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COMPETENCY MAPPING: I also worked on recruitment consulting that is the major service provided by Conjugate.

I worked on various openings such as that of Portfolio Counsellor, Senior PRM, Manager Premier and Regional Sales Manager which all were VP level openings for a leading MNC bank which is one of the clients of Conjugate. Herein I was expected to search for a potential candidate on various job portals as and and the professional networking site, Linkedin. Then I had to call the candidate, take his details relevant for the opening to judge whether he is appropriate for the role and take his approval regarding sharing his profile with the candidate. Then I worked on a small assignment on creating sample salary data for one of the clients operating in the Oil and Gas sector for the role of Process engineer and Electrical engineer for Chennai location which helped the HR of the concerned company to benchmark the compensation for the same role which would match the market and thus attract good talent. Then I worked again for the Banking sector wherein I was expected to do a small assignment on Competency Mapping. I was asked to create a database of potential candidates using Linkedin and job portals and for the role of VP Payments Cash management services and VP Tactical Sales. Herein I contributed to a total of 80 potential candidates from various banks and other financial institutions who were approached by the consultants at Conjugate for job opportunities. The tracker for the same is shared on the email account given to me. I also mapped for the position of Senior PRM for Ahmedabad wherein I was expected to contribute 10 candidates from various banks and I contributed to around 6 potential candidates using Linkedin. The tracker for the same has also been shared by me. Then I also performed MARKET MAPPING for the role of relationship managers whose salary could range from 3-20 lacs across India from banks, brokerage houses, Insurance firms and wealth management firms majorly majorly using Linkedin and cold calling. I shared to an approximate number of 640 candidates who fell under the category of relationship managers, wealth managers, investment counsellors or private bankers. The tracker for the same has also been shared. The attachments with a copy of these results have also been attached as well they are shared on the email id provided to me.

The title of our project was Developing Process Maps and Transition plan for HR Outsourcing Activities. In this we were expected to find out the HR activities that can be outsourced by HR to Conjugate. On studying the market trends and analysing the demands of the same in the market, we zeroed in on two activities for which we developed the process maps and transition plans. They are explained below: The list of activities that could be outsourced to the clients could be apart from recruitment process outsourcing: Exit Interview Resume Management


The primary reasons our clients prefer to outsource their exit interviews: 1. Builds a common database throughout the organization from which business units, locations, and other demographic data may be compiled and retrieved. 2. Insures a consistent process is followed throughout the enterprise. All exiting employees are asked the same questions. Everyone is offered an exit interview. No one is excluded. The interviews get done and are done consistently. 3. Provides an impartial perspective that encourages the respondent to speak openly when discussing sensitive issues. When exit interviews are outsourced, there are far fewer concerns about burning bridges. The interviewer does not become defensive. There are no confidentiality breaches. The data cannot be tampered with, edited, or distorted. 4. An external company achieves higher participation levels. 5. Ex-associates are more inclined to share with an external company their plans for filing a legal case. 6. Interviews are conducted after hours, by phone or mail, when people are free to talk candidly about their experience and not preoccupied with their work tasks. 7. People are more open to convey information about the new employer and who the new employer is with a third party. Many interviews are conducted after the employee has spent two-four weeks with their new employer. At this time, they are more knowledgeable of what their new opportunity is and how it is different from what your company offered the person.

8. Frees your staff for other issues that are best done internally. 9. An external company is able to make comparisons with an external database and make suggestions on how to utilize the information. 10. Former employees do not have to fear that if they tell the truth they may receive a poor reference. 11. It is another check on ethics, integrity, and management behavior. Managers cannot request exit data be withheld as is possible with internal resources who conduct exit interviews. Also, managers know that a third party will be calling all former employees. This in and of itself is another incentive for acting in ways consistent with your organizations beliefs and values. 12. It protects the safety of internal human resource professionals who also may have concerns about reprisal or attacking the messenger from gathering and reporting the information.

Given below are few steps that form a part of the Exit Interview process conducted by Conjugate:

Results of outsourcing exit interviews: helps one to reduce attrition, retain talent and increase productivity

Exiting staff divulge relevant information with our tools. The information is candid and data more valid.

The interview structure and reporting tool provides insight on the top reasons for leaving quickly and effectively. All interview data is captured centrally and analysed objectively. The web tool would enable managers to gain insight straight from their desktop 24/7.

The reasons why the clients should use Conjugates Exit interview services are: Our industry expertise and domain knowledge

Superior service delivery Our team consists of HR experts with 80% of them being MBA degree holder.


If a client plans to outsource exit interviews to an outside vendor, in that case the plan for bringing about the change in the system could be as follows:

An employee on the rolls of the vendor can be placed in the clients office. The employee will try and understand the exit interview process that is already prevalent in the organisation. He will try to understand the positions in which the organisation faces maximum attrition. He will also study the questions asked to the departing employees and judge their validity. He will also try to gauge the database of the employees who had quit the organisation and the reason behind their separation if such a database has been maintained. Then he will try and find out the prominent reason for departure. Then he will try and understand whether the reason for departure is competency based or circumstantial. If the reason to separate has more to do with the competency of the departing employee, then the recruitment process for the same has to be reviewed and competency mapping process has to be performed.

Slowly in this manner, once he understands the culture and the employee philosophy of the organisation, he will start taking exit interviews himself relieving the HR department from such responsibilities and carry the process further on.

Resume Management:

The reasons why companies go for resume management services are: Saves time and the effort on the part of the HR team in handling the administrative job of managing the responses. Cost effective solution for the company as it saves them the money and the effort of inviting applications for each of the vacancy created. Helps create a database of the applications received for the future use as per the requirements.

The overall task of inviting applications, screening the resumes and selecting the right candidate from the large base of applicants demands a huge effort on the part of ones Human Resource team. Partnering with Conjugate would ease the process of making the best fit. Thus Conjugate as a team would help you save considerable time and effort through our specialized resume management services and superior delivery.

Given below is the graphical representation of the resume management service provided by Conjugate:

Benefits of employing Resume Management services Saves the Human Resource team of the client from the effort of processing of a large number of responses for a job posting. Cost effective

The reasons why the clients should use Conjugates Resume Management services are: Expertise in handling a large number of applications for the job posting using web enabled services. Cost effective solution and time saving Superior service delivery Our industry expertise and domain knowledge Our team consists of HR experts with 80% of them being MBA degree holder.

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