Inggris SMP 2004k

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Mrs. Leo is a doctor. She has a sharp nose, wavy hair and creamy yellow skin.

She is tall and slim. She is about one point seventy metres. Her weight is about forty five kilograms. Mrs. Leo works in a big hospital. She starts working at eight o'clock in the morning until five at noon. Everyone likes her. She always smiles in treating her patients or to others she knows. On Saturday and Sunday, she stays home or spends her time for recreation. 1 . What time does Mrs. Leo begin to work? A . At 5.00. C . At 8.00. B . At 7.00. D . At 9.00. Kunci : C Penyelesaian : She starts working at eight (8.00) o'clock in the morning until five at noon. 2 . Mrs. Leo is a ........ doctor. A . lazy C . proud B . kind D . clever Kunci : B Penyelesaian : Dari bacaan dapat disimpulkan bahwa nyonya Leo adalah dokter yang baik. Mrs. Leo is a kind doctor. 3 . Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE ? A . Mrs. Leo is a friendly person. B . Mrs. Leo works five days a week. C . Mrs. Leo is a tall and fat woman. D . Mrs. Leo finishes working at five p.m. Kunci : C Penyelesaian : Kalimat yang salah : Mrs. Leo is a tall and fat woman. Lihat kutipan bacaan : She is about one point seventy metres. Her weight is about forty five kilograms. Tingginya 1,70 meter dan beratnya 45 kg, jadi tidak tinggi dan gemuk. HOW TO BOIL AN EGG Things you need 1 egg 1 small saucepan 0,5 litre of water What to do 1. Fill the saucepan with litre of water 2. Bring water to boil 3. Put egg in water with spoon 4. Boil for 4 minutes 5. Turn off the stove 6. Drain saucepan 7. Serve egg in egg cup Serving suggestion: Warm buttered toast, cut into slices and dipped into the egg makes a tasty treat 4 . Which of the following is in the correct order?
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A . Boil for 4 minutes, place egg in saucepan, bring water to boil, drain saucepan. B . Bring water to boil, place egg in water, boil for 4 minutes, drain saucepan. C . Bring water to boil, place egg in saucepan, drain saucepan, boil for 4 minutes. D . Bring water to boil, place egg in saucepan, boil for 4 minutes, drain saucepan. Kunci : B Penyelesaian : What to do 1. Fill the saucepan with litre of water 2. Bring water to boil 3. Put egg in water with spoon 4. Boil for 4 minutes 5. Turn off the stove 6. Drain saucepan 7. Serve egg in egg cup Jadi urutan yang benar : Bring water to boil, place egg in water, boil for 4 minutes, drain saucepan. 5 . To avoid the egg being broken, what should you do? A . Drop the egg in water as fast as possible. B . Throw the egg in boiled water. C . Put the egg in a drain saucepan. D . Put the egg in water with a spoon. Kunci : D Penyelesaian : Untuk menghindari telur pecah maka telur tersebut dimasukkan ke dalam air dengan sendok. Lihat What to do nomor 3. 3. Put the egg in water with a spoon. 6 . " ... makes a tasty treat." The underlined word could be best replaced with the word .... A . decorated C . hot B . delicious D . salty Kunci : B Penyelesaian : Persamaan dari tasty pada kalimat makes a tasty treat adalah delicious (lezat). Budi's mother goes shopping regularly. She goes to the .....(7)..... once a week. There she buys things for the daily .....(8)....., such as meat, fruit and vegetables. She loves to go there because it is clean, comfortable and has fixed price. 7 . A . green grocer C . supermarket B . market D . department store Kunci : C Penyelesaian : Ibu budi pergi belanja ke Supermarket sekali seminggu. 8 . A . drinks C . meals B . foods D . needs Kunci : D Penyelesaian : Disana ia membeli kebutuhan (needs) sehari-hari.
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REUTERS Liverpool, England. Senegal striker El-Hadji Diouf has signed a five year deal with Liverpool, the English premier league club said on Tuesday. "We can confirm that Diouf has signed a five-year deal that will keep him at Anfield until June 2007," a club spokesman said. The former Lens striker, who has cost Liverpool 10 million pounds ($15.75 million), was joined in training on Tuesday by fellow new comer Alou Diarra and Bruno Cheyrou, who have both signed long-term deals at Anfield. French midfielder Diarra, 21, arrived on a free transfer from Bayern Munich, while 24-year-old Cheyrou joined for four million pounds ($6.30 million) from Lille last week. Salif Diao, who played alongside Diouf at this year's World Cup, has also signed a five-year contract from Sedan. But the midfielder, who cost Liverpool some 5 million pounds ($7.88 million), will not arrive in England until December. Senegal was one of the surprises of the tournament in South Korea and Japan when it beat defending world champion France in the opening game and went on to the quarterfinals. Adapted from The Jakarta Post 9 . In the opening game of the world Cup 2002, Senegal defeated ........ A . Argentina C . Italy B . Korea D . France Kunci : D Penyelesaian : Lihat paragraf terakhir : Senegal was one of the surprises of the tournament in South Korea and Japan when it beat defending world champion France in the opening game and went onto the quarterfinals. 10 . What is the text about? It is about football ........ A . players C . clubs B . coaches D . trainers Kunci : A Penyelesaian : Bacaan di atas mengenai pemain sepakbola. It is about football players. 11 . When does El Hadji Diouf start joining Liverpool? A . In 2001. C . In 2005. B . In 2002. D . In 2007. Kunci : B Penyelesaian : Dari paragraf kedua : "We can confirm that Diouf has signed a five-year deal that will keep him at Anfield until June 2007," a club spokesman said. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa El Hadji Diouf bergabung dengan Liverpool pada tahun 2002, yaitu tahun 2007 dikurangi 5 tahun kontrak. 12 . "Senegal was one of the surprises of the tournament in South Korea and Japan." What does the underlined word mean? A . A contest in which a number of competitors take part.
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B . People who participate in certain event. C . One who wins the first prize in a contest. D . Events which do not relate to sport. Kunci : A Penyelesaian : Tournament berarti sebuah kontes yang diikuti oleh sejumlah pesaing. Tournament is a contest in which a number of competitors take part.

