Tell Me About Yourself.: 3. Well Morning Sir/madam

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Tell me about yourself.

TIPS :: First of all introduce yourself by saying your Name Your College, Branch etc. But never start from "Myself". Then tell him your hobbies, Your strengths, your skills, if you know any programming language, you can mention that, then comes your achievements and finally about your family that's it. But at the end ask him that "Would you like to know anything else sir?". You are done. 2. Its my pleasure to introduce myself... My name is venkata chary, I am from karimnagar.. About my qualifications, I have completed my graduation in bachelor of technology from VITS in the year 2011 with specialization in ECE and with an aggregate of 66.19. I have done my +2 from alphores jr. college located at karimnagar i secured 75.6% in the year 2007 and I have done my schooling from trinity high school located near to my home where i have secured 73.8 in my S.S.C. examination which was held in 2005. About my family background, There are five members in my family that includes me. MY father is carpenter, my mother is home maker, i have one brother and one sister, my brother is working in genpact as a lead associate engineer. my sister get married. My hobbies are playing cricket and chess, listening music and I like spending time with my family. MY strength are i can adopt easily in any type of environment. I am good listener and quick learner. My short term goal is i want such a platform where i can grow my carrier along with the organization growth like yours and MY long term goal is i want to be one of the reason for success of the organization and i want to be one of responsible person in organization growth. My ethic is "I never neglect an opportunity for my improvement"... Its all about me sir..., thank you for giving me such a wonderful opportunity.....

3. Well Morning sir/Madam, Myself S.Jothiboss from chennai. I'm belongs to a family where discipline does matters. My dad is a retired worker and my mom is house wife. I have 2 sibblings, Elder brother working as a senior

associater in TCS E-serve and Elder sister got married n having two daughters. At present I'm pursuing Final year in B.Tech. from Bhajarang Engg College in the department of Informtion Technology. I have completed my Intermediate and Schooling in Singaram pillai boys higher secondary school. I can adopt myself with any type of environment in any situation. I'm hard worker, self motivator and having good leadership qualities to manage a team. My hobbies are surfing the internet, working with multimedia softwares. About My achievements, I never made any achievements at state or national level but in schooling I got many rewards in sports. In college, I'm responsible for multimedia works with all the programs in my department as well as in management. I have mastered in Photoshop by simply trained by the Online tutorials. I am choosen as a secretary for my department in my 3rd year and choosen as a vice president in my department in my Final year. I think this tells I have leadership quality. My strengths are Self confidence, hopefulness, I can do anything with my full dedication and I'm good net surfer. About my weakness, As I'm fresher, I don't have any working experience in the company environment. I think this is my only weakness. My short term goal is to be work in ur company like yours. My long term goal is to bring my company at peak position where I'm one of the responsible for it. By this you can predict about myself and thanks for giving the chance to introduce myself. 4. >see b4 start, first be bold make ur mind by emptying the thoughts from it make sure and clear abt ur throat & voice should be clear and audible ok.. ->have a smiling face.. ->they might tense u and may deviate u from ur flow try to answer else tell them sorry i dunno and stick to ur path ok!! ->ur telling abt urself just feel free.. ->tell abt u completed ur 10 and 12 ___ (board of studies) with this percent!!! after board of studies tell ur school name.hey u must tell the location of the school too atlast...

->dont tell ur role in ur projects u have done let them know by the way u narrate... ->but be..honest wat ur sayng...dnt try to impress the too.much buttering to ur 'll catch u.easily.....bcoz they are well experienced.

