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Date: 24 Jul 06


HP indigo press service document PC XP operating system installation and configuration

This document applies to the following products: All PC based machines rev 00 01 02 03 04 rev description Initial document including Microsoft Windows XP Pro SP1a Support HP Indigo press 5000 and HP Indigo press ws4050 Support for Windows XP SP2 and xw4200 computer Support for HP Indigo press w3250 Support for HP xw4300 computer date 18-Jan-04 23-Sep-04 23-May-05 31-Jan-06 24-Jul-06 name Moshe Katan Yaron Ben Moshe Moshe Katan Tamir Cohen Tamir Cohen

R&D/engineering Team leader: Written by: Documentation manager: Configuration control:

Hewlett-Packard Company Indigo Division Kiryat Weizmann P.O. Box 150 Rehovot 76101 Israel

Luis Frenkel Moshe Katan Richard Dahl Ronit Shugal Naama Konor-Gal

Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company, 2006. All rights reserved.

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This document contains valuable trade secrets and confidential information of Hewlett-Packard Company. Nothing herein may be copied, reproduced or distributed in any form or medium, or disclosed to any third party in any manner, without prior written authorization of Hewlett-Packard Company. The copyright notice, which appears in this document, is purely precautionary and shall not be deemed to constitute publication or intent to publish, in whole or in part

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Service Instruction

PC XP operating system installation and configuration

Overview......................................................................................................................... 3 Application ...................................................................................................................... 3 Special tools & equipment .............................................................................................. 4 Recording and backing up press XP information............................................................ 5 Manual backup of XP parameters .............................................................................. 5 Backup of the counters ............................................................................................. 11 Backup of the fonts ................................................................................................... 13 Backup of press software parameters ...................................................................... 13 Transmitting HP IndigoServe data files .................................................................... 13 Backup of the Simatic license (on HP Indigo presses w32x0 /ws40x0 only) ............ 13 Windows XP installation ............................................................................................... 15 Installing Windows XP with Service Pack 1 (SCSI) .................................................. 15 Installing Windows XP with Service Pack 1a (SCSI) ................................................ 17 Installing Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SCSI) .................................................. 18 Checking the configuration and functionality (SCSI) ................................................ 20 Press software installation ........................................................................................ 20 Troubleshooting - Manual disk configuration (SCSI) .................................................... 21 Recreating the S drive .............................................................................................. 23 RAID (image memory disk) configuration (SCSI) ..................................................... 27 Installing Windows XP with Service Pack 1a on SATA standard computers................ 27 Press software installation ........................................................................................ 27 Installing Windows XP with Service Pack 2 on SATA standard computers.................. 27 Press software installation ........................................................................................ 27 Installing Windows XP with Service Pack 2 on SATA standard computers (xw4300 only) .............................................................................................................................. 27 Press software installation ........................................................................................ 27 Troubleshooting - manual disk configuration (SATA) ............................................... 27 Checking SATA disk integrity (xw4100 and xw4200) ............................................... 27 Checking SATA disk integrity (xw4300 only) ............................................................ 27 Adaptec Utility ....................................................................................................... 27 Intel Utility ............................................................................................................. 27 Reconfiguring the image memory disk array (R:) ..................................................... 27 Configuring the Promise SATA array controller (xw4100 and vw4200)................ 27 Configuring the Adaptec SATA array controller (xw4300 only)............................. 27 Configuring the file system partition...................................................................... 27 Rebuilding the system disk (xw4300 only)............................................................ 27

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration

This document is a generic software document that supports all Windows XP platform machines. However, for some machine configurations certain variations in the installation of the software will need to be made to allow for the hardware configuration. This document explains how to install the Windows XP operating system on a clean hard disk. THIS DOCUMENT PC System Installation (XP) CONTAINS Preparing the disk and installing the Windows XP operating system RAID configuration Installation of Service Pack 1a or 2 Network Configuration

