Self Efficacy Theory - HC

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12 October 2011

Organisational Behaviour
(Self-Efficacy Theory)
Submitted by: Aashti Zaidi (10) Priya Prakash (04)

Self-Efficacy Theory
The Self-Efficacy theory is also known as the social cognitive theory or social learning theory and refers to an individuals belief that he/she can and is capable of performing a task. The higher your self-efficacy, the more confidence you have in your ability to succeed in a task. Thus, in difficult times, people with low self-efficacy are more likely to give up and vice-versa. That is, people with a higher self efficacy will try harder to master the challenge. Again people that are high in self-efficacy respond to negative comments with increased effort and motivation, where as people that are low in self-efficacy are likely to withdraw themselves when given negative comments. Managers have to use both the goal setting theory and self-efficacy theory in order to raise the morale of those that have low self-efficacy.

Combined Efforts of Goals & Self-Efficacy on Performance

Manager sets difficult, specific goal for job or task Individual has confidence that given level of performance will be attained (self-efficacy) Individual has higher level of job or task performance Individual sets higher personal (self-set) goal for their performance

When a manager sets difficult goals for employees, this leads employees to have a higher level of self-efficacy and also leads them to set higher goals for their own performance. Research proves this true. Lets say for example, one of the classmates is given a higher

goal to attain and you find out among all of them you have the highest goal, obviously you would feel that the Teacher thinks you are more capable of performing better than the others. This than makes you feel more confident (higher self-efficacy) and you set higher personal goals causing you to perform much better.

Four ways to increase Self-Efficacy

This theory has been developed by Albert Bandura A researcher, who argued that selfefficacy can be increased in the following four ways : Enactive Mastery - by gaining relevant experience. If one has done the task successfully in the past, he gains confidence that he will be able to do it in the future. Vicarious Modeling - one becomes more confident because he sees someone else doing the task. Verbal Persuasion - when someone convinces you that you have the necessary skills, confident increases Arousal one becomes more confident when he is psyched up or excited and thus performs better, but at times this has a negative impact for work that requires steadiness or a low perspective

Flaw of Banduras list

Intelligence & Personality are not part of the four ways to increase self-efficacy, according to Banduras list, especially when conscientiousness and emotional stability play an important role in increasing self-efficacy according to other researchers. However some researchers believe, that, people who are intelligent, conscientiousness and emotionally stable are much more likely to have high self-efficacy than those who score low on these points.

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