->try to prepare Ur self introduction, vch shud be short nd simple... ->Dont Include ur WEAKNESS untill/unless they askd u..... hope these tips'll help u all....all the very best:-) 66 - Good morning mam/sir. It's my pleasure to introduce my self..well, I'm Rehana born and raised in Anantapur. I have done my schooling in Little flower Montessori English Medium High School with 77% ,then i did my plus 12 from S.S.B.N junior college with 77.7% and now i'm pursuing my final year from Anantha Lakshmi Institute of Technology and Sciences Anantapur with an aggregate of 78.33% My strengths are my attitude that i like to take challenges that I CAN do it,my way of thinking that i take both success and failure in a balanced manner.. I dont like to say weakness but i like to say scope for improvement that is i wont leave any ask in completely,i believe in my self and my hard work and i want perfection in every thing. My short term goal is i want a such a platform where i can grow my career along with the organisation growth like yours and My Long term goal is i want to be one of the reason for the success of the organisation and i want to seeyour organisation as a bench mark to other organisations. My ethic is "i never neglect an opportunity for my improvement". thats all about me sir....thank you for giving me such a wonderful oppurtunity.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

1-I can say that my strengths are belief in my self and my capabilities, dedication in my work. I don't want to say any weakness because if I find I am weak at any point I always strive to overcome it and make it one of my strong point. 2-my strengths are -------------adopt new technologies quickly and mold myself according to what others expecting from me I believe my hard work and patience thereby gain some experience to enrich my knowledge at all aspect my weakness are as a human being nobody is perfect what we should do is we can't repeat the same mistake again and again ,what i am trying to say is always we need to learn from the past coming to your point

-----------------I can't say no if any one assigned work to me so that some times feel doing extra work. 3- My Strength: 1.) my parents,who motivates me in every aspects of my life. 2.) Hardworking. 3.) Self confidence. My Weakness: 1.)Fear,but I don't want to overcome it completely because fear makes me to do the things perfectly.

4- I feel that strengths and weakness can't be defined. Its the skills of a person that define him. A particular skill can be your strength at some points and your weakness at some other. For eg, one may say that talking too much is a weakness but this same habit helps me mingle up and adapt to new environment and win people's trust. SO, its not strengths and weakness as such but your ability to use your skill efficiently that makes it either your strength or weakness. 5. MY STRENGTHS ARE: Hard worker. Quick learner of anything. Effective Listening. Self confidence. Self Motivation. Adaptability. Willingness team. Hard worker. Hardworking & Sincere in Completing Task. Ability to communicate well. Patience and positive thinking. Excellent Commitment to co-operative team work. Ensure the company objectives are always achieved. I am result oriented with pleasant communication and assuring you for my best efforts and results. :: NOTE :: Say at least 4 or 5. And doesn't say making friendship is my strength because every interviewer wants goals and results not chitchat. So don't say making friendship is in your strengths.

And sometimes interviewer asks why should I trust you so say your past experience. -------------------------------MY WEAKNESSES ARE: Straight forward. I can't get sleep until finish my work. :: NOTE :: Please note Weaknesses are your weak points so try to avoid adding more points. But we can say indirectly strengths for example like this Straight forward. I can't get sleep until finish my work. And I wish you all the best for your future Endeavour's.

6. My strengths are Self confidence, hopefulness, I can do anything with my full dedication and I'm good net surfer. About my weakness, As I'm fresher, I don't have any working experience in the company environment. I think this is my only weakness.

On a scale of one to ten, rate me as an interviewer.

1. This question is seems to easy but answer of definitely tough for me because I m a fresher, you are highly experienced and qualified. During this session I feel comfortable and que was understood so based on this 20 min exp with you I would like to rate you 9 out of 10, 1 mark cut due to I believe no one is perfect. 2. Sir, if i were to rate u on a scale of 10, i would rate u 10 on 10 ..because this was my first interview experience and it was a pleasant one... u were confident and a keen observer...i could learn many things from this interview. 3. I am sure I am not in a position to rate you. If you still want me to rate you I eventually rate you 9 to 10, 10 being maximum just because of the experience I had from this interview. It was a pleasant interview and I got to learn many things out of this experience. 4. Sir, as I said earlier start of this interview that I am honest person so I will rate you 9/10. One marks I will cut for tax because nothing is free in this planet basically in India. 5. INTERSTING!. Thanks sir for giving me the opportunity. Sir at first I want to where you are a senior interviewer and I am a applier for this post I can not rate you appropriately for my low

experience about interview. But since you asked this I want to give you 9/10 because in world no body is fully perfect. Thank you. 6. Sir, as I m a fresher, I should not rate you but without being diplomatic I would like to give you my feedback that you made me so comfortable and your way of asking questions were quite simple and understandable.