The installation of the Digital Press Software and HP Indigo RIP Software involves the following: OTHER INSTALLATION DOCUMENTS Press Software Installation CONTAINS Installation of Version 6.2 or higher Norton AntiVirus Software Installation for Windows XP Refer to the Press Software Installation service document Installation of the latest version (2.0 0r higher) Refer to the latest IndigoServe Software Installation document Configuration of HP Indigo RIP and external prepress system Refer to the HP-Indigo RIP User Manual and HP Prepress User Manual documents



The above separate stages are described in detailed individual documents. Make sure that you have all or the necessary documents before installing the system. Perform the section sub-heading procedures according to their written sequence. The Easy Installation procedure installs and configures the Digital Press and HP Indigo RIP software.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration

For the PC System Software maintenance and upgrade, refer to the relevant Document(s). All the software listed above runs on Windows XP and occupies approximately 4.0 GB.

Special tools & equipment

For full installations and upgrades, make sure that you have the following: HP Recovery DVD disk CD-ROM with HP Indigo Press Software version 6.2 or higher Latest HP IndigoServe (version 2.0 or higher) CD-ROM

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration

Recording and backing up press XP information

If you cannot back up your system because you already have a system failure, go to Windows XP installation on page 15.

Manual backup of XP parameters

Note: This procedure does not include automatic backup of the HP Production Manager configuration. This backup must be done by going through each of the configuration windows and manually recording the data. Contact your local specialist for help, if necessary. To back up the XP parameters: 1. 2. Note: Backup all jobs from the RAID and S:\ drive to the DVD. Record the machine network configurations according to the following procedure. Use the space provided next to the step. Store the recorded configuration in a safe place for future use in case of system failure. a. Right-click on the My Computer icon and select Properties.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration


Write down the following data below, from the System Properties window: Computer Name: Domain or Workgroup (whichever is displayed) ________________ ________________

c. d.

Click Cancel to close the System Properties window. Right-click on the My Network Places window, and select Properties.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration


Right-click on Network and select Properties.


In the Network Properties window, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration


Click Properties.


In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) window select the General tab and record the data as follows: i. Circle below whether the IP address originates from: ii. Obtain an IP address automatically Use the following IP address

If the Use the following IP address radio button is checked, write down the following data: IP Address: Subnet Mask: Default Gateway: ________________ ________________ ________________


Circle below whether the DNS Server address originates from: Obtain DNS Server address automatically Use the following DNS Server addresses


If the Use the following DNS Server addresses radio button is checked, write down the following data: Preferred DNS Server: Alternate DNS Server: ________________ ________________

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Click Advanced.


From the Advanced TCP/IP Settings window IP Settings tab, write down the following: IP addresses: Default gateways: ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ Is the Automatic metric checkbox clicked: Y/N

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Click the DNS tab.


From the DNS tab window, write down the following: DNS server addresses: ________________ ________________ Is the Append primary and connection specific DNS suffixes radio button checked: Y/N If the radio button is not checked, then write down the following: Append these DNS suffixes: ________________ ________________ DNS suffix for this connection:________________ Are the following checkboxes ticked: Register this connections address in DNS: Use this connections DNS suffix in DNS registration: Y/N Y/N

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration


Click the WINS tab


From the WINS tab window, write down the applicable data as follows:

Primary WINS Server: Secondary WINS Server: Enable LMHOSTS Lookup Default Enable NETBIOS over TCP/IP

________________ ________________ checked/unchecked checked/unchecked checked/unchecked checked/unchecked

NetBIOS setting

Disable NETBIOS over TCP/IP

o. p.

Click Cancel and again Cancel to close the Network Properties window. Click Close to close the Network Status window.

