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WebQuest: El programa de intercambio acadmico

Complete these web activities to expand your knowledge of the countries and communities in the Spanish-speaking world.

Unidad 2: Mxico: Vamos a la escuela!

Many students are involved in international exchange programs, where they spend a week, months, or a year studying in a foreign country and living with a family. If a foreign-exchange student came to your school, what local sights and attractions would you show him or her? What after-school activities or clubs would you advise him or her to join? What classes would you suggest he or she take? Foreign-exchange programs are an interesting way for students from both countries to learn about each others culture.

Task: Your school is interested in setting up a study-abroad program with a foreign-language school somewhere in Mexico. Because you are studying Spanish, you have been asked to help choose the city and school where the program will be based. First, decide what you are looking for in terms of a location and in terms of a school. Write a description of the ideal city and school. Next, research three Mexican cities and their schools, and analyze what opportunities each offers for U.S. students studying abroad. What advantages and disadvantages do they have? Why is the school you selected your top choice? Finally present on their city and on the school of your choice.

Step 1: Analyze the task and assign research

First think about what classes, extracurricular activities, and local sights and attractions the ideal study-abroad program and its location would offer. Use the following chart to help you analyze your preferences. First, analyze the ideal city.
La ciudad (city) ideal tiene...

S un clima (climate) con mucho calor un clima normal un clima fro oportunidades para practicar deportes oportunidades para comprar artesanas (crafts) oportunidades para pasear en la naturaleza (nature) oportunidades para escuchar msica de artistas famosos oportunidades para ir a museos (museums) una poblacin (population) grande


una poblacin pequea ruinas histricas restaurantes elegantes muchas discotecas

Next, analyze the ideal school.

La escuela ideal tiene...

S clases interesantes en espaol clases interesantes en ingls clases interesantes en ingls y espaol clases de ______ ? muchas actividades extracurriculares maestros simpticos maestros inteligentes computadoras para todos los estudiantes muchos exmenes pocos exmenes una biblioteca buena una cafetera acceso a restaurantes locales un gimnasio


To summarize, write two short paragraphs that list your findings. Use the following expressions:

La ciudad ideal tiene... No tiene... La escuela ideal tiene... No tiene...

Once you have clarified what you are looking for, research the following cities and schools. Oaxaca Oaxaca is located in southeastern Mexico. It is known for its mixture of indigenous peoples, including Zapotecs and Mixtecs. It is also famous for its spectacular natural setting and its historic handicrafts, including black pottery and jewelry.

Guanajuato Guanajuato was named as Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 1988. Situated in the north central highlands of Mexico, the city is known for its colonial architecture and rich history. It is home to a number of museums, silver mines, and a university. Cuernavaca Located a short distance from Mexico City, Cuernavacas nickname is The City of the Eternal Spring, due to its temperate climate and raised elevation. The city itself includes both colonial buildings and Aztec pyramids, and offers a wide variety of Spanishlanguage programs.

Step 2: Research
To research the cities, use the list of Web sites listed under About the City (on the Resources page) for your chosen city. Fill in the chart with the information you find. If there are visuals you want to share, download them. Next, investigate the schools listed under About the Schools (on the Resources page). Fill in the second chart with the information you find there. Be sure to download any visuals you may want to use in your presentation. As you do your research, write down reasons you would recommend a particular school over the others. OJO! Be sure to visit the Evaluation section of this activity before you start researching. Knowing how your presentation will be evaluated will help you focus on the information you need to include.

Step 3: Create your Presentation

Once you have finished your research, organize your notes and any visuals you selected in order to prepare your presentation. Decide if you want to use a poster, a PowerPoint presentation, or other kinds of media to help you present your findings. An effective presentation will: inform your teacher about the city you researched and what attractions it would offer to students from the U.S. compare that city against the description of the ideal city you prepared provide specific information about one school in that city include the reasons why you chose that particular school over the others listed and outline the benefits of that particular school compare that schools benefits against the description of the ideal school you prepared make a recommendation as to whether or not that school and location meet the criteria in your descriptions

Research Oaxaca and find out some basic information about it, including facts about its size, location, climate, and local attractions. Use the first table to organize your findings about Oaxaca. Next, research the schools listed for Oaxaca. Look for information about available classes, teachers, extracurricular activities, and facilities. Use the second table to organize your findings about the schools.





Local attractions






School #1

School #2

School #3

About the City Oaxaca Tourist Guide: Provides general demographics about the city, as well as travel and tourist opportunities, natural and cultural attractions, and indigenous peoples. Try browsing the content in Spanish. This travel site provides a wealth of information about Oaxaca, as well as other Mexican cities. All About This tourist Web site provides information about the attractions, geography, and climate of Oaxaca. Try browsing the site in Spanish.

About the Schools Sol Education Abroad: A description of the organizations study-abroad program in Oaxaca. Academia Viniglaza: A language school located in Oaxaca that customizes classes and programs to people of all ages. Intrax Study Abroad: Information about this organizations summer cultural exploration in Oaxaca.

Research Guanajuato and find out some basic information about it, including facts about its size, location, climate, and local attractions. Use the first table to organize your findings about Guanajuato. Next, research the schools listed for Guanajuato. Look for information about available classes, teachers, extracurricular activities, and facilities. Use the second table to organize your findings about the schools.





Local attractions






School #1

School #2

School #3

About the City Sponsored by a tourism group, this site provides a lot of information on Guanajuatos history and current attractions. Provides a wealth of information about Guanajuato, as well as other Mexican cities. BootsnAll Travel Network: This colorful Web site describes Guanajuato through the eyes of a tourist. Scroll to the bottom for a list of useful facts.

About the Schools Learning Programs International: The link takes you to the home page, which describes the organizations programs in general. Learn more about the Guanajuato program. Academia Falcn: This Spanish-language school attracts students from all over the world. It also gives you access to an online placement exam. Escuela Mexicana: Course offerings include a volunteer work project and pottery classes with Mexican artists.

Research Cuernavaca and find out some basic information about it, including facts about its size, location, climate, and local attractions. Use the first table to organize your findings about Cuernavaca. Next, research the schools listed for Cuernavaca. Look for information about available classes, teachers, extracurricular activities, and facilities. Use the second table to organize your findings about the schools.





Local attractions






School #1

School #2

School #3

About the City Mexico Travel: This Web site provides information for travelers to a wide variety of destinations in Mexico. The link takes you to their page on Cuernavaca. This travel site provides a large amount of information about Cuernavaca, as well as other Mexican cities.

About the Schools Instituto Chac-Mool: This organization offers Spanish-language immersion programs year round and for all ages. Cuernavaca Language School: This school includes cultural studies as well as intensive language programs. Encuentros: This language institute provides homestays and cultural activities outside of the normal language instruction.

The whole project is worth 15 points (5 points per Step).

Excellent 12-15 points Step 1. Analysis Evidence of a good analysis and research task. Appropriate use of Spanish to analyze and create a description of the ideal city and school. Information well organized.

Good 8-11 points

Needs Work 1-7 points

Project not turned in or little to Evidence of some research task. no real evidence of analysis of Incomplete use of Spanish to task. Used little or no Spanish to analyze and create a description analyze and create a description of the ideal city and school. of the ideal city and school. Information only partially organized or incomplete. Little or no real evidence of research.

Step 2. Research

Step 3. Presentation

Good presentation that includes information about a Mexican Disorganized presentation or No presentation or little to no city and its study-abroad not much effort on presentation. effort on presentation. program.

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