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SRV-1 Valve Coding

1900 Flanged Valve Coding

Customer orders for CONSOLIDATED safety relief valves are acknowledged by a computer printout of our internal code. We have supplied the following information for your easy interpretation of this coding.

Interchangeability No. Temp. Class c = to 450F t = 451F & Above Orifice (D thru W) Non Bellows Pressure Class SRV

Material Class CC Carbon Steel is StandardNOTE 1 Deviation from Standard* Seat Design Lever/Cap Design Inlet Facing Service Disc Holder Pressure (Selected by Dresser) Sour Gas Guide Surface Coating

Pressure Class
05 06 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 = = = = = = = = = = = = 150 lb. 300 lb. 300 lb. 600 lb. 900 lb. 1500 lb. 2500 lb. 300 lb. 600 lb. 900 lb. 1500 lb. 2500 lb.

Seat Design
MS = Metal Seat DA = O-Ring TD = THERMODISC

Lever/Cap Design
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 = = = = = = = Screwed Bolted Packed Plain L Type R Type Air Operated


19 05 -00 -J -c -2 -CC * -MS 06 -30 -t -C1 -DA -TD 10 -S2 Bellows 12 -S3 14 -S4 16 -M1 18 -MB (M1-1/2) -M2 20 -M3 22 -M4 24 -H1 26 -H2 28 -H3 -H4 -L1 -L2 -L3 -T1 -T2 -A1 -A2 -A3 -A4 -HA

-31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37

-RF -GS -HP -SG1 -G1 -RJ -LA -LP -SG10 -G2 -LM -SS -SG5 -G3 -SM -SG15 -LF -SF Inlet Facing -LT RF = Raised Face/Serrated RJ = Ring Joint -ST LM = Large Male SM = Small Male -LG LF = Large Female -SG SF = Small Female LT = Large Tongue -LJ ST = Small Tongue LG = Large Groove -BW SG = Small Groove -GL LJ = Lens Joint BW = Butt Weld -OC
GL = Grayloc OC = OTECO

GS = Gas LA = Liquid SS = Steam

Guide Surface Coating

G1 = GLIDE-ALOY Disc Holder G2 = GLIDE-ALOY Guide G3 = GLIDE-ALOY Holder and Guide
When * appears in code, nameplate will be stamped SPEC. NOTE 1: See 1900 section for materials.

General Information (SRV-1/Q4.05)

SRV-1 Valve Coding

1900/P1, P3 Valve Coding

Interchangeability No. Bonnet Orifice (D thru T) Non Bellows Pressure Class Safety Relief Valve

Deviation From Standard* Material Class - CC Carbon Steel is standard Disc Design Lever/Cap Design Inlet Facing Service Guide Surface Coating

19 10 -00 -J -P1 -5 -P3 -30


* -CC -TD -31 NOTE 1 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37

Pressure Class
05 = 150 lb. 06 = 300 lb. 10 = 300 lb. 12 = 600 lb. 14 = 900 lb. 16 = 1500 lb. 18 = 2500 lb. 20 = 300 lb. 22 = 600 lb. 24 = 900 lb. 26 = 1500 lb. 28 = 2500 lb.

Inlet Facing
RF RJ LM SM LF SF LT ST LG SG LJ BW GL OC = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Raised Face/Serrated Ring Joint Large Male Small Male Large Female Small Female Large Tongue Small Tongue Large Groove Small Groove Lens Joint Butt Weld Grayloc OTECO

-RF -SS -G1 -RJ -DT -G2 -LM -G3 -SM -LF -SF -LT -ST -LG -SG -LJ -BW -GL -OC

P1 = Closed P2 = Open

Disc Design
TD = Thermodisc

Lever/Cap Design
31 = Screwed 32 = Bolted 33 = Packed 34 = Plain 35 = L Type 36 = R Type 37 = Air Operated

Guide Surface Coating

G1 = GLIDE-ALOY Disc Holder G2 = GLIDE-ALOY Guide G3 = GLIDE-ALOY Holder and Guide

SS = Steam DT = Dowtherm

When * appears in code, nameplate will be stamped SPEC. NOTE 1: For other special material requirements, contact factory.

Consolidated Safety Relief Valves

General Information (SRV-1/Q4.05)

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