Jay Rothstein - Software Supplement

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1 of 3 845-558-8780 Application Software

SOFTWARE SUPPLEMENT jrr770@gmail.com

For a leading global financial services firm, negotiated SoW wit a !ig-4 firm for "om#liance $bligation %nventor& and 'is( )ssessment to clearl& define migration from interim sol*tion to stead&-state sol*tion For a leading global financial services firm, negotiated SoW wit a !ig-4 firm for )+, +onitoring )ssessment to leverage #ilot for f*ll rollo*t of com#le- s&stem. associated #rocesses incl*de segmentation, consolidation, co*nter#art& sam#ling, data /*alit&, and scenario testing, all wit #erformance g*arantees For !arcla&s, member of Front $ffice client-facing team for 0/*ities, 1rime Services, "ommodities and 0merging +ar(ets. 1rovided "%$ 2irect 'e#orts and "$$s wit #i#eline management, vendor management, and deal e-ec*tion for #ortfolios val*ed at 3400+ For !arcla&s, facilitated earl& clos*re on a 355+ deal for S*ngard 6+% software b& coordinating t e negotiation of sec*rit& sc ed*les b& S+07s, internal clients, and So*rcing For !arcla&s, negotiated 34+ maintenance deal for " ordiant, a leading "'+ software tool wit 45,0008 *sers. addressed last-min*te ac/*isition b& 1egas&s, b*siness contin*it& #lanning, and ins*rance For !arcla&s, concl*ded 35+ settlement agreement wit %nte- for #ost-merger consolidation of terms For !arcla&s 9 "ommodities %:, develo#ed negotiation strateg& and target #ricing for $#en,in( energ& trading software *sed for 34.5! in transactions ann*all& For !arcla&s, identified affiliate contract for :aleo as alternative to Ste#stone for ;' onboarding software wit #ossible savings of 50< For !arcla&s 9 0merging +ar(ets, delivered low-cost tec nolog& refres for !an( of %ndia t ro*g software maintenance b& %!+, +icrosoft, and $racle *nder e-isting contracts. c*t server deliver& time in alf For !arcla&s 9 "ommodities %:, cond*cted ris( assessment for %"0 =ellow >ac(et trading-des(s software For !arcla&s, mastered intricate s&stem of internal controls for Strategic So*rcing deals and s*##orted #eer gro*#. ?egotiated contracts wit cor#orate standards for !*siness "ontin*it& +anagement, %: Sec*rit&, 2ata 1rivac&, ,ogical )ccess "ontrol, and 1 &sical )ccess "ontrol For !?=+ and its 1ers ing affiliate, em#owered t e establis ment of t e !*siness 1rocess +anagement $ffice @!1+$A via 4. S$W wit : e "a#ital +ar(ets "om#an&, %nc. @")1"$A for #rofessional services @3400B less 350BA, 5. ,icense agreement for "orel i6raf- tools and training @54< off 347CBA, and C. ,icense agreement for ,ombardi :eamWor(s, wit cost avoidance of 3454B on 34.5+ For !?=+ and its 1ers ing affiliate, #rovided %nfor !*siness 1erformance +anagement Software t ro*g contract negotiation and m*lti#le Statements of Wor(. savings of 80<8 on #ro#osed c anges in licensing For !?=+ and its 1ers ing affiliate, negotiated software licensing agreement and statement of wor( for "om#liance :ec nologies %nternational @":%A W-8 Dalidation and $mnib*s-)cco*nting Wit olding For !?=+, for ;1 +erc*r& 11+ Software for "or#orate :r*st @EBA, ac ieved F0< savings on 34.5+8 For DeriGon, la*nc ed new segment of %nternet S&stems and ServicesH "reated !*siness 1lan and cond*cted #roc*rement initiatives for 0-+ail +anagement, "ontent +anagement, $ne-to-$ne +ar(eting, "om#etitive !enc mar(ing, and %nternet Strateg& For DeriGon, s*ccessf*ll& delivered =ear 5000 com#liance as so*rcing #rogram manager. %ss*ed and awarded an 'F1 at 3C7+ to remediate C7+ lines of code in DeriGon7s a##lication software #ortfolio. led a cross-f*nctional team resolving com#le- iss*es @see :elecomI?etwor( S*##lementA )t DeriGon, consolidated software maintenance agreements and created cor#orate standard )t DeriGon, delivered savings of over eig t& #ercent @fo*r times t e average at "or#orate So*rcingA b& leveraging #oints of #ower for "+% ,icensingH 400< @3447BA and 4st =5B 'emediationH 80< @3CF5BA For +its*bis i, s*ccessf*ll& delivered integrated acco*nting #ac(ages wit 02% and bar-code for fo*r ,ines of !*siness @350+-C0+ eac A. For +" :o(&o, cond*cted in-de#t anal&sis of ES mar(et, negotiated wit leading ES s*##liers, and #rovisioned a consorti*m of ten firms wit case st*dies and ot er teac ing materials to bring 2atabase +ar(eting to >a#an

JAY R. ROTHSTEIN P. 2 of 3 845-558-8780 Application Software (continued)

