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27th March 2012


Little optimism as Bahrainis talk about talks - 27/03/12
Buildings are festooned with posters praising prime minister Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, a staunchly conservative figure who is reviled by the opposition. The island is home to Bahrains two main Sunni political parties: Al Islah, the local branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, and Al Asalah, a salafi party. A sign outside the latters headquarters declares no dialogue with traitors; another mockingly depicts a donkey above the slogan, lets go to dialogue! Also on Muharraq island is the National Unity Assembly, a movement which is in theory ecumenical but in practice has emerged as a powerful political vehicle for pro-government Sunnis. Read More Such beatings have become standard procedure in Bahrain. With high corruption and no functioning legal system to write home about, victims of abuse like this have no recourse. Reuters reports today that a teenage boy was abducted by plainclothes detectives who dragged him into a garage and beat him into unconsciousness after he refused to spy on other youth protesters. The boy came out and told his story, and the government simply denied it. Read More lodge a complaint against BNA. alleged effort by police to force him to work as an informer.

Bahrain rejects Shi'ite teenager's claim of police abuse - 23/03/12

A Bahraini Shi'ite Muslim teenager said three men who appeared to be plainclothes detectives abducted him last week, dragged him into a garage and beat him into unconsciousness after he refused to spy on youths involved in clashes with riot police. Ali Singace's case has raised questions about rights reform in Bahrain after public prosecutors accused him of ling a false report about the

"I was walking alone when a car came behind me. One got out and pushed me into a garage. Then they closed the door and one said, 'We don't want to repeat the question again: we want you to work with us'," said Singace, a slight 16-year-old who admits he takes part in clashes with police where he lives in Sanabis. Read More Reprinted here:
Bahrain rejects Shi'ite teenager's claim of police abuse Bahrain rejects Shi'ite teenager's claim of police abuse Bahrain rejects Shi'ite teens police abuse claim - Pretoria News |

A year into the unrest in Bahrain, there is a palpable sense of fear and anger on this island, a Sunni stronghold located on an island just east of the capital. Police checkpoints guard the causeways which connect Muharraq to Manama.

Protests defy police in Bahrain - 27/03/12

Thousands of protesters converged on Bahrains capital Manama on Friday of last week over a year after an uprising began there. Many women took part in the protests as police fired tear gas and drove armoured vehicles at the crowds.

But protesters taunted police and threw rocks, petrol bombs and tear gas canisters back towards their lines. The protests took place on the same day as the funeral of 59 year old Abda Ali Abdul Hussein. She died the previous night after her home was tear gassed. Abdas brother said, I consider her a victim of the clashes. Read More "The Public Prosecution relied on investigations earlier done by the Interior Ministry's Legal Affairs and did not investigate the case itself before sending it to court, which is void," said the court. The policemen failed to appear at yesterday's hearing. Defence lawyer Zakaria Younis earlier claimed the victims had been badly beaten for 48 hours before they were detained. Read More

They beat us until they got tired 27/03/12

Brian Dooley, of Human Rights First, on Bahrain: They said they had been severely beaten by the police in the previous two days. They beat us until they got tired, then other policemen would take over and beat us more, said one boy.

More misrepresentation from BNA This time its France - 26/03/12

In the past week BNA has been full of articles supposedly showing how the international community welcomes Bahrain reforms and other such claims after the BICI report. Notably they published some quotes attributed to British MP Conor Burns, which he quickly refuted and claimed he would

Well it looks like they are at it again. Having a flick through the daily reports from Bahrain News Agency we came across this little piece entitled France Welcomes Bahraini Reforms. Often its impossible to verify what was actually said and what BNA quoted, but luckily with the French they publish their daily briefings online. Read More

Court rejects officers' case - 27/03/12

JUDGES have thrown out the case against two policemen accused of beating anti-government protesters to death with a pipe. The High Criminal Court yesterday ruled the Public Prosecution had failed to investigate the allegations or follow proper procedures.

Bahrain Grand Prix 'can unite country' 27/03/12

The president of the Automobile Federation of Bahrain has called on Formula One to help unify his country, but is unable to offer concrete guarantees over safety.

Sheikh Abdullah bin Isa Al Khalifa, who is also one of the 26 members of the FIA's World Motor Sport Council, feels Bahrain will emerge a stronger nation following next month's grand prix. Last year's race was called off following the deaths of a number of anti-government protesters involved in violent clashes with police and the armed forces. Read More

China, one week before the scheduled race at Sakhir.


The FIA is preparing a statement to announce the cancellation of the Bahrain Grand Prix, sources in the paddock reveal to It is expected that the statement will be published on the Thursday in

The situation in Bahrain still isn't safe enough to host a Formula 1 race, according to the FIA. The Bahrain Grand Prix was dropped from the calendar last year after violent clashes between the police and protesters against the regime. Read More be abandoned as the sport's governing body could not guarantee the safety of all those involved. "The FIA is preparing a statement to announce the cancellation of the Bahrain Grand Prix, sources in the paddock reveal," it said. "The situation in Bahrain still isn't safe enough to host a Formula 1 race, according to the FIA." Read More

No extra security needed for Bahrain motorsport chief 27/03/12

Security does not need to be stepped up during the Bahrain Grand Prix, according to the president of the country's Automobile Federation. The race will return in April after it was cancelled in 2011 following the deaths of anti-

government protesters involved in clashes with authorities. Sheikh Abdullah bin Isa Al Khalifa told PA Sport: "We've never had any violence towards foreigners. Continue reading the main story "We've never had any violence towards foreigners. All I can guarantee you is you will be as safe as at any other grand prix Read More!

Bahrain Grand Prix to be cancelled: racing experts - 27/03/12

Racing experts expect the Bahrain Grand Prix to be cancelled due to continuing instability in the Gulf statelet. The inuential website said it was looking likely that the race, due to take place on April 22, would

Protesters call for regime ouster in Bahrain - 27/03/12

The protesters on Tuesday attended the funeral procession of another victim of poisonous tear gas red by Bahraini regime forces.

The demonstrators gathered in Shahrakan to mourn the death of Ahmad Abdul Nabi. Meanwhile, clashes have broken out between Bahraini forces and anti-regime protesters in several towns and villages outside the capital Manama. Read More

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