Dap An Mozilge Part 7 Actual Test 2

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Actual Test 2

Part 7 Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-154 refer to the following e-mail. TO FROM DATE : Mr. Marlon Smith : Ms. Samantha Cruz, President : June 12

SUBJECT: Presentation For her devoted service to our company for 20 years, Ms. Jaqueline Summers wilt receive a plaque of appreciation on July 1, her starting date of employment as a clerk in the marketing department. The event will be held in the conference room. In accordance with this, I cordially invite you to attend the event, and also I personally ask you to make a short presentation in honor of our loyal sales employee on July 1. You may make any form of presentation that will surely make that day a memorable one for Ms. Summers. Please inform me about that matter as soon as possible. Actually, on July 1, we will still have our regular office hours in the morning until three in the afternoon. After that time, I encourage all employees to go to the conference room where we will start a short presentation for Ms. Summers. Then, there will be a brief and simple awards ceremony that will recognize not only Ms. Summers but also other employees who excel in their respective sections or divisions. After completion of all the events, a buffet dinner will be served to all employees participating in the event.

153 Who is Jaqueline Summers? (A)The company president (B)A sales representative (C)The program organizer (D)A marketing director 154 What is Mr. Smith asked to do in the e-mail? (A)To prepare a presentation (B)To present a plaque to Ms. Summers

(C) (D)

To notify staff of the normal work hours of the event date To explain to employees the schedule of the event

Questions 155-156 refer to the following advertisement. The Rainbow Channel is currently hiring for: A Television Master of Ceremonies(M.C) Producers of the famous cooking show "The Chef" want someone who: is a graduate of Culinary Arts, Nutrition, Dietetics, or other related courses has at least 2 years of experience cooking in some good restaurants, hotels, or other similar establishments has confidence on television - has good moral character is motivated, goal-oriented, and friendly If you think you are the right person we're looking for, personally submit your resume, application letter, and two kinds of recipes including the ingredients and how you would like to present it on TV: Mrs. Rowena Higgins Executive Producer The Chef The Rainbow Channel #5 McKinley Street Georgetown, Wyoming, USA 155. What kind of job position is now advertised? (A) Show producer (B) Hotel chef (C) Television show host (D) A lecturer 156. What should applicants do? (A) Conduct a seminar on nutrition (B) Manage a restaurant (C) Produce a cooking show (D) Prepare a public cooking demonstration

Questions 157-159 refer to the following article. Riddler Group is a conglomerate of successful companies with different types of businesses that was originally established in France. A few months ago, the group was bought by Mr. Takashi Henku, a Japanese tycoon and investor. It has become so well known to the public because no French businessman has ever bought the company. The group started as the famous Hotel d'Chartois in France, which has a lot of branches in Asia, Europe, and North America at present. After 5 years of successful operation of the hotel, the company president decided to considerably grow into a large company and then immediately expanded its market base in the credit, real estate, and fashion business. For example, "Clothe Me" is the name of the company's fashion boutique, with more than 10 branches in France. The corporation has already put up 5 branches of Riddler Finance and has helped many families who want to have a safe and secure residential unit by purchasing large areas of land and developing them into housing units. The president of Riddler is optimistic that it will earn even more profits as they make additional investments through the purchase of a huge resort in Ottawa Beach, a fast food chain in Chelsea, and an office building for rent in Monde. Since winter is coming, the corporation mentioned its plans to modernize the facilities of the Hotel d'Chartois in Seoul branch and add some customerfeatures. 157. What is the reason for the sale of the Riddler Group to be considered controversial? (A) Customers cannot get discounts anymore. (B) It was sold to a foreign businessman. (C) A lot of investors are really interested in buying it. (D) The buyer is a close companion of the president. 158. According to the passage, what is planned for the hotel? (A) Make the hotel's service up to date (B) Temporarily close it down (C) Expand its services to other places in the world (D) Give a promotional offer for a month 159. What was NOT bought by the group lately? (A) A beach resort (B) A restaurant (C) An office building (D) Laundry facilities