Backup of the counters

3. 4. Start the press software. Write down the system counter data according to the following procedure: a. In the press software control panel, open the Diagnostics menu, and click Counters.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration


From the Counters window, write down the following system counter data: Total: Total Printing: One Color: Two Colors: PIP: Blanket: Corona 1: ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Corona 2 (series 2 presses): ________________ Corona 3 (series 2 presses): ________________

In the Series 2 press software control panel, open the Consumables menu and click BID Units








For series II presses, write down the BID Impression counter values: BID 0: BID 1: BID 2: BID 3: BID 4: BID 5: BID 6: ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration

Backup of the fonts

5. Backup all downloaded RIP fonts to the local server as follows: a. b. c. d. e. In the press software control panel, open the Options menu, and click Font Manager. The Press Font Manager window appears. Highlight all the fonts listed in the Downloaded Fonts List. Click the Export button, and browse to the designated folder on the local server for storing the fonts. Click Open in the Export browse window to save the fonts. Click Close in the Press Font Manager window.

Backup of press software parameters

6. Backup the press software and network parameters: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Insert a formatted and blank 3.5 inch diskette in the floppy drive. In the press software control panel, open the Options menu, and click Press Configuration. In the Press Configuration window, click Save and Restore at the bottom of the tree. Click Save. In the Save Backup file window, click Save. In the Press Configuration Tool window, click OK to confirm that the configuration was successfully saved. In the Press Configuration window, click Close. Remove the diskette, and label it for identification.

Transmitting HP IndigoServe data files

7. Connect to HP IndigoServe to transmit the data files stored on the press computer.

Backup of the Simatic license (on HP Indigo presses w32x0 /ws40x0 only)
8. 9. Insert the Simatic license disk into the floppy drive. Go to the Windows Start menu and select Simatic > AuthorsW and then AuthorsW.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration

The following window is displayed:


Select SIK/SIMATIC NET PROFIBUS-S7 from the C drive (right-hand window) and click the <- left arrow to back it up to the A: drive. You should see the following:


Remove the floppy disk from the drive and store it in a safe place.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration

Windows XP installation
Note: Use the following table to guide your installation.

Service Computer Go to Pack Type 1 xw4100 with SCSI Installing Windows XP with Service Pack 1 (SCSI), page 15 Installing Windows XP with Service Pack 1a (SCSI), page 17 Installing Windows XP with Service Pack 1a on SATA, page 27 Installing Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SCSI), page 18 Installing Windows XP with Service Pack 2 on SATA standard computers page 27

Remark Order and use Windows XP with service pack 1a DVD to simplify the installation process


xw4100 with SCSI xw4100 with SATA xw4100 with SCSI xw4100 with SATA xw4200 or xw4300


HP Indigo presses ws4050 and 5000 only

Installing Windows XP with Service Pack 1 (SCSI)

1. Note: Insert the HP Restore Plus! CD into the drive and restart the computer. If the computer does not boot from the CD then, at the initial boot screen, when the HP logo is displayed, press F9 to enter the boot menu. The installer asks where to boot the computer from. Select CD-ROM and press Enter. 2. 3. Warning: 4. The installer will then check your computer configuration. This may take a little time. When the Restore Plus! CD window is displayed, select English and click Next. This process will delete all data and reformat the hard disk. Click Begin.

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Verify that the following values are set correctly as follows: Operating System: Language: Country or Region: Windows XP Professional English United States

Note: 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The computer has not been qualified for use with other languages, therefore you must use only the above settings. Click Next. A warning window is displayed. The installer asks if you have the operating system CD. Do not put it in at this point. Click Next. Another warning window is displayed. Click Next. A confirmation warning window is displayed. Click Yes. The hard drive is then partitioned. When this is complete the computer is automatically restarted and files are copied from the Restore Plus! CD.

Note: 11.

