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Dear Sir/Madam, I am a student of Master of Business Administration (MBA). As a curriculum requirement, I have under taken a study and would be grateful if you could spare some of your precious time to fill this questionnaire, which would be of immense help to me.
Name of the Retailer: - _____________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Q1. Are you selling Coca-Cola Product? a. Yes Q2. Reason for Selling Coca-Cola Product? a. Margin c. Demand e. Credit Policy Q3. Reason for not selling Coca-Cola Product? a. Credit Policy c. Schemes are not conveyed on time e. Dont Wish To Specify Q4. How much time does it take for delivery of Coca-Cola Products after ordering? a. 6-12 Hours c. 2 to 7 Days b. 1 to 2 Days d. More than7 Days b. Promotional Material Not Supplied on Time d. Distribution of product is improper b. Promotional Schemes d. Dealer relationship f. Delivery on time b. No

Q5. How do you rate the schemes of the company? a. Good c. Poor Q6. How do you rate the credit policy of the company? a. Good c. Poor b. Average b. Average

Q7. How do you rate the Margin provided by the company? a. Good c. Poor Q8. How much the company charges towards delivery of products to your counter? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Q9. How do you rate the Brand Pull of the company? a. Good c. Poor Q10. How do you rate the Supply norms of the company? a. Good c. Poor Q11. Does the company executive convey schemes on time? a. Yes b. No b. Average b. Average b. Average

Q12. How do you rate the Representative behaviors? a. Highly Satisfied c. Dissatisfied Q13. How do you rate the Damage Policy? a. Highly Satisfied c. Dissatisfied b. Satisfied d. Highly Dissatisfied b. Satisfied d. Highly Dissatisfied

Q14. Are you getting information about scheme of Coca-Cola Product at proper time? a. Yes b. No

Q15. Are you satisfied with the distribution channel of Coca-Cola Product? a. Yes Q16. Where do you place the order? a. Company Sales Representative b. Distributors Representative b. No

Q17. Is the product available at the peak season of the sale? a. Yes b. No

Q18. Are you satisfied with the channel provided to procure the product? a. Yes c. Cant say Q19. In a day, how many customers come into your shop? (In average) a. 15-20 c. 30-39 b. 21-29 d. 40 & above b. No

Q20. Which brand of Cola-Cola is preferred by customers, the most? (Rate the product on a scale of 1 5, 1 being highest & 5 being lowest) a. Coke c. Sprite e. Fanta g. Kenely Q21.Which is the most selling pack? (Rate the product on a scale of 1 5, 1 being highest & 5 being lowest) a. 200 ml. c. 600ml. e. 2 l Q22. Rate following services of coca-cola? (Rate the product on a scale of 1 5, 1 being highest & 5 being lowest) a. On time delivery b. Volume linked Marketing Support c. Range Availability b. 300ml. d. 1 l b. Thums Up d. Limca f. Maaza

d. Problem Resolution e. Consumer Promotions

Q23. Is company providing any prior notice/message of delivery? a.Yes If Yes a.3 hour c.2-3 days b.A Day d.3days < b.No

Q24. Do you have any suggestion? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

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