Questions 160-163 refer to the following article. Matelle Company, with its main office in Singapore, recently launched i ts new product, an action game software, in international markets such a? Seoul, Tokyo, and Shanghai. Because they have introduced more than 20 kinds of computer games since 1990, which are both fun and educational for children, Matelle's sales executives are very optimistic that the company can generate a lot of profits from it. The software package includes a manual that tells you all about the software. The manual also contains step-by-step procedures about how to install the software into your computer so that buyers will not need the help of a computer technician to set up the software. To formally promote this product, Matelle will hold an international contest for computer game players on August 25. Because of being held in Hong Kong, it is expected that the venue will attract over a milli on game enthusiasts to try this new computer software that will surely be enjoyable, especially for adolescents. However, most parents are quite hesitant to send their children to participate in the event since they have to accompany their children to the venue, and they have to pay a lot of money for travel and other expenses, too. Due to this, young participants might not be given the opportunity to see the feature of the software.

160. What is the main purpose of conducting the event? (A) To advertise a company's product (B) To promote tourism in Asia (C) To encourage parents to buy a computer software (D) To convince children riot to play computer games 161. Who can be a legitimate participant to the (A) Computer technicians (B) Parents (C) All Matelle employees (D) Computer game players 162. Where will the contest be held? (A) Singapore (B) Hong Kong (C) Tokyo (D) Seoul 163. What might be a reason for people NOT to (A) Lack of interest (B) Difficulty of software program (C) Cost of getting there (D) Length of competition attend the competition? contest?

Questions 164-166 refer to the following job advertisement. Saint Thadeus University Talameer, West Ride Quebec, Canada HIRING For One Full-time Professor Saint Thadeus University (STU), which currently has 3 branches in Sarnia, Ontario, and Manitoba, is the country's first and largest recognized law school. For almost 10 years, it has maintained its pioneer status and is considered the top law school in the country. The following are just some of the achievements of the university: 1. National award for best law school last year 2. The most advanced facilities 3. Well-trained and expert professors Due to its consistent and rapid growth, the institution needs an additional full-time professor for its basic civil law course for incoming students at our school in Sarnia. Job Requirements: 1. Must be an internationally known scholar 2. Have a doctorate degree in law 3. Have a minimum of five years of experience in the field as an attorney or law counselor 4. Must be deeply committed to excellent education 5. Be knowledgeable in the different styles of teaching A competitive compensation package will be given to the qualified candidate. Submit your curriculum vitae, research papers, and all required documents no later than February 28 to Dr. Jerry Blank, director STU, West Avenue, Toronto, Canada, or e-mail at <jryblank@stu.com>. Candidates who did not meet at least 85% of the requirements need not to apply. The Human Resources Manager Saint Thadeus University Talameer, West Ride Quebec, Canada

164. What was mentioned about the course? (A) It is a newly opened subject. (B) A lot of students are requesting it. (C) It is intended for first-year students. (D) It is not a required course. 165. Where will the course be offered to students? (A) Ontario (B) Quebec (C) Manitoba (D) Sarnia 166. What is NOT required for the job? (A) Membership with a licensed law organization (B) Having five-year experience in related field (C) Effective teaching methods (D) Dedication to work

Questions 167-169 refer to the following letter. Triumph Magazine Room 5, 4th floor Suite Hyatt Business Center Oseein, California, USA www.ephphalhamag.com May 12 Mr. Rupert Thawn Metro Street, Centralian Subdivision Disney Mayer, Texas Dear Mr. Thawn: We have always valued the loyalty of our regular subscribers ever since the start of our organization in 2000. We try our best not to delay in the delivery of our monthly magazine either to offices or private residential places. This letter will also serve as a reminder about your subscription with us. Your 6-month subscription, which was approved last December and commenced in January this year, will expire at the end of June. So, we would like to encourage you to renew your subscription with our magazine, which we have revised and added features to meet your satisfaction. Since you are one of our loyal clients, we would like to grant you promotional offers or discounts as our way to express our thanks for your unending support to our magazine. By responding to this letter, you can receive a 20% price cut on your regular subscription rate, starting in July. So, you will only pay $24 instead of the regular fee. Therefore, you can save $6. Or, you will receive tickets to be able to attend various live shows and musicals or theatrical plays together with your family. We hope to receive your positive response on this as soon as possible. Sincerely yours, MaynardChu Maynard T.Chu Sales manager Triumph Magazine