Do not interrupt this process. When the system completes the copying from the first disk it asks you to remove it. Remove the CD and put in the hp indigo Windows XP operating system CD. Click Next and the system copies the required files from the operating system CD. When requested, remove the operating system CD and put in the hp Supplemental CD. Click Next and the system copies the required files from the supplemental CD. When the system has copied the data from this CD it asks you to insert the next supplemental CD. Click Skip. The system then requests the Restore Special Content CD. Click Skip. Click Begin Setup. The setup process takes some time and the computer is restarted automatically several times. At the Welcome to Microsoft Windows screen, click Next. Check that the Region, Language and Keyboard are all set to United States English, and click Next. Select the appropriate time zone for your location and click Next. Ask the customer to select Yes to accept the End User License Agreement (EULA) and click Next. The customer (end-user), not the technician, must agree to the EULA. 22. Leave the computer name as specified and click Next.

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Note:

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The system then attempts to connect to the Internet. Click Not at this time when asked to register with Microsoft and then click Next.

24. 25. 26.

At the Thank-you screen click Finish. The system then sets up the S and R drives and configures the IP addresses. When the Done window is displayed, click OK. The system then restarts again and starts up Windows XP. A pop-up is displayed at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen entitled: Take a tour of Windows XP. You must stop this appearing each time the computer is restarted; double-click on the icon from where the pop-up originates. In the Windows XP tour window which is displayed, select Play non-animated, and click Next. You can then close the window. Continue to Checking the configuration and functionality (SCSI) on page 20.

27. 28.

Installing Windows XP with Service Pack 1a (SCSI)

1. 2. Insert the HP Recovery CD into the drive and restart the computer. If the computer does not boot from the CD, press F9 to enter the boot menu at the initial boot screen when the HP logo is displayed. When asked about which disk to boot the computer from, select CD-ROM and press Enter. The following boot menu is displayed:

hp digital press Windows XP Setup 1. Install Windows XP 2. System backup tool 3. Exit Select an operation [1,2,3]?

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Type 1. The following warning is displayed: Warning!!! This process will erase all data from all connected hard disks. Are you sure [Y,N]?

4. 5. 6. 7. Note: 8.

Type Y to continue with the setup. The Norton Ghost 2003 window is displayed. It may take a few seconds for this window to appear. The installation process starts and may take some time. At the license agreement window, ask the customer to select I accept this agreement and click Next. The customer (end-user), not the technician, must agree to the EULA. The computer is restarted automatically several times during the process.

Installing Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SCSI)

1. 2. Insert the HP Recovery DVD into the drive and restart the computer. If the computer does not boot from the CD then, at the initial boot screen, when the HP logo is displayed, press F9 to enter the boot menu. The installer asks where to boot the computer from. Select CD-ROM and press Enter. The following boot menu is displayed: hp digital press Windows XP Setup 1. Install Windows XP 2. System backup tool 3. Exit Select an operation [1,2,3]?

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Type 1. The following menu is displayed: While installing Windows XP --------------------------1. Create a new Jobs disk (S:), deleting any old jobs 2. Retain the old Jobs disk (S:), keeping all the old jobs 3. Exit Select an operation [1,2,3]?


Type 1. The following warning is displayed: Warning!!! This process will erase all data from all connected hard disks. Are you sure [Y,N]?

5. 6. 7. Note: 8.

Type Y to continue with the setup. The Norton Ghost license agreement window is displayed. It might take a few seconds for this window to appear. Click OK. At the Windows XP license agreement window, ask the customer to select I accept this agreement and click Next. The customer (end-user), not the technician, must agree to the EULA. The installation process starts and may take some time. The computer is restarted automatically several times during the process.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration

Checking the configuration and functionality (SCSI)

1. 2. Right-click on the My Computer icon and select Manage to open the Computer Management window. Verify that the disks have been partitioned correctly, as shown in the following figure.

If not then correct the partitioning to match the figure See Troubleshooting - Manual disk configuration (SCSI) on page 21.

Press software installation

Install the press software. See the Press Software Installation document MNU-1081-01 for instructions.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration

Troubleshooting - Manual disk configuration (SCSI)

When the Pre-Installation procedure is completed, the drive S and RAID configuration is normally automatically setup. If it is necessary to manually setup the drive S and RAID configuration, perform the following procedure.


