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School: Hoang Hoa Tham high school Supervisor: T Th Nga Teacher in charge: Phm Th L Class: 10/4

Date of preparation: 9/2/2012 Date of teaching: 21/02/2012 Time allotted: 45


Aims: To help students know how to write a letter to accept or refuse an invitation. Method: Communicative Approach Teaching aids: board, textbook, chalks, handouts Procedure: Time 1 5 Content I. Class stabilization II. Check up: Write the structure and a sentence of the third conditional sentence New words: Carsick Fine Food poisoning Activities

- T calls one student to write new words and the structure of the third conditional sentence - T checks the answers with the whole class and gives marks

III. New lesson: A. WARM-UP Nam has just received an invitation letter from his very close friend, Hoa, to her birthday party next Saturday. Unfortunately, he is also going to visit his grandmother with his family on that day. He is undecided now, he hasnt met Hoa for a long time but he also wants to visit his grandmother. If you were Nam, would you come to the party or visit your grandmother? - T introduces a situation - T asks Ss to deal with this situation and calls some students to express their ideas - T sums up their responses and divides these responses into to 2categories, a category with accepting responses and the other with refusing ones.

- T introduces the lesson Today, we are going to learn how to write a letter to accept or refuse an invitation.


B. PRESENTATION 1. Giving the model Handout: Dear Hoa, Thank you so much for your nice invitation. Im very happy to join your wedding anniversary next month. I really want to come. This is a good chance for me to meet you and your husband since you got married. Im sure we will have a good time together. Yours, Mai. Dear Tan, Thank you for your kind invitation to your birthday party next Tuesday. I do like it, but Im sorry I have a plan to take part in a volunteer campaign in Hanoi and I cannot come back until next Thursday. I hope I can join your parties. Yours, Hung. - How many parts are there in the samples? - What is written in the opening? - What does the writer write in the body? - What expressions does the writer use to accept or refuse an invitation? - What does the writer say in the conclusion? Expected outline: Handout: Greeting: Dear, Name. Body: Express thanks to the writer/ feeling when receiving the letter (Thank you for your

- T sticks 2 handouts including a model acceptance and a refusal letters on the board

- T asks Ss to read the samples and answer some questions: - T checks the answer. - T gives Ss handouts to introduce some expressions of letters of acceptance or refusal

invitation/ Im glad to receive your letter/ Thanks for inviting me) Say your acceptance or refusal of the invitation. Give reasons for your acceptance or refusal. + If you accept: suggest place and time for meeting and show expectation. + If you refuse: give clear reasons and suggest another meeting. Conclusion: Yours sincerely/ love Name

WAYS OF REFUSAL Im afraid I cant come because I would love to, but I am sorry I cant come because I extremely like this, but I strongly appreciate it, but

WAYS OF ACCEPTANCE Yes, I would love to. Yes, I would be delighted to + V. Yes, I would like to + V. I would really like to come. Yes, thats a good idea - T asks Ss to read through the task and explains the requirement of the task. - Ss work in pairs to do the task, and then compare their answer with other pairs. - T asks Ss to answer the task. - T corrects and gives feedback.

C. CONTROL WRITING 1. Task 1 (p117) Gap-filling Expected answer: 1. Thats a great idea! / Id like to/ Id love to. 2. Im afraid I cant come because... / Im sorry I cant come because... 3. Thats a great idea/ Id like to/ Id love to/ Id be delighted to

2. Task 2 (p118) Re-arrange

- T explains the requirement of the task. - T asks Ss to work in pairs to

Key: 1d






rearrange the sentences in the correct order. - T calls Ss to answer the task - T gives feedback

D. FREE WRITING Task 3 (p118) One of your friends has invited you to go for a picnic to Cuc Phuong National Park next weekend. Write a letter to acceptance or decline his/her invitation

- T divides class into 2 groups (A and B). - T explains the task. - T asks Ss in group A to write an acceptance letter and group B to write a refusal one. - After 5 min T asks two Ss from 2 groups to write their letters on the board. - Teacher corrects their mistakes, gives feedback and comments

IV. Homework:

- Learn and remember the outline of the letter. - Your friend has invited you to her/his birthday party, Write a reply letter: + acceptance if you can come + refusal if you cant come - Prepare the new lesson. Trainee


T Th Nga

Phm Th L

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