A.P. Chapter 33 Test

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Biology Chapter 33 Test

Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. For the following questions, match the descriptions with the correct phylum below. Each choice may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. B. C. D. E. Cnidaria Annelida Mollusca Arthropoda Echinodermata

1. protostomes that have an open circulatory system and an exoskeleton of chitin a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E 2. protostomes that have a closed circulatory system and obvious segmentation a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E 3. deuterostomes that have an endoskeleton a. A b. B c. C 4. a diploblastic phylum of aquatic predators a. A b. B c. C

d. D

e. E

d. D

e. E

5. Although a diverse group, all cnidarians are characterized by a. a gastrovascular cavity. b. an alternation between a medusa and a polyp stage. c. some degree of cephalization. d. muscle tissue of mesodermal origin. e. the complete absence of asexual reproduction. 6. Which of the following combinations of phylum and description is incorrect? a. Echinodermata-bilateral and radial symmetry, coelom from archenteron b. Nematoda-roundworms, pseudocoelomate c. Cnidaria-radial symmetry, polyp and medusa body forms d. Platyhelminthes-flatworms, gastrovascular cavity, acoelomate e. Porifera-gastrovascular cavity, coelom present 7. The larvae of many common tapeworms affecting humans are usually found a. encysted in human muscle. b. encysted in the muscle of an animal such as a cow or pig. c. in the abdominal blood vessels of humans. d. in the human brain. e. in the intestines of cows and pigs. 8. Which of these characteristics is common to both snails and earthworms?

a. b. c. d. e.

a closed circulatory system segmentation two tissue layers an alimentary system with two openings an exoskeleton

9. While working in your garden, you discover a worm-like, segmented animal with two pairs of jointed legs per segment. The animal is probably a a. millipede. d. polychaete worm. b. caterpillar. e. sow bug. c. centipede. 10. Water movement through a sponge would follow what path? a. porocyte spongocoel osculum b. blastopore gastrovascular cavity protostome c. choanocyte mesohyl spongocoel d. porocyte choanocyte mesohyl e. collar cell coelom porocyte 11. Which of the following is not found in annelids? a. a hydrostatic skeleton b. segmentation c. a digestive system with separate mouth and anus d. a closed circulatory system e. a cuticle made of chitin 12. All of the following characterize the phylum Rotifera except a. a complete digestive tract. b. a crown of cilia at the anterior end that resembles a wheel. c. parthenogenic reproduction. d. a life cycle stage that is resistant to desiccation. e. a relatively large size. 13. All of the following are characteristics of the phylum Cnidaria except a. a gastrovascular cavity. d. cnidocytes. b. a polyp stage. e. a pseudocoelom. c. a medusa stage. 14. You find a small animal with eight legs crawling up your bedroom wall. Closer examination will probably reveal that this animal has a. antennae. b. no antennae. c. chelicerae. d. A and C e. B and C 15. Which of these statements is true of sponges? a. They have an open circulatory system. b. They are segmented animals. c. They have no true tissues. d. Food is digested within a gastrovascular cavity. e. They are pseudocoelomates.

16. Which of the following is a characteristic of adult echinoderms? a. secondary radial symmetry b. spiral cleavage during early embryonic development c. gastrovascular cavity d. exoskeleton e. a lophophore 17. What are the cells in a sponge that are primarily responsible for trapping food particles from circulating water? a. amoebocytes d. pore cells (porocytes) b. choanocytes e. epidermal cells c. mesohyl cells Match the descriptions with the correct echinoderm class from the list below. Each choice may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. B. C. D. E. class Crinoidea (sea lilies and feather stars) class Asteroidea (sea stars) class Ophiuroidea (brittle stars) class Echinoidea (sea urchins and sand dollars) class Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers)

18. They have distinct central disks and long, flexible arms. a. A b. B c. C d. D 19. They are elongated in the oral-aboral axis. a. A b. B c. C

e. E

d. D

e. E

20. They can extend the stomach through their mouth to feed. a. A b. B c. C d. D

e. E

21. Which of these factors, when used to label the horizontal axis of the graph in the figure below, would account most directly for the shape of the plot?

