Example of Coding

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You must analyze the interview conducted, preferably using at least two of the different techniques covered by the

textbook. Also, you must reflect on the quality of your data (3).

The following exercise will conduct two different techniques to analyse our qualitative data from the interview previous exercise (exercise 2). The first technique we will use is open coding, because this gives us the opportunity to examine our data in order to fracture it and generate codes. Furthermore we will use discourse analysis, which focuses on context, variability, and constructions in the text.

1) Coding
Open codes: Hiring process Qualities Techniques Differences Performance and experience

Briefly, could you please tell us about the hiring procedure in the company? (This question is a start-up question which restrict the interview to the hiring process) First of all the company is making a job offer through the internet portals with good reputation and many job requests. The process start with a look through all the applications, where the people with the best CV. These people are interviewed one on one by an HR manager. After weeks of evaluation the best candidate gets the job.

Are there any differences in the hiring process of different job positions? Please explain? (This question should tell something about different procedures, when the company hire people from different job positions)

Yes, there are differences. People in leader/ management positions usually get headhunted based on their performance in other firms. Employees who are supposed to work in service departments are tested in workshops where the candidates behaviour is observed.

Which techniques are used to see the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates? (This question is suppose to reveal some of the techniques used by the company) If we focus on the service employees the workshop is supposed to identify their weakness and strength. We need to know if service employees are natural service minded, so they always interact with customers in a friendly manner. These workshops push the candidates to the limit to see how they interact in situations under pressure.

Which qualities do the company seek in a person who is supposed to work in management? (This question should give an answer which tells something about which qualities makes a good employee in the optic of this particular firm. This question could also be asked for service and production employees) First of all we seek managers with a high level of relevant educational background. Experience and performance in other companies is also very important. Managers with bad performance records will never get a job offer, because the headhunting is based on performance in companies there is related to the position we offer. A good reputation is also important.

What do you mean by good reputation? (This Question is relevant because of the previous answer) The manager should be popular and respected among his former employees, colleagues and customers. It is important that he/she is respected as a manager, but still can interact with the employees on a social basis, and the respect is not based on fear.

Why do you seek these specific qualities? Is these qualities in an employee empirical proven to give bigger return for the company if you compare with other qualities (which is sorted out in the hiring process)? Our experiences shows that leaders who are respected based on fear will have a negative influence on the environment and employees commitment to the firm. If the Manager is respected in a positive manager and because of his academicals and professional qualities, it typical creates commitment among employees. The manager needs to create a motivated environment and motivate employees to make result for the company. Egocentric leaders who never evaluate his own performance and his decisions will not fit into the companys identity and core values.

Axial coding Qualities

Selektiv coding overview Qualities or characteristics of the people the company seeks are found by the hiring process. The right people for the jobs are found trough a workshop, but in most cases the CV of the candidates are also put into account. Priorities for the company are that the candidates pose the qualities which the company seeks. This ends up with employees that match the requirements of the company, which is not a guaranty for employees who does a good job, but it will always be a good starting point for good performance. Disxourse analyse: Analyser e teksen, og sproget de burger og meninger med ordene de burger. To interviews I to forskellige kulturer, s giver det bedre mening at bruge discourse analyse. F.eks. Danmark og Kina. Generelt er discoruce analyse mere kompliceret end kodning. Men Side 340, er der 7 trin som man kan flge I forbindelse med diskursanalyse. Vi er mere interesseret I konteksen end den made de burger ordene p, hvorfor det ikke giver ret meget mening at bruge diskursanalyse.

Discourse analysis The first question offers the respondent to explain his view of the hiring process, but we also ask for a briefly explanation. This makes the respondent answer in a very general manner, which gives no details, but only an overview of the process. The fourth question asks about which qualities the company seeks in a manager. This question gives the respondents the opportunity to tell something about characteristics needed in people in management positions in this particular firm, but can also tell something about the industry. To support his answer he also tells which manager types there are not supposed to fit or succeed in this business. We ask the respondent to explain his comment about reputation. This gives the respondent the opportunity to go deeper with his explanation of a good manager and in particular the aspect of reputation.

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