How much salary do you expect?

1. Sir, as I m a fresher, I should not rate you but without being diplomatic I would like to give you my feedback that you made me so comfortable and your way of asking questions were quite simple and understandable. 2. Being a fresher, my current priority is to get a good job like this. I am sure what ever you offer would satisfy the position. 3. Sir,Salary is important..but work is most far as figures are concerned, i didn't think about that because job satisfaction and career growth is most important to me..and that can provide by your company...however i feel you would select appropriate compensation for me..

Tell me something about our company.

1. This question is not at all tough to answer just go through company profile and frame few good points about company, company chairman, MD. One thing current project company working on and moreover company's contribution on particular sector. Keeping these points in view one can easily give best answer to this question. A good answer will reflect that yes, you are interested in particular company. All the best for your interview. 2. TCS is the the largest and fast growing IT company in India. Currently RATAN TATA is the chairman of TCS.and R DAMDORAI is the vice chairmn, N CHANDRASEKARAN is the CEO &MD . TCS has devoloped in the year 1969.It has 142 branches all over the world in around 42 countries.Around 1lack 98thousand employees working in TCS right now. and it is one of the motivating IT company and it is currently undertaking _ _ _ _ _ project .. 3. t is one of the reputed and fast growing company in IT Industry,It has a so many branches in India as well as throughout the world.This Company was founded in ______(year), The CEO of the Company is______(Name),This Company having the Project in Banking Sector,Govt Sector and So on.The growth rate of this company is_____(%)in the ______(year).these all i heared about this company.

Would you lie for the company?

1. If I said that, I will not lie, thats gonna be the First lie. So I will lie but I try to make that as true. 2. First I'll analyse what type of problem is that if its not a major issue and it doesn't affects clients and our company in future and its for good cause then I'll lie. If I feel it will affect our company reputation in mere future then I'll make them clear about the problem and will make them understand. 3. What starts with a small lie can tempt a person to lie about a lot more serious things. So, unless there is a 'very potential' reason I walk around with truth, if not then at least halftruths. 4. I would not do any such thing which does not hold good for an organisation. 5. Truth and Lies are part of Life. Both are essential but it depends on the situation. If it demands then i will lie but keeping in mind no body i.e. employers/clients related to the organisation would effects. But i choose not to tell lie. 6. No sir, because a lie works only for a temporary situation and may lead to loss in future. Let's wait for our success by being honest, why to use shortcuts? 7. No..As we knw that inoder to maintain a lie we have to tel more that we tell the truth directly.But if there is a situation that happens only if lie can give solutions and good things,there is nothing wrong in that. 8. I do without affecting my professional ethics... 9. As far as I know this company is stand on a piler of truth and I do't think so there is a need to telling lie for this company. 10. Sorry sir I can't lie...because one time cheating can bring sudden success but does not give the power to sustain it..a simple lie can be devastating for the future....but to serve some specific missions i'll if its not against the others interest... 11. If my lie will bring more goodness than truth then I will lie. 12. If my lie can improve our company development, surely i can .. But only up-to some extent, until my conscience allow me to do so.. 13. Sorry sir, but I will not lie for the company because it is my ethics and moreover I don't think lying can help in growth of any company. It might be beneficial for a particular moment but it will affect the company's reputation in the long run. 14. You are asking a plant to stand and grow, by cutting its roots! 15. Sir, if it is beneficial for the organization and does not affect others, then I will lie and slso I will make sure that my lie should not affect the organisation in future. But won't lie at any case if it reduces the growth of the company.

