Solutions) Mastering Physics HW30

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Due: 11:59pm on Tuesday, November 17, 2009

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Mutual Inductance of a Double Solenoid

Learning Goal: To learn about mutual inductance from an example of a long solenoid with two windings. To illustrate the calculation of mutual inductance it is helpful to consider the specific example of two solenoids that are wound on a common cylinder. We will take the cylinder to have radius and length . Assume that the solenoid is much longer than its radius, so that its field can be determined from Ampre's law throughout its entire length: We will consider the field that arises from solenoid 1, which has turns per unit length. The magnetic field due to solenoid 1 passes (entirely, in this case) through solenoid 2, which has turns per unit length. Any change in magnetic flux from the field generated by solenoid 1 induces an EMF in solenoid 2 through Faraday's law of induction, . .

Part A Consider first the generation of the magnetic field by the current its ends), what is the magnitude Express ANSWER: in terms of in solenoid 1. Within the solenoid (sufficiently far from

of the magnetic field due to this current? , variables given in the introduction, and relevant constants.

= Correct

Note that this field is independent of the radial position (the distance from the symmetry axis) for points inside the solenoid. Part B What is the flux Hint B.1 generated by solenoid 1's magnetic field through a single turn of solenoid 2?

The definition of flux . When the field is constant and perpendicular to the cross section, this in this case?

The definition of magnetic flux is

is just the magnitude of the field times the area. What is the area Express in terms of and other constants.


= Answer not displayed

Express ANSWER:

in terms of

, quantities given in the introduction, and any needed constants.

= Correct

Part C Now find the electromotive force Hint C.1 Find the flux from . induced across the entirety of solenoid 2 by the change in current in solenoid 1.

In Part B, you found the flux through a single turn of solenoid 2, Now express . ANSWER: = Correct in terms of ,

, other quantities given in the introduction, and various constants such as

Hint C.2

The EMF for the entire solenoid

The total EMF for a multiturn solenoid can be quite large (this is the principle of transformers that can produce kilovolts).

Express the total EMF through solenoid 2, introduction. ANSWER: = Correct

, in terms of

, and other quantities given in the

Hint C.3

Putting it together

You have now worked out three things: 1. the magnetic field from 2. the flux from this field 3. the EMF for the entire second solenoid Put them together and you have the answer! Express your answer in terms of constants. ANSWER: = Correct , , , other parameters given in the introduction, and any relevant

Part D This overall interaction is summarized using the symbol to indicate the mutual inductance between the two windings.

Based on your previous two answers, which of the following formulas do you think is the correct one? ANSWER:

Correct Mutual inductance indicates that a change in the current in solenoid 1 induces an electromotive force (EMF) in solenoid 2. When the double solenoid is thought of as a circuit element, this electromotive force is added into Kirchhoff's loop law. The constant of proportionality is the mutual inductance, denoted by . The negative sign in the equation comes from the negative sign in Faraday's law, and reflects Lenz's rule: The changing magnetic field due to solenoid 1 will induce a current in solenoid 2; this induced current will itself generate a magnetic field within solenoid 2, such that changes in the induced magnetic field oppose the changes in the magnetic field from solenoid 1. Part E Using the formula for the mutual inductance, Express the mutual inductance constants. ANSWER: = Correct in terms of , , find .

, quantities given in the introduction, and relevant physical

Part F Not surprisingly, if a current is sent through solenoid 2, it induces a voltage in solenoid 1. The mutual inductance in this case is denoted by , the mutual inductance for voltage induced in solenoid 1 from current in solenoid 2. What is ? Hint F.1 A new symmetry Hint not displayed Express the mutual inductance in terms of ANSWER: = Correct This result that is equal to reflects the interchangeability of the two coils and applies even if the coils are only , , quantities given in the introduction, and relevant physical constants.

partially coupled (for example, if one coil is wound on a much larger cylinder or if only a fraction of the larger coil's flux is intercepted by the smaller coil). Because of this fact, the subscripts are generally omitted: There is only one mutual inductance between two coils, denoted by : An EMF is generated in one coil by a change in current in the other coil.