167. Why was the letter sent to Mr. Thawn? (A) To solicit donations for the paper (B) To provide a promotional offer (C) To ask him to be an editor (D) To demand payment for a subscription 168. When will his subscription expire? (A) December (B) January (C) May (D) June 169. How much is Mr. Thawn currently paying for his subscription per month? (A) $6 (B)$20 (C) $30 (D) $24

Questions 170-171 refer to the following advertisement. PAST Last year, a team from the Global Software Engineers Society designed a new recording system for the National Museum in Rhoana City. PRESENT This year, the museum is undergoing further development by adopting the computer software that has the ability to file relevant data about all the artifacts in the museum. This new product is beneficial not only for the museum employees, but also for archeologists. FUTURE In the future, the museum will be known to the public through an advanced computer program that will be used. This software will allow local and foreign tourists visiting its website to grasp information about the museum's collections, features, and activities. This system can also be useful in schools and universities, especially for those who study and specialize in ancient culture, archeology, and law. 170. What product is being advertised? (A) A very complex wrist watch (B) The smallest cellular phone (C) The biggest computer in the world (D) A database system that can file artifact information 171. For whom is this product especially made? (A) Museum personnel and experts in the field of archeology (B) Children of the museum staff (C) Global engineers (D) Computer technicians

Questions 172-175 refer to the following announcement. July 2 ANNOUNCEMENT To: All Employees of Granite Corporation Starting next month, the .current supervisor of the administration department in London wili assume the duties and responsibilities of Mr. Howard Lewey, the former director of the business affairs section in the main office in New York, because he has recently left his post at the corporation, leaving his position vacant. Mr. Adam Elliott, who has lived in London for a decade and has presently worked for Granite Corporation in a supervisory position for 6 years, has accepted the promotion given to him and will formally take over Mr. Lewey's place effective August 1. Prior to his assignment in London, Mr. Elliott worked as a sales representative in Melbourne, Australia for 5 years, where he was popularly known for saving historical exhibits by bravely getting some of the most important artifacts inside despite a terrible fire that hit the museum building in 1999. Details of the formal turn over of the position and the assumption to office of Mr. Elliott will be published in next month's company newsletter. 172. Where would one most likely find this announcement? (A) In a corporate newsletter (B) In a magazine (C) In a public relations magazine (D) In a trade journai 173. Who is Howard Lewey? (A) Company supervisor (B) Former director (C) News writer (D) Sales representative 174. For how long has Mr. Elliott lived in London? (A) 5 years (B) 6 years (C) 10 years (D) 16 years 175. Based on the announcement, what was Mr. Elliott known for? (A) Resolving several financial problems nt the company (B) Writing for the company paper for many years (C) Working as an honest sales agent (D) Rescuing some old displays from a fire

Questions 176-180 refer to the following interview in a sports magazine. An Interview with a Sports Professor My interview with Ms. Jabet Bahn, a sports professor, was so interesting. When I entered her office, she immediately smiled at me. She enjoys and feels satisfied with her personal life. Our conversation continued when she mentioned that both of her parents, who are professionals in the medical field, have been very supportive of her since her childhood. I could realize they made her a successful person. After hearing that, I commented her. Indeed, her parents supported her desire to pursue a career in sports. Concerning dealing with her students, she is either strict or lenient from time to time depending on the type of student. She treats them as unique individuals because she believes that each person is gifted with special talents that need to be developed. Many people are surprised because of the way she handles her class. She always equips herself with many teaching skills to effectively impart her lessons to students. Aside from what she has mentioned about her students, she is also proud of them. It's because they excel in many sports competitions at both the national and international levels. She trains them strictly, encourages them to study hard in class, provides them with emotional support if they need it, and teaches them to value their families. Eventually, I shifted my interview to a different topic, particularly on how she feels about the type of job she chose. Surprisingly, her work is very tough, demanding, and challenging. Truly, her schedule is very hectic every day. Nevertheless, if she were given spare time, she told me she would more often take a tour to other places and practically enjoy everything she would see. I praised her for her wonderful response. Then, I thanked her for the time she gave me and I told her I was hoping I could do another interview with her soon. She smiled at me. I thanked her for the opportunity she had given me.

