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Dr. Melvin Pomerantz Ofce: 258 Le Conte pomera@berkeley.edu Ofce hours: W, F 1:10 - 2:30, after class, and by appointment. See or email me within 2 weeks about exam conicts. Head GSI: Melanie Veale, melanie.veale@berkeley.edu
Put 8B-1 in the subject line.

How course is graded (approx.): A/B/C or below 25/40/35% MCAT and GRE more important. Exams emphasize concepts, not math dexterity. Do homework on-line.

Course ID = Physics8B1Sp12 Go to discussions/labs (required rst 2 weeks) and ofce hours. MT1 20%, MT2 20, Final 40, HW 10, D/L 10. Check your understanding by doing problems and talking to people who know. Or, explain to someone who doesnt know and see if you make sense. The work you submit should be yours. Cheating, attaching your name to work that is not yours, is punished.

Even a required course can be interesting and valuable. Keep an open mind even if you think you know 8A or electricity, magnetism and modern physics, try to see it freshly. You can live without science, but it is like being in the dark about the world around you. My role is to provide emphasis of the major ideas, answer questions, add some historical context, present things with a different slant (commonalities between phenomena like resonance, waves, water and electricity). I also relate to daily life, e.g., electricity bills, electrical system of your car, etc.

Careful denition of words by repeatable experiments. (Operational denitions)

Get a feeling for the physical meaning of the words used in physics. This will tell you whether you really understand the meaning or are just going through the motions. The street meaning of the words is often misleading.

I roll balls fast and slow.

Does the faster ball have more, same, less of the following properties compared to the slower?

Kinetic energy Potential energy Force

(Has anyone here used Newtons in real life? Newton (N) = 0.225 lb (about 1/4 lb.), or 4.45 N = 1 lb. Weight is a force. A person who weighs 150 lbs. weighs 670 Newtons.)

Mass (Relation to weight? 1 kg [mass] weighs 9.8 N at surface of the Earth.) Momentum Power Work Speed Velocity

Physics meaning vs :street meaning

Concept Inertia Mass Street Slow to change Lump, a lot of something Heaviness Strength applied Activity, maybe not too pleasant Moves around, active Speed Seems to be winning. Ability to make someone else act = mass = m = resistance to change of velocity ~ number of protons + neutrons + electrons in a body (scalar) The force of gravity between the Earth and a body. = mg at Earths surface (g is a vector) A push or pull = F (vector) Physics

Weight Force Work Energy Velocity Momentum Power

A force acting through a distance, s: W = F x s (scalar) The ability to do work. Various forms: Kinetic = mv2/2, potential, chemical, etc Rate of change of position (vector) = v = m v . Is important because it is conserved in all collisions. (vector) = Energy expended / time (scalar)

To do well in Physics


The scope of 8B
The humble beginnings of electricity and magnetism. to Electricity is fundamental to modern civilization; it allows energy to be moved from place to place easily. Electricity holds atoms and molecules together. Nuclei particles are bound together by nonelectrical forces. Gravitation forces bind astronomical bodies together.

Electricity and Magnetism the overall picture

Electric Charge
Source charges at rest produce forces on other charges.

Charges moving with repect to each other : Constant speed relative to each other -> magnetism Accelerating charges -> radiation ( electromagnetic waves)

Holds electrons and nuclei together to form atoms

Quantum Theory

Holds atoms together to form solids and liquids

Moving magnets produce electric effects

Electric Charge
Source charges at rest produce forces on other charges.

Charges moving with repect to each other : Constant speed relative to each other -> magnetism Accelerating charges -> radiation ( electromagnetic waves)

Holds electrons and nuclei together to form atoms

Quantum Theory

Holds atoms together to form solids and liquids

Moving magnets produce electric effects

Static electricity

Electric Charge Compare Water and Electricity

Concept Water Electricity Quantity of [mole] [kg] [Liter], [gallon], stuff. The number of particles. A mole contains NA= 6.0 x 1023, Avogadros number, of molecules.

C h a r g e
[coulombs] A coulomb contains 6.2 x 1018 elementary charges, e. e = 1.60 x10-19 C.
q (quantity) is a good letter to represent it.

