Scoring Sheet: Common Tournament Rules

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Scoring Sheet

Your Name: Hold the Line

Opponents Name: Opponents Army: Your Score: Your Tactical Bonus Points: Your Kill Points: Opponents Signature_______________________________________

Your Army:

Killing in the Name Of

Opponents Name: Opponents Army: Your Score: Your Tactical Bonus Points: Your Kill Points: Opponents Signature_______________________________________

Winter is Comming
Opponents Name: Opponents Army: Your Score: Your Tactical Bonus Points: Your Kill Points: Opponents Signature_______________________________________

Common Tournament Rules Annihilation will secure all objectives except where noted in the mission details. Essentially it counts as a win for Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary objectives. Tactical bonuses are determined as stands at the end of the game and are not automatic should you annihilate your opponent. Armies are to be constructed using the standard Force Organization Chart (FOC) from the relevant Codex. Total points cost may not exceed the points cap given for the tournament by any amount. All lists must be clearly defined and legible with itemized and total points costs and may be checked for legality before games start. Army lists are not private. You may ask to see an opponents army list prior to the beginning of the game. Players are encouraged to bring extra army list copies to give to opponents. What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG): Models need to be modeled as they are armed. No substitutions or proxies for optional war gear. Exceptions to this are small items like bolt pistols, grenades, Tyranid non-weapon biomorphs, and basic equipment the entire unit is assumed to have as standard. Terrain: All terrain used will fit into the standard 4+ cover save category. Any terrain features with a base will be considered to extend to the edge of the base. City/Desert Ruins, Rock Spires, and tank barriers are impassible to vehicles. Rock Spires are impassible to non-jump infantry.

Mission: Hold the Line

Line of Retreat
Units that fall back do so toward their own table edge via the shortest route possible as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook (pg 45).

Special Rules

Game Length
At the end of game turn 5, On a 3+ game turn 6 is played. At the end of game turn 6, On a 4+ game turn 7 is played. At the end of game turn 7, The game automatically ends.

Infiltrate, Reserves, Deep Strike (pg 94-95)

Primary: Capture and control. Control both objectives = 20, control one objective = 10, control zero objectives = 0. Secondary: The player that has the most victory points. (Win = 5, Draw = 2, Loss = 0) Tertiary: Whoever controls the most table quarters. (Win = 3, Draw = 2, Loss = 0)


Before deployment, both players roll D6. the winner can choose to place the objective marker in his deployment zone or have his opponent place first. The objectives may not be placed in impassible terrain or within 24 of the other objective. Pitched Battle The table is divided into two halves. Players roll and the winner chooses to go first or second. The player that goes first picks a table side and sets up keeping more than 12 inches from the tables middle line.

Tactical Bonuses
Tactical Bonuses +1, if you have control of your opponents objective marker at the end of the game. +1, if you have a HQ model within 3 of an enemy objective marker at the end of the game. (Annihilation will not automatically grant this unless the HQ model is actually there at the time the game ends.) +1, if your opponent has no surviving Troops.

Mission: Killing in the Name Of

Line of Retreat
Units that fall back do so toward their own table edge via the shortest route possible as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook (pg 45).

Special Rules
Infiltrate, Reserves, Deep Strike (pg 94-95) Dawn Of War: Night Fighting rules in effect on game turn 1

Game Length
At the end of game turn 5, On a 3+ game turn 6 is played. At the end of game turn 6, On a 4+ game turn 7 is played. At the end of game turn 7, the game ends automatically.

Primary: In an annihilation game, the winner is determined by the spread of kill points. The difference between the number of units one player has destroyed and the other. Victory Margin 1250+ Points 1000 Points 750 Points 500 Points 250 Points <250 Points Winner 20 18 16 14 12 10 Loser 0 2 4 6 8 10

Dawn of War - The table is divided lengthways into two halves. The player that placed the first objective may then place up to 1 HQ and 2 Troops in their deployment zone. The next player then does the same. All remaining models are then held in reserve and walk on in the first turn unless declared otherwise.

Secondary: Have more troops remaining at the end of the game than your opponent. (Win = 5, Draw = 2, Loss = 0) Tertiary: Have 3 more kill points than your opponent. (Win = 3, Draw = 1, Lose = 0)

Tactical Bonuses
Note: These points are automatic if your opponent has no choices from that Force Organizational slot. +1 If your least expensive unit/vehicle survives the game. +1 If you destroy your opponents most expensive unit/vehicle. +1 If your opponent has no surviving HQ.

Mission: Winter is Coming

Line of Retreat
Units that fall back do so toward their own table edge via the shortest route possible as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook (pg 45).

Special Rules
Infiltrate, Reserves, Deep Strike (pg 94-95)


Game Length
At the end of game turn 5, On a 3+ game turn 6 is played. At the end of game turn 6, On a 4+ game turn 7 is played. At the end of game turn 7, the game ends automatically.

Primary: Control the most objectives.

Victory Margin 5 Objectives 4 Objectives 3 Objectives 2 Objectives 1 Objective Draw Winner 20 18 16 14 12 10 Loser 0 2 4 6 8 10

Before deployment, place one objective in the center of the table. Both players then roll a D6. The winner can choose to place the first objective marker. Then the next player places an objective marker till all 4 markers have been placed. No objective may be placed within 12 of another objective or within 12 of any table edge. Spearhead Table is divided into 4 quarters. Players roll and the winner choose to go first or second. The player that goes first picks a table quarter and sets up keeping more than 12 inches from the center of the table.

Secondary: Control both neutral objectives. (Win = 5, Draw = 2, Loss = 0) Tertiary: Control the most table quarters. (Win = 3, Draw = 1, Lose = 0)

Tactical Bonuses
Note: These points are automatic if your opponent has no choices from that Force Organizational slot. +1 If your opponent has no remaining troop transports. +1 If you control your objective. +1 If your opponents have no models in your deployment zone.

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