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ASHCROFT and MERMIN color coded index: black=cover in class; reddish=read; orange=some of both

1 The Drude Theory of Metals Basic Assumptions of the Model Collision or Relaxation Times DC Electrical Conductivity Hall Effect and Magnetoresistance AC Electrical Conductivity Dielectric Function and Plasma Resonance Thermal Conductivity Thermoelectric Effects PROBLEMS:1.Poisson 2. Joule Heating 3. Thompson Effect 4. Helicons 5. Surface Plasmons 2 The Sommerfeld Theory of Metals Fermi-Dirac Distribution Free Electrons Density of Allowed Wave Vectors Fermi Momentum, Energy, and Temperature Ground-State Energy and Bulk Modulus Thermal Properties of a Free Electron Gas Sommerfeld Theory of Conduction Wiedemann-Franz Law PROBLEMS: 1. 2-d Electron Gas 2. Thermo of Free Electron Gas 3. Classical Limit of FD 4. Insensitivity to changes in N 3 Failures of the Free Electron Model 4 Crystal Lattices Bravais Lattice and Primitive Vectors Simple, Body-Centered, and Face-Centered Cubic Lattices Primitive Unit Cell, Wigner-Seitz Cell, and Conventional Cell Crystal Structures and Lattices with Bases Hexagonal Close-Packed and Diamond Structures Sodium Chloride, Cesium Chloride, and Zincblende Structures PROBLEMS: 1. Bravais? 2. Bravais? 3. Diamond 4. Wigner-Seitz for 2-d 5. HCP 6. FCC and SC 7. Detail of FCC, BCC, SC 8 Theory of Bravais 5 The Reciprocal Lattice Definitions and Examples First Brillouin Zone Lattice Planes and Miller Indices PROBLEMS: 1. Cross and Triple Products 2. Simple Hex 3. Points in a Lattice Plane 4. Logic of Recip Latt

6 Determination of Crystal Structures by X-ray Diffraction (96-104) Formulation of Bragg and von Laue The Laue Condition and Ewald's Construction Experimental Methods: Laue, Rotating Crystal, Powder Geometrical Structure Factor Atomic Form Factor 7 Classification of Bravais Lattices and Crystal Structures Symmetry Operations and the Classification of Bravais Lattices The Seven Crystal Systems and Fourteen Bravais Lattices Crystallographic Point Groups and Space Groups Schoenflies and International Notations Examples from the Elements 8 Electron Levels in a Periodic Potential: General Properties (132-143) The Periodic Potential and Bloch's Theorem Born-von Karman Boundary Condition A Second Proof of Bloch's Theorem Crystal Momentum, Band Index, and Velocity The Fermi Surface Density of Levels and van Hove Singularities PROBLEMS: 1. Periodic Potential in 1-d 9 Electrons in a Weak Periodic Potential (152-166) Perturbation Theory and Weak Periodic Potentials Energy Levels Near a Single Bragg Plane Illustration of Extended-, Reduced-, and Repeated-Zone Schemes in One Dimension Fermi Surface and Brillouin Zones Geometrical Structure Factor Spin-Orbit Coupling PROBLEMS: 1. Nearly Free Bragg Plane 3. Bragg Planes Meet 4. Alternate Definition of BZ 5. BZ of 2-d Square Lattice 10 The Tight-Binding Method (176) Linear Combinations of Atomic Orbitals Application to Bands from s-Levels General Features of Tight-Binding Levels Wannier Functions 11 Other Methods for Calculating Band Structure (192-193) Independent Electron Approximation General Features of Valence Band Wave Functions Cellular Method Muffin- Tin Potentials Augmented Plane Wave (APW) Method Green's Function (KKR) Method Orthogonalized Plane Wave (OPW) Method Pseudopotentials

