European Socialism and Fascism

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European Socialism and Fascism

11/25/2010 7:20:00 AM

Reaction to corruption in Poland following Pilsudski taking control within Poland Also concerns about moral health of the nation Worried about the state of the notion of the family o Had been affected by the casualties of war o People more concerned about the economy as a whole and finance o Declining church attendance across Europe o Rising crime levels Led to a more authoritarian rule, when it achieved its independence it was a multi-ethnic state Difficult for the polish leadership to understand which ethnic identities Vogelsang - Austria Staunch catholic Vertical representation instead of horizontal representation His movement culminated in the nationalist movements Difficult to argue whether he was actually anti-Semitic Editor of socialist newspaper Advocate of fighting against communism by looking after the working class Saw cooperatism as a way of working against the Communist part Founded Christian Socialist Party in Austria Austria was quite divided at the time In Vienna Social Democrats were much more powerful than in the rural where the Christian Socialist Party was more powerful. Christian movements were popular with the lower-middle class as they allowed the ownership of wealth and private land Ottmar Spann (1878-1950) Austria Leightenant in WWI Conservative sociologist and economist Began to get involved in more nationalistic movement, very anti liberalist Instead of democracy a hierarchy according to job or profession would be more suitable (led by a Fuhrer)

He was not socialist on any level, rejected any levels of Marxism

but less about defending against it, more about deploying the nationalist state and destabilizing socialism Socialists would argue that unless the economic equality where we all earn the same there can be sense of cultural equality Hungary Fascism Arrow Cross Franz Sazalasi Wanted the restoration of the ancient kingdom with the army commanding a party of national will. He remains loyal to the region, he would only take power if the region gave it to him in the constitutional way Created a plan for agricultural production Jews dominated Hungarian finance, 60/% of doctors were jews as well as in the financial sector with only 5% of the actual population The ruling elite actually relied on them despite not liking antiSemitism specifically asked Germans not to make them pursue anti-Semitic proper policy

Didnt like being told what to do by the Germans, they were not forced into Fascism until 1944 Communist party was actually illegal so that meant that this factor was not present in Hungarian society Gombush He tried to be all things to all men Understood about the dependence on agriculture In his 95 points he tries to front his desire of a Fascist style

dictatorship focused on an age of reform. Has a romantic desire to see the restoration of the Hungarian empire Apparently promised to deliver a one part fascist state just before he dies. Both were critics of the old conservative regime but both did not achieve fundamental change because their regimes proved far too short to actually achieve their aims.


11/25/2010 7:20:00 AM

Is often believed that the right is associated with violent political movements i.e. the kampf or struggle o BUT this is also present in leftist politics. Violence is acceptable if responding to forms of oppression By the end of the 1870s the left had rejected the idea of violence to achieve social progress Second Internationale decides this. o Favored parliamentary elections As more people became aware of the left more people would vote for them. o By 1907 the Western part had universal suffrage for me o Social Democrats were the largest party in Germany Even a reasonably powerful socialist party in the USA The Russia Revolution imposed through violence a Communist regime. This clearly demonstrated that it was possible to achieve this in a very short space of time. By early 1918 in Soviet Union the government was more progressive than in Germany where the largest Social Democrat party was. Also people began to raise questions about how socialist the working class were maybe more nationalist A great deal of the output of WWI was patriotic It also became clear in WWI that parliament could be very easily derailed all parties at the time voted for war rather than having their own view. Parliament co-opted them rather than the other way round. Following WWI most Leftists joined the Third Internationale which advocated violence Bela Kun was a great purporter of this in Yugoslavia Austrian socialists also tried this, communist party there was banned and following this short stint many rejoined the second Internationale to use parliamentary. However, many now believed that it was useful to use the vote as well as personal violence in order to gain power o This worried other political parties at the time

Ideology of the 20th Century


11/25/2010 7:20:00 AM

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