13 . What is the information about? It is about a/an .... A . restaurant C . hotel B . apartment D . plaza Kunci : A Penyelesaian : Informasi diatas tentang Restaurant. Perhatikan tulisan ini : Come & enjoy our excellent food and quality service. 14 . What's the quickest and practical way to reserve a table in the restaurant ........ A . Going to the restaurant. B . Coming to the restaurant earlier. C . Informing the restaurant via telephone. D . Connecting the restaurant Via internet. Kunci : C Penyelesaian : Cara yang tercepat dan praktis untuk memesan tempat di restaurant adalah dengan memesannya melalui telepon. Informing the restaurant via telephone. 15 . The correct statement based on the ad is ........ A . The Queen's Tandoor is in President Hotel B . Queen's Tandoor offers Indian and Chinese food C . Queen's Tandoor offers traditional and Indian foo D . We can find Queen's Tandoor in all part of Jakarta Kunci : B Penyelesaian : Queen's Tanddor menawarkan makanan India dan Cina. Lihat judul atas. Queen's Tandoor INDIAN & CHINESE
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CUISINE Some years ago the forest in Indonesia .....(16)..... from the air like an unbroken carpet of green. But today we only find some trees in the forests because people .....(17)..... them for timber. They also .....(18)..... the forest for farms, mines and settlements. If we don't stop this, our forest will be gone. 16 . A . look C . looked B . looks D . are looking Kunci : C Penyelesaian : Some years ago merupakan bentuk lampau jadi kata kerja yang tepat looked (past tense dari look). 17 . A . cut C . have cut B . are cutting D . will cut Kunci : C Penyelesaian : But today we only find some trees in the forests because people ........ them for timber Kata tepat untuk menujukkan telah mengerjakan adalah have + Vb III. Jadi jawaban yang tepat have cut. 18 . A . clear C . cleared B . are clear D . will clear Kunci : A Penyelesaian : They also ........ the forest for farms, mines and settlements Mereka juga membersikan (clear) hutan untuk ladang, hasil tambang dan tempat tinggal. Tenses yang digunakan dalam bentuk sekarang, bukan lampau (cleared) atau akan datang ( will clear). L.A. du Pre, Foucaud et Cie, 1128 Rue Voltaire, 76005 Paris 28th August, 2003 Dear Miss du Pre Thank you for your letter of the 21 August 2003. We have reserved a room for Mr. Alain Mancone for the period of 21 st September to the 2 nd October, inclusive. The room overlooks the park, and has a telephone extension. The telephone can be connected to outside lines, so Mr. Mancone can use the telephone to make and receive calls. A reception room will be available daily.