12 The Semiclassical Model of Electron Dynamics (214-233) Wave Packets of Bloch Electrons Semiclassical Mechanics General Features of the Semiclassical Model Static Electric Fields The General Theory of Holes *Uniform Static Magnetic Fields *Hall Effect and Magnetoresistance PROBLEMS: 1. Magnetic Period 2. Anisotropic Effective Mass 3. Drude Anisotropic 6. E field Bloch 7. Orbits 13 The Semiclassical Theory of Conduction in Metals The Relaxation-Time Approximation Genneral Form of the Nonequilibrium Distribution Function DC Electrical Conductivity AC Electrical Conductivity Thermal Conductivity Thermoelectric Effects Conductivity in a Magnetic Field 14 Measuring the Fermi Surface (264-275) The de Haas-van Alphen Effect Other Oscillatory Galvanomagnetic Effects Free Electron Landau Levels Bloch Electrons Landau Levels Physical Origin of Oscillatory Phenomena Effects of Electron Spin Magnetoacoustic Effect Ultrasonic Attenuation Anomalous Skin Effect Cyclotron Resonance Size Effects PROBLEMS: 1. Onsager Condition 2. Onsager Condition ii 3. Condition of deHvanA Oscillations 15 Band Structure of Selected Metals Alkali Metals Noble Metals Divalent Simple Metals Trivalent Simple Metals Tetravalent Simple Metals Semimetals Transition Metals Rare Earth Metals Alloys PROBLEMS: 1. FCC Zone for Valence One 2. Reflectivity 3. Can A Free Electron Absorb a Photon? 4. FCC Zone 5. Alkali Fermi Surface Detail

16 Beyond the Relaxation-Time Approximation Sources of Electronic Scattering Scattering Probability and Relaxation Time General Description of Collisions The Boltzmann Equation Impurity Scattering Wiedemann-Franz Law Matthiessen's Rule Scattering in Isotropic Materials 17 Beyond the Independent Electron Approximation (337-342) The Hartree Equations The Hartree-Fock Equations Correlation Screening: The Dielectric Function Thomas-Fermi and Lindhard Theory Frequency-Dependent Lindhard Screening Screening the Hartree-Fock Approximation Fermi Liquid Theory PROBLEMS: 1. Hartree via Variational 2. Hartree-Fock via Variational 3. C Coulomb and Screened Coulomb 4. HF Effective Mass 18 Surface Effects (354-364) The Work Function Contact Potentials Thermionic Emission Low-Energy Electron Diffraction Field Ion Microscopy Electronic Surface Levels PROBLEMS: 1. Contact Potential and Double Layer 2. Surface State Detail 19 Classification of Solids The Spatial Distribution of Valence Electrons Covalent, Molecular, and Ionic Crystals The Alkali Halides Ionic Radii II-VI and III-V Compounds Covalent Crystals Molecular Crystals Metals Hydrogen-Bonded Solids PROBLEMS: 1. van der Waals 2. Detail 20 Cohesive Energy (396-410) The Noble Gases: The Lennard-Jones Potential Density, Cohesive Energy, and Bulk Modulus of the Solid Noble Gases Ionic Crystals: The Madelung Constant Density, Cohesive Energy, and Bulk Modulus of the Alkali Halides Cohesion in Covalent Crystals Cohesion in Metals PROBLEMS: 1. Noble Gas de Boer Parameter 2. Ionic Crystal Bulk Modulus 3.

Ionic Crystal Stability

21 Failure of the Static Lattice Model 22 Classical Theory of the Harmonic Crystal (422-437) The Harmonic Approximation The Adiabatic Approximation Specific Heat of a Classical Crystal One-Dimensional Monatomic Bravais Lattice One-Dimensional Lattice with a Basis Three-Dimensional Monatomic Bravais Lattice Three-Dimensional Lattice with a Basis Relation to Theory of Elasticity PROBLEMS: 1. Linear Chain 2. Diatomic Chain 3. Lattice With Basis as Perturbed Monatomic Lattice 23 Quantum Theory of the Harmonic Crystal (452-464) Normal Modes and Phonons High-Temperature Specific Heat Low-Temperature Specific Heat Models of Debye and Einstein Comparison of Lattice and Electronic Specific Heats Density of Normal Modes (Phonon Level Density) Analogy with Theory of Blackbody Radiation PROBLEMS: 1. High T Specific Heat 2. Low T Specific Heat 3. Density of Modes, van Hove 24 Measuring Phonon Dispersion Relations (470-481) Neutron Scattering by a Crystal Crystal Momentum Zero-, One-, and Two-Phonon Scattering Electromagnetic Scattering by a Crystal X-Ray Measurements of Phonon Spectra Brillouin and Raman Scattering Wave Interpretation of the Conservation Laws PROBLEMS: 1. Neutron and 2 Phonon 2. Neutron and 2 Phonon II 25 Anharmonic Effects in Crystals (499-505) Fundamental Inadequacy of Harmonic Models General Aspects of Anharmonic Theories Equation of State and Thermal Expansion of a Crystal The Gruneisen Parameter Thermal Expansion of Metals Phonon Collisions Lattice Thermal Conductivity Umklapp Processes Second Sound PROBLEMS: 1. Instability with Cubic Anharmonicity 2. Equation of State for Anharmonic Crystal 3. 1-d Grueneisen 4. Grueneisen 5. Three Phonon