a. spongin concentration (gm/unit volume) b. rate of cribrostatin synthesis (molecules/ unit time)

c. number of amoebocytes per sponge d. number of spicules per sponge e. number of choanocytes per sponge 22. A radula is present in members of which class(es)? a. Gastropoda d. A and B only b. Polyplacophora e. A, B, and C c. Bivalvia Match the descriptions to the correct annelid class(es) from the list below. Each choice may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. B. C. D. E. Oligochaeta Polychaeta Hirudinea two of the above all of the above

23. have segmented bodies a. A b. B 24. have parapodia a. A

c. C

d. D

e. E

b. B

c. C

d. D

e. E

25. some members release an anticoagulate that is of medical significance a. A b. B c. C d. D 26. make castings that are agriculturally important a. A b. B c. C

e. E

d. D

e. E

27. Which of the following are not associated with sponges? a. oscula b. spongocoels c. cnidocytes d. spicules

e. amoebocytes

28. An arthropod has all the following characteristics except a. protostome development. d. three embryonic germ layers. b. bilateral symmetry. e. an open circulatory system. c. a pseudocoelom. 29. Among the invertebrates, arthropods are unique in possessing a. a cuticle. d. wings. b. a ventral nerve cord. e. segmented bodies. c. open circulation. 30. Which phylum is characterized by animals that have a segmented body? a. Cnidaria d. Arthropoda b. Platyhelminthes e. Mollusca c. Porifera

31. Corals are most closely related to which group? a. jellies d. sponges b. freshwater hydras e. barnacles c. sea anemones 32. While snorkeling, a student observes an active marine animal that has a series of muscular tentacles bearing suckers associated with its head. Segmentation is not observed, but a pair of large, well-developed eyes is evident. The student is observing an animal belonging to which class? a. Gastropoda d. Polychaeta b. Cephalopoda e. Bivalvia c. Polyplacophora 33. Generally, members of which flatworm class are nonparasitic? a. Turbellaria b. Trematoda c. Cestoda d. Monogenea 34. The possession of two pairs of antennae is a characteristic of a. spiders. b. insects. c. centipedes. d. millipedes.

e. A, C, and D

e. crustaceans.

35. What distinguishes complete metamorphosis from incomplete metamorphosis in insects? a. presence of wings in the adult, but not in earlier life stages b. presence of sex organs in the adult, but not in earlier life stages c. radically different appearance between adults and earlier life stages d. only A and B e. A, B, and C 36. Which of the following is a correct statement about members of the phylum Cnidaria? They a. are not capable of locomotion because they lack true muscle tissue. b. are primarily filter feeders. c. have either or both of two body forms: mobile polyps and sessile medusae. d. may use a gastrovascular cavity as a hydrostatic skeleton. e. are the simplest organisms with a complete alimentary canal (two openings). 37. Humans most frequently acquire trichinosis by a. having sexual contact with an infected partner. b. eating undercooked pork. c. inhaling the eggs of worms. d. eating undercooked beef. e. being bitten by tsetse flies. 38. Which of the following is not a characteristic of most members of the phylum Annelida? a. hydrostatic skeleton d. pseudocoelom b. segmentation e. closed circulatory system c. metanephridia 39. A lophophore is used by ectoprocts, phoronids, and brachiopods a. for locomotion. d. for sensory reception. b. at a larval stage. e. as a skeletal system. c. for feeding.

40. A land snail, a clam, and an octopus all share a. a mantle. b. a radula. c. gills.

d. embryonic torsion. e. distinct cephalization.