The cost of single room with bath is $1500 per night, excluding V.A.T.* There will also be a service charge of 15 percent. This price includes breakfast, which can be served in the guest's room, if desired. We look forward to seeing Mr. Mancone. Yours faithfully,

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Ramadhan Afifi * V.A.T = Value Added Tax 19 . What is the letter about? A . The available hotel facilities. C . The prices of the hotel. B . The cost of the single room. D . The reply from the hotel. Kunci : D Penyelesaian : Surat tersebut merupakan surat balasan (The reply from the hotel), lihat kalimat pembukanya : Thank you for your letter of the 21 August 2003. 20 . Foucaud et Cie 1128 Rue Voltaire is ........ where du Pre wort A . the address C . the office B . the city D . the department Kunci : A Penyelesaian : Foucaud et Cie 1128 Rue Voltaire merupakan alamat (the address), biasanya alamat surat letaknya di bagian atas surat. 21 . The price of the room can be found in ........ paragraph. A . the first C . the third B . the second D . the forth Kunci : C Penyelesaian : Harga kamar ditemukan pada paragraf ketiga (the third). The cost of single room with bath is $1500 per night, excluding V.A.T. ... Dear Miss du Pre, merupakan paragraf pertama. 22 . Which of the following statements is TRUE? A . Ramadhan Afifi was the manager of the hotel. B . Mr. Mancone needed the room facing the park. C . The price of the room included the service charge. D . Breakfast was always served in the guest's room. Kunci : A Penyelesaian : Ramadhan Afifi was the manager of the hotel, benar karena yang biasa menjawab surat adalah manajer. Mr. Mancone needed the room facing the park. Salah, tidak ada permintaan dari Mr. Mancone, yang ada hanya penawaran dari Mr. Afifi. The price of the room included the service charge. Salah, lihat kalimat ini : There will also be a service charge of 15 percent. Breakfast was always served in the guest's room. Salah, This price includes breakfast, which can be served in the guest's room, if desired. Can be server tidak berarti selalu. 23 . We look forward to seeing Mr. Mancone." (paragraph 4) The underlined phrase means ........ A . expect C . assure B . believe D . wait for Kunci : A Penyelesaian :
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Look forward berarti mengharapkan sama dengan expect. Last Friday I travelled by train to Surabaya. I sat in a seat beside the aisle and began to read my newspaper. After an hour, I got up from my seat, walked down the aisle and into the WC. I locked the door of the WC. Minutes later I tried to unlock the door. It wouldn't unlock. First of all I was amazed, and then I was annoyed. How was I going to get out of the WC? I tried pushing the lock. I tried pulling it. I hit it with my shoe. Nothing I did succeed in opening the door. The door remained locked. Finally I started to shout for help. "Help, I'm locked in the WC. Please get me out." In the beginning nobody answered. After fifteen minutes somebody said. "Hello. Who are you?" Fifteen minutes later an official arrived. There were large crowds of people outside the WC. I could hear the official telling them to stand back. "Hello, I am a PJKA official. Have you got a train ticket?" "Yes, I have." "Let me see your ticket, please. Push it under the door." I pushed my ticket under the door. "Your ticket's okay. What are you doing in the WC?" "Nothing. I'm doing nothing." "Why don't you come out?" "I can't open the door." "What's wrong with you? Why can't you open the door?" "There is nothing wrong with me. There is something wrong with the lock on the door." "You'll have to wait there until we get to Surabaya. I will look for an engineer in Surabaya station". "I don't want to wait here until we get to Surabaya. I want you to break down the door." "Are you mad? I am an official. I cannot break down the door." He went away. He took my return ticket with him. I had to stay in the WC until the train arrived in Surabaya. The train was in Surabaya station for one hour and I was still in the WC on the train. The official could not find the engineer, perhaps. I was feeling very hungry. I wanted to go home. I pulled at the lock and the door suddenly opened. I was free. I ran down the aisle to my seat. My luggage was gone. Somebody had stolen my bag. 24 . Who is the writer of the text? A . An official. C . A passenger. B . A steward. D . A thief. Kunci : C Penyelesaian : Yang menulis cerita di atas adalah seorang penumpang (a passenger) kereta api. 25 . The writer could get out of WC because ........ A . somebody unlocked the door C . the official tried to open the door B . the engineer came to help him D . the door was suddenly unlocked Kunci : D Penyelesaian : Penulis tidak dapat keluar WC karena mendadak kunci tidak dapat dibuka. The door was suddenly unlocked. 26 . The writer was locked in the WC for ........ before somebody knew it A . an hour C . a few minutes B . a quarter D . half an hour Kunci : B Penyelesaian :