26 Phonons in Metals (423-426) Elementary Theory of the Phonon Dispersion Relation Velocity of Sound Kohn Anomalies Dielectric Constant of a Metal Effective Electron-Electron Interaction Phonon Contribution to the One-Electron Energy Electron-Phonon Interaction Temperature-Dependent Electrical Resistivity of Metals Effect of Umklapp Processes 27 Dielectric Properties of Insulators (534-542) Macroscopic Electrostatic Maxwell Equations Theory of the Local Field Clausius-Mossotti Relation Theory of the Polarizability Long-Wavelength Optical Modes in Ionic Crystals Optical Properties of Ionic Crystals Reststrahlen Covalent Insulators Pyroelectric and Ferroelectric Crystals PROBLEMS: 1. E of Uniformly Polarized Sphere 2. E of Dipoles with Cubic Symmetry 3. H Atom 4. "Langevin" Polarization 28 Homogeneous Semiconductors (562-580) General Properties of Semiconductors Examples of Semiconductor Band Structure Cyclotron Resonance Carrier Statistics in Thermal Equilibrium Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors Statistics of Impurity Levels in Thermal Equilibrium Thermal Equilibrium Carrier Densities of Impure Semiconductors Impurity Band Conduction Transport in Nondegenerate Semiconductors PROBLEMS: 1. Cyclotron Resonance 2. Data 29 Inomogeneous Semiconductors (590-600) The Semiclassical Treatment of Inhomogeneous Solids Fields and Carrier Densities in the Equilibrium p-n Junction Elementary Picture of Rectification by a p-n Junction Drift and Diffusion Currents Collision and Recombination Times Fields, Carrier Densities, and Currents in the Nonequilibrium p-n Junction PROBLEMS: 1. Depletion Layer Thermodynamics 3. Einstein Relations

30 Defects in Crystals (628-636) Thermodynamics of Point Defects Schottky and Frenkel Defects Annealing Electrical Conductivity of Ionic Crystals Color Centers Polarons and Excitons Dislocations Strength of Crystals Crystal Growth Stacking Faults and Grain Boundaries PROBLEMS: 6. Burgers Vector 7. Elastic Energy of a Screw Dislocation 31 Diamagnetism and Paramagnetism (661-665) The Interaction of Solids with Magnetic Fields Larmor Diamagnetism Hund's Rules Van-Vleck Paramagnetism Curie's Law for Free Ions Curie's Law in Solids Adiabatic Demagnetization Pauli Paramagnetism Conduction Electron Diamagnetism Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: The Knight Shift Electron Diamagnetism in Doped Semiconductors PROBLEMS: 6. Pauli + Ions 8. Electron Gas 12. Spin Correction to Pauli Paramagentism 32 Electron Interactions and Magnetic Structure (672-682) Electrostatic Origins of Magnetic Interactions Magnetic Properties of a Two-Electron System Failure of the Independent Electron Approximation Spin Hamiltonians Direct, Super, Indirect, and Itinerant Exchange Magnetic Interactions in the Free Electron Gas The Hubbard Model Local Moments The Kondo Theory of the Resistance Minimum PROBLEMS: 1. Symmetric-Antisymmetric Wave Functions 2. Singlet Ground State 3. Symmetry 4. Heitler-London Splitting

33 Magnetic Ordering (694-700) Types of Magnetic Structure Observation of Magnetic Structure Thermodynamic Properties at the Onset of Magnetic Ordering Ground State of the Heisenberg Ferro- and Antiferro-magnet Low-Temperature Properties: Spin Waves High-Temperature Properties: Corrections to Curie's Law Analysis of the Critical Point Mean Field Theory Effects of Dipolar Interactions: Domains, Demagnetization Factors PROBLEMS: 1. General Spin 2. General Spin II 3. Four Atom Heisenberg Antiferromagnet 4-9 Mean Field 34 Superconductivity (726-736) Critical Temperature Persistent Currents Thermoelectric Properties The Meissner Effect Critical Fields Specific Heat Energy Gap The London Equation Structure of the BCS Theory Predictions of the BCS Theory The Ginzburg-Landau Theory Flux Quantization Persistent Currents The Josephson Effects PROBLEMS: 1. Thermodynamics 4. Cooper Problem

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