In Part B of Exercise 30.4, you should use the easiest possible method; i.e. use your result from Part A. If instead, you plug in to the formula you have derived in the problem "Mutual Inductance of a Double Solenoid", you will be missing the point of this problem. If you truly understand the DEF of mutual inductance, you should be able to get Part B very easily from a correct answer to Part A. Also, for Part C, MP wants a negative answer; please use a negative answer. However, the words in the statement of the problem are not sufficient to unequivocally determine the sign of the induced EMF. For example, the relative direction of the windings of the two coils is not specified. GBA

Exercise 30.4
A solenoidal coil with 28 turns of wire is wound tightly around another coil with 320 turns. The inner solenoid is 20.0 and has a diameter of 2.30 . Part A For this time, calculate the average magnetic flux through each turn of the inner solenoid. ANSWER:
7 = 1.1710 Correct


. At a certain time, the current in the inner solenoid is 0.140

and is increasing at a rate of 1700

Part B For this time, calculate the mutual inductance of the two solenoids; ANSWER:
5 = 2.3410 Correct

Part C For this time, calculate the emf induced in the outer solenoid by the changing current in the inner solenoid. ANSWER:
2 = 3.9810 Correct

Power Thief
A power line carrying a sinusoidally varying current with a frequency of 60 Hz and a peak value of 65.0 7.0 m across a remote area of the country near a hermit's shack. The unscrupulous hermit plans to construct a vertically oriented 2.0-mhigh rectangular wire coil below the power line; the coil will have 12 turns. The hermit hopes to use the induced voltage in the coil to power 240-volt electrical equipment; such equipment requires a sinusoidally varying voltage with a frequency of 60 Hz and a maximum value of 339 (the rms value times the square root of 2). runs at a height of

Part A What is the maximum rate at which the current in the transmission line is changing with time? ANSWER: 2.4510 7 A/s Correct

Part B What is the required mutual inductance between the transmission line (an infinite line of current) and the coil? Give your answer in (microHenrys). ANSWER: 13.9 Correct

Part C What is the mutual inductance per unit length between the unscrupulous hermit's coil and the transmission line. Give your answer in /m (microHenrys per meter). ANSWER: 0.808 All attempts used; correct answer displayed /m

Part D What is the required length equipment? ANSWER: 17.2 m Correct of the hermit's coil if he is to get the necessary peak voltage for operating his electrical

Power Lost in Transmission

A power plant produces 875 resistance 0.053 to supply a city 43 away. Current flows from the power plant on a single wire of , through the city, and returns via the ground, assumed to have negligible resistance. At the power plant .

the voltage between the wire and ground is 125 Part A What is the current in the wire? ANSWER: = 7000 Correct

Part B What fraction of the power is lost in transmission? Give your answer in percent. ANSWER: = 12.8 Correct

Part C If the power plant must continue to provide energy at a rate of 875 produce a 2.1 ANSWER: , then what current in the transmission wire would

power loss instead of the power loss you calculated in Part B? 2840 Correct

Part D What voltage between wire and ground would produce a 2.1 Give your answer in kV. ANSWER: 308 kV Correct power loss instead of the power loss you calculated in Part B?

Learning Goal: To understand the concepts explaining the operation of transformers. One of the advantages of alternating current (ac) over direct current (dc) is the ease with which voltage levels can be increased or decreased. Such a need is always present due to the practical requirements of energy distribution. On the one hand, the voltage supplied to the end users must be reasonably low for safety reasons (depending on the country, that voltage may be 110 volts, 220 volts, or some other value of that order). On the other hand, the voltage used in transmitting electric energy must be as high as possible to minimize losses in the transmission lines. A device that uses the principle of electromagnetic induction to increase or decrease the voltage by a certain factor is called a transformer. The main components of a transformer are two coils (windings) that are electrically insulated from each other. The coils are wrapped around the same core, which is typically made of a material with a very large relative permeability to ensure maximum mutual inductance. One coil, called the primary coil, is connected to a voltage source; the other, the secondary coil, delivers the power. The alternating current in the primary coil induces the changing magnetic flux in the core that creates the emf in the secondary coil. The magnitude of the emf induced in the secondary coil can be controlled by the design of the transformer. The key factor is the number of turns in each coil. Consider an ideal transformer, that is, one in which the coils have no ohmic resistance and the magnetic flux each turn of both the primary and secondary coils. If the number of turns in the primary coil is is , then the emfs induced in the coils can be written as , and therefore, . is the same for

and that in the secondary coil

Since both emfs oscillate with the same frequency as the ac source, the formula above can be applied to the instantaneous amplitude or the rms values of the emfs. Moreover, if the coils have zero resistance (as we assumed), then for each coil the terminal voltage will be equal to the induced emf. Therefore, we can write .

