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Human language is primarily a system of arbitrary signs rather than nonarbitrary signs, and this fact distinguishes human

language from the communicate systems that animals use in their natural environment. Animal communication is more akin to a system of nonarbitrary signs. Humans are the only species that has evolved an innate ability to use language, but it is unclear to what extent animals are able to learn human language in experimental settings. The same lack of creativity characterizes the communication that takes place between other animals. Furthermore, much of the communication that occurs between animals relies on nonarbitrary signs. Vocalizations that might be construed as symbols of various sorts in different animals are usually accompanied by gestures. There is no doubt that most and presumably all, species of animals have developed systems of communication with which they can signal such things as danger and fear, hunger and the whereabouts of food, routing instincts and sexual access. Same goes to the chicken. Chickens make over 30 different calls, which they use to alert their group members to a threat or to food. Chicks start communicating with their mother hen while they are still in the egg and cockerels make a food call to let the hens know that food has been found. Chickens give different alarm calls depending on whether a scary intruder flies in or approaches along the ground. Then, other chicken look in the appropriate direction after each of those calls. The chicken is the first animal making clucking sounds that represent something in the environment. A chicken going tck, tck, tck as it pecks in announcing the presence of food. Meanwhile, the males go tck, tck, tck upon discovering anything edible. Hens then stalk over to investigate. Regarding to the notes Chris Evans of Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia said that the particular clucks that chickens give when they find food inspire other chickens to search for it.

Besides that, chicks also have their own communication. The chick chirps with long, high sounds and the hen answers with a deep, soft voice. Hen and chick can still understand each other at a distance of 20 meters and the chicken chirps when it get lost. At this distance chicks are able to recognize their mothers voice out of a lot of other sounds. The chicks also have special tricks. When there is food for the chicks or they are allowed to slip under their mothers feathers, they chirp quite softly because they feel good. The chicks also communicate with each other. But they dont react if any of their brothers and sisters get lost. Besides, the mother lures her chicks to the food with special sounds. When the chicks are about 3 to 4 months old, the young roosters start to imitate the adults and the young hens try to cackle like hens after having laid an egg. Besides crowing, roosters have a lot of other sounds which is different warning sounds for an enemy from the air like a big bird and from the ground like a dog. Nevertheless, the hens cackle excitedly when they have laid an egg because perhaps they cackle to keep contact to the other chickens.

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