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Sample Lesson Plan (Needhams 5-Phase Model) Date: Time: Class: Number of pupils: Subject: Topic: Learning Outcomes:

7 May 2011 7.45 8.45 a.m. Year 3 Melur 30 Science Magnetic materials At the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to: 1. identify one characteristic of magnetic materials based on experiment. 2. list five objects that are made of magnetic materials in the classroom. observing, making inferences, predicting, classifying, comparing and contrasting, generating ideas Interested in and inquisitive about the environment, recording and confirming data accurately and honestly Pupils have seen magnet and knew that magnet can attract some objects. bar magnet, paper clip, needle, iron wire, copper wire, ice-cream stick, marble, plastic ruler, zinc plate, aluminium paper, picture, brass screw. Teaching and learning activities Two pupils are asked to go to the front of the class, each student holding a picture of a birds nest. While the teacher holds a picture of a bird near each of the two pictures of the nest, teacher asks: Can the bird enter the nest if I let go the picture of the bird? Remarks SPS: Predicting There is a magnet behind both pictures of the nest. There is a piece of iron stuck behind a picture of the bird and a piece of aluminium behind the other picture of the bird. SPS: Observing

Scientific skills / thinking skills:

Scientific attitudes and values:

Pre-requisite knowledge: Teaching and learning resources:

Phase / time Orientation (10 mins)

Contents Certain materials are attracted to magnet while others not.

Phase / time


Teaching and learning activities Teacher releases both pictures of the bird and found that one bird picture fell and the other stick to the nest.

Remarks T&L Resources: Pictures, magnet, aluminium SPS: Making inferences

Teachers question: Why did one picture of the bird fall? Pupils make inferences and are given the opportunity to check the pictures of the bird and nest. Eliciting ideas (10 mins) Characteristics of magnetic and non magnetic materials. Pupils are divided into groups of 5 and given the worksheet A and objects listed in the worksheet A. Pupils are required to discuss whether the objects given can be attracted to the magnet and then state their answers in the column prediction and reasons.

T&L Resource: Worksheet A SPS: Observing, Predicting

Restructuring ideas (20 mins)

Examples of magnetic materials: Iron nail, needle, etc. Examples of non magnetic materials: plastic, wood, etc.

Each group is given a piece of magnet and is required to validate their predictions. Their results are recorded in the column observation in worksheet A. Teacher and pupils discuss the findings of the experiment followed by forming the concept of magnet materials. Pupils answer the questions in the worksheet B.

SPS: classifying T&L Resources: Worksheet A, Bar magnet, paper clip, needle, iron wire, copper wire, ice-cream stick, marble, plastic ruler, zinc plate, brass screw, aluminium paper Worksheet B

Phase / time


Teaching and learning activities

Remarks Values: Recording and confirming data accurately and honestly

Application of ideas (15 mins)

Objects that are made of iron can be attracted to magnet.

In each group, pupils are required to identify objects in the classroom that are made of iron.

Pupils decide the method on how to test the objects SPS: Classifying T&L Resource: Worksheet C

Reflection (5 mins)

Magnetic materials are materials that can be attracted to the magnet such as iron and steel. Materials metals Non metals iron noniron

Teacher guides the pupils to reflect on what they have learnt by using the concept map.

Self-reflection: *achievement in objectives * strengths * weaknesses (How to overcome?)

SEKOLAH --------------------------------------------------SCIENCE YR 3 NAME:_______________________________CLASS:_____ Worksheet A Place a checkmark () for the objects that are attracted to the magnet. Object Paper clip Needle Copper wire Iron wire Ice-cream stick Marble Plastic ruler Zinc plate Brass screw Aluminium paper Prediction Reasons Observation DATE:____________

SEKOLAH --------------------------------------------------SCIENCE YR 3 NAME:_______________________________CLASS:_____ DATE:____________

Worksheet B Fill in the blanks with suitable answers. 1. ____________________ is the metal that can be attracted to magnet. 2. Material that can be attracted to magnet is called ___________________. 3. Name five objects of magnetic materials and non-magnetic materials. Number 1 2 3 4 5 Magnetic materials Non-magnetic materials

4. State five metals that are non-magnetic materials (a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________ (c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________ (e) ________________________________

SEKOLAH --------------------------------------------------SCIENCE YR 3 NAME:_______________________________CLASS:_____ DATE:____________

Worksheet C


Consists of

Consists of Example Example

Non-metal Non-iron/steel


Plastic, wood

Lesson Plan 1: Inquiry Approach (Using A Discrepant Event)

Date: Magnetic Time: materials Class: Number of pupils: Subject: Topic: Learning Outcomes:

5 May 2003 Non7.45 8.45 a.m. Magnetic Year 4 materials 30 Science Magnetism At the end of the lesson the students will be able to: 1. define operationally what is a magnet.