Highlight the My Computer icon and right-click on the icon. Select Manage from the drop-down menu. The Computer Management window is displayed.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration

2. Note:

From the Computer Management tree at the left side, click Disk Management (see above). The size of the free space in the above figure will vary, and is dependent on the hard disk size.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration

Recreating the S drive

If the Disk Management window displays an unallocated S:\ drive partition as shown below, then perform the following procedure.

Note: 1.

The size of the free space in the above figure will vary, and is dependent on the hard disk size. Right-click on the second partition of Disk 0.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration

2. 3.

From the drop-down menu select New Partition. The New Partition Wizard is displayed. Click Next. The following wizard window is displayed.


Select Primary Partition, and click Next.

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In the following window, click Next. The wizard window shown below is displayed.

6. 7.

Select Assign the following drive letter, and select the letter S. Click Next. The following wizard window is displayed.

8. 9.

Select Format this partition with the following settings. In the Volume label field, type Jobs.

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10. 11.

Select Perform a quick format. Click Next Click Finish to close the wizard.

The S:\ drive is formatted and activated. 12. Click the X at the top right corner to close the Computer Management window.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration

RAID (image memory disk) configuration (SCSI)

If the Disk Management window displays unallocated the RAID drives as shown below, perform the following procedure.

1. 2.

Right-click on the one of the RAID disks at the position shown above. Select Convert to Dynamic Disk from the drop-down menu.

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Select both Disk 1 and 2 by clicking the checkboxes next to the Disks (see above). Then click OK.

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4. 5.

Right-click on the one of the RAID disks at the position shown above, and select New Volume. The New Volume Wizard is displayed. In the wizard, click Next. The following wizard window is displayed.


Select the Striped radio button. Click Next.

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Add Disk 1 and Disk 2 to the Selected field. To move a disk to the Selected field, select the disk from the Available field and click Add. Click Next. The following wizard window is displayed.


9. 10.

Select Assign the following drive letter, and select the letter R. Click Next.

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11. 12. 13.

Select Do not format this volume, click Next. Click Finish to close the wizard. The stripe set is created. Click the X at the top right corner to close the Computer Management window

Installing Windows XP with Service Pack 1a on SATA standard computers

1. 2. Insert the HP Recovery CD into the drive and restart the computer. If the computer does not boot from the CD then, at the initial boot screen, when the HP logo is displayed, press F9 to enter the boot menu. The installer asks where to boot the computer from. Select CD-ROM and press Enter. The following boot menu is displayed:

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hp digital press Windows XP Setup 1. Create disk array 2. Install Windows XP 3. System backup tool 4. Exit Select an operation [1,2,3]? 3. 4. Type 1. A warning message is displayed. Type Y to continue with the setup. When the disk array setup process is complete, the computer is restarted automatically. The boot menu is displayed again:

hp digital press Windows XP Setup 1. Create disk array 2. Install Windows XP 3. System backup tool 4. Exit Select an operation [1,2,3]? 5. Type 2 to install Windows XP. The following menu is displayed While installing Windows XP --------------------------1. Create a new Jobs disk (S:), deleting any old jobs 2. Retain the old Jobs disk (S:), keeping all the old jobs 3. Exit Select an operation [1,2,3]?

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Type 1. The following warning is displayed: Warning!!! This process will erase all data from all connected hard disks. Are you sure [Y,N]?

7. 8. 9. 10. Note: 11.

Type Y to continue with the setup. The Norton Ghost 2003 window is displayed. It might take a few seconds for this window to appear. The installation process starts and may take some time. At the license agreement window, ask the customer to select I accept this agreement and click Next. The customer (end-user), not the technician, must agree to the EULA. The computer is restarted automatically several times during the process.

Press software installation

Install the press software. For instructions, see the Press Software Installation document CA294-01280 for HP Indigo press 5000, or the Press Software Installation document MNU-1081-01 for other presses.