Note that if

, then

. This is a case of a step-up transformer. Conversely, if

, then

. This is a

case of a step-down transformer. Without energy losses, the power in the primary and secondary coils is the same: .

If the secondary circuit is completed by a resistance

, then

. Combining this with the two equations above gives

Dividing the first and last expressions by

and then inverting gives

In other words, the current in the primary coil is the same as if it were connected directly to a resistance equal to

. In

a way, transformers "transform" resistances as well as voltages and currents. In reality, no transformer is ideal. There are always some energy losses. However, modern transformers have very high efficiencies, usually well exceeding 90%. In answering the questions below, consider the transformer ideal unless otherwise noted.

Part A The primary coil of a transformer contains 100 turns; the secondary has 200 turns. The primary coil is connected to a size AA battery that supplies a constant voltage of 1.5 volts. What voltage would be measured across the secondary coil? ANSWER: zero

Correct In order for an emf to be induced in the secondary coil, the flux through it must be changing; therefore, the current in the primary coil must also be changing. If a constant voltage is supplied to the primary coil, no emf would be induced in the secondary, and therefore, the secondary voltage would be zero. Part B A transformer is intended to decrease the rms value of the alternating voltage from 500 volts to 25 volts. The primary coil contains 200 turns. Find the necessary number of turns in the secondary coil. ANSWER: = 10 Correct

This is a step-down transformer: The voltage decreases. Part C A transformer is intended to decrease the rms value of the alternating current from 500 amperes to 25 amperes. The primary coil contains 200 turns. Find the necessary number of turns in the secondary coil. Hint C.1 How to approach this problem Hint not displayed ANSWER: = 4000 Correct

This is a step-up transformer: The voltage increases by the same factor by which the current decreases. Part D In a transformer, the primary coil contains 400 turns, and the secondary coil contains 80 turns. If the primary current is 2.5 amperes, what is the secondary current ? Express your answer numerically in amperes. ANSWER: = 12.5 Correct

Part E

The primary coil of a transformer has 200 turns and the secondary coil has 800 turns. The power supplied to the primary coil is 400 watts. What is the power generated in the secondary coil if it is terminated by a 20-ohm resistor? Hint E.1 In the ideal world... Hint not displayed ANSWER:

Correct In case of an ideal transformer, the power in the primary circuit is the same as that in the secondary circuit. Part F The primary coil of a transformer has 200 turns, and the secondary coil has 800 turns. The transformer is connected to a 120volt (rms) ac source. What is the (rms) current in the primary coil if the secondary coil is terminated by a 20-ohm resistor? Hint F.1 How to approach the problem Hint not displayed Express your answer numerically in amperes. ANSWER: = 96 Correct

Part G A transformer supplies 60 watts of power to a device that is rated at 20 volts (rms). The primary coil is connected to a 120-volt (rms) ac source. What is the current in the primary coil? Hint G.1 How to approach the problem Hint not displayed Express your answer in amperes. ANSWER: = 0.5 Correct

Part H The voltage and the current in the primary coil of a nonideal transformer are 120 volts and 2.0 amperes. The voltage and the current in the secondary coil are 19.4 volts and 11.8 amperes. What is the efficiency of the transformer? The efficiency of a transformer is defined as the ratio of the output power to the input power, expressed as a percentage: Express your answer as a percentage. ANSWER: = 95.4 % Correct .

Secondary Voltage and Current in a Transformer Ranking Task

Six transformers have the rms primary voltages ( listed below. Part A Which of the transformers are step-up transformers? Which of the transformers are step-down transformers? Hint A.1 Step-up and step-down transformers Hint not displayed Hint A.2 Turns ratio Hint not displayed Place the appropriate transformers into the two categories listed below. ANSWER: ), number of primary turns ( ), and number of secondary turns ( )

View Correct

Part B Rank the transformers on the basis of their rms secondary voltage. Hint B.1 Voltage and number of turns Hint not displayed Hint B.2 Secondary voltage Hint not displayed Rank from largest to smallest. To rank items as equivalent, overlap them. ANSWER:

View Correct

Part C 100 of rms current is incident on the primary side of each transformer. Rank the transformers on the basis of their rms

secondary current. Hint C.1 Energy conservation Hint not displayed Hint C.2 Stepping down current in a step-up transformer Hint not displayed Rank from largest to smallest. To rank items as equivalent, overlap them. ANSWER:

View Correct

Score Summary:
Your score on this assignment is 92.5%. You received 46.27 out of a possible total of 50 points.

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