The Dog Rambler E-Diary 27 March 2012

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The Dog Rambler E-diary

top 27
March 2012

Looking for water in The Pentlands


6.25 miles

Dogs on walk

Archie, Cyrano, Finlay, Gina, Jerry, Solo, Tim

Water was our key concern today as the hills baked in the continuing fantastic weather. If the length of the dogs tongues were a barometer then it was hot, hot, hot. And getting hotter by the minute. Our first stop was the stream right beside Bonaly car park. Still too excited at being out and most of them having not seen each other (or me) for over a week they pretty much ignored the water. Not to worry there would be more soon enough. They managed the climb around White Hill and down to the grass field devoid of sheep. Ideal for a chase. Not today, already a few tongues were wagging more than tails. At the far side of the field in the shade of some trees was our next stream. This time they could not get in quick enough. Not deep enough to swim they still managed to get pretty wet as well a finding time to gulp down some of the water. Good job too as we were heading for a climb exposed to the sun. The long and relentless track up the side of Allermuir Hill. Where we met another dog walker coming down having turned around less than half way. She said it was because of sheep after I had uncharitably thought she had been beaten by the heat and the incline. That said as we rounded the next two corners, climbing higher and higher, we saw no sheep. What we did

see where to guys working on the path making it into a smooth surface with a big drainage ditch to the side, trying to stop the erosion from the water that can cascade down here. Not today! We were below the hill summits. It was time to climb. Up Capelaw we went. A little breeze blew up. Enough to cool the dogs and get them running. Archie bounded about chased by a noisy Tim. Or was it Archie. No it was both of them. Cyrano and Gina raced near them but at some distance and some distance from each other too. As the chasing began Finlay sneaked forward having never been too far ahead of the pace until now. Solo kept an eye on him while Jerry jumped about in the grass. Then the sheep slowed us down. Too hot themselves to make an effort to move away. They just watched us, their heads slowly turning following our progress. Then at the bottom of Capelaw Hill was another small stream. The dogs knew it and wanted to run to it. But they had to stay to heel until I was sure there were no more sheep. Once certain I let them go. They raced like Huskies tied to a sled straight into what little water there was. And the accompanying mud too. This set them up for the climb around the other side of Capelaw Hill and their big reward. A dip in Bonaly Reservoir. Once more they raced off well ahead of me. So eager that they ignored a man sitting on a log eating crisps. But they needed me and a few sticks to get them swimming. Not everyone of course. I think Gina and Jerry declined but going quite deep all the same. Thoroughly wet and cooled we set out on the final leg of the walk back downhill toward the field. Not enough energy to run over the sweeping slopes, closing in on Edinburgh and Arthurs seat slightly faded in the haze of the heat. Their coats were soon dry despite their soaking in the reservoir. They ignored the stream in the trees just before the field. But once we had climbed back around White Hill they were keen for one last dip in the stream by the car park. Then it was a close heel to the car to avoid some teenage girls having a picnic on a school outing. Tim tried to sneak off to them. Or he acted as a decoy for Archie. I was so focused on him that Archie was soon in amongst them. Thankfully he came back without stealing anything

as the rest waited at the gate looking askance at the car. Nick

Photo slideshow from the walk

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