176. Why do many people wonder about Ms. Bahn's work with her students? (A) Various types of skills are needed to handle her students. (B) She has more students than anyone efse. (C) Her students are all physically challenged. (D) People don't respect her. 177. What was NOT part of her job? (A) To be an emotional counselor to her students sometimes (B) To be a good teacher to h'er students than anyone else. (C) To be an effective trainer to her athletes (D) To be in charge of making sports competition schedules 178. What is the present work of Ms. Bahn's parents? A) They are known as leading architects. (B) They are physicians. (C) They are international athletes. (D) They are accountants. 179. What did she say about her work at school? (A) It did not offer any challenges. (B) It was the choice of her parents. (C) It challenged her. (D) It did not give her any joy. 180. According to the passage, what is Ms. Bahn most likely to do if she has free time? (A) Decorate her room and office (B) Travel to many tourist attractions (C) Assist her parents in the house (D) Join in any sports competition

Questions 181-185 refer to the following e-mails. To : "Kenneth Huntz" <ken29 yahoo.com> From : "Roger Mann" <roger@centennial.com> DATE : January 20, Friday,10:32:54 Subject : Regarding the workshop First of all, on behalf of Centennial Manufacturing Company, I would like to thank you for accepting my invitation to be our guest speaker at our company's workshop that will emphasize employee motivation and productivity. Before I called you at your office on January 18, I wasn't sure if I could get you. Fortunately, you agreed to be our speaker, and you also promised to bring handouts for the participants in the workshop. I would like to confirm that everything is set regarding the workshop. The presentation will be held in our conference room on the sixth floor of the Centennial building on February 3. I hope to personally meet you on or before the seminar date. As soon as you arrive here, please get a security pass at the visitor's office near the entrance gate, so you can enter and go directly to the conference room. I know that you have been working in human resources for more than 5 years, and you have helped many employees build good relationships and esteem among themselves, especially at work. I hope you can share your insights on motivation to our personnel and staff. May I request if you could send your handouts and teaching materials to our office a day before the workshop, so we could reproduce them for your convenience? If you need assistance regarding the presentation, you can ask my assistant, Ms. Lourdes, and she will be happy to help you. Also, please respond to this e-mail as soon as possible. Thank you.

To : "Roger Mann" <roger@centennial.com> From : "Kenneth Huntz" <ken29@yahoo.com> DATE : January 23, Monday, 09:56:36 Subject : Reply to your e-mail I recently received your e-mail regarding the confirmation of the presentation next month. It would be my pleasure to give a speech at your company for the benefit of the workers. I may not be able to go there on February 2 to meet you and give my materials because I will conduct a series of lectures in one of the travel agencies in the city from Monday until Thursday, February 2. However, I have already informed Mr. Luke Givens, my computer programmer, to finish preparing my presentation materials for our workshop on the first of February. Then, I will send the documents by email. So, I assure you that the presentation will be successful and informative to the employees of Centennial.

181. What are the e-mails about? (A) To ask assistance for the presentation (B) To request the postponement for the submission of workshop materials (C) To give confirmation about the details of the workshop (D) To escort the invited speaker to the venue 182.What is asked of Mr. Huntz to do when he comes to the Centennial building? (A) Secure a permit to come inside (B) Bring his documents (C) Accompany his secretary (D) Get a car pass at the gate 183. When will Mr. Huntz and Mr. Mann meet each other for the workshop? (A) January 22 (B) January 30 (C) February 2 (D) February 3 184. Who is Mr. Luke Givens? (A) Mr. Mann's secretary (B) A computer programmer (C) The assistant of Mr. Huntz (D) The workshop presenter 185. What will Mr. Huntz do on Wednesday February 1? (A) Prepare the copies of relevant document (B) Call Centennial office (C) Send his presentation materials (D) Visit Mr. Mann's office

Questions 186-190 refer to the following advertisement and e-mail.

Thipeak Industrial Corp.

Dhali, San Jose, California Telefax no.: (45) 859-7463 www.thipeak.com is looking for the following employees: A. Two (2) Civil Engineers who: - must be willing to be assigned to other regions - must have a professional license - must have at least three years of experience in construction work - must be task-oriented - must be friendly and approachable to seniors and subordinates B. One (1) Branch Accountant who: - must be a certified public accountant - must have more than three years of experience in bookkeeping and auditing - could be either male or female, single or married - can prepare bank reconciliation papers C. Two (2) Project Engineers who: - must be a licensed engineer in any field of industrial engineering - can work under pressure with minimal supervision - must be goal-oriented and motivated to work - must have high academic record D. One (1) Office Clerk who: - can arrange office files in an orderly manner - can easily adapt to a new working environment - must be at least 21 years old but not more than 30 years old - must be a female and single - must know how to make any type of correspondence, like letters, e-mails, memos, etc. Interested applicants must send their resume, a copy of their transcript of records, and application letter to Charles Robinson, the Manager of the Human Resources Department, at chuck12@thipeak.com on or before January 30. All applicants, except those applying for office clerk, must have a driver's license which will not expire 6 months after the start of employment. There's no need for the applicants to contact Mr. Robinson while the hiring process is proceeding.

