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Hughesville Borough Council Minutes

February 27, 2012 - 7:00, PM

Council members and staff present Jeffery Berger, Andrew Mook, Curtis Michael, Mary Burns, James Savage, Richard Smith, Mayor Walter Reed , Jason Gill and Dolores Moyer The regular meeting of the Hughesville Borough Council was called to order by Council President Jeffery Berger followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Guests and Visitors: Donna Newman said that 2 trucks got stuck in her backyard trying to get out; she said their GPS system told them to make a turn there to get to Route 220. Newman said that she has requested a sign previously; shes asking for a no outlet sign to be placed there. Mary Langer, Diane/Bill Senseman, Josh Brokaw (Sun-Gazette) Approve Agenda: February 27, 2012 Burns moved, seconded by Savage. Motion passed. Approve Minutes: February 13, 2012 Smith moved, seconded by Michael. Motion passed. Mayors Report: Reed said that the Fire Company, Borough, School and EMA are meeting at the fire hall on Tuesday at 7:00 PM to continue discussions from last falls flooding. Public Works: Berger said he learned of a couple more prices for replacement of the 1997 dump truck; F550 2WDV10 for $27,000 and 4WD-V10 for $31,000; chassis only; if purchased through Co-stars. Water Report: Complete copy of January 5, 2012 minutes; already approved. Accept resignation of Bill Boatman from the board. Smith moved, seconded by Mook. Motion passed Treasurers Report: Operating Fund Check# 7329- Jason Gill $ 146.49 7328-Municipal School 85.00 Michael moved, seconded by Savage. Motion passed..

Borough Secretary: Moyer said that she spoke with Joe Rocco from Comcast about the franchise fees. The last discussions that took place were with Susquehanna Communications (now Comcast). There is plenty of time to meet for discussions. Business: (New) Lycoming County Planning & Community Development Training Letter from Dennis Holt, Councilman 1st Ward, of Montoursville Borough was a miscommunication between our Boroughs regarding the sale and purchase of used 2006 Ford Explorer for the police department. Search for Water Authority Board Member will be discussed at the next meeting One letter of interest was submitted by Diane Senseman Review fee schedule for Zoning Hearing Board. Moyer said that Council might want to review the Zoning Hearing fees which were last updated in 2007. Since than advertising, staff and court costs have raised; which is going to cost more to the Borough. Samples of charges from other municipalities were attached. Fees will be discussed further at the next meeting. Approve retainer fee for Steven Hess, Zoning Hearing Board. Mook moved, seconded by Michael. Motion passed. Council will bid lawn care for this summer; Smith said he would put together a list of locations. Its going to cost about $600 to repair Bodine Park merry-go-round; will discuss at a later time.

Committee Reports: None Council went into close session and immediately there after adjourned the meeting: 7:35 PM Mook moved seconded by Michael. Motion passed.

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