What is the difference between hard work and smart work?

1. In a cricket match a team needs 1 run from 1 ball if a batsman hits 1 its a hard work else he hits a 6 its a smart work because in a last time all fielders came inside the circle batsman had a full of pressure to take single thats why I here intimate single is a hard work. 2. My thought is no difference between hard working and smart working but hardworking is way of achieve smart working because hard working only give some experience or tips to achieve smart working. So every hard worker is smart worker in future. 3. Hard work-" the work which is done without any plan with high physical effort and acquire a fix result.............. Smart work-"the work which is done according to plan, with very less physical effort and acquire more result............. 4. Hard work -- Less application of brain with high physical effort. Smart work -- Full application of brain with less physical effort. we can also say that there is no difference bet. both of them becuz aperson becomes smart worker after doing hard work.........becuz we can learn easy way with firstly doing tough way..... Hard Work includes the Physical efforts with less planning. Smart Work includes the Efficient planning with less efforts. For Example using the CTRL+C and CTRL+V for COPY and PASTE. Difference between Hard work and Smart work is... Hard work - Work and Think Smart work - Think and Work Using our body power is "Hard work" and using our Brain power for the same work is "Smart work". Hard work is more efforts and less use of brain. Smart work is less efforts and more use of brain. A person should be expert in both these ways depending upon the situation and time allocated



7. 8.

Who has inspired you in your life and why?

1. I am inspired by DR.APJ Abdul Kalam.simplicity lies in him.He was born in poor family,crossed the hurdles,faced the difficult challenges and became a great scientist.His speech makes people to join hands and clap for him.His valuable suggestions makes students to set their aims at peak level.He is one among those persons who use to tell us to dream and strive hard to achieve those dreams 2. I get inspired my parents. From my mom I learned love, honesty, kindness and my father inspired me dedication towards our work, adaptiveness to the any kind of environment and hardwork. 3. Am motivated by swami vivekananda and A.R.Rahman..Both teaches us that success can be achieved if we have self confidence..True determination with faith in god,leads to

success...And at the same time we should be humble.We are young indians and we should face the problems with guts..They did this and got suceeded. 4. Mistakes inspires me to overcome them to achieve whatever i want.Failures inspires me to check where i was wrong.Success inspires me what i need to achieve next. 5. Inspiration is of two type one from your own life and another from other's life.I inpired by both ways. My mistakes inpired me a lot many times and my father is my source of inspiration his hardwork and deddication is my inpiration. 6. To be very frank I will not use such a great word that I am a self motivated man or any word like that but yes I learned from my mistakes and still learning from it. According to me every person get inspired by some one its not necessary that it should be some great personality or any thing. Even sir newton was inspired by an apple that why it has been fallen down. So I got inspired by my life and my mistakes.

Are not you overqualified for this position?

1. Actually first of all Thank You for Considering me like that Sir. Being a fresher and having only theoretical knowledge of all and willing to learn that all in Practical, Even I have enough of Educational Qualification. We can't conclude Over Qualification by their Educational Qualification. 2. No sir I don't think so I am Over qualified for this post because! knowledge is not having any limit I am just a fresher not having any practical knowledge about what kind of work we are going to do in the organization so this is the best platform for me to learn something new and to enhance my skills. 3. Sir I don't think that I am over qualified, I am well qualified and a fresher. And I am pretty sure that this job will give me a good experience and enhance my skills. 4. Not Overqualified, I would say well qualified, my qualification will just help me to do the job better, and it will favor me to handle more responsibilities and help me to rise up to your expectations.

Why do you want to work at our company?