Installing Windows XP with Service Pack 2 on SATA standard computers

For the HP xw4300 procedure, go to page 27. 1. 2. Insert the HP Recovery DVD into the drive and restart the computer. If the computer does not boot from the CD then, at the initial boot screen, when the HP logo is displayed, press F9 to enter the boot menu. The installer asks where to boot the computer from. Select CD-ROM and press Enter. The following boot menu is displayed: hp digital press Windows XP Setup 1. Create disk array(s) 2. Install Windows XP 3. System Backup Tool 4. Exit Select an operation [1,2,3,4]?

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3. 4.

Type 1. A warning message will be displayed. Type Y to continue. When the disk array setup process is complete, the computer will restart. The boot menu is displayed again: hp digital press Windows XP Setup 1. 2. 3. 4. Create disk array Install Windows XP System Backup Tool Exit

Select an operation [1,2,3,4]? 5. Type 2 to install Windows XP. The following menu is displayed: While installing Windows XP --------------------------1. Create a new Jobs disk (S:), deleting any old jobs 2. Retain the old Jobs disk (S:), keeping all the old jobs 3. Exit Select an operation [1,2,3]? 6. Type 1. The following warning is displayed: Warning!!! This process will erase all data from all connected hard disks. Are you sure [Y,N]? 7. 8. Type Y to continue with the setup. If the Norton Ghost license agreement window is displayed then click OK. The setup process starts and may take some time 9. Note: 10. At the Windows XP license agreement window, ask the customer to select I accept this agreement and click Next. The customer (end-user), not the technician, must agree to the EULA. The installation process continues and the computer is restarted automatically several times during the process.

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Many windows open and close during the installation process. Do not operate the computer controls until the process has finished. For HP Indigo press w3250 (Master, Slave1 and Slave2) only: The HP Indigo Press - Windows Setup window will be displayed requesting your input. Select the configuration and click Next, for each of the three computers in its turn. (Select Master for the Master computer etc.)

A message box will appear when the automatic installation is finished, click OK. 11. If a Roxio Assistant window is displayed after installation, click Cancel to close it.

Press software installation

Install the press software. For instructions, see the Press Software Installation document CA294-01280 for HP Indigo press 5000, or the Press Software Installation document MNU-1081-01 for other presses.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration

Installing Windows XP with Service Pack 2 on SATA standard computers (xw4300 only)
1. 2. Insert the HP Recovery DVD into the drive and restart the computer. If the computer does not boot from the CD then, at the initial boot screen, when the HP logo is displayed, press F9 to enter the boot menu. The installer asks where to boot the computer from. Select CD-ROM and press Enter. The following boot menu is displayed: HP Digital Press Windows Setup 1. Factory Setup 2. Install Windows 3. System Backup Tool 4. Exit

Select an operation [1,2,3,4]? 3. Type 1. The following menu is displayed: Factory Setup 1. Update BIOS settings 2. Create disk array(s) 3. Exit

Select an operation [1,2,3]? 4. 5. Type 2. A warning message is displayed. Type Y to continue. When the disk array setup process is complete, the computer restarts.

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The boot menu is displayed again: HP Digital Press Windows Setup 1. Factory Setup 2. Install Windows 3. System Backup Tool 4. Exit

Select an operation [1,2,3,4]? 6. Type 2 to install Windows XP. The following menu is displayed: While installing Windows XP --------------------------1. Create a new Jobs disk (S:), deleting any old jobs 2. Retain the old Jobs disk (S:), keeping all the old jobs 3. Exit Select an operation [1,2,3]? 7. Type 1. The following warning is displayed: Warning!!! This process will erase all data from all connected hard disks. Are you sure [Y,N]? 8. 9. 10. Note: 11. Type Y to continue with the setup. If the Norton Ghost license agreement window is displayed, click OK. The setup process starts and may take some time At the Windows XP license agreement window, ask the customer to select I accept this agreement and click Next. The customer (end-user), not the technician, must agree to the EULA. The installation process continues and the computer is restarted automatically several times during the process. Many windows open and close during the installation process. Do not operate the computer controls until the process has finished.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration

Press software installation

Install the press software. For instructions, see the Press Software Installation document CA294-01280 for HP Indigo press 5000, or the Press Software Installation document MNU-1081-01 for other presses.