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Lihat kalimat di bawah ini : In the beginning nobody answered. After fifteen minutes somebody said. "Hello. Who are you?" Pada awalnya tidak ada orang yang menjawab, lima belas menit kemudian seseorang berkata "Halo, siapa kamu ?" Lima belas menit sama dengan seperempat jam (a quarter) 27 . "He went away." (last paragraph). The word "He" refers to ........ A . the engineer C . PJKA official B . the writer D . the passenger Kunci : C Penyelesaian : He pada kalimat di atas adalah PJKA official. Lihat kalimat di bawah ini : "Are you mad? I am an official. I cannot break down the door." He went away. When we watch the news on TV, we see the news announcers. Sometimes we see two or three reporters. But we don't see the team of people who make the news broadcast. The TV team includes carpenters, painters, electricians, light engineers, camera operators, video engineers and sound engineers. The carpenters make the news room, the painters paint the scenery and the electrician provides electricity to power the cameras, microphones and the lights. The light engineer arranges the lights so that we can see everything on the screen. The sound engineer makes sure we can hear what the people are saying. These are some of the news team. There are also the people who write the news and the people who make the announcers look good, the make-up artists. In addition to all these people, there is the producer - the person who manages everything and everybody in the team. 28 . What does the text tell us about? A . TV programmes. C . The news announcers. B . People on TV screens. D . The television teams Kunci : D Penyelesaian : Wacana di atas mengambarkan tentang tim televisi (the television teams) 29 . There are ........ sections of the TV team. A . seven C . nine B . eight D . ten Kunci : A Penyelesaian : Ada tujuh (seven) bagian yang ada pada tim TV. Lihat bacaan di bawah ini : The TV team includes carpenters, painters, electricians, light engineers, camera operators, video engineers and sound engineers. 30 . Who is responsible for all TV programmes? A . The reporter. C . The broadcaster. B . The producer. D . The camera operator.
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Kunci : B Penyelesaian : In addition to all these people, there is the producer - the person who manages everything and everybody in the team. Produser yang bertanggung jawab terhadap semua program TV. 31 . "The TV team's job" can be found in ........ A . the first paragraph C . the third paragraph B . the second paragraph D . none of the paragraphs Kunci : B Penyelesaian : Pekerjaan tim TV ada di paragraf ke dua. The carpenters make the news room, the painters paint the scenery and the electrician provides electricity to power the cameras, microphones and the lights. The light engineer arranges the lights so that we can see everything on the screen. The sound engineer makes sure we can hear what the people are saying. The man wants to take a picture of a bird. He uses a .....(32)...... The picture will be saved in a .....(33)...... When he wants to see the results of the picture, he puts it into the .....(34)..... and the picture will appear on the screen or monitor. 32 . A . video rewinder C . video camera B . video recorder D . video cassette tape Kunci : C Penyelesaian : Dari gambar terlihat seorang laki-laki yang sedang menggunakan kamera video (video camera). 33 . A . television C . video rewinder B . video camera D . video compact disc Kunci : D Penyelesaian : Gambar yang dihasilkan akan disimpan di dalam bentuk Video Compact Disc (VCD) 34 . A . CD writer C . hard disk B . disk drive D . CD Rom Kunci : D Penyelesaian : Jika ia ingin melihat hasilnya ia meletakkannya ke CD Rom dan gambar akan muncul di monitor.