1. : TIPS :: When the interviewer asks you why you want to work in our company. Try to tell some information about the comapany's growth profile. Like your company was one among fortune 500 companies last year, your organization has got some best fresher training award. So this will give an impression to the interviewer that he knows about the company and he is interested to work in the company. 2. As I am a fresher, it will be wonderful opportunity to start my career with a reputed organization like this where I can, not only use my technical skill but also find chance to growth my knowledge too. Here I can get my dream start.

3. As I am a fresher, its my dream to start my career by doing work in the big reputed organization. And your company is one of the growing organization in India. After go through your organization profile I personally realized that your organization provides better platform for me.

How long would you expect to work for us if hired?

1. As a young graduate it has been always my dream to be a part of your company. So if I am selected, it will be my pleasure and I assure that I can give you my best. And if you recognize my work and potential, I will be there with you always as long as you want me to stay in this company. 2. As long as we both feel that I am doing a good job 3. I would like to work here till my talents are best utilized for the companies growth, if the company still needs me then there's no way of quitting it, but I'm not thinking of how long to work here since this would be my first company to work for I need to give my best performance on my work so that under any circumstances the company must not lose me. 4. As long as my service needed by the organization 5. Everyone wants to grow up on there position. When I feel that my talent and skills are used on right place, then there is no need of quitting.

Describe your ideal company, location and job.

1. I think, every job and place is ideal. its up to us how we adapt to the environment and enhance our skill. 2. Ideal company- a company which enhances your competence level, offer you opportunities, which believes in working as team and grow as an individual and has a clear definite vision for both the employee and organization. Ideal location- an ideal location will be where a person when wake in the morning in his home, never says that '' oh. Again office''. Ideal job- an ideal job would be where employee can enjoy his work, use his skills, make others happy and the most important get respect. 3. A job Where I Love The work, Like the people, can contribute and Can not wait to get the Work. Satisfaction of my team Members & customer. A Job Where I will Get New Ideas. A job challenge me to do something new. A job Helps to me to learn new things and grow my skilss and knowledge.

4. Ideal company - Which deserves me. Ideal location - Which I deserve. Ideal Job - Which makes me a deserving person.

What was the toughest decision you ever had to make?

1. My toughest decision was to take admission in PGDM, my father is a farmer so my parents not gave permission to me for this education but I convinced them for my studies & now thy are happy with my decision. And because of my this decision today I am in front of you.

Do you have any questions for me?

1. First of all thank you for giving me this opportunity. I would like to know in which area i need to improve myself which would help me during traing period if I get selected here. 2. I just want to thank for giving me such a opportunity. May I know in which area i should boost up my skills? and what you are expecting from the freshers???

Where do you see yourself five years from now?

1. I am not really looking at titles... rather i would say I assume myself to b a more responsible person where i can make more significant contribution to my organizaton's growth and prospects. 2. After 5 year I would like to see myself in a position where everyone in the company would recognized me for my achievements in work and where my company would not loose me in any case/circumstances. 3. Right now I am a graduate so five years from now I would like to see myself as a more responsible and experienced person in the firm leading my team and inspiring them by all means.

How do you define success and how do you measure up to your own definition?
1. Success will not come on a single day or a single night, by pass through a lot of trooubles and experiencing a lot only we can achieve it. In my own definition, A person who faces a lot of failures in his life will be the most successful person in future.

Why did you do MBA after doing B.Sc.?"

1. Yes ,It was a brave and challenging decision.I took it as a welcoming oppurtunity to prove my adptability.I was quite successful in my attempt to excel in new stream. This trait has been a add-on to my personality.
2. You can say that since you are a science graduate, you already have technical skills (often

termed as hard skill) to analyse things. In other words you are well familiar with things which are objective. For example Newton's law won't change no matter what under same circumstances. MBA with HR deals with topics that are highly subjective in nature. For example, a human could behave differently even under same situation. So you are doing MBA to learn soft skills like people management/handling. This would fill the gap and make you a better equipped professional. As every real world situation is a mix of these soft and hard components, one must be competent enough to deal with them.

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