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Dems hope union victory spurs Ohio House takeover | Th...

Dems hope union victory spurs Ohio House takeover

By John Seewer and Julie Carr Smyth Associated Press Monday December 12, 2011 2:04 PM
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COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) Unionized teachers, local government officials and veterans are among public workers running for office in an effort by Ohio Democrats to take control of the state House after a successful fall campaign to repeal a collective bargaining overhaul championed by Gov. John Kasich and fellow Republicans. Without the option of a gubernatorial recall like Wisconsins, a 2012 takeover of the Ohio House, where Republicans hold a 19-seat advantage, is Democrats best next step for capitalizing on voter anger over the unionlimiting law. Taking control of the Ohio Senate, which is about two-thirds Republican and has been GOP hands since 1985, is a long shot for Democrats. But House control would give them the ability to block bills supported by Senate Republicans and Kasich. The union-limiting bill thats fueling the effort was lauded by its backers as a tool for local governments to control costs, but it prompted weeks of Statehouse protests, rallies and parades drawing thousands of opponents. The measure would have affected more than 350,000 teachers, police, firefighters and other government employees. After a $30 million campaign, 60 percent of voters rejected it in November. Now, Democrats are fielding candidates in almost all 99 Ohio House districts even the reliably Republican ones a rarity not seen for almost 20 years. About 20 of their candidates belong to unions. The GOPs partisan agenda is out of touch, which is why their top legislative priority was soundly rejected in Republican districts across the state, said state Rep. Jay Goyal, co-chair of the House Democratic Caucus Campaign. Lawmakers need to focus on creating jobs to strengthen the middle class, Goyal said, and returning the House to Democratic control is the only way to stop what he calls the GOPs anti-middle-class agenda. Recalling Kasich, who is less than a year into a four-year-term, is not an option. The states constitution doesnt provide for unseating a governor. Earlier this week, Democrats tried in a legislative maneuver to insert language into a bill moving through the Ohio House that would have allowed a gubernatorial recall, but Republicans blocked it. A recall drive is under way in Wisconsin, another state where voters were riled by proposed union limits. A proposal by Republican Gov. Scott Walker effectively ended collective bargaining rights for most public workers. The law passed in March despite massive protests and the states 14 Democratic state senators fleeing to Illinois for three weeks. Ohio Republicans are trying to counter the takeover attempt by

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Dems hope union victory spurs Ohio House takeover | Th...

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