TO : "Charles Robinson" <chucki2@thipeak.com> FROM : "Heather H. Lains" <hehela@yahoo.com> DATE : January 25, 2006 SUBJECT: Job hiring I saw your advertisement in a newspaper yesterday, and I would like to apply for one of the positions mentioned there. I am presently working in a local government unit. I think I can be a civil engineer in your company. I am very much interested in that job because I also work as a civil engineer in my present work. I like to draw construction sketches and satisfy my clients' needs. Actually, I intended to leave my present job because I feel I'm not able to realize my full potential in the government. Fortunately, your advertisement attracted my interest to really accomplish my goal in life. And also, as mentioned in your advertisement I am willing to be assigned to other areas if it is required. Attached is my comprehensive resume with a picture. If you want to know more, I would be more than happy to come in for an interview at your earliest convenience. 186. Which of the following positions mention school records? (A) Office clerk (B) Project engineer (C) Branch accountant (D) Civil engineer 187. What are applicants NOT asked to do for the position of an accountant? (A) Must be a licensed accountant (B) Must have work experience in auditing more than three years (C) Must have a good scholastic record (D) Can make and deal with bank related documents 188. What is the purpose of the e-mail? (A) To indicate Lains1 interest about a poi itit (B) To request a duplicate copy of her school record (C) To resign from her present job (D) To work in a foreign company 189. What is stated in the e-mail as a requirement for the position? (A) Submission of the professional license (B) Willingness to be transferred to other places (C) 3-year experience in construction work (D) Ability to work with other people efficiently 190. What is stated in the e-mail? (A) Photocopied transcript of record: (B) Driver's license (C) Resignation letter (D) Work background

Questions 191 -195 refer to the following e-maits. TO : "Joseph Hann" <jojo@enter_net.com> FROM : "Alan Smith" <alansmith@gregory.com> DATE : Fe bru ary 10 GM T+ 12 18: 30: 12 SUBJECT : Report my problem Over the last two years, I ' v e used your Internet service in my office in Chicago. I experienced minor problems with your service but they were resolved by our computer technicians. This morning, I downloaded a program through the Internet and it was successfully installed on my computer without any problem. However, when I turned the computer on after my lunch break, my Internet connection was cut. As soon as I experienced this problem, I immediately asked some help from my co-worker, Rick Mattel, who knows a lot about computers, but he couldn't fix it. My secretary Martha even tried to help me by consulting our company's system administrator. They could not determine the cause of the trouble. Since many people have tried but failed, I am now asking your professional advice regarding this mutter. Please respond promptly. TO : "Alan Smith" <alansmith@gregory.com> FROM : "Joseph Hann" <jojo@enter_net.com> DATE : February u GMT +12 10:13:37 SUBJECT : Re: Report my problem I confirmed the problem with our technical support team, and they told me that there's nothing wrong with our Internet line. He even informed me that it was running well. Presumably, the trouble is definitely not with the Internet connection but might be with your computer. Therefore, I advise you to always clean your computer to avoid any malfunctioning due to dust and to check your Internet line connection for smooth use. In light of your problem, I think you might have downloaded files or programs from some unknown websites, or you set up incorrect software which is not compatible with your computer. So, I suggest deleting downloaded programs or reformatting your computer. After doing this, if your computer still has a problem, you can call us immediately so that I will dispatch one of our technicians to have your computer checked.