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35 . Which country has the smallest number of population? A . Germany. C . France. B . England. D . USA. Kunci : A Penyelesaian : Negara dengan jumlah populasi paling sedikit adalah Germany (40 juta) 36 . The diagram shows us that each country has a lot of ........ A . unemployment C . skilled manpower B . natural resources D . unskilled employment Kunci : C Penyelesaian : Masing-masing negara memiliki SDM yang terlatih (skilled manpower) dibandingkan dengan yang tidak bekerja (unemployment). 37 . Based on the diagram, the total number of unemployment in England is approximately ........ A . less than 10 million people C . more than 10 million people B . 10 million people D . 20 million people Kunci : B Penyelesaian : Berdasarkan diagram, jumlah penganggur di Inggris kira-kira 10 juta orang. Andi Tina Andi Tina : What will happen .....(38)..... the population growth in Japan is high? : I think it will have a larger population than Indonesia. : How about if the birth rates and death rates are balanced? : Of course, its population .....(39)..... growing.

38 . A . if C . before B . after D . so Kunci : A Penyelesaian : Apa yang akan terjadi jika (if) pertumbuhan penduduk di jepang tinggi ? 39 . A . stops B . will not stop Kunci : D Penyelesaian :
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C . doesn't stop D . will stop


Jika tingkat kelahiran dan kematian seimbang (balance) maka pertumbuhan penduduk akan berhenti (population will stop growing). 40 .

The lady has ........ hair. A . short C . wavy B . curly D . straight Kunci : C Penyelesaian : Dari gambar terlihat ada seorang wanita dengan rambut yang berombak (wavy hair). 41 . Teacher : All right, students. Let's start the quiz. Students : Excuse me, Sir. Can we open our books? Teacher : No! ................ Are you ready? Students : Yes, sir. A . Come to me! C . Close your book! B . Explain to me! D . Open your book! Kunci : C Penyelesaian : Pada saat quiz akan dimulai para murid tidak boleh membuka buku. Close your book ( Tutup buku kamu !) 42 . Look at the picture!

She is Susan. She's got ........because of the cold weathe A . a cough C . a headache B . a flu D . a stomachache Kunci : B Penyelesaian : Susan terserang penyakit Flu Karena cuaca yang dingin. 43 . John : How do the people carry all the vegetables? Siti : Some people use a van and some others use a ........ pulled by a bull. John : You mean a "dokar"? Siti : No we call it "cikar". A . car C . lorry B . cart D . carrier
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Kunci : B Penyelesaian : People carry the vegetables use a cart pulled by a bull. 44 . Look at the picture!

