Airport Engineering Di Timor Leste

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Tetun nia signifikadu = (T ) English nia signifikadu = (E )


(E) When considering sentences grammar we need to know various things Such as parts of speech. What words can be used for subject? How do we join different sentences? What can come before and after nouns? Etc. In other words we need to be able to talk about parts of speech.

(T) Wainhira ita konsideira fraze hosi ruma gramatika , ita presiza hatene uluk buat oi-oin mak hanesan parte hosi deskursu nian. Liafuan saida mak bele uza ba asuntu / materia (sujeitu) . Oinsa ita bele liga fraze ida ho fraze sira seluk. Saida mak akontese uluk antes no depois de subtantivu(noun).

The eight parts of speech to classification the words into each parts such as:

Pronoun [ prenaun] = pronome Adjective [ aedjectiv] = adjective Noun [naun] = substantivu , nome Conjunction [kendjanksen] =conjugacao Adverb [aedve:b] = adverbio Verb [ve:b] = verbo Interjection [ ] = interjeicao Preposition [ ] =pre[osicao

Tuirmai ita atu hatene klaru liutan funsaun hosi parte deskursu nian:

{E} Pronoun Pronoun is: (grammar) a word that we used in place of a noun such as to change the name of a person or things and to show the something near and far.

{T} Pronoun katak (gramatika) liafuan sira nebee ita uza hodi troka ema nia naran no sasan sira nia naran no mos bele hatudu buat nebe besik no dook.

{E} Pronoun has divided two parts such as General pronoun, it use to change the name of person & things, and the other one Specific pronoun, it use to show something is near and far.

{T} Pronoun nia fahe ba iha parte oin rua mak hanesan General pronoun, hodi troka ema nia naran no sasan nia naran, no ida fali seluk Specific pronoun uza hodsi hatudu buat ruma.

GENERAL PRONOUN How many general pronouns? General Pronoun fahe ba iha parte hira ?

E: There are have three parts : T : Nia fahe ba iha parte oin tolu :

1). Personal pronoun has divide tow parts: a). subject : I, You, We, They, She, He, It. b). Object: Me, You, Us, Them, Her, Him, It.

2). Possessive Pronoun has divided two parts : a). possessive adjective : My, Your, Our, Their, Her His, Its. b). possessive pronoun: Mine, Yours, Ours, Theirs, Hers, His, Its.

3). Reflexive pronoun Myself, yourself, ourselves, Thyself, Herself, Himself, Itself.

Tuirmai ita hare nia forma hosio tabela .

Personal Pronoun

Possessive Pronoun

Reflexive pronoun



Possessive adjective MY YOUR OUR THEIR HER HIS ITS

Possessive pronoun MINE YOURS OURS THEIRS HERS HIS ITS Myself Yourself Ourselves Themselves Herself Himself Itself



B. SPECIFIC PRONOUN Specific Pronoun iha oi-oin mak hanesan tuir mai Demonstrative Pronoun (T) Demonstrative pronaun (demostrative pronoun ) katak troka liafuan hodi hatudu buat ruma no nia uza iha primeiru fraze baa singular no plural mak hanesan This , That, Those & These. This = nee/ ida nee Uzahodihatudusasannebeeidadeit That = neba/ ida neba singula These = nee / hirak nee uzahodihatudusasannebeebarak Those = neba/ hirak neba plural

Ezemplo hosi fraze [ this] nian (singular): this is a book = ida nee livru this is mine =ida nee hau nian this pen is mine = lapizeira nee hau nian this is my sister = ida nee hau nia feton how must those this cost? = ida nee folin hira what is this ? =saida mak nee

ezemplo hosi fraze [ that ] nian ( singular ): that is my book = ida neeba hau nia livru that is a book = ida neba livru that pen is mine = lapizeira neeba hau nian A that time, he was a teacher = ihaempu neeba nia proffesores that car is your's = kareta neba o nian

Ezemplo hosi fraze [ these,plural ] mai hosi[ this,singular] nian: I have three books, these are english book = hau iha livru tolu, livru sira nee mak english These are better = hirak nee mak diak these books are yours = livru sira nee o nian do you want these? = o hakarak hirak nee ka?

Ezemplu hosi frze [ those,plural ] mai hosi [ that,singular ] nian: Those are olso good = hirak neba mos diak Those books are theirs = livru hirak nebe sira nian I don't know those boys = hau la hatene labarik oan sira neba Those cars which one is better = kareta sira neba ida nebe mak diak liu.

INTRROGATIVE PRONOUN Interrogative pronoun katak troka liafuan hodi husu no uza hodi halo liafuan nee sai pergunta , no bele uza mos hodi husu pergunta ba ema.

