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Course Duration

: Bachelor of Business Management (Hons) : 8 weeks (1 class per week)

Number of instructor : 3 Number of students Course objective : 20 : Learners should be able to: 1. Communicate well with other people. 2. Write business letter in accurate English. 3. Present in English. Week /Time Week 1 9 11 am Skills / Language Unit Writing & Listening Topics Activities Materials

Note taking

Briefing about the course (Ice breaking) Input 1. Note taking strategies notes: a. Taking lecture notes b. Saving time on note taking c. Note making Output 1. Listen to the World Summit Internet Marketing seminar video speech and write down the important points.

1. Note taking handouts.

2. Video speech from the World Summit Internet Marketing seminar.

Week 2 9 11 am

Reading & Writing

Article review

Input 1. How to Read notes: a. What to read b. How to read Output 1. The learners are given an article and they need to read and focus on the main points of the article. 2. Then discuss the main points of the

1. How to read handouts

article. Week 3 9 -11 am Speaking Presentation Input 1. Presentation skills 1. Presentation and writing summary skills and writing notes : summary a. Pre-talk preparation handouts. b. Body language c. How to write 2. Five articles from summary Business magazine. Output 1. Learners will be in group of four. 2. Each group will be given an article from magazine. 3. Learners need to summarize the article and present in front of the class. Presentation 1 (15%) Week 4 9 11 am Writing Business letter Input 1. How to write a business letter notes: a. Getting started on your business letter. b. Organize the letter. Output 1. Learners will write a business letter to a company regarding the job offered by the company. 1. How to write business letter handouts.

Test (10%) Week 5 9 11 am Writing & Critical Thinking Business plan Input 1. Business plan basic 1. Business plan notes: basic notes handouts. a. Why write business plan?

b. Users of business plan. c. How do you go about writing the business plan? Output 1. Learners will write a simple business plan that consists of type of business and purpose for implement. Assignment (30 %) From the previous business plan, write full business plans that consist of 5 elements in the Internal Business Plan (Submit on week 7) Week 6 9 11 am Writing Business report Input 1. Business report notes: a. Business report structure. b. Inductive vs. Deductive reports Output 1. The learners will need to write a report of Cisco IT case study. Week 7 9 11am Speaking Persuasion (Marketing) Input 1. Notes on persuasion: a. The target audiences. b. Making your advertisement work. c. The truth about creativity. Outputs 1. The learners in group of four will choose any product and discuss how to advertise the product and persuade the audience.

1. Business report handouts. 2. Cisco IT case study journal.

1. Notes on persuasion (handouts)

2. The representative of the group will present in front of the class. Presentation 2 (15%)

Assignment Due Week 8 9 - 11 am

Final (30%)

Assessments: Presentation 1 - 15% Presentation 2 - 15% Assignment - 30% Test - 10% Final - 30%

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