Van de Graaff generatorseparates and collects charge

The Main Ideas - 1

Charge is the QUANTITY of electric stuff [coulombs] We dont know what charge is, but we can measure it and know what it does. It comes in in multiples of the elementary unit = 1.60 x 10-19 C = e. Why??? The FORCE between two point charges varies as:
The product of the quantity of the 2 charges Inversely as the square of the distance between them ~ 1/r2 Opposites attract. Likes repel. Unit of force is [Newton] in MKS system
(English system [pounds]. There are ~1/4 N in a lb. A 150 lb person weighs ~ 670 N. 1 kg weighs 9.8 N = 2.2 lb. , 1 lb = 4.448 N ) Know the difference between mass and wgt.

Notation on vectors & scalars

Notation in Wolfson: Notation in my PPTs

General vector has an arrow over General vector is bold, v. it. Unit vector has a carat (hat) over it. Magnitude (scalar) is an ordinary letter. Unit vector is bold and underlined, u .

Magnitude (scalar) is an ordinary letter, s.

Coulombs Law
Mathematical expression of the experiments: the force of q1 on q2 is

F12 = Kq1 q2 r12 / r122

This is Coulombs Law - Coulomb Interaction
r12 is a unit vector in the direction from q1 to q2. r12 = magnitude of distance between q1and q2 . If q1 is at position r1 and q2 is at r2 , then r12 = r2 - r1 (vectors).

q, r, F are all dened by other means so we have to do experiments to measure K. Result is K = 9.0 x 109 Nm2/C2
To get an idea of magnitude of the electric force: How much force is exerted by 1C of charge on another 1 C, when separated by the height of a person (say, 2 m)? How many people would it take to weigh that much? Ans: about 3 million. (1 coulomb is a lot of q.)

Coulomb's Law Coulombs Law: r q1q2 Force by q1 on q2 F12 = ke r 2 r

r r r = = unit vector from q1 to q2 r
ke = 1 4!" 0 = 8.9875 # 109 N m 2 /C 2

F12 = - F21

Newtons 3rd Law

Equal, opposite and on DIFFERENT bodies.

Meaning of the unit vector

Force, F, is a vector, so it has magnitude and direction. We want a way to show the direction of the force. A unit vector shows direction. It has magnitude = 1 and no units. If r12 is a unit vector in the direction from q1 at the origin (0, 0, 0) to q2 at (x, y, z) r12 = (xi + yj + zk)/(x2 + y2 + z2)1/2
Exercise: Show that the length (magnitude) of r = 1. I.e., (r r)1/2 = 1, where the symbol is the dot, or scalar, product.

Applying Coulombs Law

To find the force acting on charge q: A charge does NOT exert a force on itself. Find each F separately (vectors) of the other charges acting on charge q. Add the various F vectorss components (superpose) to find the total (resultant) force (the vector sum).

Electric Field Described

If a small* positive (+) test charge, qt, feels an electric force, F, at a position r we say there exists an electric field E at r. It is just a way to express the electric effect of all the other charges. Define E( r ) = F(on qt due to all charges other than qt) / qt .
*Small, so it does not disturb the charges that cause the field.

E of point charge q
The force that a test charge qt feels due to the presence of a point charge q at a distance r is F = kq qt r/r2 We seek a quantity E such that when we multiply E by qt we get the force that qt feels. This is E = F/ qt = kq r/r2 q is the source of the field that acts on any other charge that is placed at r.
Source = Pusher vs test charge =Pushee

Two Ways to Draw E Fields

Magnitude illustrated by either Density of lines Lengths of Vectors
Here, negative charges are the source: Pusher

+ Pushee

The problem decides whether a charge is acting as a source (pusher) or as a pushee.

Electric Dipole as a source- on axis

As an example of calculating E from multiple charges, derive E along the axis of a dipole P = qd.
(Wolfson derives E = - kp/y3 for perpendicular direction (Ex. 20.5).)

We find, for on-axis,

E = 2kp/x3

Note E decreases as 1/x3 for all directions; unlike point ~ 1/x2. E on axis points along P,
by symmetry.

E produced by electric dipole general

Only on-axis are E lines parallel to P. E decreases as 1/r3 in all directions.

E of continuous charge distributions

Break q distribution into parts:

Q = " ! qi

Superposition of E due to each q:

r r r E = " !E ! dE



Examples of continuous charge distributions and the Es they produce

1. Charged ring, radius a, total charge Q. Find E on x axis through center (Ex. 20.6) :

E = kQx/(x2 + a2)3/2

2. Line charge, linear charge density . Find E at perpendicular distance y (Ex. 20.7):

E = 2k/y
3. Two parallel plates with equal and opposite charges (Fig. 20.18):

E = constant.