Troubleshooting - manual disk configuration (SATA)

1. 2. Check that the clock is showing the correct date and time and update it if necessary. Verify that the disks have been partitioned correctly, as shown in the figures below. The partitions can be viewed from Computer Management. The hard disk partitions for HP Indigo press should look like those shown in the following figure. If you need to reconfigure Jobs (S:), refer to Recreating the S drive on page 23. If you need to reconfigure R:, see Configuring the Adaptec SATA array controller (xw4300 only) on page 27 or Configuring the Promise SATA array controller (xw4100 and vw4200) on page 27 as applicable.

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Checking SATA disk integrity (xw4100 and xw4200)

Note: For information relevant to the HP xw4300, continue with Checking SATA disk integrity (xw4300 only) on page 27. Check the Promise Array Management configuration as follows 1. Open the Promise Array Management window by clicking Start> Programs > Promise Array Management -> Local PAM

2. 3. 4.

Choose the computer name in the tree on the left side of the screen. From the Raid Machine menu select Login. Enter the user name: Unicorn (case sensitive so make sure to use a capital U). Do not enter a password.


Click OK

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Under array view select each disk and verify that the disk status is functional. The channel number in the SW interface is equivalent to the port number on the SATA controller board. (Ch 1 = port 1). The array view is shown in the following figure.

System disk (mirror array)

Image memory disk

For a system disk failure, simply replace the failed disk. No configuration is necessary, and no jumper settings are required. For image memory disk failure, replace the drive, and follow the instructions in Reconfiguring the image memory disk array (R:) on page 27.

Checking SATA disk integrity (xw4300 only) Adaptec Utility

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. From the Start menu, click Programs > Adaptec Storage Manager and select Adaptec Storage Manager. On the left pane, below Enterprise view, double-click Direct attached storage to extend the tree. Select SENGINE-xxxxxx (where xxxxxx is a unique number). When the Login window appears, click Cancel. If the New Hardware Detected window appears, close it. Click the Controller 1 button (blue square on the right).

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration

7. 8.

On the right pane, right-click on the Logical Devices icon, and select Properties on the menu. Select the Status tab.

9. 10.

Check the status (should be optimal), size and configuration of the Adaptec RAID array and the disk drives. Close all windows.

Intel Utility
1. 2. From the Start menu, click Programs > Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager and select the Intel Matrix Storage Console. On the menu, select View > Advanced Mode.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration

3. 4.

Select System, check the status (should be Normal), size and configuration of the Intel RAID array. Close the window.

Reconfiguring the image memory disk array (R:) Configuring the Promise SATA array controller (xw4100 and vw4200)
Note: For information relevant to the HP xw4300, continue with Configuring the Adaptec SATA array controller (xw4300 only) on page 27. Perform the following procedure after image memory disk replacement or if you suspect a disk array problem: 1. 2. 3. 4. Open the Promise Array Management window by clicking Start> Programs > Promise Array Management -> Local PAM. Choose the computer name in the tree on the left side of the screen. From the Raid Machine menu select Login. Enter the user name: Unicorn (case sensitive so make sure to use a capital U). Do not enter a password. Click OK. The Promise Array Management window is displayed. In the Promise Array Management tree, select Promise Array 2. In the menu, select Maintenance and Delete. The following confirmation window is displayed.

5. 6.


Click OK to confirm the deletion.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration


In the menu, select Maintenance and Create Array. The Array Creation item is displayed in the tree, and the window is displayed as shown below.

9. 10.

In the Select Free Disks field, select both disks using the CTRL key. Click Create. The following window is displayed.

11. 12.

