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Psychic predictions on Estrada and Arroyo,

the US, Obama & the world

Originally published at — Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:07 PM EDT
Postscript written on November 5, 2008

by Jesusa Bernardo

Warning: Only for those who take psychic "predictions" not to heart.

The decade was the mid-1980s when I watched the documentary on Nostradamus' predictions,
the much acclaimed The Man Who Saw Tomorrow. Much of its contents had already slipped my
mind (until I recently decided to revisit the movie via YouTube) but based from the presentation,
I remember telling myself then that the French seer has a near-prophetic accuracy at foretelling
the future, and that he has some rather dire predictions in store for the modern humans. I wasn't
inclined, however, to buy his predictions hook, line and sinker. While I was try to keep an open
mind as a matter of "scientific thinking" policy, I'm not the gullible type because I always seek
valid evidence before getting myself to believe anything.
One of Nostradamus astounding predictions
shown in the film is the supposed
devastation of the world being brought
about by a nuclear war instigated by a
Muslim leader from the "East." As shown in
the film, the man, clad in an apparently
Muslim garb with blue turban, will launch a
nuclear weapon targeting the United States
of America. Keep in mind that the year this
was shown was the 1980s and that at the
time, the "enemy" of the US was no other
than the communist superpower Union of
Soviet Socialist Republic. Back then, any
Muslim country being able to stand up to
the US was unthinkable. Moreover, the
Cold War had every country and everyone fearing that the end of the world would come via a
nuclear missile exchange between the two superpowers.

As history would later unfold, the improbable happened when the once indivisible USSR and its
communist bloc began disintegrating, beginning in the late1980s. Was this historical
development a proof of the accuracy of Nostradamus' predictions?

Predictions of an "Apo"

Amidst numerous Internet sites insinuating, if not actually

naming Democratic standard bearer Barack Obama as the next
"anti-Christ" mentioned in Nostradamus quatrains, I ventured
to seek a more "enlightened" interpretation of the Nostradamus
predictions that potentially relates to Obama and the future of
the world. I then set out to "consult" with a low-profile psychic
I've heard about for years. I've been aware of his political
predictions on the Philippine scene—which I constantly
question in my mind but most of which have so far proved to
be true.

Ever since the Edsa 2 coup that deposed the constitutionally elected Joseph
Estrada and catapulted the power grabbing Gloria Macapagal Arroyo to the
Philippine presidency, I must admit I have been hoping for some news or
"predictions" that would rectify this grave political sin against the Filipino
people. Apo, however, would consistently predict that the fake "President"
Arroyo would continue her hold on power--despite the pro-Estrada Edna 3 failed
revolution, numerous coup rumors and attempts, and electoral exercises,
particularly the 2004 elections (which official results declaring Arroyo's win over
opposition bet Fernando Poe Jr. proved to have been rigged by a conspiracy among Arroyo,
certain Comely and military officials, administrations senators and congressmen, and perhaps
even the NAMFREL "watchdog").
Obama victory

Apo has very interesting things to say on both the Philippine and
American political scenes, and the world in general. What will
happen in America in the next months or years, it seems, will
gravely impact on world developments. Well, the United States
being the sole remaining superpower, it's hardly surprising that
developments in the US influence events in other parts of the

The Democratic ticket led by Barack Obama will most likely

win the November elections, says Apo. The final vote tally will
yield an approximately 33 percent lead over the Republican
tandem of McCain and Palin. Unfortunately, there's a second,
unpalatable part of this prediction. Barack Obama's presidency
will be marked by pronounced materialism. Contrary to Obama's
apparent idealism, his latent materialist agenda will surface once
he takes over the administration of the USA.

There's much more. The low-key psychic says that Obama's win will
signal the beginning of the world era of much difficulty and chaos.
The global recession obtaining at the moment will not be resolved by
the new administration, and instead, will deteriorate into a world
crisis. Also, Obama will supposedly befriend, or be befriended by, a
political figure of a Muslim state--an association that would somehow
adversely impact on President Obama's foreign affairs and domestic
policies. Apo says that Nostradamus' dire predictions for the US and
the world could likely come to fruition under the Obama presidency
(He did not elaborate so I'm not sure what particular Nostradamus
quatrain he refers to, but I'm wondering whether he meant the
scenario of that Middle Eastern man with blue turban bringing terror
to the West as depicted in The Man Who Saw Tomorrow movie).