191. What is true about Alan Smith's problem? (A) He could not communicate with his secretary well. (B) The cause of the problem could not be ascertained. (C) The administrators installed the wrong software. (D) Mr. Mattel did something with his- computer's disk drives. 192. Whom did Mr. Smith contact first to solve his problem? (A) Martha (B) The company's technicians (C) Mr. Mattel (D) The Internet provider 193. Based on the passages, the word "minor" in passage 1, paragraph 1, line 2 is closest in meaning to (A) big (B) small (C) strange (D) uneven 194. How did Martha try to solve Mr. Smith's problem? (A) She called Mr. Mattel to fix his computer problem. (B) She did not open the computer files4 for a day. (C) She bought another system software for his computer. (D) She consulted with her company's system manager about the problem. 195. What was the instruction given to Mr. Smith regarding the problem? (A) Clean the computer regularly (B) Erase some files (C) Check the Internet line every hour (D) Do not download some files from the Internet

Questions 196-200 refer to the following letter and e-mail. March 15 Lincoln St., Rhode Subdivision New Jersey, USA Ms. Christine York Chief Coordinator Local Crafts Trade Fair 3rd fir. Amidson Building Ghanes, New Jersey, USA Dear Ms. York: The annual trade fair that exhibits various local crafts in our country will be held again from April 20 lo 22 at the International Cultural Center. The event is known for a lot of well-known participants from the nation and foreign countries. So, it will surely bring more profits Lo the local craftsmen and will also benefit the economy of our country. In connection with this, 1 would like to make a reservation for an exhibition booth. If I get a booth, this wili be my second time to display my crafts, particularly pottery products such as vases and flower pots. Last year, 1 sold almost all of my products because customers liked my creative works and the ingenuity I put in to them. This year, 1 added a few designs to attract newly visiting potential customers on the exposition date, I hope to receive your favorable response to this letter and your approval to my request as soon as possible. I give you the discretion to choose where my products will be displayed. You may send your response through my e-mail at chrismayer@yahoo.com. Thank you. Sincerely yours. ChrisMayer Mr. Chris K. Mayer

TO : "Chris K. Mayer" <chrismayer@yahoo.com> FROM : "Christine York" <christine25@localcrafts.com> DATE : March 21, Monday, 10:01:53 SUBJECT : Conference Space Yesterday, I received your registered mail about your request to reserve an exhibition booth at the annual Local Crafts Trade Fair in Ghanes, New Jersey. As the appointed chief coordinator, it is one of my tasks to respond to the letter promptly. Actually, I remembered your products earned more popularity last year compared to other exhibits. Also, I personally witnessed how many foreigners and tourists flocked to your booth. I also bought your product to bring it into my office. Due to the overwhelming response you received from customers last year, I decided to place your products, particularly potted vases and flower pots, in the multimedia room located on the second floor of the center in order that a lot of prospective buyers will have some chance to see and purchase your products. Also, please prepare a brief description about your crafts because in the fair local craftsmen, including you, can have a lot of opportunities to introduce their crafts to the participants.

Aside from that, I would like to remind you that you are not required to send the partial payment of the space rental prior to the event as I know what you've done in the previous year. All the payments must be paid at the time of the registration for the exhibit and they must be in cash. I can also help advertise your products through our publication, since I'm presently connected with Motoson Publishing, Inc. If you want, send me your material to promote your products. I'm looking forward to seeing you at the exposition. For additional inquiries or other matters you would like to discuss regarding your reservation, you can also contact me at my office in Motoson at (052) 456-9563. 196 What is the purpose of the letter sent to Ms. York? (A) To extend his thanks for the rent (B) To book a display booth (C) To ask for donations (D) To make a reservation for the products 197 Based on the letter, the word "well-known" in passage 1, paragraph 1, line 2 is closest in meaning to (A) unfamiliar (B) extinguished (C) prominent (D) strange 198 How was the payment system changed? (A) The rental must be paid in advance. (B) Mr. Mayer can select the payment mode he likes. (C) The cost for the booth is free. (D) Partial payment for the booth rental before the event is not needed. 199 What did Ms. York mention to Mr. Mayer in her e-mail? (A) Mr. Mayer needs to bring his pots to the booth. (B) She wants to place Mr. Mayer's products in the multimedia room. (C) They used to invite tourists to come to the fair. (D) Mr. Mayer frequently called Ms. York at Motoson. 200. As stated in the passage, what is pointed out regarding Ms.York? (A) She is linked with Motoson Publishing, Inc (B) She is one of the iocal product exhibitors. (C) She will be a speaker at the fair. (D) She is a designer of Mr. Mayer's crafts.

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