2. state that the forces of magnet extends into the space around the magnet. Pre-requisite knowledge: Scientific skills / thinking skills: Students have seen and played with magnets. Observing, predicting, communicating, infering and defining operationally / comparing and contrasting, generating ideas Systematic, dare to try, confident and self-reliant. Magnets, paper clips and thread. Teaching and learning activities / Scientific skills Teacher takes a handful of paper clips and hold it above the table top. Teacher asks: - Children, what am I holding in my hand? - Children, predict what will happen when I open my hand? - Can you describe what you observed? - Can you explain your observation. Teacher reiterate that the paper clips fell down because of the gravitational force. Invetigating to solve the discrepancy (20 min) Teacher asks: Is it possible to make a paper clip floats in the air without touching it? Teacher ties a thread to a paper clip and tape one end of the thread on to the table top. Teacher invites a student to SPS: Experimenting SPS: Observing and predicting Remarks

Scientific attitudes and values: Teaching and learning resources: Phase / time Setting up a discrepant event (20 min) Contents Things will always fall to the ground because of the gravitational force.

Phase / time


Teaching and learning activities / Scientific skills come forward and instructs the sudent to slowly raise the magnet up from the table. Remind the student not to let the magnet touch the paper clip. Teacher asks: What happen to the paper clip? Teacher encourages the students to explore further by raising the magnet until the paper clip is above the table and measure the distance from the magnet to the paper clip in centimeters. Teacher asks: What is causing the paper clip to float in the air? What is the greatest distance you can get before the clip falls? Teacher instructs students to get into their group. Each group is to explore the greatest distance they can get before the paper clips fall. Students are encourgage to use different magnets while repeating their exploration. Teacher asks: Explain what you have learned about magnets. Make a written record of what you have learned about magnets.


SPS: Infering TS: Generating ideas Values: Dare to try

Resolve the discrepancy And Closure (20 min)

The force of magnetism extends into space around the magnet. It is not necessary to touch the magnet to feel this force. The strength of the magnetic field depends on the magnetic power of the magnet.

SPS: Experimenting Recording Communicating Comparing and contrasting

SPS: Defining operationally

Lesson Plan 3 : Smart School Date: Time: Class: Number of pupils: Subject: Topic: Learning Outcomes: 6 May 2003 7.45 8.45 a.m. Year 1 Bestari 30 Science Where animals live At the end of the lesson the students will be able to: 1. state where different animals live when given the picture of the animals. Students know some animals

Pre-requisite knowledge:

Scientific skills / thinking skills:

Observing, communicating, classifying, making inferences / comparing and contrasting, generating ideas Good-natured, loving and kind Picture cards with words

Scientific attitudes and values: Teaching and learning resources:

Smart Schools elements and Generic Skills: 1. Learning skills: study skills, intepreting data 2. Facilitating Skills: facilitating and guiding students during activities Phase / time Set Induction (5 min) Contents Animals home Teaching and learning activities / Scientific skills Teacher shows the children a picture of a house. Teacher asks: - Children, what is this? - Children, where do you live? - Who live with you in the house? - Does animal has a home? - Today we are going to learn where animals live. Development Step 1 (10 min) Animals home: Pond, soil, grass, trees, house In groups of six, children are required to choose pictures of animal according to its home (pond, soil, grass, trees, or house) given to each group. Group 1 Can you find the pictures of animal that live in the pond? Group 2 Can you find the pictures of animal that live in the soil? Group 3 Can you find the pictures of animal that live on the grass? Picture cards with words of animals and itsl homes. SPS: Observing Classifying Each group will be given two picture cards of animals for each home and two picture cards of animals from other homes Remarks

Phase / time


Teaching and learning activities / Scientific skills Group 4 Can you find the pictures of animal that live on a tree? Group 5 Can you find the pictures of animal that live in the house? Each group members paste their findings on the board for discussion. Teacher asks: -Children, is it right? -Do you want to make any changes?

Remarks Picture and word cards of animals and their homes.

Step 2 (15 min)

New words: Pond, soil, grass, Tree and home.

Children read the list of the animals that live in their respective homes. Teacher asks: - Children, can you tell what animals live in the pond? (in the soil, on the grass, on a tree and in the house). Teacher plays the CD ROM. Pupils watch the animal homes. CD-ROM Year 1 science Unit 2.3 Animal homes Generic Skill: Facilitating skills

Step 3 (15 min)

Refer to the questions in the CD-ROM

Step 4 (10 min)

Children look at the pictures in the activity sheet 1 and identify the correct home that the animals live. Follow the instructions in the worksheet 1

Teacher discusses the answers with the children.

Worksheets 1 &2 Generic skill: study skills

Phase / time Closure (5 min)

Contents Sample riddle: I have feathers on my body, I can fly. I live in a nest. Who am I?

Teaching and learning activities / Scientific skills


Worksheet 2 is given as homework.

Teacher poses riddle and children answer some riddles. Children, We should show care and love to the animals and their homes. Values: Goodnatured, loving and kind

Use one of the model lesson formats, prepare a 60-minutes lesson plan for a Grade and Topic in the Primary Science syllabus. After completing your lesson plan, evaluate it yourself, modify it, and then have your modified version evaluated by at least three of your colleagues, before turning it in for your lecturers evaluation.

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