The man is playing one of the musical instrument. He is a ........ A . singer C . saxophone player B . fentist D . pianist Kunci : C Penyelesaian : Pada gambar terlihat ada seorang pemain saksofon. He is a saxophone player. 45 . Dono : What do you think of our school basket ball team, Fan? Taufan : I think they play ........ than the SMU 5 team. Dono : That's why we win the game. A . worse C . better B . more slowly D . more quickly Kunci : C Penyelesaian : Dono : Apa yang kamu pikirkan mengenai tim basket sekolah kita, Fan Taufan : Saya pikir mereka bermain lebih baik (better) daripada tim SMU 5. Dono : Oleh karena itu kita memenangkan pertandingan tersebut. 46 . Rani : ........ Indra : I'm so sorry. I'm busy doing my homework. A . Do you want me to post this letter? C . Can I help you to post this letter? B . Would you like me to post this D . Could you post this letter for me? letter? Kunci : D Penyelesaian : Rani : Indra : Maaf, Saya sedang sibuk mengerjakan PR. Kalimat tanya yang sesuai adalah : Dapatkah kamu mengirimkan surat ini untuk saya ? Could you post this letter for me? 47 . Ida : Why don't you ask John to repair your car? I ........ he can fix it. Yudi : That's a good idea. I know he is an experienced mechanic. A . doubt C . am not sure B . am certain D . am uncertain Kunci : B
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Penyelesaian : Ida : Kenapa kamu tidak meminta John untuk meperbaiki mobilmu. Saya yakin (I am certain) ia dapat memperbaikinya. 48 . A : Travelling by plane costs a lot, ........ it? B : Yes, you're right. A . isn't C . is B . doesn't D . does Kunci : B Penyelesaian : Costs merupakan kata kerja, jadi kalimat tanyanya menggunakan doesn't. Travelling by plane costs a lot, doesn't it? 49 . Amrin : I'm not certain the train will be ........ Arlanda : Why do you doubt about it? Amrin : Just now I heard the news that there was a train accident in Bintaro an hour ago. A . late C . cancelled B . punctual D . delayed Kunci : B Penyelesaian : Amrin : Saya tidak yakin kereta akan tepat waktu (punctual) Arlanda : Kenapa kamu meragukannya ? Amrin : Baru saja saya mendengar berita adanya kecelakaan di Bintaro satu jam yang lalu. 50 . "The plane departs the airport at 03.00 p.m." The word departs means ........ A . get C . reach B . come D . leave Kunci : D Penyelesaian : Pesawat berangkat (depart) dari Bandara jam 3.00 siang. Depart pada kalimat di atas sama dengan leave (meninggalkan/berangkat). 51 . Marisa works aboard the plane. She is helpful and friendly. She serves drinks and meals to the passengers. It is part of the service. What is she? A . A steward. C . A flight engineer. B . A co-pilot. D . A stewardess. Kunci : D Penyelesaian : Marisa (wanita) bekerja di pesawat terbang, ia senang menolong dan ramah, Ia menyediakan minuman dan makanan ke penumpang. Marisa adalah seorang pramugari (stewardess) 52 . Dini : Wow, ........! Gunawan : Yes, it is the most luxurious bus I have ever seen. Dini : Shall we get on now? Gunawan : Okay. A . good heavens C . what a nuisance B . what a comfortable bus D . how come Kunci : B Penyelesaian :
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Gunawan mengatakan "Ya, ini bis yang sangat mewah yang pernah saya lihat" Jadi kalimat yang tepat yang dikatakan dini adalah : Dini : Wow, what a comfortable bus. 53 . Look at the pictures!