Signifikadu What [ use for things & name ] = sida Who [ people ] = see Which [ ] = ida nebee Where [ place ] = nebe / hosi nebe When [ time ] = wainhira / bainhira Why [ reason ] = tambasa/ nusa How [ citation ] = oins


[ WHAT ] What is on the table?e = saida mak iha meza leten What is this? = saida mak nee what time is it?= jam hira What is your name ? = o/ ita nia naran sa? What are you reading ? = o lee dadaun saida what kind of music do you like?


Who is that ? = see mak neba who is colling me? = see mak bolu hau who is that girl ? = feto oan neba nee see I don't know who did it? Hau lahatene se mak halo buat nee I like people who say what they think ?

[ WHICH ] Which is your book ? = o nia livru mak ida nebee which book do you need ? o=o presiza livru ida nebee which do you prefer the pencil or the book ? Ida nebe mak o hakarak lapis ka livru which color do you like best blue or green? = kor ida nebee mak o gosta modok ka matak which one do you like ? = Ida nebe los mak o gosta?

[ WHERE] Where are you from ? = ita boot mai hosi nebee ? Where do you live ? = ita boot hela iha nebee ? I asked here where she lived ? = hau husu iha nee, iha nebee nia hela ba? Where is he going ? = nia ba nebe? This is the street where I live =

[ WHEN ] When they will go to Indonesia ? = Binhira sira atu ba Indonesia ? When did she arrive ? = Hori bainhira nia to iha neba When I was young ? = Wainhira hau sei kiik I don't know when his birthday is ? =Hau la hatene bainhira nia tinan ? I saw her in August, when she was in Dili ? = Hau hetan nia, wainhira nia sei iha Dili hela ?

[ HOW ] How are you ? = diak ka lae ? How much ? = hira ? Do you know how to spell BALLARAT ? = O hatene ka, oinsa hatete Ballarat letra ida pur ida. How is your sister ? She is very well thank you. = oinsa ho ita boot nia feton ? Nia diak hela obrigado How do you do?

How long have you lived here ?

[ WHY ] Why are you late ? Why not ask Melania to go whit you ? I don't know why she is angry ? Why not? Why you don't like me ? Why you do that ?

d).indefinite Pronoun

Indefinite pronoun fahe ba iha parte oin tolu (3) mak hanesan Indifenite ba ema ( indefinite person ), indefiniti baa sasan ( indefinite things ) no indefinite baa kuantidade ( indefinite quantity ). Signifikado Tuir mai ita hare nia izemplu iha tabela sira nia laran a. Indefinite baa ema ( person ) Indefinite person some Any Every No body somebody anybody everybody nobody One someone anyone everyone None

b. Indefinite baa sasan ( things ) Indefinite things some any every no something anything everything nothing Thing

Indefinite baa kuantidade ( Quantity ) Indefinite quantity katak uza hodi halo konta buat ruma, no nia fahe baa iha parte oin haat mak hanesan baa iha modelu singular no modelu plural nian no baa buat nebee labelee konta ( uncountable ) no nia labele konta baa buat nebee barak plural ( flexible ).

Modelu singular ( nia refere ba iha sasan nebee ida deit) tuir mai ita hare iha tabela laran: Indefinite quantity ( singular) - one - Either -Neither - Each Nia signifikado ( entre ida deit) ( entre idadeit) ( laiha ida ) Example= ezemplu

-Akado has three sisters. The one is Markita. = Akado iha feton nain tolu. Ida mak Markita. -I have four dogs. Either is black. = Hau iha asu tolu. Ida mak metan nee. -I have two cat. Neither is red = Hau iha busa nain rua. Laiha ida mak mean

( ida-idak/ -The teacher often gives home work to each estudent. Each kada ida- ida) must do the home work = Profesor foo tpc baa estudantesira. Sira ida-idak halo sira nia tpc rasik.

Modelu plural ( nia refere baa iha sasan nebee rua ou barak) tuir mai ita hare iha tabela laran:

Indefinite quantity ( plural ) - both

Nia signifikado ( nain rua )

Example = ezemplu -There are two girls. Both are my sisters.= Neba nee feto nain rua. Sira nain rua nee hau nia feton

- Two

( rua )

-I borrow two pens. Two are Jack's pens = hau impresta lapijera rua. Lapijeira rua nee jack nian.

Modelu Uncountable - a little

Nia signifikado ( uitoan )

Example = ezemplu -A : Do you have money ? = ita boot iha osan ka? -B : I have a little. = hau iha uitoan

- much

( barak )

-A: Do you have much sugar ? = Ita iha masin-midar barak ka? -B : I don't have much. Hau laiha barak.

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