Assassination attempts on Arroyo & Estrada

Apo also predicts that deposed and defamed ex-President Joseph Estrada will
run again for the Philippine presidency. Based on current developments when
the opposition appears disunited, and on past statements of Estrada indicating
that he'll run himself if the opposition will not field a unified candidate, this
prediction does not seem far-fetch. The psychic also says the former President
will win--something not really surprising, considering how he continues to be
mobbed wherever he goes and how certain surveys show how the Filipinos
view him as innocent of the Plunder charges for which he was convicted.
The startling part of Apo's Estrada prediction is that the defamed Philippine
President will be assassinated by a group which cannot accept his comeback
in Philippine politics. Such a scenario would not come, however, before
Gloria Arroyo herself, the incumbent who grabbed power from Estrada, and
who is widely believed to have cheated opposition standard bearer Fernando
Poe Jr. during the 2004 elections, becomes subject to an assassination plot
after she steps down in 2010.

Apo has more to say, like the Philippines doing an

Atlantis (translation: will sink deep into the ocean
bottom) if the Filipinos don't reform as a nation--
whatever he means by that. His other predictions are still
far fetched in time, so for the moment, my focus is on his
short-to-medium term predictions. Are Apo's
"predictions" accurate, just silly figments of imagination,
or simply hoax material? Frankly, I find them very bleak
and rather belonging to the doomsayers' stuff. I've been tempted to dismiss them as crazy stuff
had I not reminded myself that this same Apo told me some six months earlier that Obama would
prevail over Hillary Clinton in the primaries (much to my violent chagrin because I was hoping
for a Hillary-Obama Democratic ticket). Ever the rational yet open-minded fellow that I am, I
think I'm going to wait and see.



The Man Who Saw Tomorrow. Prod. Paul Drane, et al., & Dir. Robert Guenette. Warner Bros,
January 1981.


Postscript 1:

(5 Nov. 2008)

The US elections are a done deal. Obama wins. Now brace yourself for the determining figures:
Obama's 349 vs. McCain's 163 electoral votes, out of a total of 512. Next, do your math. Final
tally reveals that Obama got 68.16%, over McCain's 31.86%. In approximate terms, the
resulting difference is one-third, or in exact figures, 36.3% electoral vote lead.

Are you getting the shudders now? Apo predicted about one-third Obama lead, which I wrote as
"approximately 33 percent lead over McCain." Given that the Apo meant the figure as an
approximation, I say this part of his predictions has been "proved" right: so accurate that if it is
off, it's just by a only around 3.3%. I've been sort of hoping that the final figures would be far
away from Apo's predictions because if that were the case, logic would dictate that the rest of his
morbid foretelling would be wrong as well.
Unfortunately, that ain't the case. I'm starting to wonder whether former First Lady and Senator
Hillary Clinton never really stood a chance against Sen. Barack during the primaries. Has
Obama's victory been long written in the stars? I mean, long been fated, and inscribed on the
Akashic records by Nostradamus?

Postscript 2:

(5 Nov. 2008)

There's one "heavy" part of Apo's prediction that I opted not to include because it was so
"negative" of a future America. I've decided to append this deleted portion in the aftermath of
Obama's victory because it should look good contrasting with the future policies of the US
President-elect who campaigned on a mantra of liberal, progressive change, Here it is: "Under
the Obama presidency, America will show its true color, evil color."

How Americans, or the US, can be so wicked as described in the prediction is beyond me. I'm
thinking it may have something to do with what the Apo himself described as the materialist
course Obama is supposed to lead his country into. The world knows America to be a bully and
even actual colonizer in the past but for it to be termed "evil" sounds like an exaggeration.

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