General properties of E or, how to guess the E field lines

1. 2. 3. 4. Lines go out of + and go into - . Lines superpose as vectors, but The lines of E cannot cross. Lines tend to repel each other, spread into any space they have available. 5. If magnitude starts at zero and ends at zero it passes through at least one maximum. 6. Look for symmetry 7. Look at the limits of very close and very far from the source charges.

Example of guessing E lines

A thin ring of radius a carries a total charge Q uniformly. Find E along axis. (Wolfson, Example 20.6.) 1) 2) 3) 4) E = 0 at center of ring, x = 0, by symmetry. Along the axis to the center of the ring, E is along this axis (symmetry) and points away (+ charge) At long distances, ring looks like a point charge, so E kQ/x2 at x>>a.. Expect maximum E at a distance the characteristic size in the problem (the only size in the problem is the radius of the ring = a).

Exact solution, E = kQx/(x2 + a2)3/2 , has these properties. E is maximum at x = a/2.

Change from pusher to pushee

We just learned how charges create E fields Now we assume we have E (created by some charges somewhere) and ask: What happens when we put charges into these fields? For example: a single charged (q) particle in a field E. The force on the charge is F = qE, and Newtons law is F = ma, ma = qE, and thus we find a = qE/m. But, lets qualify that -

Charges in matter or in vacuum ?

Note that when Wolfson describes point charges in electric fields (20.5) he is assuming the point charge is moving in a vacuum (e.g., an e- in a TV tube). A different situation is an e- flowing through a solid (metal). It has forces in addition to the applied E, so that equation 20.8, a = qE/m, does not contain all the forces.
Section 24.2 covers the case of charges moving inside of matter.

For now we consider E acting on charges in vacuum.

Example problem in vacuum: a charged particle moving around a charged wire

You would like to have an electron move in a circular orbit around an infinitely long, very thin charged wire, in a vacuum, at a frequency of 1MHz at a distance of 1cm. What charge density should you put on the wire?
Symptoms, diagnose, treat, assess

Induced vs permanent dipoles

All materials can be polarized by an external E field. The atoms and molecules are stretched such that the centers of + and - charge are separated and a dipole is created. Some materials have permanent electric dipoles that are rotated in uniform E, and have a force on them in non-uniform E. Water (H2O), is an important example. Permanent = charges do not move wrt molecule in applied fields.
Error in Wolfson, p. 346. Not all dielectrics have dipoles in absence of E. Special dielectric materials having net dipoles, as in the Wolfson figure, are called ferroelectrics (Polar liquid crystals; SrTiO3). At high T get paraelectric.

Induced vs permanent dipoles

1. All materials will be polarized in E. (Induced dipoles). 2. Some materials have permanent dipoles in them. The behavior of the material depends on the temperature (thermal motion).
At low temperature there may/or maybe not be a permanent polarization in absence of external E. (ferro-electric*) At high temperature, the order is disrupted by heat motion, like melting of ice. (para-electric).
*The use of ferro- is by analogy with permanent magnets that contain iron.

Insulators vs. conductors in E

Insulator or dielectric
Induced or permanent dipoles?

Conductor (isolated)
E = 0 inside after very short time or else charges not STATIC.

Induced dipole Electrostatic doorbell

Induction with a vengence by the Van De Graaff
The vdG puts a lot of charge on the plate. This induces a dipole in the metal-coated ball strong enough to pull it to the plate. Ball gets (like) charge and is repelled. Loses charge on opposite plate. Goes back for more.

Charges in bulk matter:

Induction of charge in an electroscope
A. Charge is temporary. Take away plate, pointer returns. B. Permanent because charge is removed and cannot return if hands away before plate.

Torque on permanent electric dipole in a uniform E

By uniform E, we mean it is constant in space. The forces on the charges of the dipole are equal and opposite. (Net F = 0) The dipole does not translate; it rotates under a torque. Torque aligns p with E.

Torque, = r x F.
(Vector cross product = rFsin. Points normal to r, F.)

F = qE, = r(qE)sin = (rq)Esin = pEsin

Application of rotating permanent dipoles: Microwave Oven

Water molecules have permanent electric dipoles because e are attracted to the O side of H2O. The dipoles want to align parallel to E. By varying direction of E, molecules are rotated. Friction of this rotational motion causes heating. Microwaves have E waves that vary at billions of cycles/sec. They pass into food and giggle the water. This heats the food more uniformly than broiling or frying.

Permanent electric dipole in NON-uniform field

If the electric field is not uniform, then the net force on a dipole is not zero. Then the dipole may translate as well as rotate.

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