Lenr Elements Selection

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Date : March 27,2012

Selection of elements for participation in LENR reactions involving proton absorption V G kulkarni Mo. +917587098357 e-mail: vilas1.kulkarni@gmail.com

Page 2 Recently E-CAT (which is a LENR based heat source invented by Mr. Andrea Rossi) is in news. Here Ni gets converte into Cu by absorption of a proton. The exact mechanism is yet not clear. In this document I wish to put forth some guideleines using which we can identify elements which can particip[ate in LENR reactions by absorbing protons. Kindly refer to chart 1 on Page 4.The chart shows the transition elements with some of their relevant properties. Note the pairs of elements which are highlighted in color. What are the peculiarities of these pairs of elements? 1) They are all solid at relevant temperatures expected in LENR reactions. 2) The members of each pair are adjacent in with same period numbers of elements. 3) The crystal structure of both the mebers in a given pair is same type. 4) The cell parameters are nearly equal as compared to pairs which are not highlighted but are adjacent to each other. For example in the case of the Ni/Cu pair the cell parameters differ by about 9 pm(picometre) while for a non highlighted pair like Y/Zr, eventhough the cell type is same viz hcp in this case, the cell parameters differ by at least 40 pm. 5) A smaller atomic number is more favorable for participation in LENR than a higher atomic number. Element pair Period 4 V/Cr Ni/Cu Period 5 Nb/Mo Tc/Ru Rh/Pd Period 6 Ta/W Re/Os Ir/Pt Page 3 bcc hcp ccp 14 3 9 bcc hcp ccp 16 3 1 bcc ccp 12 9 Cell type Cell Parameter Difference (pm)

Pairs of elements with members in adjacent positions in periodic table and with small differences in cell parameters and with same type of cell structure and also solid at relevant temperatures are listed above. These are the elements which should be experimented with in LENR involving absorption of a proton. The requirement of element being solid at the relevant temperature is to restrain the absorbing nucleus from moving away due to elctrostatic repulsion between it and the approching proton. For the same reason fcc crystal structure will be more suitable than hcp and hcp will be more suitable than bcc. Similarly an element with a lower atomic number will be more suitable than an element with a higher atomic number again due to lower electrostatic repulsion in the former case. Similar study was made for most other elements in the periodic table but were not found suitable due to above criteria. Lanthanides and Actinoids due to their very high atomic numbers may be rejected straightaway. Therefore following criteria are proposed: a) The selected element for proton adsorption and its adjacent neighbour should be solid at the relevant temperatures. b) The crystal structures of both the elements should be same. c) The cell dimensions should differ as little as possible(like for example the difference should be less than 20 pm). d) A smaller atomic number is more suitable than a larger atomic number. e) Crystal structures ccp and hcp are more preferable than bcc and other structures as these structures constraint the participating nucleus more than do the loosely packed structures. Criteria a and e help in constraining the participating nucleus into a fixed position in face of the electrostatic repulsion from the approaching proton. Criterion b helps in ensuring that all the atoms surrounding the participating nuleus are disturbed very little and a major rearrangement of all atoms is not required during the proton absorption. Criterion d helps in reducing the electrostatic repulsion between the participating nucleus and the proton.

Page 4 Transition Elements:

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