41. The water vascular system of echinoderms a. functions as a circulatory system that distributes nutrients to body cells. b. functions in locomotion, feeding, and gas exchange. c. is bilateral in organization, even though the adult animal has radial anatomy. d. moves water through the animal's body during suspension feeding. e. is analogous to the gastrovascular cavity of flatworms. 42. Which of the following characteristics is probably most responsible for the incredible diversification of insects on land? a. segmentation d. bilateral symmetry b. antennae e. flight c. tracheal system 43. The members of which class of the phylum Cnidaria occur only as polyps? a. Hydrozoa d. Cubozoa b. Scyphozoa e. both B and D c. Anthozoa 44. Which molluscan class includes chitons? a. Polyplacophora b. Bivalvia c. Cephalopoda

d. Gastropoda e. both C and D

45. Which of the following is not true of the cheliceriforms? a. They have antennae. b. Their body is divided into a cephalothorax and an abdomen. c. Horseshoe crabs are surviving marine members. d. They include ticks, scorpions, and spiders. e. Their anterior appendages are modified as pincers or fangs. 46. In a small stream, you pick up a rock and observe many small, flattened worms crawling on its undersurface. You decide that they belong to the phylum Platyhelminthes. To which class do they probably belong? a. Cestoda b. Monogenea c. Turbellaria d. Trematoda e. Hirudinea 47. Which molluscan class includes members that undergo embryonic torsion? a. Polyplacophora b. Bivalvia c. Cephalopoda d. Gastropoda e. All molluscan classes have this characteristic. 48. Which class of the phylum Cnidaria includes "jellies" with rounded (as opposed to box-like) medusae? a. Hydrozoa d. Cubozoa

b. Scyphozoa c. Anthozoa

e. Both A and C are referred to as "jellies."

49. A shared derived characteristic for members of the arthropod subgroup that includes spiders would be the presence of a. chelicerae. d. a cuticle. b. an open circulatory system. e. a cephalothorax. c. an exoskeleton. 50. Which of these is a characteristic of sea stars? a. a closed circulatory system d. two tissue layers b. nephridia e. tube feet c. a brain 51. While sampling marine plankton in a lab, a student encounters large numbers of fertilized eggs. She rears some of the eggs in the laboratory for further study and finds that the blastopore becomes the mouth. The embryo develops into a trochophore larva and eventually has a coelom. These eggs probably belonged to a(n) a. annelid. b. echinoderm. c. mollusc. d. nematode. e. arthropod. 52. A terrestrial mollusc without a shell belongs to which class? a. Gastropoda d. Cephalopoda b. Polyplacophora e. Arthropoda c. Bivalvia 53. The heartworms that can accumulate within the heart of dogs and other mammals have a pseudocoelom, an alimentary canal, and an outer covering that is occasionally shed. To which phylum does the heartworm belong? a. Platyhelminthes d. Phoronida b. Arthropoda e. Annelida c. Nematoda 54. All of the following can be used to distinguish a nematode worm from an annelid worm except a. type of body cavity. b. number of muscle layers in the body wall. c. presence of segmentation. d. number of embryonic tissue layers. e. presence of an alimentary canal. 55. A brachiopod can be distinguished from a bivalve by the presence of a. two hinged shells. b. a digestive system with separate mouth and anus. c. a lophophore. d. suspension feeding. e. a distinct head. 56. All of the following animal groups include terrestrial life forms except a. Mollusca. d. Arthropoda. b. Crustacea. e. Annelida. c. Echinodermata.

57. What is true of echinoderms? a. They have an endoskeleton of hard calcareous plates. b. Tube feet provide motility in most species. c. They have a pseudocoelom. d. Only A and B are true. e. A, B, and C are true. 58. Infection with which parasite would cause elasticity in human skeletal muscles? a. trichinella worms d. blood flukes b. tapeworms e. rotifers c. copepods 59. Which characteristic is shared by both cnidarians and flatworms? a. dorsoventrally flattened bodies b. flame cells c. radial symmetry d. a digestive system with a single opening e. both A and D 60. A radially symmetrical animal that has two embryonic tissue layers belongs to which phylum? a. Porifera d. Nematoda b. Cnidaria e. Echinodermata c. Platyhelminthes

A.P. Biology Chapter 33 Test Answer Section

MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: D B E A A E B D A A E E E E C A B C E B E D E B C A C C D D C B A E C D B D C A B

42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.



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