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McGILL-QUEENS STUDIFS IN THE HISTORY OF IDEAS 1 Problems of Caress ted by Thomas M- Leno Jon M, Nikos, ‘Jot We Davis 4. Seiler Hegel avd Mar Sine, Soi ad the Aesth Leal of Avent Greece hip Kain Jot Can and Acton in Renan Ente “The Proce of Sle Recaption in Eighteenth Century Pais! Thovght exw Gun 17 Jon Told His Method, Manners, and Mind Sper H Dana 1. Caerige and the Isp Word ‘Aon Jobe Haring (9 The Jena Sytem, 180-5: Lape and Meaphscs CWE He “Tramlaton eed by Joie W. urge and George di Gian Towrdaction apd noes by HH G. W. F. HEGEL, THE JENA SYSTEM, 1804-5: LOGIC AND METAPHYSICS ‘Translation edited by John W. Burbidge and George di Giovanni Introduction and explanatory notes by H. S. Harris McGill: Queen's University Press ‘Kingston and Montreal «© Mec Ques Unie Pe 85 tag pe A ue 86 ailahee monde ds Que ‘elm at Te traralaton of Hegets tex i rom G.W.F, Hoge, Grommet Work solu Jena Symetie ited by Ral Hrsinann ad fs Heinrich Tree aa psd by Felix Meier Vera. Hamar. 10718) [rminio ofthe Rivinath Weachen Akademie der Wines “This book has bon pune with the help of ran from the Canadian Feseraton fo the Humans sing fundh proved bythe Socal Senet, fn Hurmaites Research Cou of Cana Canadian Cataloguing in Paleation Dats Hegel Georg Witheln Fide, 1776-189 The Jena ster, 84-2 Tranaion of JeneeSatemenrle ‘cs ce tog, 2 adap Bai fb, 9h Beguansey #986 ig) Bsns 3 Contents THE JENA SYSTEM, 1804-5: LOGIG AND METAPHYSIC LoGIe 5 sirLe consnerton 5 Quai 3 Quontiy Ouonto 13, Tiny 29 neiarionsntr 38 Flanon of Beng 40 Relation of Thinking 78 Defntion 110 Drssion 149 Copii Ie Pated 136 “ Contet METAPHYSICS gs COGNITION As svaTeM OF Finer PRINCIPLES 195 Principle of ety of Conran 196 Fit Principe ofthe Exon of Third 138 Principe of Grownd 140 Merarnvsies oF owjrerivity 4g ‘The Sod 143 TheWerld “t49 The Highat Eset 157 aeransysies oF sumjecriviTy 161 “The There or Consciousness 163 The Precial | ¥y0 Alte Sprit 172 cuossany 18 wonxs crreD 19 THE 1g Preface to the Translation Acthe 1978 meeting ofthe Hegel Society’ of Ameria held at Pen Srivania State Univesiy, John Burbidge called together all he em bets in attendance from Ontario and Quebec and suggested that the sroup meet regulary somewhere in Toronto to discusses of com: fon intrest He also noggested hat, a a cats for discussion, the {soup underakea common projec such asthe trenton of Hegel {ext HS, Harris proposed the Jena Logic asa suitable casidae Both Burbidge’ ies and Harris specie proposal were accepted, fad. mecting that was tobe the st fa long series was soon elle 4 Trinity Coleg inthe University of Toronto. In the early stages the group was able tomork from a daft prepared by Andre Dekker Shbsequenty, thowe named below undertook in cura to provide pre liminary andations, which were then submited for dicunson sed fevision tothe group ata whole. Burbidge, Donogho, di Giovani Harris Pohl and Schmitz formed a ere group that provided con tint, Peter Prews contributed valuable editorial coments from 3 tisance "Ac it the group had no imtention of ever publishing the resus of ts work Over the yeas, howevet, a5 the group became more Cohesive and wan dren more and sore ino the problems of inter Dreting and translating an eariy Hegelian text, ie members slowly ume to appreciate the compleaty aid the valve ofthe project they Ind undertaken. They decided at ne point to extend the eanslaion| to include the Metaphysies, oo, and to see to that the sanaaion| would eventually be publahed. The Lgicand Metaphysics represent Inetiecs olf of Hegel's 18a4-s sem. The group chose not ace the hire and larger par, the Philosophy of Nature, because its trans

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