The man in the B boat could sail ........ the man and woman in the other boat. A . as fast as C . faster than B . not so fast as D . not so fster than Kunci : C Penyelesaian : Gambar A perahu menggunakan dayung, sedangkan gambar B menggunakan mesin boat. Jadi orang yang ada di perahu B lebih cepat daripada (faster than) perahu A. 54 . Sandra : There was a plane crash in a housing area. Ten people were killed. Wulan : ........ Sandra : Military combat plane. It was on a training mission, A . What kind of plane was it? C . How many planes were there? B . Who is the owner of the plane? D . How did it happen? Kunci : A Penyelesaian : Sandra : Ada pesawat yang jatuh di area penduduk. Sepuluh orang terbunuh. Wulan : Apa jenis peswat itu ? (what kind of plane was it ?) Sandra : Pesawat tempur militer yang sedang dalam misi latihan. 55 . Aliefya : Look at those two men! Do you know them? Gio : Yes ........ of them are reporters. They work for "Republika". A . All C . None B . Both D . Some Kunci : B Penyelesaian : Karena ada dua orang maka kata yang tepat adalah both. Yes, both of them are reporters. 56 . Elisa : What were you doing in your room when Doni came? Anggit : I was reading a magazine. Elisa : Is that your hobby? Anggit : Yes, I like reading. I always read ........ magazines ........ newspapers. A . not only ... but also C . between ... and B . only ... but D . neither ... nor
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Kunci : A Penyelesaian : Anggit senang membaca, ia tidak hanya membaca majalah tetapi juga newspapers. I always read not only magazines but also newspaper. 57 .

Choose the correct description of the picture! A . It has feathers, it can't fly, it lays eggs. B . It has two wings but can't fly, it lays eggs, it has claws. C . It has claws, its meat is very delicious, it crows at day break. D . It has two wings, it can fly, it twitters at daybreak, it has claws. Kunci : C Penyelesaian : Gambar di atas adalah gambar ayam jantan yang memiliki kuku tajam, dagingnya lezat, dan berkokok di pagi hari, tidak bertelur dan tidak dapat terbang. It has claws, its meat is very delicious, it crows at day break. 58 . Arrange these sentences to make a good paragraph! (1) It has the head and feet of a duck and the body of a mammal (2) Yesterday, we went to Safari park in Cisania, Bogor. (3) Have you ever seen a picture of a platypus? (4) What an amazing animal! (5) Well, now I've seen a real live platypus. A . (2) (3) (5) (4) (1) C . (2) (3) (5) (1) (4) B . (2) (5) (3) (4) (1) D . (1) (4) (5) (2) (3) Kunci : C Penyelesaian : Urutan yang tepat : (2) Yesterday, we went to Safari park in Cisania, Bogor. (3) Have you ever seen a picture of a platypus? (5) Well, now I've seen a real live platypus. (1) It has the head and feet of a duck and the body of a mammal (4) What an amazing animal! 59 . Arrange the sentences into a good composition based on the pictures!

1. Many rhinos die at the hand of the hunters. If this happens continuously, in the next few years we cannot find rhinos anymore. Now rhinos becomes protected animal. 2. We can find Java rhinos in Ujung Kulon Nature reserve. They always live in very small groups even sometimes they live alone. This rhino is famous for its horn.
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3. People make medicine from rhino's horn. It's popular as a traditional medicine for a certain desease. 4. Many hunters kill the animal for its horn. They sell at a very high price. A. 2-4-1-3 C. 2-3-4-1 B. 2-4-3-1 D. 2-1-3-4 Kunci : A Penyelesaian : Susunan yang tepat 2. We can find Java rhinos in Ujung Kulon Nature reserve. They always live in very small groups even sometimes they live alone. This rhino is famous for its horn. 4. Many hunters kill the animal for its horn. They sell at a very high price. 1. Many rhinos die at the hand of the hunters. If this happens continuously, in the next few years we cannot find rhinos anymore. Now rhinos becomes protected animal. 3. People make medicine from rhino's horn. It's popular as a traditional medicine for a certain desease. 60 . Indonesia produces a lot of rice. Texas produces a lot of rice. Instead of saying the sentences we can say : "Indonesia produces a lot of rice and Texas ........" A . is too C . isn't either B . does too D . doesn't either Kunci : B Penyelesaian : Kalimat yang benar : Indonesia produces a lot of rice and Texas does too.

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