SOFTWARE SUPPLEMENT jrr770@gmail.com

For +its*bis i +emor& :ec s*bsidiar& @man*fact*rer of o#tical dis(sA, develo#ed low-cost strategies, rejected *n*sable s*b-s&stem, and realiGed savings of 355F,000 and cost avoidance of 3C45,000. cons*lted wit +r. +. +a(i ara, " airman of +its*bis i For ig l& #rofitable +its*bis i food oil s*bsidiar&, s*##orted all # ases of microImini s&stems start *# t ro*g two !ig-4 acco*nting firms For ):J: !*siness Services, led Financial +anagement and 2ata S&stems before t e divestit*re in delivering s&stems for b*dgeting and financial #lanning one mont a ead of sc ed*le Infrastructure Software and Services

For "0$ of ig -tec start-*# firm @in-memor& 2!+SA, created #ro#osal and en ancing agreements for cons*lting engagement and software installation at reference acco*nt wit leading financial services firm For "0$ of ig -tec start-*# firm, eval*ated b*siness and tec nical re/*irements for S:)"-+C benc mar( testing and interfaced wit )ssociate 2irector of t e Sec*rities :ec nolog& )nal&sis "enter For "0$ of ig -tec start-*# firm, s*ccessf*ll& s*##orted first-ro*nd vent*re ca#ital For "0$ of ig -tec start-*# firm, addressed re/*irements for 5 nd ro*nd D" t ro*g mar(et anal&sis, #ro#osal form*lation, financial models, negotiation strateg&, D" service contract, e-ec*tive corres#ondence For "0$ of ig -tec start-*# firm, eval*ated StartE#Financial+odel and 1lan6*r* software #ac(ages. ;oned and refined str*ct*re and content of 0-cel model for %ncome and 0-#ense, 'even*e "alc*lations, $#erating "osts, !alance S eet, and "as Flows. "reated ancillar& financial model for "*stom 2evelo#ment Services, #rojecting scenarios for fo*r-&ear reven*e growt from 34.4+ to 344+ For !arcla&s, leveraged damages from ongoing tec nical fail*re to ac ieve cost avoidance of 400< @35F0BA for +c)fee Smart Filter software license renewals. For t is networ(-intr*sion detection software, forged cross-f*nctional team of !arcla&s "a#ital, !arcla&s !an( 1,", and !arcla&card for escalation to +c)fee, Distorm, and ;P For !arcla&s, delivered %s#irer S&baseISK, translation tool at 57< savings in negotiations across t ree #arties, to mitigate transaction ris( for !elar*s s*##lier For !arcla&s, set *# Sterling "ommerce deal for C0< savings b& leveraging contract discre#ancies For !arcla&s, ac ieved 50< savings for 1ersa& Doice !iometrics b& a##l&ing maintenance to disco*nted license fees rat er t an list. mitigated ris( of s*##lier defa*lt t ro*g stoc( older g*arantee For !?=+, negotiated license agreement for ;JW "om#*ter S&stems S=S!-%% mainframe software wit cost avoidance of 3C7C,78F @8C<A. addressed com#le- com#liance iss*es on S"': For !?=+, for !lade,ogic $#erations +anager, concl*ded software license, develo#ment and maintenance agreement and S$W, wit savings of 355L,4LC @40<A on 357F,CCF For !?=+, for ;1 1eregrine +aintenance renewals of abo*t 3500B, red*ced vol*mes and costs For !?=+, negotiated S$W for %!+ Filenet 4.4.4 E#grade wit #erformance and acce#tance criteria For !?=+, for DeriSign 2?S )ss*rance Services, negotiated savings of 4L< and rob*st terms and conditions in #lace of Mclic(ware agreementN For !?=+, negotiated contract wit %ntra,in(s for "ollaborative Wor(sites *sed for t e !?=-+ellon merger and s#ecial government #rojects For !?=+, transitioned 1ers ing from 0/*ifa- to Derid )*t entication Services *nder new merged entit& For DeriGon, com#leted C5 deals in a single &ear for a total of 3C4.C+ in software, ardware, and services t ro*g acc*rate f*nding #ro#osals for (e& s&stems rollo*ts incl*ding DeriGon.com. earned a DeriGon 0-cellence :eam )ward. trained t ree anal&sts in costing met odologies

For DeriGon, facilitated first *se of %nternet S&stems and Services t ro*g strategic #lan and deliver& of five initiatives, incl*ding C5< savings on 35+ fi-ed-fee Strateg& #ro#osal

JAY R. ROTHSTEIN P. 3 of 3 845-558-8780 Market Data/ Custom Software

SOFTWARE SUPPLEMENT jrr770@gmail.com

For !?=+, com#leted #ro#osals and contracts wit f*nctionalit& and milestones t at were acc*rate and com#lete for t e following c*stom !loomberg-%nforalgo %nterfacesH o !loomberg )lgo 0ngine o !loomberg !id Wanted o !loomberg +ar(et)-ess o !loomberg $n-2emand Services o !loomberg SS0$+S For !?=+, anal&Ged five &ears of contracts and orders for !loomberg +ar(et 2ata c*stomiGed software. 2evelo#ed acc*rate inventor&. negotiated transfer of maintenance terms to %nforalgo For !?=+, for : eoretical 1rofit and ,oss Dal*es for $#tions "learing "or#. @$""A, ac ieved c anges for limitation of liabilit& on M*nc angeableN contract

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