questionnaire has been used and discussed personally with the respondents to get their responses. There were 2 questionnaires one for the rates and the other for the Raters. The rates questionnaire had 20 questions and the other had 10 and the answers were grouped accordingly and the chi-square test was used to test the hypothesis. Secondary data: Books, journals, websites etc., have been consulted for obtaining related information.


The collected data has been subjected to analyses by units appropriate tools, percentage, and chi square. The information gathered is analyzed by using the following appropriate tool: Percentage Analysis Correlation analysis

Percentage refers to a special kind of ratio. It is used to make comparison between two or more series of data. They can be used to compare the relative items, the

distribution of two or more series of data since the percentage reduce everything as common base and allow the meaningful comparisons to be made. Percentage refers to the special kind of ratio percentage are used in making comparison between two or more series of data. Percentages are used to describe relationship.

No. of respondents Percentage (%) = _________________________ Total respondents Bar chart, Doughnut and Pie charts are used to explain the tabulation clearly. X 100

4.2 Correlation analysis The correlation analysis deals with association between two or more variables. The correlation does not necessary imply causation or functional relationship though the existence of causation always implies correlation. By itself it establishes only co- variance. It is used to find the degree of relationship between motivation and work satisfaction. Cov(x, y) = 1/n x y xy x = 1/n x2 x y = 1/n y2 y 2 Cov (x, y) r= x y

Here, r = co-efficient of correlation

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