Click OK to close the window. Continue with Configuring the file system partition on page 27

Configuring the Adaptec SATA array controller (xw4300 only)

Perform the following procedure after image memory disk replacement or if you suspect a disk array problem: 1. Open the Adaptec Storage Manager window by clicking Start> Programs > Adaptec Storage Manager > Adaptec Storage Manager.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration


In the Enterprise view, double-click on Direct Attached Storage.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Click on localhost. Enter the user name: Unicorn and password: Unicorn (case sensitive so make sure to use a capital U). Click OK. If a New hardware detected window opens, close the window or select Register Later. Click the Controller 1 button (blue square on the right).

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration


In the Logical Devices tab, select the Logical Devices (1) icon.

8. 9. 10. 11.

In the Actions menu, select Delete logical device. Click Yes to confirm the deletion. Wait (1520 secs) until the program refreshes the window If the Error window opens, do the following:


On the desktop, right click on the My computer icon. Select Manage, and Disk Management.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration

b. c.

Select the R: drive. Right-click on the R: drive and select Delete Volume. . ..

A Delete simple volume window opens. d. e. f. Click Yes. In the Actions menu of the Adaptec Storage Manager window, select Delete logical device. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration

12. 13.

Select, in the Physical devices tab, the Controller1 icon. In the Actions menu, select Create logical devices. The Configure the SATA HostRAID Controller wizard opens.

14. 15.

Select Custom configuration for controller 1. Click Next.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration

16. 17. 18.

Select RAID 0. Click Next. In the Physical Devices panel, select both of the disk drive icons.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration


Click Next. The Configuration Summary is displayed.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration


Click Next. The following confirmation window is displayed.

21. 22.

Click Yes. Close the Adaptec Storage Manager.

Configuring the file system partition

1. 2. On the desktop, right click on the My computer icon. Select Manage. The Computer Management window opens. Select Disk Management (under Storage in the tree). The Initialize and Convert Disk Wizard is displayed.

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Click Next.

4. 5. 6.

Select the disk to initialize. Click Next. Do not select any disk for conversion.

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Click Next. The following wizard window opens when the process is completed.

8. 9.

Click Finish to close the wizard. In the Computer Management window, select Disk 1.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration


In the Action menu, select All Tasks > New Partition. The New Partition Wizard is displayed.

11. 12.

Click Next. Select Primary Partition (Select Partition Type step).

13. 14.

Click Next. Ensure that the Partition size in MB is equal to the Maximum disk space

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration


Click Next. The wizard Assign Drive Letter or Path step is displayed.

16. 17.

Select Assign the following drive letter, and select R from the dropdown menu. Click Next. The wizard Format Partition step is displayed.

18. 19.

Select Do not format this partition. Click Next. The wizard completes the process.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration


Click Finish to close the wizard. The disk is displayed in the Computer Management window as shown below.

21. 22.

In the press software control panel, open the Options menu, and click Press Configuration. In the Press Configuration window tree, click Raid Parameters.

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PC XP operating system installation and configuration

23. 24. 25.

Check Format at Next Startup. Click Apply. Restart the press computer.

Rebuilding the system disk (xw4300 only)

Perform the following procedure after replacing the system disk. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. When the HP logo screen displays after restarting the computer, press any key to display the ROM messages. Press Ctrl-I when requested. The Intel Matrix Storage Manager runs. A Degraded Volume Detected message is displayed. Press Enter to initiate a rebuild of the selected drive. Press Esc to start the rebuild. Press Y to confirm the exit. Windows restarts. Log in to Windows. The volume will be rebuilt. This takes about 2060 minutes depending on the amount of data to be mirrored. (To track the rebuilding process) From the Start menu, click Programs > Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager and select the Intel Matrix Storage Console. On the menu, select View > Advanced Mode. Select System. Status shows the progress of the rebuilding.

8. 9.

The status changes to Optimal when the rebuilding finishes.

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